4 Pages Essay Samples

Food processing, preservation and consumption

Fruits and vegetables are food groups that provide the body with the majority of the nutrients required. Salt is added in the process with the purpose of preserving the flavor and reducing chances of spoilage.

Zen psychology

It is accepting that good and evil are both a part of your life, so there is no need to strive for one or fear the other. Zen teaches that the only way to be truly accepting, is to live in the now.

Pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosis and management nursing essay

The differential diagnosis PID of can be as follows: Ectopic pregnancy Endometritis Salpingitis Cervicitis Ovarian cyst torsion, rapture or malignancy UTI Appendicitis Clinical diagnosis of PID is based on the combination of patients clinical history, physical examination and some laboratory studies. Bimanual pelvic examination: Cervical and uterine motion tenderness or adnexal tenderness should present for →

Chapters 11 12 13

Cascading style sheets a list of statements that define in one single location how html/xhtml elements are to be dislayed. Secure sockets layera protocol that provides for the encryption of data transmitted using the internet Static addressinga means of assigning a internet protocol address that never changes and is most likely assigned manually by a →

Homework: essential or detrimental? free essay

It is better to learn from the lesson than it is from the homework". The newly implemented homework rule is in effect but not in effect for the lives of the students.

The equal rights amendment

Is it only for women that the ERA is for anymore That is what Phyllis Schlafly discusses in her essay on not needing the ERA. To me it seems that the Equal Rights Amendment should not just be for women.

Colonialism plantation slavery and indentureship history essay

By the year 1680, the Caribs had to give up there control of the island, and the European settlement began. Lucia was emacipated in the year 1838, and remained in many ways compliant to the demands and needs of the capitalist world system.

Analysis of the banana market in australia economics essay

Shortage will usually happen when the price is below the price equilibrium, we can see that when price drops from Pe to P0, the quantity supply will decrease because suppliers are willing to supply at this price where they have low revenue while quantity demand will increase because consumers find bananas is really cheap and →

Principles of personal development in adult social care settings essay sample

Reflective practice identifies the area you need to improve on, it helps to clarify the aims and objectives, helps to staff to see their work in a wider context, provides access to the views of other team members.3. As it is recorded and regularly discussed it shows how close we are to our goals.

Chikankari of lucknow

Chikan is one of the prides of the city of Nawabs that is Luknow. It is a great tribute to the skill and technique of the craftpersons of Lucknow.

Lincoln and booth: sibling tensions in topdog/underdog

Although in depth it seems that Lincoln is not the Top dog or allows Booth to feel as if he has the potential to be top dog, it is apparent Booth is not capable of taking this responsibility. It is very possible even that even Booth would not be able to keep Cookie as a →

How far was british society changed by the experiences

Women were changed dramatically in the second world war and after it as the war promoted a sense of independence to women and enjoyed responsibility for looking after the country. Women were prouder and they had a sense of huge responsibility in the war effort and food was given out fairly to all of those →

Advertising aimed at children be banned essay

Negative Many people consider that it is unethical to target children with advertisements, as they are not yet able to distinguish advertising from actual programming in the way adults can. Even if television advertising aimed at children is banned, children are also exposed to radio, cinema, the internet and billboards in the street.

Theories of child development

In the past few years, a great deal of attention has been directed to the social context of children? s development of cognitive skills. According to Evans, Jean Piaget has made major theoretical work focused on developing a general theory of knowledge, how a child develop a knowledge of his of her world, and the →

Why did henry vii win the battle of bosworth? essay sample

Richard's tactical errors in the battle also contributed to why Henry won. It was this economic support that gave Henry VII the best chance in battle which therefore contributed to his victory.

Good and bad effects of recession economics essay

The recession corrects the unbalanced developments of economy to be realistic and makes the economic growth to be stable. Since the value of the money declines continuously during the recession, people prefer to keep their money instead of spending them.

