4 Pages Essay Samples

Adapting to a new environment

Some people think that when a person lives in a new culture, he or she can easily adapt to the new culture. In conclusion, because I have come from a different culture, I found it kind of hard for me to adapt to the new culture.

Project risk management – fluidity in risk planning case study

The first phase of the case study aligns more closely with a thorough and effective risk planning process plan while the second phase builds on the baselines determined by the first phase to generate a more solid and final risk assessment that will continue to be fluid throughout the project. Phase two uses the outcomes β†’

Importance of risk management

Risk Response The response to a risk is done by the concept of the 4 T's. Financial Risk Management Financial risk management is, primarily, concerned with the economic value of an organization and the effects to it.

Analysis of commdev organization’s implementing new changes to the business model

A qualitative assessment in the form of face to face interview with the managerial positions of CommDev have bought the following impact to attention that since SCPP has its operation in other countries, it forces the CommDev to comply with the respective country's laws to continue business. Difficulties in upgradation of main information system: Implementation β†’

Risk management for corning inc

At the time of offering the worldwide market for optical fiber was in a sold out stage and Corning had pre-sold the next 18 months of its entire fiber manufacturing capacity. Any downturn in the industry will severely affect the performance of Corning.

Risk and value management

1 The aim of this document is to discuss Risk and Value Management, the linkages between them and then apply the theory to the scenario in order to supply a report detailing the best approach to the project and an initial view of risks. The Institute of Value Management defines Value Management on its website β†’

Research paper on embroidery

Embroidery of the machine began being used in the era of industrial revolution and it imitates the embroidery done by hand mostly in cases of a string of stitches and hemming of stitches by a machine and this occupation relies on the use of numerous outfits and be like worked by hand to their appearance, β†’

The fundamentals of interview, its advantages and difficulties

There is also a need to deal with some major concerns of interviews such as what does the interviewer really want, what is it that the interviewee keeping secret, what is it that the interviewer is really going to do with the data collected, in whose interests will it be used, and what benefits will β†’

Rice husk as the feedstock for gasification purpose

The tars were collected at the bottom of the condenser and the syngas was transferred into a cyclone to remove the remaining aerosol and tars. A GC-MS, which is composed of a gas chromatograph and a mass spectrum, was used to analyze the tar.

Jackie robinson

Whether he liked it or not, he played the star role in the integration of society during the time that he played Major League Baseball with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie Robinson, however, did sign a contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945 and debuted in the Majors in April of 1947.

Crash paper

He asks the officer if it's okay to reach in the glove department for his paperwork and the officer replies with a very suspicious " yeah nice and slow". He orders a guy to come in and change the locks as well, but the problem happens to be the door and not the locks.

Research paper on effectiveness of the death penalty

The use of death penalty as a mode of punishing the most heinous of crimes dates back to the Roman times. Kurtis argues that: A comparison of the annual number of murders in death penalty states and in non-death penalty states from 1990 to 2007 shows that there are consistently more murders in states which β†’

Free research paper on research questions

The initial research question is, " does the death penalty discourage any crime from happening?" The second research question is, " which crimes are mostly given the death penalties?" These two research questions are meant at looking at the effects death penalties has on the rate of crime in the United States of America. The β†’

Free essay on the death penalty ought to be mandatory for murderers

First and foremost, one of the major principles of justice is for the penalty to fit the crime. The death penalty should be contrived as a right for the victims and their relatives, and to protect the safety and life of all members of society.

Example of nameprofessortitledate research paper

The deterrent effect of capital punishment: a question of life and death. For capital punishment: Crime and the morality of the death penalty.

Abolition of the death penalty

To be fair, since I have said why we should abolish the death penalty I suppose it is fair to give the two main arguments in favor of the death penalty a chance. With a strong case for the abolition of the death penalty in California, it is time to let you know what you β†’

Death penalty outline

Lethal Injection is the primary source of execution used in the United States; The U.S.became the first country to use lethal injection. Transition: The fourth method of execution is hanging.A.

