4 Pages Essay Samples

Lessons from the crises in cote d’ivoire

The greed of the political leaders resulted in the civil war and to the division of the country into two. Ivory Coast became a Republic in 1958 and in 1960 the leader of the Democratic Party of Ivory Coast, Felix Huaphonet Boigny became the President.

Open relationships

One of the benefits of an open relationship is that both partners are not hindered from forging partnerships with other individuals which can meet the best of the interests of the partner. Since there is a ' loose' attachment between the partners in an open relationship, the result is that both of them are not →

Concretization essay

It's a pretty abstract and unlimited concept to fit in the confines of ones skin; I am not sure if he even is aware of the word Taijitu; I do not think I should ask. A rule of thumb is that one should be able to see the whites in their eyes when they pick →

Apple inc investment

Ratio for 2006, 2005, and 2004 The following are the ratios of Apple Inc.for the years 2006, 2005, and 2004, as based on the data provided by Google Finance and USSEC on Apple Inc, which is also being displayed in the Appendix section on page 26: From the twelve types of ratios that were calculated →

Continuing my education

I think it is wonderful to get all the education I can to help to help me to proceed better on my job. Thus, I think it is important to have that degree under my belt.

Measurment scales

This form of data may be the result of something in the form of a number or an amount. The focal point of the differences between interval data and ratio data is that ratio data contains a meaningful zero point value as a pose to the interval data.

Mary warren: an examination of the powerful and the powerless in the crucible essay sample

Mary, though one of the oldest at eighteen, is one of the weakest of the girls as the play opens. According to Christopher Bixby, The Crucible is a play about the seductive nature of power...a study in power and the mechanisms by which power is sustained, challenged and lost ".

Stalking victimization in the united states

The need of the hour is for stronger legislation to arrest and prosecute stalkers and the generation of public awareness about the nature of this crime. In addition to the generation of fear and the disruption of lives, stalking is often the precursor to lethal violence.

Fiedler contingency model

Over the past couple of years a lot of things have changed but one thing that has been constant is the use of technology and the importance it plays in the workplace. It is not completely black and white with the culture of the organization.


Depending on the economics of the particular situation, fabrication may be accomplished in a commercial pipe fabrication shop, or a site fabrication shop, where portions of the piping system are fabricated into subassembly or modules for transfer to the location of the final installation. Accordingly, fabrication and installation contractors must work closely with the designer →

Benjamin franklin and the wright brothers assignment

He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania and was elected the first president of the American Philosophical Society. From the beginning of their aeronautical work, the Wright Brothers focused on developing a reliable method of pilot control as the key to solving" the flying problem".

Compare and contrast essay

Jordan burst into the big game with a terrific first season, earning the NBA Rookie of the Year and MVP for winning the championship for the first time. 7 points per game, the best in NBA history.

Analysis of stock market fluctuations in response to oil shocks using bivariate

The majority, on the other hand, hold the view that oil prices are indeed endogenous in the case and the advancement in the demand supply mechanism of the global oil markets. The study proposed that the cause of hikes in aggregate demand itself contributes to the volatility and widely differs in terms of the set →

The epic of gilgamesh and the ramayana

The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Ramayana are two of the oldest epics and examples of heroisms to date. It's the origin and cultivation of these characteristics in both Rama and Gilgamesh that is the biggest difference between these heroes.

Antarctica and tourism

The number of tourists to Antarctica has increased quite considerably, during the past decade, according to International Association of Antarctica tour operators in 2002/2003, 13571 tourists visited Antarctica compared to 6000, a decade ago. Tourism in Antarctica is guided and regulated by the International Association of Antarctic tour Operators.

Analysis of ”american gothic” painted by grant wood essay sample

I have made this decision because my reading of the male on the picture is that he is defensive.standing a spot in forepart of the female. It is the inside informations that are of import to look for.and they can be analyzed otherwise depending on what individual that is sing the picture.

