4 Pages Essay Samples

Procter and gamble europe: vizir launch essay

Procter and Gamble Europe is wedged between two business strategies, the European approach to launching and marketing Vizir a laundry and cleaning product and the aggressive German business approach to selling the product as it has been successful in capturing the market through the years. Either way, P&G Europe is at a losing position, such →

Kunta kinte and gustavus vassa

The hostilities that slavery inflicted in the American history would not be disregarded for it would always remind the government and the people about the importance of unity and acceptance notwithstanding the differences the people may have. Between the Blacks and Whites, it was the Blacks who suffered and endured much of the implications of →

Specific performance

The advantages of specific performance are that the non-breaching party is spared the hassle of collecting judgment, they do not need to set up another contract, and the performance may be of more value than monetary damages. This goes back to the element of the performance that is specific to a rare good.

Nowadays tourists are more educated tourism essay

The Tourism Sector in Mauritius represents the third pillar of the economy after the manufacturing sector and the Agriculture. Thus, the tourism sector is contributing to the economic growth and it is a key element in the overall development of the island.

The tragic legacy

When Haemon, his son, comes up to the King and tells him neither he or the people of Thebes agree with Creon on his decisions, Creon states in outrage " The people of Thebes! Creon is given the chance to make many important decisions which make up the plot of Antigone and that expresses the →

The that, unlike in the past when tvs

Watching the TV is one of the most relaxing activities, because in most cases, as one is watching the television there is a tendency of the human mind to switch off from thinking about stressing activities and concentrating on the television program. In addition to having numerous relaxing programs, the TV is a source of →

Corporate influence in public schools

This steady corruption of the education system has its beginnings as old as the system of factories and corporations itself. In order for the public education system to achieve a level of respectability and prowess that it could, corporate influence must be eradicated from it.

Characteristics of a leader: president bill clinton essay sample

The contents of these publications are just but a reflection of the fact that Clinton had the interest of the American citizens and the world at large. Clinton also displays another good quality of a leader in that he has continued to serve the citizens of America.

Revenue recognition for mcdonald’s corporation essay

This report's purpose is to explain McDonald's revenue recognition policies and methods in comparison to Burger King's. CONCLUSION In conclusion, both McDonald's Corporation and Burger King utilize the cash basis method when recognizing its revenues.

Metabical and toms case study

There is also the fact that there is a real social crisis in the US due to overweight and it is necessary to change things. Promoting to the health care providers can also be a good choice for Metabolic, because these people can recommend their products to the people coming to consult health situation.

Clover valley dairy case study – letter to charles krieger

In regards to the terms of the design of the study, the design should be such that it is appropriate and would help in finding out the solution to the problem. Look forward to discussing with you more on this and taking this initiative forward, that would be a key decision point in the future →

Just one man

One good quality was that he was wise and would listen to other people's point of view because he knew he did not have all the answers. That's why he proposed the 13th amendment and gave his all to pass it.

Interantional business

Procedure: The facts in this case arose from the World Trade Organization, Dispute Settlement Panel, in which several countries that included Canada, the European Union, and the United States alleges that Japan imposed lower taxes on shochu than other imported alcoholic beverage, like vodka in violation of Article III, paragraph 2, of the 1994 General →

Cultural clashes hrm essay

INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The main causes of the differences between Swedish managers and Spanish employees come as a result of the scepticism that the Swedish management style creates. This is due to the fact that IKEA culture is highly constituted based on these " Swedish" fundamental values as a part of their business strategy →

Commentary on one character in the great gatsby – nick carraway

The tragic love story of 1922 is accounted through Nick's eyes, with Nick serving as an observer of the relationship between the characters, in particular Gatsby and Daisy's, the main lovers of the story. Nick's retrospective view of the story emphasizes his dynamic character as his thoughts and perceptions of the characters display hisloyaltytowards Gatsby, →

Marriott case hbs

Issue In this assignment, we are asked to compute the WACC of Marriott Corporation and each of the company's three divisions. Marriott CorporationBusiness Lines 1Beta of Debt Computed using correlation between S&P500 returns and HG Corp Bonds, s.d.of the S&P500 and s.d.of the HG Corp Bonds Same 2Risk-Free RateEstimated to be equal to 10y US →

The doctrine of the mean philosophy essay

A means in relation to the two extremes would then be between the two extremes, where the intermediate have both the property of the two extremes. What I proposed for the paper is to give a clearer understanding of what the intermediate is and their relation to the two extremes.

