4 Pages Essay Samples

A study of totalitarianism in louis xiv leadership

Since it was believed that the King had a direct connection to God, it was thought that the complete power the King had would be what God wanted. That is not all there is to absolutism, as it was also believed that the King was divine and had a direct connection to God.

Sleep walking through life: edgar huntly’s unreality

In Charles Brockden Brown's novel, Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker, many characters have problems with interpreting their own ideas of reality and of what is actually real within the context of the novel. There are several instances of these fallacies throughout the novel, including the assumption that Clithero is Waldegrave's murderer, that the β†’

Results-driven operations director in multiple manufacturing facilities

I consider that my interests and credentials match with your requirement and want to apply for the same. After meeting with you and discussing the main requirements of the position, I am positive that my knowledge and experience in manufacturing and operations will enable me to make an immediate contribution to your department expansion.

Marriage in hinduism essay

In other parts of the world, marriage is the union of a man and woman, conversely in India it is the joining of two groups of people. In the hall there is a shrine to Ganesha and to the gods of both families.

It and collaborative script writing. there is no

According to Bloom's taxonomy hierarchy, creating is the educationalgoal which requires the greatest degree of cognitive processing, and in-depthunderstanding should be achieved before that. Deep processing could lead to better learningoutcomes since memory is the basis of learning.

Wonders of cinema

The carnival and the circuses showed extremely short and familiar kind of movies due to the lack of sound and poor graphics. Parlors carrying Kinetoscopes were a common sight and it exposed the public to the wonders of cinema.

Andrew jackson’s leadership in the battle of new orleans assignment

Jackson knew that it would not be in the best interest of the Americans to allow the British to come in, therefore he gained the support of villains, free blacks, slave, Indians, militia's, and other units from other states to help in combat and defeat the British. This thrust Andrew Jackson into the spotlight of β†’

Panama – negotiation style essay sample

Explored and settled by the Spanish in the 16th century, Panama broke with Spain in 1821 and joined a union of Nueva Granada, Ecuador, and Venezuela, named the Republic of Gran Colombia. In 1977, an agreement was signed for the complete transfer of the Canal from the United States to Panama by the end of β†’

Dental hygiene: past and present

1980's- The state of Washington became the first to fulfill the duties in the unsupervised practice of dental hygienists in specific settings. Professional Roles of the Dental Hygienist.

How the poem “the seafarer” provides more compelling laments in comparison and contrast to the poems “the wife’s lament” and “the wanderer”

Moreover, the narrator in " The Seafarer" also laments over the loss of his crew members to the strong winds and storm at sea. The narrator in " The Seafarer" laments over the loss of his crew members to the strong winds and storm at sea.

Ethic conflict and economic development

Such increases in recollections contribute to each cultural conflict within the Middle East.p; Another indicator that ethnic cleavages and conflicts are building up in the Middle East is carrying forward of ethnic differences amongst social groups. Such a situation opens up to compromise from current trends in the Middle Eastern political, social and economic statuses β†’

Reaction paper assignment

Meaning we must analyze the information at hand and use our reason to come to a conclusion as to whether or not the information is factual. Since there is an abundance of information present in the world, as I previously noted, we must be active participants in order to manage this abundance of information.

Fasb revenue recognition

In the ledger of the company the journal entry would be a debit to cash and a credit to unearned revenue. At the time the company provides the service the journal entry would be a debit to unearned revenue and a credit to earned revenue.

Formative assessment

According to center for education research and innovation, formative assessment is an interactive assessment of the student where the teacher identifies learning needs and shapes the teaching. Involvement of the student is very vital when the students are not involved in the assessment process, formative assessment is not fully implemented and practiced.

Civil rights

However, I was not the only one to be the target of their hatred; on the contrary, the African Americans and South Asians are also looked upon with unabated abhorrence, suspicion and displeasure by an overwhelming majority of the WASP and narrow-minded extremist Arabians. However, still I was in the perplexed state of mind when β†’

Shaping colonial america essay

This changed the demographic of America, increasing the number of African Americans, consequently changing the identity of America. Geography was the most important factor in shaping the identity of colonial America.

