4 Pages Essay Samples

Sentimental types, social reform and sentimentalism in uncle toms cabin

Clare, a Christian who silently rejects slavery, and by the death of Eva, in order to evoke an emotional response from her readers, and show that Christian love can overpower the evil that has come from slavery. Clare recognizes that slavery is inherently evil and unjust, he is not quite ready to admit he is β†’

Frost’s use of imagery, symbolism and metaphors

The imagery in The Road Not Taken contributes to the importance of making decisions and its effect on life because without the vivid forest description used it would not make sense why choosing a path was so hard. As said before, the symbolism in The Road Not Taken contributes to the importance of making decisions β†’

The dow chemical company

The companys objectives are: The main objective of the Dow is to be world's leader in chemicals and plastic manufacturing. The company analyse the new updated market opportunities and new technologies.the new strategy of Dow is to develop a competition in the selected markets.

Solenoid investigation essay sample

Moment of a force = force x perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force. 2 The principle of moments is used to find attractive force between the magnet and the solenoid.

Hayslett college essay

For this assignment I will give my perspective of the case, discuss what the employees can do to better understand the perspectives of each other and their boss, and make a few recommendations about what their leader can do to help them work together. It is okay to ask questions and learn as the leader.

Peer gynt

Peer Gynt Response Paper The story of " Peer Gynt" helps explore the state of mind of the self throughout the adventures of Peer Gynt, it also projects the human soul beyond the limits of time. However, the presence of figures such as the trolls, the Boyg and sphinx illustrates that the play is also β†’

The growth in the chinese automobile industry economics essay

The increase in competition from the entrance of new car manufacturers in addition to the decline in government restrictions coincided with the guidelines laid out for China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001. A research upon China automobile market has been done to illustrate the statement, which clearly identifies the role of prices β†’

Editorial: fractional calculus and its applications in physics

The authors proved that the dynamics of the individual is obtained by using the theory of subordination to be a tempered fractional differential equation. The authors reported the exact solution of fractional differential equation in the form of Mittag Leffler function and computed the numerical results.

Case treatment plan

It is essential that the client's treatment plan is specific to the individual and is appropriate and relational to the eeds of the client to assist in the client's aid. Nurture is categorized as the environmental surrounds and aspects that an individual is exposed to that can help shape the individual's development.

Unit 206 help improve own and team practice

I will also be describing why it is important to be respectful of the skills and expertise that others can bring to the team.A.c 2: Describe the importance of continuing professional development It is important to continue your professional development throughout your career or chosen profession, as this will help your knowledge to grow and β†’

Confidential assessment and treatment plan assignment

As I started on this path, I was confident in my abilities to excel as a counselor, however, somewhere along the way I lost motivation and confidence in myself. I have always been aware of the thoughts in my head but to actually write them down and to discuss it is embarrassing.

Designer babies

The ability to customize the things exactly the way we want Is a luxury that has become quite common In today's world. Thesis: Today I will be discussing the research that and me is conducting, I will then also share some of the other research that can stem from the current work they are doing, β†’

Animal eating essay sample

Moreover, the storyline of the movie then shifts to the present day, showing the confinement houses and the feedlots, through the farmers eyes who work and live in America. The purpose of the movie was to highlight the revolution taking place in the animal husbandry in America, and the daily solutions that people can make β†’

White house unbutton formal dress code ( yahoo company)

The distinctions made in the article between Bush and Obama illustrates the strict formal working environment during the former administration compared to the loose and casual observance in the new presidency. The members assimilate to what is expected of them and on how they conduct themselves The atmosphere of casualness in the current White House β†’

Instinct and circumstance

Still, it is impossible to live in the I-Thou mode constantly, for it is being only in the present and paying attention only to the present. For the man in I-Thou it is all a part of one living dialog.

