4 Pages Essay Samples

Cloning an instinct species in jurassic park

In the film, they discovered dinosaur DNA trapped in the amber of a tree and extracted the DNA. In addition, we should enter the cloning process with the knowledge that nature will eventually find a way and begin to sustain without future interference of human beings.

The origin of polish names & surnames

The " ski" names are one of the oldest and undoubtedly the most recognizable type of Polish last name in the world. I owe my achievements to my strong Polish work ethic and hope to raise my family in the same fashion.


Euripides uses the character of Dionysus, superior in his wisdom because of his divinity, to reveal the necessity for coexistence between the social regimes of order and disorder within society, demonstrating the unsavory consequences of tipping the balance in favor of either extreme. The idea of a god like Dionysus was thus used in ancient →

Illustration: accused beyond reasonable doubt. this general burden

The burden of proving that a person is dead, who has been shown to have been alive within 30 years, lies on the person who affirms that he is dead. The burden of proving that a person is not the owner of anything of which he is shown to be in possession is on the →

Retail max study

The case studies displayed the decision, emotion and struggle that Kessel had to face while determining what he could offer to Archer for her to join his team. Due to the relationship that Archer had with the VP of sales' recommendation to the CEO to move Archer into a position where his talents could be →

Women before an aquarium

She wants to get lost in that same gaze that she is in.she wants to use her words as an entry into the life and times of this distant lady. Question 2: Does the speaker's diction and imagery in the poem indicate that she is sympathetic to the girl in the painting?

Directed journaling level 3

Review the responsibilities of the dental hygienist for reporting abuse under the RegulatedHealthProfessions Act, as outlined in the CDHO Registrant's Handbook and Professional Issues II. Read the articles " Oral health professional alert: Elder abuse concern in the United States and Canada" and " Initiating discourse on recognizing and reportingchild abuse".

Martial law reflection paper

I realized how blessed I am, that I can do what I want to do, when I want to, because of heroes who sacrificed their lives for that. I salute to all the martial law heroes who laid down their lives to give me and every other Filipino the freedom each of us deserves.

Hopelessly inadequate: cisneros, clifton, and the perception of femininity

Contrary to Esperanza, the speaker in " homage to my hips" by Lucille Clifton expresses her defiance of the cultural definition of femininity by refusing to let her mindset be controlled by others. In The House on Mango Street, Esperanza perceives her feminine beauty as inferior to the standard of beauty that society idolizes, while →

Health and welness for the employees 1638

The company took a closer look at all the issues that could affect job performance and determined that the company needed to broaden the concept of wellness to include mental and emotional health as well as physical well being. The report mentioned the fact that not only the employees respond to the benefits of the →

Deals with issues related to conflict management assignment

The only time conflict can be a bad things, Is when It is poorly managed or not understood within the workplace, and the; obvious' leads to violence. Conflict can occur for many reasons In the workplace and some of the elements are poor communication between management and employees-most times this may arise when an employee →

Culture and disease

There are different levels of depression and certain criteria have to be met in order to diagnose a person with depression. It can lead to a decrease in the amount of serotonin which is directly related to sleep cycles, eating habits, etc.

Governmental accounting

This will mean the pension plans seek more funding in order to cater for the surplus in liabilities and this most probably is in the form of increased contributions by the government. Companies prepare financial reports and issue to the public, creditors and investors in order to give a picture of the firm's financial position →

Midterm exam critical analysis

Option A is the better choice of the two given any positive rate of return.c. The time value ofmoneyconcept can be defined as: a.the relationship between the supply and demand of money.b.the relationship between money spent versus money received.c.the relationship between a dollar to be received in the future and a dollar today.d.the relationship of →

Embracing diversity

I can attribute this fear from to the society I grew in; I was used to my Christian community before I came to campus. Study of anthropology has helped know the value that I hold about my culture and the justifications I give to the are the same ones that any other person would give →

A question of being alone in the most of it poem

However, as a five year old, I never understood silence because I was too focused in the moment with friends and family. When I imagine my five year old self, I can never imagine myself looking in the mirror alone; there was always someone next to them, whether it is my parents or my friends.