“montana 1948” by larry watson essay sample

This chain of events were to turn David's young life and that of his family upside down forever and which was to angrily lead him out of childhood, destroying his innocence and youthful naivety in the process. David faces an even more intimidating threat when he notices that a few of the hired hands from β†’

Comparing perks of being a wallflower and breakfast club.

In the movie, there was the jock: trying to live up to his dad's and friends' expectations; the brain, expected to be super-smart; the princess, who always wants to be a part of the popular crowd at school. Contrasting the two movies, homosexuality which was recognized in the Perks of Being a Wallflower was left β†’


3rd paragraph The disaster in Auckland also should teach everyone that rape is a very serious issue and that it could happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Conclusion In conclusion rape is a serious issue between the lives of the victim and the rapist.

The context of collapse: surrealism, dialectic nihilism, and objectivism

Surrealism and neocultural textual theory " Sexual identity is part of the genre of truth," says Lacan; however, according to Cameron[1], it is not so much sexual identity that is part of the genre of truth, but rather the futility of sexual identity. Textual postcultural theory in the works of Stone.

Functionalism and marxism essay sample

The social institution of the family is viewed by functionalists to be the best organisational basis for society; Talcott Parsons insists that the family retains two " basic and irreducible functions". The Marxist perspective asserts that the family is a product of capitalism and is an exploitive institution.

Foreign aid speech

Foreign aid, and how the government should Increase It, but first we have to ask the question, " What Is foreign aid? ' Simply, It Is the economic, or military lad given by one nation to another for purposes of relief and rehabilitation, for economic stabilization, or for mutual defense. The ignorance surrounding foreign aid β†’

The famous movie the godfather seen as an allegorical representation of the current international relationships

The Godfather highlights each of these philosophies at different points in the movie through the different members of the Corleone family as they get their chance to act in a position of power. This is because they believed that their attack on Vito Corleone, using a realist approach, was going to propel them to the β†’

International involvement

The outcome of the meeting resulted in Spain receiving 20 million dollars from the United States in exchange for possession of the Philippines. Years later after gold was discovered in the Schomburgk Line by Britain, Venezuela contested the ownership of the area in 1876, and asked the United States for assistance in the matter, referring β†’

Hawaii’s annexation to the us

Hawaii's Annexation to the US The annexation of Hawaii to the United States was preceded by a sequence of events that finally led to that crucial turning point in history. As fate and US maneuvering would have it, Hawaii was eventually annexed to the US in 1898 " at the urging of President William McKinley".

Anti-communism in america

Analyse the impact of anti-communism in the USA from the late 1940's to 1953 and the impact this had on tensions between the superpowers during this time. In the years between 1940 and 1953 the capitalist nations of the world such as USA became very concerned about the communist ideologies and its possible spread in β†’

Argument essay – illegalize alcohol

The legal and open use of alcohol is an unnecessary vice that is enjoyed and accepted by a majority of the United States population, unfortunately, it leads to social and moral downfalls. The legal and open use of alcohol as a vice is leading to the downfall of our society.

The legal drinking age: science vs. ideology essay sample

For example, a study that examined college students' drinking behavior before and after an increase in the minimum legal drinking age from 18 to 19 in New York State found the law to have no impact on under-age students' consumption rates, intoxication, drinking attitudes or drinking problems. A similar study was conducted among college students β†’

The impact alcohol has on the economy of a country

Whilst the severity of consumption is likely to vary person to person, 47% of men and 38% of women regularly exceeded the recommended maximum of 14 units of alcohol a week. Alcohol prohibition was most notably used between 1920 and 1933, a ban on the manufacture, importation and sale of alcohol in an effort to β†’

Charles dickens – pip’s problems come from arrogance

Instead it is the lack of affirmation and self-worth he experiences in his earlychildhoodthat instigates his downward spiral of morality and must be blamed for the cause of his problems. Therefore it is Pip's dissatisfaction with himself combined with the influence of his visit to Satis House that is the fundamental source of his problems.

