4 Pages Essay Samples

Prostitution and related offenses

Prostitution and related offences Prostitution and related offences Topic explanation Prostitution is one of the oldestvices in our society. This study seeks to broaden the perspective of knowledge in prostitution and the uncovered facts that have not been addressed in relation to the emerging issues that affect engagement of minors in prostitution business, which amplifies →

Why travis pastrana recommends ogio 9900 sports essay

On top of that, you wouldnt want to lose any of your points one time youre done with the race and demand to travel place already. The good intelligence is that the major makers are cognizant about that and they make it a point to make bags that meet the demands of the market.

A sacred product

I think of the specific things that happened in terms of the words and the actions that a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger had done to other people or to me. I then try to appreciate what I see and enjoy the moment of peace and tranquility of the small garden that we have.

Retained facial foreign body following trauma in a child

This case report is of a 32 month old male patient who reported to the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry with complain of thorn prick injury on right side of the face. 5, fractures of the pediatric maxillofacial skeleton are rare due to the resiliency of their bones, the relatively small size of their →

Case dell

Kapoor's concern was that Dell's focus on low inventory and lean production would make it improbable that Dell would expend the resources to provide the same level of service as it entered the market for larger systems. The idea was to interact directly, allowing Dell to gather pertinent information about its customers and therefore to →

1984 lit analysis

The book centers upon Winston Smith, a simple man who works for the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history as seen fit by the government, or as it is called in the novel, the ' Party.' 1984 takes place in the city of London, which is now located in a country called ' Oceania'. The residents →

Principles for implementing duty of care

Duty of care means providing care and support for individuals within the law and also within the policies and procedures of the company you belong and agreed ways of working of your employer. In situations where there is a conflict of interest or a dilemma between an individual's rights and your duty of care, it →

Editorial: new translational insights on metabolic syndrome: obesity, hypertension, diabetes and beyond

Interestingly, in one aspect of metabolic disorders, the review articles by Costa-Silva et al.and Silva et al.discuss the effects of malnutrition on the establishment of hypertension. Using a different perspective, Cavalcante-Silva et al.discussed the influence of gut microbiota in inflammation and MetS.

Operations management – just in time and material resource planning

Running Header: JIT & MRP Operations Management - Just in Time and Material Resource Planning Just in Time - Inventory planning and Control Just in time is a popular production technique that has been for long acknowledged by manufacturing companies for optimizing production through decreased inventories, reduced downtime and optimized work and storage space. MRP →

Sold: family and uncle husband

She believes she is going to work in the city, as the breadwinner, but her step-father is in it for the money and revenge of the eldest son he does not have. Lakshmi looked up to Gita and hoped to one day leave the hill side, and become the breadwinner of her family to replace →

Mary shelley’s frankenstein and ridley scott’s blade runner

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner Comparison and Contrast Introduction Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner are two story lines created in a different era, Frankenstein being an early published novel on the creation of an experimental monster that longs to have a normal existence whilst Blade Runner is a more →

Business managementchapter assignment

A perfect example of this Is when a product Is advertised in the ad and when the customer comes into the store, the product is either sold out or not carried at that action. Another of the 17 roles that I see that he does on a regular basis is being a motivator and coach-As →

Diversity training essay sample

Diversity training is training for the purpose of increasing participants' cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills, which is based on the assumption that the training will benefit an organization by protecting against civil rights violations, increasing the inclusion of different identity groups, and promoting better teamwork. The purpose of training is not only to increase awareness →

The social proof on causes of death and uncertainty

Specific purpose: to inform the audience about the social proof on causes of death and uncertainty Central idea: social proof help understand the cause of death and uncertainty using the perspective of the theory. Social proof theory illustrates the essence of people adapting to the behavior of the majority of the fat to get acceptance.

The role of government in the capitalist enterprise

American Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system in which industry, trade and means of production are controlled by private owners with the aim of making profits in the market economy. The extent of competition, the role of regulation and intervention, and the limit of public ownership vary depending on different models of capitalism.