Vcat flashcards

Bolton, Snelling, the Village Summit, Oglethorpe House, and the NicheWhat is the official UGA motto?" To teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things" *It's in big, gold letters above the VC info desk*Who is the Zell B. 35What building is the UGA Visitors Center in?

Civil rights and public policy assignment

Civil rights and inequality cases and issues are focused on by Congress, the courts, and the bureaucracy. The most important group of people who have fought tirelessly for their rights are the African Americans.

How high settings1. coconut milkcoconut milk is

It is very helpful in making the hair storng and in this way it reduces the hairfall. Mix this juice with some water & apply it all over the hair and scalp evenly.

Faustus professional performance analysis essay sample

The Brecht approach was to make the audience feel like they were actually in the theatre, and therefore making sure that they used unbelievable characters and would even come out of character to make sure that the audience were part of the performance. The audience could gage what was happening because of the use of →

The temple of me

A one walks up to my ancient temple; there is a stone path trimmed with bushes that leads from the sidewalk about 500 feet to the initial steps that you have to take to walk down and even yourself with the floor of my temple. And above each one of the tapestries there is an →

Compare brandenburg concerto 4 (first movement – essay

The following observation by Igor Stravinsky's in his 1947 work Poetics of Music applies to both the works in question:" All music, whether it submits to the normal flow of time or whether it disassociates itself there from, establishes a particular relationship, a sort of counterpoint between the passing of time, the music's own duration, →

Anemia during the pregnancy health essay

Literature Review Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues[1] Numerous studies from the developing countries have shown that anemia especially the iron deficiency is highly prevalent in the pregnant women.[2-5]In General population, the →

Editorial: the silent cry: how to turn translational medicine towards patients and unmet medical needs

Editorial on the Research Topic The Silent Cry: How to Turn Translational Medicine Towards Patients and Unmet Medical Needs Translational Medicine encompasses the continuum of activities that extend from the conception of an idea all the way till the development of new therapies and diagnostics for the benefit of patients. The translational medicine journey should →

Editorial: epigenetic modifications in mesothelioma

Editorial on the Research Topic Epigenetic Modifications in Mesothelioma We are pleased to announce the publication of this Research Topic focusing on epigenetic modifications in mesothelioma. More studies are required to further develop and validate the clinical applications of epigenetic biomarkers in mesothelioma.

Yancey tavern: a place that is haunted by benevolent ghosts

If you ask the locals about the tavern, many will claim to hear the music of the many nights travelers spent in the tavern during the Revolutionary War. Yancey Tavern is now a historic site, and seems to have a kind of magnetism for any ghosts in the area.

Teh great gadsby

The Great Gatsby is a novel that is about the rich people of the roaring twenties and in particularly about a man named Gatsby in search of the American dream. Daisy comes over and Gatsby is there and the ketch up a little and Gatsby invites Nick and Daisy to his house for a tour.

Critical analysis of fracking

Question Can the natural gas deposits in the Marcellus Formation, extracted through fracking, be the solution to the United States' energy problem? Assumptions The major assumption surrounding fracking is that a substantial amount of he gas in the Marcellus Formation can be extracted.

Double-consciousness under the white gaze assignment

Double-consciousness under the White Gaze In Maude Martha The theme of double-consciousness was flirts defined by Du Bois in The Souls of the Black Folk. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world →

Death representation in media

Death as the major theme in books and films I have selected nine categories of death representation in movies and two main categories of books about death. As far as we can see, the directors of the films and the authors of the book make an attempt to show death in a different manner.

Guillermo furniture store concepts

Further, the paper attempts to develop a financial plan for Guillermo to enable it to competitive in its respective furniture market. Guillermo's Furniture Store case study divulges how the entry of a new competitor from abroad has triggered unexpected challenges to the financial situation of the business.

Hofstede’s model essay

Materialism is a culture pertaining to dominance, and acquisition of things versus a culture which is conducive to people and their feelings and the quality of life. Southwest's' orientation is more of a long term because they always look to the future, while JetBlue is short.

