4 Pages Essay Samples

Professional ethics: roles and importance

According to Douglas, Burgess, & Ressler as well as Campbell & DeNevi Criminal Forensic Profiling is a technique for identifying the major personality and behavioral characteristics of an individual based upon an analysis of the crimes he or she has committed. The ethical guidelines of the Academy of Behavioral Profiling are: Honesty, Integrity, & professionalism.

A modest proposal rhetorical analysis essay

It is such a pity that prostitution is still illegal in most parts of the world. The saddest part of all this is that the noble persons in society are the ones who go to seek prostitution services.

The golden age of hollywood

Harmonizing to Maltby, " the thought of " the classical" implies theobservationof regulations of composing and aesthetic organisation that produce integrity, balance, and order in the ensuing artwork". After the attending was given to this fact, in early 1930's, The Code was written by a group of Hollywood executives, The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors →

Music is education

We must not allow them to pull the teaching of music out of our school curriculums because music is an essential form of communication. Our children do not have to be fluent in the arts to receive the value of broad exposure to the different musical dialogues.

Why vote for gibo essay sample

It is the role of the next president to eradicate the existing political fixture with a stigma of being corrupt and make specific and well-planned solutions for the country's problems. Educational achievements are to be considered when choosing a candidate for it indicates how the person is capable of leading a nation and solving the →

Analyze a religious song

The song is usually sung in chorus with instrumental accompaniment and the melody of the song touches the heart of the listener. To conclude, there are a number of reasons why one is lured by the song ' Amazing Grace'.

The life and works of william faulkner

Then he enlisted for the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1918 and changed his last name from Faulkner, like his father, to Faulkner, which is Canadian. Sherwood Anderson was a writer of that time and promised Faulkner that he would persuade his publisher to accept Faulkner work and publish it.

Introduction face. he refused to divulge any information

This paper uses Kant and Mill's moral principles to give insight to this moral dilemma that George, my friend from Kenya had to go through, the decisions he made and eventualities thereafter. Unfortunately, in the scrimmage, George had to run for his life and by the time he came back to England he had not →


The pervasiveness of the Internet has been a confluence and result, and indeed also the driver, of many of the information and communication technology changes that we see today. Civic advocacy and involvement of the younger generation has found a home at the Internet.

Vindication to the rights of women

A Critique of " A Vindication to the Rights of Women" In Mary Wollstonecraft's, " A Vindication to the Rights of Women," she " earnestly" stressed women to start standing up for themselves in society. A Vindication to the Rights of Women," is a way for Wollstonecraft to respond to the degrading of women.

Were the five-year plans a success essay sample

Although it was not and still is not hard to be critical of the Five-Year Plans, by 1937 the USSR was a modern state and this saved it from being defeated by Hitler when he invaded in 1941. It was not even as if it was just the military or just the industry that was →

Esp study using zener cards

The problem with these experiments, according to Thomas, is that a lot of these experiments result in many chance expectations and the bias in the experiment is not measured nor taken into account in the experiments. The individuals that score low on the questionnaire will be placed in the non-psychics group and the score relatively →

The role of feminism in the secret life of bees

Lily's desire for a mother, and the importance of having a mother, as well as Kidd's portrayal of strong female characters show feminism as a key part of the plot of the novel. The main plot of the novel centers around Lily's overwhelming longing for her mother and her search for a woman's guidance in →

Critical path

In order to support the growing demand for email and messaging solutions, Critical Path has datacentres in London and Munich that are testament to the company's growing position in Europe. As Critical Path's hardware partner, PCS was heavily involved in the configuration of the technology and the installation at the UK datacentre.

Understanding the nature of stress essay sample

This latter " discovery" of babies experiencing stress emphasizes the urgency of the times as well as the necessity to prevent the dire effects of stress on a person's well-being. One factor that affects vulnerability to stress on the job is social support, one's network of social and family ties.

