4 Pages Essay Samples

Dust bowl of the 1930s

The " Dust Bowl" was the name given to the Great Plains region that was greatly affected by drought in the 1930's during theGreat Depression. Despite all the negative effects of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression there were a few positives.

Editorial: lipids in the brain

The potential role of the up- regulation of a family of lipid transporting proteins containing StAR-related lipid transfer domains, by different mechanisms in the two diseases, is discussed. Recent studies have shown that SphLs play a decisive role in the neuronal function due to regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and death in the CNS.

Mohandas karamachand ghandi

Ghandi then used his knowledge of t It was in South Africa that Ghandi truly began to see the injustices of the British Parliament. Ghandi was determined to right wrongs and improve the rights and status of his fellow Indian immigrants.

Writing weaknesses and strengths

This class will give me the practice, the proper tools, and the skills needed to take my thoughts and put them down in a clear and cogent way, improving my grammatical flow and the fluidity of my essay writing. Derived from this was only a piece of understanding about what writing and the English language β†’

The the senate denied the league, wilson

This League leads to the basic understanding to the failure of the Versaille Treaty. The League of Nations faced great resistance first by the Allies and later the Republicans, which led to the Wilson -Lodge feud, the ultimate cause of destruction.

Fate: crafted by man or a higher power? essay

In the scene where Tiresias and Oedipus are discussing who the murderer is, they exchange a couple of lines that show Oedipus cannot change his fate. Creon had his fate in his hands but in the end the gods changed everything and he could not escape the deaths of his family.

Mixtures and solutions essay

In a solution a solute is soluble in a solvent. A heterogeneous mixture is where the components are not uniform.

Langston hughes paper

Self Worth and Pride in Langston Hughes' Poems Self worth and pride show up in the poems of Langston Hughes in vague, but important ways. He also talks a lot about dreams and ambitions and never to let the ideas of self worth and pride stand in the way.

Alexandro sanchez

When I was younger I had a speech disorder that I still occasionally struggle with to this day. This was extremely discouraging and made it hard for me to talk to people, because I feared that I would be made fun of.

Current restructuring

Old managers and even employees who see the company as a " power ladder" were unhappy that the titles, perks and status symbol were to be abolished therefore there might be a resistance to change to the new structure. In the implementation of the restructuring, there was confusion between the roles of managers and experts β†’

Libya a significant backdrop for suleiman’s story

These reactions indicate Suleiman's knowledge of topics that will tarnish and in time steal away his innocence, a knowledge indirectly given to him by the political situation of the country". Libya is shown to be a prominent influence in the childhood of Suleiman, both directly and indirectly.

Responding to congruent stimuli quicker than incongruent stimuli

The hypothesis was proven wrong when it the experiment showed that the participants responded quicker to the incongruent stimuli rather than the congruent stimuli. Apparatus: The participants were all given details of the experiment on a page with the relevant details of the experiment and links to two websites for the participants to take part β†’

Evaluate two theories. piaget and kolhberg assignment

Piaget's theory has also been criticized " According to Authors such as Berk and Shaffer Piaget underestimates the Moral understanding of younger children. He specialised in moral and expand on Piaget's work to form a theory that explained the development of moral reasoning.

Parential role in children’s explosure to r-rated movies

A sense of respect and consideration for others should principally influence the parents' decisions irrespective of whether the law allows the parents to take children with them to see R-rated movies or not. The issue of whether or not to take the children to R-rated movies has less, if any, concern with the law.

Under armour business report flashcard

The financial burden of increasing interest rates could be a threat to under armour. Changes in the way consumers shop and spend and other changing consumer patterns could be a threat to under armour's performance.

