4 Pages Essay Samples

Conflict in literature essay sample

Mitch Albom, the author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, writes about the main character and the internal guilt he feels for not succeeding in saving a young girl. Without the conflict within these writing and events however, it would not have such a significant part in our society today.

Thomas green case analysis essay sample

First of all, Thomas Green has lower organizational power compare with Frank Davis because Frank is the boss of Thomas Green and organizational power derived primarily from positions. Thomas adopted the wrong method of expressing difference voices when facing his boss while Frank did not know how to solve the relationship with Frank so that →

Napoleon and the continental system after 1806 essay

The fundamental aim of the System was to replace Britain with France and it was through the Continental Blockade that Napoleon sought to achieve this. Many industries were restricted and the Continental System changed the economic landscape of Europe.

In journey’s end which character do you feel sympathetic towards and why

After Raleigh refuses politely to give his letter to the persistent Stanhope, he is faced by Stanhope orders, " give me that letter" this lets us understand that Stanhope is willing to do anything to get that letter, and we also understand that Raleigh will be forced to give up his fight. We feel sympathy →

Mccarthyism, miller, and the crucible assignment

The " crusade against subversion" played a significant role in the following: the actions and tactics of McCarthy, the reasons why Miller and other artists were targets Of McCarthy, and the relationship Of his play The Crucible to the events of the late sass's to the early 1 sass. Led to the unjust persecution of →

Advertising strategy & marketing goals assignment

Further enticing the offer to be more attractive to the artists and retailers, ND CD will also offer barcodes as part of the package eliminating the burden of the artists trying to get his/her music in stores but the barcodes will be leased out to the artists through our company thus allowing ND CD to →

A dolls house by henrik ibsen ,1879 and trifles by susan glaspell,1916

She had begun to think for herself, as shown by her response to the Attorney's question on her thoughts on being " married to the law" " Not - just that way".. Nora's Decision: Leaving the marriage was brave, as in that society, Nora knew she would be shunned and disgraced for failing in her →

“consider the lobster” by david foster wallace

In addition, he compares the Main Lobster Festival to Nebraska beef Festival.he states a few of the festivities but the one he emphasized most on was " watching trucks pull up and the live cattle get driven down the ramp and slaughtered right there" screening that image in my head I naturally had the tendency →

Art as soul finder in the elegance of the hedgehog

During her journey of finding the beauty, Art opens the door of another world in which she finds her soul, and therefore her reason to live meaningfully. Life is no longer a prison for her because Art blazes a way for Paloma, leading her to find the ultimate mission and meaning of her soul.

History of portraiture: changes in styles and techniques

Deciding to undertake the task of compiling the substantial triumphs for portraiture styles and methods over time, I plan to introduce it in the span of six notable art movements and cover the most significant artist of the time. His careful positioning, golden lights and expert command of the technique of oil painting made him →

Should art and music education be included in school education?

They found that five years after the NCLB enactment, 44% of districts had increased the time in elementary school for language arts and math and had decreased the time spent on the other subjects. Department of Education did a study on more than 25, 000 secondary students and found that the students who were involved →

Subway (sandwiches) going to norway

According to per capita income, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world which provides a number of potential markets for both local and foreign investors. Since Subway is already an established brand, it will help it during the marketing of its products in Norway.

Penguins tend to huddle together for warmth

I will then continue to detract a bottle from the huddle every minute and continue to measure the temperature of the isolated bottle. I will measure the temperature of this bottle every minute using a stopwatch to time the experiment.

Seaworld: the nation’s most financially thriving slaughterhouse

SeaWorlds in all locations should be shut down because the animals that are living in SeaWorld are dying of unnatural causes, and the people employed at SeaWorld are not safe in their work environment. A website that is petitioning to put an end to SeaWorld as a whole states that the enclosures that they are →

Thinking within the bubbles: a satire on standardized testing

Terms that send children to the Shrine of Standardized Testing thanking the Standardized Testing gods for the wonderful creation of such a beautiful testing system that enables all aspects of a student to be fairly and thoroughly evaluated. Those standardized tests are definitely less money-making! " Well," replies the omniscient teacher, " because the school →

There are many various difficulties in each of

Solderpaste is a material used in the creation of printed circuit boards to join surfacemount components to pads on the board, it is also possible to solder throughhole pin in paste components by printing solder paste over the holes. A pick andplace machine helps with the assembly of circuit boards by automating of whereofsmall surfaces →

Film review – hero – swordplay of the thinking mind

At first, this is very confusing as there are many flashbacks in the film, each of which tells a different story, and each is brilliantly represented in a colour scheme, depending on the focus of the flashback. It is a masterpiece because of the scenes in the film which are like paintings in motion.

