4 Pages Essay Samples

Roger sperry

Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Sperry was a son of a banker and son of an Assistant to the Principle at a local High School. In 1964, Roger Sperry, in a conference to the Division of Biology at Caltech, presented his ideas on consciousness.

Gen/105 week 9 student survival guide

Something that I enjoyed within this program is the fact that you can read about a certain grammar principle and then take a quiz which allows me to know which area in need to concentrate on more. I do plan on finding another job in the near future and I am sure that time management →

Media law matrix essay sample

Free Expression Although the United States constitution states: Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The moral →

An inconvenient truth summary

The movie " An Inconvenient Truth" tells the story of increase in the CO2 component of greenhouse gasses during the current and last centuries. The movie presents graphical images demonstrating the relationship of CO2 concentration and the increase in atmospheric temperature during the period of last 1, 000 years in the area of Mount Glaces, →

Critical number

The author of the article describes a technique used in his company which is to compare the financial ratios of the firm with the competition. The ratios of the competition are calculated by retrieving the financial statements of the companies using the internet.

Gender roles in shakespeare’s ‘twelfth night’ assignment

This is correspondent with a form of comedic absurdity, the ability to act as the opposite gender and toy with the idea of masculinity and femininity. However from the very beginning of the text he is taking on a role subservient and lesser to Viola in his request to ' entreat of o some offbeat →

Real gdp fluctuates around potential gdp

Then, real GDP will turn downwards and the turning point is the peak of business cycle. When real GDP hits the bottom and turns upward, the turning point is said to be the trough.

Introduction improvement methods are static. but since the

This increase in competition creates an even much greater need for first rate improvement methods that could sustain competitiveness through the origins of a number of the methods of operations that are in use today which lie in the strong development period during and immediately after the Second World War, principally in the United States →

Descartes divisibility

Descartes Divisibility Rene Descartes believes that the mind and body is different things and that the body is dividable but the mind is not dividable. I do think the mind and the body is separate.

Causes or effects of taking an online course

The effects of enrolling in online courses are beneficial for those who travel far to get to the institution. A student has to be committed to the classes that they are enrolled in in order to succeed.

Close reading sappho and the treatment of feminine desire.

In the opening verse of Sappho's fragment, the concentration placed upon the male figure as the competitor against the poem's persona for the affections of the object of desire is sheerly embellished with feminine power. Plath expands on this, calling the woman in Lesbos a ' blood-loving bat' and when contemplating the role of Sappho's →

Home exchange

I want to start with a few facts of Home Exchange [PUNCTUATION] like what is Home Exchange, how old is the concept of Home Exchange and so on. The first thing you have to do, [PUNCTUATION]is to join homeexchange.com, and put a listing on the internet.

Case study tapal tea (private) limited

Then the actual sales of Tapal, Unilever and others in the previous year were added up to determine the market size. Zonal mangers were unable to assess and improve the performance of territory managers.

Design management

We need to find out the possible constraints for the project due to the site location we known. The width of the exit door and exit route should not be less than mm and mamma respectively.

Lord of the flies analysis

In the beginning of the story, the boys mimic the world they left behind and even elect a leader who is tasked with directing the activities of the group and establishing rules. From the beginning of the story, Jack's desire and greed for power is revealed as he tries to incite the rest of the →

Gillette safety razor division: blank cassette project

Similar characteristics to professional quality in terms of brands, a little less concentrated distribution and slightly lower quality in the materials to coat the tape and the packaging. For the customer target, they should focus mainly in teenagers because of the recording music trends, especially the off the air recording and because is a easy →

Black panther: t’challa is more than a superhero

In the superhero film Black Panther by Ryan Coogler, T'Challa is the son of a king and next in line to the throne. As a king, he has to put his people first and sometimes it will come at the cost of putting other people in harm's way.

