4 Pages Essay Samples

United states federal government assignment

Even though this amount of money can not be comparable with the tremendous amount of money the united States Federal Government loaned to the automotive Industries, It does demonstrate that the government has done something really helpful and successful In term of the outcome of this action and the federal government's functions in some extent. →

Criminal justice and policy assignment

This paper is going to take a look at the policy for marijuana for both the state and federal government. The good thing about the federal level is that the punishment is the same as opposed to the states where punishments vary by the amount of marijuana that you will be caught with.

Chapter#3 majid,ehtesham,zoona 27-05-2017 sajan gali abbottabad dr jan

When specimens were dried, these were transferred totheir packets, which were labeled; the size of packet was 6cm x4cm.3. All these characters wereexamined with used of stereoscope, size were taken in centimeter and millimeter.

Show by what stages medea’s plans for revenge unfold essay sample

Medea is desperate to stay in Corinth for a little while longer and tries her utmost into making Creon change his mind, and does not succeed, until she finally persuades him with talk of children, and that he should let her stay in Corinth for a while as he would understand what it is like →

Bait and switch: the (futile) pursuit of the american dream

The book ends up as one dealing with the author's experience of job hunting than with the life and plight of the jobless white color workers in the American corporate world Though Barbara Ehrenreich is trying to discover the struggle of the middle class in pursuing the so called " American Dream", the very concept →

Synthesize the peer review

All of the five articles under review in this essay revolve around the topics of neuroscience and psychology, referencing the primacy of the brain in influencing consciousness and behaviour. Primarily I would like to emphasize the variety of theory and practice related to the personal and professional treatment of mental illness in this essay.

Anorexia nervosa

All the girls who attended the group therapy, in Chapter 2, had suffered some kind of psychological trauma in the past and had taken to starvation to vent out their frustration. The most effective treatment strategy seemed to be the group and individual therapies which created awareness in the patients about the lack of logic →

Are dreams meaningful essay

Despite the symbolism and captivating array of ideas to be found in dreams, Fredericks states that there is no hard evidence to prove that dreams are any more effective in understanding a personality than observing it while the individual is fully awake. Even though there is a lack of scientific data relating to the " →

Circadian clocks and pregnancy

They also developed the hypothesis that alterations in the circadian system during decidualization are important for regulating the expression of genes vital for the formation of the placenta. In his review, Sellix highlights our current understanding of circadian clock functions in the female reproductive system as it relates to the timing of gonadotropin secretion at →

Orientalism by edward said: a valuable study with its limitations

In his extended critique of the study of the " Orient," Edward Said's book Orientalism provides a deep analysis of British and French imperial scholarship. Said begins his narration of the issues of Orientalism with Napoleon's invasion of Europe and continues through the changes in Orientalism as influenced by the world wars.

Importance of reputation according to arthur miller’s novel

The importance of reputation over life becomes prevalent when Rebecca Nurse gets hanged to keep her reputation, when Giles Cory dies to keep his reputation as an honest man, and when Proctor fights to keep his name. The importance of reputation over life is portrayed in the play The Crucible when Giles Corey dies to →

Candide: being human

While there is some hope for the human race in Candide, the superficiality of love and the cruelty of human nature are revealed through depictions of material beauty, wealth, and violence to the effect of devaluing philosophical optimism. There is also a favorable view of humans in the resilience of the characters throughout the text, →

Cleopatra: merely a “morsel for a monarch?”

The Renaissance stereotype of the subordinate and inferior female is in total juxtaposition to the possessive and shrewd characteristics that Cleopatra possesses, as she is in fact " a wonderful piece of work". The universal imagery of Antony's association with Mars foreshadows his submission to Cleopatra, as she is a physical representation of Venus, and →

Mcdonalds college essay

However in public & private limited companies, the shareholders along with the owners are in control of the direction and objectives of the business. All of the things above help shape the objectives of a company and their direction in the market place.