Informative essay on les demoiselles d`avignon

The reductionism and contortion of space in the painting was incredible, and dislocation of faces explosive. In his paintings such as Mother and Child, Picasso showed the fetishistic and simplifying aspects of primitivism.

Personal values

Because of this role managers have, their values play an important part in leading the team to accomplish the values expected from the company and their customers. In this paper the author will identify her values as determined by the Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory self-assessment, how these values align with the values of Kudler →

Opinions and social pressure summary essay sample

Asch's experiment was modified to examine the question which aspect of the influence of a majority is more important- the size of the majority or its unanimity? They studied the relative influence of " compromising" and " extremist" by having the majority always chose the worst answer and the instructed dissent to pick the line →

A list of helpful mnemonic essay sample

Block 1: Types of fascia: Stupid Stalin Communist Dictator: Subcutaneous Suspensory Compartmental Deep investing Block 2: Layers in anterolateral abdominal wall: Skin Can Seem Extraordinarily Interesting To The Expert Physician: Skin Camper's fascia Scarpa's fascia External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominus Transversalis fascia Extraperitoneal fat Parietal peritoneum Functions of the Liver: BEGeTS Bile production Erythropoiesis →

To a daughter leaving home essay

The choice of the opened form makes the reader feel that the author is contemplating about her feelings and memories. The second step I would like to take in contrasting the poems by Winters and Pastan is to analyze the imagery and poetical devices used by each author.

Motivation of “the crucible” by arthur miller essay sample

This quote by John Proctor was spoken in response to one of the many motives in the Salem witch trails in The Crucible. He hopes that the showing of his power in the Salem witch trials in persecuting others denouncing anyone's plans to get rid of him.

Affirmative action in higher education

The real question is the degree of intervention that is required to level the playing field. She is sacrificing everything for an opportunity to become a partner in the law firm.

Dietary supplement report

There are many benefits of taking Dietary Supplements, According to livestrong.com such as; taking supplements on top of a healthy diet may be beneficial in ensuring your body have the nutrients it needs each day. The dosage or " serving" recommendations are not government tested or approved, and it is theresponsibilityof the manufacturer to ensure →

Privatized prison health care and cruelty associated with this

I had never considered what the rising cost of medication meant for those at the mercy of the state and federal corrections system. The only real control that the government has over these institutions is the threat to decline the renewal of their contract should issues arise within the prison.

Sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid

Add the first of the concentrations of sodium Thiosulphate to the flask. Hypothesis: The higher the concentration the faster the rate of reaction will be and the time taken to reach equilibrium will decrease.

Bertrand russell: the value of philosophy

Russell states, " It is exclusively among the goods of the mind that the value ofphilosophyis to be found; and only those who are not indifferent to these goods can be persuaded that the study of philosophy is not a waste of time". Therefore the largest value of philosophy is for the philosopher, for he →

The parthenon and the pantheon

As for the Pantheon, the person responsible for the construction has been determined to be the emperor Hadrian, who was a " conserver of culture;" he installed the representations of the seven deities of the seven planets in the building, possibly as a gesture to the different beliefs of the Roman Empire's subjects. The Parthenon, →

Comparison of rocking horse winner and two kinds

After her mother's death, Jing-Mei had become a dynamic and principled individual in which the rhythm of the music she plays was in contrast to her names Pleading Child and Perfectly Contented and in their melodyone short and slow, the other fast and long, Jing-Mei really shows her personality, her independence and a replica of →

