4 Pages Essay Samples

Trinidad education

This goes to show that the first level of education in Trinidad is in fact not free. Despite government efforts to better the education levels of the country there is still a lot to be done in order to meet the goal that class does not determine one's level or education.

Homework ch. 8 & ch.9

This is a big deal in Islam because inheritance rights have the capacity to influence ones fate in the now and in the hereafter. The other modern problem between the Shiites and the Sunnis is the practice of medical interventions, which are considered unlawful such as abortion and family planning including newer forms of treating →

Federal marijuana prohibition act assignment

First, we will look at the current Federal Marijuana laws and punishments, and the fact that the Federal marijuana laws are extremely serious, and penalties for those found guilty are extremely steep. There is a federalism crisis due to a conflict between the Federal Prohibition Act thin the Controlled Substance Act, and the states that →

Editorial: advances in the development of artificial metalloenzymes

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in the Development of Artificial Metalloenzymes A wide range of chemical reactions such as hydrolyses, oxidations/reductions, isomerizations, and ligations are catalyzed by metalloenzymes. They showed that activities of these complexes can be rationally predicted using the metal-ligand and metal-nucleophile bond lengths, strain of the cyclen ring, atomic charges, and →

Significance and interpretation of william shakespeare’s “my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” assignment

The speaker uses an example in the first lines of the poem: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips red; Here, he makes the case that her eyes are very different from the sun. He describes the love as rare and clearly maintains that he does →

Marketing assignment

It is a flexible tool: Personal selling Involves individual and personal communication as marred to the mass and Impersonal communication of advertising and sales promotion. The house to house selling is done directly in the houses of efferent customers.

The role of e-commerce on sustainability and profitability of small and medium sized enterprises

This paper proposes a research on the role of e-commerce on sustainability and profitability of Small and Medium Sized enterprises. A study to investigate effects of e-commerce competencies on success of e-commerce enterprises in Thailand established that the competencies empower retailing firms and facilitate success in e-commerce activities.

The daily life of an african living

I am sure a lot of you would argue that you have earnt your money and therefore no one has the right to tell you what to do with it but Peter Singer would argue that we owe people from developing countries because we are partially responsible for their suffering. Also I am sure that →

Autonomic regulation in muscular dystrophy

Smith and colleagues in their review discuss the possibility of the exercise pressor reflex as one such mechanism that contributes to the autonomic imbalance in muscular dystrophy. The link between stress disorders and autonomic dysfunction in muscular dystrophy.

Writing skills essay sample

Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice? A. Which one of the following sentences or phrases is most likely to be considered a cliche? A.

Empathetic imagination in fiction

The child is sick also" Paton, 61) Kamala also visited his brother while in Johannesburg, except his brother, John's challenge, was a fight inside of himself, and when his son was convicted of robbery of a white man, he puts faith on the back burner with what is truly right and plans to lie to →

‘it is more damaging to be sexually abused by a woman’

It has been known for centuries that men are the main inflictors of sexual abuse, however in the current years with the help of immense research it has been known that women also, although not equally, but are responsible for the problem of sexual abuse. The individuals going through this type of sexual abuse may →

To try and fail is better essay

If you have managed to pursue your dreams, even if it does not work out, at least you have the knowledge that you gave it your best shot and if you died tomorrow you would have no regrets. Even if you fail, at least you know you gave it your all and you do not →

A social analysis of child support policy in the u.s

History and provisions of Child Support policy in US The concern for child support policy in the United States can be traced back to the 19th century. Social value of child Support policy in the community Child support policy in the United States has been marked with numerous controversies among members of the political, social, →

Does it matter assignment

As for the threat of new entrants, the costs for a competitor to switch to a similar system are quite risky since Zipcar has already a proven track-record. Because of the popular belief that more IT application is better, even smart executives fall into such a spending trap.

Water scarcity in saudi arabia

The hypothesis for this paper is the Saudi Arabia can solve the water scracity this issue so that people who live there do not worry about the water anymore. After this two steps to research the information for water pollution and water scarcity in Saudi Arabia on the Internet.