Case study starbucks going global fast

Another factor that makes it difficult for Cutbacks is the younger population which started feeling like it is not a place for them because of the high prices of coffee cups and the atmosphere in the shops that they found " outdated". Another thing is that, as in the rest of the world, it should →


This article points out that governments, internet providers, and politicians advocate for control of content of the internet. They perceive that regulators of internet should preserve the right of people to free speech and online connectivity.

Motivation case study

Organisational Behaviour Question The real issue presented by Chief Robert Jackson, in chapter 6 of Organizational Behaviour, is that of highlighting the factors that influence the decisions people make with regard to their behaviour. In this leadership style, the leaders provide the resources and tools needed and leave the employees to set up their own →

University of phoenix material

University of Phoenix Material BUGusa, Inc, Worksheet Use the scenarios in the Bugusa, Inc, link located on the student website to answer the following questions. Non compete tort was committed in this situation because WIRETIME completely overlooked the fact that Janet is in a contract with BUGusa that says Janet is not to work for →

Components of the business market

The commercial market is the largest segment of the business market. This fact leads some firms to design business goods and services to meet specific buyer requirements, creating a form of market segmentation.

Plato’s republic book two: a study of the theme of injustice a depicted by gyges immortality

Egoists' say that a man is going to do whatever he needs to do to flourish, even if it means that the man will have to do something unjust. If it is true that a man is only looking out for himself and is selfish, than the man would do everything in his power to →

How outsiders are portrayed in war photographer and stealingby

This shows a degree of selfishness which is evident when he takes pleasure in knowing the the children will cry in the morning he then goes on to say lifes tough like he had to harden to the world at a young age and so should they, he shows a bitterness towards the children as →

Kmart & sears essay essay sample

Provide a brief historical background of the problems facing Kmart and the characteristics of the distressed debt market, including factors that influence an investment in a distressed company. A: Lampert saw synergistic opportunities with the M&A of Sears and Kmart.

Jean piaget vs. vygotsky essay sample

All experiences and things happening around the child are input to their development, the interaction with physical and social environments is key for cognitive development. A child for would be presented with a situation and depending on what their stage in cognitive development, one of the four stages.

Effect of laptop or desktop access on student electronic educational interaction

Effect of Laptop or Desktop Access on Electronic Educational Interaction The application of technology in learning has been believed to make the process of learning more efficient. It is obvious that the students are very receptive to the use of this technology in education.

Halo and devil effect paper

In order to win awards you have to compete with a number of your peers and who ever has the most recognition win. The halo and devil effect is constantly seen in our society, this will be an on going issue that will probably never change because we live with a judgmental state of mind →

The kingdom of matthias history essay

At the end of the day, however, the two men succumb to the pressure of the Christian religion and lose their power that was acting as the foundation for their cult. The development of the religious movements by Elijah and Matthias was in itself a form of escape from full submission to the Christian religion →

The significance of coral reefs

Many of the species living in coral reefs can only be found in coral reefs. Fishing plays a major role in surrounding communities and the economies, however, overfishing can cause damage to the coral reefs and the species inhabiting them.

Love conquers all essay

In The Scarlet Letter, love conquers the pressures of society, while in The Great Gatsby, love overcomes the test of time. When the people call for her to Speak; and give your child a father! she still refuses to give the name of the father of her child.

Cloning and ethical issues

But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the " →

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as costs, benefits and ethical issues raised in relation to your recommendation to approve or disapprove

This research will delve into whether the proposed research and cost, the experimental group and benefits, and the control group and ethics are balanced in experimenting with human subjects.II. According to Iversen and Gergen, " In experiments on human beings, the goal is still to assign people randomly to experimental and control groups.."..

Heritage assessment

Most of the family members in this family were vegetarians and other family member hardly ate any red meat. Daily exercise and meditation is the part of every day life for this family.


When I talk to people I have never met I feel as if everyone is staring at me because I offended someone in some way I was not aware of. He knows it can be very difficult for me to talk to people, but he thinks that my shyness can only be cured by talking →

About me

When I was in sixth grade and seventh grade, I was really self conscious and I cared alot about what people said about me. I remembered the fun of camp and I wanted to that happy again.

