4 Pages Essay Samples

Benedict arnold essay sample

During the American Revolutionary war against the British, Benedict Arnold was one of the American participants in the war who fought skillfully against the British and actively participated for the American war troops. However, the conspiracy was uncovered leading to the capture and execution of Andre and Arnold flew to the enemy side and went →

Discuss the different factors that influence inequalities in health : giving exampls of their impact and possible implications on health

Factors that influence inequalities in health Factors that influence inequalities in health According to Comstock, Castillo and Lindsay, health distribution is influenced by different factors, which range from community to public factors. P, 2004." Four-year review of the use of race and ethnicity in epidemiologic and public health research".

Cubism by morton schamberg and francis bacon

The development of cubism was one of the most formative moments in the history of art, as the entire practice contradicted the conventions of artistic form and execution, and yet something drew audiences to these types of paintings like moths to a candle. Yet, there is a story to be told in this lack of →

Example of haene safavi personal statement

As a twenty-seven year old male of Pakistani-American Heritage, the field I have developed an interest in is accounting at the Graduate level in an effort to achieve my goal of becoming a CPA. I have also had a number of opportunities in the intervening years to test myself in demanding situations and to see →

Post traumatic stress research paper essay

They feel as though it is a way to relieve stress and escape from reality. They do a great job in managing the nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety people are facing.

Reflective journal m02

In my readings, I was struck by the observation of Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, that the profit maximization goal is impossible to define, and therefore impossible to achieve, because there is never a satisfactory answer to the question, ' How much profit is enough?' Exactly, businessmen are depicted as greedy and heartless, loving money for →

Performance and career management

After the performance appraisal is completed and subsequently feedback is given to the employee, the employee has one week to discuss with management a game plan moving forward to improve in the next quarter and how to reach their targets and goals. Another example of helping employees reach a higher level of performance was when →

Plastic surgery outline assignment

He author and a specialist tort preventive surgery in ere US, says that America's teenagers tell the need to undergo plastic surgery because they think of the beauty standards as the given norm and want to achieve those norms. It's not entirely unwise to get a plastic surgery, according to Valerie I-Eileen, she thinks some →

Carbohydrate tests essay sample

Hopefully we will use the information from those test to be able to identify the organisms in each of the samples from the case studies. We will use the results from the four different tests along with the information of how different bacteria react to match up to the case scenario and identify the bacteria, →

Sensory perceptions

My goal in this paper is to research influences and factors that all contribute to the development of the brain that is the key instrument in interpreting situations, circumstances and experiences in the world. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD CHILDHOOD POSITIVE VERBAL COMMUNICATION When a parent is positive with their communication with their →

Distinction between just and unjust laws

The letter was written in 1963 to the government's higher officials to remind them of their civil responsibility to maintain equality irrespective of the race and cast. The law makers of Florida have devised the two laws, but they do not coincide in any way and creating a chaos for the residents of Florida.

My study journey

The course was highly regarded in the job market and there was a need to involve in a course that reflects on the market demand and personal ambitions. Experience is my best component in that through this opportunity I was able to learn the market strengths and weakness.

Mcdonalds marketing flashcard

The McDonalds Corporation has to be continually aware of its consumer behavior, their eating habits, as well as the situation and the trends in the market in order to understand if there is a need of any changes in their marketing strategy. A self-administrative questionnaire will be designed, thus the respondents will complete the survey →

Articulating the ambiguous narrator

In George Eliot's Middlemarch, the reader is confronted with a cast of enigmatic characters, though the " character" the reader receives the most exposure to is perhaps the least easily understood, and for the simple fact that it should not be a character. On one hand, the narrator fulfills the role of third-person omniscience, but →

Genetic engineering 13185

There are many pros and cons to this debate, but it is undeniable that the effects from the new revelations in the field of genetics are far-reaching and deep impacting. First we must see that genetic engineering offers many potential benefits to the twenty-first century in the two fields of agriculture and medicine.

