4 Pages Essay Samples

A world lit only by fire

Men of the church were blind by the power the Holy See gave them, and by the name of that same church, the one that was supposed to protect the interest of all the faithful Christian, was the one that cause thousands of innocent deaths. Manchester goes more deeply in the corruption of the church →

The need to study different subjects essay example

The quote " Science is everywhere" denotes at first that science is found in every aspect of life which is very important when it comes to continuously learning the subject even if it is not required in the chosen field. An example to this particular claim that science is found in all subjects is in →

Research into youth gang culture criminology essay

Key areas in this research were the analysis of different theories of youth gangs, the use of different subcultural concept in order to explain the emergence of youth gangs & the impact of the press in changing public perception and government reaction, as the effect this has on official statistic. Hallsworth &Young [2008] stated the →

The in any matter regarding the constitution. subordinate

The political structure of the Kingdom of Bhutan is a ConstitutionalMonarchy consisting of three branches; Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The Prime Minister oversees the Council of Ministers whosemembers are nominated by the King and approved by the National Assembly.

Paraphrasing a passage

Edna has a " quadroon nurse" who is looked upon as a " huge encumbrance" by Edna's children because it is the nurse who performs the duties of making sure the children look presentable. In order to create the sense of unimportance in the nurse's role, there is little description about her role as a →

Mass nationalism assignment

Mass Nationalism Mass nationalism is the idea of spreading the spirit of nationalism of a particular country to the masses, in contrast to how it was in the past in some countries, when nationalism was only popular in the circles of the elite, the literate. Mass nationalism flourished in this period because of a lot →

The poem stopping by woods on a snowy evening

Also there is a sense of darkness in the poem, such as in the darkest evening of the year and The woods are lovely, dark and deep. And the fact that the poem takes place in the isolated woods, there is a certain quality of peacefulness and stillness being portrayed as in the frozen lake →

Early days, but apple pay struggles outside u.s. essay

The service is available in six countries and among a limited range of banks, though in recent weeks Apple has added four banks to its sole Singapore partner American Express; Australia and New Zealand Banking Group in Australia; and Canada's five big banks. Anecdotal evidence from Britain, China and Australia suggests Apple Pay is popular →

The influence of bad parenting or the lack of parents in the outsiders, a novel by s. e. hinton

Although this judgment may have seemed harsh at the beginning of the book, that is exactly what Johnny was, and the quote proves the point that the reason he found himself in a gang was because of him being " kicked around too much" by his parents. His parents never even showed a watching or →

Battered child syndrome symptoms and treatments

There is usually a delay in bring the abused child to the emergency room and implausible explanations of the child's injuries. Treatment of Battered Child Syndrome depends on the type of abuse and the injuries that have occurred.

Language, gender, and culture essay essay sample

You can see that language, gender, and culture does relate to power because men's have more power than women's, the way you speak, your education, income, and many more. Lorde illustrates that you should break your silence and feel the power of language, " And, of course, I am afraid you could hear it my →


This paper will analyze the issue of crime and sociological factors associated with this issue, mainly focusing on the correlation between crime and its depiction and relationship to sociological factors. Crimes are divided into various categories which revolve around the age of the offender, severity of the crime committed, and probable punishment.

Classroom approaches to a biting child

Enrique and Regina's parents need to work together as a team to get to the bottom of Regina's biting behaviors. A way for Enrique to work with Regina is to direct the child in a small play project, by doing this he will be giving her attention and maybe she may verbalize what is bothering →

To my dear and loving husband essay

So the title then points to both the speaker's feeling and her husband's feelings, and illustrates in miniature what the poem claims: that the speaker and her husband are very deeply in love. The subject of Anne Bradstreet's poem is her professed love for her husband.

