4 Pages Essay Samples

5 truths about gen-z businesses that want a future need to know

And like the generations that precede them, Gen Z-ers promise to bring yet another mindset to your small business - whether as employees or customers. Count on a minimal learning curve for your Gen Z-ers - and expect them to suggest ways to use the newest apps to benefit your business.

The role of the youth in nation building essay sample

We have the capability of raising the status of our country. If only the generation today find that the key to the success of the country and the key to their success are identical.

ο»Ώobamas back to school speech essay sample

The speech consists of three parts: The intro, the body and the conclusion, which is very convenient for the students who is going to analyse the speech later on. The audience is students, and if he were not rhetorical in his way of delivering the speech, he would have lost them.

Who i am

Thinking to It, I knew It was a start, a new start of life as a beginning, new chapter of not just believing in finding myself, challenging more to my limitations, setting high bars, letting myself free to the world of judgments and doubts of others around me, and showing my heart to the world β†’

Finis origine pendet

The statement empasizes the importance of the present to the future, and consequently the past to the present as well as the future. As was once said in our class, " The best historian finds a way to repeat an event in the future because it's good or not make it happen again because it's β†’

Research paper on avoiding taxes

After renouncing citizenship, the petitioner loses the rights that are enjoyed by the citizens of the US. One needs to pay the taxes that he or she owe the state before they think of renouncing citizenship since even after renouncing citizenship the tax liability is still attached to the individual and the individual will not β†’

A look into the future – predictions for blockchain technology

There will be many investments for the development of different blockchain-based platforms and tools for verification of identities, payments, contracts, security measures, and a lot more. In the future, it will provide distributed autonomous application and will pave the way for autonomous trades and negotiations.

How community benefits teenagers

The problem is that all teenagers try hard to get avoid from their parents so community could help parents to reach out to teens with attractive and dedicated services, programs, and activities that address teens' interests and needs. Secondly, community is the best place to have bunch of programs like sports, fitness center, and games β†’

Why teenagers don’t get enough sleep?

After reading an essay written by National Sleep Foundation about America's sleep deprived teens, I was shocked to learn how many teenagers are not getting enough sleep at night, and how dangerous the lack of sleep is. However, most of the teenagers have to wake up for school at 6: 30 in the morning which β†’

The use of irony in “advice to youth” by mark twain essay sample

The use of irony in " Advice to Youth" by Mark Twain " American humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist who acquired international fame for his travel narratives, especially The Innocents Abroad, Roughing It, and Life on the Mississippi, and for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry β†’

Youth work

1 Differentiate between outreach and detached youth work As a Youth worker I have delivered both Detached & Outreach Youth work.to young people in various locations in the Trafford area of Manchester, I personally found both sent out the same message of equal participation, but as Detached youth worker I was encouraged to spread the β†’

Cause/effect essay

The youth in schools only hang out with the people they know and like, but one wrong decision and the can decide to no longer be friends with that person. The friends of the person will feel somewhat betrayed that they did not talk to them about the pain inside.

Driving responsibilities essay sample

00 per hour at your job and insurance is $200 a month, how many hours will you have to work to pay for insurance? Will your parents set restrictions on your driving such as the hours of the day you can drive or how many passengers you can have in the car?

Good example of essay on mental health orientation of juvenile courts by carolyn breda

At times, because of their innocence and vulnerability to the society surrounding them, these young individuals become accustomed to living a life that they think is alright as long as it gives them the chance to enjoy what they want out of life. In the study of Breda, she points out the need of several β†’

Cialis critical analysis

I think this was the right move on Pfizer's side since it expand their target market to men of all ages, at the same time maybe draw out men who did not feel comfortable with the subject. They also wanted to educate the public about ED and about their solution to it.

The unexpected useful qualities of mattress protector

You have to use a hypoallergenic waterproof mattress protector atop it, especially if you have kids around to not only protect your mattress but also your family's health. This is why it's better to also use a mattress protector atop it so that both the topper and mattress are covered and protected.

Nurses experience on research paper

The Hvakvik and Dale study endeavors to examine the patient transition from independence to homecare from the nurses' point of view. As suggested by the work of Gadamer, recognition of the pre-understandings of the researchers before conducting this research were recognized and kept separate from the evidence supporting the understandings of the focus groups.

Example of essay on comparison and contrast paper: on compassion vs. homeless

The paper discusses the idea of homelessness by comparing and contrasting the positions and arguments assumed by the Quindlen and Ascher. Quindlen's essay targeted making individuals understand the significance of having a home and the situation characterizing the homeless people.