Business ethics – case study

These factors may include: offers from other corporations, the ability to work within the business ethics of New Gen.and the culture of New Gen. In this instance, one would question if the items for Benji were given to him to provide influence on a decision to join the New Gen team.

Formal maze. this leads the viewer to

The scene then cuts to a shot of Jack walking up to a model of the maze that is in the lobby. Using parallel editing in the scene, the viewer accept that Wendy and Danny are experiencing the maze while Jack is watching the through the model of the maze.

Unit down all the traditions and beliefs that

Ask the students to list down all the traditions and beliefs that they saw inthe movie which influenced the behavior and decisions of the characters in thestory. Man, as a social being, isinfluenced by the culture of the society that he is a part of.

Provide support for mobility essay sample

The service user has arthritis in his knees, the carer discusses with the service user the importance of going for his walk which will help him feel less stiff and feel good in himself and reassures him that they would just keep to the recommended length of time 2. The carer explains to the service →

Golgi apparatus assignment

Diseases Related to Golgi Achondrogenesis Achondrogenesis type IA is caused by a defect in the microtubules of the Golgi apparatus. Understanding the contribution of Golgi apparatus dysfunction to Alzheimer's disease and ts path physiological.

Literature review

There has been a call to find out the cause of the drug abuse problem among individuals with emphasis placed on the outcome of indulging in the heinous act. The society dictates the morals of the members and with the measures it undertakes to curb the spread of drug addiction there will be a similar →

Child obesity

The given paper presents the overview of three articles, in which the authors considered different sides of the problem with one main purpose that is to find the ways to decrease the level of obesity among children. The main purpose of the research conducted by the author was to study the effect of communication between →

Baroque and renaissance comparison assignment

There was no perspective in art of the middle ages; all of the paintings were flat and one- dimensional. The evolution in art of the later middle ages culminated with the Renaissance era.

Should adults carry a concealed handgun?

The last decade had seen a rise in unnecessary shootings and the deaths of far too many innocent Americans because of the use of concealed handguns. If someone is in a bad situation, the only means of protecting themselves should not be a deadly one that could harm themselves and many others.

Toni morrison’s “beloved” essay sample

In this chapter Sethe is the narrator and the reader is reading her thoughts. Another example of effective syntax is in the third part of the book, the last chapter, " This is not a story to pass on".

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (swot) analysis

Vision of the organization The vision of the foundation is to have a system in which every individual of the society is able to have access to quality health services irrespective of their financial statuses. Its values The development of the mission and vision, accomplishment of the stated mission as well as the attainment of →

Admission to a doctorate of psychology

We fail to open the doors of our hearts and listen to the woes of those in need due to our inability to decide on the things that we can do to improve the lives of people around us. Although the position requires a person to have at least ten years of work experience, I →

Figure of speech essay

It is also called the long tailed simile because in it the comparison is not condoled to some one quality but a number of qualities are compared and the comparison is elaborated and spread over a number of lines. A Patriarchate sonnet has two stanzas in total-the first stanza of 8 lines and the second →

Science & technology in philippine context

Hence Science and Technology together cover the gathering and generation of information about the material world and the application of that information for the welfare of mankind. It is now generally realized that the inherent strength of a nation lies in the skills of its people which can be acquired and enhanced through the practice →

The market structure of supermarket in the uk economics essay

To the consumers from the supermarkets in the UK, the oligopolistic supermarkets are benefit because the consumers receive the lower and stiff monetary value. Furthermore, when the betterment of the graduated table of the supermarket leads to the increasing of the supply, the monetary value of the merchandises will diminish or give a price reduction →

Disconnection story

The first day was the toughest, learning to get around without the help of my Google Maps, having to eat without the help of food APS to show me the reviews of the eateries and the toughest of all, having to interact with foreign people to learn how to get around and the mode of →

La liberte guidant le peuple

In the middle of the painting is a young French lady who is calling on her villagers to fight against the Restoration of Bourbon in July Revolution. Also, beside the leg of the woman, there Is a male enemy whose seems to be begging for theforgivenessof the woman and the working class.