Annotated bibliography: muhammad ali draft refusal

This Journal article describes Muhammad Ali's interview and how, due to discriminations and prejudice, his various appeals and suits in the Supreme Court and the court of appeal were defeated. This book talks of the career and life of Muhammad Ali as a boxing champion.

Opportunities and threats of the colombian motorcycle industry

This signifies a quick growth in disposable income as a result of an increase in the demand of luxury goods. The increase in exports from major competitors proves the increase of demand of motorcycles.

Csr case study

She is currently faced with the decision whether or not to spend money on new technology that will reduce the level of a particular toxin in the Newscaster that flows out the back of the factory and into a lake. The problem/dilemma in this case is that Claire is faced with the decision as to β†’

Case solution on abrasm company

ROI = Budgeted Profit Actual beginning-of-the -year net assets Where Budgeted Profit = Actual beginning-of-the-year net assets = total assets-current liabilities. Ans-2 * Company Management Control System was poor.* Company failed to minimize the cost and to control inventory level.

A white shingled house and “steep and lofty cliffs”

As the summers drifted by, I watched the flowers and the long grass of the field grow and die. The memories of the " beauteous forms" of the " steep and lofty cliffs" and the " waters, rolling from their mountain-springs" have eased the pain of solitude and more urban life in recent years.

Oral communication skin bleaching essay sample

The topic I will be discussing is skin bleaching." Skin bleaching refers to people's use of homemade, cosmetic, and dermatological products over time to remove the melanin from the skin". Many persons grow up with the mindset that a lighter skin tone is better and because of this they feel forced to fit in with β†’

The author certainly

It is even set in a very particular and very correct setting, as the hotel room seems to have a life of its own, making the viewers feel the impersonality of the situation. To create a piece with only one meaning and have it still be a work of art is the work of a β†’

Race as a social construct

Race as a Social Construct Omi and Winant's discussion from " Racial Formations" are generally about race being a social construct and is also demonstrated in the viewing of Race - The power of an illusion. And as a social construction, race functions as a source of management that sustains the importance of certain groups β†’

Somatization disorder

Somatization Disorder is rather a chronic disorder where the patient feels the symptoms in real in various parts of the body and there is not any kind of pretensions. Personality disorders are a result of continuous maladaptive thinking about and relating to the world.

The assylum seeker

After a week of roughing it on a empty carriage of a cargo train and then hiding on the deck of a fishing trawler I had arrived in England. A yawning pit of dread opened inside me as I walked down the ramps and through the docks.

The outbreak of the hiv virus, aids in 1980s

The outbreak of the HIV virus, AIDS, in the early 1980" s resulted in medical research, public misconceptions, and ultimately growing awareness. With minimal research there was nothing to initially " combat" the virus; but, thanks to time and funding, there were some drugs that seemed to help stop the spread of the virus in β†’

Deviance in sport

It was last match minutes and France was losing 0-1 when Thierry Henry had an excellent chance to make the perfect goal cross to his team-mate and he done it. The positive thing that Henry agreed that he has broke rules, but it's impossible to change anything now and France became Ireland's enemy number one.http://www.fifa.com β†’

Price analyst in marketing assignment

From all these facts, we conclude that Cataracts should lower the cost of operation fee to provide a more competitive price of coffee to gain and maintain the market; start to prepare and adjust a strategy to maintain domestic market and global more sustainable and avoid closing more stores to lose revenue and company's resources; β†’

Outline the main features of the kyoto protocol. how effective has it been in dealing with global warming and climate change

The Protocol is fully aware of the fact that, globally, a major chunk of the GHG emissions are attributable to the enhanced commercial and industrial operations of the advanced countries. As a matter of fact, the Protocol is also having a system of compliance making sure that all the parties are indeed adhering to the β†’

Case study- malden mills

The $25 million payment in payroll was bad for the company because it forced the firm to pay additional debt in the long run which raised the fixed costs of the company. A good aspect about the decision was that that company built a reputation with the government, private industry, and general public that helped β†’


