4 Pages Essay Samples

Free take home exam question essay example

The politics of the country restrict religious freedom and the constitution endorses Islam as the state religion. Brutality is the order of the day as the constitution, indirectly curtails the freedom of worship that the minority religions in the country are rightfully entitled to.

The united states supreme court essay

The constitution limits the jurisdictions of the federal courts to the territory of the nation. The court has, Appellate jurisdiction granted by article III of the constitution.

Free essay on organizational testing and assessment

Some of the tools that have proven to be effective in the business marketplace include performance assessments and appraisals, behavioral observational scales, personality scales, and meta-analysis. In the same manner, employees that have a low rate of positive behaviors or a low frequency of desired behaviors can have such identified and be counseled to improve β†’

Black warrior: a study of african american women voice against female mutilation

With Shug' s support, Celie sees her own sexual organ in a mirror out of the blue and yells: " It mine It was the first time that she develops an interest to her body and enjoys its beauty. Shug's initiation of Celie to her body is one of the principle steps that assists her β†’

Robert marshall case research essay

The Supreme Court's opinion shows that the earliest evidence of Marshall's preplanning occurred in 1983." According to Investigator Mahoney's report of the Kraushaar interrogation, she told police of a conversation with Marshall prior to Christmas in 1983 in which, while discussing his financial difficulties, Marshall had observed that " the insurance on would take care β†’

Movie review on nursing

In the movie " Girl Interrupted", there were several psychological problems depicted by the characters and the most prominent among them are the characters of Susanna, which was diagnosed of Borderline Personality Disorder and Lisa who was diagnosed of being a Sociopath. For a much comprehensive treatment and diagnostic requirement, the National Institute of Mental β†’

Depression disorder essay

A mental-health professional will have to diagnose the one suspected to have depression to know the type and level of the depression and the most effective treatment to use. The medication used in this type of disorder is the clomipramine and the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.

Essay on global warming

This essay is an analysis of the article with respect to the overall summary of the article, what the article talks about, what is important in the article and what is least explained with respect to the aspect of climate change. The bottom line of the issue is that global climatic change is a realm, β†’

Does human-produced carbon dioxide contribute to global warming?

In John Farley's " Human Produced Carbon-Dioxide Contributes to Global Warming", he firmly believes that human's are producing carbon dioxide that contributes to global warming. This is especially true in the case; does human-produced carbon dioxide contribute significantly to global warming.

Our only planet: ethics to conserve and protect essay

I believe that the youth and children of today is the hope of the future. The next reading " Climate Change Is a Moral Problem for You, Right Now" of the book " Moral Ground" tackles the situation we are in today and the crucial responsibilities that we, humans, have to act in this planet.

Up to have limited thinking and through

The differences in the spears made by a Homo sapiencompared to the ones of Neanderthals were that the earlier species had usedbigger stones/rocks for tools in general, like Levallois pieces, which werehand axes found around Europe and Southwestern Asia. By using tools and burying items with the dead, scientists knowthat the brain capacity of Neanderthals β†’

A is a period of relatively little

The fifth report showing GMST in the 14 years after 1998 known as the ' hiatus', has cause discussion to the evidence proving if there was in fact a hiatus, depending on the period and definition. Some of the main definitions used to characterize a hiatus are when the trend in Global Mean Surface Temperature β†’

Situation essay examples

Climate change has become a serious problem and human allover are concerned on how to reduce bad human activities causing it because it is said that climate change is determined by activity of human. As now the leading cause of climate change is activity of human people, Activity of people like using fosil fuel in β†’

Global climate change case study analysis

This will cause the earth to over heat, which will lead to problems that will lead to the end of the Northern Hemisphere. Recommendations Excessive global warming is a problem that will face the earth until the human race pulls together to solve.

Global warming

Global Warming Global warming is the increase of world's average temperature, mainly in the sector of atmosphere, seas and the land on Earth.here are three serious factor, namely the crack on the lower part of atmosphere, pollution on Earth an so many green houses. The effects of Global Warming is very dangerous for our existence β†’

Good essay on exhibition critique

Is the depiction of the life that the women lead as seen in the collection an accurate representation of the state of affairs in the barracks? Additionally, the curator assumed that the collection would serve only to inform the on the plight of the internees.