Metro trains dumb ways to die essay sample

The tune is easy to remember and simple to sing along with, the lyrics are fun, bubbly, bite sized chunks of naughtiness, and the vocals have just the right amount of knowing innocence The lyrics was written by John Mescall and the music was done by Ollive McGrill from The Cat Empire, who also helped →

The controversy of jon stewart: an analysis of jon stewarts use of satire

Johanna Hartelius' " The Political Sins of Jon Stewart", Robert Harriman's " In Defense of Jon Stewart", and Lisa Colletta's " Political Satire and Postmodern Irony in the Age of Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart" I feel that Jon Stewart's use of satire on The Daily Show is constructive for democracy. Much of what makes →

Quiz: variable cost and contribution margin assignment

If the sales mix and sales units are as expected, the break-even in sales dollars is closest to: A) $132, 000. The answer is b.

production of chalks out of seashells

And to support this, we need some facilities and materials for us to make it easier and clearer. Significance of the Study This study opens another way for people to be able to save and make chalks that is much durable and long-lasting use that will take part in this study.

Various ways government interacts with the economy

The following are some of the ways the government uses to interact with the economy: Antitrust Legislation These are laws that prohibit anti-competitive behavior and unfair business practice where the government bans some illegal practices that are deemed to violate standard of ethics thereby hurting businesses and consumers. To safeguard this, the government has prohibited →

Reviewing and comparing three movies focusing on shape of war

But more than the idea of an event or a series of events that compels a nation and a group of people to enter into battle and be able and willing to risk and expend resources in order to win a war, casualty take of various forms and implications. In comparison to ' Saving Private →

Editorial: industrial biotechnology forum ( )

In that context, the featured manuscript in this IBF special issue presented by Mindt et al, described the efficient conversion of the sustainable and cost efficient carbon source glycerol into Methylglutamate using a metabolically engineered Pseudomonas putida. In its conclusion the article suggests that linking algae biomass growth with wastewater treatment could be the key →

Oedipus and othello: tragic figures of manipulated destinies

Oedipus and Othello: Tragic Figures of Manipulated Destinies For Othello and Oedipus, the future was written by the manipulations of others according to their desires to control the outcome of events. Because Othello is displaced and in a country that is not his own, Shakespeare makes a point of addressing his sexuality when Othello assures →

Renaissance dbq

Renaissance was a time of rebirth of the studies of the Greeks and Romans, as well as the start of new ideas. Individualism was the concept of the individual and the belief to be able to reach the best of its abilities.

Cosi shows that love is a universal human experience discuss.

Do you agreeAlthough Cosi is concerned with the politics of the 1970? s and an exploration of the treatment of mentally ill, and the boundaries between realities, it is primarily a play about love in is various aspects?" trust and betrayal, fidelity and infidelity and commitment, friendship, compassion and acceptance. The certain aspects of love →

Audience theory assignment

The key differences between technical writing and academic writing are in the knowledge base of the writer regarding the subject and the end state of the information given. The next level of audience is the advisers.

Seize the power of voice

In the end, the women were able to achieve what they have been fighting for, and were given the same rights as the men. In order to speak freely, one should have the power of voice and learn to fight for it.

E commerceconclusion essay

While the E-Business E-commerce with respect to the broader definition is not Just the buying and selling of goods and services but also customer service, collaboration among business partners, e-learning provision and procurement of electronic transactions between an organization.3. E- Commerce Business Models The business model is a set of planned activities: a.

Management practices and operations

If we assume there are costs associated with waiting in line, and if there are costs of adding more channels, we want to minimize the sum of the costs of waiting and the costs of providing service facilities.1.2. 1 Problem identification: Production facility of the company is not effective because of rise in scrap value →

How did wwii change america and the world

NameInstitutionCourseInstructorJuly 15, 2010How did WWII change America and the World The World War II remains the bloodiest and deadliest crisis in world history. Besides, the war led to medicine improvements in the world, particularly in the use of antibiotics.

