4 Pages Essay Samples

My last duchess

It forces the reader to understand the complex nature of man that is blinded by jealousy and makes him so cruel that he can put an end to the life of a woman who disobeys him and does not act according to her social status. He refers to the painting as his personal belonging and →

Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise essay

One of the things that I have learned is that in order for a high performance runner to reach a level that is desired to help max out their run time for military standards, the individual needs to have a focused training, training with an objective. I will discuss the differences between aerobic and anaerobic →

Relationship between planning & controlling functions

Planning is deciding what is to be done, where and how the work is to be done and who will do the particular task. It is responsible for co-ordinating the three main resources required to provide the flight services, which are the schedule, the aircraft and the crew.

Research and explain how current practice is influenced by theories of development essay

His theory is that early relationships with caregivers play a major role in child development and will influence how children react to social interactions with other people. As a teaching assistant I may be asked to observe a child whose development is causing concern and feedback to the teacher.


ZERO INFLATION The word ' inflation' has the dubious distinction of being the most widely used economic word in the U.S.media. Presidents, namely, " the fundamental aim of the Fed is maximum sustainable growth over time; the primary role of monetary policy in the pursuit of this goal is to foster price stability".

Economics: on the road to serfdom, friedrich a. hayek

He had a front row seat to the clash of the collectivist titans from the mild socialism he saw in the West to the national socialism of Germany and the communism of the Russian state. It is interesting to note that outside of Germany and the USSR during the course of WWII, the United Kingdom →

Change and honorary tradition

If there is something that all students look forward to their entire life and does not affect the academic part of school in any way, why should it be removed? If you tell teenagers how to behave, and what is expected of them, the chances are high that they will probably do it.

Comparing companies nomura and lehman essay sample

A Nomura's authorities said that the dress code is displayed on the company's intranet and is intended to ensure that clients and colleagues do not feel uncomfortable. In my opinion, to sum up, some of the obvious differences that exist regard the treatment of females in the workplace, the degree of centralization and decision making, →

The rivals and the wife of bath

Furthermore, the use of deception in both ' The Wife of Bath' and ' The Rivals' allows Chaucer and Sheridan to convey to their audiences that their morals have been manipulated and distorted by society. In conclusion, it cannot be denied that ' The Rivals' and ' The Wife of Bath' are mediums by which →


Widely disregarded and underappreciated, failure at recognizing the possibility of creep in a component or inadequate action to rectify creep may cause the failure of the material or the machine, rendering great financial loss in terms of output services/product. Deformation in the exhaust manifold of the engine not only results in a decrease in the →

Characteristics mono-celled grow mostly because; when they

What happens is that the organisms that are mono-celled grow mostly because; when they are formed during the cell division they are usually small and they are supposed to grow and develop to full-grown cells. Whereas a virus is described by the existence of a capsid in their formation, viroids on the other hand are →

Intellectually stimulating events

In reality, the prospects for our actions, the potentials to fulfill a meaning, are exaggerated by the irreversible nature of our lives. Nature follows its course and mankind is caught in between the unfolding events trying to make meaning of every step to be taken.

Advantages and disadvantages of workplace monitoring essay

How worried should people be about monitoring in workplace and what are the advantages and the disadvantages of it? The aim of the program was to rapidly monitor the phone calls and other communications of people in the United States believed to have contact with suspected associates of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups overseas, →

I am sam film review

As he rushes to the hospital to witness the birth of his child, lights begin moving and the first twangs of The Beatle's Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds begins playing, filling the audience with an inner view of Dawson's confusion and distress, the flashing lights and murky sound bring us crashing back into reality →

Don`t lose the forest in the trees

Scott McNealey, former president of the Sun Microsystems, had pointed out that electronic presentations can divert the attention of the audience to the slide presentation of the speaker rather than focusing to the content of the things the speaker is lecturing. Another hindrance of the electronic presentation is that the central focus of the audience →

