4 Pages Essay Samples


I strongly disagree to the argument of Pojman of rewarding the virtuous and punishing the vicious relatively to the extent of their deserts. In most of the positions, there are specific ones that are preserved for the women.

Henry morgentaler and abortion essay

Despite his age he is still as passionate and committed to his cause as he was in the 1960s, '70s, '80s and '90s giving Canadian women access to safe and legal abortions. He was acquitted by a jury several times, but the Quebec Court of Appeal overturned that acquittal and sentenced him to prison where →

Mode of payments essay

Payments and resulting Payment Systems have evolved through the history of the human race, starting out at the most primitive level of a simple exchange of goods, or barter. Goldsmiths were some of the first to embrace this idea, using a portion of the reserves they were holding in order to become creditors and make →

Classification of the cement

III Quick Setting Cement: Quick setting concrete is delivered by lessening the level of gypsum and including a little measure of aluminum sulfate amid the fabricate of bond. Despite the fact that the underlying and last setting time of this concrete is the same as that of portland bond, it picks up quality in early →

Values of bravery, greed and unity fould in different novels

In the works, " The General History of Virginia", " The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano", and " the Iroquois Constitution" embody values of bravery, greed, and unity. Olaudah retells his account of the loathsome conditions aboard the ship, " the closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added →

The application of duality in a tale of two cities

In Charles Dickens' historical novel A Tale of Two Cities, duality is seen in the characters of Lucie and Madame Defarge through their complex emotions and behaviors as well as their defining actions. On the opposite spectrum, Madame Defarge not only displays a violent and bloodthirsty attitude in her actions, but she also makes it →

Private criminal justice assignment

The attorney can file a motion to appeal the case to the appellate courts, the reason for the appeal would be based on the fact that the evidence mentioned was not admitted into the trial the first time and it was crucial for the case. If the judge still insists on admitting the evidence into →

Equipment report

The main aim of performing this experiment was to study the behaviour of the voltage across a capacitor as it charge and discharge through a known resistor. The time constant of an RC circuit is the time taken for voltage on a capacitor to fall from V0 to final value divided by number e; that →

God and the problem of evil

The analogy of an infant succumbing to death because of a house fire and the questioning of the omnipotence of God is intentionally used to bring out the theories that serve to defeat the ideologies of theists. Detractors of the above notion argue that God's intervention following the prevalence of disaster would curtail the essence →

Introduction to the patient. ect treatment is

The American Psychiatric Association task force report released in 1978 outlined the requisite standards for ECT and largely recommended the treatment amid a rapid decline of ECT due to negative representation of the treatment in the media. Movies have in particular drifted from the essential norm of ECT to represent the therapy as a crass, →

Tragedy in romeo and juliet assignment

This is directly proportional to Romeo and Juliet due to the fact that both of the major characters commit suicide in the end in order to finally be together. The characters of Romeo and Juliet in Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet could be considered tragic heroes due to the fact that both of them make a →

Windows server (test chapter 1,2,3)

Server Operating Systems The ability to assign system policies, deploy software, and assign permissions and rights to users of network resources in a centralized manner is a feature of what Windows Server 2012 R2 service? Set-LbfoTeam A server can be added to Server Manager by which of the following methods?

To kill a mockingbird prejudice assignment

This is when the hillier began to believe that Boo was not the ghost that he believed to be. This an example of racial prejudice, Just because the color of the man convicted of rape was black the Jury said he was guilty due to Ignorance.

Logic & perception

Logic must be put into action or else the knowledge provided within the science of logic is of little use." We can, therefore, also speak of the " art" of logic, that is, the practical application of the science of logic to our everyday affairs".. Critical thinking is the basis of the science of logic →

Editorial: flooding on coral reef-lined coasts: current state of knowledge and future challenges

Apart from an improved level of cooperation and collaboration within the community, a number of outcomes have been realized since the workshop, including but not limited to: A workshop report, published in EOS; a paper that summarizes the " Steps to Develop Early Warning Systems and Future Scenarios of Storm Wave-driven Flooding Along Coral Reef-lined →

Security vs privacy in the internet

The collected data is stored in large computer databases and can be accessed at click of a mouse button by all the Government officials. The Government's proposition is to have easy access to everyone's keys and store them in a large database so that they can decrypt messages when They determine there is a reason →

A society with relapsing time

The dictionary definition is: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. In the town of Macondo, and also the lives of the Buendia's, the past, present, and future are intertwined.

