4 Pages Essay Samples

Catching fire by suzanne collins

Peeta is a bit of a contradiction: he's one of the kindest and least selfish characters in the book, but he's also one of the best liars. Even though Gale has not suffered like Katniss has at the hands of the Capitol, he's more than ready to rebel.

The has to give due weight to

It may be repeated that the formula of awarding death sentence in the ' rarest of the rare cases' was envolved in Bachan Singh's case in 1980 and it was later elaborated with detailed guidelines in 1983 in the case of Machhi Singh. The Supreme Court was of the opinion that there would be failure →

The origin and history of company paid volunteering

Now with the momentum of corporate social responsibility, corporate volunteering is increasingly being viewed as a strategy to benefit the community, the business and the individual employee. The importance of corporate volunteering arises from the numerous benefits it has on both the employer and the employee.

Reciprocal bases of national culture and fight for freedom: frantz fanon

National awareness is attributed to the people's acceptance and understanding of their culture, it is through this they are able to incorporate their sense of belongingness and their capability as a nation. A nation should be build with its culture and the sense of national consciousness that would lead to flourished values of its people →

Gender importance in mary seacole’s experiences

Florence Nightingale and hernursinggroup refused to accept Mary Seacole's willingness to be a part of their team in the Crimean war. Mary Seacole as the author of her autobiographical book relished the idea of properly recounting her blow by blow details in medicalcareerwithout knowing that she was uplifting the image of blacks and black women →

Relationship between public and private police

The relationship between the private security industry and public police officers has started to become more positive. As one can see both private security and public police are needed to maintain the safety of a community.

Francisco de goya

Goya is sometimes referred to as the " Father of Modern Art" because of his significant steps of progress in the art world. All in all, Francisco de Goya had a difficult life, but with the help of art and his talent, he was able to make something amazing out of his experiences.

Kfc marketing essay sample

Although KFC does a great job in adapting its own menu to local tastes, the rising number of local fast food chains and their lower meal prices is a threat to KFC.4. People can visit the green website of KFC is dedicated towards the health of people and nature.

Comparisons of sure and natrel deodorant / antiperspirant products essay sample

To obtain a sufficient grade in this topic I will need to include details of the communication process, the product or brand positioning, the marketing and promotional objectives, the corporate image and aspects of the promotional mix. My research is critical in this topic because I need to find the correct material to be able →

Mergers and acquisitions analysis for stanley works, inc

The Stanley Works, Inc, a worldwide supplier of quality tools and engineered solutions for industrial, construction and do-it-yourself use, and security solutions for commercial applications, and The Black & Decker Corporation, a global manufacturer and marketer of quality power tools and accessories, hardware and home improvement products, and technology-based fastening systems On November 2, 2009, →

Ulysses and gilgamesh essay

Then they would talk about their encounters with gods, Ulysses would tell how he met the god of the sea and how he was able to interact with him. He would also talk about how the god of the sea held him captive even after expressing his desire to go back to his family.

Descartes and locke: the matrix

Anderson leads a secret life as a hacker under the pseudonym " Neo" and wishes to learn the answer to the question " What is the Matrix?" The mysterious underground hacker offers him the opportunity to learn the truth about the Matrix. Morpheus thinks that Neo is that " the One".

Ebola: route of transmission, life cycle and treatment

8 The conceding belief is that fruit bats are the reservoir for the Ebolavirus, but due to their migration patterns and apparent lack of disease it has been challenging to study this effectively to yield a substantiated conclusion. It is believed that there was animal to animal as well as animal to human transmission of →

Warehouse ltd vs security ltd essay sample

The advertisement is only an intention of the Security Ltd.to sell the good. But Security Ltd.refused to supply the goods to the Warehouse.