Foreign exchange and economic developement-india

The Indian foreign exchange market consists of the buyers, sellers, market intermediaries and the monetary authority of India. The main centre of foreign exchange transactions in India is Mumbai, the commercial capital of the country.

Hereditary component analysis for ms

The PPARg gene, which is involved in the processes of differentiation and functioning of adipocytes, is believed to be related to the etiopathogenesis of obesity. Specifically, the -form of PPAR is believed to play an essential role in the origin of MS, since it regulates the oxidation and transport of fatty acids and the generation →

Managing diverse teams

According to Albrecht the realization and acceptance of the cultural diversity within the workplace, and specific to the American labor force, required that the management and leadership of both public and private enterprise should " embrace diversity", failing which may well " jeopardize their viability, profitability and competitiveness" within the business environment To this end →

Critical review of “theology: the basics”

If we are able to begin comprehending Christian Theology and the rudimental knowledge of it, then we can take it with us into more in depth books and discussions about theology, know the importance of it and how vital it is for Christians to actually know what and why they believe specific things The goal →

Socratic irony is a technique philosophy essay

Socrates would pretend to be ignorant of the topic under discussion, to draw out the flaws in the arguments of his opponents. It is a genuine interest in the pursuit of knowledge, and is at the core the driving force of my curiosity.

A sociological movie review

It uses Coca Cola, Pepsi and Nestle to educate the people on dangers of bottled water to the environment. In their advertisements, they convince people how the water is pure and rich.

Bugusa, inc. worksheet essay sample

In this case, Sally may have a successful case against Bugusa, INC.for the negligence and strict liability torts. The strict liability torts is supported by the failure of BUGusa, INC.to issue a recall on the defective product.

The quota system

Details: Due The Quota System The clamor for equity in the participation of both the male and female genders in politics is full of intrigues. Some of the reforms that have led to the increase in the number of females participating in politics include the meritocratic and the affirmative models as well as the structural →

Political socialization

People with a high political socialization tend to discuss political issues that are important to them more than people with very little political socialization. People with higher political socialization tend to follow the action of the police and courts more.

Thirteen reasons why: personal response

Reading this book was a moving and very emotional experience for me, being able to connect and heavily relate to the feelings and emotions of the two main characters helped me to understand every word I was reading. I think the chain of tapes, forcing being sent from one person on the list to the →

A breakdown of the affordable care act

The source explains how the ACA works, what it does for the people, and how the insurance market will work for those utilizing the ACA. Although the ACA is not a law for socialized medicine, it is the closest thing in the United States.

Muddled memory: values and virtues in the loved one

Though Sir Francis has a brief appearance in the novel, he is an admirable character because he is the only character that is self-aware, ethical, sincere, and persistent, despite a problematic society. Because of this, Sir Francis becomes a more noteworthy character because he, therefore, is the only character to reveal genuine human emotion and →

The motive of peace in “the city of god”

The City of God" is a platform for Augustine that he uses to stand for, defend, and proclaim God. The only indestructible, eternal reign is that of God in his heavenly City.

The concept of the term redneck

The redneck word had been referred to as the supporters of the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant which can be also called the " Covenanters". In 1910, the use of the term redneck had been associated to the gradual disenfranchisement of the Southern lower class for both the black and the white.

Bible study paper

In this covenant, God promises the Israelites that He will send them a Messiah. God tells David that he will not be the one to build him a dwelling, but this will be done by one of his descendants.

Presentation on propaganda

In addition, DEFINITION: According to the American Heritage Dictionary propaganda is " The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause" H EFFECTS OF PROPAGANDA." Bad names have played a tremendously powerful role in the history of the world and →

Student loan debt assignment

Without receiving a scholarship or financial aid it is virtually impossible for students to attend college without the Seibel outcome of being drowned in a large amount of student loan debt. Because of the money issue with college, some students do not get to become better educated as well.

