4 Pages Essay Samples

Arcelor mittal case study

The briefing goes on to make the case Alkalis Imitate, the CEO of the Recreational and also artisan's richest man, should choose to forgo windfall profits and opt instead for climate philanthropy. In 2008, Recreational had over 14 million surplus permits equivalent to the annual emissions of Luxembourg, or a windfall of over?

The jack welch era at general electric essay sample

In the case, " The Jack Welch Era at General Electric", indicate that during the period of Jack Welch was a CEO at General Electric from 1981 to 2001, the company became remarkable profit. Although in the Welch's era, GE Company received huge economic reward and engaged in a board range of philanthropy and community →

Begler, the example given is very well displayed

The end of the article is dedicated to giving a lesson plan and examples of how to use the model and implement culture into the classroom. The model as I see it is an effective visual tool that can be used to not just study culture but actually look at it and gain a visual →

The treatment of setting is an important tool many authors use to express criticism of society in their works. discuss this use of setting in two works of prose fiction studied this year

Through their works we get to understand the nature of the society at the time that their stories were written. Through McCarthy's work one can understand the nature of drug wars at that time.

Strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Wide Reading Assignment Term 3 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, or Jekyll and Hyde for short, is a mystifying short horror story written by Robert Louis Stevenson and set in Victorian England. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a →

Creative writing

It was the day where my family and I officially farewelled my father? s presence, and residence in the same home. I remember that after 6 years and a week there was a knock on the door.

The enslavement of captive orcas

The Enslavement of Captured Orcas Orcas are often called the " angels of the sea". Keeping large marine mammals in wildlife parks such as SeaWorld is a problem because of the lack of spacious living quarters." SeaWorld confines orcas, who could swim up to 100 miles a day in the wild, to tanks that, to →

Scientific experiment essay sample

The experiments included chemical and physical reactions dealing with torn news paper, appearance of rock salt crystals, the appearance of sand, oil and water on plastic, and making iodine in water and mineral oil. We did the following: * Newspaper- We tore the paper vertically and then horizontally and observed the edges with a hand →

Society tells people

Based on the society and community she lives in, the concept of beauty is portrayed as a person with blue eyes and blonde hair. Society tells Pecola that she is not socially acceptable because of her dark skin and brown eyes Pecola is a good example of how in society, the minority is not equally →

S.a. chupa chups

Chupa Chups introduced its first lollipop in 1958 with a slogan " Chupa un Chups", however, the name was changed three years later to Chupa Chups. The second key advantage is the strong distribution system, the distribution network of one of its subsidiaries, Chupa Chups Diversificacion, is very responsive to the market and is a →

Mary ainsworth

In 1942 Ainsworth joined the Canadian Women's Army Corp, and after serving as a counselor in the Army for four years, she came back to the University of Toronto and gained the position assistant professor. Mary Ainsworth's research and contributions are still important to the study of psychology today.

Marvel comics research paper

The US remained unbiased but it was already taking the first steps towards the Manhattan Project and the making of the nuclear bomb. It survived the opposition to comics in the '50s.

The association between hegemonic influence and discourse within the framework of western orientalism

Theories of hegemony and discourse attempt to explain social privilege and injustice by looking at the relationship between authority and the production as well as dissemination of information and knowledge. It seems like the knowledge which they gained through studying the Orient, was proof that Oriental ideologies and social is inferior to that of the →

Free creative writing on william james questions

Religion in itself is the faith of the presence of a supernatural being. He states that it is a tactic to oppress the have-nots in the society.

Science and technology corporation

For instance, it Is true that Sect's market share is 31%, 2nd already to Terabyte but it has the lowest Profitability among Its competitors, More so, It has the ingest recovery time in terms of earnings and has the widest range of Stock Price which makes it more vulnerable to fluctuations and most difficult to →

Desdemona as a victim in the tragedy of othello assignment

Because he thinks his wife is cheating on him, Othello believes that his only solution is to hate Desman, even though it will tear him apart, Desman is a victim in this scenario because she is being falsely accused of cheating on her husband. Her father, Abrogation, believes that she is under the spell of →

How personal beliefs and value systems may influence own anti-discriminatory practise

In terms of someone's beliefs and values in a health and social care setting, they can play a vital role in the interaction between service users and providers. The basic care values are that services should be available to everyone on the basis of need and that they should be delivered in a way that →

Commentary on sylvia plath’s “ariel”

In the opening stanza of the poem, the image of darkness and stillness is described in the phrase " stasis in darkness". The use of the imagery of darkness reiterates the sense of a lack of limitation, as the scene described is a " pour of tor and distances".