Challenges and strategies for successful graduate study assignment

In " Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing," Linda Kramer states that making a list of things that you have to do and crossing each task off as you complete It Is a great strategy to help with time management actually sticking to doing those certain things at that particular time that you have set aside →

Citizenship and the community

These changes include the establishment of a government according to white man's standards, and the introduction of Christianity and education, changes that contribute to the problems that the community is facing. The community in Umuofia faces the challenges and struggles of maintaining and upholding their traditions, while at the same time accepting the changes that →

3 page overview of a powerpoint presentation (to be done later) on school conflict for a graduate education class

Girls in cliques often deny they are in a clique but they can be recognized by the hierarchy of the group members, the class, club or neighborhood they belong to. Impact on Schools Cliques encourage social exclusion in schools and make the experience of adulthood difficult to transition to.

Analyze the classical conditioning essay

The goal of advertisers is to get the exposed person at the grocery store or what have you, to associate the positive feeling they had for the ad with the product. The problem with this is a certain amount of diminished return on the ad.

What were the implications of the title of the story

When Randall leaves at the beginning of the story Dorothea is very upset that he has to go.' Left his Dorothea', in this you can see that Randall sees Dorothea as his own.'The parting was bitter', they dint want to leave each other. Not for millions' The way I interoperated this is that when she →

The crucible society affects decisions

Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws are one and the same: sin and the status of an individual's soul are matters of public concern. This shows how society's outlook of people affect the decisions that Proctor makes.

Technology and literacy

There are various stakeholders in the education sector who need to be included in policy and process practice. Teacher need to be trained on the new aspect of teaching using media technology which will increase their competence in issues related to children learning.

Canterbury tales an ancient writer geoffrey chaucer essay sample

Examples of the stories in book include; General Prologue, The Knights Tell, The Wife of Bath, The Pardoner's, and The Miller's Prologue. To identify the comparisons and contracts in the stories by Chaucer, this paper aims to analyze two stories; " The Knight Tale" and " The Wife on Baths Tale".

Teen britain: the shocking truth(tm) article

Therefore, I question how you can support some of your statements as you seem to are stereotype all teenagers in Britain to be like the few you have spoken to. Well, is it fair that you have done this to the teenagers of Britain?

The jewelry essay

Despite making only 3, 500 francs a year, she " ruled his home with an economy so adroit that they really seemed to live in luxury" and she was able to " furnish him with excellent wines and with delicate eating." She provided him with so much happiness, that he chose to overlook her love →

List and describe forms of learning: classical,operant,observational,and cognitive(insight or latent)

Likewise, the earlier learning experiences of students can often be associated with conditioned stimuli, like the learning hours demarcated with the sound of bells, and the experiences made memorable with the use of colors, sounds and smells. One needs to use prolonged associative conditioning to facilitate learning, and use methods that leads to the extinction →

Economic competition: should we care about the losers?

Within his description, Wolff clarifies that exploitation is a direct consequence of economic competition." A competition has been set up for the general good, but without sufficient regard to how this affects the people who are enticed into the competition by the promise of victory'. Unlike these forms, the side effect of an activity consists →

5 reasons the best performers underestimate their value

The people I have placed at the top of my " want to hire" list have been the least likely to negotiate their salaries. They need to stop and think about the value they can provide to those who do not have that knowledge - especially to those who might be trying to hire for →

Adolf hitler assignment

Throughout the history of mankind few men have ever earned the reputation, the resentment, and the legacy that Hitler has earned for himself; a man who started from the bottom of society to rise to the top of one of the most powerful regimes in European history. While I do agree that Hitler was the →

Columbus, indians and human progress essay sample

The reasoning for Columbus' voyage to the Americas was because Spain was expanding incredibly fast and it came to a point where 2% of the population owned 95% of the land. On the island Columbus and his men had made a fort out of the timbers from the Santa Maria.