Marfan syndrome

The article " Marfan Syndrome: clinical diagnosis and management" discusses the genetic and physical aspects of the diagnosing and treatment/management of MFS. The dissection of the aorta in pregnant women is certainly a mystery and it is unknown exactly why it happens.

What it means to be a hero history essay

Examining the lives of Winston Churchill, Amelia Earhart, and Nina Serban is one way to prove that any one person has the capacity of being a hero and can make a difference in the lives of others. According to Lewis Charles Broad, the author of Winston Churchill: The Years of Preparation and Winston Churchill: The →

For other attachments are expected to be added

The users of financial services can be easily cheated unless they are well protected by strong laws and intensive monitoring of the activities of the financial system. However, this exclusion is subject to two conditions: In the host country, these activities should be carried out by a public entity on behalf of the government, or →

Pros/cons, advantages/disadvantages of nuclear energy/fossil fuels essay sample

The rest of the uranium is uranium-238, which does not react almost at all, and is only mixed in with the uranium-235, because it is too expensive and a waste of time to separate from it. The third and final disadvantage of using nuclear energy is its thermal pollution.

Compare 4 of thomas hardy’s poems

This poem, as with The Going, is also in the first person and Hardy imagines that Emma is talking to him, telling him that she is not the aged woman she had become through their marriage, but the woman she was when their " day was fair". This is the only poem of the four →

Modern times

In this time of fast pacedtechnology, increase in population andpovertyall over the world, a movie entitled " Modern Times" illustrates how a factory worker strive hard to survive and struggled to make it through the toughest times of his life." Modern Times" implies how poverty is present in 1930's and of course still very present →


It is always very difficult to gather information and get results from many views, especially since not everyone knew how to write even after a stable writing and reading system was created but there are always bad things that can occur to any piece of history, pre-historic times being one of the most critical and →


The Oracle Database or Oracle refers to an object-relational and database management system abbreviated as ORDBMS, which is produced and also marketed by the renowned Oracle Corporation. First, one may be carried away by the cost of MS Access as it is extremely cheap and also easy to use.

Pest analysis of mexico: corruption and the expanding fintech market

And with Americans expecting the country to foot the bill for the development of the wall, tension prevails between the American and Mexican leaders. Even though the funds brought in by these exports is beneficial for the country, it's not enough to decrease poverty.

Black people and aunt alexandra

What is dry about Jem and Scout's visit to Calpurnia's church? What is dry about Jem and Scout's visit to Calpurnia's church?

Marketing plan for non-alcoholic beverage industry assignment

The company is also committed to invest in the people and the communities where the operation is aimed to help sustainable growth. The company will offer affordable products to all our customers.

Square proposal

Rusk's Tasting Subject: Proposal to write a research paper on the impact of businesscommunicationproblems of the employer's and the employees of Square Pharmacy along with a unique vision, higher mission and a goal orientation of that company Introduction The pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is the most developed technical regions within our financial system. Therefore, we →

Hinduism essay: history, beliefs and culture

The Essentials of Hinduism. Hinduism and the Seven Principles of man

Ethical table

I Ethical Theory or I Brief Definition orld Example I Workplace Example consequences, I I certain moral principles are I I Other Names for Theory I Real- I ISystem I Regardless of I It is my duty to follow through with I binding, focusing on duty rather I I instructions my boss gives me, even →

Tkam essay

By using this type of persuasion, Atticus was able to " jar the jury a bit" and continued on with other facts, emotions, and known experience to attain the response he was hoping to receive. Atticus wanted the jury to realize what the situation was and how it was completely unfair.