Johnson dorothy behavioral system model essay

Contribution of the Theorist to the Development of Nursing as a Profession Nursing, according to Dorothy Johnson, is an external force aimed at regulating the patients' behavior in order to maintain them at an optimum level. Application of the Theory to Nursing as a Profession Nursing is a profession that mainly focuses on altering or β†’

Socrates contribution to ethics philosophy essay

According to Nehamas, Socrates is accredited as one of the main pioneer of western philosophy and an enigma mostly recognized in the accounts of later writers of classical, especially the writings of his learners Xenophon and Plato, and through Aristophanes. Aristotle indicated that the appropriate method to learn virtues is to follow the illustration of β†’

Geography & environment assignment

It is anticipated that you will come to class well versed in the literature and be able to engage in articulate discourse. Disclaimer: The terms of this course are subject to revision.

Why are vaccines needed for malaria biology essay

The development of a safe and effectual malaria vaccinum would be a necessary constituent of a widespread malaria control scheme. Thus the development of a malaria vaccinum is desperately needed for the effectual control of malaria.

Battery technology

The primary, and arguably most noble, intent of the battery is to assist mankind's pursuit of practicality. In a battery, electrons collect on the negative terminal of the battery.

Too much homework

However, getting this amount of sleep is often impossible because of the amount of homework given to students. The purpose of school is to teach students, but how will they learn when they are practically asleep in class?

I have a dream… to sleep free essay

A cope for stress is sleep and lack of sleep will only escalate the student's level of anxiety. All in all, inadequacy of sleep due to early school start times can affect students safety, academic performance and health.

Victorian era literature essay

Social changes and undertakings played a great role in the writing and themes of the novels of the era. The advancement in the literacy rate increased the value of writing, therefore impacted the novel writers of the Victorian era.

Fortune global 500 corporation

In the beginning, Lee exported vegetables, fruits, and fish to the Chinese market and in the year 1951, the company successfully became a co-operation. The type of the market system in a country of operation can either propel growth for the company or spell doom for the company in that particular country.

Environmental effects on athletes

A healthy environment can help children in their sports to " increase physical and mentalhealth, learn healthy competition among peers and the sense of belonging gained by being part of a team" as Lucie Westminister, apsychologyresearcher and writer, says. If coaches and parents are supportive and connected in the right way they can create a β†’

Natural phenomena

To Henry David Thoreau, living life was living a natural life that the majority of people are not living. By writing a Walden, Henry Thoreau gave a life to those two years and two months he spent in the woods.

Bill gates

After they adapted the operating system for the PC, Microsoft delivered it to IBM as PC-DOS in exchange for a one-time fee of $50, 000 which was the same price he had paid for the software in its original form. In mid-1981 Gates and Allen incorporated Microsoft, and Gates was appointed president and chairman of β†’

Introduction since the origin of the universe

These challenges are usually the origin of the international student as a community. International students' community is also present in the social websites such as Facebook and tweeter.

An era of smart phones and dumb people

Pausing for a second, you stop to wonder, " Whatever happened to actually using the swing set? " Technologyis like a fine wine; as it matures and ages, it becomes better and better, making it appeal to large crowds of people. Just like an alcoholic, the next generation appears as if they are addicted to β†’

Suzanne collins’ mockingjay book review

Katniss Everdeen has ventured through the Hunger Games and the third Quarter Quell, and has been rescued by the rebels in District 13 and has been convinced to become " the Mockingjay," which happens to be the symbol of the rebellion in Panem. Katniss takes up the role as the " Mockingjay" and becomes the β†’

The meaning of international movement in roger robinson’s β€˜monarch exodus’

Indeed, the poem is written predominately in iambic tetrameter which is able to capture the determination of the travelling butterfly, or immigrant, who refuses to ' stop till [the] journey's done', and the regular rhythm also gives the poem a cyclic quality suggesting that the plight of the refugee is one that continues to arise β†’

Science agrees, let teens sleep!