Dicken’s oliver twist theme analysis

The theme of the struggle of the unfortunate, in general and Oliver in particular, in a ruthless world in " Oliver Twist" is a reflection of the plight of the inmates of the workhouses. In order to escape the pangs of hunger and shadow of insecurity, the poor children took to crime and fell into β†’

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is also called Staph and is abbreviated to S.aureus or Staph aureus in medical literature.S.aureus is a bacterium that causes various infections. Noyce, Michels, & Keevil, 2006, p.

Dr. suhas kadam

Objective: ' To assess the prevalence of various behavioral risk factors of non-communicable diseases in the urban slum population of shivaji nagar, Mumbai.' To assess the relationship between various socio-economic factors and various NCD risk factors in the urban slum population of shivaji nagar, Mumbai. The population residing in this slum is generally poor and β†’

Managerial epidemiology for gerontological health care

In the recent years, the field of gerontology had been the focus of many concerned citizen because there is a significant increase on the elder sector of the society. The main purpose of the industry is to providehealthservices like prevention, treatment of diseases, and the maintenance of wellness through the combined force of doctors and β†’

Fair trade: fairness in a cruel world essay examples

Before the advent of the free trade concept, Guatemalan farmers had been producing coffee in their farms and selling them to buyers who were middlemen. An example of this is the organic coffee idea which has become a lifeline for Guatemalan farmers.

Illy cafe marketing analysis essay sample

Francesco Illy, the founder of the company, was the first one to develop the first coffee machine. There is a high competition going on in serving pod and coffee machines, where Illy might lose it market share due to the pressure from its competitors.


The paper proposes that the theory of the supercontinent and the study of fossil records lack a confident conclusion to the geological history of the Earth and its present state, meriting the consideration of an alternative view. By account of the Bible, the creation of the supercontinent and the subsequent shifting of the continents are β†’

Case study: an overpopulated country – bangladesh

The public sector, or mainly the government, can lay out laws and legislation, conduct research, as well as provide funds and expertise to aid sustainable tourism development and management, while the private sector can aid research in achieving sustainability, donate to funds and adopt sustainability into their tourism operations. It has been recognised that one β†’

Landlady analysis essay sample

The Landlady, written by Roald Dahl, is a short horror story of a young man named Billy Weaver going to the town of Bath for a business trip. This quotation adds more to the irony of the story since Billy was not even close to lucky and would soon die a tragic death.

Experiencing the baccarat hotel: a crystal palace

With over 250 years of experience catering to royalty, the Baccarat Hotel in New York City is the pinnacle of French craftsmanship and excellence that embodies Baccarat. Today, you will find Baccarat crystal in the homes of royalty, musicians, and celebrities spanning the globe, and of course, at the elysee Palace, the official residence of β†’

Environmental student action plan essays examples

Through the use of my bicycle, I believe that I do not harm the environment since there is no emission of carbon dioxide gas that is considered to be a major contributor of global warming. Though the man have led to positive changes as he tries to make himself comfortable, it is notable that my β†’

Example of environmental studies argumentative essay

According to the American Automobile Association, texting while driving increases the chances of causing an accident and crushing by twenty three times, this is because while texting one diverts the attention of both the eyes and the mind from the road to the phone for at least 4. This is a ban that was placed β†’

Sample essay on environmental student action plan

It is clear that the activities of human beings on the earth results in a number of changes on the environment, which can either, be helpful in the enhancement of some species, ecological process, and ecosystems. Environmental degradation is a term used to refer to the deterioration of the natural environment either due to the β†’

Good example of revolutionary wars essay

The French revolutionary war shaped the standards of engagement in Europe and to a large extent the world as a whole. It was the expectation of the people in France that the revolutionary war would bring new fortunes in the French nation.

Free research paper on america revolutionary war

The American Revolutionary War was a conflict that resulted in the separation of the United States from the Great Britain. 1177/0306396807080064.http://rac.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.