Jack dawkins by terry ward

He goes as far as to threaten the magistrates, warning that he would not show them a half-penny worth of mercy as his, " attorney is a-breakfasting this morning with the wice-president of the House of Commons..". Brownlow in the original, and I am happy to report that even in Jack's story and version of β†’

Social issues identification in sylvia plath’s the bell jar

In his article, The Dynamics of Schizophrenic Reactions Related to Pregnancy and Childbirth, which was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, Zilboorg began with a two-page survey of women's susceptibility to mental illness at the time of childbirth: The woman living unconsciously as a male and wanting to be male, submits to social demands β†’

Swot analysis bang and olufsen

With these, it has its eyes and focus on the fashion sensitive customers who seek the trendiest appliances in the market and of excellent quality. Additionally, the design and quality of the products is the core of everything at Bang and Olufsen.

Structure and function of a serine protease

In this essay I will be reviewing the structure and function of a serine protease known as subtilisin and I will analyze the different techniques used by different researchers to define the structure or functions of Subtilisin. The longest helix contains a number of residues such as Ala 223 to Histidine 238 which runs all β†’

I would like you to distinguish between the four of the five major sentencing philosophies

Sentencing Philosophies Retribution Philosophy Purpose Although it is not similar to revenge, the main purpose behind the retribution philosophy is ensuring that all crime offenders receive punishment that is equal to the crime that they committed. Maki, Dennis R.& Vilia M.

Exam study guide

The authority to investigate and punish violations of Texas ethics laws is granted to the Texas ethics commission To understand the operations the Texas legislature, one must understand the power of the Correct Answer: c.lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house. The political power of the Texas Lieutenant governor is largely based on Correct β†’

Organ donation: the people right or ought to the government make a law

If the donor is dead, however his or her organs may want to save people's life must the government determine to transplant the organ to the person who wished the organ or the parent. Organ and tissue donation is also beneficial in imparting people with clinical know-how human beings donate their our bodies for scientific β†’

Psychoanalytic, jungian, and individual psychology theories

These classical models are not extensively used in today's contemporary counseling practices and agencies however, they laid the foundation for the profession of psychology and the practice of psychotherapy as we know it today and their influences on counseling is still prevalent. The ego is the organized and realistic part of the personality.

Cheat sheet for biological oceanography midterm assignment

Microbial loop is: DOM-; bacteria-; virus-; DOM 4 ways material is transferred? dissolved organic material; Grazing food chain; Microbial Loop and POC ) When we talk about biological pump, we mean CO2 pump: -All CO2 is used up by phytoplankton-unused dissolved organic material sinks to the bottom and there is a decrease in CO2 in β†’

Tom-boyish lesbian seldom date

In addition, girls have penis envy, so girls may tends to admire the power that fathers have and through pretend like a boy to offset the penis envy. Reference Coon, D, & Mitterer, J.O.

Psychology and health problems

The multifunctional model can be used in aiding diagnosis as the factors correlate to illness and health. The multifunctional model is used to analyze the correlation of the interaction of different factors to aid in diagnosis.

The art of cosplay

He was so impressed by the costumes and the hard work of the costume designers that he frequently reported about it in online articles, and referred to the event as a Cosplay convention. Recently in the past several years' people have been cosplaying movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and The Matrix Many β†’

The horror of the salem witch trials

Historians have analyzed the accusations and hearings of the Salem Witch Trials, and have since observed possible causes of the hysteria. The accusations and trials have led to many theories about the possible reasons for the delusions in Salem around 1692.

Entrepreneurial leadership

By definition, entrepreneurial leadership is seen as leadership that creates visionary scenarios that are used to assemble and mobilize a ' supporting cast' of participants who become committed by the vision to the discovery of exploitation of strategic value creation". Listed below are a few programs that SBA currently offers for new entrepreneurs: Small Business β†’

Motivation case study

If we apply this theory in this group of employees the overall performance will Improve, because there always be some task and goal to achieve and that will keep them enthusiastic and motivated. More ever, providing the best environment will help you to keep them motivated and satisfaction.

Commerce and trade in christianity and islam assignment

The ideas of trade and religion changed from the time it began between 70-80 CE until the 15th and 16th centuries and both religions showed a change in their tolerance of commerce and trade. Thomas Aquinas and in his book he confronted the idea of trade and how it played a role in a person's β†’

Success of an organisation depends on hr strategy business essay

HR is the Centre or the bosom of an administration, and the success of an administration depends on the HR scheme, and the alliance between the HR scheme and the ends and aims of the administration is really of import for an administration to derive success in this dynamic and complex concern environment of today. β†’


These traits were first suggested by Costa and McCrae based on their Five Factor Model which they formulated in an attempt to understand the correlation between personality and the performance of an individual. Research indicates that this trait contributes so well to the performance of an individual.

