4 Pages Essay Samples

Why did the arawak tribe disappear?

The vessels were hove to, waiting for daylight; and on Friday they arrived at a small island of the Lucayos, call in the language of the Indians, Guanahani. The arrival of Columbus and the rest of the Spaniards to the Caribbeans caused a genocidal end to the Arawak Indians.

The trivialization of an already trivial word: an analytical exploration of the authorial message of the play the bald soprano.

In his ' anti-play' The Bald Soprano, Ionesco was able to make a profound comment on modern and postmodern society by dint of his employment of one-dimensional characters, the trivialization of time, and the banalization of society's expectations for one's behavior. The final tool that Ionesco utilizes to mock his contemporaries, is banalization, and in β†’

Does technology cause loneliness?

With the assistance of bleeding-edge development, it is more straightforward to be in contact with our colleagues and have new partners the world over by using web-based life and dating applications. It is not something fundamentally the same as on the off chance that we meet someone online as opposed to meeting the individual.

Testout 11

08 To access the internet through the pstnmodem which of the following are characteristics of atmuses fixed length, adds labels to data units which four of the following are the responsibility of the wan service providerdce, co, local loop, pse which network type divides transmitted datapacket switched which of the following wan technologies provides packet β†’

Does and a desperation towards the end

The events in both Oedipus The King and Antigone controversially suggests that man ultimately chooses his own deeds and endures fate and the responsibilities for them. This is plainly established in the beginning of the play in which he states ' I Oedipus whom all men call the great.'.

Continued adult education

Education comes from a variety of sources to different people, but a greater part of one's own education is to great extent influenced by the family members as well as the society, from which an individual hails and, thus, becomes of relevance to discuss the continued adult education, which is relative to the context of β†’

The tragedy of maximilian and carlota assignment

And perhaps there's no greater tragedy than the one of Old Mexico about the man and his wife that came to rule a perfect world only to be left disappointed, heartbroken and put to a cruel death for one, and a life-long commitment to a mental institution for the other. Gene Smith, Maximilian and Carlota: β†’

Macroeconomics summary assignment

People not in the labor force The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed workers. The Unemployment Rate The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor Orca that is unemployed.

The weeping woman essay

She could be in a church, as on the left hand side of the painting it looks as if stained glass that's in many churches Is reflecting. The majority of the painting is done with warm, primary colors, whereas the area around her mouth is a grey/white color.


He is regarded as one of the pioneers of Russian rock and has a huge following in the countries of the former Soviet Union even today. Regardless, the political message of the song made it popular among the youth of the anti-establishment movement that now began to look to Victor Tsoi and " Kino" as β†’

The social and political context of the 1950’s is crucial to any understanding of the birth of rock n roll

The social and political context of the 1950's is crucial to any understanding of the birth of rock n roll." Rock was formed out of the social, economic and political context of post-war America". The social context was on the bases of the post war baby boom, which counted for the birth of 77 million β†’

Lifestyle of rococo era

The fist manifestation of the Rococo Era was in the decorative arts and the interior designs. The emergence of the Rococo era can be considered as the artists as well as the society's reaction to the heavy works that the Baroque style has created.

African hero: julius nyerere essay

Julius Nyerere was born in 1922 in Butiama, Taganyika, where the population was living in conditions of poverty and tension between the tribes such as the Masai, the Sukuma, the Bantu, the Nyamwezi and the Chagga. Nyerere was the son of the chief of the Wasanaki tribe and had the opportunity to live and learn β†’

Human resource management week 7 discussion

Not only should it focus on the rules, regulations and benefits for the employees, but it should be founded on the principles, objectives and goals of the company as well. Thus, it is imperative to include the following disclaimers in the handbook's introduction: the handbook is not an employment contract; and employees may be dismissed β†’

Video game

Statement of the Problem The study will be done to find out the reasons students get addicted to computer games by answering the following questions: 1)What games are the students addicted to? The number of students in HCA getting addicted to computer games are growing.

Black elk versus sherman alexie

In the memoir, " Superman and Me", by Sherman Alexie, the Native American Alexie tells the story of how he learned to read on a reservation. In the memoir, " Black Elk Speaks", Black Elk tells the story of his childhood, and his experience of living through the Wounded Knee Massacre.