The american revolutionary war

One of the greatest reasons as to why there was therevolution in the Americaduring the regime of British colonization was as a result of excessive taxation by the British. In the North America the British had many troops at the end of the Indian and the French war.

A revolutionary people at war argumentative essay

In his book A Revolutionary people at war, Charles Royster not only elaborates upon the varying aspects of the Continental Army, but also makes use of statistics to strengthen the contents of the book. This was a factor that the Continental Army learned to benefit from as the war progressed.

The american revolution – war for independence

It is a relevant piece of literature and the address is a useful speech to the history of America. It is useful to analysts and lovers of history in retelling the antiracism evolution.

The nutcracker ballet

Composed in 1892, the ballet by Tchaikovsky, tells the story of Clara and her dream world with the Nutcracker Prince based on the tale " The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by E.T.A. During the period of the Russian Tsars in the late 19th Century, the ballet was a fashionable entertainment, and Tchaikovsky was one β†’

Rock and roll vs rap

Rock and Roll in its various guises came from a fusion of musical cultures, and in turn its influence fed back to these cultures, a process of borrowings, influences and new ideas that continues to develop rock music.t had runaway success in the U.S.and quickly brought sanitised rhythm and blues influenced music to an international β†’

The institutionalization of the black studies department in america

This direct action taken by student activists set in motion the fundamental changes at UCSB the creation of Black Studies and the establishment of a discipline through which educates students the history, politics, and culture of Black Diaspora. In their efforts to make change in the educational system that lacked to reflect the needs of β†’

African americans and racial diversity

They gave African Americans the right to vote and be equals in their communities and states. These groups give support to African Americans and show the history of their culture.

Journal entry african american

Here we are and we have struggled just to make it here to the Deep South. I can only hope that by the time that you grow up and are able to read and understand all this that you look at all this and have a hard time believing it.

Liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness argumentative essay examples

This is not the only evidence that Jefferson's statement in the Declaration of Independence is not absolute. In conclusion, Jefferson's statement that everyone has equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not absolute because some aspects of life restrict people from accessing the same rights as others.

The importance of education to an individual

Both student and teacher must work together to reach an understanding of education in the classroom; this enables students to grasp full advantage of the material being taught by the teacher. The role of the professor is to keep the students interested, while the task of the students is to do what is asked of β†’

The role of economic status in education

Acquiring a higher education can be more of a dream than a reality to some people, especially those that belong to the lower economic class. Lower class students struggle to be successful in college because of the pressure that is put on them, inadequate financial aid, and a lacking sense of belonging.

Canadian journal

This, he says, will not appeal to the anti-American coalition, the Greens, the New Democrats, or really, any party at all unsympathetic to the United States. Therefore, not cooperating with the will of the United States government is liable to have negative effects on the economic and physical security of Canadians.

Free essay on the propaganda model: case of edward snowden

An excerpt from the main book Manufacturing Consent indicates a recognition of the functions of the mass media to communicate messages and assist familiarize the populace with values and beliefs that will help integrate them into the society at large. The propaganda model shows that the news that is received by the public is filtered β†’

Mel basil

In America, the media gives the people an agenda of the topics we talk and think about. Because it is the media that gives we the people our agenda, the media must have an agenda of their own.

Healthy eating habits

We agree that morning is the busiest time of the day as you are struggling with your sleep and daily routines to make it to the office on time. If you want to stay enthusiastic and productive for the entire day then it is important to eat at fixed intervals to balance energy levels.

Subjects to citizens: locke, the enlightenment and the french revolution

It was the endpoint of these social dynamics, and the progressive deterioration of social responsibility throughout the dual leadership trees of church and crown, that catalyzed the French Revolution during the last decade of the 18th century. The French Revolution, in a nutshell, was the revolt of the long repressed peasantry against what they rightfully β†’

Easy steps to increase your reading speed and comprehension

Once you know what you are supposed to read, the next step is figuring out how to speed up reading it. You do not need to imagine the words being spoken in order to understand what you are reading.