Rafael nadal

At the age of 15, Rafael was one of the highest ranked juniors in the world, and he jumped into the pro's becoming one of the youngest players ever to win an ATP tour match. In 2003 at the age of 16 he was the youngest player ever to be ranked in the ATP's top →

Technology is damaging the way we think

Columnist for the Atlantic, Nicholas Carr, in his article " Is Google Making Us Stupid" claims that the internet has changed the process of how we think and because of that we are not able to fully comprehend reading material. Because the way he thinks has changed." Adding on, Carr gets the opinion of Maryanne →

The possession which is not even the incident

To be termed stolen property, the property must have gone out of the control of the owner and it must have been received by the accused as stolen property and not in any other manner. To be termed stolen property, the properly must have gone out of the control of the owner and it must →

Advertising – peter kay’s john smiths campaign

The basic aim of advertising is to convince the target audience that their product is the best in the field and superior to the other products of similarity. Although the situation is unreal, realism is created by the use of the narrator's tone, judges and scores as in a real competition.

Contrasting journeys

While Wordsworth portrays his journey to be full of joyful as well as sad times, and he tries to focus on the joyful experiences." The Road Not Taken," by Robert Frost, and " I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," by William Wordsworth are different in rhyme, and tone, but they have similar imagery, personification, and →

Essay about symbolism art movement essay sample

Rather than Impressionism, in which the accentuation was on the truth of the made paint surface itself, Symbolism was both a creative and a scholarly development that recommended thoughts through images and stressed the significance behind the structures, lines, shapes, and hues. A large portion of the imagery alluded to death, wantonness and intemperance.

Marketing financial production flashcard

HRM policy and practices are primarily controlled by laws such as the policy on the maximum number of working hours, the minimum wage, the benefits that should be given to employees, as well as the practices to ensure safety at workplace and protection of women and minorities in the workplace. Thus introduction of technology requires →

Haiti history

Haiti has the distinction of being the first black independent republic, who only two centuries ago was the wealthiest country in the New World and represented more than a quarter of France's economy. A long history of political oppression, soil erosion, lack of knowledge and population density of 618 people per square mile has caused →

The kiss of death

It was the same in the evenings, Mrs Higgs leaving the house for work only to meet her husband coming in. Apart from the usual, he had to clear the porch, the steps leading up to the porch and the walkway ofsnow.

Importance of human interaction from caregivers to infants

This paper, The Importance of Human Interaction from Caregivers to Infants, defines infant attachment theory and adaptive behaviors. The research conducted is a specific and direct focus to illustrate a better understanding for the importance of human interaction in direct correlation to infant psychological growth.

Case study

In this sense she would have assured Ken her desire to maintain the well-being of the friendship. Ken and Jan missed several opportunities to solve the conflict.

Editorial: advances in drug formulation

The advancement of drug formulation has also been leading more toward further sophistication of drug transport systems that could deliver drug to site-specific cells/tissues/organs in vivo. In her another review, she has provided a vivid understanding of the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract in healthy and diseased states and the use of it in drug →

The creative mind of ringo starr

There would be his tough childhood, joining and leaving the Beatles, the creative mind that has lead to his success, and his contribution to the music world. Many fans and others were unhappy with this change, but in the end, " there was a wonderful connection between Ringo's drumming style and the music of the →

I wish i were a dolphin

And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived". Although school is meant to push students to →

The founding of the republic assignment

The Founding of the Republic BY scooter's John Adams The Founding of the Republic John Adams was born into a comfortable life, but not a wealthy one. John Adams played a huge role in the Stamp Act of 1765, but at the beginning of the colonial protest he was reluctant to play a prominent role.

Islamic world

In general, the conceptions of leadership are mainly concerned with the importance of keeping the Muslim community together, the obligation of the community to obey the leader, and the qualities and duties of a good leader. The leader is the protector of Islam and its adherents.

Techniques, methods and tools used in the project life cycle

For a project to be successful there are main things which are to be considered always, like the cost of the whole project, time that it's going to take for it to be complete, the technical performance capability that it's going to provide and be able to match the results with the design and execution →

My path to behavioral neuroscience doctoral program

I know that I am a strong candidate for the doctoral program due to my extensive experience in Biological Psychology courses. Although the loss of my brother has been devastating I would like to do research in his remembrance.