Diagnosis and treatment

The symptoms in such cases may be slightly different from those of the adults, the effect of the disorder being more on the physical health than on the emotional condition of the individual. The Current Trend in Diagnosis of Depression Disorder: As a recent trend developed in the diagnosis of psychological disorders like depression, telehealth β†’

A short story roselily by alice walker

Literature is called the mirror of life; it is also called a mode of the expression of feelings and emotions. The way I understand the short story, Roselily's story is, as it is presented to the reader through Roselily's thoughts as she is in the middle of her wedding, a reflection of Black Americans' and β†’

How did hitler consolidate power from 1933? essay sample

The SS intimidated all the remaining non-Nazi deputies, resulting in the Reichstag voting for Hitler to have the right to make his own laws within the ' Four Year Plan'. News coverage in the newspapers and on the radio was favourable to the government.

Effects of irresponsible business practices

In other words, corporations need to be aware that their actions are not being conducted in isolation and that they are now accountable to the kinds of issues that affect consumers or employees. This is largely because the public felt that it was their responsibility to engage in sociable causes.

2- religion does not cause wars

It is important to keep mind two things though 1) that the Christians had been in possession of the land until the Muslims seized in the 700s AD and thought they were just taking it back and 2) that it was not just Christians versus Muslims. But regardless, the point is that it was one β†’

The unpredictable map: unreliable narration in “the black cat”

In the same way, as a reader, you have to dig deeper and read critically to figure out whether the narrator is reliable or not." The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe concerns a narrator who is telling the reader his story about how he ended up where he is: in jail. However, it is β†’

The jack-roller: a delinquent boy’s own story

In the detention home, Stanley was able to meet other criminal that furthermore gave him positive reinforcement of crime, " I was really awed by the bravery and wisdom of the older crooks. The social learning theory supports Stanley's case because his family, peers, school, and hisenvironmentall directed him into a life of crime.

The part-time or full time, being the

Therole of a project manager is to ensure a successful completion of a project. In a weakmatrix the functional manager is still lead and the project manager is parttime and limited authority.

Labour government suffer assignment

The problem was that to help ease the issue, Wilson would have to devalue the pound so that the Auk's exports would be cheaper and therefore more competitive in price. This was quite a radical change due to the diversities and prejudices of the British public.

Assessment based instruction essay sample

The assessment dictates the instruction, instead of the instruction dictating the assessment. In this paper the following is discussed: key components of assessment-based instruction, how assessment has shaped instruction in the last 20 years, how assessment improves instruction and learning, and the challenges of using assessments in a GED Program.

Supreme court case powell v. alabama essay sample

This case was the first time that the United States Supreme Court interpreted the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution and its guaranty to a criminal defendant of " the Assistance of Counsel for his defense". Thirty years later, the Governor of Alabama admitted that the Scottsboro Trials were unfair and Norris was pardoned.

Judging people by their looks and speech or a path to happiness

Of course there is nothing wrong in becoming sociable and sports enthusiast but the problem is, most people seek happiness in those things but then they become discouraged and dissatisfied because the happiness they are looking for are there only when they are engaging in the said activities in the company of other people. Nevertheless, β†’

An deygas managed to incorporate and interpret the essay

I chose this title sequence to illustrate my answer to the above question because while it embodied the basic narrative of the film the ongoing cat and mouse chase between the conman and the FBI agent the titles designers also interpreted different themes and applied them to the titles in a way that is not β†’

Comparison of genesis 19 and judges 19 (nrsv)

4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house; 5 and they called to Lot, " Where are the men who came to you tonight? Judges 19: 23 And the man, the master of the β†’

Technology life cycle

It works by starting with the innovators by building a reputation and then moves to the next group, the early adopters, in hopes of the innovators compelling the early adopters to get on the " bandwagon". When the promoters of high-tech products try to move on from their early adopters group, they leave the early β†’

The reader; critical study

How and why is a social group represented In a particular way? " How could it be a comfort that the pain I went through because of my love for Hanna was In a way, the fate of my generation, a German fate..." This quote from Bernhard Schlock's The Reader Illustrates how and why two β†’

Geological history of adair park south west arizona

The point of the trip was to view real life examples of some of the things that we have studied over the course of this semester. The first stop of the field trip was to look at the Gneiss.