What does eliza consider to be her real education

Essentially, it is through this change in persona that the play delivers its moral warning and cutting implication in that the core of thehuman beingcannot escape from the language that it uses to identify itself with. What is interesting about the use of language in relation to others is the way in which Eliza is →

Epi study guide – leon gordis

A hypothesis can be tested by comparing the frequency of disease in selected groups of people with and without the exposure to determine if the exposure and the disease are associated. When the exposure is hypothesized to have a beneficial effect, studies can be designed in which a group of people is intentionally exposed to →

The dark side of the moon

China has completed one of the most challenging obstacles to space exploration: landing on the far side of the moon. The far side of the moon is also known as the dark side of the moon because humans were unable to see this side of it until spacecrafts were sent into outer space to take →

Two technology

Harsh on the other hand, focuses on the type of information processes by the information system, its historical perspectives, and how these aspects relates to the components of the modern decision support system within the business world. The relevance of such model oriented information systems is that it assisted in evaluating various production strategies.

The importance of being literate

In other words, the ability to read, write, spell, and communicate effectively progressively encourages the development of the way people learn and understand the world around them. However, it is most likely more beneficial for schools to incorporate technology into a student's education in order to teach them to make better use of their resources →

Geography myp portfolio assignment

But gender inequality still exists in some extent in every country in he world in main areas of the society: political, economical and sometimes in social. But it's not necessarily like that, and of course women can sometimes work even better than men, especially in the primary sector.

The reasons for changes in the patterns of marriage, cohabitation and divorce in the last 30 years essay sample

Over the last 30 years, one of the most profound social changes in industrial societies has been the decline in marriage, cohabitation and divorce rates. It states that the gender differences in the roles of women and men are of cultural origin and have been socially constructed.

The writings of edgar poe

Aforementioned then directs the main idea of studying his work with a critical interest in finding out whether Poe's works were inspired by literary works or rather his imaginations and the experiences he went through that shaped his life as a man. The most obvious case of his writing being a reflection of his personal →

Christianity and environmental issues religion essay

We are created in the image of God and as Christians we should love the earth. Genesis 1: 26 says " Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all →

Percy bysshe shelley

This poem was written for the same purpose as many of his others: to urge the working class of Great Britain to rebel. This is the second time, in this poem alone, that Shelley refers to the aristocrats and rulers of England as tyrants.

Tv shows

Outline Introduction - Deep Impact and Armageddon are science fiction disaster-drama movies from 1998.- They tell individual stories of men risking their lives to save Earth from disaster.- The similarities between the movies are the disasters in the form of deadly rocks from space, how the people plan to prevent the events, and that men →

Accounting theory

Critical perspectives of accounting A critical perspective on accounting is focused on providing a medium for the increasing number of accounting practitioners and researchers who understands that the traditional practices and theories are not suitable for the problems arising in the current environment. A critical perspective of accounting is said to be cultural conscious and →

Social influences on behavior

Aggression In the terms of social psychology, aggression can be defined by the purpose behind the behavior. The aggression can be intensified or lessened by the actions and words of the group surrounding the bully.

The chemistry of photography

The developer, or the reducer, is the chemical that completes the reaction with the light exposure, by reacting with the silver, to create metallic silver [Britannica Online]. This is used to make the decomposition of thiosulfate weaker.

Vulnerable population and self awareness assignment

Transvestites are a vulnerable population that is content with their own heterosexual desires with interests in cross-dressing for the gain of sexual arousal that society considers inappropriate. While conducting this assignment, I finally got the privilege to learn the in-depth similarities and differences of these different sexual natures of homosexuality, transgender, transsexual, and transvestites.

