4 Pages Essay Samples

Vegetarianism: good or bad thing

Since the beginning of time we humans have eaten animals in order to survive, but being humans some of us have developed a conscious towards all the brutal mass murdering of animals for meat and with all of these horror stories about what is really in our humble hotdogs for example, it is no surprise →

Constructivist theory

In brief, constructivist education appeals to children? s interests, engages them in experimentation with phenomena of the physical world and fosters cooperation between teacher and child, and among children. The constructivist teacher is a mentor who takes a cooperative attitude in relation to children and uses natural and logical consequences as alternatives to authoritarian discipline.

Advanced medical technology corporation persuasive

Using the assumptions outlined in the Exhibits 1 and 2, in 1988 a $32, 767, 000 loan will be necessary for the company to continue its operations. The ratio analysis, displayed in Exhibit 3, yielded the following results: Over the coming three years AMT will continue to see negative returns on assets, indicating that the →

Analytical exposition – strictly ballroom

The film is set in the highly theatrical, almost fantasy world of competition dancing and portrays an individual overcoming the conformity of a large hierarchical organisation by allowing creativity to triumph over convention. Portrayed throughout the film as a cowardly and tragic soul whose life has been dominated by the power of the Dance Federation, →

Chapter 13 spice chart the spread of chinese civilization…

Vietnam * Women had more freedoms * Women wore long skirts to black pants * Women had more influences in both family and in societies * Women were dominant force in large urban markets and trading systems Political: ) Japan * Empress Koken; married the Buddhist monk and he became king * Emperor Kammu; 794 →

Why has bloody sunday been represented in such different ways

In source A, John Mullin an Irish correspondent gives a slightly bias view bloody Sunday but a very informative and reliable account, this was written in 1999 after the new inquiry, which may of led him to his opinion, this also makes it more bias as he already knows the facts and he writes almost →

Sorry, billy, you’re not allowed to read that

To have your book censored means that it's making a social impact on the world and that people are taking it seriously. So they turn to the children's section in the back of a bookstore or a library for their children.

To his coy mistress by andrew

The dictionary definition of love reads " to have great attachment to and affection for" and " to have passionate desire, longing feelings for" although every individual has a different notion of what love means, just as each of the poems chosen has a different meaning and it's own idea: sexual, passionate, possessive and romantic. →

Challenges facing the 1malaysia concept

Likewise, the pronounced push for Chinese primary and secondary education within the Chinese community, in contrast to its passive approach to education in the national language, has created a great deal of disillusionment among Malays who feel that the former are not inclined towards integration that acknowledges the identity of the land. Besides, right from →

How miad makes you a better learner, thinker, reader, and writer

As I have progressed through the semester I have learned a lot more about how I tackle the battle of developing as a student. All in all I completely am proud of how I have grown as a leaner, thinker, reader, and writer.

How to make a swot model

Based on the SWOT model and the SWOT analysis, the business will try to market their goods and services to the customers. As mentioned above, we just need to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats of the organization.

Critical evaluation of eminem and modern grammy culture.

Definitely the track of the summer, and without a doubt the track of the year. Best Rap Song? ahead of Not Afraid and Love The Way You Lie I don? t want to trash a beautiful track, but in my opinion what makes Empire State of Mind the track that it is, is Alicia Keys →


The use of first person, and the dynamic active past and present tense verbs provides the responder with the internal emotions of a mothers concern, and the physical, but harmless conflict her children are experiencing? The idea of power imbalance and internal conflict stemming from the actions of others is explored in Jack Davis? poem?

Contrasting analysis on ann putnam and rebecca nurse

Contrasting Analysis on Ann Putnam and Rebecca NurseBoth Ann Putnam and Rebecca Nurse could be seen as one of the respectable women in the village of Salem. Ann Putnam is only a Christian on the superficial sense to blend in with the rest of Puritan Salem, but she doesn? t really live out the teachings →

Psychology conformity report assignment

A total of 156 were observed, of the 156, 75 were females and 81 were males. Results The results of the experiment showed that females were more likely to conform at pedestrian crossing than males.

12 angry men essay

At the start, the Foreman of the Jury sits at the head of the table and assigns each juror a number. He was one of the first to join juror number 8's point of view and was ridiculed by several members of the group.