Caveman wanderer

The demagnification of technology is showing the world how to communicate, share, and combine the works as one. Artists run trials of their artwork and have the world try it out.

Nothing gold can stay critical essay

The green is the symbol of life and prosperity, for example money is green and when nature is described green typically comes to mind. The reality of a human life is only met once and not met again.

Criticizing american exceptionalism in “editha”

Moreover, when Editha initially begins to coax him into fighting in the war, George utters, " with a vague smile, as if musing aloud, " Our country right or wrong!"" which is obviously a sarcastic remark intended to mock the extremely chauvinistic belief that America is " a country that cannot be wrong, but if →

Victoria chemicals

The transport division is responsible for overseeing movement of all raw, intermediate, and finished materials throughout the company and if the depreciation cost is included in the analysis it would artificially inflate profit for that division. Secondly, the proposal of this project is to increase production of Polypropylene and modifying the Merseyside plant would certainly →

Michele de montaigne on making decisions

Montaigne, " On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers," 866.[ 5 ]. Montaigne, " On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers," 871.[ 7 ].

The gestalt approach

Then you have the goal state which is the solution of the problem. A person has to search the problem to find the solution to it, and one way of directing the search of finding the answer is a strategy called means-end nalysis.

The irish plight

I have a close bond to the plight of the Irish in this country do to my Irish heritage. Irish Immigrants in the United States.

The five whys

The Five Whys in business is a process that you would actually use to help you to find out the real root of a business problem and ways to fix it. Problems have different steps to them and one of the reasons why you want to use Five Whys is that this particular method helps →

Ilab report template assignment

Task 10, Step 1: Paste a screens showing the sequence of commands that you used to issue the " extended Ring" command on the Branch router, Question: Why was it necessary to use the extended Ping command as opposed to the simple version of the command? Question: According to the crypto map, What is the →

Salter weigh-tronix

The criteria for choosing the new system was budget, the ability to read DWG files and the ability to validate the design using Finite Element Analysis. Salter Weigh-Tronix has already begun to make use of Mechanical Desktop design visualisations to train the sales and marketing teams in forthcoming products.


Perhaps keeping a file of the individuals and who last eloped them should be kept in the data base for each customer. The rewards must be ones employees would want, they have something to expect from their performance, a positive outcome.

U.s. education today and tomorrow

EDUCATION TODAY AND TOMORROW Introduction This paper seeks to identify four current trends in the American education system and discuss the impacts of the trends on the future of the United States education system. Increased Choice and Privatization of Education Market based education reforms such as charter schools are not going to aid in the →

Personality assessment instrument critique

The purpose of the Rorschach inkblot is not just to solicit a response to pictures drawn in ink on white cardboards but rather help psychologists determine the personality characteristic and emotional function of patients. Cultural procedures persist to be a central and incompetently surveyed variable in the Rorschach examination; an essential embryonic area of analysis →

Mutually beneficial

While it is important to know about these beings that we share the planet with, the zoo or aquarium they are housed in is not the place where nature had intended them to be. Being able to be in the vicinity of these animals, to be able to breathe the same air that they do, →

5 ways to recover from startup failure

If you want to go through the turbulent journey then you have to learn the process of taking positive actions in the bad situation. I am asking you to take the action and be responsible for your own actions.

The external environment factor

This policy can affect Shell because Shell only need to pay a lesser amount of tax to government and thus reduce the cost of Shell. The last factor is the policies of government on Shell oil.

