4 Pages Essay Samples

A famous jazz trumpet player film studies essay

Louis was caught and sentenced to an indefinite time in the Colored Waifs Home for Boys. Oliver began to mentor Armstrong and eventuallyallowed Armstrong to play with the band on his odd nights.

Shakespeare’s anti-utopianism: the forest of arden in as you like it

In the pastoral setting of the Forest of Arden in William Shakespeare's As You Like It, the characters are physically removed from society, and thus from the political, economic, and sexual rules that govern social life. For Oliver, Arden is not an escape from society, but a temporary opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes β†’

What the mockingbird taught me

In the end, the novel was a roaring tale of racism in the deep American south through the wide eyes of a little girl. I was in denial for a while, and thought that it was nothing but an extremely sacrificing process and that the whimsicality of youth would be forever destroyed and forgotten.

Medical ethics assignment

Believe that In the first scenario, the school was wrong for not accepting him based on his personal, religious belief, and in scenario 2, I believe the family practice clinic was right in accepting him, but it was Paul who ultimately made the decision not to work there, due to his minority view. While in β†’

Conformity and individuality assignment

In the book " The wave", Morton Rue conveys his Idea of the conformity through the Introduction of the organization called " the wave" and its impact upon students in Gordon High. By showing the disruption of the school caused by wave, Morton Rue conveys the idea that individuality is fragile compared to conformity.

Summary of the lives of others essay sample

His name is Gerd Wiesler, and he is a chief in the Stasi, the infamous mystery police of East Germany. Wiesler first observed Dreyman at the opening of one of his plays, where he was educated by an associate that Dreyman was a profitable man:" One of our solitary authors who is perused in the β†’

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

But when he's brought into the environment of the psychiatric ward, complete with its high level of manipulation and oppression under the dictatorial hand of Big Nurse Ratched, his energy suddenly shifted from being one of destruction and chaos to one of progress and change as he helps empower the other patients. It is clear β†’

Germany’s incarceration system compared the united states

Germany's incarceration system compared the United s Germany's incarceration system compared the United States Comparing Germany's incarceration system with that of the United States proves to be an interesting case because it highlights several deficiencies of the American incarceration system and its criminal justice system in general. The comparison revealed that United States has a β†’

Life span perspectives paper

Within this paper you will find the definition of lifep development, a description of the many characteristics of the lifep perspective, and the identifying factors of the human developmental domains and periods. Lifep Development We recognize that within the lifep there had to be a beginning; we know this because of the work of Charles β†’

Endangered species: bengal tiger essay sample

The common name for the species is Bengal Tiger and it belongs to the genus/species Panthera tigris tigris. The male Bengal tiger can reach a weight of up to 500 lbs.while the female tiger can reach up to 300 lbs.

Motor vehicle showroom risk assessment report

The owner of the company did a risk assessment on the company that deals with motor vehicle sales on a small showroom on a certain street. 3 The Scope of Risk Assessment and how it was done The manager used the 5 steps in Risk assessment to be able to know the hazards, the solutions β†’

Corning glass works

In the instable component market, it is needed to have market-oriented people and built a close communication among teams in order to introduce new product into market quickly. EPD does not set appropriate goals and share strategies in order to build a KSF, cost-competitiveness and new product development, of the market.

Gatto against the school critique

Even though the actual beauty does non be in the essay.he starts out barricading all the possible statements that could be created in the first topographic point by puting groundss in his essay everyplace.unable to knock on his content.contemplation and analysis. Unmotivated instructor and pupils in the school means failure to learn.intending the map of β†’

Advantages & disadvantages of constructing a factory at housing area.

People in our community can seek for a job in the factory, and this will eventually help to solve the problem of unemployment which is faced by some of our people in the community. This is to bring the workers of the factory in and out daily.

