4 Pages Essay Samples

Marcus antonyโ€™s speech analysis

Convincing his fellow Romans to change sides is no small feat; this makes the use of reverse psychology and irony a necessary task enabling Antony to give a eulogy that instills an idea of a nobler Caesar in the Roman people, subtly sowing the seeds of rebellion within the populace. Desperation is felt by the โ†’

Leander paes essay

Having won 6 Doubles and 6 Mixed Doubles Tennis Grand Slam titles and finishing runners up in numerous other Grand Slam finals, he is considered to be one of the greatest and most respected contemporary doubles and mixed doubles players in the world. He is the recipient of India's highest sporting honour, the Rajiv Gandhi โ†’

The war of americans

Aside from its place in the world market, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction also serves to limit the sovereignty of the U.S. I for one would welcome the erosion of U.S.overeignty since it furthers interdependence in world politics and serves to perpetuate world peace.

Significance of the journey motif in โ€˜ceremonyโ€™

In this way, Silko succeeds in establishing the war as the root cause of Tayo's torment, but more than that, Silko develops a tension between Native American culture and the white man since Tayo was forced into battle to fight a war that was not his own. Specifically, Silko posits that the white man's war โ†’

Alcohol, drugs among college students

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between alcohol abuse by parents and the conventional drinking assessments. The dependent variable was the drinking behavior of ACOAs and non-ACOAs college students.

Stem cell : is it a great promise or false hope

Basing on what is deduced through the research, we will be able to determine whether stem cell research is a need of our times or not and also answer questions regarding the funding for the same. Stem Cell Research is considered to have significant potential for therapeutic purposes and found to be a great mileage โ†’

Quiz 8

This best illustrates: a.the bystander effect.b.the mere exposure effect.c.the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.d.social facilitation.e.group polarization.3. This best illustrates the significance of: a.equity.b.deindividuation.c.the bystander effect.d.social facilitation.e.the mere exposure effect.4.

The interruptions in the canterburys tales

And aside from that knowledge, we are all aware what a rough misogynist the miller is, so it takes us by surprise when the miller goes into elaborate details about the appearance of the carpenter? s wife: She wore a cross-striped sash, all made of silk; / An apron also, white as morning milk, / โ†’

External analysis of the automotive industry

On the other hand, the greatest opportunity for Toyota Motor Corporation is in hybrid vehicles such as the Prius. The big opportunity for Toyota is to capitalize on its excellent goodwill and customer loyalty with the production of reliable automotive vehicles.

Siddharthaachieving brahmin leader and grew up following the

Siddhartha, the main character in the novel, searches for enlightenment and the true meaning of the " self" in many religious groups and holy teachers, but soon discovers that he can not be taught enlightenment. Through the practice of the Samanas he excludes himself from things of the world, and practices the modification of sin โ†’

Summary/critique of “monuments to our better natureโ€ essay sample

The main point of " Monuments to Our Better Nature" by Michael Byers in my eyes is to put the Mall in D.C.and all of the monuments in D.C.into perspective of how much each and everyone of the monuments mean to America and the importance of them. But I personally think that the only way โ†’

Analyze of southern cross healthcare accounts

The Group manage to increase the bed capacity by 25% during the year. The revenue for the Group in the year 2009 increase by 14.

Diana eck

In the last chapter of the book Encountering God, the author Diana Eek puts an emphasis on the interdependent world we live in and how we, as human beings will need to approach today's problems as a whole if we wish to overcome life's various hurdles. Evidence of the interdependent world we live can be โ†’

The fatal appeal of adolf hitler assignment

The stage was set for a leader, one to lift the German people out of the doldrums of poverty and despair that they blamed unwaveringly on the treaty imposed by the allies. Civilians, AS, AS, Nazi, it did not matter, and public sentiment was that this is for the good of the state.

Otzi the iceman of the history essay sample

Once it was determined he was a Neanderthal from the stone age scientists were overwhelmed by the thoughts of what story Otzi had to tell. Examinations of pollen grains in Otzi's stomach and the condition of his body and gear, suggested he was fleeing a fight.