Across the nation there is a new call to action for schools to start later this movement began a long time ago but is only just now picking up steam.there are now many scientific studies to prove that teenager are hard wired to fall asleep late and wake up later. These sources prove that not β†’

Karl marx on the working class assignment

The value that workers produce, for some part of the day, covers the cost of their own existence and the value that the workers produce the rest of the day is unpaid labor. It can be inferred that a Marxist society aspires to eradicate the right of a capitalist class to privately own the surplus β†’

Individual differences (evaluation of the usefulness of the psychometric approach for understanding personality or human intelli

Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Psychometric Approach For Understanding Personality or Human Intelligence Introduction Psychometric approach is one of the most popular ways of measuring human intelligence and personality, and it is based on the quantitative interpretation of the collective traits of an individual including verbal skills, mathematical and spatial skills, intelligence, and psychomotor β†’

Puritans: massachusetts bay colony and new england colonies

The Puritans influenced the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies using religion. This influence that the Puritans had on the New England colonies is a contributing factor of why there literacy rate was so high.

Saint ignatius of loyola

Saint Ignatius had a great pride of his physical appearance so if he is injured he does not want anyone to talk about the way he was now that he had to stay in bed in order to recover. Saint Ignatius wanted to be closer to God and share with the people his knowledge of β†’

Globalization and regionalization

The addition of the World Bank and the World Trade Organization as tools in financial assistance and implementation of policies to in-need and involved trading countries aids that existing framework for global economic success. Globalization is the " process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations".

Pest analysis for nokia essay sample

Social With Nokia mainly operating in the Western market it is important for them to fully understand the social factors in these markets and the main factor they need to understand is the culture of the society; which is to have the latest and most up to date phone, is considered a key fashion icon. β†’

Reading analysis of the article memory flexibility by sadie f. dingfelder, monitor on psychology, sep. 2005

This working-memory or short term memory plays a significant part in our lives, whatever the scenario, ranging from our interaction with the bystanders on the street, or with the salesperson in a shopping mall or with our class mates or the teacher in the class room. The broad types of memories that the psychologists have β†’

Mcdonalds vs burger king

But the ones Burger King's has are not as crispy and the ones McDonalds has. The two businesses running in the lead is McDonald's and Burger King.

Cyberport – travel writing

The reason the vision failed was because there were no business in the area, and no shops to attract the external crowd to shop and eat there. The sun would set, slowing at the touch of the horizon, decending to the sea to the right of the path.

Eu design

Design needs to develop a mission statement and corporate vision for the employees to have a common goal as a move toward a more formal management style. Balanced Scorecard While financial such as return on capital and cash flow are imperative to the sustainability of a company, customer-related metrics such as quality and timeliness of β†’

Critical evaluation essay sample

Leo Szilard was a Hungarian physicist that was the first to conceive of the mechanics of the atomic bomb, and how it worked. Although he lost the argument over whether to use the bombs, his argument was valid based on the devastation that was caused by the atomic bombs in Japan.

In what way does the aeneid fulfill its aim to provide the romans with a national epic

Correspondence concerning this research paper should be addressed to [Student's First and Last Name], Department, University of, [Address] Contact: Virgil's Aeneid as a Roman National Epic The purpose of this essay is to analyse Virgil's epic poem, Aeneid, from the point of view of its contribution to the construction of Roman national identity in early β†’

Assignment 2 acc 410

In addition, the funded status is not recorded in the financial statements, only explained in the footnotes. The University of Georgia is a state university, and thereby reports its financials in accordance to the GASB standard.

Adulthood case study

He was an outgoing type of person and wanted to be with his friends most of the time, but his work schedule did not allow him to do that. It is also advised that he join a support group for people of his age and be given the opportunity to perform worthwhile activities.

Organizational behavior assignment

Because of the diversity of the workforce, there is a huge pool of talents, skills, and knowledge to utilize. This is a tart to communication between Management, employees, and the consumers.

Personal statement

This is beneficial, since the teacher can teach students from a different social background the cultures, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of the community he/she comes from, allowing the students from the international setting to appreciate the local society from where the teacher comes from. Additionally, a teacher can contribute the teaching and learning culture of β†’

Problem faced by female student in co education

Islam has determined the separate field of action for the men and women and also has not allow the mixing of men and women. They can also know the problems, needs and the interests of the male and the female students who studying in the co-education institutions.

