4 Pages Essay Samples

Mental illness and prison

There are medical personnel that work in prisons, however; they do not have enough resources to provide specific care plans or treatment for prisoners with mental illness. Mental hospitals usually have them come back for group sessions or a one-on-one session with a healthcare provider, while prisons do have that kind of system, it is →

Vr is now used to treat addiction and other mental illnesses

Virtual reality is therefore beneficial to the treatment process because it can reproduce triggers that people can face in a safe environment. Clients visiting the lab undergo a 45-minute virtual reality session, where they have to deal with dangerous experiences that in the real world can lead to a relapse.

Suicide cases among successful young adults

Enke and his wife adopted a baby girl, Leila, but Enke was afraid she would be taken away if his illness was revealed to the world. This is in line with the statement as Festinger suggested that the more the discomfort, the more the desire to reduce the inconsistency between two cognitive elements.

The influence of music therapy on our health and well-being

Plato prescribed both music and dancing for the fearful and anxious, while Aristotle spoke of the power of music to restore health and normalcy Music on Humans 5 to those who suffer from uncontrollable emotions and compared it to a medical treatment. Many physicians began to use a multidisciplinary approach to medicine and, recognizing the →

Ambulatory care and the mental health services

With the advent of the new health program and support by these two agencies, there is hope that there will be improvement in this care. This causes a shift in the type of care that is given from coverage for illness to coverage for prevention of illness.

Chronic sleep deprivation can affect your overall health

Providing understandings of long-term effects of CSD on neurons and brain, the article educates the audience on the significant health effects of CSD, evoking the awareness of the importance of sufficient sleep. Neurology is the main discipline of this article, most obviously, as it is published in the journal ' Frontiers in neurology' and headings →

Mental health and gender congruence among transgenders in chennai

The reason behind this change due to awareness about transgenders and inclusiveness to society getting higher and in turn these improvements will lead to increase in the acceptance of transgender by non-transgenders and it will be gate opener for transgender to access the societal features such as health care access, employment and etc. The creation →

Lecture week

The cylinder made of any materials will have the same stress values and thus if strength is the major concern, one should select the highest strength material. Four-point bending The better positioning of strain gauge should be in a far field as shown below to get more stable and reliable testing result.


In addition, unitizing is very useful in understanding and developing the meaning of division as well as multiplication of both natural numbers and fractions. Unitizing is so important since it facilitates the understanding of mathematical objects such as number and operations, especially in fractions, ratios and proportions.

Music is a kind of mathematics

In the same manner, if a face is proportionate, we will probably notice it quickly and think that it's beautiful and perfect. God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world".-To end this here's what Maulana Wahiduddin Khan believed: " The truth is that God is the greatest Mathematician, the greatest artist and the greatest genius".

Accounting theory and practice

An accounting treatment has been provided to show the preference shares as an equity without considering the time value of money, to show the preference shares as a financial liability without adjustments of the time value of money, to show the preference share as a financial liability using amortized cost, and to show the preference →

Equivalant fractions with unlike denominators

You can show the students by coloring in one of the two pieces and two of the four pieces they are equivalent. An activity to help students figure out if fractions are equivalent or not is to have the teacher give the student a page of fraction circles.

Do males and females have different abilities when estimating size narrative essay

After collecting the data in my study, the results of this analysis indicate that males have the more accurate abilities in size estimating than females. To sum up, I prefer to think that the ability of males in estimating size is better than females.

Reflection on study skills

For Information technology I downloaded a paper from the journal of community nursing online, the subject was falls and the elderly; I chose this because I have worked in the community as a District nurse auxiliary and have a particular interest in promoting health for the elderly. Coming to university as a mature student is →

Mathematics of finance and commerce

Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on. The return of a bond is largely determined by its interest rate.


The correct way to calculate the fat content is to multiply the number of grams of fat by 9 to get the calories. 1 g of fat= 9= 9 calories The fat content is 100%= 0.