To toll or not to toll

On the contrary, tollgates are also criticized as the bottlenecks of traffic as vehicles lined up at the maximum or minimum performance of the tollkeepers. Discussions It has been earlier reported in the 1980s that the removal of toll booths in the State of Connecticut have subsequently attributed to several road accidents that accounted about →

How to prevent hiv

Essay: How to prevent HIV 2,/ Increasingly obvious are the adverse effects of HIV/AIDS toward human beings health and safety and larger and larger is the number of human beings that have realized the fact that HIV/AIDS can be effectively prevented under proper control, nowadays it has been an inevitable trend for each and every →

Facial action system case study

Surveys reveal that people are not good at detecting lies and in order to be accurate En need to train ourselves giving ample of time to weigh people's response and arrive at a conclusion. It's a genuine research of years of science and psychology and cannot be dismissed although humans have the ability to fake →

What are your thoughts about the police practice of the blue wall of silence

However, this is unlike the case because some crooked officers often disregard the human rights." The Blue Wall of Silence" also referred, as the blue code is one of the impediments of justice contributing to deviant behavior among officers. It is apparent that officers who observe the BWS conform to the conflicting side of the →

Financial implications of disaster management

Although the intent of the aid is to help victims, there are often conflicted and self-interest constraints in the giving of aid. Recipient aid organizations are likewise not immune to the temptation to use the aid funds for purposes other than for actual relief of a disaster's victims.

Web application attacks prevention essay

The uniqueness is also considerable size with a port scanner; the collection is well fitted preview features will port scan the web server hosting, the web application. Port scanner tool has the clarity to recognize available services that is functioning on the server; it uses the current known IP packets to determine the ports that →

Should school last year-round?

Because of the good education that got the students a better job so they get paid a lot of money. Families with the students who go to school year-round get more money because of a better job.

Anti social behaviour

These factors are also considered to be a few of the inevitable causes of ASB amid the youth population. Aim of the Research The aim of this research will be to identify and evaluate the causes that act as the major drivers of ASB incidents in the UK committed by the youth.

Database applications

In case of freeware, in most of the cases, the honour-ship of the data shared, gets transferred to the groupware honour. And hence, the top management might be expected to support groupware implementation in the organization.

Dangers of fast foods

Wendy introduced the concept of drive through which allows the customers to take away the order without stepping out of the car Over period of time large amount of research has been conducted into the area of fast food and those studies strongly oppose the use of fast foods and thereby have created fears in →

Pulcinella by richard alston essay

The script was dependent upon the actor, and not the play writer. Pulcinella flirts with the ladies, much to the irritation of his wife Pimpinella, and the ladies lovers, Caviello, Cinzio, and Florindo.

Using suitable models identify the customer perceived value marketing essay

Status: Being UK's biggest retailer Tesco has a very high status amongst the customers and it has great goodwill in the market so customers are aware of the prestige of the company. Time: it is the amount of time consumer has to spend on finding and purchasing the product in Tesco.

Downfall of the american dream

The most prominent and influential symbols are the green light, Gatsby's shirts, and the Valley of Ashes. He associates Daisy with the green light, and it becomes a symbol of her throughout the novel." The whole being of Gatsby exists only in relation to what the green light symbolizes".


The research project detailed in the following sections was conducted to test a hypothesis on part-time jobs, using the exploratory method. A survey is the most common type of observational study which has been the choice to test this hypothesis.