Vinpearl resort nha trang, island to yourself

Looking down from the hill over a panorama as picturesque as a silk painting, with endlessly sparkling bay waters, sandy beach with green hills on both sides, the azure lake of the huge swimming pool and deluxe resort building in the shadow of palm trees, the statue reminds one both of the Snow Queen of โ†’

Ethics of human freedom philosophy essay

Our forefathers fought for political freedom from the tyranny of occupiers, slaves fought for freedom and equality and women fought for freedom from their stereotypical " household duties" and their right to vote... Freedom is the absence of restraints according to the most common usage of the word worldwide.

Pride and prejudice: mr wickham assignment

Through both his lies and his amatory adventures, Hickman is the source of both Elizabethan loathing and love for Mr. In conclusion, Hickman played a vital role in the relationship of Elizabeth and Mr.

Hamlet film

The soliloquy is spoken by Ethan Hawke in a rather resentful tone while watching a video clip of his own mother and his uncle, and as his thoughts race through his brain and as his anger seems to bottle up, he presses the fast forward button. Ethan Hawke's version of the soliloquy is rather unemotional โ†’

Women’s position in society in the wife of bath

Women in this era were made to seem like all they wanted were material things, they were made to seem like they needed men to do things for them just so they can be happy, and that women seek nothing but jewelry and clothes. Women in the medieval era were made to believe the older โ†’

Acid rain college

Acid rain is a really big problem to the wildlife as a lake were to get acidic then the wildlife will cause a chain reaction that will kill all the things in the lake. In this world acid rain is a great problem; we see dead fishes and plant in our waters due to the โ†’

The crucible

The reason Tituba, Abigail, and Betty make these claims is because of the circumstances they were under during the time of investigation. Because of the accusations of witchcraft and her powerless position, Tituba is motivated to declare that she saw certain people with the Devil.

Summary narrative response packet assignment

4 Purpose and Overview: Essay 1 represents several objectives of English 102, and perhaps builds upon skills learned in ENG 101, This essay will focus on the skill set of successfully summarizing a reading selection re-communicating the author's purpose and main points and then responding to that author's ideas appropriately, which requires a certain degree โ†’

The flaws of flipped classrooms

Instead of teaching in class, teachers who use the flipped classroom method assign their students to teach themselves new material every night and, subsequently, work on application of that material in the classroom. For flipped classrooms to be effective, a large amount of time and effort is needed for students in the evening and night โ†’

The debate on cochlear implants

Cochlear implants may be controversial among the deaf community, and they are ultimately a decision a family must make for themselves, but the benefits they provide can potentially outweigh some of the risks and controversies. However, despite some of these concerns as well as the controversies among certain members of the deaf community, cochlear implants โ†’

Best analytical tools for business analysis

SWOT analysis helps to focus on what the external and internal factors are. The analysis helps to focus on the strengths and identify where the best opportunities are.

Sick role essay sample

The patient might actively need the nurse out or wait until the nurse professional seeks him/her out so the patient response is three folded so she may participate with and be independent with the nurses be autonomous and independent from the nurse be passive and dependant on the nurse. The initial attitude of the patient โ†’

Evaluation of article from the economist

Clarity and Flow Firstly, while it is part of a contemporary fashion in the world of article writing, the title of the article offers no insight into the content in the article though it does manage to refer to the focal point of the essay. Then the article moves on to describe the process of โ†’

A contemporary take on the blithedale romance

These are Hollingsworth, a philanthropist and misogynist who wants to make Blithedale a colony for the reformation of criminals, Zenobia, an outspoken and opinionated feminist, Priscilla, a seamstress from the city and Miles Coverdale, the poet who is also the narrator in the story. Zenobia is the representation of the eternal feminine, to the delight โ†’

Persepolis 1 vs persepolis 2: analyzing satrapiโ€™s visuals

Both of her parents were political activists and supported a Marxist ideology in contrary to the beliefs of the monarchy of the last Shah. In the second panel of page one, Satrapi uses graphic weight to demonstrate the emotional toll that the islamic fundamentalism has taken on the young girls.