What is economic efficiency essay

Allocative efficiency exists when the selling price of a product is the same as the marginal cost of producing that product, i.e.the price paid by the consumer will represent the true economic cost of producing the last unit of the product, this ensures the correct amount of the product is produced, as shown below. Point →

Customer information narrative

They explained to me that because the Airport Connection limousine service offers many guarantees about service, which includes the ability of their system to store the customers' information, it was necessary for their database to be running well and for the database to be properly updated from the information collected on the website. After this →

Everything you need to know about francis bacon

It was told late in his life that his father had ordered the family's Irish groom to beat him with a horsewhip when he was a child. His sexual proclivity influenced his entire life and was evident in his art from the beginnings of hiscareer.

The romanticization of lower class in leo tolstoy’s novella the death of ivan ilych

In The Death of Ivan Ilych, Leo Tolstoy recounts Ivan's illness and death as well as his reflections on his life and his interactions with others. Ivan, his wife, and his friends all have problems, while Gerasim is only mentioned in the context of cheerfully attending to Ivan.

Power supply in desktop computer engineering essay

Internal working of power supply Schmatic of Today's Power Supply In old power supplies the circuit was almost same and working as also the same but the difference was on the performance of individual components like the transformer do not provide their 100% correct work and we have to use other means of source for →

The different types of country risk

Commonly, the occurrence of the country risk is caused by the act of country's sovereignty in the international economic activity. The last type of country risk is the location or neighborhood risk.

Case 10.1. electrolux company

What allowed them to have this advantage is that they pulled the design people to help make the product look appealing in with the engineers of the product who are producing a product that is easy to use yet very effective and different from what is already available, and they had the marketing team there →

The problem of grade inflation

In the article " School Penalizes Profs for Grade Inflation" by Brittany Risher, she informs the readers of grade inflation in schools across the US, and the many points of views of professors related to the reality of grade inflation. By penalizing a professor, Point Park University is expressing to the educators that grade inflation →

Interventions that apply scripture in psychotherapy essay

The author, Fernando Garzon, stated his reason for writing the article was twofold: " first, to increase Christian therapists' awareness of the variety of types of Scripture interventions available, and second, to stimulate " divinely inspired creativity" in the further development of strategies to incorporate the living Word of God in Christian psychotherapy". In dealing →

Letter to simon (class discussion)

The main three features of Microsoft Office that I am going to discuss with you are spelling and grammar check feature, the status bar feature, and the Word Help feature. You can go to the incorrect grammar or misspelled word and right click on the word to see the suggestions that Word will give you →

Analysis of “the bean eaters” by gwendolyn brooks

In the second and the third line of the first stanza, the author is trying to show that this couple does not have fancy preparations or planning for dinner, even their plates are chipped and old. The couple is referred to as a " yellow pair" indicating that they are in their twilight years and →

An analysis of tim o’brien’s the things they carried essay

Since they were all mad they neglected to see the wrong in their acts and after the event they were filled with shame. It is hard to move on with all that shame and the troops felt it.

Assignment final proposal

Having been in the industry for over Alfa of a century, Future Growth Inc. The economy of the United States remains an area of concern for Future Growth Inc.

The protestant reformation and martin luther religion essay

The Roman Catholic Church would see its authority challenged in a way that was unprecedented and the world would bear witness to the beginning of many religious feuds and rivalries, some of which live on to this day. Luther also insisted that the Bible was the one and only word of God and that it →

U.s. mousetrap manufacturers

While it showed, as long suspected, that it is almost always the man of the house who sets traps and disposes of dead mice, it also revealed that it is the woman householder who today makes most mousetrap purchases, a development most likely caused by the decline of the hardware store, the domain of the →

Living below five dollars a day

To get a feel of the life of a person living below five dollars a day, I tried to live for two straight days with a budget of five dollars and the first part of this paper presents an account of my personal experiences which may be extrapolated to the rest of the population. In →

Imagery of disgust vulnerability and separation

In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass uses imagery order to persuade the reader to stop slavery. Douglass 3)" The reader is captured by the gruesome imagery which Douglass illustrates in portraying the scenes of a slave-whipping.

