4 Pages Essay Samples

World history……….nationalism of india, ottoman empire/turkey, iran, china, japan, mexico

Questions about the nations today would include did nationalism help the nation create a lasting government, what is the state of that government today if still in existence, and how successful is the country overall? The reasons I chose Turkey over India are the unity of the Turkish people, the lasting government established by the →

Building an empire:

At the heart of the empire was the great city of Rome. Whether it is the ingenuity of the Aqueducts or the remarkable stadium designed to seat 70, 000 people comfortably, the Romans were by far the top engineers of their times.

Notes on the roman republic: city-state to world empire essay sample

EVOLUTION OF THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION:* The Romans, like the Greeks, came to view law as an expression of the public will and not as the creation of god-kings, priest-kings, or a priestly caste.* Between the patricians and the commoners, or plebeians.* Patricians owned most of the land and controlled the army.* The Senate was the →

Causes of the fall of the roman empire history essay

The Roman Empire also fell because the political of Rome because Rome kept on having problems like the military was disturbing the politics to help Rome. There was less confident and that made Rome fall because there was no hope for the empire to stay or not fall.

The decline of the mughal empire history essay

One of the major causes that led to the decline of the Mughal Empire was the weak successors that could not unite the huge empire after him. To put it briefly, the Mughal Empire was one of the greatest and largest empires in history.

Impact of behavioral factors on performance of multi‐server queueing systems

The numbers of workers varies on the superiority and queuing of each system and amount of time given in the waiting line. The effect of work load is always dependent on the capacity of the workers movement can be separated to the directive effect and the in directive effect of each workers performance.

A case study: employee behavior

Jeanne Lewis of Staples, Inc.was able to ethically influence her organization by adapting her own style and by listening to and learning from her employees at all levels of the organization. But it was also clear to everyone that she knew the business, and could succeed in any position within it.

Example of essay on returning expatriates

The reason is that having an expatriate manager of employees helps the business to understand the cross-cultural gaps and increase the effectiveness of the business. This increases the capabilities and the skills of the employees that would prove to be beneficial for the business.

Advantages and disadvantages for the employees

Today, more and more of the employees are willing to spend their working time in flexible hours which is anywhere around the corner but the traditional cage ribs of the office walls. New technologies assure that flexible working is the solution to a number of problems like commuting chaos and loss of billions in this →

Essay on globalization and inequality

The pressures of the technological change and global marketplace due to globalization, have led to increasing gap between the poor and the rich. Many explanations on the cause of income inequality in US have been given, and all points to globalization.

Free essay about ethics management

[STUDENT][PROFESSOR] When it comes to the ethical management of ethical organizations, there are various ethical mandates that the managers in such organizations must consider, so as to ensure that the operations of the organization are based on ethics and morals. The most important moral mandates for OHMOV include the integrity embedded in the core values →

Readiness to learn and the adult learning process case study examples

Younger adults find it easy to learn using this technology, which is one of the reasons for the boom in online education. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/209165885? accountid= 458 Murphy, M, & Golden, D.

Example of do you agree with our solutions to the violation of dress code policy? why or why not? case study

If I was the person violating the Dress Code Policy I would want to know the next steps in the disciplinary measures so I would know exactly how far I could go before any serious consequences occur. I have been in a workplace where the boss was not familiar with the products and did not →

Example of evaluation essay

Evaluation: The purpose of the article is to provide a solution to the problem of US people who are indulged in the working too much. Thesis: In the article " A Nation In Need of Vacation", discusses the problem of limited vacation provided to Americans at work and no paid leaves provided to them →

Importance of employee handbook

Not only should it focus on the rules, regulations and benefits for the employees, but it should be founded on the principles, objectives andgoalsof the company as well. Thus, it is imperative to include the following disclaimers in the handbook's introduction: the handbook is not an employment contract; and employees may be dismissed at the →

4 ways to motivate employees to achieve phenomenal results every day

It outlined your goals, what you want to achieve, the steps to achieve those goals, and why you want to come into work each and every day. Employees have the freedom and flexibility to tackle projects on their own terms, working the hours that they work.

Essay on civil rights

It was in the second half of the 20th century when the social groups exuded the valor and zeal to realize their journey of emancipation in United States of America. Martin Luther King channelized the fervor in the hearts of the many blacks to stand up against the inequality and oppression which the community had →

Liberty essay

The personal liberty also entails the right to exchange property with others and the right to own property. Freedom of movement involves the right to migrate to other areas and the right to exit to a destination of choice.