If you love to do something.you will do it every chance you can. Do you visualize a defender in front of you when making moves to the basket or do you Just do the drill?

What are the pros and cons of applying sterotypes to identify potential criminals and do the costs outweigh the benefits, or vice versa

Rather according to Karl Marx, a conflict between the ' have' and ' have not' has led to rampant increase of potential criminals. Identifying criminals based on stereotypes have led to a lot of conflicts especially between law enforcers and the victims.

Abnormal psychology and perception

Abnormal psychology and perception Abnormal psychology To the editor, I read your article on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and believe that your author's approach to the article is overly simplistic, and could mislead the public on the disorder and its causes. One of the bases for the article's simplicity is its narrow approach to understanding β†’

Pascal’s wager

It should be noted that it is not the intent of this paper to judge Pascal's wager in an attempt to evoke an overall belief or disbelief in god; rather, the purpose of this analysis is to weight Pascal's wager on the scales of rational and philosophical thought. If one believes Pascal's wager then they β†’

Application of enzymes in industry and medicine

The action of the alpha and beta amylases is so covert the starch in the flour into maltose.alpha amylase is added to the flour because it effects the dough and overall quality of the bread. Animal feedEnzymes are commonly used in animal feed, to increase the digestibility and therefore the growth rate of the animal.

Ethics and society

Business, for example, is often confronted with the decision to utilize new technology to reduce its workforce and thereby raise its profits to benefit its shareholders, at the expense of eliminating the Jobs of loyal employees whom have been with the company for many years. You ask your friend to borrow the CD in order β†’

Are students given too much to do?

Student's pleas are not being answered, and this gets so extreme that even the students themselves are scared about revealing the scars that are caused from the words, " Stop complaining, that's not even that much to do!" Or even worse, " Just suck it up!" However, young adults who used to be students in β†’

Understanding induction assignment

Phase 3 Training and Mentoring This phase gives us the opportunity to give the new employee all the relevant training required to carry out the Job role discussed in phase 2. 2 Health and Safety It is important to ensure that new employees do not simply start in their new roles without being informed of β†’

Cause-effect of gender stereotypes

It was unheard of for women to do jobs and activities along side men up until the 90's and the turn of the century. When the war was over however, the army kicked the woman out, and put millions of woman back in the kitchen with out a job.

Personal reasons to get education in the auc mba

I was ranked the 10th out of 220 students in my class in the B.Sc.with a grade of Distinction with highest honor. I became the CEO and the responsible of every managerial and business role in the company.

Hisotry exam 1

Why this worked in the " the most backwards agrarian countries " like the Russian empire is because of the following reasons: Because the Tsarist regime pre-WW1 oppressed the lower classes there became more and morepovertyamong the lower classes and the rural agrarian peasants what made room for more strikes and strikes with the goal β†’

History and importance of the geneva motor show

Introduction The International Geneva Motor Show, commonly known as the Geneva Motor Show, is an exposition of the most trendy, important, and relevant brands on the automobile industry. The Exposition The 2017 Geneva International Motor Show was hosted at the Palexpo Arena, in the city of Geneva in Switzerland.

Engaging in international trade

for example Japan is advance in the field of consumer electronics so countries like USA directly purchase goods from them and also learn about the new technology is being discovered on the other side of the world. For example in India Reliance petroleum industries get the resources in UAE & USA use the Indians manpower β†’

1-3 com

Digital literacyinvolves having a current knowledge and understanding of computers, mobile devices, the Internet, and related technologies computeris an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory scanneris a light-sensing input device that converts printed text and images into a form the computer can process output deviceis any hardware component β†’

Building a moon base

Another mystery of the moon is the chemical properties of the moon. Building a base on the moon could get people closer to it and maybe drill into the interior with a drill permanently installed to the base on the moon But even more important are the features of the moon.

Scientifc method lab 1

My independent variable would be the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, while the dependent variable would be the amount of fish present. The independent variable would be the amount of sunlight the plants are exposed to, while the dependent variable would be the amount of growth of the plants.