To hear that mournful melody

Since the idea of the strength of family bonds is central to the text, the passage in which Ree prepares her brothers for school is key to the novel assince it establishes her as the mother figure to the boys. In this passage, Woodrell uses indirect characterization, shown through the lens of Ree's thoughts and →

Life of pi

Throughout the entire book Pi was very close to religion and in the end his religions were the main reason he had survived. The last reason is that the religion believes that suicide is completely forbidden and Pi was thinking of committing suicide on the boat.

Carrots lack of clarity whether carrots are good

Carrots, one of the beta-carotene rich foods, when added asa supplement to your dog's regular diet as per your vet's prescription, willhelp your dog in maintaining healthy skin and good immune system. Look out forWhile feeding your dog with carrots, it is important to look out for thesize of the carrot pieces.

Abortion is an issue only concerned with rights and duties essay sample

Where rights and duties are concerned there are many different approaches from these groups as to what rights the mother has, the rights of the unborn child and the duties the mother has to herself, her partner, her religion and her unborn baby. Abortion is considered to be the murder of a defenceless child who →

Analyze the consequences of the contact and exchange between different cultures and civilizations in world history: technology,

Social Intolerance and the Collision of Cultures The more open-minded among us have grandiose hopes that the meeting of new and different cultures will permit a fair exchange of goods and ideas to the betterment of all. The more different the culture, the greater the likelihood that one or the other will encounter, or perceive, →

Philosophy- does god exist

Therefore, the idea of a God is meaningless for Hume." So God does not exist?" Asked my friend." Hume does not think that should be the question to ask. According to this argument, the universe itself is a proof for the existence of God.

Greek god research paper: eros

The other myth says that Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche's beauty and asked Eros to shoot her and make her fall in love with the most unattractive man on earth. In conclusion Eros is the God of love and erotic love.

General sociology – code of the streets

The author presented only two groups of people which categorized their existence within the social contest among individuals and families of the neighborhood, the " decent" and the " street." I thought that they were kind of broad terms and that maybe they should not necessarily be " categorized" but they should be more of →

Dracula, bram stoker – a religious analysis

In Bram Stoker's Dracula, Stoker simulates Dracula as the Anti-Christ by using many beliefs from Christianity to exhibit abundant amounts of the evaluation of the influence of Dracula with the influence of God, Anti-Christian morals, and superstitious beliefs. In numerous traditions Dracula is symbolized as the essence of sin.

Jury trial analysis

However, it is also important to critically consider the assessment of the constitutional trial rights that are enacted during a jury trial, as well as to examine and discuss the selection of a fair and unbiased jury. The existence of Hornberger's point is just a reminder that the employment of constitutional trial rights especially in →

Several interesting facts

Eliot hardly could imagine that his poems for children " Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" will be known to millions of inhabitants of different continents as a basis of fantastic by its beauty classical musical " Cats". For the first time " Cats" were presented to spectators in New London Theater in West-End and →

Optimizing pilot planning and training for continental airlines

In order for solving the complicated, large-scale pilot planning and training program and increasing the competitive advantage in air transportation market, Continental Airlines replaced the old database system and spreadsheets by the Crew Resource-Solver integrated decision-support system. Moreover, the system increases the flexibility of the training program as it is able to customize by adjusting →

Female stereotypes in one hundred years of solidude

Her role in her relationship with Jose Arcadio mirrors the role of countless women of the 18th and 19th centuries. The following quotation further illustrates the unimportance of the female characters in the novel." So he handed out clearing tools and hunting weapons to the same men who had been with him during the founding →

Business law

Here, the CEO was not forced to sign to new contract reflecting the increase in the cost of construction. Therefore, upon the completion of the contract, the CEO is liable to pay the additional $2 Million based on the new contract.D.