Safeway financial analysis essay sample

The following ratios will be analyzed in an attempt to make a sound judgment regarding the financial health of Safeway in 2010: current ratio, acid test ratio, debt to net worth, coverage, cost of goods to sales, profit to assets, and sales to assets. Safeway is effectively managing it assets in relation to the revenue →

Progressive era success and failures

Gilded Age, predecessor of progressive era was not successful enough in eliminating inefficiencies and injustices and the progressives calculated that the drawbacks of Gilded Age could be rectified only through the implementation of scientific methods in every segment of human life in America. The monopoly of employers in the industrial sectors has been destroyed and →

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs essay

However, at the same time, there is a sixteen year old boy who brought a bag of illegal drugs to a party, and is now trying to convince everyone there to try some. Drugs, both illegal and legal, are taking away the minds and lives of people from all ages and all parts of the →

The beginning of a new life

I arrived knowing nothing and speaking English was not the same as when I was twelve when I was studying in Tampa, FL. In my country, I was unemployed and the place where I worked gave up my services and I could not find work.

Gandhi and health- celebrating 150 years

His mind and senses are in the state of harmony and peace" which is proximate to WHO definition of health. He wrote articles in favour of Naturopathy and did several experiments by himself, on his family and the members of ashram.

The bells toll for her

Frequently indeed, the idea of death surrounds the bells that announce the hours. Perhaps the mysterious description of the bells in Mrs.

Causes of the genocide in bosnia

Radovan Karadzic led Serbs who built their own Republica Srpska in the East, while a Bosnian Serb army was in control of the other of the country, driving out most of the Bosnian Croats. In the late 1980's, a new leader by the name of Slobodan Milosevic came to power in Yugoslavia.

The case study of santa cruz

Santa Cruz Bicycles needed to identify its core competency and make changes to the company's business processes o achieve the company's goal of lowering the design process time frame. The in-house master builder provided the company with an important attribute in accomplishing its goals in the company's redesign process and also contributes to the company's →

Cost terms and concepts essay sample

At the end of the leased term, regardless the value of the equipment, XYZ has the option to simply walk away. If the equipment is leased, XYZ would likely not be responsible with paying insurance to safeguard the cost of the equipment in the event of a catastrophic loss.

The inflammatory response

The mechanism of the inflammatory response is to protect the injured site by killing the agent responsible, limiting its effects on the rest of the body and initiating the healing process. The changes are designed to maximise the movement of plasma proteins and circulating cells out of the blood flow and into the site of →

However, teaching hospital resulting in primary and routine

With its concentration of health professionals, a hospital is in a position to effectively supervise and monitor PHC work, in addition to providing primary care through the hospital- staffed mobile and outreach clinics. The secondary care role of the hospital would support PHC by providing referral from primary health services, technical and logistic support and →

Business research skills group proposal

Research objectives The main intention of this research suggestion is to find out the impact of the social network of Bedfordshire University on the participation of various stakeholders in the social, economic and professional affairs of the University. This will ensure that a wide variety of people will be involved in the research.

Power and control in one flew over cuckoo’s nest essay sample

Both Ken Kesey the author of the novel One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest and Milos Forman the director of the film version, expose us to power and control strong nurses and aids acquire. The difference between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched is that he is trying to earn his freedom back and she has the power →

Indians and indian policy

Overview One of the policies that were used against the Indian was the Indian termination policy which greatly changed the lives of Indians living in the United States of America. According to Philip, in his book on the termination policy, he talks of the effect of the policy on native Indians.