Mike rose’s i just wanna be average

The French commission stated that the youth of America were offered the same curriculum in the hopes to form a united, equal society. They could see the errors of the future and grasp to what made the system work in the past.

Hurt man

Part AThe text The Hurt Man by Wendell Berry is dealing with the theme of how protective mothers can be to their children until someday when they are big enough to be alone and not being in sight all the time, in the text we hear about Mat Feltner, who is 5 years old and β†’

Book review: games and society in europa

A short preface, written in three languages introduces the reader into the subject of traditional sports and games the movement of their rediscovering, re-appreciation and promotion, starting from the 1980s and presenting its constant development until the special project, entitled " Juega con tu corazon, comparte tu cultura", successfully carried out by the above-mentioned European β†’

Cyanobacteria characteristics and effects

Rapid bacterial growth results in the formation of cyanobacteria blooms or mats which can accumulate to form surface scum in shallow inlets and bays, and along the shoreline of lakes and rivers. Cyanobacteria also has the ability to fix nitrogen, therefore, the bacteria plays a significant role in the nitrogen cycle as well as in β†’

Water for elephants

When Jacob is in the Nursing home, his son, Simon, forgets to take Jacob to the circus. The manager of the circus offers Jacob the opportunity to join the circus.

King arthur

When the eclipse occurs, terrifying the spectators, King Arthur promises the Yankee the second place in the kingdom if the " magician" Hank will bring back the sun. King Arthur-The king is a mixture of virtue, superstition and majestic gusto.

Collective in the pursuit of all tasks

Collective Male Initiation Rituals of the SambiaThe transition of a boy to a man is very important to the Sambia, of New Guinea. The first stage of initiation is called Moku and occurs between the ages of 7 and 10.

Principles of law enforcement

The Blue of Silence The Blue of Silence is the notion that police officers do not report violations of the law or police procedure when these occur involving police officers. According to Robert Reiner in the book, The Politics of Police, police have to understand that the strength of the police culture is based upon β†’

Persuasive: on government regulation of food

With regulation, there will be the ensured protection of the nation's people and the provision of healthy and safe food. Lastly, regulation will aid in enabling for there to be a sustainable and strong industry that is mostly concerned with food and that will help in reaching a certain goal; to achieve a food system β†’

Short stories snow white, cinderlla, hansel and gretel

Short Stories Snow White, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel Question The outstanding character about snow whiteis the fact that she was splendid and beautiful and still had a humble soul. When she was taken to the forest by the hunts man, it was obvious that she could not survive since she spend all her life in β†’

Competencies and competitive advantage of old chang kee essay

This, then, becomes the advantage of Old Chang Kee that is able to keep the puff lovers, old consumers, with the new product to increase source of revenues and increase the group's revenues Quality Control is remarkable. Old Chang Kee is based in Singapore related in the manufacturing and distribution of food products.

A comparison of tennyson’s the eagle and mccaig’s the sparrow essay

The Eagle is said to be at the top of the food chain and this just adds to the awe of Tennyson's subject choice, also the sea, the mountains and the very sky are portrayed to be his domain. This leaves us in no doubt that the sparrow is a survivor.

The debate over a justification of us use of atomic weapons in hiroshima and nagasaki

So that's when it began, The US.needed to end the war and or cause japan to The first bomb, dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, resulted in a death toll of around 135, 000. I will say that the war would have lasted a lot longer as japan at the time β†’

Don’t be a (red) sheep

To be raised on the belief that " all that happens is for the best" and then meeting someone whose misfortunes had led him to believe that " a man is equally badly off anywhere" definitely gave Candide something to think about as he continued his journey to reunite with Cunegonde. Martin's Nihilism was somewhat β†’

The demise of the 19th century american liberal: representations in ”benito cereno” and our nig

His condescending and na ve stereotypes about the Blacks on the ship block him from being critical, as he cannot fathom the slaves are the source of the problem. The paradox of Delano and other enlightened liberals of time was that the very benevolence that he believed might better the lives of others was actually β†’

Statement and mounting challenges that require innovative

I have successfully completed the BTech in Computer Science Program with and overall score of 73% till 3year and hope to secure even higher scores during my graduate studies. The academic knowledge and practical internship experience that I have acquired during my undergraduate studies has given me a strong foundation to pursue higher studies in β†’

L. l. bean, inc. essay sample

Bean was able to build upon the founder's success by retaining the unique character and tradition of L.L.Bean.3. The L.L.