Slp: consumer driven health care

According to Rosenbloom, " consumer driven healthcare is the newest entrant in employer's struggle to provide health care to the employees and their families, which both the employee and employer can afford". This definitely proves the advantage of such accounts inclusive of a consumer driven health care plan that enables a consumer to have a →

Cathys clothing case study

Concurrently, the expected impact on the concerned managers and financial issues of the District are critical. Expected impact on managers' behavior under the proposed bonus structure I expect the proposed bonus structures to influence the store managers' performances positively in the realms of sales and accountability.

Origin of old-earth geology scientifically and religiously, fairholme, murray, rhind, and young’s contribution to modern geology

The book, therefore, provides information from the point of view of some of the scientist and also the Christian point of view. This marked the beginning of the opposition to the account of the Bible which estimates the earth to be about 6000 years.

Serial killer speech

In conclusion, this was only a brief look into the mind of the serial killer. A dark empty world where the only sense of satisfaction and feeling comes from taking the life of another.D.

Sexuality at different life stages

Ana is at the point in her life where she is at a fork in the road and is unsure of what she wants to do, and is feeling like she is being torn because of comments she is hearing from her mom. In the case of Bill he is at a point in his →

Thematic apperception test (tat) projective test a

Along with the MMPI and the Rorschach, the TAT is one of the most widely used psychological tests. The chief risks involved in taking the TAT are a bad " fit" between the examiner and the test subject, and misuse of the results.

Experiment on osmosis assignment

The Fixed Variables There are several fixed variables I can control in order to get a different outcome to my experiment: 1)Temperature of the atmosphere in which the investigation takes place 2)Surface on which the investigation takes place 3)Length of time in which the chip is submerged in the solution 4)Position of potato chip )Size →

Web du bois and double consciousness assignment

In his 1897 article, Strivings of the Negro People", Du Bois introduced the term " double-consciousness", a concept I believe to be just as relevant in today's African-American communities. The stereotypes and images of Black people in America have evolved since Du Bois coined his term in 1897, but even the ever-changing understanding of Black →

Finance analysis essay

The profitability of the firmThis is measured by the profitability ratios i.e.the gross profit/margin ratio and the net profit margin ratio. The current ratio was 2: 1, 3: 1, 2.

Fund investment and management in venture capital market

The most critical aspect is the management of the venture capital because it determines the success of the market that are also influenced by the status of the markets. Objectives The objectives of this research concerns the financial attributes that relate corporate to the market status and the competitors capabilities that influence the performances in →

Pros & cons of the technological imperative essay

He compares the invention of the computer to be similar to the invention of time that is worldwide as a way to keep people synchronized and connected." It's unique power lay in its ability to synchronize many independent individuals one smoothly functioning organism". In the article Clocks, Computers and Why we Play God, by Jay →

An island like you

In the course of the summer, Rita manages to assert her individuality while incorporating her heritage, in her effort to navigate both the American and the Puerto Rican in herself." Catch the Moon" is about a trouble-making juvenile named Luis Cintron that just got home from a detention center. He parked the car and started →

The reaction to and the importance of henry dawes, and the dawes act, to green grass running water

The Relation To and the Importance of Henry Dawes, and the Dawes Act, to Green Grass, Running WaterHenry Dawes was not culturally enlightened, especially when it came to American Indians. During his time as a Republican Senator, he was a member of the Committee on Indian Affairs, the position that poised him to draft the →

Manufacturing process of pizza

Our products at Prima Pizza will be produced in the kitchen area of the premises whilst our services will be offered at the front. They will then pass the bases onto the employees that will add the required toppings onto the pizza and place them in the oven.

Different aspects regarding abortion

Everyone has different aspects regarding abortion, when a fetus is determined to be a human or a human being and when or why someone should or should not have an abortion. Pro- choice arguments do consider a fetus a human or they would not have an argument on abortion, but the question is when is →

Journal review

Issue The purpose of this research is to identify the main problems that can be encountered during the implementation and use of a performance management yester. The objective of the study is to examine the impact of HARM practices on organizational performance.

Learning and environmental factors education essay

Starting with the home environment to the classroom and even to include the body and mind, these are all important to create the stable and healthy learning environment that a student needs. Having the space to study and accomplish tasks quietly is important for a student to succeed in life.