Capitalism in sherwood anderson’s “mother”

The only explanation provided to readers to justify his animosity is the superstitious conviction that Elizabeth's illness is somehow linked to the hotel's financial decline. Hence, Tom believes that Elizabeth's illness is the illness of the hotel.

Contemporary issues

The drug problem has further fueled ethnic tensions and armed conflicts in the region for example the 2005 revolution witnessed in Kyrgyzstan Terrorism can be said to be the deliberate act of creating fear to bring out political revolution. The legislative arm of the government should amend the laws in order to enact tough and →

Behavorial paper

To this day I clean my house very Saturday it is a habit and if I know company is on the way I still dust and vacuum the floor. I have to realize that am not the only one living in this house and everybody that comes to my home does not know that I →

How globalization and international business are related

Daniels et al support this and evaluates that organization must have different market responses in order to be global to compete, response to foreign opportunities and learn from each other. In order to enjoy the full benefits of globalization, organization must have the right global business design, global operation strategy, global focus, customization, organizational structure, →

An argument of reason and passion: jacqueline howard’s essay sample

For most of her speech Howard is definitely stern on her view of standardize testing and lets us know about it in many different parts of the essay, from the beginning to the end. As the essay progresses, a deeper tone of concern for the future of students is seen all the way through the →

Theories of language learning: human growth and development

What is a Theory of Language Learning defines the theory of language learning as " an account of the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in learning a language and of the conditions that need to be met in order for these processes to take place". 12 February 2006 Language and Thought in the Child, pp.

Critique of ada and affirmative action paper

Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action Paper The population of the Unites States of America consists of a variety people. Affirmative Action The Stanford Encyclopedia ofPhilosophydefines Affirmative Action as " positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded.

Major parts of a business plan (copied from the internet)

Section 2 Business Description This section of the business plan should provide the reader with a more detailed overview of the company and the nature of the product/service offering. The objective of this section is to convince the reader that the entrepreneur has a management team that can effectively manage the product/service into the market →

Family health assessment essay sample

At completion of the general assessment, I reviewed the collected data with the family and offered interventions that could increase health promotion for each individual, in turn, increasing wellness for the family as a whole. For example, the parents were aware of the possible dangers of alcohol consumption and see the father drinking 5-6 beers →

African american history:religious influences 1770 – 1831

Things started to change for the better after the second half of the 18th century when African American protagonists started to frequently make use of the religious texts and refer to the religious anecdotes in order to fight for the rights of African Americans. The end of American slavery and the emancipation of African Americans →

‘perfume’ by patrick suskind essay

One thing interesting about this extract is the ironic bond between the title of the novel and the content this extract. This reference to animals; the king as a lion which is known as the king of the jungle and the queen as a goat which is a seen as a milder, more tender animal →

Cultural miscommunication case study

Silva and Mr. Silva and Mr.

Dulce et decorum est by wilfred owen essay sample

The Wilfred Owen poem tells about the event and consequences of a mustard gas attack and the suffering of its victim, one unfortunate soldier who did not manage to put on his gas mask quickly enough and was poisoned, described by the poem's author who witnesses the situation. The second stanza's first line carries the →

Argument analysis

However, the First Amendment protects racist speech, forcing minority groups to " bear the burden for the good of all " as the purpose of protecting racist speech is to exercise the freedom of thought and expression. The thesis of the essay is strongly supported as Lawrence refers to the case of Brown vs.

Advertisement or commercial engaging a value system in order to sell

This means that value system of an advertisement is very crucial in determining the success of the advertisement. Text/Audio The text or audio of an advertisement must also be in a position to promote value system for a company.