Literary criticism: “a rose for emily”

The rose in " A Rose for Emily' is a symbol of pity which the readers would have towards Emily after reading her story." A Rose for Emily" is a short fascinating story written by William Faulkner. She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade โ†’

The glass ceiling in relation to happiness

Therefore, from " Desiree's Baby" we can understand why Effie is afraid to share the news of her child's survival with her husband in " The Yellow Face". After the birth of the child, Desiree pleads for her husband not to send her away because she is in love with him, and he is the โ†’

A study on gatt and wto economics essay

The WTO stands for the World Trade Organisation. In this section I will describe what the WTO does and the activities that the WTO is involved in.

Martin luther kingโ€™s massage assignment

In light of this, King's message speaks to the ways in which people still deal with oppressive conditions in the American society today such as racism, unemployment and poverty. According to the book ' poverty and power' by Edward Royce, the biggest problem of poverty is that it is being ignored thoroughly in the United โ†’

Disscuss the important factors in development of interpersonal attraction

Factors in Development of Interpersonal Attraction Introduction History of research in field of interpersonal attraction has prospered since 1960s and 70s; in fact, this prosperity was prior to impediment posed by research on the topic of romantic relationship in 1980s. In this case, people are bound to approach people that are related to pleasure in โ†’

Christian faith in a postmodern context theology religion

The fact that the Catholic Church and the Catholic religion gives intending to life and being confronting the new world in recent old ages wherein the transmittal of the Christian tradition is a battle in a big portion of Western Europe peculiarly in Flanders. This book presents a new apprehension in the portion of the โ†’

Bowl & edward maulthrop

The treatment given to the surface of this figure is magnificent and the rich concentration of beauty given to the local wood is a renowned work. There is a mixture of light and dark to bring out contrast in the art piece.

College decisions

That was when I found the college of my dreams. I had not been admitted to Emory, the college of my dreams.

Burger kingโ€™s essay sample

We believe there are significant growth opportunities in APAC, and we will continue to pursue master franchise agreements and joint ventures throughout the region. Therefore, we believe that our company and the entire Burger King system, with significant opportunities for growth strategy is improvement.

Parents who coddle their kids

I hear this every flippin day, and I think to myself " What is this world coming to" because now kids are so needy none of them have a sense of independence they are only thinking about the next toy they are going to get.teens only think about their Girlfriends and Boyfriends and when they โ†’

The presumptive diagnosis for this case study is viral croup or laryngotracheobronchitis

Clinical Correlations-Etiological Agent The Human Para influenza Virus, second to respiratory syncytial virus, is the frequent cause of infections of the upper and the lower respiratory tracts in humans. Discussion In as much as the symptoms are very alike for viral croup and bacterial tracheitis, further analysis boils down to the conclusion that the child โ†’

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime

The time of the book is in the end of the 20th century and we are able to know because of the dates inside the letters. The main idea of the book is to create and accurate point of view of the life of a boy with Asperger syndrome.

Personality and learning styles in communication and collaboration

Of the personality styles, take a look at two, the Giver and the Thinker and how these styles can impact the communication and collaboration efforts of a team. On the other side a Giver can be extremely disruptive to the team effort, as they are idealist, and overly emotional in their desire to resolve the โ†’

Caleb williams: realism out of romance

In court, he already knows that Falkland is the murderer, so his " mention" of the murder seems to be intended not only to incriminate Falkland, but to cause him further grief. Rather than saying " what use were your talents," he leaves his syntax ambiguous to suggest that he is not talking about Falkland, โ†’

Latent heat of fusion for milk experiment essay sample

Analysis: From the concept of thermal equilibrium the latent heat of fusion for milk was calculated from the data obtained from the experiment. 9%, suggesting that the actual latent heat of fusion for milk was closer to 2.

Poolvac, inc. essay sample

The General Demand equation used is QD = a + bP + cMavg + dPh Where a is the dependent variable, bP is the price of the PoolVac good, cMavg is the average household income, and the dPh is the price of the related good. 17Ph Where, bP is the price of the PoolVac good, โ†’

Short summary open science seminar

This seminar aimed to discuss the state-of-the-art knowledge on glacier retreat and changing monsoon patterns affecting the water resources of the Ganga river basin. The HighNoon project will assess the impact of Himalayan glaciers retreat and explore possible changes of the Indian summer monsoon on the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in Northern โ†’

Multicultural psychology – current event analysis paper

It is with these profound differences in cultures that multicultural psychology has become one of the most conversant and common branches of Psychology with many students taking it as a course to specialize. The role of studying multicultural psychology is to be acknowledged with some of the common and unique behaviors in relation with the โ†’

My five categories

Considering ethics, according to philosopher Berdyaev he affirms that ethics is the backbone of philosophy since it is concerned with sin, which is the origin of moral and evil. Therefore, the basis of considering this philosopher in this evaluation is that he believes or acknowledges God.

