4 Pages Essay Samples

Union and intersection

In the initial stages of the investigation the detectives cannot decide whether this was a robbery gone wrong or a murder the perpetrator tried to disguise into a robbery. The advantage of a local database consists in a much easier access and output which is oftentimes much more relevant to the investigation in 99% of →

Principles and application of elisa

The intensity of the colour is directly proportional to the quantity of antigen bound on the plate Various Principles of ELISA The basis of ELISA involves immobilising antibodies onto a microtitre plate the exact method used to prepare an ELISA plate can differ depending on the analyte being measured. Direct A direct ELISA is the →

Criminal justice system assignment

Hawkins Executive Director for Clinical Social We want to develop post-release programs and concentrate on substance abuse and anger management programs that will allow Large City to continue to be one of the safest cities in America. I feel that if we do our due diligence and treat each offender individually, according to the laws →

Steve jobs’ technology developments

Steve Jobs Apple had fired Jobs and started going slow so improvements had to be made. Jobs and Wozniak's time at homebrew led to the invention of the Apple 1 computer".

We offer any assistance we can. we know

Thank you for your kind consideration, and we look forward to seeing you soon. After you have reviewed our material, we would appreciate hearing your comments, and we will look forward to answering any questions you have about our product.

Describe and critique on scientific management assignment

Distinct division of tasks and responsibilities between management and laborers, application of science in determining the best way of completing a task efficiently, selection of people for a particular Job, training of workmen to perform a task in a specific manner and lastly, constant watch of workmen through the use of supervisors. The division between →

Sculpture and ralph hicks

On the first visit to Salutation, the lack of sun casts a shadow on the face as it bends forward and faces down, displaying a feeling of sadness. The sculpture with its rhythm of playfulness and kindness, puts a smile on your face if you allowed it to.

Robert kennedy: a new direction for america assignment

Kennedy believed, as Jefferson, that ' We are the last and the best hope Of the world". S aid and his visit to South Africa in 1966 brought Kennedy to the head of the antipathetic cause.

This propounding such customs. in tarun kumar

This provision has been given a retrospective effect so as to make it applicable to marriages whether solemnised before or after the commencement of the Marriage Laws Act, 1976 such a petition is required to be moved jointly by the parties to marriage on the ground that they have been living separately for a period →

Mark that pervades mark tansey’s canvases can

He was born and raised in family of art historians and in 1972, he received his Bachelor from the " Art Center College of Design" in Los Angeles. And they are coming to an understanding of the importance of metaphor".

Econometrics project

The goal of this paper is to estimate the relationship between personal consumption and personal income among all Americans over the past 30 years. However, the model demonstrates that there is an insignificant relationship between personal consumption and the Coincident Index.

Summary on stomach cancer biology essay

Parietal cells, present for the entire length of the stomach, mostly in the mid regions and are involved in the production of gastric acid and chief cells/peptic/zymogenic cells, which produce pepsinogen for the digestion of proteins. The different forms of carcinoma of stomach include Adenocarcinoma, which develops in the innermost cell lining of the stomach →

If marketing is not advertising, then what is it?

It represents the foundation of every new product release on the market and it also facilitates the Improvement and modernization of existing products." We define market research as the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company". In other words, deciding on what the →


The next best method to reduce infections in patients who meet the conditions for catheter placement is to limit catheter days by evaluating the reasons for continuing the catheter on a daily basis and removing the catheter at the moment patients no longer meet criteria. Detailed assessments of patients by their nurses during the admission →

The possessions of virtue leads to a happy life

Though procuring individual good is not a bad thing, the good brought about for a collective group, such as a city or a country is much more higher and nobler because it is for the human good, as opposed to the individual good. The virtue of happiness is a good in itself and not pursued →

Rover group

The result was the Rover 75, launched in early summer 1999 in the UK and the first all-new Rover model to be produced by the company in the last twenty years. Cimplicity allows operators to read the data responsible for control of the machines on the line, look at diagrams of the plant and to →

Carbon atom project assignment

Opuntia was ready to perform photosynthesis and nothing was going to stop her from using the friends of Carla and Carla. On the other hand, the horses were able to break the cellulose down from the polysaccharide to the disaccharide and finally to a monosaccharide of glucose.