Topics in insurance

Under this scheme, one is eligible to be covered for the hospital bills under the umbrella of category ' A' at the same time, one can enjoy insurance coverage under part ' B' or be covered for the prescription of drugs under the scheme's part ' B' This scheme however differs from the Medicaid programme →

Urban legends

The case of the bottle of Pepsi A young woman was standing in the queue in a popular supermarket. As she was leaving the store, the man confronted her and said that this was the nicest thing anyone had did for him, and he wanted to return the favor.

Current issue project

The impact of countries leaving the euro on other euro zone economies such as Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain could severely affect the financial stability of the global economy. Effects of weak currency on consumers and businesses The economic and financial problems in the Euro zone can be attributed to the weakening of euro →

Triple jump phase

Finally as the body is coming out of the bounding position, the opposite leg hits the ground in order to propel or " jump" the body forwards, aiming for distance rather than height, into the pit.[pic] The phases In the triple jump, there are three joints that aid in movement of the hip, the knee, →

The factors that helped melinda recover

Over the course of the book, three things in Melinda's life put her on the road to recovery. It simply shields Melinda until the time is right for her to sprout.

Mexican jewels: cancun and puerto vallarta

Located in the state of Quintana Roo, it is bounded by the Bahia de Mujeres, the Caribbean Sea, and the lagoons of Nichupte and Bojorquez. The main draw of Cancun is the turquoise beaches of the Caribbean that are lined with shores of powdery white sand.

Portrait of madame recamier analysis essay sample

From the earliest days of the French Consulate to almost the end of the July Monarchy, her salon in Paris was one of the chief resorts of literary and political society that followed what was fashionable. Her bare feet are not meant to invoke the Christian God but to enthrone a new goddess, France, as →

Discussion 3, ch 16

There were a number of factors that accounted for the grew in wealth experienced in the late 1800s as industrialization took place and two of these factors are the use of advanced machinery and cheap labor. Labor was another factor that aided in the growth in wealth as labor accounts as an important input to →

The difference between fate and coincidence

The Difference between Fate and Coincidence In the novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, fate presents its self through the characters of the novel whom seem to be under the influence of a force greater than them. This is evident due to the fact that Hardy was known to believe that an evil →

Human organ shouldn’t ligalize

Although the sales of human organs have been done since long ago, and there are many claims and proposal to make it legal, a lot of oppositions are against this idea.*Moneythe purpose Considering the poor status of most donors, one of the primary stated reasons for organ selling is to pay off debt. Besides, there →

The concept of total war

Aside from its unforgettable aftermath wherein a number of casualties and various war damages were recorded, World War I also paved the way for the emergence of the concept of total war. It was a war between two " Superpowers," the United States of America and the Soviet Union.

Technology essay

The details about the phone is a selling pitch for the producer and it shows why the consumers want It so much. At the end of the day I realized that going a day without my phone is not the end of the world, but I still cherish it so much.

Writing improvement

Emphasis 26.b is more emphatic because it specifies which products and they services they offer.27.b as it is specific to the costs of advertising.28.b.because listing what is to be considered show how important they are.29.a.because it is simple and direct to the point.30.b.as it provides more information about the seminar indicating its importance.31.b.because it is →


My friends and I woke up at about 7 a.m.and got ready for the trip and since it was our first snowboarding trip of the season we were really excited and enthusiastic. At that moment I thought we were all going to fall off the cliff and was pretty sure that my friends were also →

Frye’s green world

Within the exposition, there is evidence of conformities to Frye's Green World Model through the language of the old world, which is characterised by the rigidity and the language of the law. In the ' old world', the lexis used is that of law and order, which reflects the theme of rigidity and tradition of →

Electronic devices essay

I think students should be able to have their cellophanes and Pod out during school because after school kids should be able to contact their parents for any emergency. I think students should also be able to use their cellophanes and pod for the music, music can change a person's mood at any given time.

Just walk on by: a black man ponders his power to alter public space

Through the course of the essay, the author makes several valid observations and poignant remarks about the injustices meted out to blacks in everyday social situations. And finally, in what is a display of literary irony, the so-called " power to alter public space" leads the author to alter his private thoughts and behavior.