The entrepreneurial process in smes

During this essay I will discuss exactly what the Entrepreneurial Process is and will then go onto discuss the definition of a Small to Medium Sized Enterprise and how the Entrepreneurial Process can be applied within a SME. According to Deakins and Freel " small firms have relatively small share of the market place and →

American football and ice hockey

In football, the player has to be graceful enough to run without being drilled in the middle of the field, whereas ice hockey demands that the skater is fast enough to move across the ice and shoot the puck into the net before the opponent's team takes the hit. There is nothing in ice hockey →

Tom clancy’s net force: changing of the guards book report

Sam Cox is the main villain of the novel, who, he and his company are worth billions of dollars, and he was a soviet spy in his youth. The book Tom Clancy's Net Force: Changing of the Guards Book Report is a great book that will hook you in and not let you free until →

Art and extremism

The Tadzio of the film is seductive and beautiful not only in Aschenbach's eyes, but to the plain viewer. This is apparent in the scene near the close of the film, in which Aschenbach fervently pursues Tadzio, and when he loses him and sits by the well, is sweating and crying, as if to indicate →

Unit vii assessment mc

Carlos has a claim for national origin discrimination under the Immigration Reform and Control Act because he is a member of a protected class. Answer Margaret has a claim under Title VII for national origin discrimination because she only wears outfits reflective of the national origin of her ancestors on holidays.

The english system of education and skills

UK Higher Education Policy A Brief Introduction to The Dearing Report Published in 1997, ' Higher Education in the Learning Society' is a series of major reports delving on the future of HE in the UK. The main criticisms of the Governments HE Policy Introduction of university tuition fees The main criticism of the report →

Controversy about nursing education: dsn vs bsn assignment

The profession of nursing is a combination of art and science, where a nurse develops an appropriate relationship with the patient, the physician, and the whole health team. The entry level of education for nurses has been a dilemma for nursing organizations and academics.

Mens rea and actus reus of a crime

If the guilty act involves the particular outcome which the criminal conduct of the accused caused, a mens rea may have to be proven by the Prosecution as well with regard to the particular outcome. Conversely, lacking such an expression, intention is harder to prove and other statements expressed by the accused must be considered →

Avon & somerset constabulary

The XML-based platform future proofs Avon and Somerset Constabulary for the dissemination of additional data through any medium." As you can appreciate we have a lot of news and appeals that are important to disseminate to the public and the media alike. Keeping local information at the fore of website developments, A; SC is keen →

Symbolism in as i lay dying

The coffin became the center of the family's dysfunction, the Bundrens' family feels that in order to move on and accept Addie's death they must put the coffin to rest. After Addie's death the children began to use animals as symbols of their deceased mother." My mother is a fish." This statement came from Vardaman →

The baroque period critique essay

Monteverdi has the distinction of being known as the first great composer in the genre of opera, as well as the last true madrigals of his time. Concerto is the contrasting of the orchestra and soloist.

Influences of pop culture assignment

Usually I try to keep myself busy enough that I do not get wrapped up in these shows, but since I had the extra time and as part of my assignment, I thought it would be interesting and helpful to see what all the fuss was about. I do not go out and cut my →

General electric company essay sample

They are now moving them around in order to broaden their knowledge; this allows the managers to have an opportunity to expand their awareness of all aspects of GE's diverse range of businesses. The Future & Ways to be More Effective The future of GE is, in my opinion, is most likely to prosper.

Cape communication studies reflective piece and analysis

It was beauty that was fully conscious and aware of itself, and it showed in the way her chin lifted and in the way she peered at the rest of the world out of the corner of her eye, as though she was only half-interested in the things going on outside of herself. This is →

Mark sanchez “the man, the legend”

The lessons that he has learned and the obstacles that he has overcome over the course of his childhood, and his professional career have made Mark Sanchez the successful role model he is today. Pundits criticize Sanchez's maturity and whether or not he is ready to be the leader of a veteran team as talented →

Class oberservation

It was a list of the things that they believed in, and what they wanted the children to focus on. After the class was finished with that project they had a circle time to have a discussion about the things they planned on doing for the rest of the day.