Singapore math

Singapore Math Singapore Math Introduction Singapore a located in the southeastern part of Asia to the south of Malaysian peninsula is famous for its equatorial climate, sea port, cultural diversity and religious acceptance, distinctive skyline, technological advancements and landmarks achieved in the field of commutation and automation and for being host to the head quarters →

Happiness and macaroni soup essay sample

I was very excited as I stepped down the jeep with all the things that we needed for the activity. I was lucky that I go to the best school, for there are children who wanted but they cannot because of their situation in life.

The incompatibility of happiness and truth

Soma: The drug soma is a symbol of the use of instant gratification to control the World State's populace. The very will to search for truth is an individual desire that the communal society of Brave New World, based as it is on anonymity and lack of thought, cannot allow to exist.

Essay on cake for happiness

Nowadays, the bigger the celebration and the cause for it, the bigger and more elaborate the cake. In the case of the cake, humans are first introduced to it the first time a cake is used in a lifetime: the first birthday party celebration.

The effect of globalization of the state of people’s happiness

Jobs became much more demanding resulting to more travel and allocating more time for work at home instead of having quality time with our families, wasting a lot of time at the busy roads of the streets because of the inescapable traffic and most importantly, our exposure to images of certain levels of material success, →

Free critical thinking about unrevealing the mystery of richness

To him his wife is the synonym to virtue and till the moment of her death he feels he has lived the happiest life ever with the best woman ever. Lantin is driven to finding out along with the readers that the ' richness' he had experienced up to the moment of his wife's death →

Money can buy happiness

It is a classical debate, sparked by the left-wing communists and religious leaders who suggest that a person can live a full life without the pursuit of money, and instead one must look to a more spiritual existence above the material desires. It is the experiences and opportunities that come with money that make you →

Self-esteem research paper samples

Later in 1969, Nathaniel Braden came up with his definition of self-esteem that proposes that self-esteem is the evaluation of oneself as being competent and able to solve life's challenges. Braden believes that self-esteem is the aggregate the respect of oneself and self-confidence.

Example of aristotle research paper

Aristotle was one of the first to address the theory of ethics, and according to some it is still one of the foremost theories on the subject of virtue. Aristotle also believes that the highest form of morality and goodness is happiness.

Elon musk is right: an ai could destroy the world

That year we find Giants Brains, a masterpiece on mimesis and computer thinking; the article Organization of the conduct, that proposes a theory on the learning emulating the neuronal networks and that nowadays is still valid. And are the advanced AIs " a risk to the existence of our civilization," as Musk warned?

Theory of multiple intelligences

An overview to Gardener's Theory is best represented by the creator, " Intelligence is multifaceted; that is, aspects of it can be expressed in many domains." " We can thus define intelligence as the application of cognitive skills and knowledge to learn, solve problems, and obtain ends that are valued by an individual or Culture"." →

Compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence

Compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence and their influence on organizational decision making. It is important for the success of a team that individuals minimize the negative mindsets and focus on the positive.

Intelligence quotient test report

You are typically In tune with your emotions, and are able to Identify your true feelings. Emotional Facilitation of Thought You are well aware of the guiding potential of your emotions, and usually tune in to your feelings as a means to direct your Judgment, reasoning, and actions.

Research paper on a decision of uncertainty

The formula is the generalized formula of the law that is used in finance to weigh risk using evidence issued and make choices. Accept Insurance = AI = Purchase Rental Insurance Coverage Decline Insurance = DI = Refute Rental Insurance Coverage The probability of being involved in an accident and consequentially needing the insurance policy →

Compare and contrast spearman and gardner intelligence

Superman's belief is that speed of which information is processed is the essential determination of the level of intelligence of an individual. In Gardener's theory the only drawback is it is difficult to confirm because of the involvement with the human brain.

How do i know anything?

The Film The Matrix was a Box Office hit due to the idea it presented to the audience. Whether Virtual Reality is comparable to the neural-simulated environment in The Matrix, VR is the closest thing we have to relate to the theory.