Extraction of impacted mandibular third molars

5 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are widely used for the treatment of inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis and for pain management. In contrast to chemical inhibitors of inflammation such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, enzyme preparations support and accelerate the natural inflammatory process without contributing to pain, redness and swelling.

Eating disorders in today’s society

The standard that is sought after most in the battle of being attractive is body weight; the thinner the better seems to be the motto of beauty in today's society. Based on a website solely for men, it appears that the only type of beauty there is is flawless, tanned, and thin.7.

Bertrand russell’s ‘a free man’s worship’ essay

So, we might be impotent in the face of Nature's forces but we are superior in terms of our ability to oppose and thereby liberate ourselves from them. The early history of the savage is that of slaves who cringe before the gods and worship their power of God, as witnessed in the ' rough →

American slavery essay 3

America was truly changed by slavery and is evident when Kolchin states that " The colonial era saw the emergence in America of a true slave society, the transformation of a society in which some people were slaves into which slave labor formed the basis of the economy and social order". The shift from indentured →

How journeys challenge and broaden understanding of the world: “father and child,” “spring hall,” and the shawshank redemption

Through the overcoming of past obstacles, a journey may be a catalyst towards the broadening of one's understanding of the world. Drawing parallels to Father and Child, Darabont in The Shawshank Redemption, explores how a change in perspectives during a journey may consequently lead to a more optimistic outlook of the world.

Definition of environment

Definition of Environment, Health and Disease Environmental Problems Food Borne Diseases Intervention and Control What is environment? Environmental health affect human heath, and vice versa Inner and outer Environment The Inner vs.

Case study on “solar feeder for strategic management

Identify the broad and specific problem of the company? What is the Business model of the company?

Jesus’ teaching and life

It looks at various parables in the bible, which relate to leadership and break them down for application in the modern world that need devoted leaders to head the world in the right track. The main objective of the book is to equip leaders or people looking forward to be leaders with ancient wise leadership →


The skeletons seem to be representing dead soldiers during the conflict between England and Ireland and the traitor that they speak of could be interpreted as Seamus Heaney. In the poems The Digging Skeleton and Bone Dreams Seamus Heaney uses skeleton and dead animal imageries to represent the lost soldiers during the conflict between England →

The contrast in art and lives between kano eitoku

Although the Azuchi-Momoyama Period was very brief, lasting for a mere 33 years, from approximately 1570 to 1603, it is one of the most internationally famous period of Japanese art history and is often referred to as the ' Japanese Renaissance', as it was notably more colourful, majestic and extravagant than any other.[i] An interval →


The next step for multimania.fr will be to further develop AkioTM Mail Center's groupware and e-mail process organisation functions. Because AkioTM Mail Center offers the ability to establish and maintain a long-term dialogue of incomparable quality with its customers, it is establishing itself as a strategic pillar of multimania.fr customer relations.

The cost of the modern age

In a year before the advances of technolgoy a revered man states that " there are no more secrets " in reference to the global use of social connections, what does that say about technology at its stand point today as it becomes increasingly filled with hackers and the unattentive users. Back in the 20th →

Desert storm essay

For the air part of the war in Desert Storm, the Navy and Marine Corps are the units who took part in it. The sea service pilots flew around 35 percent of the sorties, which was in straight proportion to their numbers in the U.S.air inventory.

Personal admission

I believe that the internal reason for my interest in the subjects of business is my willingness to learn about people and their business traits. In order to attain mastery in the fields of business and finance, I am applying for this degree course at your scholarly institute.

Week six individual assignment

The marketing strategy the company used in the past of advertising the firm as a CPA centered firm was effective in the past. One of the threats that the company is currently facing is companies that offer tax services by non-CPA accountants that have become very effective in their work due to the assistance of →

Eulogy – lady ashley

But her cancer was too much for her to bear, and I am glad that she is finally at rest after a life time of battles. And in honour of her memory, I would encourage you to accept change as it comes to your life.