Jimmy kimmel and jimmy fallon essay

Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon are two of the funniest hosts on late night television today. The reading also maintain that before starting their career's the two late night talk show hosts attended college one went to the college of Saint Rose in Albany New York and graduated which was Jimmy Fallon.

Ethos: education and school

Missions - Missions within a school is to help to provide a statement of the values and principles, which help to guides a school's curriculum. Missions should make clear its purposes with which the school is aiming to achieve and the values and standards, with which this is guiding to help and of which they โ†’

Jefferson character in “a lesson before dying”

He went to school, but his spelling is horrible, he also did not know a lot of complicated words, and he also did not go to the school that much time. It was not because he dropped out, it was because that was all the education they got.

Deforestation in the amazon rainforest: literature review

In turn this causes a reduction in diversity of the remaining species and a disruption in the ecosystem of the rainforest. The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest not only decreases the quantity of carbon able to be stored, it also causes a dramatic increase in the levels of carbon being released into the atmosphere by โ†’

Case study lost in the desert

It is the principal circulating sugar in the blood and the major energy source of the body. Due to activation of the sympathetic nervous system, decrease in the urinary and digestive activities would occur in response to the body preserving water for maintenance of blood pressure and regulating body temperature.

The history of interactionist theory education essay

This view is supported by empiricists, and one of the major tenants of empiricists is John Locke, a seventeenth English philosopher, who thought that humans are born with an empty mind, without any knowledge, and that they have to learn everything from experience. Nowadays, it is agreed that the interaction of nurture and nature cannot โ†’

Quality vs quantity essay

If there is not enough time to fully educate about the illness and the treatments, there certainly is not enough time to talk in depth about the ramifications of the treatments. Back to the same question is the risk of taking the medication that may or may not cure you disease, Do you use the โ†’

International dimensions of business task

Me and my classmates have recently began a new assignment called 'international dimensions of business' and during the 4 different tasks of this unit, I will be completing a full investigation of at least two businesses with an international presence with a comprehensive comparison of the similarities and differences between them, I will be researching โ†’

Give me liberty maps

The British territory now stretched from the tip of Florida to the northernmost point In Canada.12. After fighting a lot in the North, the Revolutionary War shifted to the South in 1777.

Description and facts of business environment

The SWITZERLAND Country Analysis analyzes the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental structure of SWITZERLAND and provides a holistic view of the country from historical, current and future perspectives. The profiles also provide an overview of the legal and regulatory framework to start or operate a business in the country.

Plagiarism, nuisance or crime

It is ever clear then that plagiarism is still alive and well in our academic circles and needs to be addressed at the root of the problem if institutions are going to be successful at preventing plagiarism. The only way to prevent plagiarism is to educate and inform the target group that would be the โ†’

Demeter and persephone essay

It all has to do with the two major goddesses, Demeter, who is the goddess of the grain and harvest, and Persephone, the goddess of spring also queen of the underworld. Persephone who happens to be the daughter of Demeter, is also the daughter of the almighty Zeus.

Mortgage meltdown

The bursting of the housing bubble led to increased interest rates and decreased value of the properties, which caused reduced liquidity of the lenders, cascading to the mortgage meltdown. The government policy of deregulation and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, as discussed earlier, are seen as a factor contributing to the subprime โ†’

Effects of sleep deprivation essay sample

Many have asked, " What effect does sleep deprivation really have on us?" Sleep deprivation can cause many problems for people such as, limiting ones ability to learn, forgetting important information, makes one more prone to acne and weight gain, and causing agressive or inappropriate behavior. Sleep deprivation affects everyone and can cause some of โ†’

Implementing new strategies

Therefore, after analyzing all the strategies and preferences that the competitors of Forever 21 have adopted, let's put them in the competitor analysis framework. SWOT Analysis of the Forever 21 Company.