How effective is the opening of mississippi burning

I think that the opening of a film is critical to its success because the opening has to instantly make the audience want to keep watching, just like the first paragraph of a book. However, after the introductory credits the mood of the film changes dramatically when the scene is changed to a stolen car →

Reflection of internship technology

I feel like a whole new person equipped with experience and knowledge in the areas I used to lack in. It was a good learning experience nevertheless; I plan to continue tackling my career and life with the same attitude but now with more emphasis on personal relationships and practicality.

Russia exchange rate system

However, the Russian crisis has forced Russia to develop managed floating exchange rate system, where the exchange rate driven by market forces of the Ruble's demand and supply with the help of government intervention. With this exchange rate, the government can ensure stability and predictability of ruble exchange rate and prevent abrupt fluctuation of the →

Assignment 1 ptlls, level 4

Ground rules can be agreed as a group or as a class, having a mutual agreement from the class helps establish and promote respect for each other, knowing what is intended from the class and takingresponsibilityfor learning as individuals and as a group, as working as a team and respecting each others opinions, and agreeing →

Organization sony brand knowledge marketing essay

The brand has the positive association in the consumer minds. The company was once again rated the number one brand in the U.S.by the Harris poll.

Compare and contrast the functionalist, conflict and the interactionist perspectives on the purposes and expectations of education

Contrary to the functionalists' view of consensus as to the bedrock of social order, the conflict theorists view social order as being upheld by the application of power. The conflict theorists believe that the purpose of education is to preserve the social disparity and the power of those in authority.

Belonging college essay

However, in regards to the simple gift, Billy one of the main character is being represented as poor and relies on the Bendarat river to clean himself, which shows he has almost nothing, but makes the most of everything." There's a weir, where the water falls swiftly over rocks and forms whirl pools and bubbles →

Applying a program-oriented approaches model to create a program evaluation plan

In the case of Greenlawn Middle school, the most appropriate approach to improve the overall wellness of the students is through the use of the Provus's Discrepancy evaluation model. The installation stage the program definition is used to determine the relationship between the definition and the actual implementation of the program to be certain that →

Terry v ohio stop question frisk

In conducting a stop and frisk, police officers are acting on a reasonable suspicion that either the officers or others are in danger of being harmed. Based on the ruling in Terry v Ohio in order to stop and frisk an individual there must be suspicious behavior of the kind that makes an officer reasonably →

Should the exclusionary rule be abolished analysis essay

It is never denied that even with the rights of the accused provisions or the Miranda doctrines, various violations of the rights of the accused have been reported; thus to take away the shield being provided by the exclusionary rule will even more expose the accused to more abuses and the disregard of their rights. →

‘the necklace’ and ‘the red room’ comparative

As I said before ' your own choosing' is repeated by each character on the first page of the story, this suggests to the reader that the writer is deliberately creating suspense and also to make the reader speculate about whether there is something in the room or not.H.G. Wells uses repetition to make the →

Assess reasons

However, both camps would agree that she was, without question, one of the most controversial prime ministers the UK has seen, and her economic policies were at the heart of that controversy. Opponents, on the other hand, argued that this had more to do with the descent of the UK economy into recession during Thatcher's →

Positive behavior student

In order to use shaping, the teacher must take the final complex behavior the student is expected to master and break it down into a number of small steps. One way to stop problem behavior is to insist that students continue the behavior until they are tired of doing it.

Essay topics

Changing the face of education: 5 trends in technology Changing the face of education: 5 trends in technology Blackboards are out; Smart Boards are in. In addition, nearly a quarter of schools have a 1: 1 ratio of devices to students when it comes to providing mobile technology for use in the classroom.

Introduction networks; the study of the importance of

Our research work is devoted to the actual issue of studying the features of communication in the space of social networks. To achieve this goal, we have put forward the following tasks: learning the category of communication, comparing real and network communication; studying the phenomenon of social networks; research language communication social networks; the study →

Subhash chandra bose essay sample

The rise of Subhas Chandra Bose in the political scenario of India and his contributions to the freedom struggle of the country forms a sensational story. With his arrival, he was given the charge of the organisation of the I.N.A.