Nostalgia in willa cather’s book “my Ántonia”

The first pages of the book plant the beginning seeds of the developing theme when the reader is introduced to Jim and the fact that his parents had recently passed, which, consequently, causes him to move to his grandparents in Nevada. Overall, the reader can infer that Jim's reliance on his nostalgia and his fear →

Nutritional benefits of beans

Cooking dried beans in liquid is completely necessary to loosen the shell of the bean and to drake down the starchy granules that are built up inside the bean when it is dried. The movement of the water will damage the seed coat causing the bean to break apart.

Analysis of martin luther king’s “letter from birmingham jail”

In his letter King effectively manipulates language to strengthen his counter argument against the complaints of the clergyman and successfully address the " white moderate". Throughout the letter King enhances his credibility by using biblical analogies to set a commonplace between himself and the clergyman and also the church-going, white southerner.

The lord of the flies(william golding) vs. sympathy of the devil (mick jagger) essay sample

The book " The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is compared to the song " Sympathy for the Devil " by Mick Jagger in this essay, to show that the devil is in everybody where and how he appears in front of us, that the devil is deadly and whether we can resist →

Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques

Speed is the answer to the demand for a faster pace of life, and this is the very essence as to why BMW created a turbo charged petrol fuelled engine that accelerates from 0 to 62mph per 6. Question here is, can this be available to ordinary consumers earning meager income enough to support a →

Introduction to philosophy i

Socrates' view that philosophy is an integral part of our lives is quite true because philosophy is concerned with the issues that are important for every individual to devise a set of standards and creeds for himself. Hume is more concerned about these impressions and the components of an idea that can be used to →

Iphone 4 research paper

The five-megapixel camera also draws people to the iPhone since it is one of the best on the market. Another weakness the iPhone has is its lack of availability for a memory card to be inserted.

Open mind

The more I run the faster I get. As my run continues, I am quickly beginning to overlook the bad side and see the good in it.


Physical violence is the most common form of violence though other forms of violence such as rape, stalking. According to Berrios and Grady, people who live with alcohol and drug abusers are at a risk of violence.

What impact will these trends have on the overall quality of care in the state of pennsylvania, and what will our system have to do differently in the future

Lecturer: Institution: Course: Date: Impacts of the current trends of health care in the state of Pennsylvania on the quality of care The state of Pennsylvania has seen a number of changes in its heath care sector over the past few years. Decrease in the number of licensed hospitals: According to the data provided by →

Belonging paragraph essay

The juxtaposition of the words " forced" and " softness" show Peter is different from his father in the face of the discomfort his father has endured the suffering. This negative experience has helped to define the father's identity but also highlight the composer's different perspective.2.remnants of language/ I inherited unknowingly" the enjambment makes emphasis →

Media criticism paper

Although he has made moremoneyin the short time he has been in the footlight than most people would know what to do with, he does a great deal of good with all that dough. Bibber posted a picture to his Mainstream of him next to the 'Pray 4 Philippines' graffiti he made.

Consenting fathers: benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson assignment

The backgrounds of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson dictated the different views that each had with regards to the education of the peoples of the colonies and eely formed confederacy. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson grew out of very different backgrounds to emerge as eminent statesmen in the same fold.

A muslim experience of going to church

It was dark, and all I saw was crosses, and when I was getting ready to open the door to see if anyone was there, I just freaked out and left. The melody was a bit loud and from time to time it completed me to feel awkward again I mean it was one atmosphere →

Case study of tommy hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger American fashion brands dominate the pack, personality rather than obvious, simple but not trivial, the United States each year from Tommy Hilfiger company Hollywood Group buy at least 400 million U.S.dollars of clothing to wear as a movie actor, showing the status of this extraordinary Tommy Hilfiger, Tommy once played, such as the →

Ruth’s and chris

She mortgaged her home for US$22, 000 to purchase Chris Steak House, a 60-seat restaurant on the corner of Broad and Ursuline in New Orleans, near the fairgrounds racetrack. After years of failed attempts, Tom Moran, a regular customer and business owner from Baton Rouge, convinced a hesitant Fertei to let him open the first →

Disney land in europe

The company's share of the venture was to be 49%, other investors put in $1. For its investment and management of the operation, the Walt Disney Company was to receive 10% of Euro Disney's admission fees, 5% of food and merchandise revenues, and 49% of all profits.