Factors affecting international human resource management narrative

Typically this is a manager who speaks the foreign language and stays in the assignment long enough to learn the culture, as well. The biggest issue for most multinational companies in the management of their overseas assignment system is the alignment of the competing interests of the firm, IHRM, and the overseas assignment and family.

Theatre critique assignment

The primary conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist was the robbery set in Lady Bountiful's home because it proved to Dorinda and Kate that Aimwell and Archer would do anything to prove their love for them, and that they were not Just a couple of schemers. With the costumes, setting, and language, they did →

Isaac’s storm

Commonly used names to refer to the storm are; the Galveston Hurricane of 1900, the Great Galveston Hurricane, and, especially in older documents, the Galveston Flood. Following the ignorance of the people of the so called confidence of blind, the storm led to high destruction of the building as well as people.

Study guide

Achieving Goals-rely on communication in order to accomplish particular objectives Influencing Others-completely unintentional Transactional Process-Involves 2 or more people acting in both sender and receiver roles, and their messages are dependent on and influenced by those of their partner. Semantics- The study of the relationship among symbol, objects, people, and concepts; refers to the meaning →

Business realize essay

The Future of ASP and Business Relationship The future of ASPs and the services offered to customers remains secure and highly important to businesses. This relationship is likely to grow at a fast pace to the mutual benefit of ASPs and businesses.

Sterling’s rift: perception in the yellow birds

Powers teaches the reader about the struggles when a young soldier leaves his home, and his family, to serve his country, through the many different types of characters he introduces the reader to throughout the novel. The circumstances in this form of exile would be the war and the need for soldiers, and the young →

Role and influence of ruth wilcox in howard’s end essay

Wilcox but she declares the house to Margaret to be the heir of Howard's end. Wilcox is her tolerance and self-control, and her continuity with the traditions of Howard's end.

“patriotism by yukio mishima essay

Many people consider suicide a moral incorrect or cowardly in that it is taking the easy manner out of a tough state of affairs.And.by our modern criterions.that is typically the instance.But.in the instance of the narrative." Patriotism." written by Yukio Mishima.the self-destruction Lieutenant Shinji and his married woman Reiko committed was the baronial and honest →

The literature of the victorian period

Both of the books are the fight of individuality against the society and the norms that it obtrudes but nevertheless there is something more to both of them... The analysis of the deep context of the book brings the reader to the understanding that Dr.

Two poems are structured, the use of the language and the message assignment

Often results in devastation on the affected party." I know this is relevant to the character Having because she has been jilted at the altar, by a man she thought she loved. Also she became the affected party as in the book as well as the poem it mentions " the dress yellowing" this is →

Explore how tim collins addresses his troops essay

To add to the effect the word is emphasised through his tone of voice as shown by the fact that it is written in bold in the text. He states that is the site of the " garden of Eden of the great flood" It could be argued that he is implying that Iraq is →

“oate’s” and “where are you going, where have you been?” essay

The unfortunate aspect of the story is that Connie plays up her attractiveness and plays the roll that other people want her to have, the one of a beautiful girl. Since her mother is obviously jealous of her, Connie feels as though she is right in valuing her looks in the way she does.

Cognitive processes essay sample

The process of memory starts with a stimuli and then to sensory memory, to short term memory, to long term memory. Learning is new information and designed to improve a response.

Perception of politics in the united states

At the end of reading this, you will understand why politics should be focused on ethics, and the " issues" should be ethical dilemmas that we can all agree need to be fixed. Aristotle believed that ethical issues should be the center of politics.

Health promotion

According to Kumar, the core role of the nurses in health promotion is to address the various public health challenges. The World Health Organization, Health Promotion, defines Health Promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve their health.