Cultural assessment (m4c)

In the present study, which analyzed the breastfeeding practices in Australia and Iran, the duration and exclusive breastfeeding rate varied between the two countries. Despite the high initiation rate for breastfeeding in Australia, the breastfeeding duration and the exclusive breastfeeding rates at 3 and 6 months of age was found to be lower compared to →

Sustainable commercial buildings

Name of the Building and locationSustainability factorsBeddington Zero Energy Development UKBeaufort Court renewable energy center zero emissions buildingKings Langley, UKMEC - Mountain Equipment Co-opMontreal, QuebecTOHU, la Cite des arts du cirque / Circus ArtsMontreal, QuebecGovernment of Canada BuildingYellowknife, Northwest TerritoriesEnergy EfficiencyExtensive insulation used over walls, roofs, and floors; Natural ventilation with heat recovery from roof →

Japanese-american internment camps

It all started during the World War 2, where President Franklin Roosevelt established his order 9066 all across America which quotes, " Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of →

Affirmative action assignment

Government Involvement in Affirmative Action The Government should not continue affirmative action because it is no longer effective in preventing discrimination. It is almost like a retroactive function because the whole purpose of affirmative action was to make it so people of all races would be accepted.

Pepsi’s global brands

In 1998, PepsiCo and Suntory Ltd announced the formation of a strategic sales and marketing alliance in Japan that will combine the brand-building power and operational excellence of Suntory, Japan's second-leading beverage company, with the strength of Pepsi's global brands. The aim of the joint venture is to accelerate localization in the community and increase →

Critically theory of instrumental and integrative motivation

Critically evaluate Gardner and Lambert's theory of instrumental and integrative motivation as a key influencing factor in Second Language Acquisition During the process of studying second language, Gardner and Lambert's theory about instrumental and integrative motivation has a significant impact on different learners. It is necessary that a great deal of research about motivation's effects →

Fitness testing essay

This is because you are running over a long period of time, so you need to rely and your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your working muscles. This test is specific because you are trying to find out the V02 max of a person, and in cycling you are using your aerobic energy →

Course syallbus

Culture is both the norms, values, and rituals that you celebrate and hold dearly, and the one's that you take for granted as " common sense." Culture is a mental map or schema that you use to make sense of the world and your place in it. Instructor Expectations In agreement and in honor of →

Qualitative analysis

The experimental procedures show the identity of the substance but not the amount of the present agents.2. In the first part of the experiment, it has to be shown the different characteristic reaction with the cations and the anions.

Mahatma gandhi assignment

He is officially honoured in India as the Father of the Nation; his birthday, 2 October, is commemorated there as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India.

Popular kids vs. the nerds essay sample

In other words weather you chose one or the other there are always consequences, of course these could be good or bad." The popular boy" This boy is considered the hottest boy in school, the one every girl dreams of, the one every girl would love to be asked to the Prom by. This girl →


Itanalyzes the degree of right and wrong and that the choice that an individual makes on certain actions is the one that has greatest utility. It is the responsibility of citizens to nurture moral philosophy of other people in order to develop strong friendship and engage in social relationship for the good of society.

Nayar of india

Nayar of India of the of the Concerned July 30, Nayar of India Introduction Nayar is the of many upper caste Hindus hailing from the South Indian state of Kerala. The other salient aspects of the Nayar social organization was the prevalence of the social institutions of Talikettualyanam and Sambandam, the two traditional forms of →

Religion: man’s greatest hope… and downfall

Hale begins to doubt the confessions of the accused and the rationality of the court. Luckily, he is able to throw the wool from over his eyes and see this case for what it is; a bunch of teenage girls trying to play God.

More than a veil

More Than a Veil A Feminist Readings of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis Cultural differences have been on the foreground of the ongoing struggle between the United States and Iran since the 1970's. Marjane Satrapi in her biographical novel Persepolis examines Iranian women's roles in the Islamic Revolution, breaks the myth of the oppressing veil, and demonstrates →

Louisia may alccott

The story Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott is about the lives of the four March girls, Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy, living with their mother in New England as their father is away serving as a chaplain in theCivil War. Amy is the youngest who intends to marry formoneyso she would be in the →

Hopeful dystopia

This is what leads to him opposing his society because he knows that he cannot be ignorant like his brothers, and that society is in the wrong. By sticking to his instinct and questioning the government, Billy is a leader, and he is living proof that one can have the option to be doubtful of →

Dual pane case

Decision In order to keep its reputation of a small, quality business, Dual Pane will franchise to individuals in the Massachusetts area. In addition, he will franchise Dual Pane to individuals in the Massachusetts Area.