Single-sex schools vs. coed schools essay sample

Boys and girls in single sex schools find it easier to focus on academics without the other gender around and find it easier to participate in classes actively. All in all, the entire classroom in more free and open in single sex schools.

Entering the world of sexuality

Kedisaletse moves onto discuss the psychological trauma which epitomizes the mind frame of the pregnant mother- for ' the psychological morbidity such as stress disorder and depression.' So much said about the pregnant mother, but what about the effects of the baby when it is hopefully born? At this stage, the question proposed is abortion →

Project prosposal – introducing makaton to early years

Using the recommendations of the head-teachers and the insights from the survey, the children under the ' risk' will be enrolled in a makaton program for two years, after which the head teachers will assess them and provide reports on possible improvements in terms of their cognitive, linguistic and communication skills. The parents to the →

Application report 2

If the inflation rate is higher than 2-3% then the Federal Reserve has the option of either lowering or increasing the interest rates to tip the scale. In other words, if there is inflation and the price of commodities is high the Federal Reserve has to lower the interest rates to make the cost of →

Her flesh came by e.e. cummings: sexuality in the poem

The first is made clear by the word " Came," which is, in slang terms, the past tense verb for " ejaculate"; the word has a double meaning for approaching, and closeness, and the lines, " her/flesh/Came/at/me..".implies the possibility of both meanings as the literal occurrence. If the above is the case and it is →

Cather’s connection to “paul’s case”

Understanding Cather's personality and her purpose in the creation of Paul is paramount in the analysis of Paul as a character. The story of " Paul's Case" was not wistfully imagined with the inclination to tell a pleasant story of light-hearted entertainment; the immaculate conception of the character Paul and his corresponding case is one →

Marketing strategies on social media: fast food

The communication strategy should be relevant to the target market and arouse interest to meet the needs of the customers. The communication strategy should be simple, quick and make the customer confident to act on the information and go ahead to buy the product or service.

Technologies in criminal justice

Advancements in technology and emerging technologies in law enforcement, majorly in the investigation and prosecution of crime, have brought about positive results in the societies. This process is quite expensive to the government and institutions hoping to use the new advancements in technology.

The cradle of civilization history essay

While the cradle of civilization may have been in the Fertile Crescent, the birth of humanity laid in the heart of Africa. Up until the 18th century in fact, the area was largely serene, impervious of the perils of the humanity.


Mark Lagon's article in the Washington Times, " Modern-day Slavery," effectively makes that very point: slavery still exists; it involves children and women, can include horrific sexual violations and violence, and is a phenomenon which ought to be of great concern to the United States because it too is a country where it has reared →

Insert title here

The third paragraph of a definition essay is usually the longest and most boring. By now the reader is suckered in hook, line, and sinker, so the writer takes advantage of that and stuffs the least entertaining information in the middle of the essay.

Case study- officer robert barton

Formal groups found in the law enforcement agencies forms a mechanism through which the police officers can be assigned varying tasks, as well as task groups by a higher authority or the head of a sub group. The management establishes formal groups in order to enhance the organization's productivity, as articulated in the organization's goals, →

Graduation speech

For many of us it has taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get here, so today is our reward for the long hours we devoted to reading, writing, and researching, for thestressof taking difficult tests, and for the difficulties we have had to overcome. But, it is also the beginning of a →

Alexander ii domestic policies

Alexander II of Russia was in many ways one the most important tsar in the History of the Russian Empire. Alexander initiated substantial reforms in the government, the judiciary and the military.

Correspondingly, the country) is also made the

A policy of restricted convertibility is pursued when, in the judgement of monetary authorities, stock of foreign exchange reserves with them is insufficient to bear a sudden and large-scale outflow of capital funds; more so when there is also the risk of speculative outflows.2. All receipts of foreign exchange by the residents of the country →

The phenomenon of impression management flashcard

People who practiced impression management did not necessarily believe in the impressions they were claiming, but were saying and doing things to gain favor in the eyes of significant audiences as part of a general motive of manipulative social influence. Let's focus briefly in the impact of racism and discrimination on black people's presentation of →

The american crisis

" The American Crisis: Number 1" by Thomas Paine is an excellent example of Thomas Paine's distinct writing style. In conclusion Thomas Paine's writing style and purpose exhibited in " The American Crisis: Number 1" is a great example of how to successfully use figurative language, inversion, and rhetorical strategies.