Government: specific federal grants assignment

Federal officials' perceptions of national needs came to dominate the allocation of federal grants during the A) Reagan administration. During the 1 sass and sass, federal grants to states were Increasingly based on A) the demands of the Individual states.

Advertising infiniti assignment

In the early sass the Japanese share of the US automobile market constituted only 20% while by the end of the 1 sass its figure has become really striking. The latter in its turn was the result of the recognition of two basic principles: all of the members of that segment tend to get older; →

The application of enzymes in industry and medicine essay sample

When whole organisms are used in industrial methods, some of the substrate is converted to biomass for growth of the organism, but in usage of isolated enzymes there is not a waste of substrate. The enzymes are very similar and so the difference in taste and texture of the resulting cheeses is negligible.

The differences between athens and sparta history essay

For example, on the way of government they both had a person or persons which were the ones that control the city and the things they were suppose to do. Sparta in somehow used the democracy but only a little group and even more in a group of old men which they did not had →

What happens to teenagers when they lose sleep?

The physical consequences of not getting enough sleep are one of the first visible signs teens are sleeping less than they should. A teenager's body is not the only thing affected by lack of sleep; their social lives are also affected.

Kfc vietnam essay

Today, due to the trend of the busy life style and the increase in earnings of people in big cities like Ho Chi Minh City, KFC Vietnam franchise expanded its network so far to 75 restaurants with 47 outlets in Ho Chi Minh City, 15 outlets in Hanoi and others in many Vietnamese provinces. The →

Historical report on race

I am writing you this to try to give you much Interest and Insight into considering joining the ranks of our organization to help better our community of Asian Americans. I hope moved you and that you would be able to consider Joining us in the ranks of the FEE.

Character analysis: 5 things to learn, types and how to write

This is a composition of a descriptive type and includes a number of structural compositional parts: the analysis of character traits, the reporting of biographical data, the description of the inclinations of the hero, his interests, the description of the characteristics of the portrait as one of the components of the characteristic. The character of →

Biotechnology assignment

Two Techniques are mainly used, the first involves the use of a short strand of DNA know as a " probe" to identify mutations and the second involves the use of genes and comparing it's sequences to that of a healthy individual. Familiarization- is the application of electronics and measurement techniques to develop devices used →

The holes

Me and my grandparents stood in my room and demanded that whatever was in the house to leave me alone. I grabbed the flashlight that I had grown to keep on my nightstand and started shining it everywhere; The floor, the walls, the holes.

Juvenile justice chapter assignment

When delinquent gangs are established with a different set of values, norms, and levels, the type of delinquent gang that develops will depend on the neighborhood in which the youths live and whether they have access to illegitimate opportunity structures. Sutherland asserted that delinquent behavior is a function of learning and not a function of →

The epic of gilgamesh essay sample

One important aspect of The Epic of Gilgamesh is that it communicates the prevailing societal values of ancient Sumeria. It shows how the Sumerians expected people to communicate and act toward each other in modern civilizations of the second millennium BC The Epic of Gilgamesh sketches out a picture of ancient Sumerian views on religion →

“modernizing vision” and describe an artist to relate essay sample

Before the 19th Century, the vision is described as that there was a direct correspondence between the observer and the object, much like camera-obscura produces the true representation of the external world. Johannes Muller, the major theorist of vision in the first half of the nineteenth century, came up with the " doctrine of the →

Quantum of solace essay sample

As soon as he has caught him there is a problem he escapes which makes the movie more exciting by leaving the audience wondering whether he will get to the bottom of Vesper's death, and find who took her from him in the previous movie this is simply payback, and to the fury of his →

Children should be spanked in order to discipline them for a negative behavior

Facts presented in this paper are basically meant to illuminate the reality of the claim that " children can never be disciplined through physical abuse, save a minor temporary change it may bring in them, because discipline should be exercised while taking care to keep the necessary element of love predominant".lays stress on the disputable →

Marketing case study ii: aqualisa quartz flashcard

In view of this, it would be in the interests of the trade shops to adopt Quartz, forming a major selling point. However, in the case of luxury builders, Quartz should be sold as a premium product, which is aesthetically-pleasing and promises to deliver high performance at the same time.D.I.