Hamlet’s own personal views on divinity change drastically throughout the play

But what he is unaware of is that he is ignorant to the act that the more he thinks he is manipulating fate, or controlling his own destiny, he is simply playing into fate's demented hands. I interpreted that statement to mean that a person's will and fate may run in pposite directions, and as →

Formulation of minimal cost media for fungi

Fungus media such as PDA and SDA are commonly used for the growth of fungi in laboratories, whose compositions are well define but these readymade media are expensive to be used in research work and the cost of 1 kg of PDA is approximately $ 100, making it very expensive[10]. The reason for the use →

A young man with a talent

Once there was an adopted who was able to find random lost things, both his parents had been killed when the boy was nine, the community raised the boy he began to have a scene for objects around him even when they were not visible the ability continued to grow through his teens and by →

Why nutritionists recommend eating small meals more number of times for weight loss

6 reasons why eating in intervals may help you lose your weight faster: First and foremost, a small meal help you fill up your stomach for time being and gives you the liberty to eat again. Small meals may help you keep a track on what you eat and by thing you can stick with →

Communism during the cold war history essay

During the World War II, the alliance between the solvent union and the United States of America led to growth communism in America. According to Schrecker, the concern came from the government's effort to mobilize the public opinion for the cold war.

Capital punishment narrative essay

In most of these tribes recordings, kingdoms and societies, this punishment was a justice system to the community for the offense done. It was applied in earlier times where the device was used to strangle a person to death.

Sylvia a white heron

Sylvia " A White Heron" In " A White Heron", there was a young girl named Sylvia, for the first eight years of her life she had lived in a cityenvironment. Sylvia in a sense is the heron, untouched and at peace with her environment.

Narrative technique of sula

To make the collage-like consequence of Sula.the all-knowing storyteller ne'er reveals the ideas of all the characters at one clip. In add-on.the storyteller sometimes moves beyond the consciousness of individual.single characters.to uncover what groups in the community think and feel.

Forced sterilization

Forced sterilization is an example of this, because it denies a woman of the ability to bare children, and denies a man the ability to inseminate. The government believed that the Germans with the best genes had been killed off in the Second World War, while those with the worse genes stayed behind and did →

Radiation protection of patients in dental radiology

Focus of the literature review was based upon the different factors, such as the complications of ionising radiation, complications in different age group people, preventive measures and the current state of knowledge in the dentists all around the globe. The nature of ionizing radiation and its use in dentistry", Dental update, vol.

Plastic pollution assignment

" The act or process of polluting or the state of being polluted, especially the contamination of soil, water, or the atmosphere by the discharge of harmful substances." As we become more technologically advanced, we produce materials that can withstand extreme temperatures, are durable and easy to use. The bags collect and block the gutter →

The youth unemployment rate in south korea

By the definition, the unemployment rate is the number of people who are unemployed expressed as a percentage of the total labor force[2]. But it seems like it is difficult to find their jobs and there are not enough jobs for all the unemployed due to increases in unemployment rate.

Executive one way to do that is

Therole of the corporate governance system is to make less severe and painful theconflict of interests that is the outcome from the mentioned earlier separationof ownership and control, but without loading the managers with unnecessaryresponsibilities related to the risk of the company. Instead of that, the most important factor whichcontributed to the increased compensation of →

Born 1948 he underlined the goals of the

He was the precursor and progenitor of, the Non Aligned Movement in the world. He became the crusader of the worlds peace in 1950's and 1960? when the world was in the midst of the cold war and when most of the countries were divided into two hostile camps.

Rhetorical analysis veiled insult

In delivering her message she also brings to attention the political issue of whether or not it is religious discrimination to allow, or not allow muslim women to wear their cloaks, and in the end she gives us her opinion, " it is not religious discrimination or anti-Muslim bias to tell her that she must →

Philippine government assignment

13 The State will pursue a trade policy that serves the general welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements of exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity.Sec. 8 The State may, in the interest of national welfare or defense, establish and operate vital Industries and, upon payment of Just compensation, transfer to public ownership →

Introduction they read, and the news they hear.

Feminism is best defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Feminism is just the supportive belief that women's rights should be equal to that of a man.

Should illegal immigrants receive proper education?