Caffeine Majority of households in the world take a cup of coffee in the morning. Caffeine can also be consumed in large amounts through a plant called quarana which in most cases is added to beverages, smoothies, energy bars, and other products in form of ' quarana extract.' Majority of consumers take the products not β†’


Rocky was like a savior to Auntie's misery because nobody would talk bad things to Auntie since Rocky was her son and this gave Auntie a sense of happiness knowing that she has something good in her life for once. Auntie was becoming miserable from all of these terrible things that have come before her β†’

The symbolism of water in parable of the sower

Due to this and the inflation of the failing economy, water has become an expensive necessity, and clean water a luxury. To the poor and thirsty people around Lauren, if one has the option of cleaning themselves with water, they are trying to show off how much better and wealthier they are than the people β†’

Considers buying shares of nikkei, inc.

The cost of debt is simply the interest rate the firm must pay on new borrowings and this can be observed in the financial markets. COST OF EQUITY We have considered two approaches to calculate the cost of equity- The Dividend discount model and the CAMP model.

Junior hitchhiking in spokane, is it safe?

Once Junior enters a vehicle, he is leaving himself vulnerable to the driver and the people inside the car in an isolated, confined environment. He and his family might be ignorant of the perils hitchhiking in Spokane can lead to, since Junior has been using hitchhiking as his main transportation without any incidents.

The is because the participant needs to be

9After the target heart rate is calculated participants then start cycling on the Monark cycle ergometer at a start work rate of 175 watts this is because the participant needs to be cycling at 70 rates per minute with a resistance of 2.5kg. A conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the exercise β†’

Having a sense of being different makes it difficult to belong essay sample

A sense of being different from the majority of inhabitants in a country makes it difficult to blend in and belong, prompting a form of ' us vs.them ' mentality and banding together in search of a community that they can belong to. In conclusion, it is indeed true that having a sense of being β†’

To what extend the online shopping effected the uk economy and what does it mean for future businesses in the uk

Conclusion From the findings, it's clear that online shopping in the UK has steadily grown across industries with no particular of area and service left behind. With 95% of shoppers going online, businesses in the UK should strive to compete in the online marketplace.

Dissertation topics in psychology (2018)

5 Can attachment theory be used to explain the development of a subjective self in the child A literature review.2.1. 2 The extent to which perceptions of social stigma impact upon sufferer's coping strategies: a quantitative study.2.2.

John f. kennedy one of greatest u.s. presidents

He was able to win over the people of the United States with his charm and become one of the most well known Presidents. The courage he exhibited in making the hard decisions was part of his nature and one that helped him to become a beloved President of the United States of America.

Birth ritual in banjarmasin

It has to do with people of Banjar's belief who think that if the placenta was planted under a large tree, the baby in the future will be a " great man". Besides, it is also tied to a large tree in order to the baby in the future will not migrate.

Ap human geography

Where in the world do people live and why? * When geographers study population, we explain population traits across space.* Demography is the study of population * The US has an average of 81 people per square mile * This is misleading because the amount of population is not constant across an entire country * β†’

Introduction taken in order to find ways of

The United States has been of late a target of terrorists and thus measures have been taken and will continue being taken in order to find ways of controlling terrorism completely. We can conclude that to counter terrorism in the United States of America is a major activity in trying to improve homeland security but β†’

Introduction parts in the process of surface

One of the most crucial parts in the process of surfacemount assembly is applying the solder paste to the printed circuit board. During the print cycle it is important to apply the rightamount of pressure across the entire length of the blade to ensure a clean wipeof the stencil.

Diet pills: contents, risks, efficacy and recommendations

The significant rise in the cases of obesity may be attributed to various factors that affect the physical health, psychological condition and social life of people starting from their childhood. Some studies have confirmed that the use of weight loss pills may have detrimental effects on the health of the users as some of them β†’

Honda advertising analysis

Silver is the color of the van and this color is a major conductor and communicator. So what the company is saying to the viewer is that they would have the speed of a sports car and also have the serenity at the same time.

