4 Pages Essay Samples

Going without media for 24 hours

At 11pm, I prepared to go to sleep, and my parents told me that I need to stick the stickers on the window to let it not to break down easily as there was going to be a typhoon tonight. But we are still very lucky to have media, as it is a great tool →

Defining capitalism and command economies

Microeconomics and macroeconomics are different in that microeconomics is the study of the individual and business decisions that affect the economy, whereas macroeconomics is the study of national and global economy. Together, micro and macroeconomics examine the decisions of individuals, businesses, the government, and society and how all of these people deal with making and →

Future financial stability

The majority of column inches dedicated to the divisive issue of studentfinancefocus mainly on how students are going to manage to repay the substantial debts they are likely to incur in this process. This may be, but basing the figures on that of young graduates and projecting the forecasts over a forty-year period fails to →

Applying marx’s alienated labor theory to women’s domestic labor essay sample

They can be seen as the private property of men." One of the problems with domestic labor from the Marxist perspective was seen to be the fact that it produced use values, as opposed to the exchange values produced by paid labor, it was only the form of work that was directly related to capital"." →

Essay on working capital management

Working capital management is the discipline and process of managing a company's operating cycle and working capital investment decisions, focusing on risks and returns, in a way that improves profitability, enhances market positioning, and increases share value. Working Capital in the Current Business Environment In practice the objectives of working capital management include understanding the →

Conscious capitalism

First and foremost the reason I agree with Conscious capitalism is that they are subjected to the discipline of the market and they need to deliver strong financial results just as any other business however, they do this by doing what is right because it is right Secondly, I agree with John Mackey is his →

Chapter 2 the one lesson of business

Chapter 2 The One Lesson of Business Chapter 2 Summary of main points - Voluntary transactions create wealth by moving assets from lowerto higher-valued uses.- Anything that impedes the movement of assets to higher-valued uses, like taxes, subsidies, or price controls, destroys wealth.- Economic analysis is useful to business for identifying assets in lower-valued uses.- →

Assessing porter’s diamond model to analyze the development of the property industry in indonesia

Assessing Porter's diamond model to analyze the development of the Property Industry in Indonesia.- - Abstract - This study applies Porter's diamond framework, which tries to identify the sources of international competitive advantage to Property in Indonesia. Also property prices in Indonesia are still relatively cheap in Asia but the value of the re-turn of →

Kantian capitalism

A utilitarian perspective would present the argument that the liability of corporations in the effects of its actions depends largely on whether or not Kantian capitalism focuses on the corporation as an individual with rights, the exercise of which is limited to the extent that the rights of others are affected. As the nature of →

Argumentative essay on the river between and effects of colonialism on african societies

One community embraced the ways taught by the white men and rejected the old while the other pursued the conservation of their tribe's independence; therefore, the river which once united these tribes, become the river which divided them. Female circumcision, however, was a foundational rite of passage in the Kikuyu community; therefore, the missionaries' intentions →

Christopher columbus and genocide

The event I am speaking about of course is the world famous voyage of the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, and his subsequent discovery of the American continents. One thing that is not disputed by any historian of merit is the fact that Christopher Columbus' landing in the America's led directly to the European colonization of →

British imperialism on india

The imperialism of India had many negative effects on the nation. With Britain taking over India and turning it into a part of the British empire, they changed the day to day lives of many people.

The process of the columbian exchange

The Europeans brought animals that were a blessing and curse to the Indians way of life. Increased combat caused the enslavement of other Indians to sell to the Europeans for goods.

Liberation movement in south africa

Title: Discuss the role of liberation movement in Southern Africa in the struggle for independence, focussing on their origins, challenges and achievements during the liberation struggle, their ascendancy to government and their transformation into ruling parties. The demise of Portuguese colonial rule, the end of white settler domination, and the dismantling of the apartheid regime →

Chapter 24 world history study guide

The British were easily able to conquer the warring states of what used to be the Mughal Empire. What did the Evangelicals and the Utilitarians try to reform in India and how?