My impressions from habibi restaurant

They specialize in Arabic cuisine and I can guarantee you it is the best in Erie. The service here is wonderful and others can account to this as well.

Marketing mix of hero honda karizma bikes

The marketing mix of a company will depend upon the characteristics of the target and at a particular period of time. We can see reach easily on the outlets of Hero Honda company in every city and buy their products.

Pilates basic history, guidelines and benefits

This is because of the fact that when it comes to Pilates, the way a regime is done is more important than the regime itself. The goal of Pilates is to enable one apply this precision in their everyday life and be effective in their everyday movements.

Taylor greer essay sample

Her discovery is motivated by the people that she befriends, the landscape that she witnesses and rather than setting out to find herself, her self discovery instead, comes upon her to a degree that is inescapable. Louanne recognized the belt as the one she was whipped with years ago, when her father was alive".[2] Taylor →

Culture of mexico

It has been a colony of Spain in the past which is why its culture is a mixture of its own and the European culture. The following civilizations include the Teotihuacan, the Zapotecs and Mixtecs of Monte Alban, the Maya of Yucatan, the Toltecs, Aztecs etc.

Swot analysis of the vegas tourism industry and marketing essay sample

The largest strength Las Vegas touristry has is its trade name acknowledgment of its celebrated phrase." What happens in Vegas.corsets in Vegas". Las Vegas is one of the most good cognize touristry finishs in the universe and its presence in the planetary touristry industry is merely turning.

Different views on non-intervention as foreign policy: monroe doctrine, good neighbor policy and obama doctrine

4 The film Aristide and the Endless Revolution was released in 2005; a year after Jean Bertrand Aristide was ousted for the second time in the 2004 Haitian coup d'etat. Actor, activist, goodwill ambassador to the UN, and friend of Aristide, Danny Glover was interviewed in the film and defended Aristide's government.

Exploring the gender and ethnicity issues of the novel

As a teenage Latina girl living on Mango Street, Esperanza is expected to become a cookie-cutter version of the women she is exposed to on a daily basis. Three prominent issues seem to plague the women of Mango Street: an excess of loneliness, the complete loss of potential, and an extreme distrust of men.

Critical essay of the movie the wailing

The film director has made great use of various literally elements such as sound, foreshadowing, color and themes to make the film interesting and to create the mood of specific scenes throughout the movie. The sound helps the audience to know that the man will have a significant role to play in the film and →

Emotional, behavioral, and physical disabilities essay sample

Another key factor in dealing with these students is being able to reel the student back in and help them refocus on what is taking place within the classroom and move past what triggered the outburst to begin with. In extreme cases where the student is unable to regain their focus the teacher will allow →

Mexican american essay sample

Introduction The fastest growing ethnic group currently in the United States, the Hispanics or Latinos account for approximately one fourth of the total population." Hispanics or Latinos" pertains to the migrants from Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America and from Spain. Hispanics and other ethnic groups also face problems of discrimination, economic poverty and insufficient education →

The multicultural affects of communication in a large company

The Multi Cultural Affects of Communication in Large Companies Globalization is the process of speedy yet steady change and integration of countries and the occurrences that happen with the use of foreign trade and many other foreign investments. Multicultural Work Environment: A company is referred to have a multi cultural workforce where the employees of →

The relationship between the family members under the saudis culture

The role of everyone in the tribe is to support hisher relatives because the more together we are, the stronger we become. On the other hand, the father has to take care of the income of the family and be accountable for the problems facing the family.

Hustle as a strategy by bhide

Therefore, the hustle strategy can be reliable in many ways and so it is suitable as a strategy for a future-based business. As such the article is dependable in that it can be applied by organizations that wish to develop their business faster and in a good manner.

The seven years war

We have people that are proud of being English and then we have the people that are not proud and also very irate towards the people that are English. We are people that love our land, love our country; however we have to draw the line somewhere.