Committee helps in freshening complainants’ mind over identification

The panel should include both groups with the highest stakes in the issue, in this case the club owners and the community leaders. The methodology for solving this concerns that link to the club within a residential area would first involve identification of the main concerns of the residences and then development of strategies to →

Fbi jounral the deadly mix

In the article 'The Deadly Mix' in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Pinizzotto, Davis and Miller, describe a combination of three elements that could threaten the life and safety of a law enforcement officer. The authors list the three components, referred to as 'The Deadly Mix,' cited from the study titled, Killed in the Line →

Modern person-centered therapy

The article of Mick Cooper " Person-Centered Therapy: The Growing Edge", published in July 2007 in the journal " Therapy Today", investigates into modern views of the psychologists and therapeutists on one of the most popular and allegedly the most effective way of psychological treatment person-centered therapy. Purpose The purpose of Cooper's research is to →

Afro samurai

This is an illustration that there would always a need for him to protect his life, the very thing he learned from the death of his father. The death of his father was a meaningful event in Afro's life.

Deconstructing the depth and privacy of love in when you say nothing at all

Understanding the truth meaning in paradox is the work of deconstruction as it tries to prove that the contradictory meaning is true and acceptable to common sense. The explanation of the paradoxes in the first stanza is shown in the second stanza that happens to be the chorus.

Siddhartha essay on enlightenment

Siddhartha chose to leave his family and he decided that he would attempt to obtain enlightenment as a Samana. Siddhartha realized that the river had given him new life and he needed to use it carefully.

Soft skills

The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace by Kate McFarlin, Demand Media When it comes to skills in employment, the first line of emphasis is typically towards abilities, training and knowledge of specific skill sets. Here's a list of some of the most important soft skills and how to perfect them.

Intro to computer science chapter 5&6

Private browsingMode for surfing the Web without leaving history, temporary Internet files, or cookies.pharmingHacking a server to re-route traffic to a fake Web site to obtain your personal information.historyThe list of Web pages your browser maintains of Web visits during a specific period of time.microbrowserUsed to access Web pages on your mobile computing device, and →

Million dollar baby film overview

The beginning of the movie introduces the audience to Frankie Dunn, a moderately successful but extremely intelligent trainer, and Big Willie Little, Frankie's protege whom he has trained for a number of years. In the meantime between the offer and Frankie's acceptance of the offer, the audience is introduced to Maggie's trailer-ridden family, whom she →

Social class and everything in between

Some of the factors that can affect the quality of someone's life would be the income that they earn every year, the amount of their education and the type of jobs that they are able to obtain. In a lot of cases these people do not get the chance to gain more than a middle →

Example of essay on great philosophy question

Contrary to Plato's perception of the real objects floating somewhere in the air, Aristotle believes that the real objects exist inside the objects themselves. The difficulties that arise from this perspective are the isolation principles of the numerous aspects of a substance in order to make it distinct.

Apush chapter 24

The Standard Oil Company became known for this practice in the 1870s as it eliminated its competition by taking control of smaller oil companies.interlocking directoratesThe practice of having executives or directors from one company serve on the Board of Directors of another company.J.P. Rockefeller's company, formed in 1870, which came to symbolize the trusts and →

The appreciation of the rmb

Firstly, the appreciation of the RMB will benefit the people. The fluctuation of the RMB is the result of changes to the current economic structure and will have an important impact on the economic structure of the future.


The known health risks associated with cigarette smoking, such as damage to the lungs and lung cancer, are thought to be caused by other components of cigarettes such as tars and other by-products of smoking, and by the irritating effects of smoke on the lung tissue. In the course of the disease the passages leading →

The underground railroad assignment

The term " Underground Railroad" refers to a verbal code used to describe the Steps to where slaves were disappearing and taking off. With help from the abolitionists and previous freed slaves, the Underground Railroad was a successful contribution to the end of slavery.

Assistive technology plan assignment

He uses his walking stick to get from class to class and because the school is equipped with an AT eating, Johnny is able to make to the correct class by using the Braille directly under the room numbers. Keyboard I The student will not be able to see the keys on the keyboard I →

The economic environment of business

London: Academic Press? Scobie, H, & Strange, R.