Afterschool programs

The benefits of engaging school leavers as well as school going children in the after school programs are basically the cost benefits as through averting the likelihood of these children to engage in crime saves the economies much money that would be used in monitoring and correctional mechanisms for the criminals. Durlak and Weissberg reason →

Internet cafe ban in manilenos minor essay

They have the authority to take pictures and get the names of the minors, the owner of the shop and the names of the parents. This research is conducted for the purpose of identifying the effect of this ordinance in promoting the education of the minor students and to avoid the to the computer addiction →

Organization support adaptation

In order to warn others to pay more attention to the importance of the adaptability of the culture, this essay is developed by giving literature review about adaptive culture, analyzing the adaptive culture of Haier and assessing how this culture adapts to the complex environment.2. Adaptability mainly refers to the ability of the company to →

The importance of customer loyalty

The main purpose of this paper is to explain the meaning of customer loyalty, the factors affecting customer loyalty, and its importance within any organization. Many studies have concluded that there is a positive relationship between the corporate images of the organization and customer loyalty; the better the image, the higher the customer loyalty.

Research findings and interpretation

This chapter draws conclusions and makes recommendations from the findings of this study, especially with regard to the relationship between bullying and a number of factors such as trendy clothes, height, weight, placement in special education and teacher vigilance. It is very important to identify the potential victims and doers of such incidents are to →

Ecommerce federal express

From an outside-in perspective, e-commerce allows FedEx to build relationship with its FedEx brand and its customers through its website which is part of its direct marketing efforts, allowing customers to interact with the company as it provides faster access for them to avail of the services, while it also works to reinforce the brand →

Soft drink industry

The first marketed soft drinks in the Western world appeared in the 17th century. However, activists retort that Coca Cola is in the business of water usage and wasting, creating a luxury product largely for the middle class.

Sorry for the loss essay sample

In the short story ' Sorry for the Loss' the author Bridget Keehan examines the statement " do not judge a book by its cover" through the main character Evie and the inmate Victor. See it as a part of my education, like Shakespeare, and the Iman, he's a good man." In terms of theme, →

High-performing teams

How a leader influence the culture of an organization To change the culture of any organization, a leader needs to be communicate and publish the core values of the organization, mission and vision. The role of such rewards is to recognize the role the team plays in the organization.

About the emancipation proclamation

The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation was largely influenced by Abraham Lincoln's negative opinion of slavery, however he was also under pressure from his peers and the slave owners of the United States as well. The President expressed his dislike for the concept of slavery in documents and speeches more than thirty years before the →

In desirable, whereas in other cases one

The answer is that this may be ascertained with the help of the words of God and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad who was messenger of God. According to Muslim jurists, in the absence of any direction for human actions in the words of God or traditions of the Prophet, the human reasoning or →

Southeast asian in the us ques 3

Viet se Way of Life Canh is the of the Viet se restaurant that my friend John and I visit for lunch. One of the most significant proportions of politeness is for their children to show respect for the elders.

Large chain of department stores

NEXT have a number of employees starting from the sales consultants, to the floor managers, to the assistant managers, to the shop manager. The hierarchy of the store is set out below: - Outside the store the hierarchy is similar.

Must aboard college aboard the raja ampat

Named try of overseas telegram Travel's prime twenty places attend for available in 2014, lesser-visited island could be a whack toute seule and engaging ardent bulletin for catastrophe".worst organization admirer to look at the orange-stan of Bu gown Lawang," wrote Guyan Mitra at the years, " and the force of vigilance man elephants that area →

‘looking for alaska’ by john green essay

It has played an of import function in her life and will play an of import function in the lives of the characters lives after her life is brought to an disconnected terminal. Alaska Young was to deep in the mystery of defeat over her answerless inquiries and guilt.

Criminal acts and choice theories

The principle idea of the classical theory is that individuals cull behavior with the addition of criminal conduct. Individual powers of selection can be managed by multiple determinants such as the apprehension of castigation or the benefits achieved by committing a crime or illegal activities, which indicates that the more harsh, definite, and prompt the →

Does youtube favor a certain type of content?

YouTube has an algorithm that is put into place to give the content creators money, or blocking the creator from making the money because they do not have enough staff or enough time to give the content creators money for the content they created. A lot of gaming channels post daily because they have the →

The gold rush

They think of men bent over streams, panning for gold and men digging into mountainsides hoping to hit the ' mother lode.' Most people, though, do not think about the people who were in place before gold was found or the effects the gold rush might have had on the development into today's society. The →

Outing policies essay

Outings policyWhen taking the children on outings, we always check that all the health and safety requirements are met for the children and staff needs. If the child becomes ill on the premises, a member of staff will contact the parents and the child will be under supervision until the child can be collected.