Illegal immigrants, like it or not, deserve to have their own rights since it is written in the Constitution of the United States of America that " all men are created equal". Moreover, if the children of the illegal immigrants are not educated, then they might not get good jobs that pay well and might →

Victoria bitter, marketing techniques assignment

The article demonstrates the changing market, portraying how the average aussie bloke has become no longer just a blue collar worker that requires " a hard earned thirst", but is now extended to a more" urban and ritual and require no-collar rather than a blue collar." Also demonstrated is the marketing scheme in which VB →

Tai chi: a practical face of taoism? essay sample

The relationship between Tai Chi and Taoism is better observed when the idea expressed in the verses of Lao Tsu, the founder of Taoism, is echoed in the movements of Tai Chi. Altogether it seems as if the whole movement philosophy of Taoism is being interpreted by Tai Chi in its rhythmic steps and movements.

Supply and demand

A second example of macroeconomics occurred when the decrease in demand of the rental apartments caused Goodlife Management to convert some of the apartments to condominiums for sale to broaden the opportunities for an increase in tenants. A great example of a shift in the supply curve occurred when the property manager was asked to →

The lady with the pet dog

Anton Chekhov original and Joyce Carol Oates's updated version of " The Lady with the Pet Dog" tells the story of two unhappy individuals trying to find love in a long lasting affair. The mix of the plot in Oates's version I feel allows readers to really understand Anna and her emotions.

Reward and punishment

The emphasis is on the future and the rewards should be given only when someone is seeking to bring good consequences to everyone. The retributive theory states that punishment should be given only when it is deserved and the severity should match the extent of the crime.

One for all in yonnondio

As an adult explains the stars to Mazie, Olsen writes: " As his words misted into the night and disappeared, she scarcely listened only the aura over them of timelessness, of vastness, of eternal things that had been before her and would be after her, remained and entered into her with a great hurt and →

Anchoring script

If the network delay is more than 100 ms, the received action is considered as late and not used by the application." Large number of participants": the DIVE application can be played by several users connected via a network such as the Internet. DIVE supports the development of virtual environments, user interfaces and applications based →

Introduction were not supposed to finish the

In the Mao era, the law did not allow polygamous marriage in the Chinese community and through such, the sale of young females within the society ended. On the success of the betrothal, the parties proceeded to marriage.

Save the last dance essay sample

The next thing we see of Sarah is on the train, again with a tear in her eyes. This is just the beginning of the bad luck for Sarah and her mother.

Critical issues contributing to the persistence of poverty in our affluent society

According to Sidel, the main cause of the persistence of poverty in the United States may be traced to society's neglect of women and their children, causing them to suffer the deplorable conditions brought about by hunger, homelessness, poor health care, and lack of education. To say, however, that the persistence of poverty in the →

Descriptive research design: definition, methods and examples

Here we will give you several ones to understand better: it is used to describe systematically and accurately the facts and characteristics of a given population or area of interest; to portray the characteristics of persons, situations, or groups and the frequency with which certain phenomenon occurs; to discover associations or relationships between or among →

Amy poehler

Amy Poehler is a prominent American comedian who has lived her life displaying her extraordinary talent and perfecting her style throughout her life and her accomplishments. Amy Poehler has had many comedian influences in her life, but ultimately, she is her own type of actress and has many different styles and aspects to her acting.

The legal case of conjoined twins mary and jodie

The moral and legal case of the conjoined twins Mary and Jodie sparked significant debates on whether the sanctity of life was more important than the quality of life. Although Mary and Josie were the key individuals within this case the fate of their future was not left in their own hands but to the →

Ch.1 what anatomy really means assignment

We have to understand that the structure of any body part muscle cell contracts the organ, protein fibers contract the muscle cell all the way down to the molecular level, will affect the function of that part or molecule! We learn the anatomy of the body, even at the cellular level, in order to understand →

Female inmate population

Drugs negatively affect the progress of women and the continuous use destinies them to fail in the society. The utilization of drugs in the correctional institution is a substantial threat to the success of women in society.

Sports figures and self-destructive activities essay

Sports figures have been involved in self-destructive behaviors for various reasons including the eager to push themselves to edge to win in very competitive sports. Society has placed athletes to on the highest pedestal of celebrity admiring the willpower and determination they put in their work.