Compare and contrast the way carol ann duffy and bruce dawe

Both poems share the same themes of war, loss of life, through the development of the views of each persona, but contrast in getting across the ideas. In the final stanza of this poem, Duffy reminds the reader of the persona that the public sees only a fraction of misery and war in photos.

The evolution of photography of digital photography

Even though the basic elements of capturing light and image was in the hands of early man, it was centuries before the light image was able to be saved without the need for paints or carvings." By 1700 the portable camera obscura had become standard equipment for many professional artists who etched image the lens β†’

The biography of vicky roy, the british photographer

At the same time, the volunteer said that there are many centers of his trust and in some you can go to school and at the same time you will not be closed all the time." He joined one of these centers, whose name was his house Vicky Roy / Vicky Roy was admitted to β†’

Example of essay on environment as social problem

In a way, he is more than a photographer as the concept of environmental sociology can be associated with much of his style and works; his arts emphasizes on structures that convey the ideas that inspired the resulting scenery. In capturing the remnants of the Katrina disaster, he asserted that his main intent in taking β†’

The significance of censored images in “the war photo no one would publish” by torie rose deghett’s

In addition to that, taking photographs or videos shows what's going on or what is went on rather than hearing it verbally and it gives more accuracy to the event. Censorship basically takes away the form of art due to the fact that it is hiding things from people, skewing the truth which hinders people β†’

Photovoltaic cells, their separation and description

First generation of photovoltaics are typically made from polycrystalline due to its vast availability and can achieve up to almost 28% of conversion efficiency. Third generation photovoltaics on the other hand are likely to use materials apart from simple silicon which comprises multiple layers of different semiconducting materials and ideally it would be a lot β†’

Free textual analysis of still image essay example

To a viewer this is reality of the world as captured by the camera lens. Question Two The concept of male gaze is a much use in the construction of the cinematic gaze.

Review of dxo filmpack rendering software

The film rendering software is a great tool in making the pictures translate the vision of the photographer. Lateral shifting: It is one of the best features of this software.

A day in the life of a photography student

This means that you will be given a certain topic but it will be up to you to plan your day and experiment as well as taking initiative in and out of the classroom. Through a demo shoot, your lecturer will demonstrate certain photography elements and styles and you will get the chance to watch β†’

Use of photo radar to detect speeders or red light runners in the us essay sample

The accuracy of the devices has been put to question due to the relatively large numbers of motorists taken to court who demonstrated that the photo radars were wrong in their speed. The photo radars and from the nature of organisation of the whole system is not for the good of the country.

The perception of beauty in different cultures

According to BBC news, it is so important for a girl there to be fat to the extent that they send the little girls to fat farms where they are literally force fed. Not to forget that globalization played a major role in making only one beauty ideal for the whole world.

The impact of beauty tutorials from mass media on young girls

To begin, young girls tend to develop a large deal of confidence in the women they watch in these videos. For one, young girls might find themselves comparing their looks to the looks of the women in these videos, and this could be detrimental to their self-esteem.

The great power of beauty

Shakespeare is admitting to the power of the mistress' beauty as she walks past him; this implies the aura and vibe of her beauty. Thus, beauty is thought to be a moral standard of the most prestigious women.

Post tapping delhi-ncr, beauty services start-up vanitycube eyes 4 new metros in 6 months

All credit goes to the start-ups emerging in this space, like Vyomo, MangeMySpa, Nykaa.com, VanityCube, Purplle and many more, who have transformed the beauty and wellness industry drastically. Maintaining high order of service quality and ensuring the availability of therapists within 90 minutes of booking is what make them stand unique from other similar ventures β†’

Running head: smokeless tobacco and oral cancer

Even though the tobacco is being spitted out, the Nicotine in the tobacco is being absorbed through the lining of the mouth as well as at least 28 chemicals that have been found to cause cancer. Difficulty chewing or swallowing, moving the jaw or tongue, and numbness of the tongue or other area of the β†’

What are the stages of pancreatic cancer?