Age of imperialism effects

Although imperialism of India in the 19th century was alike to the imperialism in the 18th century in that the British were guided by selfish desires, it slightly differed. The peninsulars were the Europeans who immigrated to Brazil, they were the people in charge of plantations and other businesses in Brazil.

Report on tourism enterprise management

The analysis focuses on the available facilities found in this famous attraction site including the design features, availability of information for the potential and actual visitors, visitors' signage, rules and regulations governing the destination and the management system responsible for the maintenance and development of the site Federation Square is a civic center which is →

Process design matrix and summary business plan example

The service in the network relates to Chick-fil-A and the production procedure is in reference to the previously stated business known as conveying gifts. Workforce: The immediate workforce is a pivotal part of the service business and all representatives must have an intensive comprehension and capacity to fittingly collaborate well with clients.

Good essay about building regulations

Building solution This is a mixture of building elements that are used in construction and are to be mixed according to the BCA Performance Requirements. Certificate of Accreditation- This refers to the issuance of limits on the type of work that a building and construction organisation can engage in, as is specified by the ABCB →

Pet shop boys and beauty

Carla explained, " Bethany is beautiful and she has the charm, personality, and is perfectly pretty". Bethany wanted to be just like Carla, and she had a god dam genie and only one wish to make".

Trading food between america and china research paper

One of the big food items China is buying from the United States is American soybeans. Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States.

Polythene: plastic shopping bags

The plastic bags we use to carry homefoodor products are for the most part very light and very strong. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags.

Ms tomie gowdy-burke report examples

This report provides an overview of the project, the methods we used for completing the project, as well as our findings and conclusions from working on the project. With the countless things that can be seen and done in Disneyland and with the high costs of the tickers, it is important for visitors to plan →

Thane fort to the thane central jail essay

THANE FORT TO THE THANE CENTRAL JAIL: A TRANSITION AND PRESENT SITUATION The existence of Thane city appears in the global history since the 9thcentury A.D. The prison, which was earlier a fort named Thane Killa, is associated with the Indian Freedom Struggle and is also one of the heritage structures of the city.

Letter from birmingham jail analysis analysis

Next, King mentions the intensity of segregation in Birmingham than that of other cities, strengthening his argument of why the blacks feel the need to speak out. Towards the end of Kings letter; he exemplifies courageousness in the Negro demonstrations by relating them to the actions of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they refused to →

The inevitable presence of corruption in leadership

A power addict will do anything in their power to keep their power from others to the point of excessive paranoia. After a person is seduced and thoroughly addicted to power, they finally become corrupted by the fear of loss.

Free essay on software security assessment

Due to the facts, software security assessment is essential to be taken place so that no effort remains for it is accessible to attackers. That is the reason that in order to have quality software it is designing, development, and deployment should be done by experts with the practice of quality control planning and testing →

The united nations global compact essay samples

The first tenet of the Compact is about the protection of the internationally acknowledge human rights and some other tenets that are related to business are the elimination of all kinds of forced labor, including the elimination of child labor. The United Nation Global Compact and its ten tenets will be very helpful to better →

Corruption- an incurable disease

Throughout the play we can trace a progression of corruption, that leads to death, through wouldisease' in the characters of Polonius, Claudius and Hamlet. From the fates of Polonius, Claudius and Hamlet we see that corruption originating from wouldisease' leads to death.

Research paper on ethnicity and police corruption

Weitzer and Tuch also analyzed the correlation between income and education and perception of the police, and found that whites with higher income and Hispanics with more education tended to have a more positive view of the police, though it was not as significant as the correlation between race or ethnicity and perception of the →

The death penalty: a necessary evil

One argument against the death penalty is that the bible tells us not to murder. The problem is that not enough of these executions occur to be of any real use as a deterrent.