Jonathan edwards’s sinners in the hands of an angry god: annotated bibliography of its critique essay

Included in the book are the authoritative/definitive version of the sermon; essays that tell how the sermon came about and place it in historical and theological context. It serves as a sampling of Edwards' " theological, philosophical and personal writings to contextualize the sermon in the life and thought of the man; a number of →

The shaping of triton’s life

In the novel Triton holds an insider/ outsider status in the Salgado household, which is instrumental in many of the events that leads up to the awakening of his maturity. Triton unfortunately becomes an " outsider" in the household as well because he is not a social equal to Salgado or any of the other →

Alt options for conception assignment

The ere is also a reoccurred called intrauterine insemination; which is basically artificial inseam nation and is used to treat infertility and help a woman reproduce. Step 4 is the process in IV called insemination, where e the sperm and eggs are combined and stored in a laboratory in attempts to be fertilized.

Discuss the characteristics and causes of one type of challenging behaviour

A user who suffers from a severe case of ADHD is seen to have a foul mouth because that is a way for them to express their anger and frustrations. It could leave the parents feeling a sense of regret and sadness of having to take care of the user all day long because it →

Sympathy for the devil

I noticed that one of the lines " every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints seems to suggest that the devil is not that bad, and that all people have some devil in them. The sound of the instruments matches the lyrics of the song, singing about overthrowing government and the blitzkrieg.

Team administrator

In business sector around the world, innovation idea is seen as the key brand differentiating factor with the ability to generating new brand and create a whole new market or to transform an industry, whereas the acts of entrepreneurship is often associated with true uncertainty especially when it involves bringing something new to the business. →

Prosthetics and their relation to disease

In my own research, it was determined that the most outstanding and effective approach to combating disease in prosthetic users and combating amputation in those afflicted with disease is the preventative approach characterized by the dissemination of information concerning living a healthy lifestyle. The real problem is the relationship that prosthetics can hold with disease →

Risk in building house

Qualitative risk analysis: This step is one of the most important steps of all, the risks that have been made note of should be dealt with and the best way of dealing with these risks is to have backups or plan B. Monitoring reduces the risks involved in building a house, after the process of →

Yeats easter

The Question remains in the readers mind that " Was the revolution really necessary or was it unnecessary death? " The language in poem is simple and straight which makes use offigure of speechlike slimly and metaphor. In the poem Yeats is taking the role of flamers and he is giving the description of normal →

External environmental analysis remote environment marketing essay

It had prohibit Best Buy to extent the credit line which can affect Best Buy's revenue. Hence, it is an opportunity for Best Buy to enter the market.

Lucid dreaming by jacqueline lopers essay sample

Lucid dreaming is a dream state where you are aware of the dream, and in some cases are able to control what is going on throughout your dream. Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming is a common technique used to trigger a lucid dream and is known to be quite successful.

Ert- physics essay

This report will also attend to the nature of the conditions, different methods of treating the conditions and compare the success rates for these methods. In PRK, a laser is used to remove a thin layer of tissue from the surface of the cornea in order to change its shape and refocus light entering the →

Summary – automotive supply synchronization

Operations Management " Automotive Supply Chain Synchronization" Summary The article, " Automotive Supply Chain Synchronization" by Matthias Berlit, Ulrich Dorndorf, and Hans Jurgen Zimmerman, discussed the importance of logistics planning in the management of automotive supply chains, and namely the role the transport management system SynroTESS played in the optimization of supply chains for Audi →

Is communication with subcontractors affected by the management style adopted by the main contractor and does this impact on the quality of the end poduct

Notably, Loosemore, Lingard, and Dainty argue that the communication styles in the construction industry should be founded on a comprehensive apprehension of the ways that individuals collaborate in joint operations, the fundamental principles of social undercurrents and learning theory. However, Loosemore et al and Walker fail to show the link between ineffective management style and →


This religion has great values that are to be held by Christians and this is done by acknowledging that indeed God is the creator of the universe. This is the reason to formulation of laws that help in checking and controlling human behavior.