Listening to walker junior high school choir. live performance review

In the beginning of the choir show, Walker had sung " You Are the Music In Me" by High School Musical. In addition to this, all the choir students had only sung the chorus.

A day in your life 15 years from now essay sample

You tell the TV to send the rest to local storage, pull your CID from the desktop, and put it into your phone. As the induction coils top off your car's charge, you exit the structure and walk over to your building's entrance.

Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites essay sample

The chitin adds rigidity and structural support to the thin cells of the fungus, and makes fresh mushrooms crisp Most members of the kingdom Fungi lack flagella; the structures are completely absent in all stages of their life cycle. Colonisation occurs whenever any one or more species populate an area and infection is the invasion →

When the antibiotics quit working

The emergence of drug resistance within the populations of organisms is a logical consequence of the theory of evolution. Nowadays the excessive and uncontrolled use of antibiotics led to the emergence of new bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics.

Usefulness and effectiveness of learning experience

Learning is the only way of achieving knowledge and skills through the viewing of experience, situation and with the help of teacher or mentor. Notably, the data and information gathered through learning are important in the everyday life of the organization or individual because it is used to predict the future trends of a phenomenon.

Arthur miller’s play, death of a salesman: how willy loman was killed by change

The idea of death is even seen in the title, so it is no surprise that within the play named Death of a Salesman, there would be a death of a salesman. Biff's lack of change is seen throughout the play and is the force that eventually kills Willy.

Essay on greek philosophers

Nonetheless, the assumption that most men are capable of philosophy is denied by Socrates, in both the Republic by Plato and The Clouds by Aristophanes. Despite their portrayal of the same individual, there are major differences in the representation of Socrates in the accounts of Aristophanes and Plato, especially due to the difference of the →

History of hans frank

Frank's role in the Nazi was commissioner and reformer. Frank admitted to his guilt in the Holocaust.


The distinguishing factor that explains the perspective of the true source of knowledge is the concept of deity. An objection to Descartes philosophical theory on knowledge is the certainty of knowledge.

Homosexual propagation in ukraine

In the article " Tajik Fighting Ends, Ukraine Gets on Anti-Gay Bandwagon" it is reported that people who participated in a march last May in Kyiv promoted the traditionalfamilyand rotested against homosexuals' rights with a slogan " Homosexuality No." People in Ukraine do not want to accept homosexuals in society. The next perspective of this →

Manila city banks case study

The re-evaluation process will provide the MS a unique opportunity to hear and understand the needs and concerns of the MS branch managers. As and result, the MS gets managers who can perform a variety of tasks to meet contingencies.

Deception and persuasion in propaganda

Tricks of the Trade: Deception and Persuasion in Propaganda Tricks of the Trade: Deception and Persuasion in Propaganda British Petroleum was the precursor of the largest accidental oil spill known in the world. BP clearly strategized ways to divert the attention of the media and people from the actual progress of the rehabilitation of the →

Famine, affluence, and morality

In the case of modern charity, there is the issue of geographical and racial boundaries that separate the more privileged countries from the ones that need their help. Considering the disparities in the quality of life between these two and the push for the standardization of this value, we should strive to improve access to →

Dalit theology

Nirmal, a Dalit Christian in the Church of North India.[4] Nirmal criticised Brahminic dominance of Christian theology in India, and believed that the application of liberation theology to India should reflect the struggle of Dalits,[4] who make up about 70% of Christians in India.[5] Nirmal also criticised the Marxist element within South American liberation theology.[1] →

Analyze the international trade and finance speech

The problem is that the oil produced in the U.S.is high-quality crude and the oil imported is heavy, sour oil. Since the refineries are currently equipped to refine the heavier oil the U.S.has a surplus of the high-quality crude.