Good company culture is not about silly, attention-grabbing perks

Related: Having a great company culture takes hard work, and, while it requires an intention on the part of business leaders to create a solid culture, it also takes acceptance and adoption on the part of the rank and file. Intentions aside, it's hard to fight criticism that Boxed's wedding benefit is just a publicity →

Literature and communities

However, the common ground for literature and the community and every person that reads it is this: we all must start at the beginning before we get to the last page or line from a poem. A person can take something away from what they have read in some form of literature and put it →

Assignment hispanic american diversity

Most are in pursuit of the American Dream and work hard to escape the umble status of the earlier generations, who are excluded from this attempt due to not having attained legal status in the United States. Alba states that Hispanics who are born in the United States or have lived in the United States →

Return on investment

Six years after the initial project Spuhl has now completed its migration to the latest version of iScala and is using the new visual manufacturing tools to support their lean and agile business vision. The parts and bills of material information are generated from the PLM system with additional technical information, which is also replicated →

Wal-mart’s financing on the stage of start-up and today

Evidences from theories have shown that financial exclusions have stopped the development and the growth of the economy and increased disparity and poverty of the nation. With a loan of USD 20, 000 from his father-in-law and a savings of USD 5, 000 from his employment at the army, he decided to open the first →


It takes Naomi 3 seconds to walk to the molding station with the pail and 2 minutes to slowly pour the colored resin into the mold. It takes Naomi 6 seconds to walk to the finishing table and 3 minutes to sand the base of the product 12.

Blue mountain resorts essay

The major problem in this case is that the CEO of the Blue Mountain Resorts has to decide whether to install facilitates or not for the night skiing in 1979-1980 winter skiing season. So, if the CEO decides to install the night skiing facilities, he needs to decide the price of the single-night lift ticket →

Loneliness; reflection of my life

The lofty moment in my memory of encounter with the feeling of loneliness happens to be right after the immigration to Canada, and for the reason it was extremely traumatic to me, I tend to avoid an expositive conversation about it. I noticed that I was not real me at that moment because I was →

The curious case of benjamin button essay

In the film adaptation we are first found in a hospital room with a dying lady and her daughter who is reading the story of Benjamin and transcends into the the scene of a running father with his newborn child in arms, trying to escape the eyes of the people. The Benjamin in the book →

Once more about the thin people by sylvia plath

The Thin People is one of her best poetry which was written in 1957 and was also known as " The Moon Was a Fat Woman Once". In my point of view towards this poetry, " The Thin People" told about the poor people, the people who almost being starvation.

Information abundance vs. the intelligence community

While the concepts of and the necessity for intelligence have remained constant over time there have been changes in the methodologies used to manage the intelligence cycle that have come as a result of the transformation of the information environment. The Basic Intelligence Cycle Over time, different intelligence methodologies have been developed and adapted to →

The art of ballet

While the first production of the ballet known as La Sylphide took place in Paris and most famous ballerinas of the day were still coming from Italy, the second half of the nineteenth century saw the axis of the ballet world shift from Western Europe to Russia. Duncan started a form of dance that was →

The arizona senate bill 1070: federalism positives and negatives

The constitution does not directly state the powers of immigration in the constitution to be of the federal government, and therefore the argument can be made as to whether these acts fall under the Necessary-and-Proper clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. Since there is federal immigration law, it is the jurisdiction of →

Up case analysis

The competition in the sales of citrus flavored carbonated soft drink is a huge factor in the advertising and promotion investments of the top three soft drink companies, Coke, Pepsi, and DPSU. The age of the majority of citrus soft drinks play an important part in the advertising and imagery of the products.

Lauren keeter

In the foreground there is Rihanna, showing just her head and shoulders in the center of the page, it covers almost eighty percent of the page. The word " Covergirl runs across the top of the advertisement in the same color as her eye shadow.