Why prisons don’t work

Criminals should serve a reasonable amount of time, which is proportional to the severity of their infraction but with the purpose of learning the wrongs of their ways and returning to society. The current approach to crime has proven it does not work, because of this a new approach should be developed which emphasizes on →

Running head: kohlberg’s stages of moral developmet

Running head: KOHLBERG'S STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMET 1 Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System Yvonne Constantine Strayer University Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice Professor Pionke November 18, 2012 KOHLBERG'S STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMET 2 Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development into the Justice System Justice is a concept of moral rightness based →


Thesis Point 1: brief history of the death penalty Point 2: costs of putting a criminal on death penalty Point 3: worldwide use of the death penalty Point 4: Juveniles on death row Point 5: alternatives to the use of the death penalty Point 6: possible error in killing someone who is innocent Point 7: →

The life of david gale film review

Gale was a professor of philosophy at the University of Texas, and we saw him lecturing about Jacques Lacan's conundrum of the inability of a desired fantasy to be satisfying once achieved. This film allowed for a greater understanding of the death penalty; and was somewhat educational to a degree.

Good report on causes of market failure

Market failure is a concept encompassed in economic theory where the amount of products demanded by customers in a certain market is not equal to the amount that is supplied by manufacturers and suppliers. The paper will also highlight the causes of market failure and its contribution to innovation failure.

Engineering disasters essays example

The role of an engineer is to respond to a need by building something as per a set of specifications. There have been catastrophic disasters in the past in various fields of engineering: infamous ones include the sinking of the Titanic, the explosion of Space Shuttle Challenger, the oil rig explosion of British Petroleum →

Melting pot vs. mosaic

That variation in rate appears to be more a function of the nature of the host culture, brought by the migrants, than the policies of the host culture. There is a range of family composition and dynamics in both the USA and Canada.

Fusion of equity and the common law

Since the administrative fusion of the Common Law and Equity Courts after the 1873 and 1875 Acts, there has been a lot of controversy over whether to fuse both equity and common law. Those arguing for the fusion of Equity and Common Law at a substantive level often comment on the inconsistency created by equity's →

Extra credit for final

The transaction is a: a. A contract for the sale of a bike for $175 c.

Mccarty v. pheasant run , inc.

How a Defense is Triggered A common defense is that there was a superseding intervening cause which was the cause of the injury to the plaintiff. The plaintiff must then prove that the injury was a result of the tort committed by the defendant and not due to the progression of the prior cause.

Police roles and functions

Secondly, the description of various types of police agencies at the local, state, federal level, and the roles and functions of each will be discussed. Protecting and serving the local community and theircivil rights, traffic control, to uphold and enforce the law, and to encourage respecting the law.

Liberty vs responsibility

Applying the Lockean proviso to the conflict between liberty and responsibility, in the presence of carcity, there has to be a certain set of responsibilities that people need to fulfill ) mainly including the one where they do not over-consume resources so that less is left for others and at the same time enjoy the →

Personal responsibility in education success

Ron Haskins, who is the co-director of Center on Children and Families, Budgeting for National Priorities, wrote an article entitled, " The Sequence of Personal Responsibility", states " Personal responsibility is the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes. In The College of Wooster, Ohio, as reported by Baker, the class →

Kelsey randall

They are the ones who are responsible for the child, and it is their job to monitor what their child is getting, or in this case eating. These people are admitting to the government that they cannot choose for themselves.

Example of research paper on association of smoking cessation and weight change with cardiovascular disease among

In particular, the hypothesis of the study was that " weight gain following smoking cessation does not attenuate the benefits of smoking cessation among people with and without diabetes". The article did not have a separate section with the heading of literature review, however in the introduction and discussion of the results, the authors referred →

Research paper on type 2 diabetes

It is interesting to note that ever since the 1970s, when middle-class families moved out of the urban areas and decided to reside in the suburbs, the market offering healthy foods moved out with them, leaving low-income families unable to purchase healthy food and have a balanced diet. In regards type two diabetes, or also →

History of art – cubism

Historical Account Cubism is a part of the abstraction period of modern art in the beginning of the twentieth century. The Impressionists and Realists of the late 19th century started to paint more everyday items and in a ore spontaneous fashion, in contrast to the classical period which came before.