Free 6-21-15 essay sample

Among the components of the Constitution of the USA which are closely interact with political system of the American society, the special place is taken by the first amendment opening the Bill of Rights, which acceptance is widely recognized in the western literature, " process of formation of the constitutional system of the United States →

Government neutrality towards religion essay sample

In order to enhance the government's neutrality towards religion, there are several laws that deny the government authority to interfere in religious matters. It is also discernible that due to government's impartiality towards religion, there has been religious transformation in the country.

Homeschooling in america should be more regulated essay

In the case of Yoder for example, the court decision granted Amish children an exclusion from two years of Wisconsin's obligatory school attending laws: however, the court declared that it is not dubious that the power of State has high responsibility for education of its citizen and should therefore impose reasonable regulations for management and →

Internet freedom and democracy

Internet Freedom and Democracy Recently people more aware about real democracy because technological developments and internet help people who access the internet simultaneously. In conclusion, many people believe that internet is accelerating the freedom and democracy in most of the countries.

Good essay on censorship

First thing is about the use of censorship in high schools; one of the profound liberties of living in the west is freedom of speech, but it is important to know that this freedom can be exploited by different groups and to halt their way of communication is important for the greater of the society. →

Hume and the subject of free will term paper sample

The concept of free will is summarized greatly through the differentiation between liberty and necessity; the things that we need are not necessarily the same as the things that we want. Hume defines free will as 'liberty,' stating that to be " a power of acting or not acting, according to the determinations of the →

Is everything already determined by fate or god or is there room for human freedom?

In that awareness, that of the divine presence, there is always a choice and possibility to create a new self in the image of God. This is so because everything that he does is by the willpower of God so if he succeeds he knows that he helped him in doing it; he does not →

Hobbes and locke regarding man in state of nature essay sample

The state of nature is one of the crucial concepts in political and moral philosophy. Hobbes uses the concept of conservation of motion to elaborate on the state of nature.

Evil in the mind of god essay example

For evil to exist in this theory god would have to be evil himself or he/she/it would have to be good or neutral and allow evil because if god is all powerful, they should be able to stop the evil but have purposefully allowed it instead for some reason. Is god actually defining what is →

Liberty essay sample

Liberties that exist in my life include the freedom of thought, the freedom of speech, the freedom of expression, the liberty of interaction, the freedom of residence and that of movement. With the freedom of movement and residence, I tour places and go to favourite destinations at times of my choice.

How freedom of religion cultivates american innovation

It is important that the state not cross the lines of religious freedom unless religious expression harms the rights of others - in the case of polygamy or human sacrifice.https://phdessay.com/a-study-on-religion-and-the-role-of-it-on-people-and-media/ The framers knew that if they created a country that favored Christianity, personal beliefs of those outside that religion would be devalued and a follower →

Wap to e-commerce

Convenience: The portability of the wireless device and its functions from storing data to access to information or persons. Because of this, customer confidence in the security of using their mobile phone or PDAs to make payment is law.

Definition of internet privacy

The solution to the upsurge of consumer power is for companies to have a reliable and efficient online presence in social media sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter and social networks. E-commerce is a major challenge for marketers as consumers have sufficient information and are able to search for the cheapest products.

Ecommerce and technology

According to Appendix 1, Tesco's business model is divided into three vital parts core activities the virtuous volume circle and enablers whilst the core purpose is to build the valuation of customers to gain their eternal loyalty.1. Enablers The enablers encourage the maximisation of the possible core activities and assure that the activities are undertaken →

Starting a business

Some of the weaknesses of this idea would be that the firm would be stretched financially because there are costs that will arise in employing a website administrator though our business is small and has limited capital. Another great opportunity is that with the advancement and increase in the number of people using the internet, →

Encyclop_dia britannica

The strategy for making text available free of charge was also congruent because more people were attracted to the website as a result of the products offerings and the subscriptions for the academic and research institutions. The quality offered, breadth and the depth of information should be in a way that it satisfies the needs →

E-mail and the internet

In current applications of computers, the information is stored in the computer and the students have to get it out. This would give the students a chance to create and use a spreadsheet, to examine the way the voting system in our country works, and to practically and actively apply what they are learning.