Pope urban ii and the first crusade

Pope Urban II's motive to launch The First Crusade in 1096 A.D.was to recover the many Eastern churches that had been conquered by the Muslim Turks and with the land they reclaimed they would create a Christian State in Jerusalem for Christians to control. The Turks were surprised with the ferocity and dedication of the →

Brokeback mountain analysis

The elements of the story and its adaptation go to reinforce different aspects and beliefs that have been developed and poeticize the relationship of Ennis and Jack paralleling the beauty of the surrounding landscapes and mountain ranges. In the process of adapting this short story to the silver screen, screenwriters Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana →

Independent evolution of the bitter taste sensitivity in humans and chimpanzees assignment

The same locus in responsible for controlling the taster and non-taster phenotype in chimpanzees. To test the above in vitro results, i.e.chTAS2R38 is the taster genotype chimpanzees and chTAS2R38 the non-taster genotype, they run in vivo testing.

Has the prime minister got too much power?

The Prime Minister as the leader of his political party is subject to the parties support and his ability to whip his majority in the House of Commons to pass his policies and legislation into law. Thus, the Prime Minister is too powerful and he must have a fragmentation of his power.

Comparison between mesopotamia and egypt assignment

Finally, Mesopotamia and Egypt government was different because Mesopotamia was divided into city-states while Egypt was a united and confederate state. Agriculture was a fundamental key in the production of income, and Mesopotamia and Egypt were reliant on crops to not only feed the community, but to prosper and grow as a civilization.

No end in sight

Garner was the Director of the Reconstruction in Iraq. Americans lost in the sense that it was their mistakes that led to the suffering of Iraqis.

Reflection to moby dick (quotes)

Happiness is a state of the mind that rids the body of any thoughts or concerns, and instead replaces the same with folly and the attitude of " do not care", which in the end might see people entering into trouble and regrets. It is this form of wisdom that is difficult to understand, and →

Conflict management in the church

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN THE CHURCH Conflict Management In The Church More often than not, conflicts happen in the church between the church members or the leaders of the church. Discussing conflict management in the church, this presentation focuses on the stages of conflict development, ways of managing conflict in the church and sources of conflict →

Tradition in film

Since its creation and first practical use in the early 1900's, to its steady rise in popularity with the advent of " talkies" in the 1920's, to the present day and rise of internet video, film has been a staple of pop culture and human identity. In doing this I hope to not only bring →

Ethics case study argumentative essay

The purpose of this paper is to identify the ethical issues in the case study provided in the week one assignment. The nurse expressed her concerns to the physician that the child may have been injured and the lack of follow-up with these concerns is an ethical issue.

Public education system

Early morning or late evening fights over what is allowed to be worn to school could come to an end if uniforms are issued in the public The kids that come from lower class level backgrounds are the kids out there selling drugs and committing the crimes, but themoneymade goes to buy the latest designer →

Classification of bacteria

Bacteria are found on the tops of high mountains, the bottom of the deepest oceans, in the body of animals, and even in the frozen ice. The last group is the Bacteroides, a species of bacteria that are very common in the human gut.

Newtons second law essay sample

The mathematical expression of Newton's second law of motion is F /t F m/t F ma Where m is the mass of a body, v is the final velocity of the body, u is the initial velocity of the body and t is the time in seconds. When the net force on the body is →

Film review for “an anthopological introduction to youtube” essay sample

Wesch, all from an anthropological stand point of what it means to be human, covers how YouTube became a part of today's community, how it has the potential to destroy community, and how it builds community. According to Wesch, most of the videos on YouTube are homemade and intended for less than 100 people; however, →

The adidas group

This was the main part of adidas' strategic approach to marketing their sporting goods.didas has tried and succeeded in retaining its primary market presence in the athletic footwear markets.adidas has also has developed a significant market share in other footwear markets through diversification and acquisition.adidas acquired Salomon, a leading winter sports company, diversifying into this →

Atonement – ian mcewan essay sample

McEwan has set the opening in the summer, possibly to evoke a sense of calmness and composure amongst the characters. McEwan has set the opening in the summer, possibly to evoke a sense of calmness and composure amongst the characters.