Financial position to increase by less than half: Of course, the recommendation assumes that the stock split will not have effect on the price, but it does have an effect because the price is a factor of the demand and supply in the market. Modigliani and Miller's theory of capital structure is sometimes considered to →

Multiculturalism in canada

Multiculturalism is the acceptance or promotion of multiple racial and ethnic cultures, for practical reasons and/or for the sake of diversity and applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place. In the first half of the twentieth century, a large numbers of refugees fled from Nazi Germany, Palestine, and the Soviet bloc, and in →

Discussion 3

The sanctity of private property, the right of the individual to dispose of and invest it, the value of opportunity, and the natural evolution of self-interest and self-assertion, within broad legal limits, into a beneficent social order have been staple tenets of the central faith in American political ideologies." 3. The Declaration of Independence was →

Consider is starving. such action is considered

According to Peikoff, it ismorally wrong for him to rely on the government for his health care because to pay his healthcare, the government gets itsmoney from the citizens through taxation. I would agree with Peikoff's solution to the case and place Jim in a pay-for-service systembecause he should be responsible for the consequences of →

Lessons learnt from dabhol project essay sample

Alignment with Government objectives- The investors have to understand and align the underlying objectives of the Government in such large scale projects. The objective of Government is to boost the Power sector which is crucial for Industrial development and GDP growth.

Analogy of being according to aquinas

Therefore, human beings are analogical to God in that they are made in his image but do not possess the infinite characteristics that God has. Aquinas makes a distinction between animals, man and God and states that God is the ultimate being.

Using examples, explain the difference between obscene and indecent materials

Due to the difference in beliefs between families and individuals, no two people have the same beliefs and will not agree to a set standard of what obscene material really is. The Fairness Doctrine was established in 1949 and provided the broadcast stations to seek out different viewpoints of controversial matters.

Making a telephone call

On 12/10/12 I was trying to make a call and picked up the phone. I explained that the person he needed to speak to was in and that I would transfer the call.

Religious perspective and analysis of joe simpson’s struggle

The story of Joe Simpson's struggle to survive the descent from a treacherous fall in the Siula Grande is undoubtedly heroic and a showmanship of the limits of man. In conclusion, Joe's steadfast devotion to " the voice" and its influence on his physical journey makes it an important marker of Joe's religious experience.

The old man and the sea essay rough draft

In the novel The Old Man and the Sea, the 84 days that Santiago went without catching a fish represents the ten years that Hemingway's went without writing a successful novel. In The Old Man and The Sea, the sharks tore apart the marlin.

The culturally responsive pedagogy education essay

Culturally responsive pedagogy is based on student-centered approach to teaching whereby the students' distinctive cultural potential are classified and nurtured to encourage student achievement and a sense of well-being about the student's cultural place in the world. Fifthly, in terms of student-centered and comprehensive of the voices and experiences of the students should be implied →

A comparative analysis of ‘digging’ and ‘follower’ by seamus heaney essay sample

His father represents the sanctury and security in his life similar to a sailing ship in the vast ocean. Digging' shows a progression in his thoughts to positive aspirations of success in an alternative vocation, and hope that he will someday achieve the sound integrity and craftsmanship that he admired in his father.

Lauren slocum

I will illustrate the effect of inflection when a noun changes from singular to plural form: By adding the plural affix " S to a noun, a plural inflection takes place. But in example two, it may be assumed by the reader that John is departing from one place to another for a longer period →

Harmantaj sahota

The timing and the underlying mental processes are the aspects of invention which specifically outline in relation to science and technology; these equally apply to wider sectors of problem solving and creativity. Phonograph was very different from the other inventions as this invention of his could record sounds and reproduces them.

Dna structure: dna replication rna synthesis protein

Nucleotides are linked together by a covalent bond between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3'carbon of the sugar of another nucleotide. The order of nucleotides in DNA determines the amino acids used in synthesising a protein.