Editorial: mechanical loading and bone

Of the five clinical papers, those by Tobias et al.and Janz et al.address important methodological issues concerning the use of accelerometers to record physical activity in a way that is relevant to mechanical loading of bone. Garc a-Lopez et al.report their findings concerning the mechanisms involved in the inhibition of bone resorption by cyclical mechanical β†’

Andrew jackson’s legacy

Considered as a champion of democracy, Andrew Jackson was the mover for the " era of the common man" because " he melded the amorphous coalition of personal followers who had elected him into the country's most durable and successful political party, an electoral machine whose organization and discipline would serve as a model for β†’

Articles of confederation dbq essay sample

Unquestionably, many benefits that Articles of Confederation had, has been mentioned in the documents, and it is undeniable. Whether it is a weakness in the system that the Articles of Confederation have, or improvements that it needs, is also mentioned in these documents.

The management of grief flashcard

In " The management of grief", a story by Bharati Mukherjee the function of the narrator Shaila Bhave's journey from Canada to Ireland and through India is a phase of transition from the feeling of denial of the tragic death of her husband and two sons in a plane crash to the slow acceptance of β†’

Global capitalism and the environment

This point is supported by the analysis of environmental justice and the example of social media in environmental protest. Social media and the organization of collective action: Using Twitter to explore the ecologies of two climate change protests.

Role and function of microglial cells

Furthermore, corollary on specification of homeostasis in immunological functions are based on their site and existing paradigm, and some of Microglial cells immensely depends on the level of plasticity in order to reach the standard of capability of immunity. Firstly, Microglia has the ability to remove axon terminals that synapsed to damaged tissue in order β†’

Four seasons hotel and resorts

However hesitant, El Calved understood the French way' and set out in a pragmatic fashion to lead the George V through the revolutionary change that was to occur. Also, El Calved faced the challenge of transforming the staff to the Four Season culture.

Turn of the century immigration

As in the case of the Russian Jewish immigrants in the New York area, men that spent their time peddling on the streets for lack of a better job were harassed and made fun of for doing what they could to provide for their families. Prospective immigrants were discriminated against and denied access to our β†’

Ethics of recycling

One of the major ways Americans have been trying to combat the issue of decreasing numbers of one-use resources is to use more renewable resources that we are able to recycle. Some of the downfalls to recycling include inconvenience and a sense of false security on the current status of our planet.

Editorial: gene targeting in neuroscience: entering the future

The Editorial on the Research Topic Gene Targeting in Neuroscience: Entering the Future Many methods are available for the manipulation of brain function and behavior. The latter papers describe what we have learned over the past three decades about the utility and the limitations of gene targeting in brain research, and what the potential future β†’

Point of view and narration in kingsolver’s “the poisonwood bible”

In order to personalize the epic scope of the novel, Kingsolver writes in the first person, alternately inhabiting the minds of the four Price sisters and their mother, Orleanna. On the stage of the Congo's struggle for political independence, the saga of the Price family unfolds as a morality play, making the use of perspective β†’

Talisman energy inc, the decision to enter iraq

3) NGOs and Sudanese people formed a lawsuit against Talisman insisting they were assisting the violation of human rights in Sudan, which then lead to Talisman having to sell their share of the Sudan case. In order to make investing in Iraq profitable and a success, the alternative that will benefit Talisman is to negotiate β†’

Third sex: third generation essay

The feminine male, the masculine female and the hermaphrodite all were considered important members of the society and had their distinctive roles in the society.E.g.hey often became priests and healers. As part of this gender and sexual politics to control the sexual behavior of masculine male, the third sex's sexual need for women was ' β†’

Valentine by carol ann duffy

Isolated from the second and third stanzas, this line is emphasized since it is one of the main purposes of the poem to give her lover a veracious description of their love. The word ' Lethal.' is a one-word sentence and shows Duffy's absolute certainty of the dark side of love.

Finding forrester review essay

Faced with a dilemma of self preservation and the preservation of William Forester's identity, the elm quickly reached It's climax. All in all, the film did a great Job of exemplifying the ongoing social issue of discrimination and stereotyping, without taking away it's connection to reality.