Benihana case brief essay

Aoki filed the action against the Benihana directors arguing that the directors had breached their fiduciary duties by allowing Abdo to negotiate the deal from both sides, and Benihana was not allowed to issue the stock with preemptive rights that would be self dealing which was a breach of the duty of loyalty. The trial →

Ruth chris case essay

However, it is possible that an existing and successful franchisee of Ruth's Chris restaurants would be a better fit for the Japan market entry since he would bring valid operational expertise to the new location. Dollar is not very strong against the Euro, and it might be beneficial to a market entry by Ruth's Chris.

Economic sanctions

Any one of the remaining four goals would be a poor fit as the goal of economic sanctions must appropriately align to the original policy objective identified, otherwise there will be a mismatch between the optimal level of sanctions imposed on the target country and the actual economic sanctions that are implemented which can have →

How important is family loyalty in the film on the waterfront

Throughout the film, family loyalty is the key to the film? s progression, although there are other factors that can be seen to have an effect, for example, guilt, and desire for the truth. Through family loyalty and her relentless quest for the truth about corruption on the waterfront, is of great importance to the →

Gender inequality and class privileges in americanah

In this essay I will connect issues of class and gender to the novel Americanah and to everyday life. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie exhibits many issues of gender and class throughout the novel that millions of people everyday are trying to overcome.

Tax law notes

All queries relating to the subject must be posted to the Online Tutor and will be answered in a timely manner by a member of the teaching staff. All students enrolled in the subject will be able to view all questions and answers to the Online Tutor and students are expected to review previous postings →

World religions study guide assignment

Out of the sexual reunion of the two is the creation of the earth. Spiritual power of west- double power: power to destroy/kill and the power of vying again.D.

globalisation has made the world a better place essay sample

An example of this is branding as brands such as McDonalds and Nike have become world renowned with people all over the world knowing the name and logo this has led to a share of culture as the world has become more multicultural which allows for greater diversity and innovation of products. This is bad →

The effectiveness of behavior modification

There are many methods to using positive reinforcement that work effectively and give children the chance to change their behavior called behavior modification. It is my belief that all people are different, therefore different methods or reinforcement and punishment has to be used modify negative behavior.

Queen elizabeth ii christmas message: a parody

How obvious it would be, for me to imply we are a nation of peace and cohesion, with people who are loyal and respectful to those of supreme eminence, such as myself. As consumers, we owe a great sense of gratitude to the innovators and inventors behind the " iPhone".

Social norms of income distribution

Changing in the education level of the population is related to the income distribution. Changing in the age structure of the population is related to the income distribution.

Patient care plan analysis: suicide attempt case study

In order to achieve this, the essay will demonstrate development of therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills will be demonstrated in this essay the essay will look at the formulation and documentation plan of care of mike including his family or carers within a framework of informed consent. Finally, the →

Hitler’s family

One of the most well known events of the 1900s, if not the most well known, was when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime began to take over the world and start what he believed would become one thousand years of Nazi rule. In Hitler's later years, some of his family would try to get →

Karl lashley psychology essay sample

The visual cortex it probably the best example of a specialized area of the brain; Damage to the visual cortex produces a direct proportion to the damage of visual ability in an animal. However the animal was capable of relearning the pathway through the previously mentioned maze even with lesions to the cortex.

Papa john’s cost of capital assignment

For the beta of Papa John's equity, we regressed the monthly return on PZZA with the monthly return on the S 500 index. Based on that, we have the following calculation for determining Papa John's unlevered beta: BU = BL/[1+] BU = 0.


To this extent I can authoritatively note that the results of the survey are valid and reliable to the extent that they are an accurate representation of the patient satisfaction. Seven of the patients noted that the food in the hospital was better compared to the others.


Therefore, some crossword puzzles are not challenges that are easy to meet. It is true that some G are B.2.

Reasons for demanding such course and its effect

When one is working in a team, as it frequently happens in business organizations, one should appreciate the fact that the corporate objective is achieved with the help of all the team and not management only. Listening is one of the important characteristics that a good leader should have.