Example of essay on reaction paper: living creatively

In any social environment, individual interests would be observable from the move or like or dislike that one would display in the course of interacting with the environment. The present trends in the society dictate that one has to think by both sides of the brain.

Sally jameson stock options essay sample

The cash alternative being referred to here is the Telstar Communications option tranche on offer, the present value of which needs to be compared with that of the cash option. Opting for the ESOs is subject to risk it's possible that her options will be worthless at the time of exercise.

Peer-reviewed literature

The journal reveals the procedures necessary for the reduction of the urinary tract infection patients in hospitals. The journal indicates the strategies, which are instrumental in the prevention of the urinary tract infection.

Main fact about jp morgan chase & co

The company has significantly increased its Working Capital from 85, 945 in 2003 to nearly double that amount in 2004, meaning that its Current Assets has been growing in a much faster speed then it's current liabilities, which is good for the company. The Payout Ratio of the company is -0.

Satire speech assignment

I am talking about the change that happened last year, that left many emotionally wounded and causes so many arguments, the change of switching the graduating class' blazer to the white blazers. I believe I speak for a fair amount Of students when I say that it's almost sickening how often the graduating class is →


As a manager I have been looking for the problems and challenges arising and trying to resolve them. According to the notice sent by Employee & Community Relation Manager, we need to hire women and people of color very soon and make sure a higher percentage will be recruited into Production section which requires more →


For example, when you stop at a red light, you are conforming to the law and to the general agreement that for the good and safety of society, a red light means stop. He found that when the task was carried out in a social group, the participants would report estimates of roughly the same →

Embryo morphogenetic changes at the end of gastrulation

Starting from the three-layered embryo at the end of gastrulation, describe the morphogenetic changes that lead to the formation of the neural tube, divided into separate brain vesicles, and organisation of tissues and the body plan in the tailbud stage embryo. Differentiation of the Neural Tube.

Henrik ibsen’s play a doll’s house essay

Therefore.the yesteryear is revealed to Torvald through the missive.and the existent narrative Begins. Nora is the doll referred to in the rubric.

A critical appraisal of strategic action plans

Dell says in the presentation, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission." This hurts the speed and efficacy of the transformation and is not good for the long-term health of the company." The presentation titled " The Rationale for a Private Dell" adds more detail to prior disclosures about pressures the company is →

Role of reason in society

While all three of these authors agree that the state of nature is the era before civilization and government, they all differ in their ideas of the importance of reason in the state of nature. Rousseau, on the contrary, believes that compassion is the ruling body in the state of nature and reason is accountable →

Parenthetical pillars: the subtleties of phrasing and identity in ‘hunger of memory’

He simultaneously addresses political topics arguing against bilingual education and affirmative action while establishing the story of his own identity as a complex architecture connecting his Mexican-American background to his class to his religion to his body to his profession as a writer. Ultimately, his identity as a hyper-Americanized Mexican-American forms the most important cornerstone →

The history of diplomacy history essay

The need to establish and make resourceful gains was a major drive towards the decision of western nations to acquire colonies and exploit the prosperity in periphery states. The resulting verdict was a declaration of war on Serbia by Austria-Hungary and the expansion of the war continued as nation states took sides to better serve →

Locating the female in selected plays of john osborne and arnold wesker

However, a brief overview of critical work dedicated to Post War British drama in general and the plays of Osborne and Wesker in particular clearly indicate the importance and relevance of analyzing the role and function of the women characters in the plays of these two playwrights. The play focuses on the life of the →

E to person contact2. the infectious dose for

Afterstudying the research of Koch, Louis Pasteur worked to develop a vaccine fromhis own research of injecting the vaccine and then exposing the animals to thebacterium and recording the results3. The Ames strain of the spores was used and it highlightedthe ability of the pathogen to be used as a biological weapon1.