The higher the stage number, the more widespread the cancer is. The " M" in the TNM system is used for cancer that has spread, or metastasized, to other parts of the body.

Diversity research paper

I have lost most of my hair and I am quite thin due to the cancer treatments I have undergone. My family and I are more open minded to diversity in others because of the prejudice we have experienced throughout my battle with cancer.

Emotional and psychological effects of cancer

Cancer is " characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue." It is caused by a simple DNA mutation that causes the body to create a cancerous cell. When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, their reaction may vary depending on a β†’

Participating in charity events essay sample

The goal of Relay for Life is to raise money to find a cure for cancer and also celebrate the lives of local people in the area that have fallen victim from different types of cancer. Safehaven is a home/shelter for abused women and children and every year they have an event to keep the β†’

Majority rule and minority rights

To ensure that the minority retains their rights, the constitution has limited the power of the elected officials and embedded in the constitution are certain laws that will guard the rights and interest of the minority. It is important to guard the rights not just of the majority but of the minority as well.

Explain how you could promote inclusion

The essence of the definitions of all three terms is acceptance it implies that the objective of teaching is to impart the knowledge and to assist the entire group in achieving their educationalgoalsregardless of their background. They consist of? forging relationships? building community? increasing participation Inclusion in education is concerned with breaking down barriers to β†’

Good example of philosopher kings essay

Plato believed that it was only through the leadership of the philosopher kings that justice would be achieved in the society. C, Philosopher-Kings: The Argument of Plato's " Republic", First Edition.

Economic justice for all article review

The article is written to address the effects of the US economy on the human life. In light of economic justice for all, the government ought to consider the needs of the minority groups like the Mexican-Americans in Arizona.

The role of literature in engaging society in issues of justice

The role of literature in engaging society in issues of justice is that it raises awareness and sheds light on issues ranging all the way from racism to immigration in society. For example, the poem " So Mexicans are Taking Jobs from Americans" by Jimmy Baca transforms minds by discussing the mistreatment that Americans have β†’

The psychoanalytic perspective in relation to iago essay sample

In Shakespeare's play, " The Tragedy of Othello," a critic might want to use the psychoanalytic approach to help understand Iago. Therefore, he wants Cassio out of the way and wants Othello to like Iago, himself.

How successful is exposure as a transformation of othello?

The different language features in the texts help to set the context of the story. The idea of defying society and following their hearts is used to in Exposure, with the love between Otello and Desmerelda.

Biff loman’s role in death of a salesman

Biff's essence is what motivates the men in his family to choose the path that they take in life. All of Willy's hopes and dreams were wrapped up in this one boy and when Biff failed to live up to them, Willy felt thatfailurejust as deeply as he felt the let-down of his own unfulfilled β†’

Character analysis -tell tale heart

This paranoia leads the narrator to believe that the only way he can put down his fears is to kill the old man. The progression of the story revolves around the actions of the narrator.

Othello victims speech (desdemona)

This is just the first example of many that prove that the statement ' Victims are actually the makers of their own demise' is true in relation to that of the character Desdemona in the play Othello. In conclusion the culmination of all the aspects that make up the character Desdemona lead to her downfall, β†’

Explain how iago manipulates roderigo in act 2: scene 1. essay sample

And what delight will she have to look on the devil?"" Now, sir, this granted as it is a most pregnant and unforced position who stands so eminent in the degree of this fortune as Cassio does?" The way that Iago uses his rhetorical questions are effective, because he creates a visual before it, in β†’

Tragedy of othello

Throughout the play Iago jumps at any attempt to sabotage Othello and Desdemona's relationship and quite literally anyone who gets in his way including his own wife Emilia, whom he later stabs in a final act of cowardice and Michael Cassio who holds the rank of lieutenant, which is essentially what Iago wants. Upon finding β†’