The most talked about region would be the Redwood Forest which is home to the oldest and largest species of trees, the Redwood. These ancient forests have been manipulated for too long, and now is the time to hear the voices that will have the greatest impact towards the next move to protecting them.

Dual task experiment proposal

Firstly, the controls are advised to seat in the class room and a question paper is given to list out news items and the meaning of the each stanza in the song. Then the song is played for 3 minutes and at the end 5 minutes time is allocated to write the meaning of the →

Students living in hostels or dormitories are more practical than those these living with families

ARSHAD HOSSAIN SECTION: 13 ID: 13101183 SUBMITTED TO: SANJIDA AFRIN KHAN TOPIC " STUDENTS LIVING IN HOSTELS OR DORMITORIES ARE MORE PRACTICAL THAN THOSE THESE LIVING WITH FAMILIES" OUTLINE Introduction: * Topic sentence.* Background Information: Basic information about the students who live in hostels or dormitories; who live with their families.* Thesis statement Body: Reason →

Compromise of 1850 and mexican war

Out of all the reasons- political and not- the four things within those years that strike most as failures of the government are the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Wilmot Proviso of 1848, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, and the Presidential Election of 1860. The primary of the three was that no longer could slave →

Children’s literature

Literature is an art expressing beauty through the medium of language; a recreation through language of human situation and experiences, the orchestration of the manifold but elemental experiences of man blended into harmonious and desired patterns of expressions and a faithful reproduction of life executed in an artistic pattern. The distinction is useful, however, since →

Study on the function of financial intermediaries finance essay

Financial intermediaries try to enhance the products and services which are on the demands of the borrowers and lenders. The activities in secondary market will increase the efficiency of financial intermediaries' process.


Information richness which refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted via a communication media are conveyed through varied degrees. Noise is one of the barriers to communication and hinders the exchange of information between senders and the recipients.

Ethics in hospitality assignment

Therefore, the objective of this research is to review the literature about ethics in the hospitality sector and suggest avenues for future research. Literature Review: Human Resources' Ethical Behavior The hotel industry practitioners ascertain the importance Of developing and implementing ethics in hospitality school programs and hospitality industry ractices.

The cold war and mccarthyism

The paper " The Origins of the Social Movement Red Scare, the Cold War and McCarthyism" is a meaningful example of a term paper on history. For instance, the Red Scare of the 1940s and 1950s came about through fear of radical ideologies emerging from the Soviet Union and around the world.

Health care sector

In any country, the system of healthcare is established in order to fulfill the health needs and requirements of the target population and thus, the exact configuration of this system varies from one country to another. This increasingly negative aspect of the deteriorating management of employee and organization's relationship has caused the health care sector →

Philosophy saul kripke naming and necessity philosophy essay

Kripke wants to demonstrate that if one believes in the identity of mental- and brain states, one needs to accept the theory's full consequence, namely that there cannot be brain states which are not mental states or vice versa. It is very difficult to defeat because its core structure is logically sound: If it is: →

Reliance industries limited

The company being biggest producer of polyester yarn and fibre in the world and enjoying leadership in their business around the world and it is among top ten producers in the products of petro-chemical. So vision of the company is consistently revised and is aimed for higher and higher goals to be achieved by the →

Valentino case study

The computer will be used for study reasons and also to watch films, due to having a budget to maintain I felt it would have been expensive to put together a computer for multimedia and gaming purposes. I will specify the components for the computer system which I will acquire a base unit and all →

General electric medical systems – global product company concept essay sample

By entering the market at this stage a company is able to learn the local culture and find the needs of the customers. There are many pros and cons of the Chinese market." Hospitals' reputations came to be based on the ownership of high-end equipment", which shows that there is potential for sales of high-end →

Family support in the community

Family support in the Community Kwanzaa is celebrated by African Americans, and is a cultural and ethnic celebration. Thus, Kwanzaa is a celebration which brings the African community together to celebrate their values, culture and traditions.