Challenges of international relations assignment

There seems to be an apparent shift of priorities to the economics of world politics and that will most certainly lead to a future distribution of world power. This is a position that the United States is not used to being in.

“wyndham” case study essay

The hotel guest of the future will be far savvier and discerning; with the world at his feet and a world of information at his fingertips, the challenge for hotels to sustain connections with guests will only increase. But, the way to achieve and also sustain the business value mentioned above will be based on β†’

How montessori environmet differs than traditional setup

In a traditional classroom, the teacher is the one who decides what the child has to learn, also the pace of the learning process as well as how the learning will take place. The environment, in a Montessori classroom, is tailored according to the child.

Trends and prospects of commodity markets trading in india an analysis

Trends and Prospects of Commodity Markets Trading in India: An Analysis -SYNOPSISIntroduction: This project is to analyze the future prospects of commodity market as the Indian Commodity markets and futures trading in the commodity exchanges have great potential to develop as one of the fastest growing centers in the world. To understand the need of β†’

Angry children with ammo assignment

In the sass and sass reports of increased school disorder became more frequent, in the sass there were many school shootings that were covered widely by the media. School police officers are rained to handle situations that the teacher and school officials are not.


However, modernity is fast giving way to postmodernism and again the force this change will undoubtedly cause people to once again change their perspective of the world and how they see truth and respond to the basic issues of life [ ]. This viewpoint is distinctive because in those days the people were told what β†’

Because effect, it can trigger serious political problems

Considering the system of Human Rights that the Chinese government suggests, and comparing it to the one introduced in the United States, one has all the rights to claim that there are certain differences between the two. Therefore, it can be considered that there is certain lack of experience in establishing the system of rights β†’

Commentary: social stress contagion in rats: behavioral, autonomic and neuroendocrine correlates

To address this issue, Carnevali et al.examined the contagion of social stress on both the animal that experienced the stress first hand as well as that animal's cagemate, who did not observe the cause of the stress. Upon the demonstrator rats' return to the original cage, the cagemate observer rats were able to detect the β†’

Hiroshima: time bomb, or the surviving people

So Truman's speech the tone he uses in it, the way he portraits the Japanese it has the power to dictate what Americans take away from the war and how they feel about it he makes it clear early on his speech that Americans will not forget they will not forget Pearl Harbor or the β†’

Circe, circa 1925

As she confides to Jake Barnes, " Oh, darling, I have been so miserable", Brett is just as unhappy as the other characters in the novel, and her depression leads her to engage in self-destructive behavior. As Brett confesses, she has " had a hell of a time" Despite her selfishness and immoral behavior, it β†’

Emergency department congestion improvements

Over the previous decade, the expansion in ED usage has outpaced the development of general communities, regardless of a national decrease in the total number of emergency departments. Operational problems faced by the ED and assessment of the performance Sainte-Marie ED is facing operational issues in regards to mostly the quality of their services, particularly β†’

Police and pearson prentice hall

Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. 6Examine the role of ethnic youth gangs and the occurrence of hate crimes in the United States.1.

Edgar allan poe’s tell-tale heart an analysis essay sample

One very redeeming element that contributes to the whole essence of the work is the style. Poe actually mixed it all together: the narrator's evident terror of the eye, the old man's terror, and the narrator's terror of what is to come.

Single-session schools are better than double

This is because for single-session schools, all of their children will have the same time to start and end their class. In addition, single-session schools also make it easier for working parents as all the children go to school at the same time and return at the same time.


The Protestant ethics and the capitalism spirit shed light on how the Puritan ethics and their religious ideas had an effect on the growth and development of capitalism. He also defined the spirit of capitalism to include the ideas and the spirit of an individual conducive to pursuing a rational economic gain.

Qantas marketing assignment

SANTA positioning: Positioning is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of a competing brand or product. Etc which represents a challenge in terms of increasing costs to the airline.

Spiny dogfish shark essay

Use the probe to observe the roughness of its scales 4.use probe to follow and observe the lateral line.5. Use the probe to move the liver and look at the esophagus and stomach of the shark.15.