Website assignment

The course will consist of a variety of teaching and learning activities, including short lectures, in-class exercises, internet-based interactions, and individual and group projects. The exams will cover all the readings and in-class activities.

Is birth control as justified as we all believe it to be

In today's times having children is a matter of decision rather than a factor beyond control as it used to be seen in the days past. Perhaps we could begin to explore the possibility that birth control is robbing us of more than we are gaining as individuals and as a society.


Paragraph 2: Development of leaders and effective leadership through action learning The practical approach of the Action Learning motivates the leaders to indulge in the work themselves to better perceive the situation. Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time.

Culture in the organisation essay

Cross-cultural barriers can do hinderance to a house seeking to internationalize, therefore to get the better of this, houses must seek and set themselves harmonizing to the national civilization of the state and should follow a polycentric attack instead than an ethnocentric attack. Power Distance is the extent to which hierarchal differences are accepted in →

I felt a funeral in my brain essay

Throughout the rest of the poem, there is a strong sense that the speaker needs to make a choice between a world full of trouble and pain or a heaven that brings solitude and peace. The upbringing of the soul in line 10 gives a sense of spirituality to the poem, the meaning of these →

Stefan’s diaries: origins chapter 21

I had not goneswimmingall summer, and I could not wait to feel the water of the pond on my skin - and Katherine in my arms in the daylight. I have something to tell you," Katherine said as she tilted her face up to the open sky".

Rashomon film analysis – looking in depth essay sample

They did not comprehend the story." On the off chance that you read it persistently," he let them know, " you ought to have the capacity to comprehend it, since it was composed with the goal of being conceivable". It is human instinct to tune in to witnesses and choose who is coming clean, yet →

The merchant of venice

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Portia: A Good Leader in a Crisis In the play, 'The Merchant of Venice, Portia is a vital and important character, because she was involved in all the decisive actions and without her, matters would never have turned out so well in the end. Myself and what is →

Jenny saville and lucien freud

And it's like an abstract piece.it becomes the landscape of the brush marks rather than just sort of an intellectual landscape' this way of working is prominent in the painting ' Rosetta 2'. Freud's application remains very thick like in most of his work, which I like as it adds age and wisdom to the →

The character of friar lawrence in the drama romeo and juliet

The Friar is a positive figure in the community and serves as a good role model for the children of Verona. In the drama Friar Lawrence acts as a foil to both the Capulets and the Montaques.

Heavy loads: cane and the burden of discrimination

Jean Toomer, in his novel Cane, compiles issues that plague the black community of the United States through the lens of characters who struggle with conflicts that arise because of racism in both the North and the South. As an educated black man from the North, Kabnis faces a difficult time in the South finding →

Individual excellence

Mental models The deeply held mental images can sway our way of thinking and how we understand who we are and the world we live in.we need to develop the ability to reflect in and on our actions in order to know how to take the appropriate action. Team learning I believe in team learning →

Utilizing online social networking sites assignment

LinkedIn offers professionals the opportunities to network with other professionals in your field and organizations. In this paper, I will explain how a websites such as LinkedIn can help someone to stay connected to the professional community, how to use LinkedIn, and how other technological tools that have been developed to help an individual manage →

Peter skrzynecki analysis essay

The reference in the third person " His Polish friends" seperates the son and the father as he is not connected to the father's friends, symbolic of the inability to relate to a Polish identity. This is demonstrated through the make-up scene as David conforms to the societal values of Pleasantville in covering his mothers →

Essentials of ecology assignment

We should prevent the premature extinction of wild species because of the economic and ecological services they provide and because they have a right o exist regardless of their usefulness to us. The primary threat of bird species is habitat loss and degradation.