Unit iv assessment multiple choice

Ace must therefore compare the percentage of female and minority employees regarding: Answer the workforce percentages available in the entire United States.the workforce available within a 20 mile radius of Newark, DE.the workforce available in Delaware and the closest surrounding states.the workforce available in Newark, DE. To determine if there is an under representation of →

Business model generation canvas

This type of Business model canvas can very well be formatted in a very large way depending on the number of participants and so even a very large number of the business participants can very well participate together and jointly contribute together towards the success of the business model canvas. The Business Model Generation Canvas →

Gender stereotypes essay

The gender issue involving stereotyping in the workplace is when a person applies an assumed set of common traits and behaviors of a particular gender; be it male or female, to a specific person based merely on the knowledge of that person's membership in the gender. Men are often viewed as the " breadwinner" of →

Innovation and strategic management annotated bibliography

And on the down side, the study also showed that when every executive in a business is not in line with a new idea, the business can suffer significant drawbacks with the new ideas brought on the table. There are many examples of both the upside and downside for businesses when executives are in line →

Reflection on the use of ‘active imagination’

Afterwards, I asked the client to engage in Active Imagination as my client reflected on the image from a various angles, naming symbols and images that emerged from the page. Another part of the exercise that I would have done differently would have been to stand at a reasonable distance from the client: enough to →

The catcher in the rye assignment

In another way it means that Holden wants to p rotect the innocence of the kids, because Holden wants to help the kids avoid the harsh pain, and dangers of the world. This quote means that other kids think it the best book because they can relate to Holden and consider him as there friend.

Comparison between a doll’s house and brenda’s got a baby

This was released in his first album ' 2pacalypse.' The easiest comparison to make between the two is that they both share the theme of sexism and the fact that women are inferior to women. The controversy was caused by the play challenging the stereotypical expectations for the roles of women in society in the →

Hester prynne essay

Pearl is Hester only companion and Hester is the only person who truly knows how to raise Pearl, therefore, she must be there for her. Deaf to Clownishness's attempt to stop him, Timescale mounts the scaffold with Hester and Pearl.

Discussion of changing family structures in the uk

This was the democratic and educational revolution and the era of the nuclear family. Family structures tend to base around suiting the type of society there in.

New urbanism

In spite of the slow population growth of the countryside, the conventional suburban development spreads out to consume large areas of countryside.*Sprawl and its Related Problems* Urban renewal has played a significant role in cities worldwide such as Saint John, New Brunswick, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Glasgow, Scotland and Bilbao, Spain, Canary Wharf, in London →

Hello kitty case study

Hello Kitty was firstly Introduced In Japan In 1974 and Is a segment of Japanese popular culture and hello kitty Is a Japanese bobtail cat also knows as kitty white. Hello Kitty appeal Is success In Japan to the prevalence of the Seawall culture In the country.

How to write an assignment report

The summary is an overview of a whole project, where the author is to shortly give a rundown of the information later closely described in the work. It usually consists of a brief elucidation of the importance of choosing a specific topic of a research, descriptions of the methods used during the assignment, outcomes and →

Marketing strategies assignment

Marketing Strategy: From the Origin of the Concept to the Development of a Conceptual Framework. Smith's " differentiation and segmentation strategies" " In product differentiation, according to Smith, a firm tries ' bending the will of demand to the will of supply.