The intex prism frame pool set

The metal frame of the pool provides sturdy reinforcements that ensure that one person leaning on the side of the pool will not make the walls dip down. The straight sides of the pool make it more spacious, maximizing the amount of people that can fit in the pool.

Park model – a small house on wheels

Also, as it is marketed as a vacation home, there are plenty of perks and luxuries that you get with it so even if you are not really looking for a vacation in it, it offers a pretty comfortable living space for you and your loved one. There's one bedroom and a bathroom for your β†’

The problems of my neighbourhood

In this neighborhood, 14% of the people are living in poverty compared to the 20% of people that are living in New York City. There are lots of reasons people have Hypertension one reason could be how many fast-food restaurants are available in my neighborhood which comes bad fats to high in salt which is β†’

Door handles for domestic use

The knobs or handles are subsequently fitted on both sides of the doorway secured to the spindle to allow closing and opening. You are able to set up handles on the doors or merely have a top notch carved in it to work as a grip for slipping back and forth.

Informative speech about homelessness

Main Point: According to the iiWashington Legal Clinic for the Homeless there are 5, 000 homeless people in D. Sub-sub point: According to Legal Clinic of Washington in the District a worker earningminimum wageof $8.

Application of network video cameras in cities

Not with standing the above, the role played by these teams in relation to improving the functioning of smart cities and the way in which people live, travel and work both in the present and in the near future, will be fundamental. These are some of the examples of the possibilities of the technologies of β†’

Toys for boys and toys for girls

The toy aisle are also being determined by the names the toys are using, the color and the pictures as well. Girls mind are being shaped as in they stay home, prepare food, that their only job is to look nice and pretty all the time.

Equality and civil rights for all research paper sample

It is this practice that saw the entrenchment of segregation, discrimination and isolation of the African American from the larger American society. The struggle to liberate the African American dates back to the efforts led by the likes of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, among others during the civil rights struggle in the United States β†’

Free essay on anthem scripting

Is about the anthem you have to lead the composition. International: Okay, International is going to help you, not you, us, Anthem is not about you, about all of us, you see, that is the first point, straight from the sixth planet.

Cesar chavez as an ideologist of nonviolent resistance

In order to demonstrate the ability nonviolence has to create change, Chavez alludes to well-respected civil rights leaders as a way to offer proof of the power of nonviolence, contrasts the effects of nonviolence compared to violence in order to show the futility of resorting to violence, and purposefully appeals to his readers' religious values β†’

Civil rights/secret life of bees

The African American Civil Rights Movement aimed to eliminate all racial discrimination and segregation in America and demonstrated throughout Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of the Bees. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their β†’

Good civil rights movement essay example

Towards the end of the twentieth century, philosophies of these movements established themselves so strongly in the society that they became the cultures of the global community they took up a different form in an attempt to state clearly what they were intended for, freedom. The inclination of a people towards their cultural orientation is β†’

A battleground of the second civil war the struggle for integration in mississippi book review

Attempts to implement integration throughout Mississippi elicited a widespread campaign of intimidation against black folks that was as far-reaching and destructive as the violence that protesters were met with in Mississippi and other parts of the South. In the towns of Dundee and Rosa Fort, white teachers assigned to all-black schools were permitted to resign β†’

Customer rights & responsibilities

Satisfying the basic needs is the important right of a customer and if it is fulfilled in a proper manner, optimal outcomes can for sure be generated. The Law was thus developed in order to protect the interests of consumers as well as to impose the following obligations: a supplier's liability towards consumers as an β†’

Nationalism, industrialism, colonialism, imperialism and communism essay sample

Industrialism is an economic and social system based on the development of large-scale industries and marked by the production of large quantities of inexpensive manufactured goods and the concentration of employment in urban factories. In the West, imperialism was reborn with the emergence of the modern nation-state and the age of exploration and discovery.

Conflict theories

The various institutions of society such as the legal and political system are instruments of ruling class domination and serve to further its interests. There is great attention paid to class, race, and gender in this perspective because they are seen as the grounds of the most pertinent and enduring struggles in society.

Research essay

Orwell's writing mostly focused on the nature of human in the society; his opinion about the non-democratic world and central authority focused in social and political areas. As exemplified in his story of poverty, Down and out in Paris and London; he captured the realism of life during the Spanish Civil War in Homage to β†’

Communist manifesto analysis

The commercial relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat has developed as Marx described it would." The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe". All the many aspects of the working relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat are found in McDonalds.