Bookreview of principles of data integration

This process, data integration, will be of central importance in how the scientific community to will be able to draw on the result of the next decade which doubtless will be the decade of the brain, in live sciences. Through the book the authors are leading the novice from basic concepts to the current state →

Autobiographical elements in charles dickens’ “david copperfield”

And although Dickens invariably denied the autobiographical nature of the novel, " David Copperfield" is a perfectly recreated biography of the writer from childhood to 1836, that is, until Charles Dickens became a famous writer. In " David Copperfield" Dickens analyzes the causes of moral corruption and ugliness.

The evolution of odysseus assignment

He is forced to be with Calypso because she is taking care of him, but Odysseus has no desire to stay on the island." In the nights, true, he would sleep with her In the arching cave-he had no hat he owes his life to Calypso, but he never forgets his wife, Penelope, or his →

Name: lê thu hà

The question of whether children should wear a uniform to school always makes for a lively debate, and not only among students! Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work, where uniforms are often worn.

Absurdity in camus’s the plague

Over the course of a few days in sometime in the 1940s, in the Algerian city of Oran, thousands of rats emerge into the streets in dying conditions. In Camus's novel that seeks to question the very meaning of human life and existence, however, no such commonsensical, logical measures are taken.

The understanding of the concept of gifted education education essay

Many believe that the strict course of study that present to bright pupils is adequate to run into the academic demands of these pupils. Differentiated course of study is another manner of catering to the talented kids.

Our town reaction paper assignment

And in my perspective, although the text nd direction brilliantly reinvented the beauty of Wilder's real concept in the context of Los Banos, the performance failed to fully embody its richness as a result of artistic mismatch on the actors' side. That was the insight adhered to when analyzing the possible basis of the disconnecting →

Ethics case study assignment

The physician in this case should have discussed the health status of the child with the mother, made a " good" moral Judgment, and told the mother the incident must be reported to CAPS; the case could have been presented to the mother in a non-accusatory manner. The nurse or physician in the case study →

Inherent nature of violence to the society

It is notable that for all the instances of violence in In Our Time, only one comes to mind that does not fall under the category of war, sports, or good, old-fashioned fist fighting the Indian father's suicide in Indian Camp. Hemingway's detached narration, in addition to his focus on culturally sanctioned violence, emphasizes the →

Legal memorandum

Summary of Arguments Claim 3: The Labelling Regulation The Labelling Regulation is inconsistent with TBT Art 2. The Labelling Regulation is inconsistent with TBT Art 2.


Euthanasia The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical discussion on the topic of euthanasia. For the purpose of this paper euthanasia will refer to any activity that is enacted to enable a more rapid ending of a life that relieves pain and suffering of a patient.

On late 19th century american literature

Jewett further used an intimate connection between the narrator and the protagonist by using third person, omniscient narrative that adopts the attitude and the idiomatic phrases and syntax of the characters. Chopin also uses the imagery of shadows and solemnity to parallel the characters and thematic issues such as describing Armand's real identity that is →

The man who was almost a man free essay examples

The story is about a 17 year old negro boy who wants to buy a gun to prove to his family that he is not a boy anymore and instead a man. Using racial/cultural criticism, a reader can analyze Richard Wright's " The Man Who Was Almost a Man" by using the aspects of grammar, →

The green table kurt jooss

The first scene shows the diplomats called The Gentlemen in Black, the second scene The Farewells which show the divide between the loved ones and the soldiers that go off to the war. The third scene is The Battle in which the battle begins and the character Death is taking each of the soldiers one →

The price of dignity

In Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, Rukmani and Nathan do face a threat to dignity, but Puli and Rukmani, even though her dignity is at risk as well, save themselves. Puli is a major reason that Rukmani and Nathan do not have to resort to begging in the city or doing other acts →

Organizational culturepsychology

Restaurants fall in the hospitality industry whereby communication is very central to the performance of the organization. Organizational culture may also encompass the ideals that the organization upholds, the ideology that staff in a given organization ascribe to, the mission and vision of a given organization, the technology used in a given organization, the artifacts, →

Social organized crime

Social Organized Crime In this paper, the proponent starts with defining the concept of social and integrates it with the issue of organized crime and criminal behaviors. Theories applied in organized crime and criminal behaviors The first generic theory discussed in the book of Mallory, Lyman and Potter regarding the thought about organized crime and →

A doctor in the house

Rank's purpose is to refine the audience's understanding of Nora's character.Dr. Rank, is to accentuate the darkness of Nora's life.