Prince hal and his box-office performance

Through King Henry IV's assessment of Hal's actions in light of both Richard's and his own rule, Hal discovers that a king is a performer that must decide what type of persona he wants to reveal to the public. While Richard performed his role as king to the best of his ability with flair and β†’

The road – cormac mccarthy

In the midst of the unflinching and empty world with virtually no hope, the father and son in the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, choose to be the " good guys" by staying alive and refraining from cannibalism and thievery. The father and son search for shelter and food in idle commercial stores and β†’

Katherine mansfields miss brill: the mask over loneliness

Mansfield builds her characterization of Miss Brill by using her reaction to her surroundings, and to the other people in the park. As the story unfolds, it is evident that Miss Brill is using her romanticized perception of her surroundings to mask the sad reality of her life.

Natural things and drug metabolism

Natural products such as herbs are a significant source of enhancing the activity of metabolizing enzymes in addition to reducing the concentration of several drugs which might be harmful for normal body functions. In order to identify the effects of natural products on drug metabolism consider an example of Ginger.

The alchemist essay

The crystal merchant was one of the important characters who helped Santiago in his journey to achieve his Personal Legend. The alchemist is the most important person to Santiago because he taught Santiago the most, and he guided him across the desert.

Catholic christianity and rastafarianism. assignment

One of the main components of the Christian religion is the rituals that members of the church participate in such as Mass, the Sacraments and the Sign of the Cross. Christianity has many stories, such as those in the Bible, those of the Saints and the story of the history of the church.

Young enterprise scheme essay

Our promotional objectives meet our business needs because in order to attract more customers we will need to make people aware of our business and what, when and where we are selling. The more we advertise to make people aware of our business, the more customers we make, therefore our sales would increase and we β†’

The american psychiatric association

The process of self induced vomiting results in the damage of the teeth enamel, due to the acidic nature of the vomited food. The name bulimia is used to describe the eating patterns of overweight people and to describe their episodes of overindulgence in eating food.

Minority in women -annotated bibliography

Women and work: A handbook. Women and work: A handbook.

Ethical issues in “death of a salesman”

Adapted from Arthur Miller's classic play of the same name, the movie shows the story of travelling salesman Willy Loman who appears to have come to the end of his career only to realize his failure at achieving both his dreams of success and of a healthy family life. The most interesting aspect in Loman's β†’

The industrial boom

The first group was the robber barons and is the smallest group with the largest influence to the country. The second group was the government and was being influenced by the robber barons to run the country in an economic way and corrupt as well.

Causes of the american civil war

This proves that Slavery was the true cause of the American Civil War because Missouri and Kansas went to war with each other over the issue of Slavery. Missouri wanted Kansas to be a slave state while Kansas wanted to be free and this reflects the argument over slavery between the North and the South.

Responses of caribbean people to oppression essay sample

The Amerindians responded to this oppression by the moving and going into the mountains, build a village and then came back to help the whites. This was lead by the Africans in response to oppression and was known as the most successful revolution in the Western Hemisphere.

Itm 301 mod 4 cbt principles of information systems in business and organizations

The study is aimed to be able to first determine the processes that are involved in the information technology system and present the different components and functions specifically in application to the operation of different business and organizations. In the onset of perceiving the incorporation of the principles of technology in the operation of an β†’

Final paper proposal–movie comparison

This book offers vital insight that guides the analysis of the various features of family relationships thereby enhancing the understanding of the plots in the two movies. The portrayal of filial piety in the two films helps portray the nature of family relationships and family values.

Did love die in a bloody brotherhood?: romeo and juliet vs. west side story

From the cramped city streets of Verona, Romeo and Juliet is a drama of two rivaling families, the Capulets and the Montagues. Sure, the thought of love is heartwarming to the audience, but Shakespeare and Laurents use love as a mirage to hide the despair and misfortune that is to come until the end of β†’

Utopian societies and reform movements in mid 1800s

However, the harshness of Plato's instructions as to how to run the ' perfect' society, as well as the chaos and rebellion that inevitably occurs in The Giver, illustrates the difficulty that goes into establishing and maintaining these perfect or utopian societies. The reform movements of the mid 1800s including the push for utopian societies, β†’

Brief assignment

This provides evidence for: Pl TASK 2 To achieve this criterion you will need to analyses the different types of types of information used at Coca Cola and their sources, which you have described in Pl. This provides evidence for: AS Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of information at Coca Cola.