Chapter questions and answers essay

11) What are the components of the core product, actual product, and augmented product in a feature set? This is similar because the company is making a promise to the consumer that they will benefit by purchasing the product.

The original arab the bedouin history essay

The Arabs: A short History One hundred years passed by the death of the prophet Muhammad, yet his followers were the leaders of a great empire. The two representatives of the Semitic people who survived were the Arabs and the Jews.

A phenomenon of economic inequality in modern world

What these signs point to is the idea that the U.S.economy can still be flourishing, the GDP can be rising, and citizens can still be maintaining a standard of living while massive economic inequality is at its highest. This is part of why it may be so tricky to call inequality out because people can →

The roe v. wade abortion issue

The court also noted that if a fetus was defined as a person for purposes of the fourteenth amendment then the fetus would have a specific right to life under the amendment. In a press conference held on January 18, 2005, McCorvey claimed that she was the " pawn" of the ambitious Weddington, who was →

How alexander hamilton’s childhood shaped him

From his life to his death, and to every seemingly insignificant moment in between, he is crafted before the observers on the pages with words used as the paint. There is no definite answer as to why he left, but the elder variant of his youngest son, our dearest Alexander Hamilton, stated that he left →

Maya angelou free essay sample

Maya Angelou was becoming a huge success in the Arts world, but her hands were itching to write again. She was in demand as a teacher and lecturer and continued in her drama work.

What does it mean to be american

The question is who Americans are today and if they are just the individuals, who were born in the United States. According to Lee and Bean, " by the year 2002, the number of foreign-born people living in the United States exceeded 34.

Road accident in malaysia essay

In most of the accidents, a single factor is not present and an accident is a result of a number of complex factors that jointly and singly may be responsible for the accident. In major roads in Malaysia, the traffic is very heterogeneous and consequently results in greater number of traffic accidents.driving checks- drivers are →

Plot:the story essay

Characterization: Winston, in the short story ' A Blow, A Kiss', tells the story two sets of father and son relationships. Winston bases the majority of his stories in Concision around the emotional connection between Father and Son.

My dream

I am also different in the essence that I do not believe that there is only one perfect college for someone and that " he or she will just know that the college is the one for them. Although I am unsure about what I want to do when I am older, I have it →

Maturity transformation

Large size also implies a large number of borrowers and a large quantity of funds, so there is scope for arranging it so that a small fraction of the assets is always on the point of maturity. The intermediary accepts a large number of small deposits, creates a large pool and then distributes the pool →

Bitcoin starts its disruptive phase

Tracking Bitcoin since its inception, and my confidence has grown to the point where I am now trading in a portion of my gold holdings for bitcoin, buying it and accepting bitcoin for the Abundance 360 CEO Summit. Bitcoin is following the 6Ds and is on a path to go from deceptive to disruptive over →

Why student drop out college assignment

Only the 30 percent of students finish the four years of college education while the rest students leave for many reasons. Students do not be focus to go to the universities because they know the hard that it is going to be.

Foreign literature about the black nazarene essay sample

According to the classic statement of Karl Marx, " Religion is the sign of oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world...the spirit of a spiritless situation. Allah is a God of justice, who expects righteous behavior and submission to the divine will and punishes unrighteousness.

Kate chopin’s character mrs. mallard

Mallard wants to be independent, and the only way for that is to be a widow. The reader is confused and maybe judges her for the joy at the death of her husband.

A comparative study of ivf (in vetro fertilization)

8, A comparative study of IVF and Review of Sources for Research Study: Body: The topic of my research project is a ' comparative study of the IVF technique'. In this book the author is of the opinion that IVF surgeries should not be consulted in all places.