Higher education in nursing should be a requirement assignment

The purpose of higher education in Baccalaureate level is to empower the nursing staff to provide excellent holistic care to all as well as inculcate in them a strong desire for knowledge and to aspire for advanced degrees in this profession. In addition to giving bedside care to the patients, the health care professional also →

The life of a project

The objectives of the project can be summarized as:- Technical: To design a high tech website for your organization,- Business: To generate more revenue for the company through increased traffic to the website and consequent sales of products,- Marketing: To enhance the brand image and identity of your company in the marketplace. The business objectives →

Commentary: decomposition of heart rate variability spectrum into a power-law function and a residual spectrum

A commentary on Decomposition of Heart Rate Variability Spectrum into a Power-Law Function and a Residual Spectrum by Kuo J and Kuo C.-D. Kuo published a method for decomposing the power spectrum, PSD, of heart rate variability in a power-law function " displaying the fractal characteristics of the PSD " and in a residual spectrum, →

Toni morrison: the manifestation of tough love in sula

The manner in which Eva continues her reply implies that she feels that this question is ' a slap in the face' and her putrid words and short nature when replying are symbolic of her intention to ' slap Hannah right back'. The suspense of this scene builds in the clever way that Morrison narrates →

The revolt of 1857 in india and caste war in mexico

Both the rebellion in India and the Caste War in Mexico were directed against the population of European origin that held the reins in respective regions. Unlike the Caste War in Mexico, which had a well-defined task and led to brief independence of Mayans from the Mexican government, the rebellion in India directed against the →

Obama perfect union speech – contemporary racism

White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ' disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns" and " Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!... →

Civil war technology.

One such ship built by the confederates was the Virginia, " The Ironclad carried ten guns and an iron ram on her prow; she moved slowly and awkwardly, powered by the two old engines of the Merrimack, and it took half an hour to turn her around. In the harbor of the Hampton Roads, the →

Comparing india and china essay sample

While India is considered the largest democracy in the world, China is still under the grip of socialism. China is switching between third and fourth largest economy in the world while India is the 12 th largest economy in the world.

Homeschooling–is it the right choice?

Homeschooling your child is not the same as a public school because most parents are not qualified teachers and homes are not schools. Do not be the parent that constantly annoys your child about school work.

Research frameworks

A research is actually guided through such frameworks assisting the researcher with the selection of the things that are required to be measured and the structure of the study that are needed to be conducted for the particular research. Theoretical Frameworks Suitable for Research: Considering a research study on business related topics, the management theory →

Editorial: tropical climate variability and change: impacts in the amazon

In particular, the Amazon region includes about one half of the world's tropical forest, and relatively small change in Amazon forest dynamics have the potential to substantially affect the rate of climate change. Droughts are one of the main features of the Amazon climate, and most contributions to this Research Topic have focused on the →

Celebrities and their oppurtunities according to malcolm gladwell

These celebrities, such as Oprah, Ellen, and numerous others, represent the disparity between the rich and the poor in the US and the ease with which many can manage to give away much of their wealth at the drop of a hat while hundreds of thousands of other Americans can hardly make ends meet in →

Types of earthing systems

Purpose of earthing in an electric power system is to limit, with respect to the general mass of earth, the potential of current carrying conductors, which are part of the equipment, and non- current carrying metal works, associated with the equipment, apparatus and appliances connected to the system. These are defined according to the arrangement →

Kinetic energy recovery system (kers) for vehicles

This is due to the fact that when brakes are applied the friction between the brakes shoe or the calliper as used in modern disc brakes and the wheel not only restricts the motion of the wheel but at the same time a lot of heat energy is generated due to this braking action. Unfortunately →

Factors affecting saccharomyces cerevisiae

It is one of the most well studied eukaryotic model organisms in both molecular and cell biology.S.cerevisiae is a very good type of yeast for biological studies owing to the rapid growth, the dispersed cells and the ease of replica planting. The effect of temperature, pH and substrate concentration upon the enzyme activity which affects →

Louis vuitton company essay

Adapting onto the new culture, the company had gained influences from the Japanese company Toyota, making a draft called Pegase, which is named after a mythical winged horse and a brand of Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton rearranged their worker in 6 to 12 workers depending on the complexity of the task.