Statute and its role in criminal investigation

Ideally statutes must be in harmony with the constitution of the country and thus considered to be the primary source of law. As Parliament is the elected body representing the people therefore statute law is the will of the people.

The truth about csr by rangan, chase and karim

The lesson of this article is to highlight CSR responsibilities of companies which contribute to the well being of the society and attaining goals of the organizations. The shortcoming of this article is it has neglected the fact that many companies perform CSR activities only to help society.

Business and international bribery

Those who gainsay the fairness of the FCPA Act argue that it is imbalanced for the US businesses to be prohibited from bribing in foreign business environments when this is a way of doing business internationally. Whether or Not This US Bribing Restriction Puts the US at an Unfair Disadvantage to Doing Business Abroad According →

Gcse english literature assignment

The Prelude and Below the Green Carrie In ' Extract from The Prelude', William Wordsmith attempts to explore and understand how his perception of nature and the world in general has been Influenced by an event in which he ' found a small boat tied too willow tree'. In this way, Magical highlights that this →

Let america be america again essay sample

In addition to the ideological analysis of the text, an aesthetic interpretation of the language is also presented. The reason for this, it has been speculated, is that Hughes was Homosexual and as such he never referred to women in his texts.

Assignement iii

Earlier on in April, Apple had sued Samsung in a federal Court of California due to Samsung's Galaxy series being copied from the iPad and iPhone. Apple also was seen making a request to the court along with the claim against the designs, saying that they wanted to see the new designs of Samsung before →

Tartuffe: truth and religious teachings

The audience is not told that Tartuffe is a liar or hypocrite but, through his words and the actions that follow, it allows the audience to differentiate between the lying Tartuffe and the honestfamily. The religious teachings and spirituality in Tartuffe leave Orgon to pick up the pieces of his fallen life and proves that →

Lending analysis

Due to the decreasing demand from China, the major trading partner for Australia, caused a decline in the utility sector which is shown in the diagram above. There was also another drop during the year 2012 which is caused by the implementation of the carbon tax that aims to reduce emission from coal, oil and →

Less stress more rest

The number of tests and quizzes students have in a week; this will help students study and focus more because they will have more time and energy to study. All of the solutions given will help further a students education by providing them with more time to diligently work, and this will also help students →

Obesity in children – how does it exclude them from school sport and activities

Affect on Children More and more children in the UK are becoming obese and this is certainly bad news, the main problem is that they cannot go out and play with their peers. Obesity is taking a toll on children, obese children are completely unable to play and this affects their health.

Evaluation of the review of products

Although, the review seems to be very effective in promoting the web office services MacManus praised, but it was more of one sided, commenting only on the strength of one product in relation to another. A good review should look at the strength and weaknesses of each of the web office products presented.

Pocahontas and the role of women among the native people

In the book it is sad that, " Pocahontas...became famous to the London public as a beautiful Indian Princess,"." Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma" teaches us about many aspects of Native American life, and how the new settlers impacted the lives of the natives. The women in these tribes were in charge of many duties →

To what extent is the pm free from political constraints?

The larger the government majority in the House of Commons, the stronger the government's position and with it the power of the Prime Minister. A final constraint on the Prime Minister is personal constraints; the PM is limited in terms of energy, resources and time.

Introduction to art test notes

Iconography - Greek, the " writing of images." The term refers both to the content, or subject, of an artwork and to the study of content in art. Lecture 2: The Trecento Humanism in the Renaissance, an emphasts on education and on expanding knowledge, the exploration of the individual potential and a desire to excel, →

The dramatic impact and significance of act 2 scene 2 within the context of the whole play in macbeth

As we do not see how King Duncan is murdered, more attention is given to Macbeth's reaction to the murder and it also focuses on the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. We can tell that Macbeth is quickly falling apart by the nervous ramblings of Macbeth and by this we can tell that Lady →

Helping former athletes avoid unhealthy weight gain

A retiring athlete is faced with the challenges of post-weight loss feedback effect resulting from years of weight regulation and control through nutrition watching and regular exercise. This is dependent on the body's height, weight, Body mass index, age the sex the stage of growth and the fitness level characterized of the sporting involved.