From the time I was a littlegirl I wanted to be a nurse. Although I wanted to be a nurse, I did not take that route after graduating from high school because I had a baby at the beginning of my senior year and then worked at UTMB half the day.

Contemporary social concerns

These surveys have the capability of identifying a variety of unique risks, and hence it is important for an organization to use them in collecting data for purposes of building an organizational risk strategy. The organizational flow chart gives an illustration of how the resources and materials of an organization are used, and the time →

Life and teachings wk 5

Mathew also records in His gospel the report that was given by the soldiers who were guarding the tomb to the Jew's authorities. Jesus gave the disciples a commission to propagate and continue the work of the church in the spirit.

Richard iii argumentative essay

In Shakespearean play " Richard Ill," the character Richard Is crafted as a representation of of the old, ego, and superego of psychology. Richards goal is to make the people demand Richard to the throne, instead of the princes.

Without evil there would be no good philosophy essay

The complete picture of the living and natural world is that evil dominates: without evil there would be no good. In " A Good Man Is Hard to Find," there are two main revelation that involve the grandmother and the Misfit.

In element of characterization, the dramatist can create

The last element of a play which the dramatist can manipulate in order to get the audience involved in the play is by working with the setting to create a desired mood or atmosphere in which the audience would feel more involved in the story. In the plays Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Hamlet, →

Andrew jackson and indian removal essay

Andrew Jackson's presidency from 1829 to 1837 the decision to remove the Cherokee Indians to land west of the Mississippi River was made. To pay for the stealing of the Native Americans' land, US government brought up ideas like that it is their " duty to make new efforts for the preservation, improvement, and civilization →

Book report (the titans curse by rick rordan)

So a quest was given to Zoe who was the leader of the huntresses that they should go save Artemis before the winter solstice and when she went to go consult the Delphi Oracle it said " five will go west hunters and campers combined will not fail one will be lost in the land →

Reading and writing

Essay: Reading and writing Sherman Alexie, a celebrated Native American writer, best known for his fictions, shares his journey of learning to read and write in the essay The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me. In consideration of the intimacy of the topic, Alexie introduces his essay with a clear personal touch by →


The human mind, according to modernist thinking, man is a natural creature and is governed by the laws of nature to reproduce and to survive. The postmodern theory states that the human mind's perspective of reality is socially constructed; unlike in the modern theory that reality is what it actually is.

Google marketing plan

Strategic planning AnalyzingGoogle' s strategic planning process Google's Strategic planning Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. STEP TWO: SET OBJECTIVES AND GOALS Google's objectives: Enabling users to search a larger base of information, Google began with the Internet search →

Joline godfrey and the polaroid corporation (a) assignment

The organizational defenseless at Polaroid manifested themselves through a series of unorthodox choices and maneuvers of Jollied Godlier and her mentor Jerry Sudden, which tried to circumvent internal limitations to obtain financial and human resources for the exploration of a strategic alternative. To prevent failures Like Colleen and her Odysseus project from repeating themselves, we →

Lighting in the office enviroment

The doctors consider poor lighting one of the main reasons that leads to the excessive eyestrain, muscle fatigue, headaches and poor posture, the article about the lighting in the office from the Officinado Website says. The thing is that the level of lighting is excessive in most of the offices due to the fact that →

Models of penal policy to explain crime

With all of these facets working in conjunction with one another, this article sought to define the key determinants of penal policy with respect to the scope and severity of penal policy in other advanced economies and subjective factors of penal policy in regard to race. The best single proximate explanation of the rise in →

Technology hurting kids

Technology has an effect on how kids make friends." Fully 57% of teens ages 13 to 17 have made a friend online, with 29% of teen indicating that they have made for than five friends in online venues. Research says that boys are more likely to find a friend/ friends on the internet.

Discussion of portfolio theory

Using formulas, one can calculate expected return, E, and risk of the return of the stock A. This model considers the risk of return and historical return of stock market.

The outsiders by s.e. hinton research paper

I like this method of communication because it is able to harmonize the division between the groups. Cherry's attraction to Dallas is of essence in the story since it illustrates that the conflict between the two teenage groups is reconcilable".