Philosophical views comparison

This period of time was some three centuries after the first Olympic Games and the start of alphabetic writing, and approximately one century before Alexander the Great demonstrated that it is possible to conquer the world or what passed for it then. Love is that which seeks to possess the beautiful and to recreate in →

Urban sociology-map project

Urban Sociology-Map Project In most cases, the richest people live in areas where the standards of living are higher than in the areas where the poor people live. In New York, the richest people live in Upper East Side; this is an area that has high household income compared to other areas.

Rac by: shandwick

RAC engineers can inspect a used car anywhere in the country, they do not need the potential buyer to even be present, they can come to vendor's places of work or their homes; the only proviso is that the vehicle is on level-ground for the inspection. We had a number of issues with the old →

The dire wolf

This paper traces the way that the dire wolf has been represented in myths and legends of the past, and also in the stories, films and computer video games of the modern world. In American fiction the wolf is likewise a creature of mystery and power, and the dire wolf is the most fearful imaginable →

Boat of ethics assignment

While Hardin's solutions to the interconnected global environment, economic and population problems are harsh and potentially immoral, Hardin convinced me they are the only solutions to a growing global issue. Hardin poses the unethical question of who gets to be in the lifeboat if the amount of people outside the boat exceeds the amount of →

A role of tecnology in 1984

Still, this is far different to 1984 society, where the government was invading the privacy of people and using the media as a way to control them. The " telescreen" is a ubiquitous symbol of the government's omniscient presence in the lives of its citizen.

Happiness and aquinas’s philosophy

In Aquinas' Summa Theologica, he defines man to be made in the image of God, man's end to be perfect happiness, which may only be attained by seeing God, and asserts the Divine law's role in the attainment of perfect happiness. Much like Aristotle, Aquinas believes a man is the composition of the body and →

Schindler’s list: an analysis

But these elements are all necessary to show the realism, brutality and the extent of emotions that the Jews felt during the time that they were being executed by the Germans. Also, on the part of the viewers, it heightened the sinister feeling of the acts of brutality.

Cultural diversity: placement in old people’s home essay

The placement gave an insight into the necessities of the existence of care homes, as to balance a full life cycle of some aged people and meet up to their human rights needs. The residents were all friendly and wanted to know if I was a new employee for the home.

Sonney blues essay sample

The events of the story focus on the building of understanding between Sonny and his older brother, the narrator. Even though the story focuses on Sonny's life, I understand his brother's reactions to and about Sonny's actions broaden the scope of the story to include the brother's life as well.

Editorial: development of executive function during childhood

The Editorial on the Research Topic Development of Executive Function during Childhood Executive function is one of the most rapidly expanding research fields in the developmental and cognitive sciences. One of the most important foci in research on EF is the relation of EF development to school readiness and academic achievement.

A strange case of self-assertion in vonnegut’s novel

Instead of actually persuading the reader to truly believe in the idea of fatalism and giving up free will, Vonnegut hoped to incite the reader to resist fatalism and consider profoundly what free will means. It is their belief in fatalism that causes the end of the universe, yet they use the excuse " the →

Donald trump in the united states

However horrible of a person Trump has proven himself to be, he has managed to get a sizable amount accomplished in his year and a half of holding office. Trump has proven that he is not afraid to meet with the harshest of leaders around the world.

Selecting a stock

The company is one of the world's premier manufacturers of consumer health products, medical diagnostics and devices and biologics. In addition, the company has a tally of five years of positive earnings and positive cash flow over the last five years.


Andrew Clements shows this theme, by writing the part when Bobby is accepting that he has a weird life and that's how it's going to be. Bobby is a strong kid, and he's ready to face the challenges in his life.