Fifty shades of grey

Christian fulfils Ana's request, beating her with a belt, only for Ana to realize that the two of them are incompatible. Devastated, Ana leaves Christian and returns to the apartment she shares with Kate

Nationalism and the origins of world war one assignment

The force of Nationalism influenced this conflict between Serbia and Austria due to the nationalistic views of the Serbian people. The main factors and causes of this conflict between Serbia and Austria were fueled by the force of nationalism.

Platos’ theory of forms

In the above scenarios, in scenario A it's useless to find knowledge because you know about it and in scenario B it's useless to find knowledge because the search of knowledge is useless because knowledge is wide and vast that a person will never stop searching about it. If A, then no harmony of the β†’

The bangladesh liberation war, 1971

The massacre of thousands of civilians in East Pakistan was the main cause of the war. In the year of 1971, East Pakistan which was the part of Pakistan earlier started protesting against the policy of the Pakistani Government.

Country competitivenes – sri lanka

As per the WEF's analysis, it is the deterioration in the macro-economic environment that had led to the downgrade in the latest ranking. It ranks below 50th in all of the pillars, and dangerously close to the 100th position on a majority of them.

Book review: epigenetics in plants of agronomic importance: fundamentals and applications

Besides providing a general overview of epigenetic mechanisms in model plants and in crops of economical relevance, authors critically highlight recent insights into the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the control of plant developmental processes, especially in shaping phenotypic plasticity to any kind of environmental changes. In Chapter 4, the book goes on to explain β†’

Flow of a river and people on the riverbed

The passage of time being likened to the movement of a river is not an unprecedented idea due to the endless flow of a river being easily equated with time. The most prominent example of Erdrich's symbolism can be found in Nector Kashpaw's realization and acknowledgement of the passage of time as she illustrates time β†’

Transport across a membrane

The cell membrane is a structure designed in such a way to allow passage of molecules and ions in and out of the cell, to and from the extracellular fluid, whilst keeping essential components such as organelles and ribosomes within its boundary. Osmosis is purely ' the diffusion of water molecules across a partially permeable β†’

Reflection on engineering work

1 Comprehensive, theory-based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline Theoretical knowledge gained from studying " Renewable Energy Resources", " Mechanics of Materials" and " Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning" was used in the projects.CE 1.2, 2.1, 2. Primavera and Microsoft Project to keep track β†’

Norms of society

Another useful component of a story is that it should have some challenges and barriers that the protagonist should handle in the process of achieving the goal. Another component in the structure of a story is the climax, which is actually the turning point in the story.

Relativism and morality lenn goodman essay

If it is embedded in the customs and traditions of every culture that genocide and political famine are wrong, I believe it will be easier to enforce a loving community and not one that is filled with fear and hatred. It is degrading to the slaves and they are not thought of as humans.

Sustainable development analysis argumentative

Using the three case studies from organizations that are signatories of the Global Compact, the students must read each one and then summaries them focusing on: C] The challenge CLC How the company addressed the challenge C] What the benefitwere for the company Resources: Case study handouts Activity 4: News Article Analysis The students could β†’

A main idea of edgar allan poe in man of the crowd

In the short story " Man of the Crowd", Edgar Allan Poe utilizes the first point of view to not only reveal the main character, but also give personal ties between the reader and narrator. Without the knowledge of the narrator recovering from an illness, the reader would lack the connection from his stern observations β†’

George orwell’s observations on human nature in shooting an elephant

When writing his story Orwell exposes human nature and the results of his decision." When the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys" and that " he wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it". Orwell was greedy for the people's respect and so he gave his freedom β†’


Barriers to change and how a leader can provide psychological safety in times of change The group had a lengthy discussion on the barriers that get in the way of achieving effective organisation change. The group discussed how the understanding of how people react to change and conflict helps leaders to manage change in a β†’

Chemistry – college flashcard

L) What Is the nature of bond between A and B? Suggest the formula of the compound formed between A and B.