Articulating modernist values through memories of war in ‘good-bye to all that’

In recounting his experience as a British Army Officer in World War I, Robert Graves employs the tools of present memory to effectively criticize pre-War Victorian socio-political and cultural sentiments through a Modernist, late-1920's lens. Finally, Graves acts as a persuasive critic of the imperial justification in reliving his experiences in colonial Egypt and Ireland, →

Comparison of stakeholder theories

The shareholder theory was described initially by Milton Friedman and it states the traditional view that the maximisation of financial value for shareholders is the ultimate goal of the business. According to Mansell, it is possible for an organization to maintain and uphold the ethical principles, described in the shareholder theory model, whilst simultaneously upholding →

Understanding cost accounting and depreciation

He was having issues about the depreciation for the crane and also for the forklifts that he had. By seeing the overall totals, the acquisition of crane could be a very challengeable task for Driscoll.

The sport injuries

The causes of the injuries vary with the sport and it is important to handle the cases as per the sport in order to help minimize the occurrence of injuries in the field. The injuries in the ankles occur due to the strain felt by the joints and the tissues surrounding the point.

Siddhartha’s path to enlightenment

Everyone's journey to enlightenment is unique and it can not be taught As Siddhartha is talking to Govinda he realizes that it is not possible to teach true wisdom. Living the rich life is not nirvana, it can be a beautiful facade of despair and suffering.

Cold war cuba worksheet assignment

Kennedy had many options had to choose wisely to prevent nuclear war Decided on blockade of USSR ships carrying missiles.would sink all ships that crossed quarantine zone Called for Soviet Union to withdraw missiles in Cuba Kennedy Victory Youngest American president was able to prove himself After bay of pigs defeat -? shown as successful →

Dances with wolves essay sample

It depicts the American Indians as a loving race, has three very unique Lakota Tribe leaders, shows the life in the Great Plains before American settlers arrived, it really shows the difference between customs and traditions of the whites and Indians, and finally the Sioux and Paunee fighting was very important and showed Dunbar important →

How political philosophy started

The study of political philosophy involves the state, its justification, the proper organization of its ethics, and the best form for the politics to contemporarily to exist. The application of fascism is the total belief that dominance of a state, government, and its leadership by an individual who embodies the trust, intelligence and the will →

Single – subject designs

They focus instead in the behaviour of a single subject both within and across the experimental treatments. Two conditions in exposing the subjects: Baseline phase to assess behaviour in the absence of the treatment Intervention phase to assess behaviour during the application of the treatment.

Peripeteia in othello essay

Peripeteia, the concept of reversal of fortune as discussed by Aristotle in the Poetics, is " the shift of the tragic protagonist's fortune from good to bad, which is essential to the plot of a tragedy". More than any other part of the play, the third scene of Act 3 is vital as it is →

Taxonomy system and linnaean system

The Phylo code starts with the theoretical foundation but the phylo is the process of a naming system but only names the clades which a clade is a group of organisms that consists of a common ancestor and all its lineal descendants instead of naming each individual specie a different name. The phylo system is →

The potters wheel as a metaphor english literature essay

In Siddhartha 's religious journey, his thrower 's wheel ab initio spins, so slows down about to the point of a standstill, and, with the aid of that hold, sets into gesture once more. In an attempt to obtain this cognition, he pumps the pedal of his thrower 's wheel, and leaves his household behind →

Partition enjoy the property in common. according

Sadyajathappa has held that severance of status is brought about when shares of coparceners are crystallized by defining their share and once that is done the mere fact that they continued to stay together in the same house would not by itself make any legal impact on the severance of the status already brought about →

Crucible: salem witch trials and elizabeth assignment

Elizabeth Proctor was a women in the Crucible that was honorable and trustworthy. Elizabeth Proctor may have had mixed emotions about her marriage, but she was honest and a housewife that would do anything to make her family happy and her husband proud.