Advertising of my business

I have many goals for my company and with my experience of an A-Level in Business Studies I am sure I will have the knowledge to reach them and in a professional way. I will need to make sure my nursery is in a nice, friendly area so the children are safe and the equipment →

In was conceptualised after almost 15 years. in

In the last years the number of Blockchain wallets has been rising, startingfrom the creation of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency in 2009 and, nowadays, reachingapproximately 15 million users. The figure table below illustrates the totalamount of Blockchain users worldwide, from the Q1 of 2014 to the Q3 of 2017.

B2c e-commerce

The massive appeal of E-bay is forcing the site to expand due to users pushing forward the huge international trading market on the website." E-bay is creating a second, virtual economy. The approach has been successful as E-bay is one of few websites still to be making profit.

Ebusiness company comparisons

Influence of latest online trends on the future business models The social media has revolutionized the way in which companies handle their operations, do their marketing and advertise their goods and services. A rush by businesses to develop and sustain relationships with their customers serves to increase customer loyalty has seen the emergence of corporate →

Soups in brazil essay sample

* Soup records strong growth in value terms, with a rise of 15% to reach R$917 million in 2011 * Manufacturers continue to invest in health and wellness products and position soup as convenient * Instant soup posts the strongest value growth at 20% in 2011 * Unit prices show modest growth due to fierce →

A business issue in business intelligence

In this scenario, the implementation of Six Sigma can play a significant role for improving the quality of this critical process. RECOMMENDATIONS: The implementation of Six-Sigma standards and quality management support at an organization for improving the process of BI and decision making requires us to make use of homogenous and structured data, which can →

E commerce

The benefits of e- commerce Include It's around the clock availability, the speed of access, a wider selection of goods and services, accessibility, and International reach. The tremendous potential of the Internet has led companies to devise new ways to present products and services that the businesses offer to the global market which has two →

E-commerce industry analysis- porter’s

Thus they have more access to customers, but the bargaining power of the suppliers cost cases a change in supplier would for the e-commerce industry would only mean some change in the design of the web-page or the description of the website, so unless the service provided by the supplier is exceptional he holds little →

E-commerce and trust

Importance of consumer trust to the success of e- business transactions is indicating trust must be a function of: The privacy information provided by the consumer at the point of purchase. The confidence the consumer has in the reliability of the supplier's delivery service.

Statistical analysis – use spss

00 Local 13.00 1.0000.00. 583 0.00 0.

Essay on the role of research and statistics in the field of psychology

The third step is the use of the formulated hypothesis in the prediction of other phenomena that are in existence or the prediction of the results for a new observation quantitatively. Collection of secondary data is less expensive and takes a shorter time to collect than the primary data collection.

Water leak and a pump failure

The probability table shows the probability for all states of the node given the states of the parent nodes.b) What is a joint probability distribution? Is it possible, in your model, to compensate for the lack of Mr H.S.'s expertise with a better pump?

Using probability concepts to formulate a decision making for abc

The cost of production is currently close to the contracted price and ABC Ltd is considering the possibility of sourcing the product at a cheaper price as there is a 0. The probability of manufacturing corn cheaply is a mere 0.

Hypertension and diet/exercise2

This report is not based on particular data collected by the authors; but on the results on a large number of studies; and it attempts to provide a scientific and precise understanding of the mechanisms that control the effect of diet on bold pressure across age, gender, weight, race and lifestyles. The report provides overwhelming →

Mini project

The graph points the trend of oil fracking as compared to the total oil and gas production from 2005 to 2015. Nevertheless, the difference or the ratio of the fracking to the total amounts can be easily calculated from the graph.

Interpretivists approach to suicide

He thus says that Durkheim's study of suicide is not useful in society because the statistics were based on coroner's interpretations and so his study was not reliable. In conclusion, there are many criticisms against Durkheim's study on suicide which suggest that it is not suitable to study the causalities of suicide and maybe the →

The railway children-character

For example, in chapter 3, we can see how determined she was in getting the things necessary for her mother's recovery when her mother was ill. In Chapter 8, we can see howbrave Peter was in searching for the boy in the red shirt in the dark tunnel.

Gertrude from hamlet

Respectfully the son replies, " I will in all my best obey you, madam." Right then the audience notes a good relationship between Gertrude and those about her in the play, even though Hamlet's " suit of mourning has been a visible and public protest against the royal marriage, a protest in which he is →

A mother standing tall essay sample

She did not teach me how to shave my legs; I had to learn from my best friend. But more personally to me, she is my mom and teacher; literally!