Developing organized level of biomedical evidence: evidence-based biomedicine

It is widely used in clinical decision-making and has several advantages, including: provision of a very well-founded and objective method to adhere to high quality and safety standards in medical practice, facilitation of translation of clinical research findings into clinical practice, and significant reduction of health care costs. Due to the existence of overwhelmingly disorganized β†’

Unit 2 ip presentation essentials

Outline of Grunt Life in the US Marine Corps Table of Contents Grunt Life in the US Marine Corps 3 Specific Purpose 3 Central Idea 3 Introduction 3 Body4 Conclusion5 References7 Grunt Life in the US Marine Corps Specific Purpose The main purpose of the presentation is to inform the audience about grunt life in β†’


In web publication even if the author and purpose of a website can be determined, the qualifications of the author are not always given. However, presently the print media still continues to be a dominant and important part of the publication industry.

Fiscal policy lags

Fiscal Policy Lags Management of the National Economy In the United States there are only a few avenues available to the government for management of the economy. Fiscal policy, on the other hand, is open to the purview of the legislative and executive branches of government.

Perception perception by breaking down sensory stimuli

The recognition of patterns allows us to differentiate between a sliceof pizza and an apple because of the different parts that make up each object, which are known as geons. Similarly, the RBC theory shows that perception is an analytical process which is heavilyreliant on the ability to detect patterns allowing us to perceive compleximages β†’

Required volunteering

The whole idea of having to work for free just cannot go by without complaints in this society, therefore it should not be mandated. Nobody should have to take the time out of their lives to do work that they will not benefit from.

The effect that sweatshops have on the economy essay sample

On one hand, some argue that sweat shop labor should cease to exist in foreign countries because of the poor conditions in which these employees work in including the following; working 10 hours a day seven days a week for less than a dollar an hour, being denied vacation time and bathroom privileges and being β†’

The junto club: ben franklin

This is because debaters in this school of thought hold the view that the Title IX really came as an Act that was going to open up the educational system to an era of fairness and open participation. What this means to the educational system is that the Act came in as a way of β†’

Celebrity status

Now is that somebody a person who had a lifestyle in luxury, fascinates the media and the influences the public on day-to-day basis, implied with great popular appeal, prominence in a particular field, and is easily recognized by the public or also known as a celebrity or celeb. Who knows the child could be a β†’

Judith beveridge speech

One of Beveridge's strongest values is of life, in ' the domesticity of giraffes' this is displayed from the first sentence of the second stanza.' I think of her graceful on her plain' Beveridge puts herself into the poem, her thoughts of the giraffe in her natural state, gracefully running in the wild. Beveridge describes β†’

Theme and style in “greasy lake” by coraghessan boyle essay

The story's three characters, Digby, Cornell, and the " wanna-be bad narrator" believe that it is fashionable to be bad. This attitude not only reflects the characters' distorted view of the ideal personal image, but brings them face-to-face to the harsh reality of the bad-boy behavior they so much desire to emulate.

Sources of capital: owner’s equity

The two types of equity are purchased equity, consisting of preferred stock, common stock, and paid in capital, and that of earned equity, also referred to as retained earnings. Owner's equity is shown on the balance sheet and within the statement of owner's equity in a company's financial statements, and is most commonly influenced by β†’

Demonstrating personal philosophy of nursing education

The purpose of this paper is to describe my philosophy of nursing education in terms of the role of educator and learner, evidence-based practice in nursing education and useful teaching strategies. Students employ a variety of learning styles and have diverse educational needs and come to the learning experience with a variety of perspectives, expectations, β†’

Emergence of critical and cultural theories

There are macroscopic structural theories that focus on how social elites use their economic power to gain control over and 3 Cultural Theory: Theories openly espousing certain values and using these values to evaluate and criticize the status quo providing alternate ways of interpreting the social role of mass media. 3 MARXIST THEORY: Marxist Theory: β†’

Personal health assessment essay sample

Upon completion of the Self Assessment pertaining to the six dimensions of health the results have revealed there are three dimensions that I am strongest in and three dimensions that I need to improve on. I need to improve on Environmental Health, Intellectual Health, and Physical Health.

The “big five” personality traits essay

While this trait is being analyzed in the work environment, we have to remember that the employees are also humans, and what happens in the work environment usually happens in one's personal life. Having the " agreeableness" trait must come along with analytical skills, so if and when there is an organizational decision that needs β†’

How did government policty, technology

The Populists of course wanted the silver standard, for inflation and to flood the economy. Economic conditions for the farmers were poor and no one was there to help them.