Case study sdm

Same is the case of rest of India, so it will not be possible to segregate the market according to the geographical base.2. Moreover, the cost of selling of dealer in the rural market should also be Justified.

Paper 2

Before under taking the project, there is a need to factor in some of the essential elements required for the success of the project. The project should identify the advantages and disadvantages of the system/policies that the project intends to use.

Utilizing the classroom peer groups to address childrens social needs: an evaluation of the circle of friends intervention approach

A succinct abstract/summary of the entire study is provided at the beginning of the article, which is further restated and substantiated in the discussions and conclusions drawn in the study. At the very outset, it clearly states the purpose of the article is to evaluate the application of the Circle of Friends approach in order →

World markets essay

This transition that continues to be experienced over the years is directly related to China's concept of following trends that are more open and friendlier to the economy. It is one of the strategies that have improved China's position in international business and marketing.

Aids 3rd revision

During the asymptomatic period, the cells of the immune system are slowly being killed by the rapid multiplying and infecting of the virus. The most evident outcome of the viral infection is a decrease in a component of the blood, the number of CD4 positive T cells drastically decreases.

Book review: follow your gut: the enormous impact of tiny microbes

As years went by, the understanding of the nature and importance of microbes became more apparent however, to date, for the broad audience, the understanding of the microbial roles in our life has been restricted to those causing diseases. Chapter 2 - Describes how we acquire our first microbes from our mother and explains the →

Random acts of kindness assignment

It was a great feeling to see that I was able to put a smile on the face of someone else, just by doing something that they did not want to do themselves. I was glad that I was in a position to do it.

Contrasted settings

The two settings that are used in the novel are Kambili's hometown in Enugu and another small town, Nsukka, where Kambili's aunt and cousins live. Aunty Ifeoma's flat in Nsukka " began to lift the silence," allowing Kambili and Jaja to grow and speak more freely.

The dramatic irony in oedipus the king assignment

The Dramatic Irony in Oedipus the King Before taking a closer look on the identity of the protagonist and murderer, and having in mind that Oedipus the King is a very spacious and difficult to analyze play, including opportunities for discussion on quite a few topics, I have chosen to briefly focus on the dramatic →

Barn burning

Even though the story itself is not set in the Depression Era, but somewhere at the end of 19th century, the same themes of family heritage, maturation, and inequality are present in the story as they were at the time that Faulkner wrote this story. As a character in the story, he is juxtaposed to →

Home depot

An example of this was the new centralized purchasing function that was in place within 90 days of his appointment." The restructuring was a bold and risky business move, the equivalent of a heart transplant for a big retail company, and it had to be done without missing a beat". He struggled to communicate his →

Nightshades risks: eating the erroneous fruits and veggies can cause adverse affliction

By this, minimization of oxygen can happen and also the destruction of blood dungeons in physique. A report published on June 29, 2011, by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies reveals that 116 million people are living in certain degree of everyday suffering.

Elements of a traditional gothic novel in the picture of dorian gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, is a classic example of a traditional Gothic novel, despite the fact that it is not scary. Throughout the story, the most obvious example of a Gothic novel is the use of the devil as a symbol.

Extra time on finals

So when I go into the extra time room I look around the classroom, maybe I am taking a science final in the spanish room, or the history final in the chemistry classroom. Each time I see the other extra time students I want to ask them " So why are you in extra time?", →

Triangular trade assignment

The Middle Passage was the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from Africa were shipped to the New World, as part of the Atlantic slave trade. The effects of the middle passage is shown in the following: did not have any proper sanitation they suffered from diseases such as smallpox and →

Driving the other hand, negligence involves not

A child getting nervous and confused on hearing the horn of a vehicle suddenly trying to cross a road resulting in an accident with the vehicle does not make the driver liable under this section. A motor vehicle is meant to be driven with speed and, therefore, rashness or negligence does not depend merely on →

Compare the satire in gulliver’s travels & candide assignment

A horse society that the mall character Gullible admires the most, Swift satirized the bad characters and behaviors of the human beings. He refuses to accept the truth that he is a yahoo.