Okonkwo: a life story of a tragic hero

Ezeani, the priest of the earth goddess comes to the hut to discuss Okonkwo's actions and how he could ruin the clan. Forced to march in a procession, Ikemefuna stricken by one of the clan members, when he tries to seek Okonkwo's protection, Okonkwo so as not appear weak performs: " Dazed with fear, Okonkwo β†’

In william shakespeare’s play “othello” the use of

In that statement Iago was comparing Othello to an old black ram by comparing Othello's skin color to that of the black ram's, and the white ewe, a young female sheep, to Desdemona. The use of a black ram and a white ewe to compare Othello and Desdemona helped in the visualization of their affair.

Cultural anthropology

In any case, to change the way you live or stop participating in your favorite activities because of who is waiting for you down the street or in school is the best way to fuel and promote the negative behavior of any bully. The outcome of this form of bullying is the same as physical β†’

Anti bullying act of 2012 essay sample

Worldwide, Reports in 2010 the " chronic persistence of school bullying has led to student suicides across the country, including New Jersey" Identified a need " to strengthen the standards and procedures for preventing, reporting, investigating, and responding to incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students that occur in school and off the school β†’

Communication and ethical issues summary essay sample

The story of Memphis police officer Darrell Mallone and dispatcher Jenny Rice are a great example of abuse of power. Veasley claimed that Officer Malone got verbal, pulled out a stick, and threaten to hit him in the face.

Personal project on investigating verbal bullying

My goal is to raise awareness and reduce verbal bullying for children in the Bishop School through the production of a short film that can provide others with information about the negative effects it has. The experience and knowledge will be of really helpful for my project because, in order for me to achieve my β†’

Example of essay on tourism management

In addition, tourism sector should collaborate with the government to improve training, and education of the tourism sector employees. The government should invest in physical infrastructure and ICT to foster productivity of the tourism sector.

Consequences of bullying

In the social area, is hard to victims to have friends in general because of their high anxiety level and low self-esteem, for this reason they have just a few friends or none at all. Another reason that other kids do not hang around with victims is because they worry that peers will not like β†’

Forgiveness therapy on depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress for women essay sample

Therapeutic Intervention Enright and Reed described in their research that FT correlates the emotionally abused spouses, ability to forgive the offense with the treatment of the psychological effects that they endure. The counselor will assist the client in forgiving herself, with the treatment of her addiction and the effects of the consequences that the client β†’

Why we should pay more attention to the issue of bullying

The problem of bullying needs to be addressed in all levels of society, especially the causes and implications. The result of bullying harming a person in extreme ways for a long time and it is possible for them to commit suicide once their willpower cannot sustain anymore.

Regulatory behavior essay example

In response to the emotional behaviors of an animal, the nervous system through the autonomic branch increases or decreases conversely with the parasympathetic branch to allow for mobilization of energy for rigorous behavior or otherwise depending the situation. As such, nervous system controls the activities that lead to changes in heart rate, the size of β†’

Bullying essay: overview

Whether or not you have been bullied, there are things you can do to stop bullying. So remember that for the next time you witness someone being bullying and do not do anything to stop it.

Passing of the ppaca argumentative essay

In 2010, the American health care system was completely overhauled with the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; amended later by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The primary points of the PPACA include the restructuring of the American health care system into one where insurance companies are held β†’

Essay on universal healthcare

Still on the same point of equity, the universal insurance will only provide for one set of insurance platform, the contrary to the private based which you acquire the healthcare depending on the amount of premium that you pay. On the side of the economy it's considered that most companies will benefit with the universal β†’

Geico commercial analysis

The basic idea of the commercial is that no matter what happens in life, that you should always be prepared for what to do next. You could be driving down the road just like the guy was in this commercial, and have the same thing happen to you.

Companies ais and their defending

Since, the company benefits and consequently profits from the use of accounting information system, it should bear the losses that arise from attacks on the accounting information system. Further it is the responsibility of the company to maintain the highest level of security for its accounting information system.