Introduction contours serving as the basic elements of

In addition, the major purpose of animators is to make their imaginary characters live and move; the professionals should also take into consideration the stages of creating animations from colors, drawing, sketches, and lines, to composing pictures and photos into a three-dimensional cartoon. Specifically, famous filmmakers and animators seek to transform reality and resist the →

A character study: phoenix jackson essay

It is evident by the context of the story, and by the way that the white man that she meets treats her, that she is an ex-slave. Phoenix is the protagonist of the story in other words, she is at the center of the story, and is constantly confronted with obstacles which she must overcome →

Attendance monitoring system of student and professors

Background of the Study The attendance monitoring system is a system that would check and record the attendance of a student in a class. The security and maintenance personnel can use the advantage of this system to monitor the classrooms whether if it is available for cleaning or who are the students in a certain →

Buy anyzone gold today

Natural cleaning, Healthy living Air, water, residual agricultural chemicals and unpleasant odours and harmful chemicals during the growing period and handling Kitchen sponges and rags effective as a germicide/ fungicide to destroy germs, molds, bacteria and any microbes. Thus soaking the utensils and dishes in ozonated water can rid these pathogens.

Animal farm: comparison to communism assignment

The idea of Minimalism was brought forth by one of the oldest and most respected members of the farm, Old Major. Throughout his speech he speaks of a farm no longer controlled by humans and a world in which all animals are equal: Never listen when they tell you that Man and animals have a →

Ted movie critique assignment

The reason this movie is full of humor is because of the fact that this is the first film in which a teddy bear is brought to life and given human characteristics, which he uses to act as a true adult. I movie ends with a happy ending, as Ted is saved at the end →

Job satisfaction calling and life satisfaction: it’s not about having it, it’s about living it

The authors provided several definitions for calling that included a job that is done to help others and provides personal meaning to the person who is doing the job, a job that was destined by God or a higher power that brought personal satisfaction to an individual that serves a larger purpose, or a job →

Salvation on sand mountain: snake handling and redemption in southern appalachia by dennis covington report

The book Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia was published in 2009 by Da Capo Press and it is a factual retelling of a journalist Dennis Covington's investigation into a branch of Christianity that celebrates some of the more exotic worship practices available. In the book's short prologue there is →

Assignment example

For example, if the school personnel surprise their friend who has an unstable heart condition and the person gets a heart attack, then the school personnel commits an intentional tort.b) Unintentional Torts: In instances where a person damages another person's property, this is usually noted as a civil wrong in the eyes of the law. →

Introduction to popular american culture argumentative essay

Again, health and beauty is a significant part of American life and these products allow people to improve themselves by aiding in the process. Affects of Trends Budweiser, which has a slogan of " The American Lager," is one of the most popular brands of American influence.

How to determine your saas business’ cost of acquisition

A simple way to calculate your customer acquisition cost is by dividing the total cost of sales and marketing by the number of customers you acquired. Related: The added benefit to reducing customer-acquisition cost and increasing customer lifetime value is that it can help your valuation.

A since he gave only one blow

Where the accused gave one fist blow on the abdomen of the deceased which resulted in haemorrhage and death, it was held that the circumstances were different and also the accused could not be said to have the intention or knowledge required under section 299, and since he gave only one blow in the heat →

High school students

From the review, the community service is ought to be compulsory, therefore, it is included in the curriculum of every high school for the computation of their final grades, or so to say that their year level will not be completed if ever they have not gone to attend their assigned community services. That motivation →

Principle ideas and methods of socrates essay sample

It's his questioning of those in authority, strict commitment to truth and his belief in eternal soul that did not die that made him to clash with the society and especially the political class. The urge for material mightiness to him was the greatest enemy to the attainment of the ideal life of self development.

Religion and theology: lord krishna

Religion and Theology: Lord Krishna " To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium" Lord Krishna, in The Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 2, verse 47 Lord Krishna, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, and is regarded as →

The india monsoon

The Indian Monsoon The monsoon is a yearly cycle, where the direction of the wind changes, bringing storms and rainfall to the land, and when the wind changes again it brings drought to the land. In the case of the Indian monsoon, during the summer the temperature rises, this makes the air hot.

The presidio san elizario

The group traveled for weeks across the desert until it reached the banks of the Rio Grande River near the San Elizario area. The small town of San Elizario is named after the French Saint Elcear, the French patron saint of the military.