Reflection on experience with surgical wound care

To reinforce my knowledge & skills on the management of surgical wounds, I studied on the similarities & differences that I have observed from our practices back home and from what is practiced here. During my whole adaptation stay, I was able to develop my skills in the management of surgical wounds.

Obtaining the consent on human subjects. the

Inform consent is usually in the form of document signed by the subject andrelevant research information, such as the purpose of the study, expectedduration of study, experimental procedure to be undertake, benefits andpotential risks of participation, also important for the participant to makedecision and confirms for individual willingness to involve in peculiarclinical trial and significance →

Bridging the gap: comparing “letters from my father” and “the writer”

In " The Writer", the narrator has to decide if he would like to go into his daughter's room when she pauses typing because he never knows the outcome of the pauses. The main difference between " Letters from My Father" and " The Writer" is that Fran realizes her father will always be there →

Does alternative medicine really work?

For example, many people believe that vaccinations and antibiotics have links to cancer and therefore use alternative medicine instead of conventional methods. However, in order to compare the effectiveness of alternative and conventional medicine in a person, we must look at that person's state of mind and their condition.

Factors that contribute to suicide among students

The second is suicidal intent, it is the intention of the individual at the time of suicide attempt to the yearning of death. Fleming et al conducted a survey to investigate the relations between individual, family, school and community characteristics and rates of suicide attempts of secondary school students in New Zealand.

Fine arts enhances learning

Many spend years studying for the SAT's in order to get the perfect score and be accepted to the perfect college. Statistics show that students who are involved in music score well above the students who do not, on both the verbal and mathematics portion of the SAT.

Why did the whitechapel murders attract so much attention in 1888 analysis essay

The Whitechapel murders were the first sexual serial killings in England, perhaps in the world. The Elementary Education Act, in 1870, meant that everybody had to go to primary school to learn the basics of reading and writing.

Assumptions of herbert spencer and karl marx essay

The aftermath of the work should act as a mirror to the human being. On the other hand Spencer argues that human nature is flexible and is in the process of advancement.

Power can be demonstrated in many ways essay

Vermeer being Criers master meant he automatically had power over Greet, which meant Greet had to allow all given instructions that the master gave. That passage from the book describes Vermeer and Greet relationship in the beginning of the book.

Creating long-term loyalty relationships

The bonding between salon customers and Makarizo are even better, as salons are being gratefull with Makarizo because by buying and using Makarizo products, they can have training and more knowledge about new hair technique and keeping up with hair trend, which will definitely at the end increasing their salon clients. Further, purchased result of →

The science behind human behaviour psychology essay

The Working Memory is one of the four different types of memories that exist in the human memory system. The four types of memories in the human memory system are sensory memory short term memory, Working memory and long term memory.

Considerations when appointing auditors

It is the responsibility of the management to prepare the statements, the auditor Just checks and verifies the items. This is important because it is the responsibility of the management to prepare the financial statements - the auditors Just check them.

Dost thou love life? then do not squander time, fo

He proposed the hiring of proper men to serve constantly in that business, and that the tax should be based upon the size of property that the person owned. He would mark off whenever he faulted in one of the virtues, and gave a weeks attention to each of the virtues in order.

Introduction: whereas in the public sector, financial measures

To keep track of the execution of activities by the staffwithin the control and to monitor the consequences arising from these actions, managers use this report. The characteristics that define a balanced scorecardare: v Itmainly focuses on the strategic plan of the organization concernedv Tomonitor it selects a small number of data itemsv It isa →

First union case study

According to Daft, culture changes refer to changes in the values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs, abilities, and behavior of employees such as the mindset of the organization. And the department more desirable to the influential members of First Union.

Mih543 – perspectives on abuse violence module 4 – case

Physical abuse can be in the form of slapping the old person or can be in the form of beating severely and restraining with ropes. In the UK, elderly abuse was in the form of economic abuse whereas in the USA it was found that elders were more exposed to emotional abuse.

Standard five: motivation and management

An understanding of motivation is important in the teaching profession in that, it helps teachers to better manage learners and it helps a great deal in managing and resolving conflicts. This is very important as a means of ensuring that the knowledge acquired in school is responsive to the social needs of the learners.