The lottery ticket essay

He immediately phoned all his friends yelling down the phone that he had won twenty million pounds on the lottery and that he was making a party to celebrate on Sunday evening. He asked his wife why she did it, and she explained to him that she felt that he was treating her a bit →

International market operations: ikea case study

The business had gain massive success in the domestic market for the since opening and the key to Its achievements Is Samara's leadership, He not only had the vision for he furniture Industry, market's situation, and enthusiasm for business, but Kampala also played an important role in managing the company's resources, turned it into capabilities →

Blenz coffee case study

The founders of BLEND COFFEE are Brian Noble, Sarah Omen and Geoffrey Hair, each bringing his own personal strengths and combined bringing a wealth of business experience to BLEND COFFEE. The success of BLEND COFFEE'S first store and the founders' commitment to education and standards made franchising a natural choice.

Case study of apple company

The Company's goal for Its executive compensation program Is to attract and retain a talented, entrepreneurial and creative team of executives who will provide leadership for the Company's success In dynamic, competitive markets. The Compensation Committee oversees the executive compensation program and determines the compensation for the Company's executive officers.

Life changer

When I realized that I had made a mistake in coming home after two weeks, instead of moping around my house and wishing I were still at camp, I recognized that I could be. However, I am able to do this through the motivation and support of my teammates.

Self-referential rhetoric in goethe’s faust essay

This is ironically similar to Faust's own situation and though he is a master of many subjects he has begun exploring the occult in an attempt to satisfy his soul. Faust, an apparent master of rhetoric and also a teacher to Wagner, speaks such that his words reflect his lessons, and thusly, the rhetoric is →

Manufacturer end-customer relations

Hence, the manufacturer is the individual that is mandated with the production of either goods or services that are required by the end-customer. In inertia, the supply of goods that is done effectively contributes to the satisfaction of the customer through the provision of goods that the customer feels and believes are of the best →

Gender stereotypes influence perception of and attitude towards characters

In Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones, the patriarchally assigned binary gender traits are challenged through the dichotomy of Raleigh's soft-hearted nature and Gwendolyn's intense independence in order to provide commentary on the notion of binary gender. Raleigh allows that to happen, giving up on that love and allowing Gwendolyn to be with the man she →

Defining family

" The concept of 'family' seems simple to many people, but its abounding in subtleties of meaning that involve concepts that are related to but not the same, including the definition of marriage, the meaning of family life, gender roles, relationships, households, sexuality, children, and dependents. Family and the legal definition of it are under →

The 4th crusade

Cause of ConflictThe cause of the conflict and anger which felled the Fourth Crusade to act against the will of Pope Innocent III was because of political and financial failures. Through Pope Innocent III reign in the papacy the major aspect reports on the crusading effort of retrieving the holy city Jerusalem from the control →

Kotler marketing management solutions to chapter assignment

Another way to get the word out and extend the reach Of a brand is to reward customers Who bring their friends to Nordstrom. They have the chance to talk about it at home and feel as a part of the company.

Case study for sheng song essay

Technology Due to the speed of technology, Sheng Siong uses the EDI system to keep track of everyday sales and alias with their contractors to replenish their daily stocks. Priorities In Singapore, there are many competitors in the markets; Sheng Siong must have their priorities on the cost of the items, quality and freshness, the →

Philosophy of education in technology education essay

Teaching is a noble and highly rewarding profession in which one is able to directly affect and make positive change in the lives of others; I cannot think of a better way to contribute to the betterment of society. I believe students achieve academic success by fully engaging in the process, making a personal connection →

One hour and forty-two minutes

During this flight, the attackers had overpowered the captain and first officer, and stabbed flight attendants Karen Martin and Barbara Arestegui, as well as slashing the throat of a passenger named Daniel Lewin, who was believed to be the first fatality that day. The last plane to be hijacked was United Airlines Flight 93.

Cysticercosis in some cases trembling, twitching, mouth and

Thelodgment and development of cysts in muscles and various visceral organs of pigproduces a series of inflammatory pathology. Materials and MethodsCollection of Taenia solium cysts A total of 1000 pigs comprising of 843 from Mumbai and 157 fromNagpur region of Maharashtra, India were examined after slaughter for presenceof metacestodesof Taenia solium.