Strategies which overcome these tendencies cultural studies essay

Michael Graves played a key role in the postmodern architecture which is a transition between abstract modernism and postmodernism. This architecture composition influenced his design of building in the exterior and interior.

Mentor interview

Since my father's passing I feel like I have a special connection to him when I sing and listen to music. I told him how much I enjoyed his show and told him about what I wanted to do in the music industry, he gave me a little of advice and told me to add →

Tapescript role play in business meetings

I would expect everyone to attend, and to be on time - that's not the case at the moment as you know. You do not think he is a suitable person to manage the sales team.

Dell swot analysis and dell porter’s five forces analysis

Bargaining power of the supplier The bargaining power of supplier is high for Dell. Threats: The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers are so high for Dell.

A view from the bridge character analysis

Beatrice see's his obsession as the main cause for their marriage problems.d) Beatrice then has a confrontation with Catherine over her relationship with Eddie after Eddie confronts Catherine about her relationship with Rodolpho. The basic cause of the tragedy is his obsession and Miller, through Beatrice makes his clear, " The truth is not as →

Hip hop matters

In order to be in the position to make changes, young Kwame Kilpatrick runs the campaign to become the youngest mayor of Detroit. He is " baptized in the fiery waters of electoral politics" from the very tender age, and his decision to enter politics seems to be predestined.

Western and eastern cultures on anorexia nervosa

The result suggests that the western culture of body image perception, eating habits and self esteem may be sufficient to facilitate anorexia nervosa development. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures.

Intervention strategy

The main aim of REBT therapists is to challenge their clients' irrational beliefs making them aware of their consequences and teach them how to dispute them with as less stressful thoughts as possible. In the A-B-C-D-E model, A refers to the event that triggers the client's negative thoughts and creates his or her irrational beliefs, →

Vinegar samples

So to do this I filled the burette with the sodium hydroxide, I then added 10cm3 of distilled water to 100 cm3 of the vinegar to dilute it! I added the sodium hydroxide slowly to the solution in the conical flask until the sample turned pink, I then read the number of cm3 of sodium →

Chuck’s wagon case study essay

This paper first aims to briefly introduce Chuck's Wagon business, operations and performance, then to discuss the main problems the company faces, followed by a set of recommendations on how to face the issues and improve the company, its operations and performance.i. Lack of DataThe key problem and foundation of most of the subsequent problems →

Effects of risperidone in children with autism

5 mg/day researchers want to know the question what the overall effect the drug has the on cognitive performance of children ages of 5-17 years old, diagnosed with autism and that suffer from irritable behavior. A total of 38 children between the ages of 5-17 years of age were a part of the sample group, →

Developing diversity in the idaho central credit union

This paper explores the efforts of Idaho Central Credit Union to foster and encourage diversity, as well as some of the practices used in daily business and hiring. Better for Our Members: Diversity at Idaho Central Credit Union Idaho Central Credit Union successfully manages diversity by completing initiatives to promote minority membership and employment with →

The daffodils and miracle on st david’s day analysis

William Wordsworth's " The Daffodils" and " Miracle On St David's Day" by Gillian Clarke have common ground even though they were written two centuries apart-William Wordsworth's at the end of the eighteenth century and Clarke's in the last ten years of the 20th." The Daffodils" inspired " Miracle On St David's Day" in that →

It law), panchayats were different systems of

From the decision of the Puga, appeal was maintainable to Pr3dvivaca and finally to the sovereign and the prince. In India, the process of the appointment and proceedings of arbitration are prescribed by a law known as the Arbitration Act 1940 and the judgement known as award is subject to judicial appeal.

Marketing environmental factors affecting the sale of golf clubs assignment

00 Luxury Item= Golf Clubs Word count-2, 015 Analyse the business environment of manufacturing golf clubs The PESTEL model shown in the appendix at the end of this document highlights the different issues which affect the business environment for a golf club manufacturer. However according to Golf Club's and Country Clubs the general type of →

Destiny of the republic assignment

He believed the President was a threat to the Republican Party and therefore had to die. Gateau on the other hand was hanged for his attack and the eventual death of the President.

