4 Pages Essay Samples

Manfred’s struggle for redemption

Despite having committed acts that alienated him from society, Manfred demonstrates the redemption of his true character through his guilt for his sister's death, his determination to attain justice for her and his overall courage expressed through the arc of his redemption. Look not upon me this reproachfully-" As Manfred is about to end his β†’

Green valley megastore case study

For the store-in-charges the nature of Job was more of managing the facility for their customers. It was the responsibility of the store -in-charge of a Mega-store to ensure highest quality of service to both the categories.

Personal communication assessment

While both employers and employees place a big deal of weight on written communication skills, particularly with the increase in the exploit of information technology in both professional and personal communication, it is fascinating to finding that verbal communication skills occupy a far advanced implication. In the analysis of personal communication skills, it is essential β†’

Determining a profitable investment

The entrepreneur will evaluate the risks available and make a choice on the stages of risk he is willing to sustain in finding profitable ventures. Another issue to consider when establishing a profitable business idea is the personality and risk tolerance of the entrepreneur.

Walden analysis

Thoreau moves quickly to the moral of his experiment: to illustrate the benefits of a simplified lifestyle. He tells us in the first paragraph of " Economy that his Walden project was only a temporary experiment, not a lifelong commitment to an ideal.

Inventory, cost of goods sold

Since the inventory accounts may appear in the income statement as beginning or beginning inventory, there is need to make classify beginning inventory as part of the expense accounts and ending inventory as part of the revenue accounts for purposes of computing the profits of the business since the basic formula to compute the same β†’

An irresistibly powerful rosa parks

She was likewise dynamic operating at a profit Power development and the help of political detainees in the US. After retirement, Parks kept in touch with her collection of memoirs and kept on demanding that the battle for equity was not finished and there was more work to be done.

Teenage pregnancy: why is this important? essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model to the development of specific care interventions for one particular population: teen parents in Virginia. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is by far the most popular and most researched model in the field of health promotion and health education.

The bronte sisters

Her absence in their lives is reflected in the number of orphaned and motherless children who were featured in their early writings and novels." Despite the fact Emily never knew her mother; she characterized Catherine Earnshaw as having a similar sentiment about being more attached to the earth than to Heaven. Barring the fact that β†’

A study on gang violence sociology essay

The truth is that gang violence actually a social problem in many aspects which simply means that the society is increasingly coming under the potential threat of violence that is perpetrated by these gangs. Gang violence is an issue of national concern that has negatively impacted on the society; it has led to the rapid β†’

Jealousy’s a goon

Rhea, a friend of both Bennie and Scotty, offers the first insight to the pair's relationship when the three are teenagers. Bennie controls his feelings and retains hope that Alice will return his affections at some point, Scotty and Bennie's friendship crumbles once Scotty and Alice begin to date.

Russia 1800s

Russia's development from the Mongol conquest to Peter I was much different from the 13th century to the 18th century by the increase in education, addition of a centralized government, an army and navy, and freedom of religion. Kiev, one of the largest cities in Russia at the time, was completely destroyed by the Mongols, β†’

ο»Ώpsychological perspectives

There are many similarities and differences between all of the psychological approaches, however the two approaches I am choosing to compare and evaluate are the humanistic approach and the cognitive approach. The humanistic approach has many strengths and weaknesses; I believe the strengths to this approach is that they look at the individual as a β†’

System analysis and design template

In observing the growth of micro-enterprises in any Philippine clues and town areas are our sign that people nowadays wants to have additional income due to the rising prices of basic commodities and services, accompanying the implementation of Value Added Tax and the unpredictable Increase of crude oil In the world market to meet the β†’

Nelson mandela and malcolm x

With the social and political environments he was in there in South Africa and the unrest of segregation set the stage for his future. In the time that Malcolm grew up in and was active in his fight was a time of unrest for blacks and whites.