The effect of affordable act care on ryan white patients critical thinking samples

Ryan White Program is a national program designed particularly for the treatment and care and for support programs for people who have HIV or AIDS in the United States. The Ryan White Program is controlled by the Health Resources and Services Administration or HRSA of the Department of Health and Human Services or DHHS in β†’

Lacking adequate competition essay

A successful model that seeks to replace the Big Bang notion must be ready to explain the past, present and future states of the universe in an efficient and unified manner. The Cyclic Model offers a viable mechanism for explaining the observed cosmological phenomenon by building on the notion that the universe undergoes an endless β†’

The history of cosmetology essay

They used the pole for the patients to hold tightly to so the veins would pop out. White stands for the bandages, red for the blood, and blue for the veins in the arm.

Speech on advertisement essay

The examples that we will see to explore this phenomenon are the " flawless woman" and the " clean bottled water". So, how do we react to all of these advertising illusions such as the " flawless woman" and the " clean bottled water"?

Popular culture and print media

The print media has been keeping the public informed of information consisting of the lives of human beings, mother nature, products and services, by extending the knowledge of a story or report across the nation. The actions and attitudes of Americans effect the popular culture." There has been an increasing trend in the United States β†’

Report on edwardian era of fashion

The duration encompassed the historic Titanic sinking, the beginning of World War I in 1914, and the stop of World War I in 1918. The head of sleeve had a few gathers and the entire sleeve appeared curved in like the skirt, narrow around the middle, wide around the bottom and full around the top.

Issues facing paris fashion industry

It's estimated that the clothing industry is already facing a consumer slowdown in the world and also in the areas served by the Paris manufacturers and this is hoped to bring in a disaster to local manufacturers. The local manufacturers must work hard and must be able to respond to the changes that are already β†’

Neymar a wide range of styles such as

Using pathos, the striking pose and the written words, the ad creates an urge for the viewer to stop being average and take some risks from time to time. To his left is a picture of him wearing the Brazil men's national team jersey with his fists clenched in the air and his mouth ajar β†’

Essay on the australian opera house

The foremost role of this house was to offer a comprehensive image and the character of the Australian nation. The constructors also used Pre cast concrete in construction the ribs, and the shells of the Opera House.

Good the question is: how can the multicultural education program be implemented in australia report example

The benefit of such mission is the hands on understanding of the workings of different cultures. An entire 25 percent of Australians belief that diversity would compromise the security of the Australian society thus making multicultural education vital for both the well being and healthiness of the Australian society.- Perhaps one of the most formidable β†’

Anzac day in australia

This is the only insight I have of Granddad and the war as he seldom talks of it. My mind is brought back to the present, when the silence is pierced by the sounds of " The Last Post" from the lone bugle and the Wing Commander of the day barking out the command for β†’

The story of us

One of the reasons for the federation of Australia was that all Australians were keen to utilise the legal power of the government to keep a ' white Australia.' This belief was the result of a lot of derogatory and racist views of whites and fears of non-whites taking their jobs, making the wages lower β†’

Australian identity through poetry essay sample

He uses visual imagery to perfection, painting a vivid picture of ' Clancy', leading a jolly life droving cattle and living under the stars, and then compares it with " the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city through the open window floating".' Banjo' also uses metaphor, again to emphasise the differences between β†’

Business ethics of mcdonald’s

McDonald's approach to environmental sustainability: McDonald's mission is to be the UK's favourite family restaurant and it believes that this involves protecting the environment at a local and global level. Purchasing- focusing on procurement to: * Work in partnership with environmentally responsible suppliers to minimise the resource use and pollution associative with its products and β†’

Coca-cola sustainability strategy

Coca-Cola understands the need to reduce emissions for a low-carbon future and to do that the company first looked to manufacturing. The company has reached out to all it's affiliates down the supply chain to measure their own energy emissions and continue to strive for solutions to lower the global footprint.