Show appreciation in life

As we grow older and put the pieces of our lives together, we sometimes tend to overlook the underlying importance of certain things and certain people in our lives who have contributed in shaping us into the person we are now. But when we get to the stage where we realize that life is not →

Who moved my cheese by spencer johnson

However, they fail to notice that the cheese is getting smaller, and are devastated when they arrive at the site one morning to find the whole that the cheese has all been depleted. From the book it is clear that success in today's changing times is defiantly assured through revolution of his/her's outlook and attitude →

Current event assignment: how to use technology to improve customer service

This promises lower costs to the customers, improved efficiency in work, and the opportunity to make genuine breakthroughs in the way the industry works. Taking a closer look at some of the key disrupting factors: changing customer expectations, technological breakthroughs, new entrants to the industry, and new ways to strive or work with.

Ikea changing face of furniture industry marketing essay

The main strengths of IKEA are its Effective Leadership and its strong ties to its suppliers and employees. The company has always remained dedicated to innovation in Product design and sustainability right from its inception.

Diverse culture in early childhood education

During a mat time we could invite the children's parents/whanau to read a book in their language and translate the story so we can have an understanding on how their words are pronounced properly and we could also hear the pronunciation so we can practice ourselves. The centre could arrange an excursion to a diverse →

Beauty: analysis of the idea of beauty

Is the ideal of beauty presented by the media, and interpreted by the viewer, correct? But in the end, is that ideal beauty of the skin and body correct or even worth it?

Philips vs matsushita

Their greatly increased self-sufficiency during the war had allowed most to become adept at responding to country-specific market conditions-a capacity that became a valuable asset in the post-war era.* In theenvironmentwhere consumer preferences and economic conditions varied, the independent NOs had a great advantage in being able to sense and respond to the differences. Too →

Slavery in “narrative life” a book by frederick douglass essay (critical writing)

The narrative's plot introduces the early life of the author and proceeds to illustrate his resentments towards slavery and racial discrimination. The character traits of the slaveholders are brought out by the use of the word nigger and the emphasis on ignorance as a weapon against the empowerment of the blacks.

Currently mechanical patterns in iot-based social insurance arrangements.

Currentlythe number of mobile healthcare applications is mounting rapidly and the usersare able to take care of themselves but still there is lack of research abouthow the consumer engages with electronic self-observation. Anderson K, BurfordO and Emmerton L in 1 present a valuable investigation of how health clients useapplications for health examining, the benefits the →

Accounting ethics questions

On the other hand, a hypothetical imperative is a good action which is performed, and is dependent on the end, that is the agent's particular desire for a particular end. In addition, auditors are not paid by those that they represent, as should be the case of a profession.

Successful and sad life of sir isaac newton

Leaving Newton in the hands of his grandmother, she continued to raise him until his mother returned. Two of Newton's many discoveries were the Three Laws of Motion and the Reflecting Telescope in which he began to develop while at Cambridge.

Essay on the yellow wallpaper

The main symbol that is used is the yellow wall paper in the house of John and Jane. Jane is not only describing the paper on the walls of the room, she is describing the anti-feminist views of her husband and most men in the specific time era.

Plan de san diego

Analytical EssayPlan de San Diego The Plan de San Diego and the subsequent uprising in South Texas was a call to revolution by the Mexican and Tejano sediciosos. How then did the rebellion and its bloody suppression turn Mexicans into Americans Many ethnic Mexicans and Tejanos felt that they could still be a part of →

Chapter 4: from conception to birth

A protein is composed of a sequence of chemicals, a long string of building blocks called amino acids.proteins: adenine, thiamine, cytosine, and guanine pairings: A-T, T-A, C-G, and G-C Define: DNADeoxyribonucleic Acid The chemical composition of the molecules that contains the genes, which are the chemical instructions for cells to manufacture various proteins. 90/PAGEOrder NowDefine: →