Usa’s foreign policy pendulating between imperialists views and non-intervention tactics

And to back this imperialist sentiment we had things like the Monroe Doctrine, the Manifest Destiny, Social Darwinism, overabundance of industrial goods, and the military advantages of acquiring new territory. On one side we had the imperialists who wanted to expand and build something for the future of our country.

A description of film production essay sample

During the discovery stage of the film it is the producers role to obtained rights or an option to a film that he thinks is promising, if the rights owner is worried that their novel might be tainted by a film maker the producer must come to a gal agreement to maintain a certain set β†’

Brief narrative essay

In fact, when I was in grade school, I had misjudged one of my classmates simply because of the way she looked and her station in life because I listened to and believed in the rumors that our classmates had spread about her. She was the butt of all the in-jokes and we gave her β†’

Analysis of the business cycle

Analysis of the Business Cycle Tira Williams Managerial Economics and Globalization Introduction The Current Economic Condition: The current economic conditions surrounding home improvement stores such as Home Depot and Lowes are closely tied to the recent housing crisis and recession. Since its inception, the company has evolved, the new and improved Lowes caters to the β†’

Marketing mix assignment

Place Place Is the process of getting the product from the producer or distributor to the market place. The place Samsung uses to sell their product is cell phone companies.

Coomb’s situation crises communication

Coomb's Situation Crises Communication Taking into consideration the provisions of the Situational Crisis Communication Theory, the financial crisis that rocked the globe in the mid 2010 was a victim cluster. Investors in the banking industry understand the risks involved in the industry, in cases of crises such as the global financial crisis in 2010, it β†’

Sub-prime mortgage market

Prior to this, the mortgage use to take place almost entirely in the prime market consisting of reputable loan providers and borrowers having a credit history which put them at low risk of defaults The sub-prime market consists of borrowers with poor or no credit histories and do not meet the credit standards of the β†’

Essay on expectancy theory of motivation

The first component of the theory is the Effort-performance relationship. The first belief is that Effort-to-performance expectancy is the individual's awareness that effort will lead to above performance.

Depressing and cynical love in poetry (matthew arnold’s dover beach and anthony hecht’s dover bitch)

It is taken from the view of another man who knows the woman from the first poem, and from him we learn a bit more of the intricacies of their relationship. But then we see that the woman does not love him and goes to another man, only staying with him out of convenience.

Jewel’s development in as i lay dying

However, when Anse asks Jewel to give up the horse in order to buy another team to continue on the way to Jefferson to bury Addie, Jewel must then decide between the two loves of his life: his horse and his mother. As such, giving up his horse is perhaps the beginning of a new β†’

The significance of nationalism and liberalism history essay

The introduction of the Frankfurt Parliament was also a success as a liberal parliament was introduced and all of the states contributed, sparking an achievement for nationalists to unite German states. Yet, the ideology and force of these two groups are significant in the unification of Germany as they brought the sense of unity and β†’

”black coffee plant it is native to

In case there are people that have tried American coffee, the also known Kona Coffee, and still felt disappointed it is not just because of the quality. A coffee that it is proved as one of the best products due to all the factors mentioned above, like cultivation, health benefits, and industry.

This i believe free essay

I held on to the life I had, the life I wanted to have, instead of flowing into the life I have today. This quote had a simple meaning that was easy for the deepest parts of my mind to comprehend, and I compared it to my life without a second thought.

New technology of crime law and social control

Use of Technology by Police Courts and Corrections to prevent Crime and Delinquency Imagine a world where criminals and delinquents are smarter than law enforcers and criminal justice organizations. The police on the other hand work effortlessly to develop the best ways of crime prevention and control.

Legal compliance and negotiations skills

Besides, arbitration offers choice of either formal or informal alternative in terms of the desire of the parties to the dispute. It is strict in terms of offering the parties surety of compliance over the final ruling.

George washington’s farewell address analysis

George Washington was resigning as the president of the United States of America. He had lived and worked at the time when he was forced to experience war and revolution in the country.

Protein purification methods and structure functions biology essay

The first step in the purification of particular protein is its recovery from the medium and in this case TNF alpha is released outside of the cell in extra cellular medium. The mouse anti human TNF-alpha antibody is used in this assay for immobilization of TNF-alpha protein.