Corrigendum: seasonal dynamics in dissolved organic matter, hydrogen peroxide, and cyanobacterial blooms in lake erie

Corrected H 2 O 2 concentrations were within measurement error of the original reported concentration for 12% of the Lake Erie samples, while 88% of the corrected H 2 O 2 concentrations were significantly lower than the original, reported concentration. Discussion, Section 4, Paragraph Number 1: The average and range of hydrogen peroxide concentrations in →

Four pillars of competition policy in eu

In comparison with the Perfect Competition there is not a restriction for entering but, however, in this one the types of the products can be completely different to each other. The reason can be the restricted number of entries but additionally the fact that the nature of products is not specific.

Religious conflict in the americas assignment

The settling of the Europeans in these places is a big factor in why the most prominent religion in the USA today is Christianity. Once they were conquered, the citizens of that city were fierce to take part in the Aztecan religious practices and rituals, as repulsive and brutal as many found them to be.

Organisations and communities influence social change essay sample

Zimbardo's critics claimed that the wider culture of the media could have played a large part in the actions and reactions of the individuals who participated in the prison role play. In conclusion organisations and communities as seen as a collective gathering of individuals with common joint interests and purpose have the potential to create →

Human evil by hicks

A working definition in the context of the essay might perhaps be that a person or human is a being created by Judeo-Christian God and given the ability to exercise the power of free will. Hicks paraphrases Irenaeus, who believed that although Man was made in the image of God, the suffering and hardships of →

Exception handling essay

Exception handling involves the following: 1) when an error occurs, an object representing this error is created and thrown in the method that caused it 2) that method may choose to handle the exception itself or pass it on 3) either way, at some point, the exception is caught and processed Exception Sources Exceptions can →

Khind holding berhad essay

Khind has been expanding its business in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong in recent years, primarily through Khind Electrical Sdn Bhd, Khind Systems Pte Ltd under which the two subsidiaries Khind Electrical Ltd and Khind Electrical Limited in providing home and industrial electrical solutions. In order to differentiate the company product by the other substitute →

“ballad of birmingham” explication

The denotation of the poem seems to simply tell of the sadness of a mother losing her child. The dramatic irony of the mother's view of church as being a " safe haven" for her child is presented to the reader through the mother's insistence that the young girl go to church to sing in →

Killing animals

This brings a serious cause because most of the animals are in the endangered species list, and almost being extinct. Innocent animals are being use for lab experiments, for the safety of new products for us humans to buy later in the future.

Shift has a high likelihood of negatively affecting

This particular form of intolerance, labeled as SMS or Shift work Mal-adaption Syndrome, is progressive and actually gets more pronounced and worse the longer a person is exposed to a particular shift work schedule. Another factor to take note of when examining the effect of shift work in various individuals is the fact that the →

Il gattopardo: the throes of modernization

It was the time of the Risorgimento, the campaign for the unification of Italy and it was a long and complicated process. Lampedusa exposes the life of The Leopard and how he and his people reacted to the Risorgimento.

Examining marks and spencer group plc business essay

It begins with the main objectives and purpose of the organisation and follows with the key features of the organisations Business Environment. The population of the UK and the world in general is continuing to age.

Raisin in the sun

The book Raisin In The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry starts off with an epigraph that describes the plight of most of the African American people in the past as well as the present. It's important to remember that the situation of the African Americans in the United States right now is pretty much like the →

Ecolab, inc.

The wide range of products and services brings about more choices to Caleb's customers and makes the company suit to different market segments. Decision Making: the brilliant strategy of expanding products and services give Coal chances to grasp market and customers, enhance the branding awareness, and then make profit and progress.2.

