4 Pages Essay Samples

Frankenstein and blade runner example #2

By onsidering the commonalities and differences between the two texts, responders are able to gain an insight into the consequences of man overreaching, thus disrupting the chain of being and how technological progress and scientific development leads to a loss of identity and a collapse in the moral nature of humanity. In conclusion, both Blade β†’

Obama victory speech 2008

This is effective as it shows emphasis on the points that are very important and makes them easier to remember; also it shows a contrast between the main points of the speech and the anecdotes. This is effective as it makes the audience think and concentrate on the speech.

My wood by e m forster

Even though domestic demand and diversification of trade in the Asian region will partly counter any drop in the US demand, one simply cannot escape a downturn in the world's largest economy. With this, the global recession is obvious to have its impact on the Indian car industry.

Pest analysis for germany

The legislature, the judiciary, and the executive are the 3 wings which make up Government of Germany. The Constitution of The Federal Republic of Germany lays down the fundamental structure of the government.

ο»Ώmaria clara nogueira cruz essay sample

White in his essay, " once More to the Lake" which talks about memories, is filled with nostalgic since the first paragraph, showing to the reader how much his boyhood moments meant to him. He shows us how the memories of a more distant past can bring joy to the present.

Financial accounting essay sample

The determination of the break-even point can be used to analyse the potential profitability on expenditure in a sales-based business. Relevant range is the range of normal operating activity when fixed costs behave in a linear fashion.

Commercial tourism

The basic activity of tourism in the past years had been to see the wonder of nature and the aesthetic beauty of the naturalenvironmentand the different rich biodiversity that is unique to each and every country. Tourism in the Mall of America The mall of America in Minnesota was established back in the year 1992 β†’

Brown vs. board of education

The juries in the case argued that the separation of schools was not in any way a violation of any right as far as the government would provide the needed resources to support those schools. This study examines the ruling and its impacts in the United States education system and other effects in different areas β†’

Editorial: understanding immunobiology through the specificity of nf-ΞΊb

Even though NF- B constitutively shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, NF- B dimers are efficiently retained in the cytoplasm by the inhibitor of NF- B proteins in a resting state. As discussed extensively in the Review by Brignall et al, the dimer specificity of NF- B proteins and its functional relevance are poorly β†’

Christian faith in a postmodern context theology religion essay

The fact that the Catholic Church and the Catholic faith gives meaning to life and existence facing the new reality in recent years wherein the transmission of the Christian tradition is a struggle in a large part of Western Europe particularly in Flanders. This book presents a new understanding in the part of the reader β†’

The new york museum

Among the pieces of art that impresses in the Museum of Modern Art is the painting " The Starry Night" done by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889. The writer portrays the relation of literature to history, problems of form and content, literature, production and technology in art and political commitment in art.


The problem of lack of delegation by managers of the investment company has the potential of posing serious implications on the company's performance. There is lack of partnership between managers and junior personnel in the performance of various duties and responsibilities in the organization, which leads to low productivity.

Poetic imagery: mi abuelo by alberto rios essay sample

Whichever it is, his grandfather is giving him advice for the future to come, and he feels that he will make it far with his grandfather's advice. It's a poem about the grandson paying his respect to his grandfather.

Health be promoted in the society to ensure

In Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, the aorta which is the lining of the blood vessel increases in size that can even result in the death of the patient. AAA screening should be promoted in the society to ensure the health and well-being of the society in future.

Importance of science about carl sagan “science and hope” essay sample

Carl Sagan discusses the importance of science and how it helps citizens make smart decisions in " Science and Hope". I was able to take the essay " Science and Hope" by Carl Sagan and evaluate it in terms of its emotional appeal, logical appeal, and ethical appeal.

Vertigo gender critique

The problem with John in the story is that he holds all of the authority. He is overcome with his mental illness and the relapse of his Vertigo, that he is not himself anymore.