Various stereotypes associated with students

Stereotyping negatively influences the rate of success and motivation of gifted students, below average students, and minority students, both as a group and individuals. This may cause some teachers or faculty members to believe that these below average students are not as capable of achieving the same quality of work as average students.

Dance as an art form

The history of dance as an art can be traced with the emergence of cultures around the world and with the evolution of mankind. As the society advanced to a more sophisticated and more interactive community of cultures, dance has also evolved and surpassed its role in the religious activities and courts of rulers.

How are racial issues such as stereotyping, centrality and stacking related to the olympics?

An example of stacking is the North Americans in the marathons. There is a lot of over representation at the moment but only in specific sports, for example there are lots of Afro-Caribbean's competing in boxing and sprinting, Asians competing in badminton and hockey, and lastly the Far East compete mostly in table tennis and →

Orwells’ the road to wigan pier: sentence analysis essay (critical writing)

According to the results of the examination, the first paragraph contains a range of key terms, which underline the general idea of the abstract. The instance is illustrated by two statements: " He compares this kind of life to that of a tortoise.

Hydraulic profile of seawage treatment plant

The only similarity is the concept and the procedure that was followed in order to prepare the hydraulic profile. Identify the Gravity Flow Path Mark up the plant site layout and identify the gravity flow path.

Explain the development of perception in children

What children are unable to do at this stage is to make sense of the environment or to interpret the sensory inputs and this is where perception comes in. The second stage is the preoperational stage whereby children learn to use words and symbols to represent objects and relationships but they cannot manipulate them.

Monotheism in christianity and islam

Islam is termed as a religion of the book with all the teachings recorded in one book, The Quran. In the new testament of this Bible is a record of the teachings of Jesus and other disciples such as Paul, John, and Mark.

Features of karakoram glacier surges

A third feature of Karakoram glacier surges is their rapid initiation and termination phases, lasting months to years. Shakesiga surge decelerated to 1100 m a -1 and terminated during the early winter of 2010.

Introduction and recording time. second, we will define

This program is used to create a wave propagation using three models: three layers model, stepping-up model, and low velocity layer model to get thesnapshot result and synthetic seismic data. In this research, we createcreate a wave propagation using three models: three layers model, stepping-upmodel, and low velocity layer model to get the snapshot result →

Am i blue: alice walker essay sample

The essay is meant to show a different side of animals and show the audience the human-like traits that horses have. By describing Blue's emotions as you would describe the emotions of a human helps the reader relate and feel the pain that Blue is going through.

The great gatsby fitzgerald tying is life to the book

Fitzgerald writesThe Great Gatsbyas a mirror of his own life describing his life through such characters as Nick Carraway, the narrator and the Jay Gatsby the, protagonist which are representations of Fitzgerald's life. Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, shows readers that his life was put into two characters; Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway, to show →

Suicidal tendency among adolescents with adjustment disorder

These three test were applied to evaluate suicidal tendencies and to have a comprehensive representation of the adolescences and their strengths and limitations. According to the study Adolescents that exhibit hopelessness and lack of stability had a higher risk of suicidal indication.

Romania economic analysis

Romania is a parliamentary republic which means that the leader of the country's the Prime Minister who is appointed by the president and is responsible to the parliament of Romania. This river is good for trading due to the fact that water is the cheapest and goes through most of the country.

Structure and function of cell nucleus

The main role of the nuclear membranes is to act as barriers that discrete the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. Cells stores information in the form of DNA and most of it is found in the nucleus.

Contrastive analysis essay

Robert Lado states this clearly in his introduction to Linguistics Across Cultures, a book which became a classic guide to this approach: The plan of the book rests on the assumption that we can predict and describe the patterns that will cause difficulty in learning, and those that will not cause difficulty, by comparing systematically →

Introduction a major role in development of this

The study of the management practices in Emirates airlines are meant to ravel the strengths of the company that have ensured its continuity to growth over the years. This research on the management of Emirates Airlines is related to public administration because; the company is owned and managed by the government of Dubai.