Salesforce brings artificial intelligence to crm with einstein

Einstein will be deployed across the Salesforce cloud to analyze the mountain of automated data the platform collects - activity data, sales, email, e-commerce and calendar, social data streams and Internet of Things data - and run machine learning and algorithms, NLP and what the company calls " smart data discovery" to offer data insights →

Role of emotional intelligence

This article discusses the correlation of a leaders Emotional Intelligence and how it plays a role in how effective that manager is. The author states there are four different attributes of one's emotional intelligence; the appraisal and expression of emotion; the use of emotion to enhance cognitive processes an decision making; knowledge about emotions; and →

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Fears and opportunities in the unknown: A perhaps obvious consequence of introducing AI and ML is the automation of several processes in the business value chain. But even as ML and AI initially seem to be daunting and difficult to embrace, the possibilities for pushing the region to the next development step are endless.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of multiple Intelligence Intelligence can be defined as the combined or comprehensive capability of an individual to act purposefully, rationally and to manage effectively within the environment. Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence still needs a lot of research and evidence in order to fully support it.

Artificial intelligence and its influence on our lives

Although the progress and use of AI may vary significantly from region to region, there are clear indicators that more and more people are recognizing the solutions that technology brings. In this way, certain leather men's jackets can detect posture mistakes of the wearer and draw attention to it.

Human memory and the computer essay examples

At a bare minimum level, neurons in the brain of a human are similar to the registers in the memory of a computer. This information is immediately collected in the RAM and the cache memory of the CPU, and the data is processed to create a logical output.

Philosophy of religion god exists argumentative essay sample

A common objection against ontological arguments on God's existence is that it is not possible to prove any form of existence using a priori reasoning. In conclusion, it is possible that God exist as a perfect and coherent being.

Example of the politics of the economic crisis research paper

Perhaps the economic crisis is one of the worst events to affect the world after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Even though the causes of the financial crisis have been blamed on the sub-prime mortgages in the US real estate market and the collapse of the Lehman Brothers, I believe that the origins of →

Free gun control debate term paper example

The second amendment reads that " a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed". Most of the gun control activities evoke the rampant shootings that have occurred in the United States particularly the Colorado shootings, →

Lack of discipline in children

We need to discipline our children so they have the knowledge and skills to act in accordance with the rules of society. In my experience, the best way to discipline a child is by simply talking to them.

Good research paper about theory and the 21st century

Academic theorists are mostly dismissed by those who made foreign policy, but the connection between the policy of the real world and the theory of the abstract world is an inescapable. The past, present and future of Critical Theory in International Relations".

Creation myths

The three creation myths that will be compared are the Modoc creation myth, the Maidu creation myth, and the creation myth that comes from the first book of Moses called Genesis. In the Modoc myth, the Sky Spirit was the initiator of all.

Shaping of nz

An example of this is the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates, forming the Himalayas. Deep down, the rocks of the earth are subjected to great heat and pressure and as a result some of them become molten.

Example of essay on what i have learned

The finding of stones that are similar to the ones found on Mars does substantiate the idea that some form of life could actually exist there. One of the trickiest questions that have not found a convincingly answered is the question of the origin of life.

Unaccustomed earth book review

Early on the reader sees that Ruma is starting to become a mirror image of her mother taking the path she once did in her homeland, " Growing up...moving to a foreign place for the sake of marriage, caring exclusively for children and a household had served as a warning, a path to avoid. Overall →

Example of essay on the greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect is the process when atmosphere keeps some energy of the Sun to warm up the Earth in order to keep the life on it, however, the human activity has resulted in " greenhouse gases" which have increased the effect artificially. Greenhouse gases lower the rate of loosing of the infrared radiation to the →

Kobe vs northridge earthquake essay sample

Factors that created such a huge difference in damage in Kobe were the high population density, the soft soil, the direction of the waves and the response time to the earthquake and its aftermath such as uncontrollable fires. The Northridge and the Kobe earthquake had many similarities, such as they were both in the morning →