Doctor assisted suicide

In the sight of the law however, doctor-assisted suicide may be necessary to end the suffering of dying patient Background The issue of doctor-assisted suicide in the United States was more or less started by Dr. To such people who may see death as a last resort and a means for eternal rest, there is →

Sociological imaginationconclusion essay

Wright Mills stated that " It is a quality of mind that seems most dramatically to promise an understanding of the intimate realities of ourselves in connection with larger social realities." Simply put, sociological imagination is the ability to detach yourself from the local environment for you to make the connection between social structure, biography, →

Changes in politics dbq

The most significant changes in participation in both political campaigns and elections in the United States took place within the years of 1815 to 1840; and this was because of a dramatic change in activism, as well as a dramatic increase in the level of campaigning. Although most individuals whom were granted the right to →

What is a professional assignment

For example, to become a doctor in the United States you have to graduate from a 4 year college in a strong pre-med program, you have to take and pass the medical College Admissions Test then you have to do 3-7 years residency. For example if you want to be a successful physician, you must →

Fredrick douglas vs. slavery

Douglass uses a religious format to show how many of the people for slavery say that it was ok for slavery to happen. At the end of all this, it clearly states that people for slavery lied about what they said slaves get.

Family strengths: often overlooked, but real by kristin anderson moore

The article notes that such a focus on family strengths is necessary to counteract the dearth of knowledge in this area, owing from the traditional focus on family ills in the literature to the detriment of serious inquiry on how healthy and strong families work. The findings that family strength levels are healthy for the →

Identify the next great idea in homeland security

Investigate and enhance the processing of the complaints forwarded by the public concerning the Department of Homeland Security. This will be possible through the collaborative relationship between the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Government, the disability society, and the private sector.

Bank of america business analysis

From multi-million dollar loans to thousands of ATM's throughout the United States and overseas, Bank of America is among the world's leading wealth management companies' and is a global leader in corporate business. With operations in such a wide range of selected countries Bank of America has to deal with differing legal and cultural aspects →

Editorial: international perspectives on health and safety among dairy workers: challenges, solutions and the future

Editorial on the Research Topic International Perspectives on Health and Safety among Dairy Workers: Challenges, Solutions and the Future The purpose of this special topics edition of Frontiers in Public Health was to present an international perspective on current occupational health research related to workers in the dairy industry. The majority of authors were part →

Name brand – the use of names as metonymy for actions in coriolanus

Despite the fact that the man's name is never revealed, the poor host who lodges Coriolanus is a principal example of the importance of linking a name and actions. The name Coriolanus would not exist in the play without the valiant deeds that won the name for Caius Martius, and it is from the name →

The deaths of guildenstern and rosencrantz. what was that for?

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern lack identities and a sense of ethics, so they are " condemned to be free" and are perpetually insecure about their role in life. Overall, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's inability to find meaning in life is a result of their lack of identity, preordained fate, and isolation from other characters.

Gender and sexuality in tess of the durbervilles

The name Angel Clare is already imbued with connotations concerning femininity and purity; this is irony on the part of Hardy to ascribe Tess's lover a name that is the antithesis to her own predicament. Yet outside of their understanding she cannot be vindicated, and thus the outside is ' inexorable.' Important here is ' →

O kill a mocking bird chapters 1 and 2

The story is set in a period of hardship, where money is tight and bankruptcy is an everyday threat.'There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with. The missionary circle is described as a normal activity, and must be attended to keep in with →


Today, as a direct result of the women's liberation movement of the 1960s which urged the passage of antidiscrimination laws in the workplace and challenged societal beliefs that " a woman's place was in the home" the barriers that prevented women from seeking careers have been eliminated. Many post-feminists argue that, although women deserve the →