Negative binomial regression model report sample

In the essay herewith, we present a detailed comparison of the negative binomial regression and the integer valued AR model for the dataset zeger.txt. The process will involve fitting the two models on the dataset provided, obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of the two distributions and also obtaining the posterior distribution as required.

Spirit of enquiry is vital to human fulfilment philosophy essay

Equally vital however is the ability to focus the mind, and not fall into the trap of becoming a jack of all trades, as leaving quests or pursuits unfinished can be the least fulfilling and most tragic thing of all. Although this is not a definitive sign that they are not mentally inquisitive, it does →

Forced marriage (civil protection) act 2007 summary

The Forced Marriage Act 2007 inserted s63A into the Family Law Act 1996, which gives family courts power to make Forced Marriage Protection Orders to protect a person from being forced into a marriage or from any attempt to be forced into a marriage; or a person who has been forced into a marriage. The →

Communicating effectively worksheet

Arrangement is organizing resources for the key point, the links between the key point and the body of the speech, provides the flow of the material. The style is how the speech is presented and delivered to the listeners to the make it memorable.


While both approaches are valid and important, the point here is that we must come to appreciate the unique possibilities and virtues inherent within each vision of culture. One problem is that in the limited context of a managerial training program, individuals are often merely relegated to memorizing lists of " do's" and " do →

Fresh water

This means that the water that it traps is more and can be used for an extended period. The disadvantage of this method is that this covering has to be removed and reconstructed every time the water requires de-silting.

A comparative analysis between house arrest, electronic monitoring, and shock probation

A Comparative Analysis between House Arrest, Electronic Monitoring, and Shock Probation The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit: to define and discuss house arrest, electronic monitoring, and shock probation, and to compare and contrast house arrest, electronic monitoring, and shock probation and determine their effectiveness. During the 1800s, the rise of science →

Treating orthopedic injuries with biologics

The blood is drawn from the patient and is modified when placed in a centrifuge in order to separate the platelets from the rest of the serum in the blood. However, there are proven advantages of biologics that do not need to be derived from the experimentation with the patients and the progress of their →

The counterculture assignment

The visual appearance and lifestyle of the hippies were in sharp contrast to the conservative nature of the older generation, which defined them as a counterculture. One of the main effects that the hippies made is the appearance of the American society.

Criminal theory

This is because the main aim of private prisons is to make profits at the expense of the incarceration of young, black, non-violent, drug offenders. The drug war is an act of racism because it has been used by those in positions of power to criminalize the people of color.

War: more benefits than destruction for athens

Being the dominant figure in the Delian League, Greece used the pooled funds or treasury of the League to build herself. Instead of using the money for defense against the Persians, Greece withdrew money from the League and used it to construct buildings hence is the beginning of the Golden Age.

Finance interview

His passion was in accounting and that is how he managed to follow that career path. His ambitious nature to start up his own consultancy firm in the future is also very motivating and admirable of the interviewee.

Goblin market essay

The thematic core of the poem is indisputably temptation and from the beginning of the poem Lizzie expresses how,'You should not peep at Goblin men.' This statement is the trigger that provokes Laura's overwhelming temptation to see the goblins and experience their ' orchard fruits.' Lizzie's warnings along with the refrain featured in the poem →

The importance of being earnest – oscar wilde

Jack is in love with Gwendolyn Fairfax, Algy's cousin and the daughter of the authoritative Lady Bracknell. During the interrogation, Jack is forced to admit that he has no family, having been found in a leather handbag and adopted by a rich gentleman.

The role of the teacher in teaching and learning mathematics

The role of the teacher in teaching and learning mathematics Integration of maths across a range of learning areas The assessment also ensures integration of learning programs and normal teaching through different teaching aspects for use of summative and formative work evaluations. The use of play and hands on resources in a rich environment The →

Seamus heany and grace nichol’s poems comparison essay

On the other hand, Grace Nichols is from a small area in the Caribbean called Georgetown and so uses images in the poem that are familiar to her and the area. Seamus Heaney uses a formal title to show the distance between himself and his father, but Grace Nichols uses the more formal title of →