This earth of mankind by pramoedya ananta toer essay sample

Written during the climax of Indonesian ignominy, Pramoedya Ananta Toer's 1981 This Earth of Mankind regards the unjust colonial rule of the Dutch East Indies through the segregation of social groups between the Dutch aristocrats, Mixed Bloods, and Natives. Toer highlights the significance of education as one of the only markers of esteem in Natives' →

Operating manual for spaceship earth

That we are endowed with such intuitive and intellectual capabilities' which we have gained from experiences and the earth have meant that we are able to discover fundamental principles governing the fundamental design of life.' For example, R.N. A and in discovering these we have been able to 'increase our survival potentials millions fold.' In →

Creation verses in genesis essay examples

This paper will concisely explain some of the interpretations, and then evaluate all of them in the information of the biblical information. The geographical support is typically incorporated into the era of time of the first creation and the following disorder, and without the relation with the biblical Flood.

Rain of gold and a better life major themes

Rain of Gold and A Better Life Major Themes In two similarly heart wrenching tales of struggle and perseverance, the novel Rain of Gold and the film A Better Life put on display the stories of two families working hard to stay together and make their living. Through the exploration of these major ideas, two →

Compair and contrast two movies movie review sample

Both films portray strong emotional attachments and a difficulty by the characters to fully accept and come to terms with the various emotional setbacks they have undergone in the course of their lives mostly caused by the untimely loss of a loved one or circumstances beyond the control of the characters. Perhaps he is trying →

Good example of name literature review

This essay is an attempt to explore the theme of loneliness and love, as portrayed in William Faulkner's most anthologized short story ' A Rose for Emily'.' A Rose for Emily' is the most famous, at the same time, most shocking of the stories written by William Faulkner. Her non-acceptance of her father's death is →

Example of name essay

The book goes on to say how the advice given by this person, helped Kiyosaki and how his rich father became one of the richest men in Hawaii. Some of the key concepts discussed in the book include, contrast between assets and liabilities, financial intelligence vs.financial literacy, understanding taxes and the corporate power, working to →

Free characterization, theme, and symbolism in elizabeth baines essay example

As the boy is packing for his trip, he comes into the kitchen with his torch and reluctantly hands it to Jim, who checks it to make sure it is in working order for the boy. This quote reflects the fact that the boy is trying to define for himself the reasoning behind his father's →

Sample movie review on film analysis: pans labyrinth

The faun tells Ofelia to open the doors to the Underworld by sacrificing the blood of her brother. A few drops of Ofelia's blood fall on to the alter next to her and she is transported to the Underworld.

The glass castle by jeannette walls essay sample

The memoir of Jeannette Walls in The Glass Castle captures both the splendor and regret that surround her past and present life. Jeannette offers a lot about the significance of idealism and truth in The Glass Castle and its effect in the community.

Thus, the story by joyce oates cannot be considered as a fictionalized version of literature review examples

The image of dancing the waltz may replace the real image of the father beating his child. It should be started that the magazine article was based on the true story of the serial killer and the short story on the article, which was read by the author only to the half.

Example of bacas early childhood and criminalization process essay

He asserts that his mother was not comfortable making love with that man, because he says that she protested and wrenched to one side and then to the other while pushing him away. It is at this time that he has a firsthand experience with the place he is eventually going to spend a good →

Why daughters need their fathers

Your Daughter Needs You to Be Involved It is not enough for a father to just be present. My hope is that it will inspire a father to step up and get involved in his daughter's life.

Chinese media culture essay example

Both these categories of print media fiercely compete for the attention of the public as well as the incentive of acquiring the lion's share of a prized advertising market in the country. However, the state consistently monitors and reviews the policies of the media to gauge the extent of newspapers and magazines on the media →

Straddle buses

And take a look at this amazing public transport solution it's a bus network that drives over the top of the cars on a slightly modified road, able to stop without interrupting the traffic flow and to glide over the top of congestion. A laser/radar system is being employed to warn drivers about a bus's →

Rise and fall of the qin/han dynasties essay sample

What really lead to the rise of Qin conquering China and the fall of the empire? Especially in the Qin dynasty the construction of the Great Wall took a big part in the rise and fall of the empire.