Community based corrections

The goals of the community based corrections would be one of providing guidance, program opportunities and support to the offender's who are returning to the communities. Their goal is to strengthen the offender in a trade and mental being to be able to cope in society and from a re-offense.

Analysis of poem

Importance of taking vows and marriage The persona is the bride in a wedding ceremony taking place in the church. The persona claims that she is about to enjoy the fruits of marriage as she says,"...

Crazy eddie case essay

The main critical issue in the Crazy Eddie case is the incompetence and lack of professional skepticism of the company's audit team and their inability to successfully comply with the standards of GAAS. The first critical factor and a major component of GAAS is Rule 101 or " independence" of the auditor in all areas β†’

Ernest hemingway’s short story a very short story and oscar wilde the selfish giant

The language in the beginning and the end is very uncomplicated and childlike, again in accordance with the typical fairytale genre and so leading us to believe that it is intended as a child's story. We assume the story is a child's fairytale, the Giant assumes the little boy is what he appears to be, β†’

Ikea media plan essay sample

Media Strategy: Develop a national broadcast presence to showcase the product range and affordability of IKEA. With just a click they will be navigated to IKEA.com to shop and learn more about the company.

Coping with financial and ethical risks at american international group essay sample

It became one of the companies that once the curtain was pulled back, the signs of imminent disaster were evident, and substantial. The corporate culture at AIG was one with a poor management structure, combined with a lack of regulatory oversight.led AIG to accumulate staggering amounts of risk, especially in its subsidiary, AIG Financial Products.

Phineas gage paper essay sample

The four lobes are the subsequent: the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe, and final, the occipital lobe. The flexibility of the brain and the aptitude for it to recompense for definite injuries is truly a feeling.

Korean war

The Korean War. The Korean War.

So much media, so little news

Thus, in order to correct the twisted value that media are rubbing off on news, the society needs to redefine the value of news and reexamine the concept of big ideas. But more and more people choose new media in order to save effort and expect a quick result, which is called the culture of β†’

Application of psychology practitioner-scholar model

Being a practitioner-scholar will aid me to become a wise consumer of psychology research and theory in that I can better understand the role of research in psychology. A possible example of being a wise consumer and the role of the practitioner-scholar is assessing the role trauma plays in our human emotions.

Choose what you want

Once the package is scanned by the driver, all the information is transmitted to the UPS Data Center so that the customers can track their packages. Once the package arrives at the final destination center, it is picked by another UPS driver and delivered to the customer.

Multinational corporation

Assignment Questions: Question Number One: of, a) Contestability of a market: Contestability of market refers to a market structure that gives organizations the freedom of entry and exit. In a contestable market, policies are enacted that will keep the prices of products affordable, therefore minimizing the risks of a monopoly abusing its dominance in the β†’

Marketing caselet flashcard

In the early sass's, Victoria Court embarked on an aggressive campaign to attract two additional segments of the market: the husband and wife market and the party market. More countries are banning the fishing and trading of sharks fin.

Irene joseph

The direct cause of it is not yet fully understood, but based on studies, the disease seems to be a result of the combination of genetic material, lifestyle, and environmental factors that affect the brain. 15 Dec.2012.." Effects of Alzheimer's Disease on the Family".