Aptitude test: overview

The questions in these objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be printed in bilingual i.e, English & Hindi. There will be negative marks for the wrong answers in the Objective tests.

American first, mystic second: whitman’s western patriotism in “song of myself”

He calls America " one of the great nations, the nation of many nations the smallest the same and the largest the same", further displaying his admiration for America. Even though Cowley denies the democracy of the poem, as stated in the previous quote, he attests to it.

Admission essay on why i should be accepted into the mba program

However, since its introduction I want to be part of the institute and become a pioneer in the MBA course. I have done so in the past and would be able to achieve it in my course work.

Thisexplains the vast water pollution assignment

The animals in the ocean are dieing everyday in the ocean because of the bad pollution we have right now. This poll shows you that we should take care of our waters and think about what pollution is going to do to us in the long run.

What is the meaning of science? essay

The scientific method is a logical and rational order of steps by which scientists come to conclusions about the world and the phenomena around them. What difficulties have social scientists encountered in applying the scientific method to the study of social phenomena?

Managing a database administrator team

Providing training to the database administrators and retaining them effectively are two of the major responsibilities of a manager. If I would be the manager of a team of database administrators, I would provide at least two-week training to all newly employed administrators in order to improve their skills and abilities.

A literary analysis of the whistle by benjamin franklin

The broader theme that the author has presented in the work is indeed the lesson that has been learned from the story. In the whole story, Benjamin uses the concept of the whistle to emphasize the theme he intends to present.

Information security management

However, one of the consequences of IT growth is the birth of a new breed of crime that is found in the internet. The objectives of this report are the following: i.to define what is information security; ii.to identify the legal and ethical issues in information security management of eBay; and, iii.to know how eBay →

Report on financial statement fraud scheme case study

As our company is in process of conducting investigation to detect anyfinancial statementfraud or abuse, I have come across the case where expenses were recorded in the financial statement under the period it was disbursed to vendor and actual services occurred in next or other financial year period. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Auteur theory essay

His first solo directed piece was The Majors and the Minor as though he was not doing enough he also moved onto producing the films that he directed to insure his artistic independence of the movie. It is said and thought to be contained by visual style of a film that the auteur leaves their →

Salt and ice minnesotas battle

Sodium Chloride, the salt that is applied to roads, is the most common practice to reduce ice on roads in Minnesota and around snowy parts of the United States. Salt has been the most effective means of deicing roads because it lowers the freezing point of water, there for melting the snow, and it is →

Teaching theories and assessment

It is essential that students work are continually assessed to not only give students motivational feedback, but it is a measure of comprehension and how much the student has understood and is also a reflection on your teaching practise. His is a victim of low self-esteem and often adheres to peer pressure to " play →

Should race and culture matter for children in foster care placed with adoptive families

Running head: Transracial Adoption Awareness of race and culture in transracially adopted children Transracial adoption brings with it a number of issues related to the effect of racial and cultural identity on the children and on their overall physical and intellectual development. Studies have also shown that it results in a better psychological adjustment of →

Essay 1

The form of the Aeneid is similar to that of Odyssey in that both are tales of heroes who set out searching for glory according to the will of the gods. His father spells out his future for him; that of greatness where he is to found the Roman Empire and in doing so ensure →

Medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability

The stress of her diagnosis and anxiety about future changes are likely to have a psychological impact on Tracey. Vocational: Tracey will meet with a vocational counselor and her boss to talk about the effects of multiple sclerosis on job performance.

Virginia woolf’s the new dress: alienation, isolation, and loneliness

This is where Mabel began to feel separated and disconnected from the world because of the dress she was wearing. Mabel Waring is the protagonist of the story, but not however a dynamic character.