General psychology chapter 12 – social psychology flashcard

DeindividuationThe lessening of a person's sense of personal identity and responsibility when gathered in a groupConsumer PsychologyFiguring out how to get people to buy things that someone is sellingComplianceOccurs when people change their behavior as a result of another person or group asking or directing them to change. Behavior Component of an AttitudeAction that a β†’

Plan for possitive influence

And when a person want something badly enough, and he or she is willing to do anything that is needed to do to accomplish it, he or she will actually have the motivation that is needed to reach their goals. In order to achieve organizational goals and objectives, team leaders are required to increase the β†’

Allegory of the cave data sheet assignment

Example of style: " It is the task of the enlightened not only to ascend to learning and to see the good but to be willing to descend again to those prisoners and to share their troubles a ND their honors, whether they are worth having or not. Plato make sees the point that truth β†’

Analysis of the topic of family as illustrated in the essay: life is beautiful, maus: a survivor’s tale, and barefoot gen

Sources that depict the dynamics of families and friends after the Holocaust and the bombing of Hiroshima are more persuasive because they showcase the breakdown or strength in tragic situations that the audience, on a smaller scale, can relate to or fear. In in the Italian film, Life Is Beautiful, one of the most attractive β†’

Supermarket impact on consumers marketing essay

According to reports the price of food in the supermarket is 15% lower and vegetable are 30% lower than the traditional retailer. The creation of jobs is the result of swapping the traditional retailers.

Philosophy of practical nursing essay sample

I live my philosophy of nursing on a daily basis and I do not have to be at work to provide nursing care. I feel that nursing is my way of giving back to society.

See bellow

I tend to agree with the theory that modern man is still evolving, man has evolved for over a million years ago from one stage to another and the current evolution is referred to as the thinking man. Modern man has a distinct character from the earlier man; this is because of the evolution hypothesis β†’

What enobarbus calls cleopatra’s infinite variety essay

It is apparent that the boat is set to symbolise her in likeness and beauty"....like a burnished throne" Quotations like this again exemplify the thought and history of her successful reign over Egypt and her unpredictable success as a female ruler. Without him by her side she becomes an erratic and unpredictable character which is β†’

5 steps to becoming an influencer in the β€˜digital attention span economy’

You do not, however, have to have that level of global fame and recognition to be considered an influencer or to experience the heightened level of success that so often comes along with the title. The result of the current digital attention p economy means that in order to get your message out and become β†’

A plan for success assignment

The goal of this plan is to increase the motivation and satisfaction during the completion of the assigned project. Personality The second stage of this plan is to appreciate the differences in personalities among the team for the purpose of predicting reactions of individuals within the group.

Wonderful adventures of mrs. seacole in many lands

Seacole in Many Lands" The Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole in Many Lands is an autobiography that demonstrates the actions and activities of the Victorian period-the time it was written. Her main aim, in the book, was to focus on the pleasant things she had done, as well as her achievements; and not the color β†’

Between a woman and her doctor essay

Mendoza uses the expressive purpose as she writes her story to express her depressing and frustrating feelings she has during the death of her child as well as the challenging time as she tries to obtain a dilation and extraction procedure. Martha Mendoza's experience is a touching story of how the change in the law β†’

Myth of a classless essay

Minorities see the majority of wealth in the hands of the white population and feel that the wealth is unevenly distributed. The Summer Stragedy, The Filling Station, Southeast Arkanasia, The Southern Road and Mending Wall are the stories and poems that depict the life of a different classes people in a society.

Bishop desmond tutu

The apartheid in South Africa was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained." Race laws touched every aspect of social life, β†’

The within the accounting profession. the ifrs does

The recognition of the fair value of personnel in the statements of accounts is referred to as human cost accounting. There is an hesitation to reflect human capital in the statements and this is rather unfortunate due to the fact there is a failure to account for the realities of todays time.

Evaluation of batman begins

Thesis statement: The evaluation of the story line, light effects and sound effects of the film Batman Begins prove that the film is entirely different from other superhero films. In short, the storyline, light effects and sound effects helped the protagonist to be far ahead of other superheroes.