Example of the importance of the cold war research paper

The fact that President Wilson had refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Communist government after the resolution, and the fact that the United States had refused to share its nuclear weapons research with the Soviet Union, all had made Stalin hostile. One of the first official actions that Congress took after the expression of β†’

Maxism in literature

Marxist literary theories tend to focus on the representation of class conflict as well as the reinforcement of class distinctions through the medium of literature. Influence On Writers: Under the influence of Marxist theory, an author is interested in examining: a) History as Historical Materialism: The author hopes to show how all human relations are β†’

Pressure groups – amnesty international

My presentation is mainly focused on the one of the most influential pressure group and human rights organisation in the world, called Amnesty International. His appeal was reprinted in other papers across the world and turned out to be the genesis of Amnesty International.

The struggle between continuity and change in tiananmen square essay sample

The events of Tiananmen Square in 1989 present the struggle between continuity and change through the clashing ideals of the Communist party and the civilians, especially the students, of China. The westernised ideals of the students however, completely contradicted the views of the existing government of China.

Marxist analysis of film

Marxist Analysis of Film * What is it? * It is a form of critique that can be applied to any text or Film.* A Marxist Analysis can be boiled down to how economics drives the plot and is basically a critique of capitalism.* Marxism was founded by Karl Heinrich Marx * Karl Marx was β†’

The federal omnibus budget reconciliation act (obra) of 1987

OBRA changed the care and lives of nursing home residents all across America. The OBRA-87 nursing home regulations and implementation.

Example of research paper on suffolk police department budget

Policies The attorney's office for the eastern district of New York announced that the Suffolk Police Department implemented new and enhanced policies and procedures to ensure nondiscrimination in the provisions of police services to the Latino communities in Suffolk County. The mission of the department is to enforce the law and public service through partnership β†’

Kenya civil society meetings, and individuals were not

A witness said that police came into the homes of the twoteens, Onyango Otieno and Ochieng Gogo, on the morning of August 12th 2007 beatthem, then told them to run away and shot them in the back and took theirbodies away. Kenyais also a signatory on the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on β†’

Essay on the politics of public budgets

The case is relevant in the sense that, it helps the students to understand what political budget appertains as well as the process and purpose of budgeting. In addition, the case provides the importance of ensuring that the available revenues meet the expenditure to avoid project failure.2.

Free essay on how to establish a budget to maximize my familys savingsauthors name

The paper looks at the right techniques to make a budget for your savings and identify the problems that exist. Be very specific to your family and divide the weekly budget into different categories and stick to that budget.

Example of the cost of taking up a loan is called interest essay

A budget controls income and expenditure; in addition to that, it evaluates the process on how to achieve the financial goals. Liability is a present obligation that arises because of the past events or transactions and are settled in the future.

Free research paper about federal deficits, surpluses, and the national debt

The total budget of the United States is comprised of the off-budget and the on-budget. A deficit or surplus in the total budget is influenced more by the on-budget than by the off-budget such that, a deficit in the on-budget increases national debt.

Can government play moneyball essay example

The article, for example, clearly brings out the strong voice of politics in the budget process that is in determining the priority of funding. This is through a rigorous analysis of programs and holding the politicians accountable for their actions in respect to their decisions related to funding programs.

Pink-dear mr president analysis

Bush to look her in the eye, this is a sign that she is aware that he is not proud of his own and is unable to face his own actions, she is challenging him to state that he is proud of his actions. This is a very plausible assertion considering that his own father β†’

Example of essay on how democratic is the united states presidential election system

One of the reasons attributed to the stability of the American government is the way political power has been fragmented to be shared between the states and the federal government. An aspect of major criticism has been the way the president of the United States is elected: instead of electing the president directly by popular β†’

Essay on politicizing sports

It portrays the challenges that the president faced to achieve the common good of the State and eradicate the apartheid era that had faced the citizens of South Africa for a long period. The captain had a dream of winning trophies for his country, but the president changed his mind to focus on winning the β†’

Andrew jackson

He felt the Bank of the United States was unfair and that it was the cause of the panic of 1819. Andrew Jackson was considered to be one of the greatest presidents.

When politics trumps policy

While the public demand for the criminal justice system to help ensure a safe and secureenvironment, there are also occasions whereby the public may feel that the criminal justice agencies are actually the one posing unnecessary threats to the society. Issues like the abuse of authority, deadly vehicle pursuits and unauthorized use of weapons are β†’

Should harry s. truman have dropped the atomic bomb? essay sample

After, the Interim Committee was formed, including Truman's secretary of state, the president of Harvard, the president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. President Truman, Secretary of State Byrnes, Secretary of War Stimson, Army Chief of Staff Marshall, and a few others, contributed to the β†’

Course work on health policy making questions

Agenda setting and Development of legislation are all sub procedures that are done in the process of making health policies. The phase is the next phase after policy formulation and is bridged by the formal enactment of legislation.