Religion class

Right from my childhood, I am taught and urged to be a good human and good Muslim. I am determined to practice religion Islam in future because of my faith in its universality, diversity, humility, logic, and compliance with the modern and scientific world in a balanced way.

The swiss family robinson

Father and Fritz went back to the wreck for supplies and took with them all the animals they had left on board. The next day they told the captain their decision and were surprised to find out that three of the passengers on the ship wanted to stay on the island!

Vygotsky & piaget

According to Vygotsy, play serves many functions: Play is gratification Play has a set of rules that we must follow Play leads to new learning Toys are pivots Play has stagesVygotsky: GratificationChildren have a desire that they cannot fulfill, they gratify that desire through play ONVYGOTSKY & PIAGET SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder NowVygotsky: RulesEach →

Human psychological development in ‘feral children’ – the case of betty topper essay sample essay

Many of these accomplishments would be about impossible for Betty to larn because her musculuss and castanetss would be highly developing due to being chained to her bed.non traveling.for five of her six old ages of life. She would not be able to associate to other kids and might be isolated from her equals because →

An example of the media creating the context

An example of the mediacreating the context for eating disorders is the fact that " the average fashionmodel weighs about 120 pounds. This lack of knowledge and medialiteracy-that is, knowing what is true and what is not, what is real and whatis not in the media- leads to them feeling inadequate in comparison to the →

Corporate accounting case study seek limited

The majority of these entities are wholly owned by SEEK Limited and therefore are classified as subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements.rhea focus of this case study is on a number of partly-owned entities of SEEK Limited and you are required to identify and evaluate the accounting treatments of these entities by SEEK Limited. Draw →

Analysis of general patton’s speech made before d-day essay sample

That is why General Patton used macho rhetoric to create that feeling.' The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared.' This would have also given them confidence in the people who they were fighting next to and that if they got into trouble they would help. Emotive language is also →

Assess the strengths and limitations of using essay

The first strength is that it is a group of interviewees meaning that they are more confident especially with students who have similar characteristics with their peers in the interview because they are more comfortable which means they are not reluctant to answer the questions however this group idea may bring a limitation in terms →

Plot summary of wilson rawls’ where the red fern grows

Billy, his father, his grandpa, and his pups headed off for 2 days to the campground. The next night Billy and his opponent went out for a tiebreaker.

Library budget cut

Boorstin, the library of congress head, the act of budget cut was antidemocratic and anti-knowledge and act of self-destruction. Through the numerous visits to the library, one can note the effect of budget cut on the quality of the services offered.


Death and Aging Introduction Death and aging are two words that can never be separated because the former leads to the latter. The argument of the first theory is based on the fact that chemical changes take place in the body thus causing slow malfunctioning of the body components and other organs.

China green economy

The plan is expected to become China's first national plan to shift the development agenda decisively toward a pattern of green growth, accelerating the country's efforts at green modernization. The environmental aspects of the plan are likely to be boiled down to five key points that will be presented to the public and used to →

William blake and emily dickinson

William Blake and Emily Dickeson Both discuss love in their poems, but the kind of love their expressing are different. Emily Dickinson and William Blake both use metaphors, and they both explain love in their own ways by the poems they wrote.

How to write an architecture dissertation

The abstract and the introduction set the background and inform the reader / examiner / tutor how the issues raised in the Architecture dissertation title will be addressed in the rest of the dissertation. After finishing the planning for the Architecture dissertation the next stage would be to carry out research in order to write →

Comment on the role of fate in fielding’s novel tom jones

This essay aims to explore Henry Fielding's art of moral teaching in " The history of Tom Jones, a Foundling", as the author originally entitled it, and the role and function of fate in characters' lives. In the eighth chapter, the story of Molly, Sophia and Tom is example of the ill-affected role of fate →