Rip van winkle analysis essay

Irving skillfully used a personification of the setting, a cast of relatable characters, and the repetition of themes with symbolism to accomplish his purpose in this publication. With the personification of the setting, Irving nearly adds the Catskills to the list of characters in this story.

Chapter 3: style in technical writing (summary)

Part I Reader Adaptation Knowing the reader and the purpose of a report permits what is generally called " reader adaptation , that is, writing the report to suit the needs, knowledge, and interests of the reader. Exclusion of personal pronouns produces a style consistent in tone with objectivity, and that the use of the β†’

Healthy habits

If you do not like the " taste" of water, keep a supply of lemon so that you can add a slice to your water it cuts any bitterness, adds a bit of vitamin C and makes it taste more festive! You will have given yourself the gift of extra time in the morning and β†’

Should the government provide health care

In particular, Sultan Ibrahim expelled Onn from Johor after he published an article in the Sunday Mirror, a Singapore-based English tabloid, which criticised the Sultan's poor treatment of the Johor Military Forces personnel and the welfare of the Orang Asli. In early 1950, Sultan Ibrahim approached Onn, who was asked to choose between committing his β†’

The different challenges university students face

Similarly, non holding a thorough apprehension of the academic discourse may ensue in mis-interpreting the lingual manner used in academic scenes, and consequences in hapless apprehension and presentation of cognition from the pupil. The chance to discourse and learn one another is extremely of import for effectual cognition transmittal, to give the chance for equal β†’

It rising star celebrities, but i to

I was lucky to work in Hollywood working with these famouscelebrities and rising star celebrities, but I to Nick Carraway am famousmyself because of the news that I was working with Jay Gatsby back then. So as I went to worksuddenly all of a sudden there was a man waiting for me on my desk, β†’

Brief summary of the endocrine system assignment

The endocrine system is an umbrella term used to describe the complexity of different types of endocrine glands which are responsible to help the body carry out many of its functions. Gonads Male gonads are known as the testes, and ovaries in the case of females.

Significance of performance appraisal or evaluation systems

It helps employees to believe that the product they are making sells and management must provide avenues for its employees to experience the services or the relevance of the product. Simply because we want a fool-proof system to rate the effort expended by an employee invested in the course of performing his duties and as β†’

State policy affect on the family (uk)

Using information from Items B and C and elsewhere, examine the ways in which state policy may affect families and households State policy has an influence on families and households through the laws the government create, and the messages certain policies give. Policies such as the payment of child benefit to the mother, and the β†’

The catcher in the rye: a book that should be remembered

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel that will be remembered throughout the ages for its depiction of post World War II life, both through the story and American society's reaction to the tale. The portrayal of post World War II American society was accurately portrayed through Holden Caulfield's adventure during the course of β†’

Women and power in the thousand and one nights

While this may not have been the best decision the wife could have made, she is still attempting to take control of her own fate- instead of waiting around for her husband to return to her. Well, women can have power, but it is only through manipulation and in other ways that the men are β†’

Sense and sensibility

In the novel, the word sense designates the character of Elinor Dashwood, the eldest of the two siblings, who is admired for her common sense behavior and diplomatic talents. The meaning of sense, associated with common sense is typified in the story as a rational and practical type of thinking.

“an occurrence at owl creak bridge” essay sample

The most famous of Ambrose Briece's civil war stories is probably " An Occurrence at Owl Creak Bridge" which tells of a southern civilian who attempts to do his part to aid the Confederate cause by destroying a critical bridge recently seized by Union forces." No service was too humble for him to perform in β†’

The plainness of puritanism vs. the individuality of transcendentalism

The two most prominent groups in American history, Puritanism and transcendentalism, differ in numerous ways such as their views on nature, fate, and conformity. In this poem Emerson sees God in the light of the sky and everything he looked else.

Lawmaking process in the parliament

These stages which comprise the first reading, the second reading, the Committee Stage, the Report stage, the third reading, the approval of the House of Lords and the Royal Assent will be main focus of this essay. The Parliament Act of 1911 removed the House of Lords' power to veto a Bill.