Generation gap essay sample

Generation gap is a more modern term for the difference between generations, or milder than the extreme definition which calls this difference as the " clash" between the opinions, the attitudes and the behaviors of the younger and the older generations. As a result this difference in the general outlook at life arises which is →

Afraid of the dark: a gothic binary in jane austen’s northanger abbey

The segment on pages 133-135* of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey relates the binary of light and darkness which symbolizes the interaction between Gothicism and reality in the novel, helping the reader to realize role of Catherine in the novel as a staple between the two extremes. In the earlier scene, where Catherine allows the fire →

The question, literature review, and hypothesis

The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis The Research Question, Literature Review and Research Hypothesis Question 1 Descriptive research questions query the what, who or the where aspects to the issue or area of study: description is the basis of the study. Question 2 The determination of whether prior research on an area of →

Marketing research proposal on cat’s eye

Hence in this research it is our point of concern, to validate whether Cats Eye's popularity is being affected by the abundant supply of fashion houses these days all over the country and the factors that contribute to the reduced popularity of Cats Eye's Men's Wear in the market and in the minds of the →

The transformation of the character of lewis is classified as a remarkable event. discuss.

Lewis tends to just stand there and only talk when spoken to at the start of the play, as Nowra has shown that Lewis is very uncomfortable and unsure of the situation he has gotten himself into. Through this Lewis starts to gain the respect of characters such as Roy, who has judged and criticised →

The case for collaboration to foster global ocean literacy

The development of the definition of ocean literacy an understanding of the ocean's influence on you and your influence on the ocean and the Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts, was a collaborative effort of formal and informal educators, scientists, government professionals, and others interested in defining what everyone should know about the ocean. This commentary →

Training programs

While knowledge and skills are important, the ability to put them to use is defined by the attitude of the TM who possess them. Successful organizations realize that it is the negative attitudes and wrong habits of the employees are mostly the reasons behind the failures and not lack of knowledge or skills.

Electronic music dance

The DC is usually the person who rearranges the song, and mashes it up with a different song, so the result of that will come out as the song was initially created as that. On top of all that the video lays a big role for each songs that comes out as well, because It's →

Longterm care facility

As a facility that accommodates different types of patients and clients such as the elderly, the building should be in the form of a multi-residence care facility that provide the required services by the senior citizens. Special needs of the senior citizens that the nursing home should take into consideration also include Alzheimer's care and →

Taming of the shrew

Harris AP Language and Composition 23 February 2013 Taming of the Shrew Essay: In the critical essay " Role-Playing in the Taming of the Shrew", author Richard Henze argues that William Shakespeare's play, " The Taming of the Shrew", begins as part of that jest and as a play, a pretense, within the pretense of →

Applied behaviour analysis – behaviour change project (introduction & discussion/conclusion only)

Measure The goal was to increase the number of going to the gym and it was measured on a weekly basis. Examination of the baseline data after two weeks suggested that the participant did not go to the gym usually because the bad weather conditions and the laziness to take a twenty minute-walk to the →

Psychology: nature versus nurture

Discussion One of the most intriguing topics on the subject of human emotions and their nature and origins are the experiments performed by Harry F, Harlow in the late 1950s to prove that more that biological imperatives and inborn instincts controlled the motivations for emotional expression. That is simply not the reality of the world; →

Research problem

EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER BETWEEN UNIVERSITIES Research Problem ment Significantly, the knowledge generated in universities may make a paramount contribution in technological change and innovation in the private sector: however, there seems to be a gap between outstanding scientific achievements and industry's competiveness which is basically because of lacking effectiveness and the general success of →

Trw case analysis

Due to the complexity of products being produced and the interdependency between the parts, systems, various groups, divisions and companies who assembled the parts forced TRW to adopt the matrix structure, where it covers vertical flow of functionalresponsibilityand horizontal flow of product responsibility. Some of the problems caused by this structure - The relationship between →

What is wisdom?