Case study: monsanto’s roundup

The first part of this paper explores the alternatives Monsanto could have taken to avoid the loss of revenue that occurred with their Roundup product, resulting In the precipitous drop in the price of their stock. Part I Explore the Alternatives Prior to the expiration of the patent on Roundup, Monsanto held a virtual monopoly →

The walt disney company

The story and the individual case of John Lasseter and Walt Disney Company present an overlapping use of power. Does the firing of John Lasseter from Disney Studios and the events leading up to his firing demonstrate the ethical use of power?

Cv for doctors essay

Sound knowledge of current principles, methods and procedures for medical diagnosis and treatment Knowledgeable in operating medical equipment and tools for patient diagnosis and treatment Exceptional abilities in directing patients towards full recovery and treatment Competent in dealing and building relationships with other health care practitioners Ability to operate effectively and remain highly emotive under →

An acquaintance with darkness

While the assignation and arrest of Mary Surratt is the major historical event around which the book is written, it is more about the state of medicalsciencein the US at the end of the war and how it was impacted by the war. I think this book will be a way to get them interested →

Solution of chapter 8 operations mangement by jay heizer

13 For 5, 000 units, Perth is the better option.8. At a volume of 5, 000 units, Burlington is the least-cost site.8.

Jealousy in midaq alley

The themes of the novel work alongside the jealousy of the characters and ultimately the tragedy of the ending is caused by the jealousy that is simmering throughout the book. One of the most compelling characters in the book is Salim Alwan who is depicted as an openly devilish character who is in sharp contrast →

My dream to be a navy essay sample

As a being a navy I will have a chance to be in a component of group of people with different cultures, traditions and their way of life to share their feelings of sorrows and happiness. I made a decision to join the United States navy because there allot of things that I can do →

Personal statement

Again, I have to mention the fact that I give first priority to my family in all my endeavors because they mean a lot to me. Due to single parenthood that my mother underwent, there is a huge age gap of ten years between my eldest sister and I.perhaps the low level of education in →

Why should we eat breakfast everyday?

Preview: Today, I will be discussing the health risk of skipping breakfast, and second the benefits of eating breakfast, and finally how we can solve the problem of skipping breakfast.L. Eating in the morning and what you eat is important for setting your blood-sugar pattern for the rest of the day.I.

Analysis of traveller in jack london’s to build a fire

The author introduces the reader to the man's insufficient ability to interpret the reality around him since the beginning of the story, when the cold temperature of fifty below zero " did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty". This simple defect represents the first ring of the chain of events that will determine →

Mormon missionaries assignment

Among the standards that a prospective missionary must adhere to include regular study of the Standard Works, adherence to the law of chastity, adherence to the word of wisdom, and the payment of tithing. The Standard Works are a culmination of Holy Scriptures including the Bible and three other holy books called the Book of →

Relationship between gdp and public debt

On the Relationship between GDP and Public Debt during the EMU period The Maastricht Treaty laid out a central objective: that in order for the EMU to mature and lead to the establishment of a single currency in the EU i.e.the Euro, the member nations' fiscal and monetary policies had to be harmonized. The Treaty →

Sony electronics essay

Weakness and threats The global market has slowed down considerably in the face of intense competition and uncertainty and Sony has also been facing a drop in its sales especially during the vacuum period. Also the company irrespective of having a strong brand name is expensive and many consumers are unable to pay the price.

Abnormal psychology critique

The points presented by the author about the existence of this feeling of depression among older people are true and satisfactory. The issue that attracts my attention is the prevalence of suicidal behaviors in older adults and lays a foundation for understanding the role of risk factors in the prevention of suicide.

The remains of this culture have been

Maglamosean Culture: Denmark and the coast of Baltic Sea are the centres of Maglamosean culture. Among the important tools of this culture are axes, adzes, microlithic trapezes, burins and end scrapers.

Introduction of new communication media

The members of the management are using it to communicate amongst themselves and also to the juniors. On the fourth day, everthing was great and that management were already making a decision to have it official method of communication in the organization.

Summary response assignment

In the article, Blinder cites reliable evidence to successfully argue his opinion that the American education system needs to be revised in order to better prepare workers for employment in the current market. In the end he talks about education needs to better prepare children for the kinds of personal service jobs that cannot be →