Microscale crystallization of sulfanilamide essay

The purpose of the experiment was to use the crystallization technique to purify the solute sulfanilamide using 95% ethanol as the solvent, to calculate the amount of sulfanilamide that was recovered, and to determine the purity of the final product. The purity of the final solid Nould be determined by performing a melting point and →

Why american colonies won their independence back

The British, with a population of 11 million, had a large, well-organized land army of 48, 000 men, and their Royal Navy, being the most powerful navy in the world at the time, was unmatched on the sea. In the Naval War, the Patriots attacked the British bases and supply ships located in the Bahamas, →

The u.s. and pakistan

The U.S.and Pakistan The world is changing rapidly. The continued recalcitrance and the unlikelihood that a transparent inquiry into Bin Laden's activities in Pakistan will be conducted by the Pakistani government suggest this is the best course of action.

Backstage view of ‘the avengers’

CMT 2325 PROJECT 3 ESSAY Backstage view of ' The Avengers' The primary objective of this essay is to elaborate on the creation of the different special effects in a movie. They were responsible for creating many of the film's digital assets from the Helicarrier, to New York streets and buildings, to digi-doubles of the →

The target audience analysi

In the marketplace, the consumer behaviour always changing while the Premier product can using promotional tool to promote the Premier product and reinforce the features & benefits of the product. The threats of Premier product is that have a lot of competitor in the marketplace, it maybe make confuse which product is good quality of →

Five entries in an activist diary

The Tahrir Square Like any protest in Egypt, the Tahrir square protest was an aftermath of the 2011 protest of anti Hosni Mubarak's leadership. The protest relate to the text in the sense that revolutions are lasting and they usually change the way people are governed, that is, from a people government to people's government.

John lennon: greatest artist and advocate of peace

Of course, Chapman's parole was denied, to the relief of millions of followers who mourned his loss and believe in what John Lennon represented. The Beatles came on the scene in the early sixties to the dismay of many parents who were disturbed by the four lads' long hair and rock and roll music.

Role of media in india

Role of Indian Media in the New Age The following is the speech given by Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of HRD and C & IT, on the topic: " Role of Indian Media in the New Ag", presiding as the Chief Guest for the 'Press Club Awards for Excellence in Journalism', on 5th May, 2012 →

Fan’s attitude to their idols

Fans do not realize that these games are physically and mentally demanding towards the body and when they add that extra pressure or that extra demand, the athletes who are supposed to be focused on the game have no urge to perform at the level they are capable of. Pressure is used by great players →

Kawi’s creativity of dalang

The Roles of Dalang The primary objective of this article is to examine Kawi 's creativity of Dalang while performing in the wayang kulit theatre found in Bali. Kawi Dalang is an element of creativity in the story and it signifies the creativity of the puppet master.

Good vs evillord of the flies

Golding's ' Lord of the Flies ' is a novel where silence and language is used as a medium to communicate among the boys on the island. The silence of the jungle portrays the evil among the hidden creatures in the forest.

Strive for the dream

I typed my name on one terminal and rushed to the other to see the results." Wow, this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read Tom on the screen. During my work on project ART at MBT and through my interaction with colleagues, I have grown to admire the role of Computer Networks in empowering →

Editorial: weak interactions in molecular machinery

In addition, the dynamics of the system can enhance the strength of interactions that are weak. The subjects covered in our research topic span a wide range of biological questions and methodology.

Discuss the four short stories

The master of idiosyncrasies, Ron Carlson, comes out with yet another one of his unbelievable tales titled " Bigfoot stole my wife" an endearing story that flits between truth and reality and between the sensical and the nonsensical. The truth that is finally exposed is the expression and desire of human feelings and not a →

Topic of your choice based on thomas jefferson, the declaration of independence

A The background tothe Declaration gives it emotional power B The emotional power is backed and confirmed by the rhetoric C Without these two elements working together, the Declaration would not be as inspiring Conclusion The Declaration of Independence Few documents in world history have had the significant impact that the Declaration of Independence has →

Suyuan and jing-mei’s relationship in the joy luck club

Suyuan and Jing-Mei's relationship in The Joy Luck Club In The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Jing-Mei and her mother have a very rocky relationship. Suyuan grew up in China and behaves according to the Chinese culture and her American-born daughter Jing-Mei is influenced by the American culture that surrounds her and wants to →

Tomco-hll merger

This is the third time that the Tatas and HLL are coming together and this time it is in the fertilisers and chemicals businesses. Sources close to the deal reveal that the valuation of Tata Chemicals is much higher than HLCL's, hence the latter's shareholders will be issued shares of the Tata group company.