Confessions of an economic hitman

John Perkins: Economic Hit Man. John Perkins: Economic Hit Man.

Case study in advertising

Isaiah Mustafa is the main character in the advertisement too, which defeats any argument of child labor been included in the advertisement. Ethical marketing is also given priority in the advertisement given the fact that nothing in the advertisement antagonizes third world countries.

Public school uniform policy

Teachers and other school officials have a responsibility to ensure safety of the students and a uniform dress code is one of the best ways to achieve this. In the first case scenario, the student in uniform feels restrained and has some knowledge at the back of the mind that someone is watching the uniform β†’

Market research argumentative

Every company that is in the process of launching or developing a new product in the market should be armed with a plethora of marketing information that will ensure success of the product once it hits the market. This questionnaire was issued to the target market and the concept combination with the most popularity was β†’

Trap-ease america: the big cheese of mousetraps argumentative essay

The information they need to evaluate this opportunity is their market share compare to the whole mousetrap market. How has the company positioned the Trap-Ease for the chosen target market?

The possibility of listing the rush darter to the endangered species list

One of the recent species of concerns regarding the species members under the Etheostoma genus are the Etheostoma phytophilum Bart and Taylor, commonly known as rush darters. With these possible measures, the wipe-out and endangerment of the rush darters can be prevented.

Stage of prenatal development essay

The first two weeks after conception are known as the germinal stage; the third through the eighth week are known as the embryonic period; and the time from the ninth week until birth is known as the fetal period. The beginning of the third week after conception marks the start of the embryonic period, a β†’

Shays rebellion the making of an agrarian insurrection history essay

In 1788, a year after the rebellion had ended, George Richards Minot wrote The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts. In his Western Massachusetts in the Revolution, Robert Taylor argued that " Shays' Rebellion separated the citizens of Massachusetts into two class-conscious groups debtors and creditors".

Franklin township: best place to stay?

Though it may be shocking that these juvenile crime rates in Franklin seem to be so unexpected and high, Franklin Township is in the 58% percentile for violent crime and the safety rating is proven to be 2. Most people would not be able to imagine the gangs, drugs, and poverty that people encounter in β†’

Character evaluation

In one of the most memorable scenes in the film, a flower vendor offers Sara a bright yellow flower and utters the phrase " For the princess". What makes Sara a remarkable character is her ability to overcome and survive the struggles of her life.

Worldcom ethical dilemma

The other decision is not to practice the wrong doings of accounting. My belief is that sooner or later the actions will be caught and I do not want to be part of it.

Commentary: false-positive effect in the radin double-slit experiment on observer consciousness as determined with the advanced meta-experimental protocol

The study was part of a series of experiments we and others have performed to investigate the role of the observer in quantum mechanics, an enigma discussed at length by the founders of quantum theory and recently informed by empirical evidence supporting the idea that quantum theory " should be interpreted in an observer-dependent way". β†’

Prejudice transformed: arthur miller’s focus

When Newman is first introduced in the novel, he is single, living with his mother, and has no real friends to speak of which leaves him very alone with only his thoughts. Newman finally finds someone who he feels a deep down connection with and because of this he is able to shed his anti-Semitic β†’

Example of the importance of costumes as indicator of class in the devil wears prada essay

Given that the primary subject matter of the film is fashion, the film's costumes and settings indicate many different things about the major characters of the film, particularly Andy, Miranda and Emily, Miranda's first assistant. In essence, the film showcases the glamorous yet ultimately empty and emotionless life of the fashion world, and its costumes β†’

The loss of faith essay sample

He had such a strong faith that he wanted to study the Kabbalah as a teenager, but the Kabbalah is meant to be taught at the age of at least thirty. The Jews began to recite the Kaddish, or the prayer of the dead, and as one can see, Elie began to lose all faith β†’