Allen ginsberg’s howl and the themes of rage, madness and hope

It's also partly autobiographical- Ginsberg uses pieces of his life and the lives of the people he's met to paint the details in his poetry- his mother's insanity, the self-destruction of friends, current events and struggles of the time, his own homosexuality. The poem encompasses the best and worst of the beat generation- the hallucinogenic β†’

Introduction and experiences acquired at the prison. he

This essay compares and contrasts the characters of Gatsby and Jean Valjean in the Les Miserable novels and films. Gatsby strikes the readers as a naive and lovesick individual though his character is negative.


The low price can also be a barrier to the entry of new firms; but the danger is that once the small firms are eliminated, the monopolist can increase its price and make huge monopoly profits. Because competition is eliminated and there is a barrier to entry by new firms, the monopolist can charge almost β†’

Drug testing welfare recipients

The problem is not who is using drug but that welfare recipients should not be given money from the government to pay for their drug addiction. Drug testing welfare recipients would save the United States Government because welfare recipients that submit a faulty drug test would be cut off from benefits for a year, saving β†’

The bielski brothers: a story of survival

This is the survival experienced by the troop of Jews detailed in The Bielski Brothers, the true story of how three brothers saved thousands by living inthe forest. Everything the Bielskis did was in defiance of the Nazis, and in protection of their fellow Jews.

The financial detective 2005

Followed a strategy of acquiring retailed online business recently Assessing the provided information about the two companies and looking deeply at some of the financial data, it was concluded that company 1 is designated by the letter H and company 2 is designated by the letter G in Exhibit 1. This boosted the ROE of β†’

Acts of congress summary

Politics First Chapter Nine continues with an examination of Barney Frank, the Democrat who served as the senior leader of the House Financial Services Committee that was responsible with researching, marking up, rewriting, and passing proposed legislation that would prohibit another financial crisis from developing in the future. He was up against an increasingly conservative β†’

Traditional arabic medicine essay

This is a traditional Arabic herb that serves in the treatment of eye and skin infections. Salt is taken along with this powder in the treatment of fever and among the infants the ashes of the herb are mixed with turmeric so as to aid in treatment of abdominal colic.

Elements in life

Weil aided the working class in the demand for their social rights, even joining a local factory just to experience the lives of these people. These three special elements present in the lives of Weil, King and Teresa are unique.

Nepalese migration to japan

The armed conflicts between the forces loyal to the King and Government and Nepal and the Maoist People's War groups, have created a fearpsychologyin the Country and encouraged migration. The martial aspect has now taken the form of economic criteria with the fast advancement of the modern materialistic civilization consequent to the industrial and internet β†’

The for a few hours in a stadium,

In large and complex societies, when the number of the people is too large and the area of the State is too extensive, direct democracy is impracticable. Direct democracy now assumes the form of the referendum and the popular initiative, and they have long been familiar in Switzerland and the United States.

Application of biotechnology 1 assignment

Throughout the use of agriculture, farmers have inadvertently altered the genetics of their crops through introducing them to new environments and breeding them with other plants one of the first forms of biotechnology. Biological processes play a major role in the removal of contaminants and biotechnology is taking advantage of the astonishing catabolic versatility of β†’

Complexometric determination of nickel using edta essay sample

10mol l-1 The number of moles of EDTA used to react with 20cm3 of nickel solution = V x C = 0. 1 Uncertainty in titre volume of EDTA = 0.

Ben and jerry’s case study essay

Even with these issues, Ben and Jerry's existing channel is an ideal one because of the many social objectives the company is trying to help the world solve. Because Ben and Jerry's is very socially active and deals with so many channels, it's hard not for them to have a problem develop.