Business continuity plan

During the visit to the MFS, I managed to fill the executive business continuity scorecard, which is attached and tiled appendix A.during the process of filling the scorecard, I was able to learn some substantial information about MFS. Role of IT in MFS BCP As one of MFS's staff explained to me, IT held a β†’

Satire in huck finn assignment

The Shepherdess and the Grandiose are two families in the novel that are in a family feud, they also cannot remember why they are fighting. Later on in the novel a man comes to the harbor with Miss Hooker who is the niece of a very rich man, as they walk around everyone stays away β†’

Dominican republic beaches assignment

Beyond the door was this beached themed room, on the wall where pictures of the scenery of the island, the bed was queen size and as I laid on it you I could feel it molding to my body. Across the room I drew back the curtains to see a view of the one of β†’

Hell is other people

This attitude, which is typical of Hamlet and symptomatic of his " to be or not to be a dilemma," evidences the extent to which he is complicit in his own suffering. While, contrary to the case with Hamlet, Gatsby cannot be accused of lacking authenticity he is, nonetheless, complicit in his own death and β†’

Travis hirschi social bond theory

In rare instances, a child's assent may not be required if the intervention or procedure is likely to benefit the well-being of the child directly and is available only in the context of the research. In the absence of a parent or parents able to give consent, consent may be given by a child's legal β†’

Cry the beloved country characters/places/plot

Stephan Kumalo-main character -priest in search of his son -discovers his son has been in trouble and is trying to help himJohn Kumalo" the voice"-Stephan's brother -has the power of influence over the people -government is afraid of him -only goes so far when he is influencing people-is passionate about what he says but he β†’

Data, information, and organizational knowledge

Figure: Different Factors of the Contingency Theory In relation to the above mentioned theory it has been viewed that technology is considered to be a vital factor that heps in the achievement of the desired organization goal. In both the healthcare organizations, it can be viewed that one of the major factors to have contributed β†’

Effects of post-secondary education

Even though many people have the perception that post-secondary education adds value to the lives of people who get the chance to further their studies, there is a controversy. Post-secondary education may not be very important in the workplace as it may lead to a division of teams.

Commentary: the development of gonadotropins for clinical use in the treatment of infertility

With their recent article, entitled " The Development of Gonadotropins for Clinical Use in the Treatment of Infertility," Lunenfeld et al.provide an overview of the major milestones in the development of gonadotropin products. These citations were used to support the premise that non-inferiority was not demonstrated for women aged 37, and that the dose in β†’

The ugly side of sports: how do you deal with injuries?

However, our bodies do not give a damn about our wishes, so injuries happen all the time, especially in the professional sports, when athletes push their bodies to the limits without too much consideration about their health in the future. Now he knows it was stupid, but at the time he was young and could β†’


The core principles of this religion have become the major pillars of human life in most parts of the world. This was the period which marked the rebirth of the ancient culture that had been destroyed by the turmoil and the evil that had been experienced in the previous century.


Running Head: IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED S OF AMERICA Immigration in the United s of America of the of the Immigration in the United States of America There are millions of people out of work in the United States due to the current economic conditions. Effects of illegal immigration on the wage rate and the β†’

Discuss benefits of welfare system in britain

Just like what the government of UK said, 'it is part of the job of government to help any citizen in need ', the English are all involved in the welfare system ' from the cradle to the grave'. Although there are several benefits of Britain's welfare system, some problems should be paid attention to β†’

Discussion on self-portrait as woman essay

I believe the artist did not intend for viewers to have incomplete thoughts but rather it is almost like the artist is planting seeds in the viewers mind, the artist in a way gives us exactly as much information they think you need. Would not it be more fitting for them to be switched due β†’

Capstone paper

Loud have to say that the most important traits of a good leader are a passion for the work and the people, self-confidence and trustworthiness. It is understandable that feedback is necessary in order for managers to make an accurate assessment of the employee's performance and behavior.