Contributions of modern society

One of the main achievements of the 12th and 13th centuries was to determine the engineering expertise of the ridged vault, pointed arch and help to give a famous cathedral that is at once sophisticated than the ones before. What makes possible the extended use of ridged vaulting and pointed arches to open and revitalize →

Table comparing two computer systems

System 2 need better and faster processor that's why I choose Intel Core i7 which has 3.5GHz. 99 Memory in system 1 has 4 GB but system 2 need much more RAM that is why it has 8 times 4GB.

Introduction difficult to obtain oil and gas,

The struggle for energy ownership, control, and power among the rich states in the world is currently intensive. S comes second in production but the highest in terms of consumption and China is the second highest consumer of energy after the U.S.

Social writer. the way of how the reader

To succeed in writing a resume, a person has to take such factors like time and environment into consideration: what has to be underlined first of all, what features may attract the reader, and why it is necessary to focus on writing a resume. The audience for the resume is the employer who has to →

Why colleges shower their students with a’s essay

If It's Not Broken, Do not Fix It Not just " Americans", but " consumers" the concept of consumerism has rapidly increased over the past decades in America, and has nearly pervaded all areas of life from the professional workplace, to the personal home, all the way to your child's classrooms. His proposed solution would →

Mary celeste

The Mary Celeste is a ship was discovered atlantic ocean unmanned and apparently abandoned and she was fine and the people and it remain a mystery. It seems reasonable to suggest that in order to take a break from the pounding sea, the captain gave the order to sail to the lee side of Santa →

Arts impact on society

In the time of the Renaissance, for example, only a select few were " society." They commissioned art, were patrons of the arts and their artists. The portraits of theFrench Revolutionby David, Benjamin West's portrayal of the death of General Wolfe and Poussin's recreation of the Rape of the Sabine Women all strive to provide →

Relationship between interest rates and price of bond assignment

Thus, the income effect of a rise in money supply is an increase in interest rates due to an increase in income and wealth. Thus, the price-level effect from the increase of government deficit, from an increase in money supply, is an increase in interest rates.

Lean leadership

First element of standard work is the " what", that is defining the task to be performed. Standard work also includes the expected time to complete a task or group of tasks.

The decline of the dutch republic in 1650 to 1713 assignment

The Decline of the Dutch Republic in 1650 to 1713 The Dutch Republic, in 1650, was an intimidating power; the Dutch Republic boasted dominant commercial, financial, and naval power. The national debt in 1688 was a result of the war against England and France and the Dutch Republic never recovered due to the wars the →

The shawshank redemption essay sample

In the start of the scene that I am studying ' the warden' is talking to all of the convicts and informing them that there is a job that involves outdoor detail and Red bribes the guards into selecting certain people. On the other hand you have Hadley, a man that is meant to be →

Writing and informal letter

SUB: ENGLISH TOPIC: INFORMAL LETTER WRITINGIntroduction to Informal Letter Format * Informal letter may be written to your friends, parents, relatives and to anybody who are close to you.* This type of letter does not demand for any dashing words to impress the recipient.* Informal letter is written to communicate feelings, facts or desires to →

Political authority

What weaknesses is there to the Platonic view that authority to rule comes from knowledge of the Good? That there needs to be a mixture in order for it to be Divine bond: bond between the souls the goal of everybody, the education on the good.

Delegation of authority

The concept of delegation of power is not assumed to be the best approach in performing managerial functions in organizations. Another weakness of delegation of authority is that it is challenging to the managers.

Hypocrisy: when the unacceptable becomes unavoidable

Because of this, Honors students, from the valedictorian to the bottom end of the top ranks, at some point are faced with the choice between ethics and the easy route. It's all about finding a balance, and until we do, " Honors" students will have to settle for hypocrisy.

Nestle’: the infant formula incident essay sample

Nestle products had nothing to do with the issue; it was the mothers that was contaminating the product that made everything a catastrophe. Nestle failed to encourage the local people the use of these products and basically understanding the nutrition and sanitation needed for these product.