Type 2 diabetes gene-environment interactions report examples

It is estimated that 30 percent of the population suffers from diabetes, and 90 percent of all diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes. Components of the " metabolic syndrome" and incidence of type 2 diabetes.

The use of motivational interviewing to help patients achieve better self-management research paper sample

In the process of operationalizing motivational interviewing for diabetes care, it is necessary for the management of health care organizations to provide the necessary resources and support for training of health practitioners and the evaluation of the operationalization process. The process of institutionalizing motivational interviewing in primary care is a continuous process.

Research paper on motivational interviewing for better self-management

The effectiveness of motivational interviewing techniques in eliciting behavioral change is determined by the skill of the health care practitioners in using motivational interviewing techniques and the degree of collaboration by the patient. According to Steinberg, some of the parameters that can be evaluated in the determination of the overall effectiveness of motivational interviewing include, →

The impact/effect of obesity on the united states essay sample

Therefore, effect of obesity is increased diabetes in the States and the associated economic costs to the economy. The management of pediatric obesity and diabetes.

Free essay on new diagnostic tool for diabetes

The proposed method is use of HbA1c levels for the analysis of diabetes and its related outcomes. It will help in identifying the progress of the disease, how well the glucose levels have been controlled, how effective the treatment provided seems to be, the benefits of the dietary regulations and exercises.

Social media ethics in nursing practice

The purpose of this paper is to argue that the American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics with Interpretive Statements is sufficient to address the ethical issues raised by the nurses' utilization of social media. 3, titled " The Nature of Health" guides the nurses to respect the rights and dignity of the patients regardless of →

The widely used social networks: instagram and facebook

Well, if you are not Beyonce or have followers in the billions like her, you can still become famous and use Instagram for improving your marketing in the following ways; Your Instagram followers are active, and they also love posting images on their Instagram profiles. If you own a restaurant and you are using Instagram →

Good example of soc 432 essay

The successful communication between the protesters and media is the spreading of the movements' ideas and aims among the big number of people. The fact that media has always been able to stimulate the emergence of serious social movements is supported by the work of Wolfsfeld and Gamson.

The protection of victims with the statute of limitations on sexual harassment

The Department of Fair Employment and Housing sates that the statute of limitations for submitting a report about sexual harassment in the state of California is one year from the date of the last occurrence of the sexual harassment. Usually a right to sue letter is given out depending on the seriousness of the harassment →

How media influences our democracy

While it is obvious that the first amendment is core to our identity as American citizens, there is a fine line between what the media was designed to be and what it has evolved into. In an article titled " Freedom of Speech and the Press" by professor Stone and Volokh it is described that →

Effects of social media on society

Propenents of social media point out the benefits of social media in regards to educational tools, and increased student engagement, while critics of social networking focus on subject like privacy, time, and miscommunication. Cons of Social Networking There are many challenges that face the use of social networking in education such as; on-line safety, time →

Free wind energy in the united states essay example

Prevalently, the United States enjoys the resource of strong wind in the entire nation. With regards to generation type, Iowa installed a wind capacity of 5, 177 megawatts of power, being position three for the sum of megawatts installed.

Term paper on miami environmental planning proposal

The purpose of this research is to suggest the most optimal structure, budgeting and other issues, relevant to the construction in Miami. In the event of a disaster and full or partial destruction of the energy-generating unit, the impact inflicted to the environment should be minimized to the utmost extent.

Democratic peace thesis sample

However, he accepts that " power politics" affects foreign policy, and that if for example a liberally-oriented regime fails to bring prosperity, the idea of a war is more likely to overcome the basic liberalism of the state. Owen's theories about democratic peace are convincing and from his own studies he is satisfied that democratic →

International relations: pkk essay example

PKK is the Kurdish Worker's Party, which under the leadership of Abdulla Ocalan, has been fighting to attain an autonomous Kurdistan from the state of Turkey. The root cause of the deaths of the three women in Paris can be attributed to the participation of the PKK in peace talks with the government of →

Good netanyahu: middle east peace talks essentially buried if hamas-fatah deal essay example

Netanyahu, in the interview with Fox News, stressed that history when asked about Palestinian statements that he is using the pact as an excuse to back out of peace talks." They can do intellectual somersaults from here to eternity, but it does not change the fact that they chose to make a pact with the →

Sample essay on tutorial number

Winston Churchill in one of his eloquent speech once declared it that; courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Are you that kind of person who is ready to let go of all the issues just for the sake of peace?