Who am i?

Throughout life my road has had many bumps, pot holes, twists, and turns, and many people in my life have changed and inspired me, to further this they have influenced my choice of careers and I have learned respect, responsibility, and most of all to be grateful to and value everyone I know. I love β†’

ο»Ώcolorado springs city council meeting essay sample

Also discussed the cost of some handicapped access renovations to the hospital and the building codes at certain access points according to the current plans, and the costs to the city to execute these plans. The way I understood this was there was a previous appropriation of supplemental funds to the hospital and they were β†’

Explain how the twenties were and were not so roaring

In 1921, President Harding signed the Emergency Tariff of 1921 which was aimed at reducing the tax rates, reducing the national debt and protecting the interests of the farmers. Overconfidence in the boom economy contributed to stock price speculation and excessive credit in the economy which led to the stock market crash and the Great β†’

Why is the battle of the somme regarded as such a great military tragedy

The military objective for the conflict was to relieve pressure on the beleaguered French forces, caught up in a war of attrition with the Germans, which were close to breaking point at Verdun. It fails to state this exactly; however, using the contents of the source it is easy to derive the writer's interpretation of β†’

Your red letter day in minnesota

It has to be a big affair for a couple, and destination wedding being the talk of the town you can always opt for some exotic locations to tie your knot with the love of your life. Thus for the very special day in your life, if you have chosen Minnesota, then here are some β†’

Swot analysis of bitcoin: do strengths outweigh its weaknesses?

Bitcoin's worth is agreed upon by the sender and the receiver. This is one of the downsides of Blockchain: the more people use it, the more Blockchain limits your transactions speeds.

Music journalism live concert review analysis

The review starts off by reminding the reader of the relationship between the Dap-Kings and Amy Winehouse who toured and recorded together in the past. The next paragraph is dedicated to the sound of the evening, and we get a comprehensive list of the instruments on hand and the impact that each one delivered to β†’

The little black boy essay

In this book of nineteen poems, Blake maintains a simplistic style in order to bring the human experience and truth to anyone young and old, or black and white." The Little Black Boy," the poem I am analyzing critically, is about an African child who comes to reality and accepts his own blackness. Given the β†’

Like water for chocolate

She is in love with a guy named Pedro but her mother, Mama Elena realizes that they love each other and told tita that it is part of the tradition not to marry until and unless Mama Elena dies. Whenever Tita wanted to communicate with anyone in the family, she would make something very delicious β†’

Historical context: the black knight

Though it is evident that Chaucer was aware of basic facts of John's life, it is pertinent to examine how and why Chaucer includes the Black Knight in his Book of the Duchess. Chaucer ingeniously employs The Black Knight character to portray John of Gaunt in the Book of the Duchess and to show his β†’

Action plan proposal: lack of teacher training on multiethnic education

She hoped for the school to provide her with training on how to educate the diverse youth and tips on incorporating multiethnic education into her classroom, however this was not the case. Miretzky and Stevens mentioned that millions of black male and female students go to low-performing schools around the country that have teachers who β†’

Elements welfare are called mores. these behavioral

DNA strings and the genomestudies are examples of the revelation of new knowledge. Counter Culture: a segment of societythat rejects the values and norms of the dominant culture and seeks alternative norms andvalues.