The chosen nation

The only step that was remaining to implement my plan into reality was to convince administration of our institution to give me the opportunity to articulate the issue to everyone in my institution. I was motivated to pursue it to the end and to ensure that people suffering in different parts of the globe got →

Alienation essay

A person that does not live in a home or have their next meal already made is alienated to the point that he or she is not good enough to live in our society and to be accepted for who they are. A lot of people have that one group of people that scare them →

Marbury vs madison

Marbury vs Madison What Occurred in the case? oJudicial review is the power of the courts to annul the acts of the executive and/or the legislative power where it finds them incompatible with a higher norm. Marbury applied directly to the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of mandamus to compel Jefferson's →

Psychology of law

In 15 to 20 percent of the DNA cases, police-induced false confessions were the primary cause of the wrongful conviction. When a suspect perceives that he has no choice but to comply, his resultant compliance and confession are, by definition, involuntary and the product of coercion.

Mitochondrial proteins (e.g., vdac, bcl-2, hk, ant) as major control points in oncology

For example, they can be involved in the metabolic shift of cancer cells from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis via its binding to cytosolic proteins such as hexokinase II, in the control of calcium fluxes between the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondrion via interaction with the inositol-3-phosphate receptor, in the control of inner mitochondrial membrane potential →

Differences between men and women

For a long time there has been considerable scientific interest in studying differences between men and women and the effect that these differences have within the relationship. The brain, the chief administrative and emotional organ of life, is differently constructed in men and in women; it processes information in a different way, which results in →

Data driven decision-making for school improvement

I support the information in this article, all of the points made in the article and how it was presented. Again in this article, because it was presented in a non-biased way informing the reader of possible reactions to those on either side of using data-driven decision making for report cards, I support this article.

Mud density essay

Since the hydrostatic pressure of the mud depends directly on the density of the fluid and if the hydrostatic pressure is much greater than the formation pressure, it can lead to the losing of the continuous phase of the drilling fluid to the porous formations. Conversely if the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid is →

The welfare of children and young people

3 *describe actions to take in response to evidence of concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied, or may be at risk of harm, abuse or bullying It is Paramount for anyone working with children or young people to understand how to respond to evidence of abuse and to →

The treaty of versailles history essay

Since the Germans had agreed to the Armistice, they were sure that the Allies would consult with them about the contents of the treaty before final agreements were made. Because the Germans could not attend the Peace Conference, the first time they saw the terms of the treaty was at the actual signing on June →

Abstract available social media, users are drifted

Dueto simple and easy privacy policies, and easy available social media, users are driftedfrom traditional means of communication such as blogs or mailinglistto microbloggingsite such as Twitter, Facebook etc.very large amount of text data in the form ofmessages on social media make it very attractive medium for data analysis forthe researchers. Scraping it is collecting →

Analysis of types of claims

In Fewer Call Themselves Multiracial, the author Nasser conveys credibility and ethos by means of using the strong support of statistics, quotation from authority, and inductive reasoning, and concludes that the decline in multiracial self-identity is because " there is a lot of pressure from society to choose one race". According to UNESCO, the world's →

Donald keene essay

The period also resulted in the development of various shrines that were used as places of worship by the Japanese. The rise of Samurai class precipitated the beginning of feudal period and the rule of the Samurais.

Evolution of advertising

With the establishment of the DuMont Television Network, the modern trend of selling advertising time to multiple sponsors became a permanent feature of the commercial television industry in the U.S. The effect of the television on the advertising industry and the way products were sold was remarkable.

Graduate nursing program application form question

I have found it to be capable of presenting me with the opportunity to practice and utilize my knowledge in nursing, in order to promote provision of healthcare to the public. Lau Ching Yin My short term career goals are to develop put the skills I have acquired in my nursing studies in order to →

Gerontology and societal mind sets

The problem here did not seem to be lack ofmoneybut lack of time by the " others" for the older persons." lack of emotional support" from family members. It is common to hear of old people being knocked down by vehicles on the roads.