However, it will still be evident that in the bottom line, wisdom will still be one thing and this is how a person uses the capability of his mind to create or make decisions. In summation, this says that Frankl's definition of wisdom can be misinterpreted in a lot of ways, and thus it is →

Rocks assignment

In this present age, all around the world, the illusion that a student is " smart" by the information he remembers from the teachers or from books he reads has been employed by our educational system which leaves the mere skillful person in a lower class in the society. The modern world calls for a →


The one that I personally believe in and the one that is technically stated in the law is that an American is a citizen of the United States of America. There are some people who feel that as long as you are a part of the Americas which includes the North and South continents then →

Crisis becoming positive in year of wonders

Despite the deaths of almost a third of the villagers and the near crippling grief experienced by those remaining, the positive transformations and extraordinary strength and positivity seen in certain characters, as well as the new lives that began, offer an optimistic view of humankind. Anna marvels that " in that season of death, we →

A matter of perspective: the invention of a story in martel’s life of pi

Life really is a story, the invention of one's own mind; Pi knows this, and the events of the novel show that his life is certainly a colorful, albeit seemingly hard to believe, tale. Another aspect of Pi's life that is powerfully affected by the influence of stories is his relationship with animals.

Robert jordan in for whom the bell tolls

While Jordan clearly admires and aspires to be like his grandfather, a brave soldier in the Civil War and the Indian wars, he endeavors to rid himself of the image of his father's cowardly suicide, for which he shows great disdain. Hemingway uses Robert Jordan's conflict concerning his father and grandfather to make him realize →

Mira las mirrors

The poet compares the poem to the mirror which is placed on the border of Mexico, it reflects on how Mexico life has revolved around the Mexican. Later there was the outbreak of the Mexican revolution this was referred to as an overwhelming fact of Mexican life, literature and society.

Cultural adjustment essay sample

In addition, according to Holvino, disappointment depends on the differences and similarities that will expose the person's ways of doing things in the old culture and the new one. Oberg explains that with the anger and nervousness the person can lose control of acts so that the person begins criticizing the people, country and the →


By comparing a school's ranking according to observed outcomes and value added, stakeholders can make more informed judgments about the relative performance of schools and the extent to which the SES of communities plays a role in the observed educational outcomes. Not Guilty: The process of measuring and ranking according to the difference between the →

How geography affects us border security

Nevertheless, the Office of the National Drug Policy reports that, since the attack, the federal government of the United States has had to rethink and establish stringent rules and policies aimed at making the U.S.borders secure. Hitz and Weiss argue that the illegal immigrants that enter the U.S.through the borders pose a serious security threat →

Assessment of british intelligence operations against

The Cold War was a war of actions, words, and fierce battles between the UK, US and the former Soviet Union and in several countries. This was the fundamental of the Cold War and it could be stated that the SIS was in the middle of it due to all its initial operations against the →

America pain from an individual in severe

Heroin is one of the most notorious hard drugs and a lot of people say they " never expected to get that desperate to catch a high". For the population who is already in the wrath of addiction, treatment needs to be accessible.

Chichén itzá in mexico

The most notable is the Great Ballcourt which is the largest in the Mayan world, with the dimensions of about 503 feet in length, 97. At the end of each game, it is believed that the captain of the winning team would offer himself to be decapitated to the captain of the losing team.

Health education in diverse environments

Health Education in Diverse Environments Implementation of community health education requires mobilization of members of a particular community. Implementation of health education at health departments also entails writing of proposals and grants that seek funding for respective health programs.

Benjamin franklin assignment

He continues " Since such a repetition s not to be expected the next thing most like living one's life over again seems to be recollection of that life, and to make that recollection as durable as possible by putting It down In writing." Franklin even goes on to tell his son that the Autobiography →

Unwanted child by mary blew

There are many examples of the hard decisions Mary has to make on her own because she and her husband do not talk about the situation. The marriage of Mary and her husband is very troublesome for the obvious lack of communication so early in their relationship presents the notion that the marriage is destined →

Country of origin

Country Of Origin Image The Country of Origin Image or COO can be described as themotivationbehind the tendency for consumers to make buying decisions, guided by their perception of the country which is associated with the purchased product. It begs the question of whether country of design or country of manufacture, is the influencing factor →

Database and data warehousing design business plan examples

Data warehousing is a process of storing the entire company's data in a big repository meant to provide seamless integration and guide in the process of decision making. The process of analyzing data for decision making purposes in the business becomes simplified due to the decision support tools associated with the warehouse.