Was the heath government a total failure? assignment

However it cannot be denied that the Heath Government did make some successes, and considering the harsh times that Heath faced, it could be argued that the Heath government was not a total failure and instead was one that had experienced lot of bad luck. This is a point for how the Heath government was →

Workplace hygiene in a childcare setting

Specifically, it states that the cooking staff Need to be thoroughly trained in food safety and nutrition Are responsible for the preparation of meals and cleaning of the area of the premises used to prepare the meals. Hot food must be cooled enough before storing it in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from breeding and →

Music and the eighties essay

One of the best known decades for music was the eighties. Mtv was an outlet for music videos and a gateway for musicians to get their music to the fans.

Credit cards are killing the american dream

If a family can pay their credit card bill in full when the bill comes in at the end of the month, then there is no harm in owning credit cards. This means that almost half of all Americans who own credit cards are not paying the bill in full at the end of the →

Phenomenon of isolation in old age

This paper discusses the phenomenon of isolation in old age, as well as the mental and physical impact of this isolation. In the context of isolation in old age, two definitions of the phenomenon: namely the sociological and the psychological are particularly relevant.

Gender pay gap

The gender pay gap is the wage distinction between what men and women are paid in employment establishments. Mothers are sometimes denied any promotion because of the perception that they will not have the time to work long days and hours.

The gender pay gap

In the article, Davis articulated about the pay gap issue that the Obama administration is trying to pass measures that would get rid of that wage gap. This is to prepare for the new law in the state that will take into effect in July of this year also known as the Massachusetts Equal Pay →

Editorial: polymicrobial biofilms in chronic infectious disease

Interactions among the host microbiota and colonizing pathogens are thought to be important for the establishment of a persistent, chronic infection community and the resilience of this community in the face of host immune defences and medical intervention. The reviews by Kvich et al.and Welp and Bomberger frame our current understanding of microbial diversity in →

Spirituality within cloudstreet

The theme of luck and chance arises within this quote and it is an understanding that Lester shares with Sam, who blames his impulsive and irresponsible behavior on " the shadow", a recurring motif within the text: "" Well the shadow was on him, the Hairy Hand of God, and he knew that being a →

Dna extraction from chicken liver

The structure of the double helix is somewhat like a ladder, with the base pairs forming the ladder's rungs and the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical sidepieces of the ladder. To examne the relationship between the concentration of a DNA solution and the absorbnce at 595nm of DNA-diphenylamine solution.

The initiated a proposal for amendment/revision of the

Based on the policy initiatives in the National Mineral Policy, 2008 and the recommendations of the Hoda Committee, the Government has initiated a proposal for amendment/revision of the Mines and Minerals Act, 1957 and the Rules framed thereunder, which after consultation with the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Central Government and the State Governments will be →

Vectors though i find in unimportant enough to

Thedistance the ball travelled, the distance the receiver travelled, the drop backby the quarterback, and if applicable the distance travelled by thequarterback. A drop back is the space in which thequarterback backs up from where he hikes the ball, fade route is when a receiver runs at aslight angle towards the sideline of the field, →

Cypriot financial crisis

This affected our country because it led to the ultimate collapse of tourism and shipping industries which had been the back born of our economy. This was the root cause of this recession that made other international organizations like the European Union to come up with measures which instigated the international agencies to poorly grade →

French revolution

Yet, in the following years, the common people along with the " peasants in the countryside" succeeded in destroying the old regime to bring radical changes in the social and political fronts. The Estates-General had members of all the three Estates of French Society which included the clergy, nobility and the common people.

Health economics: healthcare as a right or privilege

In the same way, the citizens have the responsibility to its country to pay their taxes to provide the financial needs for the country to figuratively live. The government has the power and responsibility to regulate the healthcare system of the country.