Memorable moment

Coming to a conclusion she's not in the house, I hurried to the backward.seeing no sign of her I decided to get my shoes on and go outside.with still no clue to where she could be, I started knocking on the doors of my neighbors and asking in desperation.ironically my aunt lived a couple houses →

Beowulf quote discussion essay sample

Grendel's one thought was to run / From Beowulf, flee back to his marsh and hide there: / This was a different Herot than the hall he had emptied./... The theme of wisdom being a more valuable weapon than strength is not directly, but indirectly demonstrated by the fact that Grendel could have avoided defeat →

Child beauty pageants

Many mothers like Kerry Campbell may be doing this type of abuse to their children because simply they want their child to be ahead in the pageants. This is abuse as the parents are only entering the child in the pageant for their selfish need to relive a glory day.

Womens body issues in breath, eyes, memory literature review example

In Breath, Eyes, Memory, the lives of several women in light of the tremendous social and cultural pressures set upon them are explored; Sophie, a young woman of Haitian descent, moves to America and back, dealing with what it means to be a Haitian woman and all the cultural baggage that comes with it. Sophie, →


In addition to containing all of the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as a way to help reduce your child's risk of becoming overweight or obese.A.

Cultural factors that may put the mother at risk for intimate partner violence

First, there is debate surrounding the roles of genetic inheritance, the environment, and predestination as it relates to the possibility of negative and aggressive traits and habits. Based on Estelle's circumstance of having bruises and lesions all over her body, one might believe that her partner is abusing her and possibly cannot control the actions →

Money changes people

What about you Hun? " " Yes mom I am ready.."." I am also ready, lets get this over with..".we go in side and there are no people but the manager and a co-worker, so that was the best moment to get in.my dad and I scream out " put your hands up and get →

Marc d’angelo

Frank O'Connor illustrates a relationship between mother son in this case the narrator and the mother on a relationship that is unique in a way of a caring relationship but one that is tragic. In the stories, O'Connor expresses a true sorrow on the relationship of the narrator and mother.

Sedimentry rock topic

Sedimentary Rocks To the CBRM Council Definition of the Problem The CBRM Council has been experiencing a number of challenges when it comes to the erection of new buildings. Description of Sandstone In lieu of the above problem, it is quite possible that sandstone, a sedimentary rock, can help CBRM City Council to overcome its →

Afghanistan case essay sample

As the region lies on the border between the Western Asian and South Asia, conflicts have taken a strange cultural and ethnical turns. In conclusion, it can be safely assumed that Afghanistan is on the border of South and South west Asia.

San francisco climate classification

San Francisco climate ification San Francisco is a in the United s, and it is the capital the countyof San Francisco. Some people articulate this is the best occasion to visit The City in the year, and that the true summer here occurs in September and October.

The pampas: the temperate grasslands of argentina

Once Europeans discovered the potential the Pampas had to offer in the 16th century, they exported large amount of cattle to Argentina in hopes of making a monopoly of the situation to economically benefit their home countries. This increase in sea levels is what causes the increasing levels of rainfall that threaten the species and →

Remote sensing project

Hiltner proposes the advantages and ease of execution of police roles with the integration of the UAss, as highlighted by their manufacturer and mandated by the constitution of the United States. The document provides relevance in the use of police drones as a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Growth of the world’s cities

Growth of the World's Cities Table of Contents Introduction 3 Thesis ment 3 The Developing Urban Environment 4 Challenges & Successes 5 Conclusion 6 Works Cited 7 7 Introduction The cultural heritage of Paris and chronological events of its history have played a vital role in its development as ' The City of Lights'. In →

Berkeley terre haute indiana water balance

Studying the water balance of the place is a sub-specialty of geology because of the importance of having an adequate water supply. The water balance in Berkeley is usually a deficit, as it cannot adequately replenish water from its natural sources and factors like a hot weather that causes a lot of evaporation.

Monsoons: monsoon and southern hemisphere

Strengthening of the Asian monsoon has been linked to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau after the collision of the Indian sub-continent and Asia around 50 million years ago.[9] Many geologists believe the monsoon first became strong around 8 million years ago based on records from the Arabian Sea and the record of wind-blown dust →

Good report on western classical music album review

All the musical pieces in the album are cantatas and hence, they depict similar characteristics and the album has a distinctive rhythm and flow from it commencement up to the point when the last cantata is performed. 24 Apr.2014.