And planner assignment

The aim of this unit assignment The purpose of the unit is to enable you to understand the role and responsibilities of a teacher in education and training and the relationship between different professionals in education and training. At level 3 you need to demonstrate: knowledge of relevant principles and where appropriate theories that apply →

Objective: i essay

Atom the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element Example: the formation of a sodium chloride crystal Molecule The smallest part of any substance which has the qualities of that substance, and which can exist alone in a free state. Example: a molecule of water consists of two atoms of →

Bodily fluids in forensic science

The aim of this study is to examine the saliva and faecal present on victim cloths which can lead to give more information of criminal and victim. 1 it can also give clear result between human and animal saliva because this test use mouse monoclonal antibodies which is specific for human saliva to give presence →


The current King of Demacia, Jarvan III works earnestly with the Demacian Council to ensure that the sanctity of the city-state remains pure and true. The Demacian military is one of the strongest in all of Valoran, and until recently it was the only force capable of holding back the hunger of the military machine →

The struggles of the native americans

Before the establishment of the American Government, land ownership among the native Indians varied from communal land ownership to private ownership in some communities. With the fight against segregation, some of the rights have been granted to the Native Americans while the government is still silent on some of them, including land ownership.

Human resource management

The goal setting theory, the expectancy theory, and the share ownership schemes theories help discern the link between cognitive processes and pay. On the other hand, the expectancy theory asserts that an individual chooses a given behavior that leads to the best outcome in terms of performance and pay.

Relative advantages and limitations of financial statements

The limitations for financial statements prepared on a cash basis are that even though it may show what cash is in the bank at the present, in the long run it can distort the true picture of how muchmoneya company actually has. Cash based financial statements as we have seen can be beneficial for small →

Record keeping on patient safety and nursing practice

The function of patient records are to have an accurate documented account of the care and treatment that a patient has received. It is vital that the author of any statement in a health record is clearly and easily identifiable.

What in several acts of assassination for

The second phase and recent Kargil conflict of terrorism was the use of violence by political groups, especially by anarchists and some nationalists. It will be unrealistic to hope for complete disappearance of terrorism from the face of the earth in near future but to deem it totally impossible is to turn pessimistic.

The cause and effect of the great alaskan earthquake

Running Head: THE 1964 ALASKAN EARTHQUAKE The 1964 Alaskan Earthquake- Its Cause and Effect of Correspondence concerning this article should be addresses to Contact: THE 1964 ALASKAN EARTHQUAKE 2 Abstract This paper explores the massive earthquake that Alaska witnessed on the 27th of March, 1964 while further analyzing the cause and the effects that the →

Displaying the issue of mistreatment against women in untitled appeal to citizens of massachusetts

Women rights are more vital for the establishment of having openings, a free voice, and assurance in the general public, and women's rights ought to be worried in this campaign. Assessment is phony, and they cannot achieve a flat out change to the privileges of ladies in the general public.

My future career: a barber

I want to become a Barber because there are lots of benefits and opportunities that come with the career and I can imagine it being one of the passions I have. After doing my research I still want to pursue the career of becoming a Barber because there's so many opportunities and it is a →

The global recession and workplace malfeasance

This case includes a statistic report on what employees think in regards to a possible increase of employee theft in the work place but the numbers of reported individuals who think there's an increase are mostly based on personal opinion not actual fact or knowledge on these crimes and is not necessarily a high number, →

Mccarthyism vs. the crusible assignment

In comparison to the Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism conveyed the ignorance of the officials, brought fear to the masses, and endagered innocent people. The opinions of the Judges and ministers of the puritan society and those of the U.

Serious crime is murder

A crime is an offence against a law of the state and a punishment is a suffering inflicted on a person because of a crime, which this person has committed. Do not commit murder; anyone who does will be brought to trial" Matthew 5: 21Christians believe that the state has the right and the duty →

Case analysis analysis persuasive essay

In early 80's the biggest problem for the Swiss watch industry was the rapid growth of quartz technology which changed the rules of the game. The goal of the company was to compete in the lower end of the market.