First day assignment

I am absolutely positive that four years from now, when I am a senior, I will not remember anything about the details of my first day, other than that I survived Intact. If I cannot get the club off the ground, I could at least leave the idea to some of my younger friends and β†’

Consequence of the nature

Chain of Events: Recent efforts to reform the management of elections in Kenya received a major setback following the malfunctioning of electronic transmission of votes, putting the credibility of the presidential poll on trial. The system, based on the acquisition of one-way phone lines from telecoms operator Safari connected to servers at the Independent Electoral β†’

Letter from birmingham

In the third paragraph he compares his participation in Birmingham to that of the prophets of the eighth century and the Apostle Paul who also traveled to a foreign place to communicate their messages. In the rest of the letter he addresses many issues such as the legality of the demonstrations, the breaking of the β†’

What is the role of local government

The roles played by the local government in the federal system including ensuring health facilities are provided and maintained for the people in the jurisdiction of the local government. The local government has a role in the development of natural resources and agriculture for the benefit of all the members of the local government.

Teenagers & unprotected sex

It is clear that there are direct correlations between the causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers. The causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers is a problem that must be dealt with and swiftly!

The harmful effects of stereotyping

Some of them were saying that because the man was gay he was a sexual pervert that would present a danger to all of the children who lived in the neighborhood. When stereotypes sink into the mindset of a group and they come to define themselves by that stereotype, a whole culture is harmed.

Precision medicine and global health: the good, the bad, and the ugly

A lot of the promise of precision medicine has yet to be realized, so, it is important that the global health community, itself facing challenges, enters this new era with its eyes wide open. There are concerns that a focus on precision medicine may detract attention from the need to tackle the social and environmental β†’

Struggles of an outsider: medea and a streetcar named desire

This is indicated through the characterization of Blanche, an Outsider who struggles to conform to her community, which consequently leads to the degradation of her individuality. Therefore, it is clear that the struggle of an outsider can lead to their moral corruption, and the downfall of society.

Pooh: the master of flow

He tells how a true Taoist flows with the characteristics of Wu Wei, knows the experience of life to be sweet, and views the world and themselves as un-carved blocks. Looking at things as their natural state of being, Pooh is able to follow the easiest road as he relaxes for the ride.

A&p by john updike

While Sammy leans on his register waiting for the arrival of the girls in his slot, he starts to comment on the conformity of the customers in the store. The very youthful and couth domineer of the girls drove Sammy to evaluate his job, propelling him out the convention he has been trapped in.

“cheating is always wrong” and “there is an absolute reality” essay sample

This is deception for the purpose of gaining an advantage to win, but this is not considered cheating in the sporting world. Research, in this case, is seen as acceptable, and therefore, it is an exception to the saying, " Cheating is always wrong".

The roles of women in medieval society in the wife of bath

The Wife of Bath is proficient in cloth making as Chaucer explains, She better[s] those of Ypres and of Ghent, two of the most renowned cloth making capitals of Europe. However, she describes the way in which she uses sex and argumentation to control her husbands in order that she may...redefin[e] the nature of authority.

Obi’s parents and their reluctance to accept obi’s engagement to clara

When Obi makes the decision to marry Clara, an osu, both the Umoufian community, and his parents strongly oppose this marriage, as it is a union which will bring suffering to all of Obi's future descendants. Thus, Achebe makes it clear to readers that Isaac and Hannah's response to Obi's engagement is natural, and that β†’

Tax memos

Whether to sell the securities to Marcia, who is the friend of Anita. Tax liability involved in the transfer of the home to Marcia and the transfer of the boat to Dave.2.

Reflection paper on “the republic” by plato assignment

This paper will evaluate the quote from the " Republic" and provide a summary of a quote; provide a context from the text for the quote; and finally, it will include y own thoughts on the quote and the Socrates's argument as a whole. According to Socrates, there is only one way for a person β†’

Elements of religious traditions paper

It is possible to detect similarities and differences which might illuminate key issues which lie at the heart of human religious experience, such as how these religions help people to conduct a relationship with the divine through special holy places and artefacts, special times and a particular way of relating to each other. This gesture β†’

“the almost every bad thing that can

I also have a strong desire to be the best. I start to think that I am the best.