Throw away the attitude, recycle

Raise your hand." A typical family consumes 182 gallons of soda, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year"." About 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, yet our recycling rate is only 28%". It is easy to recycle most household products and it will only β†’

Core value of coca-cola

The central promise is to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, and inspire moments of optimism; to create value and make a difference in the world. As a global business, our ability to understand, embrace and operate in a multicultural world - both in the marketplace and in the workplace is critical to β†’

Hannah lucia inkin – 11430532

It is certain that imagist poetry and experimental novels of the post-war era " reflect the fragmentation of consciousness and the disorder and confusion that a victim experiences in the wake of a traumatic event" which inevitably damages any sort of faith the victim may have ever had about himself in the past and makes β†’

Live long and happy

A science of positive subjective experience, of positive individual traits, and of positive institutions promises to improve the quality of life and also to prevent the various pathologies that arise when life is barren and meaningless. From the time I was three to the time I was five, I was a whiner.

Humans, stewards on earth.

We need nature not for shelter and food only, but also for Nurture of our souls, life is a passage, we should remember that we are here for specific time, and we should leave the world better place than we found it for the sake of our future generations.in this paper, I will try to β†’

Leo tolstoy’s war and peace and the search for the meaning of life

Leo Tolstoy's novel " War and Peace" has become one of the most important works of world literature, affecting the moral problems and giving answers to such important historical and philosophical questions that relate to the meaning of life of the individual and its role in the history of mankind. For the sake of wealth β†’

Purpose of education

FINAL DRAFT PURPOSE OF EDUCATION It is very easy to take education for granted and overlook how significant it is in life and the impact it has on people the world and the future. It is to create a spark and create the sense of realization about the purpose of life, world and the universe.


It is a story with a focal point focused on love and innocence in the context of death. Theme The general theme is a story with a focal point focused on love and innocence in the context of death.

The giving of orders

It is important to note that in order to do this, one cannot simply suppress the augments of the mind of the person in question, as that will only lead to dissatisfaction and contempt. Follett delves deeper into the human psyche by stating that at the core of every human being is the desire to β†’

Death as life

The intention of this paper is to express the belief that how life is lived is how Death will introduce itself at the end. All that is living will face Death, and how it approaches is up to each individual and the life that is lived.

Example of research paper on music 110 research assignments

This research paper explores with a specific example; the diverse culture of the Viet represented through subtle selection of music on the songs; " Lie Down Sleep", a Viet lullaby from the tribe of Black Thais and the " Au O Vi Dau" another common Viet lullaby. Primarily, music in the southern region of Vietnam β†’

American involvement in vietnam war

The Vietnam War was the longest war involving the United States, yet it was only the war in which the United States was defeated. Hence then, the experiences of the veteran in the novel were a reflection of the credulity of the insistence of the United States to maintain its ideological dominance in the form β†’

Critical thinking on effects of leadership

This happened during the he Vietnam War and was a mass murder of among 347 and 504 defenseless civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by soldiers of " Charlie" Company of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the American Division that were a part of the United States Army. Barker gave β†’

The vietnamese culture, a rich heritage on many different levels

Was Communism to be practiced, as it should be in Vietnam There would be a middle and upper class which there are not except at the level of government, meaning it" tms the same old story of corruption, hunger for power and the odd need to keep the people as submissive and as under-privileged as β†’

Essay on the film jonestown

The media stations widely covered the brutality of the American war against communism in Vietnam and led people to demonstrate because most of them argued that it was not necessary. They went to the extreme end of believing in one person as if he was their savior and could do anything that he commanded.

Tiger woods brand image essay sample

The market overall is still available for Tiger Woods as a product endorser because Tiger's functional value is extremely high for companies desiring to capitalize on his athleticism and professional career. As Tiger continues to improve his golf game and win tournaments, his rankings will increase and he will remain as one of the most β†’

The mission of sara lee

In connection to that, the company focuses to become the first choice of the consumers and customers in different part of the globe by bringing together different innovative ideas, continuous improvement as well as people in order to make things happen. The main reason behind the said condition of the company focuses on the fact β†’

Case analysis: class or mass essay sample

Whether cutting the current price by around 50% to clear the inventory is the main argument among the board members. It will keep the high quality, and the premium image in customer's mind.