Learning training and development education essay

The author would agree with Michael et al in that learning increases capacity and willingness of an individual to acquire and productively apply new knowledge and skills to grow and mature and adapt to changes and challenges. Learning has helped the author know facts, develop skills, knowledge, grown in critical thinking and power of argument.

Eagle electronics

The ability to finance the capital expenditures is subject to a number of risks, contingencies and other factors, some of which are beyond the control of the company and which includes, tariff regulations, interest rates, borrowing or lending restrictions and the ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms. Debt in terms of borrowed capital from →

Emperor the roman imperial art of traditio legis

The Aeneid was recognized as a legendary masterpiece and a testament to the dignity of the Roman Empire. The Christian art according to Constantine was to emphasize on the authority of Christ and His church in the world.

Designing an havc system in a skyscraper’s project

The selection of equipment for heating, cooling and ventilating the school building is a complex design decision that must balance a great many factors, including heating and cooling needs, energy efficiency, humidity control, potential for natural ventilation, adherence to codes and standards, outdoor air quantity and quality, indoor air quality, and cost. Outdoor Air Quantity →

God of small things and identity essay

Using multi-narration to offer authentic insights into the worlds of characters, she plays with language intelligently to portray differing points of view Linguistic devices and techniques to delve into a number of themes but focusing on the loss of identity touching on familial relationships, history former colonisation and The God of Small Things, The passage →

Bully bosses essay

Michelle Duffy of the University of Kentucky, coworkers often blame victims of bullying in order to resolve their guilt." They do this by wondering whether maybe the person deserved the treatment, that he or she has been annoying, or lazy, they did something to earn it," states Dr. If I were the victims of workplace →

Diagnosing and treating mysophobia

Kara describes that she is anxious to leave her home and upon her return she has to boil her clothing and wipe herself off with an antibacterial wipe before she can feel comfortable in her home. It is important for Kara to understand the cause of her fear.

Anti trust atari vs nintendo

Nintendo has justified the licensing practices and the use of a closed system by reminding the court of the collapse of the prior video gaming market, " It was the only way we could assure that there would be consistent, quality software. We made a choice and it turns out that our choice was the →

Art analysis of underworld

The main concern shown is the contrasting states that children around the world are living in, this concept is illustrated by the division of top, and bottom portions of the art. The artist decided to use these colors because he aims to show the different living states of the kid in the first half and →

Bomb detecting honey bees

Training So how are the ordinary bees trained to respond to TNT to the way they respond to pollen? A digital camera watches the bees carefully; if the bees are able to detect a trace of the odor that they have been trained to recognize, image recognition software will see the bees extend their proboscis →

Case study principle of management week 6

The five level of Measles hierarchy of needs Physiological Needs These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. This set of actions has guaranteed all workers will meet the basic needs for their living.

The fall of the house of usher by edgar allen poe

Poe draws this classical connection between the family and the land early on, saying bluntly that the House of Usher is " an appellation which seemed to include, in the mind of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion". Poe, Edgar Allen." The Fall of the House of Usher".

Corporate and current business strategies of ikea marketing essay

Overtime, IKEA built distinctive competencies in contrivance strategic avenue to help positioning and ensuring the high value of brand image in customers mind. In the mentality of customers, IKEA brand derive emotional and self expressive benefits.


The gruesome tactics of murdering, gas chambers, torture, and labor to the point of death, left the few sole survivors scarred for their rest of their lives. The child is thought to look like an angel for many, and the killing of him, made many lose hope in their faith.

Precursors for criminal activity in women essay

In the teens to mid-twenties 43% of the offenders had a psychiatric episode. The amount of offenders that had a psychiatric episode did increase in the second measuring to 51%.

Government spending and revenues in america and china

As a result, it is meaningful to compare the government spending and revenues in China and America. In spite of the analysis of government revenues's size, maybe the structure of the revenues is more attractive and more significant.

Facing the challenges of global agriculture today: what can we do about drought?