Commercialization of organ transplant assignment

Harvey Weiss Market Shortage of Organs The purpose for the centralization of organs for transplant is to make able to provide the availability of organs for patients/people who are in pain, and suffering, and destined to die from the terminal illness of organ failure. The number of patients in need of organs is growing, and →

Harriet beecher stowe

Her father was a devoted Christian and a clergy man and this might have influenced his decisions to treat her as he would his sons and probably influenced her later efforts to restore equality of the people and the abolition of slavery. It should be noted that most of her family members were in the →

When does life begin essay

Pro-Life views are that of that at the point of conception human life begins; they believe abortion is murder of an innocent human life that should be given its inalienable human rights at the point of conception. There are many different views as to when human life begins, according to the National Right to Life →

Trainee assistant practitioner essay

On arriving at the hospital she was asked to wait in the visitors room with the police for a consultant and a nurse to speak to her, they had to prepare her for what she was going to see, the patient was unrecognisable he looked of Chinese origin because of the swelling to his face. →

Medical effects of pistacia species consumption

The antispasmodic acton of Pistacia Integerrima has benefit the asthmatic patients as well and many studies will be designed in the future to prove it. Instead of using anti-emetic medications with some neurological side effects such as metoclopramide, the antiemetic effect of the aqueous extract of leaves and nuts of Pistacia Vera in young chickens →

Analysis of emerson’s “nature”

Concerned initially with the stars and the world around us, the grandeur of nature, Emerson then turns his attention onto how we perceive objects." Nature" seeks to show humanity a new form of enlightening the human spirit and urges the formation of a strong link between man and the Universal Spirit. Emerson then makes a →

Isolation precaution

The goal of this project is to ensure each person understands the different isolation precautions and practices to minimize the spread of these bacteria to staff, visitors and other patients in this unit. The overuse of antimicrobial agents is one of the major factors in the development and spread of drug resistance in organisms, as →

“without government, under these circumstances, is coup

Both the majority and the Opposition accept the principle of " live and let live" in the knowledge that the system of representative democracy allows to each in turn and in time its fair share of power. The authority of the nobility rested upon the ownership of land, the leadership in war and the prestige →

Failure of louis the 14 assignment

The series of internal and external error Louis XIV encountered eventually haul France down from its dominant position.evaluate how the internal and external error encountered by Louis XIV contributed to Louis XIV failure to establish France as a dominant power in Europe.2. In the context of Louis XIV's France an modernized economy is even more →

The house of lords law public essay

For instance, the House of Lords and the House of commons have committees form to study laws suggested by the EU. Also, the recommendations of select committee will be given to the director of the government department in specific issue.

The church and your role religion essay

It is within this context that teachers in church schools and institutions are called to ministry.[1]Thomas Groome states." I propose that the biblical symbol that best expresses the overarching telos of being Christian and thus evokes the metapurpose of Christian religious education is the ' reign of God'".[2] The role of the teacher in educational →

Evolution of public health assignment

Evolution of Public Health: Sir Alexander Fleming The discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming is believed to be one of the greatest gifts every made to humankind. The Nobel Foundation, " for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases." After receiving the Nobel Prize, Fleming toured the United States, →

Cell biology

Upon binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to the site of the promoter of the operon.A. By repressing the expression of the glutamine operon in the abundance of glutamine, as when the repressor molecule is bound to glutamine, the cell can conserve energy by not synthesizing a molecule that is already in abundance →

Introduction healthcare

The American Red Cross The American National Red Cross and the National Association of Community Health Centers are two health care organizations that bridge the gap between primary care providers, health delivery systems, and disaster relief organizations. The American National Red Cross The American National Red Cross is a branch of the International Red Cross →

Product family design article review

The customer needs are translated to functional requirements and these form the front end part of the product family design. Platform based product family design Corresponding to the scalable and modular product platforms, there are two types of approaches to platform-based product family design.

Computer password protecting the system. 2) finding back

This is where the hacker takes guesses at the password or has a crackprogram to crack the password protecting the system. Hackers hack because they love the thrill of getting into a system that is supposablyunable to be entered.

Goldman, sachs & co. nikkei put warrants – 1989

At maturity, the issuer would redeem the bonds from the investor at a price tied to the Nikkei. Thus, it would be as if the issuer sold bonds with the final principal payments at par but also bought a put option on the Nikkei maturing in the same year as the bond.