Computer crimes: identity theft/fraud essay sample

There is always a possibility that your stolen identity can be linked to fraudulent act by the unidentified user. Aside from the previous steps this is also very important to follow through with them and to have your documents ready.

The process of changing a flat tire

The replacement tire is nearly habitually established below the floor mat in the trunk. Robert has discovered the replacement tire, and Robert likes to eliminate it from the car.

China’s labour challenges

This relocation of labor from rural areas has helped Chinese industries with abundant and cheap labor and made smooth progress in the rapid growth of very labor-intensive manufacturing companies are concentrated along Chinese coastline mainly in the Guangdong, province. This is happening because the number of unskilled labor market in china is reducing as the →

Internal rate of return

The management of the AIR must be just when the project generates no Interim cash flows - or when those Interim cash flows really can be invested in real AIR otherwise would not be realistically analyzing the viability of the project, and this is not what you want if you really are expecting to thrive →

Why americans began moving west

Americans began to move to the West immediately after the American civil war, a practice that was supported by the government of the day though most of the native Indians in these areas were not for that idea. It was also used to refer to the geographical region, people and the cultural practices of the →

Research questions about education

In The Essay " The Third Bank of The River" Why does the Narrator's Father Had To Leave HisFamily? In The Third Bank of The River the mother's reaction showed that she was very upset with the father's idea to build a canoe.

Technology and its effects on children

Today, children's sense of those relationships is altered due to the fact that they are becoming less and less interested in family and instead more and more intrigued with media. Every second a child Is watching television or fiddling with an pad is a second that should have been spent learning how to ride a →

Marketing assignment

This essay will outline the concept of positioning deployed by Beats Electronics in terms of the company and it's strategy, the reasons behind the application of positioning and the impact of positioning on business. A major marketing concept derived from the success and sophistication of Beats Electronics in the market for personal audio electronics is →

Gloria jimenez essay sample

The reason Jimenez wrote this essay is to support her thesis, " State legislators who genuinely have the interests of their constituents at heart will not pass bills that put the state into the lottery business and that cause the state to engage in an activity that is close to pickpocketing".. Jimenez knows that playing →

African american media

Speaking about new in the definition of " new racism" in the 'The Past is ever present,' Chapter 2 in Black Sexual Politics by Patricia Hill Collins, we must mention that it's not the new aspects of racism we are going to talk about. The thing the writer did is even more important then this →

Women, pop art and feminism

With the backdrop of the women's right movement, female artists began to express social themes linked to feminism and femininity vis-a-vis the aesthetic of pop art of the 1960's. My Heart Belongs to Marcel" appropriates the simple image of the heart, and complicates it with a web of materials.

Macroeconomics closing a recessionary gap assignment

This will result in a lowering of the market rates and thus spruce up investment in the economy? This will increase investment and a shift in Aggregate demand curve to the right thereby closing the recession gap?

Analysis of the setting in endgame

As if the bare stage was not enough to indicate that we are not witnessing real life, Clov looks to the auditorium and mentions seeing the audience." A multitude...in transports...of joy". It was a world that was on a stage but it was not familiar to the theatergoers of the fifties.

American presidential elections in 2012

At the time, the presidential candidates were Barrack Obama for the Democratic Party, and Mitt Romney for the Republican Party. Another lesson is the influence of the social media and the internet in determining the direction of the elections.

Sat vocab questions essay sample

The simple and direct images in Dorothea Lange's photographs provide - reflection of a bygone social milieu.an intricate a candid an ostentatious a fictional a convoluted 2. Evidence that the universe is expanding - our perception of the cosmos and thus caused a - in astronomical thinking.advanced.setback altered.revolution contradicted.truce reinforced.crisis halted.breakthrough 10.

A street car named desire essay sample

We get a sense of this when Stella tells Stanley to " Hush! " And also when she says " Not sold lost, lost! " The one syllable takes us back to the beginning of the play when Stella and Stanley had their monosyllabic exchange of meat, and reminds us of how Stanley pushed her →

Tourism in belize

In 2007 alone, the sector contributed to about 20% of the country's GDP and over 26% of the country's jobs. The government of Belize controls most of the tourism industry in the country through the ministry of tourism.