Pro’s and con’s of plastic surgery in america assignment

Plastic surgery is often " performed solely to improve appearance in otherwise healthy persons." During plastic surgery an individual's nose can be reconstructed, extra skin can be removed from any part of the body, fat can be eliminated from the abdomen and hips, even the size of the ears can be reduced. Since there are →

Lightner witmer founder of the school of psychology

This article, which was entitled The Organization of Practical work in Psychology, was one of the highlights of Witmer's career as it enlightened both the public and his colleagues of the work he was intending to do in the field. The article was based on the events that occurred in the process of him founding →

Indian education

The present education system in India is divided into four major categories; primary education, secondary education, senior secondary education and higher education. The quality of education in private sector is better in India compared to that in the public sector.

Marketing analysis of aquafresh tooth paste

Market analysis: When Aqua fresh was first launched by Beecham Plc, it was the first striped toothpaste in the market and the look of product with white and blue stripes clearly illustrate the two main benefits of the product which are double protection and freshness. The below figure shows the porters five forces for Aqua →

Harrison brothers case study

Problem Deflation The survey indicates there are lots of problems in the HER department and these problems might indirectly or directly slow down Harrison Brothers' growth in the future. Causes of the Problem The main cause of these problems is that there is no HER planning in Harrison Brothers.

Film review on sleepy hollow essay sample

The acting and the behaviour of the actors in the film is considerably better compared to the script they are working from. You can tell the difference in the way he acts in the film as he is meant to come from New York and you can tell that from the way he walks and →

Health science: bioterrorism preparedness

The first bioterrorism related survey by HSPH project that was conducted in the midst of the anthrax attacks in the US in October 2001, and that was involved in following the letters and the preparedness that the public had in this attacks proved that the preparedness in such bioterrorism attack is wanting and much needs →

The light and darkness in the poems of lord byron

She Walks in Beauty beauty in light and darkness By the contrasts between light and dark, the external beauty of the woman is vividly described and reflected in the first two stanzas. In the beginning, the light of star is contrasted with the shadow of night to emphasize the beauty of the woman.

The road passage analysis

The passages incorporated in the narrative are vital to clarify the purpose of the novel, an unwavering contemplation of how tenacity and tenderness between the man and the boy preserves the remaining measure of goodness that the inhumane post apocalyptic world contains. Moreover, the symptoms could be interpreted to be foreshadowing death, as the cold →

When looking at the determinants that affect price elasticity of demand

When a product is elastic it means that a change in price causes a larger change in demand e.g.if the price increases the demand will drop considerably, where as if the good is inelastic, a change in price has a little effect on the demand for the product e.g.you increase the price by 10% the →

The journey to a lifetime of adventures a fabulous roadmapping to queenstown

That is why we are here to give you a weather report on the beautiful town of Queenstown and tell how different are the sun, the stars, and the clouds when viewed from there. Due to its elegance and panache, this is one of those restaurants where you can already hear the violins playing.

Cellular mobile subscribers

The entry of Warid and Telenor in 2005 resulted in significant changes in the market; one of them was market structure with respect to subscribers' share. The study also analyzed the business outlook and the value chain of the mobile sector in the country.

The takes to printing of more paper currency

The condition of the salaried class in the private sector is all the more problematic. The Causes of the Rising Prices Are as Follows: We have ample progress in the field of agriculture and industry but not in proportion to the growth of population.

Analysis of the ethical principles of confucius

It is essential to the ordering and regulating of the fundamental relationships found in society, which are as follows: ruler and subject father and son husband and wife eldest son and younger brothers elders and juniors. The ten yi are defined as kindness in the father, filial piety in the son, gentility in the eldest →

Analytical and critical questions

What are the important implications of the author's position? Are the arguments adequate to support the claims?