The 10 best applications for your fire tv stick basic edition

You have an application on your mobile that saves passwords: you only have to copy and paste the password into this app, and in less than 5 seconds you will speak to your user. You put the download link and you can easily navigate to the option you need to download.

Beane curriculum review

The book was written to fill the gap observed by the authors, which is that there is a lack of curriculum that truly prepares students for lifestyles, careers and personal development suited to live in this the globalized millennium. The Search for Coherence is the title of Chapter One is a striking phrase in that β†’

Ancient greeks: theatre as competition and ritual

The rules of the Lenea were different from those of the Dionysia. It is believed that the theatrical representations could have arisen from the substitution of an animal for a human sacrifice and, eventually, the formula of the sacrifice was enacted ritualistically without the actual sacrifice of the animal.

Vietnam war in the book “the things they carried” by tim o’brien essay

The Irony of being at war is that Peace and conflict are both inevitable; it is the way we handle either of the two that determines our opinion of life in general both in the present and future, that is clearly depicted in the book where O'Brien is the Protagonist re-living his experience at war β†’

How effective were the us tactics of search and destroy and defoliation in the vietnam war

The US military were being affected psychologically so badly by the Viet Cong's tactics, that they had to come up with a way to overcome it. As this was the first war to be televised many people in the US saw the affect of napalm and the famous images of it being sprayed over people β†’

History of the cuban missile crisis history essay

The Bay of Pigs was the operation that was designed as any agencies of subverting the authorities without uncovering that the United States engagement in the operation. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962, during the Cold War.

Media during the vietnam war

Jenna Conley TTTC Argumentative Essay During the Vietnam War, television was just being introduced, meaning the citizens of the United States could see the war right in the comfort of their living rooms. It sparked violent protests, and was a large influence to the start of bias.

The main aim of social networking

In spite of that, it cannot be denied that social media has revolutionised the way organisations recruit and screen candidates, which is why more attention should be paid to the relationship between on-line social networking and career. With regards to the impact of social media on the entire recruiting industry and, therefore, on people's career, β†’

The increasing demand of social networking

Chapter 2 related to the background of the social networking sites and disclosure. According to my research topic " Social networking sites and disclosure" is the deep study of the topic and analyze the people's experience.

One of nba’s greatest starters

By the ending of 2007, he was the youngest player to reach 20, 000 points in his career. In January of 2009, he was the youngest player to reach 27, 000 points in his overall career.

My journey of growth essay sample

The tough part was BalBhavan School had never had a team before and I only had a week to get a team together. I myself defined my objective which was to create a pool of talent that would serve the school better in the years to come and also perform decently in the tournament a β†’

One day in the life of ivan denisovich critical essay

The novel describes one day in the gulag through the eyes of Ivan Denisovich or " Shukhov" as he is referred to in the book. In addition, the book gives the reader a taste of the distrust that was circling around the USSR at the time.

Computer security incident response team effectiveness

This help must be appeared from changed perspectives, including the strategy of points of interest, financing, and time, to the individual or get-together of individuals who will act as the errand amass for executing the CSIRT. Stage 4: Design Your CSIRT Vision As the data gathered passes on to the forefront the scene reaction needs β†’

Islamic management essay sample

To be an effective leader, illustrate any six of the nine principles that Islamic leaders should follow.a) Tolerance, justice and selective adaptation.* Leaders should not, misuse their power and authority to practice injustice and unfairness.* Differences of opinion should be tolerated as long as it is within the boundaries of Islam.* Discriminatory practices in an β†’

Must things to pack when heading to alaska in cruise

Here are few tips that might help you in packing, when you are traveling in a cruise to Alaska. You do not want to travel to the cruise without a pair of gloves and a pair of socks.

Business trip brussels

Anxious to get ahead of the crowd, we took to a running pace past the rows of cafe s, bars and shops, hoping to avoid the usual morning queue for Passport Control. After a busy and successful day at our Brussels office, a taxi was called, and we were back at the airport in the β†’

Types of niche tourism

This research will explain the different aspects about cycling tourism, s definitions and economic development, history of cycling in Canada, cycling network and trails, future of cycling transportation and benefits of cycling tourism. In this article, Tourist cycling and adventure cycling both are the important type of cycling tourism.