Managing diversity case study

In the first situation with Stan and Alex at the Davis Agency the biggest difference was the technological advances that could be under taken to improve process to deal with the client's needs. The decision making for employee retention, employee's age, length of employment, organizational position and the individual's ability to change reflects the company β†’

Analize of individual values and the organization, healthcare synergy, inc. ’s

It will attempt to explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization's values as reflected by the organization's plans and actions. It includes the origin and subsequent evolution of my personal and workplace values.

The progressive era and the elections history essay

Many felt the progressives had a main objective, and that objective was to show their concern about the outcome of urbanization, industrialization, and immigration. Wilson's New Freedom program linked liberal reform to individual initiative and the free play of markets.

John locke argue that private property philosophy essay

In conclusion it will argue that as various -and often incompatible and contradictory- interpretations of his theory have been suggested and incorporated in different political ideologies, it is impossible to ascribe a certain set of political consequences to the right to private property as advocated by Locke.[2] First, let us follow Locke in his argument β†’

Londis by: fieldworks

The aim of this collaboration has been to develop a community of supply chain professionals that will bring together the knowledge and skills of both retailer and supplier, in order to work together towards the creation of the perfect product order. Consumers have also benefited, through better on-shelf availability as a result of greater forecast β†’

Osmosis in potato essay sample

Background:* Osmosis: Diffusion of water molecules across a membrane from high concentration to low concentration.* Hypotonic: higher concentration of solute than in the cytoplasm water flows out of the cell * Hypertonic: lower concentration of solute than in the cytoplasm water flows into the cell * Distilled water: pure H2O Table not necessary for this β†’

Initial public offering paper

Expected dividend at the end of year 1 = $1 X 1. 04 Expected dividend at the end of year 2 = $1.

Antitrust law

Antitrust Laws and Applications 2 Antitrust Laws and Applications The major antitrust legislation from 1890 1940 included the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act and the Robinson-Patman Act. Antitrust and sales-below-cost laws: the case of retail gasoline.

Annexure report preparation

Merchandising At a retail in-store level, merchandising refers to the variety of products available for sale and the display of those products in such a way that it stimulates interest and entices customers to make a purchase. There was variety of merchandise available in the store.

Admissions for dental hygine

It was this same thinking that led me to pursue my education and the same thinking that brought me to the challenges that I soon had to face. This philosophy is one of the many forces that drive me to pursue my dream of pursuing this career and of becoming so much more in life.

Two sides to the 1947 partition

Oh and maybe we as the Muslim community were a bit more united, regardless of our sects. Have you ever looked at the possibility that if Pakistan was not created and we were still living with Hindus as one nation, we would have had a more diverse culture?

American ego to imperialism and fear assignment

The common response as the culprit of the cause of race is slavery, which the first of them were brought as early as 1619 to the Americas. Race was created not only from the excessive usage of slavery, but the imperialism that caused slaves to be present in this country and fear that slaves' ability β†’

Balanced scorecard: executive summary

Introduction The balanced scorecard is an intricate part in the production and lifecycle of a product or service. An empirical study of the Balanced Scorecard as a flexible strategic management and reporting tool.

The underlying reasons of scientific evolution essay sample

Easterbrook is completely for DNA testing, one purpose of this essay was to exhibit the pros of genetic testing and persuade the reader to agree with him. The purpose of Easterbrook essay was to show how efficient and effective DNA testing is in solving cases and also the dismay of capital punishment.


The different types of feminisms are seen to variously include: Socialist feminism Radical feminism Equity Feminism Social Feminism Social feminism is seen to be primarily bent on the development of a political practice and theory that will serve to essentially synthesize the best aspects of Marxist tradition and radical feminism while at the same time β†’

Effect of coppicing on abundance of violets essay

The rate of photosynthesis depends on many factors: the light intensity the colour of the light the amount of CO2 present temperature the amount of chlorophyll present in the leaf the amount of available waterAs light intensity is a factor when this increases the rate of photosynthesis increases too. The more of water and carbon β†’