What is a class diagram?

Place the name of the class in the first partition, list the attributes in the second partition, and write operations into the third. In other words, the child class is a specific type of the parent class.

City of york council

Company: Direct CreditCustomer: City Of York CouncilSubmitted by: Manning, Selvage and LeeCity of York Council is one of the group of Unitary Authorities which came into being in April 1996; assuming responsibility for most of the services formerly provided by Ryedale, Selby, York City, Harrogate and North Yorkshire County Council. Once the decision was made →

Perseus: symbol of ethical values. assignment

The myth of Peruses shows that he acts within the social and ethical boundaries of ancient times, that are similar to the values of today's society. The fact that he seeks retribution for this moral crime shows that Peruses is a model of ethic and moral values of ancient Greece and today's society.

Teaching is no longer a vocation essay

The offer of 6, 000 for each person completing a post-graduate certificate of education is certainly one reason, as is the virtual guarantee of being able to find a job at the end of it. The lack of commitment to teaching today relates to the way the profession is associated as just a career among →

Tanglewood case study

Sales associates are the face of the company to the customer and special provisions need to be taken to insure that the employee knows that theirhard workis integral to Tanglewood's success. Special effort should be used to target the specific demographics Tanglewood needs for its diversity, additional recruiting and job fairs held in demographic regions →

The short cut home

He thought to himself that he should take the shortcut home as he was late. As he reached nearer and nearer to the house, he felt his neck tingle.

The fourteen points of woodrow wilson

2 April The Fourteen Points of Woodrow Wilson The final period of WW I brought to understanding of the majority of its participants the simple fact that the War was effectively lost by the Central Powers. President Woodrow Wilson to ponder the problems of post-War settlement that might arise as the result of the Allied →

Rights of chinese officials

The amount of peaceful protesters murdered will never be known, as for the event is not acknowledged by the government. The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool".

The fault in our stars the heroic irony assignment

One of the fascinating themes about Green's novel is the juxtaposition of the heroic roles in The Fault In Our Stars between those with cancer and those without, who a re trying to provide assistance for the cancer patients. Although most believe that those burden d with a serious illness are unable to save themselves →

Chariots and their impact on civilization

Since horses originated from this area, and the invention of the wheel was introduced around 3100 BCE, the Eurasian Steppes were an ideal location to begin implementing the use of chariots. The first civilizations to have chariots were at a major advantage to civilizations that did not have chariots.

A detailed review of lost dog, a budweiser commercial during the super bowl in 2015

The description will include why the advertisement is effective in persuasion because of the story-like plot, the emotions it raises, and the targeted audience. The " Lost Dog" commercial for Budweiser is an advertisement effective in persuasion because of the story-like plot, the emotions it raises, and the targeted audience.

Why hope if there’s none?

Except for the beginning, the readers travel through the same journey of discovery, excitement, and then the steady erosion of hope as the students of Hailsham learn of their fate. Furthermore, in the beginning of the novel, the readers are unaware that the characters are clones, and Hailsham is represented as a pleasant place just →

Effects of physical attractiveness on intimate relationships

Other than that, there is another study that reported a positive relationship between physical attractiveness and relationship satisfaction. It is reported that individuals who are involved in a relationship have a tendency to perceive the opposite-sex people as less physically attractive.

Importance of understanding biological basis of behaviour

In the biological approach, behaviour is as result of neurological, genetic and physiological processes. From a biological perspective, there is great emphasis of the role of genetic factors in shaping behaviour.