Hobbess theory of sovereignty philosophy essay

Hobbes thinks that the subjects should the obey the rules and orders of the sovereign under every conditions, and the sovereign is right and just in his decisions, ideas and rules for the sake of the goodness of the society. Hobbes defends, first of all, this view due to the fact that for securing self-preservation, β†’

Oral manifestations of syphilis

Syphilis has been around for a long time and has manifested itself in a plethora of ways." Syphilis evolves through a series of four overlapping stages commonly known as primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, latent syphilis, and tertiary syphilis". Ficarra and Carlos showed that the primary stage of syphilis is also known as syphilis chancre and β†’

He is to see whether one has

Areas of Purchasing Research: The purchase department should be assigned the necessary authority and responsibility to administer such controls as to buy the right quantity of the right quality at the right time at the right Prices from the right supplier on right terms. In short, the behavioural pattern of each item individually and in β†’

Destructive fishing assignment

According to Pauly, overfishing is a direct result from increased human population, as we humans multiply, it increases the demand for fish for us to eat, in can also impact in the commercial fishing industry, we must also consider the problems that arise should global and national policies fail sustain the management of fisheries, this β†’

Judith sargent murray essay sample

With time, Judith became one of the first Americans to pursue and fully justify that women and men were equal in the economic world and that would make her a world wide author though her piece called " On the Equality of the Sexes". The biggest turning point of this book was the fact that β†’

Most unlikely hero essay sample

I looked up to check the time thinking it was nearly the end of the lesson, but it had only been 20 minutes in. He had to feel his way through the schools corridors, as it was black and gloomy.

Red capitalism by carl walter and fraser howie

In the book ' Red Capitalism', Carl Walter and Fraser Howie investigate and analyze the intricate relationship betweenthe Communist Part of China and the financial institutions which are the base of the Chinese economy. These authors of this book also show the lack of proper principle and agent relation in how the financial institutions have β†’

Durkheim mechanical solidarity is based on homogeneity and

According to Durkheim, the sacred is made up of rituals that allow social cohesion to exist. Reliably we all think, can feel, and act according to principles that we are outside, we found in the state from first experience with the world, we have neither made nor decided the alphabet, how language was created, the β†’

Anne frank

The Story of Anne Frank. The Story of Anne Frank.

Ojt case report essay sample

To the Government Service Insurance System Tuguegarao Branchand MEDICard Philippines Inc.for their support and for the permission to render my OJT to their respective offices. Despite of the many efforts, trials and hardships exerted during my training, I would like to dedicate all my accomplishments and success to our Almighty God for His many blessings β†’

Women in policing

The advancement of society and technology, have wrought fundamental changes in the nature of work of the police force. The concentration of women in the police force is mainly in the lower ranks of the hierarchy.

Half and hallf

Write a characterization of Rose Hsu, showing how her past as a young girl, her interactions with her mother and her marriage and life with her husband Ted have all influenced the woman she has become. Thus, Rose Hsu ends up living her life as a wise woman who respects fate, and knows the importance β†’

Comparison of everton engineering and tdp

From this I can tell that TDP is a more organised business because the staff in Everton Engineering have to go through six different levels till they get to speak to the people in charge, this means it has a hierarchal structure, where as TDP's staff only have to go through three people to speak β†’

Study guide chapter 2

Dial-up A _____ is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies the location of each computer or device connected to the Internet. Hastag What is a text-base name that corresponds to the IP address of a server that hosts a website?

In held in may, 1996, the bjp distinctly

The demolition of the Babri Masjid in December 1992 resulted in the dismissal of the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh by the Centre. The BJP was routed in April-May 2004 elections by the Congress and its allies.

Analysis on buddy

The plot is made up of several different strands: Buddy's life at home, life at school, life with friends and the horror in the middle and end of the series. The Rybeero's house in a nice, fancy house and is very tidy.

Feminist legislation and its effects on 19th century british literature

To do this, I will write a paper on the changing views on women during the time period, as the 19th century provided the background for the women's rights movement of the next century. You begin to see the reemergence of women depicted as weak and deficient.

Financial markets and institutions

Explain how the downgrading of bonds for a particular corporation affects the prices of those bonds, the return to investors that currently hold these bonds, and the potential return to other investors who may invest in the bonds in the near future. Downgrading a bond would mean that the price of the bond will reduce β†’