“perfect sunday” by jose ayala and “cathedral” by raymond carver

Raymond Carver's Cathedral revolves around the interaction of the character of the husband and his wife's long time blind friend, Robert and Jose Ayala's Perfect Sunday delves into Jorge's visit to his grandmother. Jorge and Robert are both the visitors in the short stories.

How care of yourself. and while you’re at

And while you are at it try something new, you do not have to get the same haircut every single time, you do not have to style your hair the same way every single day. So it has a lot of benefitsTip 4- Find Clothes that Fit you Properly The fourth most important and necessary →

The eye above the well

The film is set in the Indian state of Kerala and the story essentially brings to the forefront, the trauma and horrifying experiences that the Third Worlds countries have been undergoing. This is symbolic of the attempt of the Third World and the citizens of these countries, who, amidst poverty, hunger, illiteracy, disease and ignorance →

Psychology chapter 6 test questions

It is something that occurs when an event following a response increases an organism's tendency to make that response What is a Skinner box? a small enclosure in which an animal can make a specific response that is systematically recorded while the consequences of the response are controlled Where classical conditioning is elicited, operant conditioning →

The external environment analysis commerce essay

Smith established the company, in the twelvemonth 1971 and it chiefly specializes in bringing of paperss and cargo across many metropoliss in the universe. The CR ratio of FedEx is moderate and this is attributed by progressive EPS and P/E ratio that tend to battle this disagreement.

Analyzing “a rose for emily”

She hid in her father's home from the large world as a snail and lived among old memories and with the dead body of her beloved. The girl deeply loved her father, and he remained a part of her limited world for the rest of her life.

Biography – fantasia

Barrino revealed the reasons for the absence for her performance that she had a tumor in her vocal cords. After a successful surgery the tumor was completely removed, and Barrino was back to singing and recording songs, however she took a turn for the worst.

Reader-response essay for “memories of a dead man walking” essay

During the course of the essay, the author remembers her days of being a spiritual advisor for a person on death row. She began to realize that the pain of death penalties is not in execution itself, but " the torture happens when conscious human beings are condemned to death and begin to anticipate that →

A strategic approach to enterprise risk management at zurich insurance group

Those who are charged with making risk decisions know that the company is looking to have a risk culture that is positive and will show and " effective management of the business". In doing this, Zurich is always looking to improve on the ERM policies and procedures." Risk culture should not be seen as something →

Bmw case study

They have adapted the idea to provide a place where workers feel connected, feel more like a family, and where work is compared to a lifestyle." From the moment they set foot inside the company, associates experience a sense of place, history, and mission". The team member of the company put in a lot of →

Summary paper

In the 1700, the French had established a slaving base that is paramount in the cost line of Oudiah. They all represent the coming of the deities, which is a clear response of the pillar at the middle of the altar the centre of the dancing court in the altar.

Editorial: novel immunotherapies against envenomings by snakes and other venomous animals

In Pucca et al, the history of envenoming therapies is reviewed with a focus on the key developments in the life sciences that led to the generation of the first antivenoms, as well as their subsequent refinement and optimization. Further, all proteinaceous components of bee venom are presented with a discussion on the two main →

Wellpoint inc

WellPoint WellPoint is one of the biggest companies in health care insurance and continues to use several strategies to survive the stiff competition and remain a top player in the competitive industry. The company has operations across the country and is one of the leading health coverage providers in the United States.

Arrow impossibility theorem essay sample

Given a finite set of voters having to choose between a finite set of candidates, we call a voting system the function taking as input the voting preferences of each voter and returning as output a collectively valid ranking of the candidates. The theorem's fundamental implications are the necessity of sacrificing at least one of →

Qui tam and whistle blowing

Almost all subsidy programs being victims of fraud and abuse which cost the federal government up to USD 100 billion annually so programs like the Qui tam are designed to help the government recover money with the informer being entitled to a portion of the recovered money. The first step in answering the question would →

Financial analysis of st. vincents hospital

This led to a huge hue and cry amongst the employees of the hospital as the 3000 employees had to face the grudging effect of the loan and that too in a very stiff economic environment where job cutting was a major feature. The senators along with the congressman explained that the hospital had a →