Tone and communication

The Importance of Tone in Written Communication Tone in writing provides the reader with an indication of how the writer feels about the subject matter, as well as about the audience. Although we are not in the face-to-face environment, we need to be mindful of the tone of our messages, as well as their visual →

Thesis study for tinta net marketing flashcard

We chose Tina Net Marketing to be the subject of this study; the said business is a telemarketing company that offers brand new ink ND toner for all types of printers, we decided of making them an Ordering Management System, a Billing Management System, and an Inventory Control System. The company is still using a →

Galapagos a heavenly island in the disguise of hell

According to Vogel, it is merely the work of fate that brings the passengers on board Bah a de Darwin, the " Nature Cruise of the Century to settle on the Galapagos Islands, a place where they have successfully survived and repopulated the earth. According to Mehren, " Vonnegut's big-brain theory is at the heart →

Philosophy study questions

Just because you cannot show that the supernatural or paranormal explanation is false does not mean that it is true. How is it possible for the prophecies of Nostradamus to appear to be highly accurate and yet not be?

Survey, question, read, recite, and review essay

Reading can be motivated by the need to prepare for an examination or an interview." Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review" or SQ3R technique is one of the most commonly used strategy in reading and understanding a wide array of written materials. This technique would help the reader to get familiarize with the content of →

Challenging behaviour case study

Although these are risk of challenging behaviours, there are triggers that makes them challenging and most of the time it happens during a care staff and client interaction such as when a client refuses care the care staff would insist in such a manner that would upset the client.or environmental factors such as noise or →

Female protagonist in “pride and prejudice” and in “bridget jones diary” essay sample

In analyses of the plot outline we see the texts do resemble each other and Bridget Jones's Diary is a highly imaginative interpretation of Pride and Prejudice. Bridget Jones's Diary is a highly imaginative interpretation of the novel Pride and Prejudice, so different to be hardly recognizable.

The nicene creed

The name of the creed is taken from an adaptation of the name of the city where the council formulated the creed. The Nicene Creed should not be confused with the revised creed adopted by the Council of Constantinople in 381 as the two creeds contain different wordings and attest to different forms of divination, →

Celebrity and a hero

The nobility of the hero is the emphasis whenever he or she is represented; this is in contrast to the celebrity who has a more superficial focus. In conclusion, motives are often the touchstone test which decides who want to be a celebrity or hero.

Why business leaders need to ‘tune in’ to their people

The survey, by The Empathy Business - which advises businesses on adding more empathy to corporate cultures - tracks such factors as chief executive pay compared to that of average workers, the number of women in leadership roles, treatment by companies of their employees and customers and other factors. Today, the desire to extrapolate hard →

The cause of the english civil war

This might have caused the war because the people in England were Protestants and so they believed that the church is a place to pray and be able to communicate with god not a place to be decorated in anyway. Charles was a person that would do anything for money he would take over peoples →

Crowd control at events

The former includes the facilitation and movement of crowds, while the latter relates to the steps taken once the crowd has lost control" Poor crowd management can lead to crushing, injury and possible death. According to the Health and Safety Executive risk can be defined as " the likelihood that harm from a hazard is →

Payroll system

Local Literatures Jeonsoft Solutions Enterprise Inventory System The aim of Jeonsoft Inventory System is to provide easier and faster way to monitor the movement of your business' stock of goods. Local Government Unit System and Software Philippines Inventory Control System In order to achieve the benefits and objectives on inventory, the ICS has efficient recording →

Profits hit by rate rises

The aggregate planned expenditure carries two components of autonomous expenditure as well as induced expenditure and the analysis of the curve therefore take into account the impacts of both the components of aggregate planned expenditures. A series of increase in the interest rates would increase the demand for money within the economy therefore the consumption →

Analyzing spain according to hall’s and hofstede’s

I believe that power distance index in Russian culture is quite high, as there is a huge gap between upper and lower classes, and not really such a thing as middle class. I believe that people in Spain are mostly lazy and that is the reason for them to be collectivistic, but still while getting →

Too much homework argumentative essay

Research has also shown that children who are given homework and those who are not given homework have no difference in their performance, hence raising the question for the need of homework. However, there is another approach that can be adopted in showing that children are given the overload homework.

Moral values

And in fact it is nothing but the devil inside man that is taking him out of the collective tribe to his individual benefit's race! Answer is simply NO because you know that it is wrong by the source of your religion and this moral value exist within yourself.