Deviance, labeling theory, secondary labeling and their effects on society

Others do not consider their other statuses - that of spouse, parent, or worker - only that they are first and foremost a criminal." In this instance, as Becker believes the identity of the person becomes that of a criminal immediately after they are found guilty and have a criminal record. A crime of this →

Swadeshi movement

So a large section of the Muslim community in Bengal remained aloof from the Swadeshi movement and Hindu bhadralok, whether believing in moderate or extremist politics, took leading part in the movement. Such a limitation of the spontaneity of the movement caught the attention of Rabindranath and other men of letters.

Labor and employment law synthesis paper

According to the study conducted by Ann Sophie, the role of employment law economically is to generate a frame work of legal aspects to maximize the labor exchange joint value by reducing the incentives of the parties. The topic of labor law is broad and in order to understand further more studies are required.

“the outsiders” by s. e. hinton

Dallas Winston is known as one of the most dangerous and spiteful greasers out there, he will not hesitate to go to jail for the sake of fellow gang members. Ponyboy is still a virgin to the feeling of utter loss and hopelessness.

Many outdated, management and leadership need to

It is up to your management to make sure that everyone understandswhy the change is happening and what the benefitsare. Communication, a structure in leadership and technology changes willmake improvements to the overall operation.

Facts of life with dyslexia

This means that they do not hear the sounds of words in the same way that other people do and, in particular, they may not hear the sounds in the order in which they occur. This goes to show that people with dyslexia should not let it get in the way of pursuing their dreams.

The bologna process and the transformation of european higher education

The Bologna Process, therefore, is positioned to cater to the academic needs of Pan-European nations by enhancing the international competitiveness of national universities. The Bologna Process and the Transformation of European Higher Education.

Determinism, love and inspiration in ‘the beast in the jungle’

It appears that May understands Marcher's vain belief of the Beast very well to the point that she would sacrifice her desire of forming a relationship with him, for the sake of Marcher's revelation of what the Beast truly is: an intimate, loving relationship with May. May understands that the Beast, to Marcher, has always →

Analysis of the causes of the great depression

Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's and 30's, and the extensive stock market speculation that took place during the 1930's. This was the main start of the depression, because it →

Designing a manufacturing process

Therefore, daily capacity of the assembly line would be 225 units, assuming that on each one of the six workstations a computer is positioned at the beginning of the day. With the initial production of 150 units per day, a slack of 600 seconds at workstation 5 would appear per day.

Chevron oil industry analysis

First, the oil industry which consists of thousands of oil and oil service companies throughout the world is an extremely large market." According to the Department of Energy, Fossil fuels which include coal, oil, and natural gas make up more than 85% of the energy consumed in the U.S.as of 2008. Due to large capital →

Public relations

The form of this advertising is not an actual form of media output but a complete thought of how to present the characteristics of an organization to the general public. Regardless of the type of Public Relations, it is still the people who will decide whether the organization is credible enough to be trusted.

Textbooks vs tablets

Like phones, when it drops on the drops on the ground, there is a chance of the phone cracking and eventually it starts to glitch. FindtheBest, " What Is the Average Battery Life of a Tablet Computer," tablets.findthebest.com May 21, 2015

The cosmological argument and the teleological argument

He uses the basic principle, according to which every cause has an effect, to show there must have been a first cause in the causal sequence that began the Universe: We see in the world around us that there is an order of efficient causes. Nevertheless, the order of efficient causes cannot proceed to infinity, →

To what extent did the great depression cause world war ii?