The media

In the article The Military Nintendo Complex the authors John Naisbitt, Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips explore the phenomena whether video games and television have taken up the role of raising children. The television role is that as a dominant medium in family life it has perpetuated the complacent and laid back attitude thus preventing →

Technological innovation

As the number of people using the internet continues to grow, businesses are beginning to use the internet in a number of new ways. People are relying less and less on the television for their entertainment and are fleeing to the internet.

Is violent media good for kids

Jones's essay does a good job of connecting himself to the audience, even in his first example, where he uses his own personal experience of how The Hulk saved him in his childhood to introduce his point. However, comics in which the bad guy wins is detrimental to children and their outlook on situations that →

Adult development essay

Bee is the study of adult development, and it follows the tenets of developmental psychology, the field of study that deals with the behavior, thoughts and emotions of individuals as they go through various parts of the life span. This paper will be exploring the concepts in adult development discussing the theories of Erikson's stages →

Contrasts in the vinland sagas history essay

The story of Leif and the discovery of Vinland differ in both of the sagas; Karlsefni's stories vary in each of the sagas particularly how the natives were portrayed. Leif was the founder of Vinland in " The Saga of the Greenlanders" and " Eirik the Red's Saga", but the accounts behind the discovery were →

A brief summery of the gilded age

This time period of development is nicknamed " The Gilded Age"- title adopted from Mark Twain's The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today- and refers to the idea that the superficial beauty of American culture was in reality covering up for a time period in which politics was constantly shifting at the hands of men →

Honeypot site

Impacts of tourism Impacts of tourism * Erosion of the many footpaths around the area, especially Winnats Pass and the footpath to Mam Tor, has been the subject of a detailed study.* Congestion in the village is a problem to locals and visitors. There are many other smaller conflicts between the locals and tourists that →

Both sides of affirmative action

Having just taken the PSAT and begun to look into colleges to apply to, the possible ramifications of affirmative action are very important to me. The idea of affirmative action is to fix the results of centuries of discrimination against minorities in the United States.

Is standardized testing good or bad?

Next, many tests are not the best example of how smart a student is. 17 Dec.2016." Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Studying?" The Prospect.

Encouragement for new njhs members

An honor such as this is a great way for the school and community to recognize and celebrate the choices, and sometimes the sacrifices, you have made. But I believe that what should make you and your parents the most proud is not the actual honor itself, but what you had to do to get →

Security monitoring

So for an organization to make sure that there information is safe and secure they will have to make sure that they have their network secure. Data security is the next step in which an organization needs to take to make sure that their whole system is safe and secure from the inside out.

Psychology in alice in wonderland

One of the scenes is at the tea party where the Mad Hatter is extremely angry at March Hare for suggesting the use of butter on his watch, but then changes into a calm person and pours tea on the Dormhouse and switches the topic of conversation. The final scene that features the Mad Hatters →

Organ system of the human body

The pituitary gland located at the base of the brain is commonly referred to as the " master gland", due to its secretions of many hormones which regulate the activities of the other glands. The pancreas which is one of the glands of the endocrine system produces two major hormones which are glucagon and insulin.


In society there is a rule " do not tell lies" and this rule usually has good consequences and maximises utility so the utilitarian would follow it. However, to wipe out all unhappiness the answer is to kill everybody on the Earth in a painless way and this theory is considered as unacceptable and as →

Market analysis example: smartphone industry

The chosen market for this market analysis example is the smartphone industry. For this example market analysis of the smartphone industry, we will assume that you want to assess the viability of entering the smartphone market.