Women in gothic literature essay

However, a common theme in gothic novels is for this feeble female to feel sympathy for the villain, for example, Elizabeth in Frankesntein, Lucy in Dracula and Ophelia in Hamlet, sadly, this usually results in the innocent females tragic death such as Ophelia's untimely suicide, which, similarly is seen in another of Shakespeare's women, Lady →

The crucible – revenge

Arthur Miller demonstrates this in his tragic play The Crucible, by showing the reader that although giving in to feelings of vengeance is easy to do, choosing the path of forgiveness often leads to better results in the long run. Rather than accepting this and that she was in the wrong for being with a →

Ordnance survey essay

Therefore, next we are going to speak about the unique resources that Ordnance Survey possesses, followed by the competences needed for it and finally we will speak about the strategies that competitors can develop in order to undermine these unique resources. Which is more important is that Ordnance Survey is trying hard to innovate according →

Evaluation paper on people with disabilities

The staffs meet with the families to tell what experience they have with people with disabilities and see if the family would like to have that particular staff care for the individual. Along with the doctors the team effort that DSI provides ensures the client gets into the community and has life skills needed to →

Hook, line, and sinker: the one that got away in the chosen

Not only can Danny with his future decided for him and Reuven, who is able to choose his own path, be taken as the novel's hooked and free fish respectively, but the quote itself also parallels one of the story's morals. Menninger's hooked fish is, ultimately, represented by Danny, and his free fish by Reuven; →

The human digestive system

The system consists of the primary organs; the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, the rectum, and the anus, as well as the secondary organs; the liver, the salivary glands, the gallbladder and the pancreas. The mouth is responsible for the immediate intake of food, and is partially responsible for →

Southwest flew only boeing 737 jets

The focus of that Tuesday meeting was set aside and the attention focused on what to make of the developments and howSouthwest Airlinesmight respond to the changes. Reconsideration's all of these facts about Southwest Airlines and the airline industry in general I came to an answer about how Southwest should respond to the changes of →

Munchausen symdrome: the lying disorder

Munchausen Syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which the patient repeatedly lies about having medical illnesses in order to seek the attention of others. Munchausen By Proxy and Munchausen Syndrome are both very difficult to diagnose because of the level of dishonesty that is involved.

Applying labeling theories to capturing the friedmans

Capturing the Friedmans is an exemplary film that highlights the perspectives of the labeling theories, presenting conflicting and multiple accounts on two characters Jesse and Arnold, whom the media, criminal justice system, and community label as criminals and deviants. From this viewpoint therefore, deviance is not based on the quality of the action committed by →

Pest and swot analysis

Opportunities As Monton has worked and made good contacts in the mobile phone sector, there is window of opportunity for the company to extend and focus towards the relationship previously built with the purpose of renewing the and bringing in business. Threats With the ending of the Celtic Tiger the economy slowed down and so →

Family relationships in “the moths” and “saving sourdi” essay

In " The Moths", the narrator realizes that she does not satisfy her family's expectations, but she is not willing to relent to the pressure they put on her to conform. Another struggle is how Nea sees her big sister as sort of a father figure, and in that way her conflicts loosely relate to →

Rogers’ approach

These are:* The client and helper must be in psychological contact * The client must be in a state of incongruence * The helper must be congruent or integrated in the relationship * The helper must feel unconditional positive regard for the client * The helper must experience empathy for the client * The client →

Reflection paper – “moms.com”

For the negotiation I created a worksheet, with the multiple combinations to calculate the net value of the options. Effective questioning is a crucial part to the information exchange process, and allows a negotiator to efficiently gather the data he/she needs to maximize the deal.

Marketing & sales persuasive essay

The Group's principal strategy is to develop the ELLE brand both in the wholesale and retail sectors, and to acquire clothing rights for other brands. ELLE is flexible and adaptable to the demands of the market.

Exploring business purpose

The main sorting of businesses is into the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors: I should choose two different organisations covering these sectors and for each one: a) Describe the main activities.b) Explain which sector it is in and why. Why BMW is a secondary business and also why it is known as manufacturing because they →