Aurora textile essay sample

Aurora took a major hit when the search for cheaper production costs moved the industry to Asia since the company's manufacturing base was kept in the U.S. Conclusion Inclusively, the textile industry in the U.S.is at a definite state of decline.

Dr. seuss’s the sneetches

I see the theme of racism throughout the entire story but it is most evident in the first few pages, where as a reader you become acclimated to the fact that the Star-Bellied Sneetches truly do believe they are more privileged by the way that they carry themselves with their snoots in the air and β†’

The sound and the fury quentin

In The Sound and the Fury Faulkner portrays a continuous paradoxical circumstance consisting of a nonexistent future, a murky present and an all consuming past which in itself shaped his character? s, Quentin? s, development and doomed him to one possible conclusion. He is trapped by the past and cannot seem to grasp a possible β†’

The rights of debenture holders law commercial essay

These time limits may be shortened by the contract creating the security, A charge who does not have the power to sell the charged assets can apply to the court for an order to sell. Where the charge exercises a right to sell, he can take what he is owed from from the sums realized β†’

Corrigendum: the benthic megafaunal assemblages of the ccz (eastern pacific) and an approach to their management in the face of threatened anthropogenic impacts

A corrigendum on The Benthic Megafaunal Assemblages of the CCZ and an Approach to their Management in the Face of Threatened Anthropogenic Impacts by Tilot, V, Ormond, R, Moreno Navas, J, and Catala, T.S. Corrections have been made to three paragraphs and to the acknowledgements as follows: Introduction, paragraph 4: We had the opportunity to β†’

Shep knacker

As he visits his father who is a retired minister in the home of nursing, Shep is so surprised that the amount of money that an individual has to pay to keep somebody alive. Shep is finding the expense of medical health hard to come by.

Functional areas of business

A more modern definition would state that operations is the functional area of a business that oversees, designs, controls the process of production, and redesigns business operations in the production of goods and services. The role of a project manager is to plan and execute a project successfully.

Encounters with peope of different cultures

From this experience I realised how much I would like to work for the Human Resources, as I believe to be able to maintain group cooperation and support, and to keep a group updated how it is moving forward to the achievement of thegoals. He wanted the work to be done, and he was actually β†’

The psychology of love

The six are, nonlove, friendship, infatuated love, empty love, romantic love, companionate love, fatuous love, and consummate love. The sixth type of love is Pragma.

Bachelor in business administration

This was mainly necessary due to the language obstacle and the use of a different grading system in Europe. A HRS manager is able to take full advantage of an employee's capabilities and placing them in the right Job position.

Case study: built environment policy change

May/June *** will internally develop a draft set of healthy affordable housing guidelines and design standards to present to the broader field for consideration. Outcomes At the conclusion of the project nonprofit housing developers and others will have formalized their commitment to adopting Healthy Affordable Housing Guidelines.

A thousand splendid suns essay

She did not belong here." Mariam did not eat much and rarely came out of her room in Jalil's house, " Except for when she had to use the bathroom down the hall, Mariam stayed in the room." She struggles to find any connection with Jalil and his family, Jalil notices this and becomes worried, β†’

The idea of intellectual property law essay sample

The UK law protects the creator and the author of the work and the law of copyright is covered under the Berne convention. This is also the case in the UK due to the fact that " artistic works" are protected no matter what the quality of the work may be.

A problem of net neutrality

If an ISP want to affect law in it's favor, then it would be prudent for the ISP to talk to make deals with the politicians in power. It would be in their best interests to throttle traffic for the opposition and speed up traffic for the politician they made a deal with.

Maggi noodles essay sample

Of these, instant noodles had been Nestle's main product category in the culinary segment since the launch of Maggi 2 Minute Noodles in 1982. 3 Indian Market for Instant Noodles The instant noodles category in India was, in a sense, created by Nestle with the introduction of their Maggi brand in mid-1980s.