The impact of a changing climate is not only about temperature increase, but it is also affecting the magnitude of rainfall and its distribution, and therefore its availability at critical times of the crop cycle: in fact, while the total amount of rain increased in Africa over the last few years, the erratic and unpredictable →

How to write a swot research analysis

For starters, you want to write out a detailed description of the company that you are going to be: Discussing researching and analyzing Find research online What that means is you want to get all the details you can on the company. What you are going to look for is any opportunity that they may →

Leadership styles of ho chi minh and ngo dinh diem assignment

In the context of the Vietnamese society as the course has presented it through the online textbook so far, what evaluation can be made about the leadership styles and personal examples of Ho Chi Mini and Mongo Dinah Diem that would enable both of them to tap into the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese →

Research design and mythology

The hope is to combine these methods and research findings to create and instructive and comprehensive platform to make the necessary changes in order to provide true equal opportunities for women in political and professionals sectors. It is very easy to find a number of women in different stages of their career to maintain the →

An act of random kindness

Well, committing a random act of kindness is a display of the generosity of your spirit. It is the belief that you are filled with love for humanity and that you have got more to offer, even to unfamiliar persons or people that you do not really know." A random act of kindness is a →

Should size 0 models be allowed on the catwalk essay

The health risks and dangers to a size zero are the same as someone who is suffering from anorexia. However, to look emaciated or skeletal is not an image of beauty and an insult to those who are genuinely starving in the world.

Cruelty in persuasion

The impact of the words of Sir Charles Grandison "...there is great cruelty in persuasion.."., which highlight the notion that the " act of persuading somebody to do or believe something" can be perceived as cruel, that is, " cause pain or suffering", will be discussed. This essay will also analyze the extent to which →

Ford motor company, general motors and daimler chrysler

Company: Diamond Technology PartnersCustomer: FordMotor Company, General Motors and DaimlerChryslerSubmitted by: Golin Harris General Motors and Ford had each taken it upon themselves to create online purchasing exchanges to dramatically reduce their purchasing, inventory, and logistics costs, to increase their operating efficiencies through the introduction of an integrated Internet-based supply chain, and to provide a →

Fashion and gender identity essay sample

The matureness of the make-up and jewelry seem extreme and contradict the child-like piggy tails held with pastel pink hairties and the butterfly stuck on the girl's face. After visiting the roots of gender and gender socialization, fashion's role in constructing gender identity in the modern world will be explored by reflecting on ideas from →

The day i will always remember

I knew from the moment that I heard it was confirmed to happen that it really was going to be something special, after all it is the greatest DJ on the planet playing in my favourite club on the planet. Then the night as always in the Met came to an end far too early →

Ap euro peasant rebellion comparision

Munstzer is not a peasant but is supporting the peasants' revolts; he encourages them to take down the towers of the nobles to the ground. This document is also a response in that people have allowed the revolts to happen and the peasants have gone too far.

Case study fatburger north america, santa monica, calif

And the innovative restaurant chain knows it cannot rest on its laurels, which is why Beefeater updated its front and back of house and its menu. Beefeater has stayed in the game by updating its menu with more topping choices for Its h-, 1/3- and la-pound burgers, In addition to a turkey and veggie burger." →

Absurdity, masochism and paradox: unraveling kafka’s “a hunger artist”

Throughout the text, the futility of ascribing meaning to our lives is demonstrated by the masochistic and paradoxical nature of the Hunger Artist's lifetime of fasting. The unfounded " suspicions" of the watchers, which understandably upsets the hunger artist, is believed to be " a necessary accompaniment to the profession of fasting,".

Hand sanitiser

Lab Management Assignment Hand Sanitizer 2012 xxx [Pick the date] HAND SANITISER * * A hand sanitizer or hand antiseptic is a supplement or alternative to hand washing with soap and water.* Various preparations are available, including gel, foam, and liquid solutions.* The active ingredient in hand sanitizers may be isopropanol, ethanol, n-propanol, povidone-iodine.* Inactive →

Yoga and swami vivekananda essay sample

In his book Swami Vivekananda: A Reassessment, Narasingha Prosad Sil writes, " the Math was an adult male haven, a counter culture community of freedom seeking youths on the fringe of society and the city".[53] The math became the first building of theRamakrishna Math the monastery of the first monastic order of Ramakrishna.[39] Narendra later →