The downfall in economy was one of the many factors caused by the Great Depression, which led up to World War II. Therefore, it can clearly be stated and proven accurate that to a large extent the Great Depression caused World War II.

Johnson’s doctrine essay sample

In May of 1965, the " Johnson Doctrine" was introduced when he addressed the nation, stating that " the American nations cannot, must not, and will not permit the establishment of another Communist government in the Western Hemisphere". In respect to the " Nixon Doctrine", the press and the public saw the war in Vietnam →

The house of usher: a window to the soul

In " The Fall of the House of Usher," the phantasmagoric setting Poe creates not only serves as an exquisite background for the story, but also gives the reader insight into the mystery of the characters. Through Poe's descriptive personification, the physical state of the mansion becomes representative of the mental state of the family →

Clearly state the popular source and statistic of interest as reported by that popular source.

The study also failed to account for prevalence of obesity and diabetes of those who have always lived in low poverty areas. The report recognizes the flaws in the journal article and does not guarantee the effectiveness of moving to low poverty areas as a solution for obesity and diabetes.

The new rules of basel iii : opportunities and challenges for banking sector

The implementation of Basel I and Basel II norms certainly helped in regulating the financial situation in several parts of the world. In conclusion, Basel III norms mainly emphasized on various measures like enhancing the component of tier 1 capital, regulating the tier 2 capital, and removing the tier 3 capital for providing better financial →

Owen’s struggle with temptation

Yet, even with his God-like qualities, Owen's attraction to John's mother, Tabitha, and cousin, Hester, continue to make Owen human, despite his belief that he is an instrument of God. In A Prayer for Owen Meany, Owen's struggle to remain sinless is often tempted by his lust for the characters of Tabitha and Hester.

Illegal immigration and immigration reform

It is through the California Dream Act that both the social life of the immigrants and the economy of the state were enhanced. The anti-immigrant reforms of Alabama can be said to have disregarded the fact that most of the immigrants who were forced to flee the state had lived in Alabama most of their →

In flanders fields essay

In the poem; in Flanders fields written by John McRae, it is obvious to the reader that this poet was a patriot and that he felt that the duty of the living soldiers was to honour the deed by continuing to fight on it the Great War. As a reader, you can learn the significance →

Example of the ethical issues in the building of the three gorges dam research paper

The building of this dam has been controversial given the consequences it has had to the immediate society where it is located and the benefits it has accrued to the nation. There has been debate on the ethical viability of the Three Gorges Dam given the impacts it has had on the people of China.

Advertising dermicool assignment

The basic relief that a sufferer sought from prickly heat was sensory in nature a cooling sensation that relieved them from the burning and itching sensation on the affected body part. Consumer Insight: Consumers desire a sensation of cooling to mitigate the feeling of burning and pricking caused by prickly heat?

A canticle for leibowitz: straight outta the (gernsback) ghetto

The first part starts in the dark ages of the future, 600 years after the 20th century and the disastrous nuclear war. Readers can recognize that this is the history of Europe's civilization when it moved from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance and then to the brink of nuclear destruction again.

Neighborhood problem essay

The neighborhood looks like a transition from farmland to residential communities; the area attracts young and working class people because of the outstanding school system, accessibility to major roads and nearby cities and also shopping and business districts, it is a diverse neighborhood. The grasses in the neighborhood are full of weeds and unattractive the →

Muhammad ali – one of the most controversial egyptian leaders in history essay sample

From the modernization of Egypt to the building of a united Arab nation, his actions effectively led Egypt into the 20th century as a powerful entity, and his accomplishments bred ideas of revolution and unity within the Arab people that had not been seen since the days of the prophet Mohammed. Throughout the later stages →

Free research paper about usual impact of the disorder on occupational performance

As a result of muscle weakness and contractures of the Tendon Achilles, the patient loses the walking ability. The OT assessed and developed a care plan for James and arranged for a case conference inviting the parents, bank representative and funding agencies for financial assistance.