The brief wondrous life of oscar wao: a fukú story to end the curse of the dominican people

D az deems the tragedy of his story to be the product of fuk , which he reveals as the misfortunes in the history of the Dominican Republic that have affected the Dominican people. The origin of this " curse" has roots in the European colonization of the Dominican Republic and D az traces it →

Restorative justice and corrections

The basic requirements are the participation of both offenders and victims in an interaction program designed as part of the offender's correction or rehabilitation regimen designed to reinforce the social impact of the crime. There is no denying that restorative justice programs can facilitate the communication of the social and personal impact of crime.

Inquisitorial indonesia

The fundamental differences between these two systems can be found in the role of the judge, role of the legal representatives, rules of evidence and the procedure of trial. As the judge in and Indonesian trial has such an important role, the outcome of the case can be said to be based largely on the →

Blood wedding (after seeing the play)

While the bride uses a significant amount of the stage-space and is actively expressive in bringing out and acting on her desires, the moon's movements, in contrast is rather limited and passive, and it makes the bride seem to represent the woman who finally refuses to be oppressed by a traditional marriage, while the moon →

10 things you learned about american history

In the days of the American war of Independence it became clear that people were ready to sacrifice their lives for the welfare of the group. Signing of the Declaration marked the end of the war and signaled the desire of the former colony to build its own state.

Emotional intelligence – three schools of thought

3)Third school of thought like Mayor, Dipaolo thinks that emotional intelligence is the set of abilities which constitutes the capacity of the person to understand, reason about and how to use emotions to think and act. Effective leaders are able to judge others in terms of strengths and weaknesses and are able to apply and →

Son’s addiction

He began worrying as he was preoccupied with thoughts of what steps he could take to reverse the condition of his son. Sheff feels enraged as he perceives the condition of his son as a real loss to the family.

A study of toothpaste category in india

The region of origin is used in the commercial, but due to lack of sufficient information it is unclear about the kind of image the consumers have about the region of origin with respect to the toothpaste category. The switching of the brands in the toothpaste category and the presence of a plethora of brands →

Aristotle and metaphysics assignment

Introduction The study of metaphysics is a broad spectrum of comprehensive ideas that ultimately serve to discover the generalities of human thought. The purpose of Aristotle leading others to formulate their own ideas is to push them, and the rest of guiding others to the best of his ability, Aristotle is considered to be a →

Violence in a tale of two cities

The storming of the Bastille, the death carts with their doomed human cargo, the swift drop of the guillotine blade this is the French Revolution that Charles Dickens vividly captures in his famous novel, A Tale of Two Cities. This new revenge was to take the shape of the extermination of the remaining members of →

Weber’s law and visual perception essay sample

The researcher asked the subject to assume a midpoint on 30 lines comprised of ten 2 inch lines, ten 4 inch line and ten 6 inch line. Relating this law to the experiment, the alternative hypothesis states that as the length of line increases, the perceptual error also increases.

Costing businesses

For this reason it is vital that the Supervisor explains to the Colleague the consequences of providing inaccurate or insufficient data. Once this form has been completed it is passed to Human Resources where the information on it is crossed checked with the Absence Record of that individual.

The decision

As I laid my head back down on my desk, I looked at the dull yellow wall with the white crown molding running across it, and I noticed the clock. I remembered the great students and teachers that I met during my visit to the school.

Leadership styles essay sample

According to Corderman, " Leadership seems to be the marshaling of skills possessed by a majority and used by a minority, but it is something that can be learned by everyone, taught to everyone, and denied to no one." At the simplest level, a leader is someone who leads others but what makes a person →