Facts about noch ness essay

It's the largest lake in Scotland by volume It is located in an area called " the great glen" The lake is about 10 000 years old, and it dates from the latest Ice age During the latest ice age the great glen was occupied by a huge glaciar It is because of this glaciar β†’

Law case analysis

The Plaintiff holds that fraud, illegality and conflict of interest are not the only bases for stockholder to sue the directors while the defendant hold opposite position. The Plaintiff claimed that night games would help the company's financial condition, and that the sales from attendance at night games would pay for the cost of the β†’

Nursing essays – weaning patient ventilation

The second step is to give the patient a trial of short period for 30 minutes of spontaneous respiration using either a T-tube or a pressure support ventilation of 7cm/H 2 O. The patient SpO2 is greater than 92%, ETCO2 is less than 40 mm Hg, and hemodynamic values are acceptable.


This paper will seek to explore the impacts of Walmart to the workers, small businesses, communities and to the environment. The take advantage of their large economies of scale to suppress the existence of the small businesses in the American market.

European union assignment

Two of the lads are wrestling over the steering wheel; others lie comatose in the sleeping area at the back of the cabin. Between the fury on the streets of Athens and the continued disunity of decision-makers in Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt and Luxembourg, the lorry could stall any day.

Socrates and machiavelli

Socrates and Machiavelli on Citizenship, Leadership and ity Socrates and Machiavelli on Citizenship, Leadership and Authority Socrates and Machiavelli have distinct point of views when it comes to the arguments of citizenship, leadership, and authority. A leader should do anything to ensure and sustain peace and order and do any measure to achieve security and β†’

Human and technology analysis

We could see problem induced as a majority of human becoming slaves to a minority who creates technology for a particular purpose say to solve a problem, effectively with the support of technology and the whole overuse of technology without knowing the purpose for which it is being developed we human become slaves to the β†’

Brave new worldexample essay

The play was essentially a social comedy, but it was partially a tragedy also, both the comedy and tragedy themes kept the audience on the edge of their seats. The production was credible and realistic as people were moved to tears by the end of the performance and the whole house gave a standing ovation.

Analysis of the yellow wallpaper

Gilman short story demonstrated her characters mental illness in two different ways: allowing her audience into the fear of the character's psychosis letting her audience experience the characters limitations and presenting the importance of the characters individualism. Most of the story is centered on the women's obsession with the yellow wallpaper in her assigned room.

Dark side of discretion

We propose that, lthough discretion is necessary for leaders to make positive contributions to their organizations, it also provides the potential for leaders to disrupt and destroy them. Thus, given the tendency for academics to romanticize senior leaders, we focus on the dark side of discretion and how it links leader personality to organizational failure.

The eisenhower doctrine essay sample

Eisenhower " Doctrine" On January 5, 1956, President Eisenhower addressed a special message to Congress on the policy of the United States in the Middle East countries. The Eisenhower Doctrine faded as the administration adopted a policy that was more accommodating to nationalism.

Psychology myth buster

To test the superstition and to operationalize luck, there were two participants who actually wore their respective birthstones all day and proceeded to make bets in the lottery to test their luck. The self-report could be a good barometer of luck for this experimental setup since the researcher could not be with the participants all β†’

Health care spending trends

Thus, the overall cost of health care reduces, since, for example, patients do not have to travel long distances to meet the physicians.3. The Unsustainable Cost of Health Care.

Eve’s seduction in chapter 09, paradise lost

But Satan beautiful tribute is a step ahead of Eve's own estimation of self as he also calls her the " Fairest resemblance" of her Architect and the " sole Wonder" of creation. This amazement and enquiry on the part of Eve about the serpent's linguistic ability provides Satan the appropriate chance to hit the β†’

The french language

With the ability to speak French, in addition to the standard language of English, one gains increased access to the United Nations. Terms used in the French language are very dissimilar compared to that of the English language.