As can wash and prepare meals within

However, although modern conveniences and technological innovations have some negative effects, the benefits of such conveniences and innovations overshadow such effects; hence, modern conveniences and technological developments have greatly improved the quality of life; hence, a blessing. Modern conveniences and technological developments are the backbone of any society, as it hard to survive without these →

Current trends in adaptive hardware/software for handicapped students:

It is in this direction that laws have been in place for such physically and mentally challenged students This essay is to briefly describe the various aspects of the needs of such handicapped students and the laws to assist them Identifying the particular needs of ESE students and the electronic tools available to address these →

Theory and hypothesis in

The fundamental difference between the hypothesis and theory is that the hypothesis tries to explain some fact by tentatively giving some explanation or justification of it without subjecting it to any rigorous test, whereas the postulates of the hypothesis after being rigorously tested begin to assume the form of a theory. So the theory says →

Cupcake business

To enable my business to prosper I have the notion of implementing special offers, which introduces the business to the customer. The decisions about the recipes are made by me and the chef, but I have the final word.

Editorial: systems biology and the challenge of deciphering the metabolic mechanisms underlying cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Systems Biology and the challenge of deciphering the metabolic mechanisms underlying cancer Cancer is one of the major causes of mortality worldwide. One of the challenges in studying a disease as diverse as cancer is the integration of novel large-scale data in order to increase our understanding of the etiology →

“a portrait of the artist as a young man” — significance of the title

The theme of this novel concerns the development of the artist from that point in his life when he becomes conscious of the world around him, to the time when he reaches manhood, and sets off in pursuit of the goal which he has identified for himself in the course of the book. The choice →

The truman doctrine assignment

Truman had to convince congress that a crisis in two far away countries would threaten the security of the United States, and that four hundred million dollars was needed to save Greece and Turkey. The beginning of the Truman Doctrine, President Truman began to outline the situation in Greece.

Reaction about psycho movie assignment

Blood! " He runs to the motel, where he finds the corpse; he presumes his mother killed Marion, so he tries to erase all traces of the crime to protect her. At the house, in an unseen conversation, Norman confronts his mother and urges her to hide in the fruit cellar, saying that more people →

Categories of computer crime

The misuse of the computer may involve the falsification of computer signatures through unauthorized codes; the creation of false bank accounts; theft of personal information and misuse of the stolen information; the virus infection created on computers that can hamper the proper software operations and damage records. Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 →

Visual analysis of the marble statue of aphrodite essay

However.some of the characteristics losing in this version include the weaponries.upper portion of the support.and the intervening extent of the legs. The usage of marble links the sculpture to the glow and softness of the female tegument.

Mis final

The physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information.d. The data and information stored on a computer.c.

People and set free andromeda withheld by the

With the protection of Hermes and Athena, Perseus went ahead and beheaded Gorgon Medusa and took her head to the king of the island. The Myth of Perseus and Medusa.

The morality and mortality of the american dreamer

Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby It is so often that the American Dream is referenced; one might believe that it could not possibly be the dream of just one nation, but that of the world. The dream of creating something from nothing; the possibility that rags can be turned to riches and the beggar can →

Nature & nurture

Today, it is commonly accepted that most aspects of a child's development are a product of the interaction of both nurture and nature. The issue of nature having a great impact on a child's development can be illustrated in the studies of twins.

Compare, contrast, analyze metaphors essay sample

According to this, there is a point in time when a person just stops acquiring new skills or knowledge because they become too old to do so. The reason why old people sometimes fail to learn is because they harbor the attitude that they never will.

Being elmo character study

Kind hearted Compassionate Passionate with what he loves doing When he was young he made his first puppet out of his dad's trench coat due to his amazement with puppet shows as a kid like captain kangaroo Creative Imaginative Innovative Resourceful Made several puppets during high school and a couple more as the years go →

The second danger is for the people of alabama

One is tiring of the work just as the blonde girl in the old joke, who swims half-way across a lake, declares she is too tired to make it all the way, and then swims back to the side she started on. Yet, while the Alabama legislature tried to rid the state of free blacks, →

Paul’s case critical paper

In ' Paul's Case' yellow refers to the ugliness, lies and fears in his life, blue indicates his dream world, red represents his desire to see himself differently, and purple pulses with luxury, royalty and prosperity in Paul's new life. Basically he only lies to impress his peers, to escape to and from the theater, →

Motor city: the road to a better future

The media has exposed Detroit to the public as a city consumed by criminal activity. In the BuzzFeed Article Why I bought a House in Detroit for $500, journalist Drew Philip shares his reasoning and hope for the future of the city.