Abuse on nurses in hospitals in statistical relevant data

Overal, the result findings are very plausible and dependable, and the stataistical signficance was set at at p The element of reliability and validity is evidently expressed in the research article, and the obtained findings are valid and trustworthy, and they clearly describe the research problem at hand, which is nurses' exposure to various forms β†’

Chartered portfolio manager- week 9 discussion post and student responses

The interest of America as a country towards oils in some of the countries in the middle east such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia begun most likely in the 1930s when the geologists that were working for the standard oil in California identifies a lot of oil in Saudi Arabia. Since the end of the β†’

Employee relation

The trade unions have had a plan in the form of a forecast in the last 10 years concerning their position in the economy. The strategies have generally led to an increase in the membership base of the trade unions.

Summer and winter

The other method to connect two complete sentences is to use a comma and a coordinating conjunction, and this sentence is an example. This is the conclusion of this essay and a good student will see that there should be a comma in this sentence.

Jackie robinson: breaking the color barrier

In 1945, Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, was looking for a black player to break the color barrier and join the Major League Baseball Association. He had heard of Jackie Robinson" s outstanding performances in the Negro Leagues and sent out his scouts to see him.

What is global warming

If it affects the environment, then automatically it affects the things that are in the environment, which evidently are humans, animals, and plants. One of the main causes of global warming is the pollution that is in the air.

Editorial: nucleation and crystallization of glasses and glass-ceramics

The positive development of glass-ceramic technology has become true in particular due to the pioneering spirit, resourcefulness, and courage of researchers of the first generation. He had realized, as early as at the mid of the last century, that glass-ceramic properties are mainly influenced by the controlling of the mechanisms of nucleation and crystal growth β†’

Language and silence in the birthday party

Through the use of language, Pinter creates silences that are monumental to the meaning and overall understanding of the play. The silence also adds to the feeling of absurdity in the play, where it is actually tied to the actions of the characters.

Self presentation in understanding the self

Much of the research on the self has focused on the importance of self-esteem. Self-presentation is the attempt to produce particular self images in order to influence public perception of the individual.

Student analysis assignment

Background Procrastination is the main reason for Carl Robins had panicked in the end of May when realized that right after schedule the orientation for June 15th he should have made a check list of all tasks that the assignment involves and made sure to build and follow a chronogram. It is clear that the β†’


The grass was trampled on and there was just the silence and the sparkling pieces of cement on the concrete, which awaited the end of the day when it would be filled with the footsteps of those searching knowledge on the campus. Behind him I could hear the sounds of the machines and they were β†’

Bacterial biofilms formation and quorum sensing

Irreversible attachment after reversible attachment to the surface bacterial cells produce EPS ' due to stimulation of membrane bound sensory proteins of the bacterial cell, which allows for the development of cell-to-cell bridges that in turn, cement the cells to the surface' 2. 3 Colonization and Quorum Sensing The surface colonization is the final phase β†’

Obesity/body image (sociology) part iii

The desired societal change with regard to the increasing rates of Obesity in the country is: the participation of every members of the society with the integration of its institutions are: to prevent the disease in proliferating and to encourage obese individuals to accept their own stigma and their normal neighbors as well to fight β†’

Horrors of a slave ship

He tells the story of how he was captured from his home while his parents were away to be used as a slave. Toward the end of his time with this master, Olaudah was given the freedom to go with the maidens to get water.

Informative essay on media studies

Finally with the different media surrounding everyone's lives, the commercial factors do influence the media with the " teenager" topic with giving teenagers a bad image sometimes but however the commercial factors can give a positive look on teenagers. The commercials can either show a positive look on teenagers or a negative look, normally the β†’

Factors that influence conformity essay sample

We are willing to change our behavior, beliefs and attitude to suit the norms of the group we long to be a part of. That's when referent informational influence comes in when you want to be a member of the other group.

History of psychology essay sample

Both Wundt and Titchener studied the basics of the mind and emotion to the body. A school of psychology established in the 20th century that provided the groundwork for the modern study of sensitivity, perceptions, on how people perceive and experience objects as the whole pattern.