The greatest happiness principle

He defended and found an ethics which would elaborate and define the utilitarian principle of Bentham that' the object of morality is the promotion of the greatest happiness of the maximum number of members of society' and that happiness is a balance between pleasure over pains. Greatest happiness principle, ultimate end is to attend the β†’

Reading problems

Background knowledge is functional especially within the classroom setup because it enables the teachers to determine the existing knowledge of students which in turn grant the teachers the capability to assess the degree or level of difficulty the lessons will be. By providing the students the necessary preliminary or guide questions related to the subject, β†’

660 5

First we have Jacob has the leader, the followers being the workers and the situation being the poor state of performance of the hospital in terms of service delivery and its remuneration to its workers. Situation The task to be accomplished by Jacobs as the president of Windber was to raise the performance of the β†’

Production and operations management analysis

Decision Making in POM Introduction Production System Production and operations in the organization Function and jobs of POM Decision Making in POM The emergence of production and operation management System Production and operation management is the management of an organization's production system, which converts input into the organization ' s products and services.1. 1Common Ground: β†’

Positive impact of social networking on interpersonal communication

In other words, in order for the conflict to be resolved, both sides must give a little to take a little. Compromises allow both sides to get a little back of something they want, and even though this skill has helped my interpersonal communication, it may or may not be the best decision for others β†’

The summary and the critical reflection of from marshall mcluhan to harold innis

The article From Marshall McLuhan to Harold Innis, of From the Global Village to the World Empire, written by Gaetan Tremblay is a critical analysis of the two well-known Canadian thinkers, Marshall McLuhan and Harold Innis, along with the author's own thought of the metaphor, global village. Examples of this can be found when the β†’

Differences and similarities between older people of south africa’s diverse society

Participant 1 scored significantly less on his life satisfaction questionnaire than participant 2 showing that although it is widely suggested that locus of control influences life satisfaction it is not always the case and other factors should also be taken in account to get a more holistic perspective of issues relating to life satisfaction of β†’

Friends are not friends

I knew in my heart that I was capable of making the standard, or even excelling it, of the test and that I deserved to be on that charter bus to Disney World in the fall. I was glad that I had reached the standard to attend this amazing incentive trip that was coming up β†’

The poisonwood bible: marxism and american arrogance towards congo

The United States and the Congo have a very chaotic past, with the US constantly trying to interfere with the Congolese' decisions. His religious and cultural interference in the Congo is representative of how the United States treated the Congo as well.

Differences between eastern orthodox and roman catholic christianity religion essay

The Bishop of Rome claimed he was the successor to Peter, and therefore he had the right to the title of Pope. Religious Differences 3 The Difference between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholic Christianity The main difference between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity has to do with the recognition of the Pope.

The euthyphro dilemma and descartes philosophy essay

In the beginning of Plato's Euthyphro, Socrates asks the thought-provoking question, "[I]s the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods?" This question is also known as the " Euthyphro Dilemma". Descartes would hold God to the highest standards and believe β†’

The conscript reaction paper essay

Hall is able to portray the war as it truly was; a way that makes the reader sympathetic for Adequate and his family, while at the same time giving Important details about the war. The Italians believed themselves to be superior to the conscripts and treated them " like dogs." Even from the very beginning, β†’

Ban chiang culture and dong son culture history essay

The Dong son people did trade in Southeast Asia and also China and India by sea, it made the Dong son culture was influenced and transformed by the Indian and the Chinese. In conclusion, there was difference of the metal work and used between the Dong Son and the Ban Chiang culture.

Analysis and solution for the debt crisis of new brunswick assignment

The effect of these provisions will be to encourage a number of the civil service to retire by the end of the year. When announced there would have to be full disclosure of the debt and cost of the plans to the citizens and the options are to increase the HOST by several per cent β†’

The portrayal of fear in the signalman by charles dickens and night fears by l p hartley essay sample

In the two stories the fears are different in " Night Fear" the fear is continuous and the action takes place over the night, where as the signalman's fears build up over a few days. Both Hartley and Dickens portray fear by leaving the men alone at night, in monotonous jobs.