The strengths behind kfcs strong brand recognition

KFC is the largest and the most popular Fried chicken restaurant chain in the world, there are more than 80 countries open more than 14, 000 KFC restaurants in the world, they receive 1, 200 million customers every day. All these employees in the KFC who are must take part in international training and pass →

Obesity/body image (sociology) part ii

The Symbolic Interactionist perspective best illuminates and explains the issue of Obesity as how it was interpreted by the individuals having the disorder themselves and especially for the normal-weight individuals. For instance, due to the increasing rate of obese patients in the United States, there is an apparent conflict existing in the provision of Medicare →

Unit 4 individual project

Thus, it could be deemed that the movement in favor of euthanasia may be rooted in our fear of facing death, and that euthanasia is used to hasten death so that we will not have to cope with the consequences associated with the actual process of dying. Boston: Oxford University Press.

Political science assignment 4

Globalization and the Gap between the Rich and the Poor ID: Question Number Globalization and the Gap between the Rich andthe Poor Global inequality in wealth is a considerable factor in the modern world. Countries throughout the world are not equal in their level of wealth of the prosperity of their citizens and the income →

Conservatism is merely a ruling class ideology

It serves in the interest of the rich and powerful and it serves in the interest of every social class, including the poor. They consider society as a pyramid and command structure, which serves in the interest of the rich because society is fixed and the rich will always be at the top.

Alone in the dark media essay

With a planner, the student can mark the days of the midterms and schedule daily study sessions to help them prepare. It is important if students do not understand something to go and ask the professor for help.

Introduction computer. a pda is a typical

In essence, the higher the demand of a certain commodity or services, the higher the number of competitors in the market fighting for the commodity or the services by supplying the need to the market. Some of the factors that affect the demand and the supply of a computer include the following; the initial factor →

Organization’s business strategy

The fourth component of strategic management is strategy evaluation; this is premeditated in a way that assists the firm to determine or ascertain the usefulness of a given strategy and establish how effective it is. One of the key strategies that a firm has to come up with is the innovative strategy; the managers form →

Hamlet vs all my sons essay

It is apparent from the beginning of the drama that Kate is in fact guilty of something. She is really careful in what she says and does.and she knows how to manage any bump in the route.

The social and economic benefits of an immigration reform

An immigration reform can open the doors for many professionals that could refresh the ideas of the United States and provide with a different perspective of the solutions out there for the problem we face. All of the people above have one goal in mind and is to provide a better life for themselves and →

Stuff the tiger

And who honestly thinks it's sad that their children will never get to see a tyrannosaurus rex in the wild? Anyway, ignoring that, we are told that the polar bear is now at risk and as a result we are all supposed to kill ourselves.

International business machines corporation (ibm)

IBM case study analysis shows that the invention that made it famous corresponded to the necessity of the state, but not the needs of the customers. This solution of the company was the part of its corporate ethics, and a case study on IBM can also be made on this basis.

The analysis of “jasmine graves” by christina speller

In addition, they must study the ways of the modern people crowding them so they can feel a sense of belonging in this community, and be able to speak with others and they can try to obtain careers to help themselves and family. In the story, the girls are forced to go by a new →

Food supplies: purchasing, receipts and storage

The supervisor and the supplier should usually be notified. Records of deliveries should be retained to enable traceability in the event or food poisoning or a food complaint.

Edible oil sector

The key players extract oil from seeds and fruits to produce the oil and fats and by products of oil cake used in manufacture of animal feeds and palm flakes used for soap manufacturing. The companies may pass the increased cost of production and cost of material to the consumer.

Extreme regard to the film it lacks

The novel explores the dynamics of ethics and the manner as individuals we are willing to sacrifice or go an extra mile in order to change the society. Exploring the dynamics of utilitarianism it would be instrumental to argue that in regard to the film it lacks the autonomous virtue of personal morality and ethical →

The essence of poe essay

Suspense can be used to create the mood of a story; Poe knew and exploited that to make the reader feel like they are in the story. The short stories by Edgar Allan Poe use elements of fear, suspense and mood to draw in the reader.

Marketing plan: phase ii paper

The main challenge faced by Diageo is the rapidly declining beer sales in the UK. Mainstream and budget priced beer accounts for the remaining 95% of the market.