Advantages of internet banking to customers and financial organizations essay sample

Internet banking is has reduced the total time required to process bank transactions and has driven most people out of long banking queues to ATM machines where they can withdraw and deposit money with ease. Some of the disadvantages of internet banking have to do with security.

Tyrannies and tyrant in “the prince” by niccolò machiavelli

This helps in the creation of a better image of the Tyrant so the Tyrant can still be in power. Machiavelli continues to explain that the prince or the ruler needs to prioritize the aspects of his agenda in order to keep power and should ignore factors simply for the ideals.

Comparison of mary wollstonecraft’s and john mill’s ideas

The concept of Wollstonecraft and her ideas about the rights women deserve to have support from John Stuart Mill's idea of the The Greatest Happiness Principle. To him, he sees that the idea of women is really the manner in which society has them to be, which includes how the nature of them is nurtured →

Moral issues in the stranger by albert camus 

Morality is an essential aspect of life among individuals in the world, but the scenario is different for Albert Camus, as evident in the novel The Stranger. In the novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, moral issues of universal irrationality, human life meaninglessness, and obsession with the physical world are addressed to reflect on the →

Explain what aristotle meant by the final cause. 25 marks

The route to the final cause is as follows, the first cause is the material cause, it refers to the matter of an object, it's substance and room for change, so the material cause of a chair would be plastic and metal. This then applies to the concept of the final cause, if everything has →

Taking care of one’s soul according to socrates

This argument is one that I agree with, because I believe that the quality of one's soul surpasses importance of wealth or one's body. I believe in the benefits of meditation, and thus I support the idea that taking care of the soul is most important task of a human.

Jeremy bentham versus john stuart mill

Third, John Stuart Mill rejects the thought of Jeremy Bentham, which states that the motivations for humans to act can all be reduced to one's own interest and to his own exploration for the utmost satisfaction. I believethat John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism is more plausible than that of Jeremy Bentham's because of the following reasons: →

Meditation 1 and the lying senses in rene descartes’ book

This thought of doubting the senses is what lead Descartes to consider the possibility that the entirety of life is a dream. The connection he placed between the two is based on the fact that dreams can convince one that something that is not true actually is true by just tricking the senses alone, similar →

Women discrimination as depicted in john stuart mill essay the subjection of women

He was amongst the first to see an issue with women's equality during this time, if not, these women could certainly be in similar situations as African Americans. A type of thinking that reveals, that men did not have faith in the feelings or choices that women had to offer to society.

Thomas more’s slavery in utopia

Since the beginnings of civilization, humans have searched for a just and effective way to penalize those that break the laws of society and to deter people from breaking them in the first place. The slaves of Utopia are enslaved for a just reason, they " are not people who have been capture in battle" →

River road community

After a nuclearholocaustdevastates the country of the United States, the people of the River Road Community have to work throughadversityand strive for the survival of everyfamily. Frank s quote is manifested throughout the story by the observed changes in the lifestyle of the community, the ways in which the diminishment of supplies are dealt with, →

System-beaters: on the road to heartbreak

These kinds of people think that by doing all the work they are suppose to do to accomplish what they have to is just a waste of time when as to them there is an easy way out. I could say that I was one of these people when I was in high school, but →

Why walk

Walking does not produce excess carbon dioxide or fumes or cause noisepollutionWalking is a more efficient use of space: 20 times as many people can move in the same space by walking as in a car Walking and public transport are perfect partners. Read more about finding good places to walk and free walking routes →

The road summed up

The boy and his attempts to help the helpless, the father and his struggle to stay alive, and thefamilyat the end of the novel are all acts of the struggle of humanity. I am the one." I was never very sure if the eason why he wanted to help others was because of who he →

Contrastive and comparative analysis & conclusion research paper examples

The way the word is woven to form sentences befitting the theme, and at the same time, conveying the message is an art in itself. Though different in their styles and contents the central theme of ' journey' is maintained in both the literary works.