Water as a source of contention and cooperation

Water Resources in the Middle East: Israel-Palestinian Water Issues From Confiict to Cooperation tackles the thomy questions behind the discourse on Israeli-Palestinian water issues and demystifies the politics around the debate. I recommend this important book to researchers, policymakers and anyone interested in the politics of water resources in the Middle East.16.

Character connection essay

The first relationship between the three that readers are introduced to is that between Miss Amelia and Marvin Macy. The next relationship that readers are introduced to is that between Miss Amelia and Cousin Lymon.

Facts and examples of the impact of the electronic industry to our society

The Electronic industry has become the cornerstone of every industry as electronic companies provide innovations to every product that would cater the growing needs of the community. With our growing dependency to electronics to usher the coming of the information revolution we are experiencing now, electronic industry will continue to grow and prosper for the β†’

Business analysis : yakult

Weakly must use Advertising to inform consumers about Weakly, raising brand awareness about the product and its health benefits for people. The ad is limited in its scope, giving information to the audience that Weakly is healthy for everyone.


As we sat at home watching the news, the lights began to flicker form time to time causing to wonder if and when we were going to lose power. Many other were not as fortunate as we were, they were without power for days and some people were without power for weeks.

When their right place. both the teacher and

The child spends most of the time with the teacher while at school, so in this case one expects the two, that is, the child and the teacher to have a strong bondage. Koplow argues that if the parents do not collaborate with the teachers the first few days may be difficult for both the β†’

Planning and collecting primary data essay

Control Variables Size of ball/peg/ weight/material Person doing the test Type of metronome Amount of rest time Position of arm The hand that will be doing the exercise Equipment that will be use in my experiment Peg Metronome Stopwatch In my experiment I will use a peg because the squeezes per minute will be more β†’

Models of the church

1st modelChurch as Institution2nd modelChurch as Mystical Body or Communion3rd modelChurch as Herald4th modelChurch as Servant5th modelChurch as SacramentChurch as InstitutionFocus: church as visible society with formal structures and organization Church as InstitutionStrength: provides strong sense of identity for members, clarity of beliefs, and sense of stability and continuity in the midst of a changing β†’

E commerce assignment

E-commerce Problems in China From the Journal referred E-commerce industry in China mainly having problem with the E-commerce fundamental business. Conclusion The coming years promise to be an interesting period in the development of China" s E-commerce.

Nuclear engineering

Nuclear engineering is a wide field that covers important subjects of study from the disposal of nuclear fuel and waste to the maintenance of systems such as nuclear reactors, plants, and even weapons. Additionally, outside of the lab, the engineers often work in cautious, extended teams; safety from the dangers of nuclear radiation is a β†’

Editorial: metabolic shifting: nutrition, exercise, and timing

Editorial on the Research Topic Metabolic Shifting: Nutrition, Exercise, and Timing From the teleological standpoint, metabolic shifting evolved due to the periodic nature of the environment, circadian cycles being one of the conditions the life on Earth confronts. Food intake, fuel selection, and exercise capacity depend on the circadian clock and are time-of-day dependent.

Benefits of structured recreational activities for at-risk youth

The participants who withdraw from the study will have the opportunity to edit or delete transcripts of sessions or not Population and Sampling Frame Taherdoost explained samples sizes in qualitative research show the intent and aim of the investigation. The data will be entered in Nvivo12 to analysis and identify themes.

B600 ten face of innovation

Though gloriously inspirational.where the Ten Faces of Innovation fails as a managing tool, is that while it does well to relay the inspiring end-products of the employment of the ten faces, it does little to guide managers in ways and means of developing these personas. If there is additional fault to be laid in Kelley's β†’

Structuralism vs. functionalism cited assignment

Functionalism formed as a reaction to structuralism; it was influenced by the work of William James and the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. The most obvious similarity is that they both took interest in the mental process; after all functionalism was only formed as a reaction to the flaws of structuralism.


USA Military and UAE Military The armed forces are a significant measure of the strength of security and military capability of a country. The US military was formed towards the end of the 18th century to defend the British for the US independence.