Facts About The Lamprey The Lamprey, also known as the Vampire Fish, is known to terrorize the other fish, such as the lake trout in the North America Great Lakes. According to Sea Grant, they are best known for there " toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth and rasping tongue which is used to bore into the →

Understanding 42)42 2.4.2 delivery of the antigens

2 Delivery of the antigens into the draining lymph node: The major site for the most of the immune cells and interactions is the lymph node. There are various types of PRRs depending on the localisation: 2.4.4.

Concept of attorney-client confidentiality and conflicts of interest essay sample

One, is that if the information shared concerns ongoing or future crimes, the attorney is not bound to the restrictions of privilege, and the attorney is then ethically obligated to report the information to proper authorities. As an employee of the defense attorney, I am also bound by attorney client privilege, and to tell the →

Peter madak’s film let him

The acknowledged facts of the Christopher Craig and Derek Bentley case are that Derek Bentley was hanged for murder although he did not actually commit the crime and got hanged for saying the words ' Let him have it.' This case was much known in the 1950's as locals and the press were outraged that →

I run, every now and then when things in life get tough

The only way that I could stop the pain was to stop running but I kept on running. I could now feel the force of the cool November air as I was making my way down hill.

Diversity in family counseling

The interpersonal skills need for a multicultural therapy session for couples and families must include, ability to identify clues in the culture/s of the clients to decide upon how to present the issues to them, the ability to identify culturally defined " treatment goals", the ability to identify culturally defined notions of health and a →

Qualities of an effective leader essay

The article solely focuses on how the good qualities and skills of a manager are the backbone of effective management. It can also be argued that a key factor in a manger being effective is the role of management they are seen to have.

Bill bowerman

Knight visited the China shoe factory Onitsuka Tiger in 1962, presented his idea to the representatives of the shoe factory, the Tiger executives liked the idea, Knight received his first sample of the shoes in 1963 and in 1964, Eight thousand worth of tiger shoes was sold by Knight and Bower man's Blue Ribbon Sports →

The lady of shallot- sir lancelot character analysis

Although Tennyson is not necessarily describing Sir Lancelot, the fact that the sun comes dazzling out as Sir Lancelot rides past implies that the sun could be a metaphor for Sir Lancelot. They can be seen as magical and lucky, and Tennyson is using the atmosphere around Sir Lancelot to create an impression of Sir →

Family vacations to disneyland

This is one of the reasons why my husband and I wanted to take a vacation to Disneyland. Disneyland has been a symbol of Americanculturefor over 50 years and will continue to be for years to come.

Find a scholarly study on human life development and write a report

While no studies identify determinants of variation in the rates of bankruptcy filings, two studies approximate models to make predictions on the filling rates for chapter 7 and 13 for the United States population in general. In this case, the size of the farms and the amount of work were used in this conclusion.

Null hypothesis

The p-value is used to determine if enough evidence exists to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. The p-value is the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.

I married a poor man

The era of jazz, the beginning of the " flapper," the parties, the scandalous lifestyle. It was a very scandalous time, and the men were uncommitted to their spouses.

Gandhi legacy assignment

Little did the world know that he would one day live to be one of the greatest leaders of all time, he would be leading his country to Independence and his legacy of Straight and peaceful-protesting would not only lead to Important changes to India but would come the standard for protest throughout the world. →

The 1980s international debt crisis

Introduction The international debt crisis has its origins in the inability of a number of Less Developed Countries experiencing serious difficulties in coping with their debts and their inability in meeting the debt service requirements. A major reason for this inattention to debt carrying capacity of the LDC countries was because a large share of →

Will job be exported? assignment

There will be some topics in the textbook that will not be covered in lecture. If you miss a lab you will be assigned a grade of zero for the missed lab.