The Declaration of Independence grants each citizen " the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". According to " The Coming Revolution in Airbag Technology", a study written by Byron Bloch for the US government on auto safety designs, the government and the auto makers were very well aware of the issues involving →

Piled high: the mountains of homework

By the end of the school day, the amount of homework given is piled high, essentially burying the students. Although there are many opinions on the matter, it is hard to overlook the negative effect on students' health, the issues homework brings up in the home, and how little homework is helping.

Informal speech outline

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made history on April 12, 1961 when he became both the first person in the world to enter space and the first person to orbit the Earth. Thesis: Gagarin was to be the very first man being in space.

Wind energy as an alternative to oil for energy production

While renewables disrupt the grid's operation in a number of ways, it is not impossible to compensate for the additional intermittency and uncertainty. The key is to have a mix of sources spread over a wide area: solar and wind power, biogas, biomass and geothermal sources.

Should women take the front line in combat essay sample

When their enthusiasm and inspiration is not less that that of man, instead they become more deadly and cruel in comparison to man at the time of requirement in the battlefield and also the biological structure of brain shows that they are more capable of getting more anger and energies when the crucial time comes →

Misunderstanding on karl marxs works and ideologies

It is the aim of this paper to study how Marx's theories and the reactions towards it are commonly applicable to minor life's details. The commentary on Marx is relevant to the Celtics game in terms of critics, interpretations, debates and its supporters.

Margaret floy washburn essay

She entered high school at the age of twelve and graduated in June of 1886 at the age of fifteen. She was offered and took an assistant professorship in full charge of psychology at the University of Cincinnati where she was the only woman of professorial rank on the faculty".

St thomas aquinas

Truth, Aquinas claims, is the end or purpose of the universe due to the fact that the end of the universe is an intellect, and truth is the good of the intellect. Thus, it can be derived that everything is produced through the will of an agent which he writes, ' is directed to an →

Examining “progress” in the euthyphro dialogue

Socrates and Euthyphro do not come up with a clear definition on piety by the end of the Euthyphro, but this does not entail a lack of progress entirely, as a conclusion is not inherently fruitful, nor is it Socrates' style to settle for any conclusion unless it contains thoroughly well-examined knowledge. Generalizing " what →

Titanic vs. the great gatsby

Titanic One of the most romantic and at the same time disastrous movie in the history is Titanic. The tragic ending of the movie consists in losing each other because of the sinking of Titanic.

Business research-second cup

The reasons why Starbucks do not franchise is because the franchisees may not be able to maintain the highest standards of quality and service which forms the bulwark of Starbucks' reputation. Over the years, the efforts of Starbucks have endured itself to the consumers, in most countries and it is regarded as a global brand.

Current issues and future perspectives of nursing workloads

Interestingly, according to the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety model of work system and patient safety, a heavy workload can influence a direct effect on the quality and safety of patient care because of lack of time, job dissatisfaction, nursing stress and burn out, nursing errors, violations, and systemic or organizational impact. Nursing workload →

Essay on strategic management

This represents more than just a set of hedging actions".[2] " The strength of Microsoft's competitive advantage can be measured by looking at the ratio of added value to the firm's gross or net output. It achieved this with only $450 million of labor and capital, representing a cost of 41 cents per $1 of →

Self assessment and reflection paper essay sample

I really thought that I was a visual learner and that I had to see everything, I found that not to be true. I wanted to know what characteristics that I have with auditory learning style because I really thought that I was a kinetic/tactic learner.

Meanings of concepts

In other words the feed backs or the responses on the apparent variables are the consequence of an individuals pose on the latent variable.4. Population: A population refers to a set of variables collected or data collected for the complete set of objects of analysis.