The spouse in the house: what explains the marriage gap in canada essays example

In order to check the relevance of the " perceived marriage gap" elsewhere, the authors try to study the voting as well as social and economic patterns of the Canadian voters. However, the authors find that while it is true that the socio-demographic factors partly contribute to the marriage gap, they are of little help β†’

How has the position of vice president changed

The position of the vice president has drastically changed in many areas such as the way in which they are voted in, but it is still unchanged in areas like the powers given to the vice president in the constitution. The first two decades of the nations history, the vice-president was the person who came β†’

The fortieth president of the united states, ronald reagan

President Reagan looked up to President Roosevelt during trialing times for his family; " He would entered the White House facing a national emergency as grim as any the country has ever faced and, acting quickly, he had implemented a plan of action to deal with the crisis". President Reagan stated, " government is not β†’

Rhetorical strategies analysis of bill clinton’s first inaugural address

Then, in the middle of his first inaugural address, Clinton calls for people's responsibilities to renew and create a better nation. The Strategy of Biblical Language In the end of first address, President Clinton emphasis on how individuals change themselves to drive the government's and country's change.

Bush’s 9/11 speech

Bush's " 9/11 Address to the Nation" and found the speech to be ineffective. The President's speech started off and ended efficiently with it's appeal to pathos, however, it's lack in logos overshadowed this and made the speech unsuccessful.

Ceballos lincoln and king

In both Lincoln address and King's letter they mention God a lot so it seems to me that they both believed in God's will and power. The difference between Lincoln and King is that they fought for what they believed in regardless of what people thought.

Reflective as established in chappell v nestle consideration

In discussing this I noted that the quality of service provided by CB is an integral part of their reputation and the trust people had in their work was the reason, the business was doing so well, therefore, resulted in the expansion. According to the principle of consideration, due to the legally binding contract, HYTRI β†’

The midnight angels and demons essay

To the left of the bottle is the text and slightly left of the center of the advertisement is a woman's side profile with her head turned front. The dress of the woman is a gradient of silvery white to a blue that eventually falls into a black silhouette while the perfume bottle consists of β†’

News media: print, broadcast, and internet

All are examples of news media and part of the answer to the definition of news media. This simply is not the case and is not supported by the definition of the news media.

Image analysis essay essay sample

There is text at the bottom of the advertisment, which is smaller than the message on the model's skirt, indcating that the advertisement wants to draw their reader's attention to the young woman first and then to the fine print at the bottom." Let us keep on dreaming of a better world". She is the β†’

Cosmopolitan: an advertiser’s playground

Perhaps the editor of Cosmopolitan had a valid reason for including so many ads in the magazine so I decided to slowly go through the magazine to see if I could come up with this valid reason. White is the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan and I looked forward to reading her piece.

The ethical problems of modern advertising essay sample

The book defined business ethics as the standard that views every ethical practices and ideologies, ethical problems that may arise and how to deal with them, and engagement to certain duties and responsibilities, certainly all in the business context. An advertisement is any form of presentation of which the advertiser invites the consumer to patronage β†’

Drypers corporation essay sample

Drypers Corporation manufactures and markets premium quality disposable diapers, training pants and pre-moistened wipes under the Drypers brand and is a major provider of private label disposable baby diapers and training pants. The company is the world's sixth largest producer of disposable baby diapers and the third largest marketer of brand-name disposable diapers in the β†’


In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. The first and foremost function of the media in a society is to provide news and information to the masses, that is why β†’

Routine activity theory

A criticism of routine activity theory states that opportunities to commit crime by youth do not generally lead to a crime committed when the parental controls are missing. Also suggesting that routine activity fails to ignore other theories in relation to the causes of crime, such associal learning theory[-> 17].


The study of criminology is a very interesting major in the fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. This is one of the main reasons I choose to study Criminology it is a β†’

Criminal law

Procedural law is the part of the law that specifies the methods to be used in enforcing substantive law. Diminished capacity is a defense meaning the defendant may have a significantly impaired ability to understand the wrongfulness of the crime and to use reason or control behavior that the defendant knows is wrong.

Federal criminal law debate

Rule: The rule applicable in the case at bar is the Supremacy Clause contained in Article VI of the Constitution which provides " This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which will be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which will be made, under the Authority of the United States, β†’

Harrah’s entertainment: hitting the crm jackpot essay sample

Even if the drug is shown to be harmful, is not it the right of every person to choose what harms him or her? As detailed in the related links section, there are a number of medical benefits of marijuana, most notably in the treatment of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Benefits of viagra research paper examples

Viagra enables men to achieve erections as it utilizes the effects of the nitric oxide component of the drug, capable of transmitting signals to the brain. With the use of Viagra, men and women would be able to sustain their impotence and ensure that sexual activity is still pleasurable for the couple.