Internal and external finance for a selected business essay sample

This is relevant to Waitrose Internal sources as it is assumed that money lent to the business will be paid back to the private individual in the future, possibly with an extra amount to compensate the individual for the help they gave. It is relevant to Waitrose because the owners of Waitrose Waite, Rose, and β†’

Teaching gifted kids in todays classroom

While there are students who do not show the required competencies in earlier grades, there are also average students and finally there are the gifted students who progress well ahead of other students. Moreover Winebrenner & Brulles also stress on alternate activities to engage the gifted students since these students grasp the subject matter well β†’

Enrique’s journey by sonia nazario

From the incredible photojournalism of Don Bartletti the original storyteller of Enrique's journey comes the 2007 literary disambiguation of Enrique's Journey first published in New York by Sonia Nazario. Most of the time, you cannot judge a book by its cover, yet this one you can the photo of the young boy on top of β†’

Should the illegal immigrants in the us be deported essay

America, as we all know, positioned as the most prosperous and humanistic country in the world, gives immigration a very crucial role due to its function forming the diverse culture of America. If the American government announces to the whole world that they are not going to deport all the illegal immigrants, is it a β†’

Irises of vincent van gogh essay

From the picture.we would be able to see the blades of grasses environing the flowers every bit good as the thin roots and the petals of the flags itself with darker sunglassess run alonging the borders. However.though the borders of the flags.the grass.and the roots were defined.the lines are seen to be more implied than β†’

Stakeholders: large firms essay sample

Firstly, Customers, " provide the lifeblood for the firm in the form of revenue".. The worry is that if all large companies treat their suppliers in this manner that many small suppliers will be out of business as a result of the large firms abusing their power.

Article review essay

In this article, William Baker also described to us, the relationship between the ancient Olympic Games, and Greek religion, what some of the Greek philosophers thought of the Olympic Games, and the role of athletics in general, in ancient Greek Society. The textbook also states that while " at the Olympic Games, Greeks honored the β†’

Music of the 1950s

Kayla Curlett Period 5Musicof the 1950's Rock ' n' Roll, Pop, R&B, and Swing are some of the popular genres of music during the decade of the 1950's. One of the biggest hits about the decade was Don McLean's " The Day the Music Died." Classic Pop dominated the charts for the first half of β†’

Editorial: next generation agriculture: understanding plant life for food, health and energy

Editorial on the Research Topic Next Generation Agriculture: Understanding Plant Life for Food, Health and Energy Current global population growth and the associated increasing demands on farming, together with the threat of climate change and the need for better environmental protection, pose formidable challenges for the agriculture of the future. While developed countries face the β†’

Contribute to raising awareness of health issues essay sample

If I identify any health issues with individuals with in my care, I also document this in their person centred care plan and report it to my manager who will always advise me on the next form of action that needs to be taken. 3Review with others the demand for and interest in raising awareness β†’

The giver by lois lowry

The Giver The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, is about Jonas who is a young boy selected by the Elders to be the Receiver of Memory. According to Graison-Johnson in his book review of the Giver, it states that the book definitely entertains, shows true emotion and portrays a good message.

Section ii cultural conflict

Section III The meaning of freedom changed with the activities that came by as the time moved on, for instance, when we had slavery the word " slavery" represented lack of freedom, when slavery was abolished then there was industrial age the idea of freedom changed as Americans now wanted freedom to autonomy of the β†’

About nick joaquin essay

Joaquin was conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the Philippines for Literature. After being read poems and stories by his mother, the boy Joaquin read widely in his father's library and at the National Library of the Philippines.

Implementing world class supply management flashcard

Quite simply, Supply Chain Management is a strategic, enterprise-wide approach to selecting the suppliers of goods and services and managing them and the whole value network, from raw materials to final customer use and disposal. The key to successful Supply Chain Management is to configure and manage supplier networks to emphasize the purchaser's competitive strengths.