Children’s health

Children's Health: Health care disparities in children Introduction All children require high-quality health care and are gravelyessential for some. The Quality of Children's Health Care Matters: Time to Pay Attention.

A sound of thunder essay

Once they were all in the time machine with all the guns and supplies they set off to go back in time to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex. While in the machine they tested their helmets and intercoms then the machine came to a stop and they stepped out on to the metal path.

How biotechnology helps to identify criminals criminology essay

In this step, the 2 primers will bind to each of the target DNA strands at the 5 prime end of the target of amplification. It will start to extend the complementary strand of DNA, which takes about 60 seconds.

Components and functions of the synapse

The synapse consists of many components that are essential to the flow of information from one neuron to another. In regards to our understanding of the synapse, it is important to note the accomplishments of Charles Scott Sherrington and his initial work that first outlined the basic properties of the synapse.

Nissan case study

This Is a case about the success story of the renewal of Niacin's brand and revival of the company from the " near death situation". For this decade the cars that were launched used the brand name of Distant and received great performance in the market and accolades from the industry overall.

Individual differences within a team charter assignment

A team charter provides a starting point for the team to identify strengths and weaknesses of each member that will help develop a stronger Learning Team. For instance, the team members that are unconventional and individualistic might not work as well with the other team members and should be included on the team charter as β†’

Psychopathology essay sample

This case study is base on a real person, but the name is fictitious to protect their privacy and to comply with the HIPPAA laws. Recent interest in the topic of social phobia is leading to a greater understanding of the disorder as a biopsychosocial phenomenon.

Medication for anxiety and depression: citalopram

In the case of taking to much or overdosing on Citalopram you need to notify someone immediately and go to a hospital even if you are not experiencing any changes. If in the case you want to seize taking citalopram you need to contact your doctor, because when stopping suddenly this may cause withdraws and β†’

Racial discrimination argumentative

However, in the book " From the Content of Our Character: A new Vision of Race in America" author Shelby Steele refers to affirmative action as to a " preferential treatment" used to balance or " proportionate racial representations" in the society. Affirmative action in collegiate admissions has proven to be one of the most β†’

Motivation and management style assignment

I think that under this type of management, the effectiveness and efficiency of the companies' operation may directly result from the management's decision making skills. Under this type of management, employees are motivated to maximize their participation and Interest in the entitle operation and decision making process.

This literature review is concerned with defining comparative politics as adiscipline essay sample

Its main purpose is to try to depict views of various authors presented in texts such as " Comparative Government and Politics" by Rod Hague and Martin Harrop, " Theory and Methods in Political Science" by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker and in the handout from Dr. Hague and Harrop come with a bit different β†’

Organizational practice

Recruitment is the process that occurs when the human resource department of an organization sets out to find the most suitable candidates for a vacancy that has arisen; the selection process is the appointment of the most suitable candidate from a range of applicants and applications. When a company decides that there is a need β†’

Tragic heros in shakespeare

Shows a noble virtue of Macbeth, a requirement of a tragic hero Three witches appear and make prophecies about Macbeth and Banquo". Nowhere near the next in line to the throne Closing sentence: Macbeth's tragic flaw is that of ambition; Macbeth's ambition will cause him to decline.

Apple competitive advantage case study

Businessweek investigated that apple are planning to cut the price of their computers considerably low and far more affordable to all individuals, the iMac and MacBook laptops were designed for the purpose of multimedia, most media companies uses the apple products to run their businesses as apple provide loads of incentives from its software Mac β†’

Disney studios conflict management case study

The advances he brought to the company also earned the respect and admiration of many, resulting In an Increase In referent power. Similar to the case of the referent power, Laser gained expert power with his work at Paxar.

Norstrom: how to succeed by selling one essay

Analyze the six components of Nordstrom's retailing mix to determine which have been the most important to the company's success. Now a day's people are using the internet to do most of their shopping.

Pest analysis environmental

According to the 2000 official census of the United Sates, there are a total of 656562 people in Austin out of which 337569 are males and 318993 are females. This is in the wake of labor agitations and cry for fairness in trade.