Crisis management: hong kong airlines

The efficiency of Hong Kong Airlines to response the crisis is far from satisfactory. One week after the flight disruption, on 29 July 2012, Hong Kong Airlines was still struggling to clear a backlog of passengers at the Hong Kong International Airport.

Reaction paper about mutual defense treaty essay sample

The parties undertake as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force →

Taiwan culture essays examples

It is evident that the Taiwanese people endured a lot of challenges under the Japanese and the Chinese due to the difference that still exist between them. This is what is seen to have led to the rebellion that was witnessed among the Taiwanese people in their move to seek for independence from the Japanese.

The day i cant remember

Umm, there was a bang and I turned around to see what was wrong and that? s when I saw John underneath the speaker? I was waiting for the strange looks, when he jumped up, told me to come with him and yelled at his partner?

As levels notes

The culture clash is between Muni and the American, Muni representing the Indian culture and the American representing the Western culture. The use of this narrative point of view allows us to feel as though the story is unfolding before us, and makes us aware of each character and the comical nature of the conversation.

The success of jiangnan culture

This satisfied the need of fast-consuming culture and also contribute to the wide spread of Gangnam style. In this case, Gangnam style panders to the mass popular culture and is easily acceptable for the public.2.

Kinds of television shows

Unscripted TV shows are open shows that are not planned with a set script are organized by the television crew, the scriptwriters and show owners. Talk showsTalk shows are television programs that comprise of one individual or a group of individuals who engage in discussions on various topics that are controlled by a host.

Authordateinstructor essay samples

The film is not only a good entertainer but has been productive in providing social and cultural awareness to the local society Personally, the attribute which I liked the most about Boomerang was the positive impact it tries to create on the society through the central characters of Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence. Hudlin's also →

Comparison between preludes and american beauty

The general depiction of the cityscape in the modernist period is viewed as ugly, dirty and as a place of physical and spiritual poverty. The contextual values Mendes directed the film in are reflected in this scene through the idea of dysfunctional families.

The sad comedy of really bad food

A restaurant customer is within her rights to send poor food back to the kitchen, and it is advisable for the restaurant to satisfy the customer at the expense of preparing her food again. This navvy, or workman, is referred to as " an employee of the Municipality" because he is so oppressed by his →

Comedy central roasts list

Related: How the Nerdist's Chris Hardwick Juggles 41 Podcasts, 2 TV Shows and More For seven years I was the liberal co-host on a late night FOX News panel show, so believe me when I tell you that a regular walloping can be good for the ole wallet. Sure, I am no longer with said →

Peter pan

The play is about the adventures of Peter, a boy who doesn? t want to grow up, and the three Darling children- Wendy, Michael, and John- whom he teaches to fly and he takes them to Never Land with him. That is, until the villainous Captain Hook mistakes her for Wendy and abducts her to →

I’m going! a comedy in one act

The wife on the other hand tries to reason with him and let him know that she is willing to have a good time and she would rather be out with him than to be home alone and neglected. A little farther in the conversation Henri tells Jeanne that he is off to the races, →

O what extent is measure for measure a conventional comedy?

The other two, possibly three, are the results of the Duke's doing - Angelo is to marry his jilted lover and Lucio is to marry a whore. There is heavy use of wit in this play, the Duke and Lucio often are the source though there are other gibes, for instance Escalus remarking that Pompey →

Evaluation of the movie: “transformers” essay

My brothers and I went to watch the movie, and I just liked it, because there were good actors, the time and plot combined were good, and I loved the genres that it contains. So I went to the internet and I found out that the actors of this movie, and some other young actors →