World of k-pop essay

As Facebook and Twitter feeds run rampant with the latest buzz on SNSD, Big Bang or 2PM, Korean music and all the culture that accompanies it has travelled at lightning speed across the Pacific to influence both Korean and non-Korean American teens alike. The global interaction of K-pop has also become a way for Korean →

Beauty bias essay

In today's society, there is a large amount of discrimination based on the physical attractiveness of a person which in turn affects them in the workplace in areas such as recruitment, selection, and performance appraisal. We live in a society that is so focused on attaining beauty and captivated by the idea of beauty in →

Islamic political economy in national development

He had explained a lot of brilliant ideas on political, national development, mercantilism, Islamic thought and also Islamic political economic in order to develop the nation. National development refers to the process of national development and to lead a sustainable level of repairs and improvement.

Media effects

For instance, Israel - Palestinian lifetime conflict has been America's most important concerns in 2003, and judging from the nature of the issue, it is newsworthy, but as the media turn their focus to the Iraq war, Schwarzenegger's governor election and the California Wildfires, the Israel-Palestinian issue is somehow diminished, although the debacle is not →

Landmark discoveries in healthcare: an overview

At first the children would have to have three shots of the vaccine to be effective; half of the children are not returning to their physician or clinic to complete the series. A group of international researchers confirmed that one dose of the vaccine can generate an increase of 24 times of antibodies in the →

Several of ted hughes’ poems feature extreme weather essay sample

Ted Hughes Regards the elements as a powerful force in many of his poems and he is in awe of the weather particularly noticeable in ' Tractor', ' Warm and Cold' and ' Wind' in which Hughes seems to be quarantined because the storms are so violent that all the inhabitants of the house can →

My papa waltz poem essay

The playful scene continues in the second stanza, and this time it moves to the kitchen." We romped until the pans/ Slid from the kitchen shelf." The father and the son keep dancing and moving in the kitchen until all the tools in the kitchen fall from the shelf to the floor. It is about →

Saving our environment essay sample

With this it is easy to state " The job is excessively great and what can we make now? " Well.we can first retrieve and believe that we can do a difference. We can name our local authorities offices and inquire if it has an environmental commission and if there is one we can fall →

How to succeed in a man’s world

Much of this is due to the types of careers that women decide to pursue, and the fact that many women are paid a lesser amount than their male colleagues who share the same profession. It is important for women to cultivate a broad network of professional rapports with men and women working in the →

Crispr-cas9 history and engineering

The two main approaches of determining gene function involve the analysis of loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutations. Linking the dCas9 to domains of proteins involved in transcriptional activation and allowing CRISPR to target promotor sequences regulating transcription of particular genes provides a means of modulating natural gene expression.

On kind checks cashed, inc.talcott

Confirming the check of $5, 700 with Talcott, Any Kind satisfied the good faith requirement for any holder in due course. Talcott, it was important to determine whether Any Kind acted in fair dealing and good faith as required to attain the status of a holder in due course.

Mercutio’s responsibility of tragedy in “romeo and juliet” assignment

It appears again when he speaks of Table and the challenge he made to Romeo, His speech about Table's tightening skill is dripping with sarcastic remarks: " The very butcher of a silk button. He uses his last few favors to set the tragedy of Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet in motion.


Ultimately, a new employee has to prove themselves in the company and they cannot imitate seniors. All the same, it is in benefit of juniors to understand this basic tenet and regardless of what their seniors do they must obey the rules of punctuality.

How could boots use relationship marketing? assignment

Boots could use ' people' as a way to build relationships by having polite and helpful staff working In their company; when customers come to the shop they expect the employees to be nice and knowledgeable In order to recommend the best product for each customer, this would build relationships with a customer because they →

The universal declaration of human rights education essay

Integration demands that " additional arrangements will be made to accommodate" pupils with disabilities " within a system of schooling that remains largely unchanged"; inclusive education, on the other hand, " is a larger and prior concept" and aims to restructure schools in order to respond to the learning needs of all children. 1 is →


With all that goes on in the life of a foster child, think about what the parents have to deal with once that child has finally found a more permanent home. Then the parents have to deal with a child that goes to school making stuff up or saying things that they are not even →

Spiritual sovereignty: crusoe’s religious and colonialist journey

It is also important to note that Crusoe does not consider the fact that he could rule over other people on this island; his sole concern is with possession of the land itself and the resources it provides. The tone of the passage is also important in analyzing Crusoe's feelings towards sovereignty at the beginning →