The exploitation of love and technology

The key to maintain and establish a successful totalitarian society is through controlling the ideology toward personal relations and correctly using the advancement of technology for the " common good". Henry Ford preserves his reign in Brave New World by controlling the society's opinions over relationships and ultimate happiness to produce a sense of " β†’

Build-a-bear case study

The marketing concept, which is the " marketing management philosophy which holds that achieving organisational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively than competitors do", best describes the Build-A-Bear Workshop because they are focused on the needs of their customers and by creating and β†’

Staffordshire university Β­ module title: visual communication module

Reverting backto the question, a sign is again successful if it can fit in with the instinctualunderstandings of signs that the viewer has in order for the signs perceived meaningnot to be susceptible to change. Overall it is clear that for a sign to be successful itabsolutely must fit in with the cultured understanding of β†’

Research methods

Silvin-Kachala, J, & Bialo, E.report on the effectiveness of technology in schools. Silvin-Kachala, J, & Bialo, E.research report on the effectiveness of technology in schools.

A description of the pda psychometric test

In the case of generating a study of compatibilities between a person and a job description, it simply describes and provides details on the strengths and weaknesses. Back to Menu How does the PDA Report contribute to the professional growth and development of an individual?

Portfolio case study

To provide a context for the reports, you have been provided with a scenario in the form a case study on which the questions are based. Include in your submission to the management, a discussion on the difficulties they may face in gathering the Information they might need to carry out an analysis of cost β†’

God’s purpose in my life assignment

The primary tasks of this purpose are to live, to learn, to heal, to create, to teach, to love, to nurture, and to share all of it with the others who are our co-journeyers here. What is necessary is that you accept and receive the spirit that is trying to flow through you, and let β†’

Christianity vs. islam assignment

Both Christianity and Islam have a communitarian dimension: what the church is to Christianity the " mama" is to Islam. As this is one of the reasons why Islam legalizes marriage, because in Islam sexual intimacy is only applicable strictly to husband and wife.

Lady macbeth argumentative essay

When she calls on the powers of evil to unsex her and make her cruel, does this not prove that she knows her own capacity to do such things and realises she cant because of the the unnaturalness of the murder of Duncan? In Act II, Sc.ii, when she calls for help does she do β†’

Skull analysis

This particular skull's facial prognathism is very minor and it has a chin, which leads us to believe that this is the modern day human or Homo Sapien. The skull also had a sagittal crest, the braincase measurements large, and the combined chewing surface was quite large, which leads us to believe that this is β†’

The role of filipino television series in the occupational aspirations of students

The objective of this study is to pay closer attention to what ideas adolescents construct as they interpret portrayals of careers in the television. It aims to explore whether messages about occupational prestige and the personalities of workers that resound through television programs are perceived as truth by teenagers and how do these messages affect β†’

The idolisation of men in media and its effect on women in turkey

So, here is my question for you: What is the relationship between the men we know in our daily lives and the men on magazine covers and on advertisements? I think the aim of magazines and advertisements is not to create a stereotype of men.

The usage of language in east of eden

He introduces his theme of " balance" and the comparison of good and evil in an analogy to the setting; he describes his childhood in the Salinas and states, " I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley were light gay mountains [...] The Santa Lucias stood up against the sky to β†’

Reaction paper social psych assignment

When we say that there is a stereotype of group X, we generally refer to the recognizable presence in a certain socio cultural context of prominent images of that group-more precisely, of associations between a group label and a set of characteristics. The images depict the group in a demeaning and insulting manner and are β†’

Development strategy for japan

The life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world. 20% of the labor force in China is unemployed and is affecting their GDP per capita to a low $6800.

Germinal essay

In Germinal, Cola demonstrates this through the lack of compassion and humanity in the relationships of the workers. They became oblivious to all else as they gave themselves up to this furious pursuit of a reward so dearly won" l This demonstrates the alienation of the worker from his labor and the demutualization of the β†’