Evaluation of a business code of ethics assignment

Finally, each of these companies embodies the true spirit of Deciphers philosophy" Analysis of the Code of Ethics At Cutbacks, the effects of the code of ethics in the practice of leadership and employee roles are remarkable. Within the organization code of ethics are expected behavior and positions one must exercise to inform and enforce →

Using examples from the hospitality industry outline the triple bottom line concept of sustainable development and discuss the contradictions that are present in this model

From this exercise, both the resort and the community benefit, this process can be expensive for firms and some opt not to take up some of the pillars especially the social responsibility since it is not one of their legal requirements. From this, the benefits derived from the operations of the firm by the firm →

Review: the house of the spirits

In the novel, " The House of the Spirits", the author, Isabel Allende uses thesymbolismof the house on the corner and the viewpoints of Esteban and Clara's notebooks to show the reader that in order to understand the history of the Truebafamily, multiple viewpoints must be taken into consideration. Through the use of symbolism, the →

Everybody hates chris

The main character of the TV show is named is Chris and every episode revolves around him and his family. Chris's dad screamed." Well Chris you still owe me $100 dollars and are in a lot of trouble." You can start to see the trend because in the end his dad is upset with him →

Editorial: oxidative stress revisited—major role in vascular diseases

The concept of oxidative stress was formulated in 1956 by Harman, and throughout the years substantial knowledge established that oxidative stress, an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants with a disruption of redox signaling and control, is crucial for vascular diseases. Oxidative stress and the potential role of reactive oxygen species in the initiation and progression →

“the most dangerous game” a story by richard connell essay

" The Most Dangerous Game", a short story written by Richard Connell, is one of the first literary pieces to tell the tale of human hunting a subject highly popularized in the contemporary popular culture. However, despite this popular interpretation, the story conveys a deeper socio-political message about the impact of war and violence on →

Human life cycle

The nuclei of the egg and nuclei of the sperm unite the membrane falls apart and the chromosome mingles which complete fertilization. The beginning of the embryonic stage the of the offspring is called an embryo.

Proposal argument

Congress should implement a new bill that would allow single members of the service the option of living off base or choosing the housing allowance to match the rates of married military personnel. By giving single military personnel the option to live off base, this would give them the opportunity to get away from the →

Human sexuality

This is when a person of one sex is physically attracted to, and wishes to form a relationship with a person of the opposite sex. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to " an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions primarily to" people of the same sex; " it →

Almost serviceman working in bermuda was about

Although poverty is not common in Bermuda, there is still the lowline of income of $27, 000 per year.{4} Sure this is still a lot higher than the minimum wages of other countries but even when earning this much, one is said to be poor and incapable of living a healthy lifestyle without any assistance.{4} →

Week 2

Materials and Equipment: The short simplified text of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Costumes for the specific characters the instructor intends for the students to play Vocabulary: The material chosen will provide a challenge considering the authors literally prowess, the age of the children and the presence of ELL students. Literacy Connection: Allow the students →

What different views of the duke are presented in acts 1-3?

In the beginning of the play the view of the Duke is formulated to be that he is nice but a little spineless; allowing his streets to be filled with sin, " bawds", " thief's". There is debate however that Lucio is aware that is the Duke and is deliberately making use of this to →

About all the light we cannot see by luke raykovicz

Her father was given a job to carry a replica of the sea of flames in order to protect the real one. The end of the book reveals that Werner was listing to Marie's uncle on his radio.


An equity call option gives the purchaser of the equity call option the right to invest purchase shares of stocks in the near future. For, the purchaser of the equity call option can change his mind and let his equity call option expire without purchasing the stocks indicated in the equity call option contract.

As an economist how would you compare living standards in the uk

If it was not then the comparison would not be fair, as if both countries had the same level of Real GDP however Iraq had half the population of the UK then the people of Iraq would have twice the wealth of the British, which simply in many peoples opinions would mean the Iraqis enjoy →

Abstracts for welfare reform

In particular, we examine how welfare reform has altered the cyclicality of the response of caseloads and family well-being. This article lays out the issues that are likely to arise prior to the reauthorization of the Welfare Reform Bill scheduled to occur in 2010.