Cases research

* Masters v Cameron * Estate agent retained by Cameron drew up a sale note for the sale of Cameron's property to Masters.* Cameron's insistence included in the sale note a clause.* Agreement made subject to the preparation of a formal contract of sale, which will be acceptable to solicitors on the above terms and β†’

Business strategy assignment on the company vision and goals of tesco

The vision explanation for the Tesco is " To be the most profoundly esteemed business in sight of the clients they serve, the networks in which they work, their faithful and conferred partners and of investors" Mission can be characterized as the long haul designs of the firm that where it needs to see itself β†’

Comparing the stories and characters of the day after tomorrow and i am legend

Although there are many apocalyptic movies, there are also many different ways directors can approach the idea of the end of the world." The Day After Tomorrow" and " I am Legend" have two different takes on the idea of the apocalypse. One is able to observe the similarities and differences in this genre through β†’

To the lighthouse: mind and body, dark and light

In the moment of twilight, Woolf acknowledges the possibility of a balance of the interior and exterior that offers a counterweight to the modernist problem of the solipsistic, entirely isolated person. The light of the candles drew with them into visibility the long table entire, and in the middle a yellow and purple dish of β†’

Fallacy on slippery slope

Majority of the cases has a series of steps or progressions between one issue and the one in question and no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or progressions will simply be bypassed. Specifically, the person is accepting the claim because they erroneously believe that the person making the claim is a β†’

Marketing intelligence helping adidas

Adidas The battle between Nike and Adidas started in the late 70's. Like in the case of Adidas.

The theoretical foundation of states regulatory response to the financial crisis

The Theoretical Foundation of States Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis Introduction A financial crisis arises when the demand for money is more than the supply resulting in a liquidity problem forcing banks to borrow to make up for the shortfall and in some cases leading to a collapse of this banks. This response of β†’

Public relations and other corporate functions

The public relations practitioner is the face of a company, by which the general public recognize the company and therefore they should be ethical, truthful and creative with their duties and responsibilities. Public relations practitioners are always in the middle of an organization and public, so they must be effective communicator to reach people.

The day the balloon popped

I felt that I was supreme. When I heard the punishment that I had been given, I could not believe my ears.

How to improve school for todays young learners education essay

The schools need to look at more progressive means of improvement; address the needs of the students and the teachers, not the states requirements for test scores. The additional physical activity increases the attentiveness of the students, and will result in better comprehension or retention of the course material.

The sociology of education

Each part of the society and institution are contributing some necessary activity to the functioning of the whole society. The government provides education for the children of the family; the family pays taxes to government to keep the society running.

Michael erminger

The USA PATRIOT Act was voted to be a law in a record breaking forty-five days because America wanted to know that the government would do something to protect the citizens. The USA PATRIOT Act is a dilemma leading America toward a police state, and the law needs to be substantially modified.

The story of an hour by chopin, and a rose for emily by faulkner

A close examination of the main characters in William Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily" and Kate Chopin's " The Story of an Hour" illustrates the weight of social constraints on women during this period in time. We had long thought of them as a tableau; Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the β†’

Interpretations of the reichstag fire

i) Van der Lubbe was a madman, and he set fire to the Reichstag all by himself, but the Nazis genuinely believed the fire was the start of a Communist uprising.ii) The Reichstag Fire was started by the Nazis to give them an excuse to take emergency powers and lock up or kill the Communists. β†’

The phones, and newspaper. but with the the video, sound- just about any form of

The Internet has been one of the biggest inventions that have made a great difference in the lives of many people in the world. With the invention of the Internet banking was made so easy due to the fact most of the operations of the financial institutions have been made accessible through the Internet, therefore β†’

Geological surface on earth (hallmann & steinberg,

The contrast between the desert and glacial landscape is the extreme weather conditions and landforms dotted across the surface. The rotational speeds of the wind depend on the distance from the equator.


That's my weakness, so I do everything, and practice a lot, then in grade 2, I was in the front row and became the leader of the group, and our principal was sitting in front of me. When I was in my last year of High school, it was the happiest year of my life β†’

Ethics and integrity assignment

It refers to the principles and ideologies of good and bad behavior expected by the general society. The other part of integrity is when after exerting all efforts to fulfill their word but have failed due to some circumstances, then they will communicate to the people they committed to that it would not work out.