A trip to an unfamiliar place

Adwoa A Adu 10/1/12 English 101 Final Draft A Trip to an unfamiliar place It all started when I was called to see the principal of my school, we were actually five girls involved and we were travelling to England because we had an exchange program with a school in Kent, England called the Weald β†’

The grassland biome essay sample

The climate in the grassland biome is slightly drier than the climate in the deciduous forest biome. The larvae of the butterfly feed on the leaves of the milkweed, which is poisonous to most insects.

Modernism versus postmodernism

The narrator in the play is limited and omniscient; he or she observes the thoughts and actions of Willy, Biff, and other central characters in the story, a type of narration that was new to literature. The readers are able to see the world through the eyes of this one character and what is going β†’

Essay on impressionism and post impressionism

After five years of fighting the royalists of the Republic ultimately won by executing hundreds of The Commune in an event now known as The Bloody Week. Educationreform was also in the works that focused increasing the availability of further education and training in technology.

A change in the way you understood my country usa essay examples

In the aftermath of the theater shooting in Colorado and the school shooting in Connecticut, much discussion has taken place both pre- and post-election in the U.S.about whether there is a need for more gun control. I thought the U.S.public and legislature were capable of responding with common sense to a highly charged political issue.

The ruins of tulum

Perched on the edge of a cliff, alongside the Caribbean Sea, stands the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum. It was however the end of a calendar cycle.

Effect of junk food

After the junk food was taken away and replaced with a healthy diet, the rats starved for two weeks instead of eating nutritious fare.[10] A 2007 British Journal of Nutrition study found that female rats who eat junk food during pregnancy increased the likelihood of unhealthy eating habits in their offspring.[11] A report published in β†’

Unit 1, the business environment, p1

The whole purpose of this is to make a profit so FedEx Corp can expand and continue to deliver an excellent, on-time service. Aldi's purpose is to provide a low-cost quality product service in the form of a supermarket.

Natural disaster

The underground point of origin of the earthquake is called the focus. The main killer of humans in the immediate surroundings of a volcanic eruption is the pyroclastic flows, which consist of a cloud of hot volcanic ash which builds up in the air above the volcano and rushes down the slopes when the eruption β†’

Youth without ethics is a disaster

Youth is the future wealth of a country? of a country's Population is youth. But the tragedy is, where the youth is expected to involve in building a heaven on earth with their creativity, there we find the turmoil of a hell.

Natural disaster case study

His decision was utilitarian it was meant for the greater good for the company not taking into consideration the rights of the customers and he did not care which affected the image of his company in the media, this will eventually lead to decrease in the revenues for the upcoming years as the company have β†’

Mandela, nelson rolihlahla

He attended the University of Fort Hare in Alice where he became concerned in the political struggle against the racial discrimination practiced in South Africa. In the face of government harassment and with the prospect of the ANC being officially banned, Mandela and others devised a plan.

A man named nelson mandela

In 1993 Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize for the years of effort he devoted to ending apartheid. Nelson Mandela would show commitment to the civil rights of South African civilians, later in his life.

Topic: the autobiography of nelson mandelaquestions/main ideas:

Meets fellow employee Gaur Radebe, a member of the ANC and prominent member of the communist party. Freedom Parade and confusion in the mobs of supporters in Cape Town.


Education, doctors and other public things were also divided and the ones there were available for the blacks were in general worse than the ones the white people got. In the 80s, as the oppressive system was slowly collapsing the ANC and National Party started negotiations on the end of apartheid.

Temperature variation study on industrial bus duct system

Variables influencing the thermal examination of the bus bar are present conveying limit of the bus bar, step changes of the electric load and cross determination region of the bus bar. The primary objective in bus bar improvement is to increase the components ampacity and to the reduction of materials.