Federal government assignment

In the early half of the time periods, the government's laissez fairer approach to the economy was one of the largest obstacles to trade unions In the development of labor rights. The Pullman strike illustrates the often hostile approach of governments In the early part of the period, as the Federal government occasionally as active β†’

Birch paper company essay sample

In order to decide which bid is in the best interest of Birch Paper Company we need to examine each bid separately: Bid #1: Thompson Division $480 * Thompson Division's cost = $400 * Purchasing liner and corrugating medium from Southern Division: $400*70% = $280 * Therefore, other costs would be: $400-$280 = $120 * β†’

Panera bread company case study

Enhance menu in order to become a nationally recognized brand name and to be the dominant restaurant operator in the specialty bakery-cafe segment. Panera has invested heavily in its network to ensure proper distribution of the fresh bread dough and other ingredients.3.

How far do texts challenge the fixity of binary gender?

Similar to the opening line of the text, it is the vague descriptions of ' undoubtful' sex that define the gender of Orlando which seemingly does not challenge gender fixity as his anatomy presents the character as either male or female in this instance. In both Trumpet and Orlando, the binary genders of male and β†’

Baltic and international maritime council (bimco)

The main objective of BIMCO is to act on behalf of its global membership to endorse higher standards as well as development and promotion of fair and equitable international shipping policy. The association provides one of the most comprehensive sources of practical shipping information and a wide variety of advisory and consulting services to its β†’

Study on the westernisation of asia

Asia is under siege and the invasion is coming from the West, which gave the world things such as the Beatles, Baywatch and many styles of fashion. Westernisation was consciously acquired in the last half of the nineteenth century and included industrialisation to make Japan as powerful as any of the Western powers.

Citizen kane – personal response

First I will talk about the idea of " Loss" in the film, and then I will discuss Materialism and how a group of year 12 students can relate to, and learn from this theme. Another theme portrayed in Citizen Kane is the idea of materialism, and I believe this is a theme that Year β†’

Man’s fundamental reverence to the supreme being

The ultimate, embodying force of the universe exists in and of itself; it is absolute, regardless of a human's characterization and personification of God. As Job's sudden misery leads him to question the justice of the universe, the Lord's baffled response puts Job in his inherently sinful and lesser place in the structure of God's β†’

Ch 4 – artificial intelligence illuminated

problem solvingconsists of a goal and set of actions that can be taken to lead to the goal.state of search spacerepresents where you have reached in problem solving initial statethe starting state when solving a problem goal statethe final state that satisfies a goal of a certain problem that was trying to solve search spaceproblem β†’

Chain of custody analysis essay

Sampling Operations" This is the onset of the chain of custody process and it involves collaboration among a lab-sample custodian, a laboratory technician and a field-sample custodian". A chain of custody is therefore process that ensures the validity and authenticity of evidence.

Systems development plan for bead bar

This paper details the steps in the development of a systems software that would accomplish the requirements of the compay. As with Bead Bar company, the management has to listen to the concerns of all the employees who will be using the system, and at the same time, limit the features only to those necessary.

Uncle tom’s cabin: a controversial book

In this essay I am going to talk about how this book shaped my opinion on slavery, the feelings of the North, and the feelings of the South. Most whites in the North did not know just how bad slavery was but this book shined a light on how bad it actually was." Slavery, anti-slavery β†’

Common business oriented language

COBOL was an effort to make a programming language that was like natural English, easy to write and easier to read the coed after youd written it, and COBOL is one of the oldest, and arguably the most successful and popular of all programming languages. A number of companies have updated COBOL and sell development β†’

The ?-al grains. figure 2: identification of

6Si-4 wt.% Al-5Ti-1B alloy has more amount of globular?-Al grains and a fine fibrous eutectic Simorphology with least spacing compared to the 2 wt.% Al-5Ti-1B added alloy ) The average size ofthe?-Al grains are decreased and roundness ) of the?-Al grain increases, when theconcentration of the Al-5Ti-1B master alloy is increased from 2 wt.% to β†’

Fahrenheit assignment

When Granger mentions the phoenix, a bird of fire, in the end of the book it symbolizes renewal, destruction, and rebirth. He used fire to destroy his old life, which led Montage to his own personal rebirth that is represented by the phoenix, because of this fire is a very important and powerful symbol in β†’