Animal farm | chapter by chapter summary

Muriel is the white goat, and Benjamin is the donkey.old Major tells the animals that humans are enemies of animals, because humans force animals to do all the jobs they cannot do. The animals were unfed, and became so hungry they broke into the store-shed and started to eat the food in the bins.

Introduction to interchange data between various emr systems

The information in the EMR is the official proof of the patient's experience in the CDO and is a legal property of the CDO. The EHR signifies the prospect to easily disseminate health information within the stakeholders and to afford patients information through the various forms of care undertaken by such persons.

Applying the law essay sample

The operation of the doctrine of precedent.d. QUESTION EIGHT What is the doctrine of precedent?

Possible reform measures to the stafford act to make it more functional in todays society

The implementation of the Stafford Act is hindered by the bureaucratic red tape that comes with devolving federal funds and resources to local authorities. The Act should be reformed especially in the areas of reacting to disasters and classification of disasters.

A jury of her peers โ€“ 1

The county lawyer George Henderson, the sheriff Henry Peters, his wife and the local farmer Lewis Hale and his wife Martha arrive at the home of John and Minnie Wright trying to locate clues so they could hold a trial and convict Minnie for the murder of her husband.Mrs. Peters and Martha Hale, both very โ†’


This leads on to the thickness of globalism, the increased compactness of networks, and the complicated web that intertwines countries/states in many different ways. The beginning of the article explains how the more economically developed the country the more closely connected to the rest of the world.

King saudi university in riyadh case study

The roux of the offer was the condition that Kirsches would be required to add King Abdullah University as a second affiliation to his name on the Institute for Scientific Information's list of highly cited researchers. Robert Kirsches is a Closes Professor of Science at one of the world's top most prestigious universities, and among โ†’

State security and peoples liberty: the us policy

As a result of this occurrence, the US Department of Homeland Security, the agency in charge of the security of the US, border patrol, counter-terrorism planning and implementation, as well as the other agencies of the government had to review and overhaul the intelligence system and strategies so that same or similar attacks would not โ†’

Notes โ€“ american pageant essay

Spain received the bulk of the territory in the Americas, compensating Portugal with titles to lands in Africa and Asia. Cortes laid siege to the city in the following city, precipitating the fall of the Aztec Empire and inaugurating three centuries of Spanish rule.

Garbage a nuisance and methods of disposing it essay sample

The process of composting ensures the waste that is produced in the kitchens is not carelessly thrown and left to rot be a home for flies and give foul smell. Add a shovel full of the set-aside soil into to the compost each time you turn it.

Life and work of abu ali ibn sina

In the teachings of Ibn Sina are constantly present two approaches to the description of the world: the physical and metaphysical. Solving the problem of not only the reality of the world, but its independence from the Creator, Ibn Sina has focused on the topic of the possible and necessary.

System analysis and design proposal

The said activity also involves the following processes: manipulation of the gathered data, interpretation, evaluation and dissemination of the result to the faculties and instructors. ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM The manual process takes a lot of time and it takes many days or months to compute for the result.

Magazine analysis of vogue media essay

For such women to know about the latest news of fashion and beauty world is a must, that is why woman should read Vogue magazine, in order to be aware of the latest fashion trends in the world and respond to these trends. One of the most interesting topic in the magazine is Fashion world, โ†’

Technology integration in a cultural diversity classroom

It is going to be necessary for teachers to learn how to integrate technology into the classroom for modifying the curriculum. Even students with an IEP have the opportunities to be in a classroom interacting with students and subjects that require technology usage on their level of understanding.

Government 2 – dissertation example

The second reason why executive privilege is exercised is to make sure that the communication between the president and his advisers from the executive branch will be safeguarded. The next to check is the evaluation of the people.