The lobby was busy in the middle of the afternoon with little room for anyone to walk, yet she stood alone in the center of the room in a circle of sunlight coming in through an atrium skylight. Everything about her seemed to indicate that this was a woman not accustomed to finding herself in β†’

Living like an absolute king: louis xiv in france

The palace was built for the sole purpose of housing the French nobility, royalty, and government officials which meant that only a handful of the French population would benefit from such a grand palace. When Louis the XIV began his reign, France's economy was flourishing but when he reached the age of 45 he started β†’

Object-oriented programming

Prototyping can result In a set of requirements that are better understood by the user and Is more likely to be complete and accurate Its advantages are that It Is dynamic, flexible and provides a collaborative methodology that both aid the end user of the product and the development team. Difficult to use or confusing β†’


Realism Module Module ID: Realism Answer Renowned and analyst Kenneth Waltz has elaborated the term anarchic structure in his theory of international relations, which refers to the rule of vae victis or might is right prevailing all over the globe, where the weak states and nations undergo sense of insecurity and lack of protection in β†’

Swat smuckers

The importance of each individual buyer of Smuckers Peanut Butter is vital to the continuing sale of the product. The Socio-Cultural is population and demographic relating to distribution of income and mobility and Smuckers has its two peanut butter brands Jiffy and Smuckers.

Unemployment as a driver of poverty in australia economics essay

The increase in the GDP has led to the increase in the price of the goods and services and this has led to the increase in the inflation rate. The lowering of the unemployment rate has led to economic growth and wage growth and increase in the aggregate demand.


Socrates is one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy, standing at the origin of the rational tradition initiated by himself, Plato, and Aristotle. At the end of Socrates' speech, Alcibiades bursts in, falling-down drunk, and delivers a eulogy to Socrates himself.

Africa in the world

An Idea of African History The past of Africa is a challenging topic because it is associated with physical immensity as well as diversity in the past. Many historians from inside and outside African continent are debating on the issues of African history.

Avid exam study guide

What is the goal of the AVID program? What is at the top of a sheet of Cornell Notes?

Medical unknown

Since unknown 8 was determined to be Staphylococcus coagulase test in addition to the following tests were performed on this unknown: 1) Production of DNase on DNase agar. The data suggests that the gram positive bacteria was Staphylococci saprophyticus because it was gram positive, was catalase positive with the production of O, and was resistant β†’

Reflection of five minds for the future

Reflection of Five Minds for the Future The concepts and arguments about Gardner's five minds enriched me a lot, and made me think further about the capabilities and skills people should equipped with to handle the new world in the future individually and cooperatively. The subjects in commerce provide opportunities for me to do further β†’

Science and god in frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein attempts to go beyond human bounds and undertake in the greatest mistake of his life." Victor's experiment created in the name of science holds the key to which Victor believes is his future success"." The Accomplishment of his toils" is described as a wretched male figure formed from the corpses of others. Through β†’

Benefits of conflict resolution training

The influence of task management and interdependence Task management involves planning, testing, tracking, and recording all to which summarize a task strategy; each of these tasks can be delegated to individuals of a team in order to get the work of a bigger goal done. Research shows that conflict resolution behaviors cultivate from an individual's β†’

Immigrants in america

In the story, " New York Was Our City On The Hill" the author's mother struggles with illness and with making a living." Doctor, I have children at home and work tomorrow," my mother said." The author used dialogue to show his mother's awareness that she had to work no matter what. It was the β†’

Folk music assignment

It is the sort of music which is sung by the people or groups, not the type of music recorded in a audio or performed on a stage. Although, folk music is loved by many people, these days, people do not sing folk music as much as they used to do it in the past β†’

Aromatherapy essay

This topic was chosen due to the fact that out of diverse complimentary and alternative medicines aromatherapy is claimed to have become " the consumer buzzword of the 21st century". The goals of the paper are to review and analyze the existing body of knowledge on advantages and disadvantages of aromatherapy, to study relevant publications β†’

Late term abortion

The older the pregnancy, the more the risk attached to carrying out an abortion for the mother. The research findings are meant to minimize the incidences of abortions as a whole and more so late term abortions.

Students should not be paid

Parents should expect their child to do what they need to do to get the good grades instead of being bribed, and paying them makes them think they should be rewarded for any and everything, and here are some of the effects that will happen to your kid in the future. When your kids realize β†’

The various iron parameters and hepcidin for

In the study of Uehata T et al.they found no significant difference in earlystage of CKD but significant difference in stage 4 and 5 of CKD iv. The serum hepcidin levels in CKD patients havealso been shown to be associated with iron-restricted erythropoiesis, asreflected by the relation of high serum hepcidin levels and low hemoglobinconcentrations β†’