The leading pc manufacturer in china essay sample

The case examines the need for Lenovo to globalize and critically analyzes the efficacy of the above steps in the company's globalization plans. Issues:" How innovation, differentiation and customization can be used as strategic and competitive advantages by a company, to maintain its leadership in the domestic market, and emerge as a global player " →

Globalization and developing countries

On the other manus, pro-globalizers think that it really helps the hapless and disagreed with the " globalization is doing the rich richer and the hapless poorer" statement that the anti-globalizers came up with. The chief job of globalisation that cause people to believe of it as a ' beast ' alternatively of ' beauty →

“untouchables” by thomas l. friedman essay sample

By doing this, Friedman introduces that the Earth over time is actually becoming flatter and not round due to the advancements in technology and the outsourcing of jobs. Friedman stresses, " The key to thrive in today's globalization," you must find the key factor in a flat world to make you " untouchable," which forces →

Globalization research paper examples

At the global platform however, globalization is often thought of in terms of the various challenges it poses to governments' role in the global economy and international affairs. In conclusion, the issue of globalization has both positive and negative implications.

Parents should be cautious when taking risks that thesis

The myth of Daedalus and the Fall of Icarus is a good example on how the acts of a parent influences their child. He understood the dire consequences of the failure of his plans and what could happen to Icarus if he fell.

Flying ashtray

They came to the conclusion that the ash would clear by the time they were near the mountain. The passengers saw the ash but informed the pilot but they discussed it and they said it was harmless.

Example of structural bolts research paper

Type 3 is made of weathering steel In terms of connection types of ASTM A325: There are N, SC and X. The bolts of size between more than one and a half to 3 in diameter usually have a tensile strength of 90 min ksi, yield of 81 min ksi, 14 % Elong and RA →

Jetblue and westjet

However, the biggest risk to a business is the down time that they will occur when transferring and receiving data from the old system to the new upgraded system, not to mention the time it will take to train the employees that will be overseeing the new system. The time it took to transfer the →

Effects of weather conditions on aircraft performance essay sample

These include the visibility, the altitude of clouds, the wind speed, directions for pilots, the type of aircraft, and airfields. Aircraft safety on the ground and in the air is the most important issue of the aviation.

Good research paper about the ufo controversy

Allen Hynek, a well-trained astronomer and one of the scientific advisors of the Project Blue Book, was originally skeptical on the existence of UFOs. In conclusion, the evidence for the support of UFOs is purely testimonials and lacks a concrete scientific basis.

Analysis of the aviation industry

Consideration will also be given to the internal and external factors of the industry, analysing the financial performance of five chosen companies in order to establish an accurate idea of where the companies stand in relation to their competitors and the industry as a whole. Its instability has been highlighted over the last decade, with →

Example of essay on bargain proposal

In the event that the Union desires to negotiate with regards to a change proposed by the management, the Union will notify the Human Resources Manager of the firm from whom the notification is received. Further, the Union members will have the right to refuse an assignment of overtime where such employee has a legitimate →

Example of essay on the biomechanics of muscle

The muscles of the forearm are also involved.a) Walking up a flight of stairs The neurons responsible for the innervation of the ST motor units are activated. As a result, the ST fibers in the muscle are activated.b) Sprinting up a flight of stairs The neurons responsible for the innervation of the ST motor units →

“awakenings” by oliver sacks essay sample

Sayer and Leonard presents a medical ethical issue that may be considered difficult to recognize due to the initial positive result of the actions.Dr. Sayer does seek to improve the condition of his patients, therefore he is practicing beneficence.

Understanding global consumer behavior in aesthetic surgery essay sample

Various tools are necessary for a successful advertising campaign, depending on a number of factors, such as the demographics of the target market, the marketing plan and the advertising budget. The cultural similarities are the importance of physical appearance is highly recognized and the demand for aesthetic surgery rises all over the world.

Migration of nurses

In essence, the author suggests that " the migration of nurses such as those in Irish territories during the 19th and 20th centuries illustrates the need to revise the global care chain analysis" commonly used in order to " protect the welfare of nurses migrating from across the globe". In her article, Yeates believes that →