Case study

In regard to whether or not the actions to remove Terri from her feeding tube were moral or immoral, all that needs to be considered is that Terri Schiavo had been unable to make the decision for herself whether or not she wanted to continue to live. I also made myself aware of the concept โ†’

Wisconsin american indian studies

Case Study regarding the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program number Case Study regarding the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program The mode of functioning, the activities and features of the Wisconsin American Indian Studies Program will form the subject of this case study. The juxtaposition of these would lead to a better understanding of the efficacy โ†’

Editorial: microbiological risks in food processing

The articles included in this Research Topic analyse the use of sustainable disinfectants in the food industry, the presence of foodborne pathogens in farms, and the use of biocontrol strategies in food formulation. From the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in animals and crops to food processing plants and food formulation, the microbiological risks associated with โ†’

Philippine public administration assignment

First, " there Is a Philippine Public Administration considering the massive role of the bureaucracy in the Philippine Public Administration", but how does this bureaucratic country works? There is no doubt after all that we have a Philippine Public Administration, with the premises cited above.

Hull’s systematic behaviourism theory

Hull postulated that some of the components of this behaviour may not be observable; for example, the adaptation of the organism to the conditions in the environment cannot be easily observed. According to Hull, the S-R response can be made stronger by making sure that the number of reinforcements is many; as a result the โ†’

Religious freedom as a driving force behind the british colonization of north america in the 17th century

A bit of historical background to the issue of religious freedom and colonization is important in appreciating the underpinnings of religious freedom as motivation for the founding of colonies in the 17th century. The national struggle for religious freedom from Rome and her allies could thus be said to have laid the foundation for a โ†’

Dulce et decorum est

Throughout the poem, Owen has used a variety of similes to illustrate a vivid picture of the horror and suffering he was forced to endure. This use of imagery held men in a sense of pity towards the soldiers and Owen maintains this pity that I felt for them right to the end of his โ†’

Comparison mcdonalds and burger king

This paper will analyze the differences of the corporate cultures of McDonald's and Burger King, Analyze the ways in which the two have benefited from one another's competition, and discuss the ways in which the companies will continue to grow if their current culture would require a change. In order to ensure quality, McDonald's made โ†’

Jacoby and chestnut 1978 marketing essay

In the first loyalty phase, the brand attribute information forms the basis for cognition and is purely based on performance of the product/service. At this stage, loyalty is related to a favourable attitude towards a specific brand, and is built on affect.

How to write an accounting essay

When writing a successful accounting essay it is essential that you follow certain processes to help you reach your end goals, whilst at the same time demonstrating that you are comfortable with the key concepts of your study, and that you are capable of producing a confident piece of academic research and writing. It is โ†’

Editorial: sensor systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation (buildsys 2019)

We re-invited the TPC members as reviewers for the extended papers in order to ensure the consistency and technical rigor of the reviews while maintaining the timeliness of the publication process. FAIM contributes to the theme of this Research Topic by addressing the challenges present in the integration of networked sensors and its built environment.

Marketing strategies in the uk car insurance market assignment

Due? to? the? high? level? of? regulation? that? exists? in? the? insurance? industry? differentiation? is? limited? as? products? and? services? need? to? be? compliant? Direct? marketing? strategies? applied? have? ailed? to? meet? any? significant? success? due? to? high? costs? and? the? uncertainty? that? arises? from? the? intangibility? of? the? product?

The disputes. although lord woolf had deployed

The key aspects focused on where the cost of litigation, the delay from cases being brought to court, and the complexity of the process of litigation. Lord Woolf was successful to an extent in addressing the 3 main aspects causing dissatisfaction, through the use of ADR as an alternative and CPR as a deterrent to โ†’

Disease/disorder “nail bitingโ€ essay sample

The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders in a clinical sample of children with this habit who present at a child and adolescent mental health care outpatient clinic and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in their parents. First of all, nail biting is related to genetics, as it โ†’

Weaknesses npv

Databases provide a convenient means of storing vast amounts of information, allowing the information to be sorted, searched, viewed, and manipulated according to the business needs andgoals. Political The system should not act to operate in a political interest.

Pillarisation in the netherlands essay

The foundation of pillarisation can be traced to a collection of different events throughout the history of Holland, but one event in particular set everything in motion: the " Doleantie" in 1886.Dr. Kuyper however, had a distinct vision of what was necessary to keep the Christian religion alive and worthy: a ' zuil', and this โ†’

Go global- or no? essay

To guarantee its sustainable fight in the domestic market and to counterstrike the possible menaces from planetary rivals is the major concern of the company. Whether to come in planetary market or non and how: There is a high grade of quandary whether the company should come in into planetary market or non.