Agenda setting theory

When you bring in the view of the relationship between the salience of a story, and the extent to which people think that this story is important, one can easy portray that people will attribute importance of an issue by how often the media exposes it. In Closing, agenda setting in relation to the President →

Scipio africanus: the general who defeated hannibal

He always tried to do what was best for the people, he was well loved by his soldiers, and he had mighty allies from around the world. His troops even believed that he had divine help and was a favorite of the gods.

Effect of the swine flu pandemic on the tourist industry in the us and europe

Running Head: Tourism A Mini-Research Proposal on the Effect of the Swine Flu Epidemic on the Tourism Industry of the United s and Europe Course Title Name of Professor Date of Submission Title: The Effect of Swine Flu Pandemic on the Tourism Industry of the United States and Europe Problem Statement This study tries to →

Political development and modernization

In spite of we if be watchful not on glorified vote based system with the greater part its imperfections Furthermore In fact samuel huntington might remind us that political request matters more many consent that vote based system Previously, a few manifestation may be preferable of the totally show for nondemocratic frameworks about administration. Furthermore, →

Richard the third soliloquy analysis essay sample

In his soliloquy Richard of Gloucester conveys his true feelings of hatred and exasperation of his appearance and provides deeper insight into the man who he is through diction, imagery and syntax. The descriptions explain the importance a relationship has in Richard's perspective, and why the lack of one is so detrimental to his esteem.

Nelson mandela

I also want my employees to perform the task that they have been assigned with responsibility and efficiency and to respect me too. For this, I need to communicate my expectations openly and to create a comfortable yet accountable relationship with the employees.

Water for elephants and basic hero archetypes analysis

On the circus train he meets the love of his life Marlena, a performer in the circus. He is very intelligent and this helps him throughout the book.

Eleven, inc. case

Contrary to Japan, 7-Eleven stores In the u.s. Marketing Efforts In order to make the most of its new capabilities and vision, 7-Eleven U.S.

Analysis of native son by richard wright

However, in opposition to these concrete statistical analyses, one man published a novel in 1940 that would oppose the theory of a physical warfare, and claimed that the era of the 1930s was home to a " battle of words". Unfortunately, toward the end of the novel, Bigger was jailed to show the childish attempt →

Analyzing the disney’s stories: snow white and the seven dwarfs

We always talk about a perfect ending in all the animated movies in the form of the stereotypical Disney scene which appears when the prince should kiss the princess in order to break the spell and that's when they live happily forever and ever. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the first binary opposition →

Pride, gender, and inaction in antigone

Pride, Gender, and Inaction in Antigone The central theme of Sophocles play " Antigone" is the dilemma that one faces, in adhering to ones own conclusion or to abide by the existing laws of the land. After witnessing her father and brothers death, she thinks that the best course of action is to obey.

Compare and contrast two model of intelligence

G- factor theory is the name given to the theoretical position that intelligence is composed of single, unitary, or general factor. In developing his theory, Gardner attempted to rectify some of the errors of earlier psychologists who " all ignored biology; all failed to come to grips with the higher levels of creativity; and all →

Design of a finned radiator assembly

The initial parameters were the operating requirements of the Diesel-Engine Generator Set 1500-EXCITED are as follows: Coolant capacity - The coolant chosen for our radiator is ethylene glycol Its maximum operating temperature of OFF Alarm flow rate - Since the generator Is stationary as opposed to that used In an automobile application, a fan will →

Shield financial: motivation and role conflict

Bloom can improve MacMillan's efficiency through the provision of a method in which MacMillan can stay in the contact with his family while working. This is because MacMillan's strategy in sales is effective and has an impact on the company's performance; therefore if MacMillan becomes a manager he will be obligated to train and direct →

Bus econ part2

National income is often used in the estimation of the value of production and economic activity in a particular country. In some cases, the terms of trade of a country can also be used to measure the state of the economy.