Old kingdom science and technology

The study of science and medicine were closely linked to religion as seen in many of the ancient rituals. From the tombstone of Iry, chief physician to a pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty, we learn that he was also " palace eye physician" and " palace stomach bowel physician" and bore the titles " one →

Introduction these companies. this poem and other works

Pablo Neruda's poem the ' United Fruit Co' is an exploration of the situation in the Latin American countries during the early and the mid 20th century. The multinationals had influenced the governments of these countries to the extent that the tyrant, who ruled in those days suppressed workers strikes using government bodies such as →

Night essay free essay example

An example of how Germany was separate from the rest of the world was by Germany's ability to execute the Holocaust with out anyone knowing but the people involved. The Holocaust effected the lives of millions of people but the place that caused the greatest impact was at a camp called Auschwitz, in Poland, where →

Business decision making assignment

Examine the types of data; primary and secondary data, continuous and discrete data, quantitative and qualitative data. Compare and contrast alternative sampling methods Understand the main features of surveys, explain the concept of sampling error and Explain what are bias in the sampling.

Marketing to the hard sell flashcard

This paper will focus on the television manufacturing and funereal services industry to discuss the issues facing companies who must market products that are not an easy sell as well as discuss the impacts the exchange relationship when the customer does not want to be a customer. The consumer in this situation does not want →

Japanese and uk approach to product development compared management essay

In the business world and industry, new product development is the term used to describe the whole process of starting new product or service to the market. While on the other hand the UK manufacturing industry capable with its standards of the product development, according to the companies contribution, researches, and government firms.this is evident →


At the time pager was accuse of the dead of her boyfriend and serving a 25 years to life sentence for the 1982 murder of her abusive boyfriend. My opinion on this is that people and the victim are fear of not wanting the abuser to get in trouble or not defining the behavior as →

Culture wars

The paper explores the inter lacing of racism and liberalism under the Liberal government and tries to connect to the treatment of the aforementioned minority groups; asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees. Kelley, also comes to the conclusion that neo liberalism is chiefly interested in protecting the group rights of the white people.

A crucial aspect in business

The bigger the number of levels and departments, the harder is the task of managing the organization. Effective communication is required between the managers and the subordinates in an organization, between organization and the entire society, and the community for instance between the management and trade unions.

Concept design report

Bridge 2: 200 Popsicle sticks used The weight of the bridge is about 232. Prototype Construction The chosen design used a total of 200 Popsicle sticks to construct the bridge, and 20.

Public financeassignment assignment

For part a)-c) of this question, assume the following: All lamps are switched on during the hours of darkness such that the cost of providing street light is linear in the number of lamp posts erected and street light provision is financed by a local poll tax which divides the cost of providing the light →

Strategic options for oil company bp

In the recent past, the company has strived to bring together the supply, optimization of the products that flow in and also out of the assets of the company, and the activities associated with risk management in to one single function. This entails the supply as well as the trading activities that encompass the crude →

It in the english court, unless the circumstances

Thornton, ] To what proceedings does the Act: Apply Not apply The Act applies to all judicial proceedings in or before any Court, including Courts- Martial. The Act does not apply to Affidavits presented to any Court or officer, or Proceedings before an arbitrator, or Proceedings before a Court-Martial convened under the Army Act, the →

The influence of humanism in the architecture assignment

The Parthenon was designed by Aphid's, and built by Ictus on the Acropolis of Athens with the purpose to honor the goddess Athena and the people that honored her. Furthermore, the ideology of humanism was not the only influence in Roman architecture.

Criminal theories essay sample

Sociological Theories was largely an American contribution to the study of crime in the 1920s and the 1930s. It is important in any society to ensure that the laws and rules are clear.