Legalizing marijuana

So in terms of legalizing marijuana it will be beneficial to society due to the fact it will become taxable, it will come with conditions, and that the war on illegal drugs will be one drug less. Legalizing marijuana will be far more beneficial to the economy, and to individuals who require the medical assistance β†’

Emerging drug trend research paper

In the analysis, the author postulates that the Fore Var System is one of the information systems that is anchored on the recommendations and research findings of EMCDD study. The article provides an elaborate and detailed analysis about the importance of embracing the Fore Var System to monitor and report on the emerging trends in β†’

Mandatory drug testing

There is the employers' right to state in the employees contacts the provisions and abnegations of the two in the matter of drug testing. The Effectiveness and Legality of Random Drug Testing Policies.

Mandatory drug tests for welfare recipients

That is not air to people in the work force because we are basically funding their drug addictions, and it's definitely not fair to their kids, because that money is supposed to help them live a betterchildhood. Drug tests should be a part of the application for welfare and it should happen also during the β†’

Is brutus justified to kill jc?

If the leader is good to the people, does everything for his country, and fights for the country, even if a potential threat, the assassination would not be justified. He was one of the best president of the United States of America and also the youngest president at the time.

How does theme help structure julius caesar

Julius Caesar T he structure of the tragedy is chronological, in the sense that the different situations that take place are in order, despite the fact that Shakespeare, in some cases, cuts the time between an event and the other so as to be able to cover from the time the conspiracy is planned until β†’

Julius caesar, act ii, scene 1: a lesson is dramatic effectiveness

The line, ' I cannot, by the progress of the stars, give guess how near to day', provides a reminder of the storm and odd happenings of the night, which signify both the political turmoil of Rome and the inner turmoil of Brutus; whether or not public interest is more important than private friendship. Brutus' β†’

Brutus and caesar characters in the tragedy of julius caesar

From the beginning of the play to his death, Caesar is shown to be power-hungry. Gradually, this makes Brutus believe that instead of Caesar, he should be the person in power of Rome.

Essay on julius caesar

Undoubtedly, Brutus is the main character, and driving force of the play, despite the misleading title of Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus is the protagonist of the play.


They also used the sculpture idea from Greeks, but the difference in the Greek sculpture and the Romans was the Romans used marble not Bronze. Like the Romans the Greeks were strongly affected by the gods and goddesses, they worshipped them everyday as well.

Military of ancient egypt: warfare

The world's first armies are known for the invention and spread of agriculture coupled with the domestication of animals in the fifth millennium, of which set the stage for the emergence of the first large-scale, complex urban societies around 4000 B.C. During this same period, warfare assumed great proportions in the size of the armies β†’

Good essay on prisoners dilemma

According to Cooperation Commons, prisoner's dilemma is a situation in which the parties might fail to agree even when it is in the best interests of the two to agree. In times when the interests of the Americans are at hand, the judiciary has the mandate, through the Supreme Court, to make a decision that β†’

Federal constitution is undemocratic essay sample

The provision of the right of the citizens to participate equally to the processes of the government is what we know as democracy. The election of the state president was also undemocratic as the election happens through the establishment of an electoral college in which each state is given with the number of electors β†’

Profanity case study essay sample

The morning after the assembly, the Assistant Principal called respondent into her office and notified him that the school considered his speech to have been a violation of the school's " disruptive-conduct rule," which prohibited conduct that substantially interfered with the educational process, including the use of obscene, profane language or gestures.he was informed that β†’

Example of democracy level for ghana essay

The year 2000 elections in Ghana marked a major pass of the democracy test in the country with help of the new constitution of 1992. Jockers, H, Kohnert, D, & Nugent, P.

Local government autonomy in nigeria essay sample

Thus, Section 14 states: The composition of Government of a State, a Local Government Council, or any of the Agencies of such Government or Council, and the conduct of the affairs of the Government or Council or such Agencies will be carried out in such manner as to recorgnise the diversity of the people within β†’

U. s. constitution amendment essay sample

It is therefore clear that this amendment gave the citizen the rights to express themselves to the state and can be recommended as a way towards democracy. The amendment of the constitution about giving women right to vote in 1920 has greatly led to a democratic government.

Free essay on the problems of texas constitution

For example it organizes and limits the government, establishes the principle of equality under the law, guarantees personal and political freedom, establishes the separation of church and state, and the freedom of speech and press. The Texas Constitution focuses on actions that the legislative power cannot make, and it is so restrictive that it often β†’