Semiotic analysis of pakistani food

The ambiance of the restaurant is very modern but it also reflects the colorful nature of the famed Pakistani painted trucks. The food is rich in taste and loaded with a lot of meat which is an important factor in Pakistani cuisine.

Effects of smasse programme in service education and training

Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education In Service Education and Training programme is one of the strategies that the Ministry of Education put in place to strengthen the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science in secondary schools in Kenya. This study sought to establish the extent to which teachers were practicing the →

Engineering and metaphor assignment

An example of a common metaphor is " jumping for joy." In order to understand this metaphor, we have to look for the concept first. He is trying to convey to the engineers the importance of working together in order to reach a goal.

Science investigatory project essay sample

We will try to get the extract of the San Francisco leaves, also known as codiaeum variegatum to drop it to a cockroach to see if it is effective. We want to provide the people a cockroach killer that is effective and at the same time not expensive.B.

Why does globalisation generate winners and losers

On the other hand, the World Bank and the IMF are major actors in that they provide with the needed financial assistance in the form of loans as well as technical assistance to the governments or multinational corporations that wish to invest in other different countries. However, whilst the concept of globalization is noble in →

Merchant of venice: stereotypes, shakespeare, and you

Merchant of Venice: Stereotypes, Shakespeare, and You In the play The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare uses a variety of examples to show stereotypes. Shakespeare reinforces and also critiques the stereotypes of the time in the play, which is one of the reasons it had became so popular.

The hobbit, conventions and recurring elements.

These are all elements of a perilous and long journey and quest, which is a typical convention of the fantasy genre shown in the novel The Hobbit. Bilbo, the main protagonist and Hobbit, is the most commonly seen of the non-existent races and species that are seen in the novel, Tolkien describes this species early →

What is a training contract?

The training contract, or period of recognised training, is the final stage on the path to qualifying as a solicitor. Client care and practice support To be able to deal with the strenuous demand of solicitors life, trainees should develop skills necessary to manage time, resources, and effort.

Symbolic interaction in the movie ‘none stop’ essay sample

Even the physical environment that we are living in is taken as being relevant to the conduct of humans, mainly the main reason being it is all interpreted through symbols and the way it interacts with the ones who live in it. These consist of, the meaning which is the construction of social reality, language →

A regime of terror russia under stalin’s rule

The background to Stalin's actions and policies, his ideologies, the effects of his rule upon his country and the different groups within it, and his legacy to world history will be used to analyse Stalin's rule over the USSR. Stalin's actions and policies during his rule of the USSR were backed by the aims of →

Tourism brings economic benefit

Tourism brings economic benefit to the less developed countries, however, on the other hand, there are some negative impact to the less developed countries. In the followings, tourism will be the main subject to study about is it a realistic solution to help the less developed countries to develop.

Stairway to heaven analysis

The second section of the song begins with the introduction of drums to accompany the electric guitar and vocals. About five and a half minutes into the song, the rhythm and melody of the song changes again.

Sexuality and older people portrayed in the media

This ad is atypical for the type product, both in its message and in the use of the various perspectives of human sexuality. The second component of the physiological aspect of this ad is the content.

American imperialism in usa

The United States begin to embrace the idea of " manifest destiny" to possess the entire North American continent." Manifest Destiny by definition is the belief the United States has the right to was to possess the continent allotted by providence". They stated that it was wrong for the government to start wars for the →

To fin du temps’ reflect messiaen’s essay

The translation of the title of the piece means: The quartet for the end of time. And of course all the horrors of the war would serve in the way he composed.

Ghalib and metaphor

Using ghazal's from the Joy of the Drop website, I will examine and discuss the verses that I thought to be the most profound and inspiring.' I have taken to grave the deep scar ofhappinesshile she stands above in her hundred colors' Happiness, in this line, has left Ghalib critically wounded. The beloved seems to →

Urbanization in gloucester (medc) case study

The factories required a constant supply of coal, so in the 1830s the city had built a network of canals with barges distributing coal around the city. Throughout the mid 1800s the city continued to grow outwards as houses were built on the edge of the city.