Three day road by joseph boyden

In the book Three Day Road, it is clear that Xavier enables Elijah's actions before and during war that lead to Elijah's eventual death, causing Xavier to fall ultimately responsible for Elijah's death. As they walk closer to the Marten, it is clear to both characters that it is still quite alive and struggling to →

Cloning: is it beneficial or harmful?

The texts BD 11 1 86 and Never Let Me Go, both associate cloning with utility and portray the health benefits of cloning through the processes of organ and full body donation. Lastly, cloning is an innovative way to produce benefits for the world; not only with the use of cloning plants and animals, but →

I and it again fuelled this is overdue

Much of the planned rampage in the Rift Valley regionoriginated of the land dispute because Rift Valley wasoccupied by Kalenjin including Maasai, while thecentral highlands were occupied with the Kikuyu and distinctidentities involved in agricultural activities. Whilethe search for reparation, the Kalenjins then assuredto return to the particular old set of rulesbased the Majimbolaw in →

The effect of industrialization and deforestation on biodiversity

Industrialization is classified as the development of industries in a region on a wide scale, the key word here is ' wide-scale', in order for industrialization to occur, we need to alter the ecosystem in a sense that the land must be cleared, the consequences of our inclination will be fatal or at least →

What were the causes of the dust bowl in the 1930’s

The Dust Bowl, as the drought was known, devastated the Great Plains in the central states region of the United States, drying up the already depressed economy resulting in damages worth millions of dollars. The immediate cause attached to the drought by climate scientists is the absence of soil moisture and vegetative cover of the →


This study aims to presents the result of the beneficial mix of Malunggay and Spinach called as Malunggay and Spinach powder. What are the uses of the Malunggay and Spinach powder as an additive? 7).

guns, germs, and steel essay sample

Also, due to its fertile land, the Fertile Crescent housed the best crops in the world. That allowed Europeans to grow the same type of crops and raise the same livestock as they did back home.

The causes of teenage pregnancy

Teenage mothers generally do not have the resources to care for a child and often they are not able to sustain healthy habits throughout pregnancy to ensure they produce a healthy baby. High school moms by and large do not have the assets to think about a tyke and regularly they are not ready to →

Rizal biography

Narcisa - also called as " Sisa" and the third child of the family. The story of the Moth This is the story of Thoedora to Rizal, he made this his inspiration.

Tom brady biography

He took an interest in football because he liked the feeling of being on a team, and bonding with the players. Bradys transition to starter went smoothly, he and the whole team had a great relationship.

Eric whitacre biography

Although he is not among the likes of Metallica or The Beatles, Eric has won a Grammy for Best Choral Performance for his album " Light and Gold" in the past year, as well as a nomination in 2007 for " Cloudburst and Other Choral Works". Whitacre does something in hismusicthat is so unique and →

Analysis of biography of william blake

And then I will stand and stroke his silver hair, And be like him and he will then love me.' Summary: A black child tells the story of how he came to know his own identity and to now God. He vows that hen they are both free of their bodies and delighting in the →

Autobiography of lacocca

Ford agreed, which was the start of a very successful venture for Iacocca and the Ford Motor Company. At this point, Iacocca was known as a powerful and knowledgeable force in the automotive industry.

Literacy autobiography

I was in Pre-K when I was introduced to the fundamentals of reading. I was able to connect with this character because I lost my grandmother to lung cancer and I experienced some of the same things he went through.

Manistique inc.

We will begin by analyzing the correlations between the different variables in the dataset to ascertain a conclusion as to whether the program has really improved safety attitudes and improved the time lost in injuries or whether the change is statistically insignificant Correlation between safe training attitude & i) Total number of injuries Using the →