Global business – exercise a and b research paper

Post the inclusion of 12 new member countries since 2004, the combined GDP of the European Union is 12, 268, 387 million as of 2010, surpassing the economy of the United States. The metric system is used various forms such as: a) Medical examinations and physical tests, b) Engine capacity of cars, c) Prenatal sonograms.

The influence of the stalemate in the wto on the eu: case study examples

The following paper gives a discussion of three major points covered in the article by Yonca Ozer titled ' The Influence of the Stalemate in the WTO on the EU: " Global Europe" as New Trade Policy'. The last point of discussion on the implementation of the ' Global Europe', the new trade policy which →

Research paper on how globalization affect culture, economy and education in future

The reason why the concept of globalization is becoming a primary topic of discussion in social circles is because the concept is a powerful force that touches on various aspects of different life. With the rate at which the economies of the world are becoming integrated, it is expected that in the near future, globalization →

Research proposal on analyzing the success rate of the western nations in resolving the arab-israeli conflict

Numerous individuals believe that the oil deposits in the Middle East, especially the one's that are in the state of Israel, are of major interest to the western countries. The perception of the involvement of the United States in the conflict are widespread and varying.

The rise and fall of the whole western civilization essays examples

Daly further note that Western Civilization as the accumulation of social, political, economic, and intellectual traditions that have developed for over 5000years since the emergence of the first civilization. The uniqueness of Western civilization.

My impression of christianity in the non-western world essay examples

In this context, I find a contradictory and ironic situation developing in the Western countries like the US, New Zealand, Australia and Europe, Christianity is on the decline while the Non-Western world is experiencing a heavy surge conversions, which means the religion is spreading at a faster rate. The Christian religion is divided into three →

Altran case

This incident reflected the lack of transparency and regulations of the company and the ease with which the employees involved in the scandal appeared to have falsified and manipulated the accounts. Refocusing strategy After the 2005 scandal and in order to improve its corporate image, Altran decided to change the governance of the company with →

Social aspects of mr. k’s immigration

Today, the number of foreign-born persons in the United States is about 3, 000, 000 of the population, and about 5, 000, 000 of Americans are the children of immigrants. The freedom to live where we want, to own property, to take part in the government, to give a better future for our kids and →

Linguistic relativity and perception article review

The Sapir-Whorf theory of language essentially argues that language is culturally-conditioned, and so the way you speak depends on your environment and your experiences and the traditions of your culture. Anthropologists and linguists are particularly interested in the languages of remote and self-contained tribes people because their lack of contact with the developing world allows →

Iran and russias concerns with the arab spring essay example

The Arab spring is a term that is used to refer to the revolutionary demonstrations that began in late 2010 in Tunisia and moved across the Arab world sweeping away the long ruling authoritarian governments in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. The Russian government position on the Arab spring was no different from the position of →

Summary of sen and disability green paper

Summary of SEN and Disability Green Paper * To give parents confidence by giving them more control; and transfer power to professionals on the front line and to local communities.* A new single early years setting and school based category of SEN * A new single assessment process and ' Education, Health and Care Plan' →

The most successful poet amongst students within the sheffield college essay

Her abilities as a writer are remarkable as she gives the reader a fascinating but shocking incite into slavery and the oppression of black people by the whites. This accolade brought her to the attention of a wider audience and is an obvious indicator to the quality of her poetry.

Poetry analysis

In " Batter my heart, three-personed God, for You", John Donne uses the poetic devices of tone and rhythm to emphasize the desire and passion the speaker has for growing closer to God. The use of internal rhyme is being used in " The Flea"- making it easier to understand the theme and speaker's feelings.

Ambiguity in emily dickinon’s poetry

In the poem " I heard a Fly buzz when I died-", Dickinson proposes answers to the question of the existence of divinity in the world. In the negative reading, the poem tells the tale of the anti-climax in the belief of divinity.

Austalian poets essay

The poems that will be discussed in this essay are Martin and the Hand Grenade and Summer Rain The poem " Martin and the Hand Grenade" is set in a classroom. Foulcher uses this metaphor to show the reader that the grenade is symbolic of war and destruction.

Wilfred owen war poetry

Owen uses personification and emphasis in his poetry to allow his emotions and thoughts to be branded into the minds of the readers and to allow them to grasp the sense of pithiness of war. In conclusion, Owens poetic insights in Dulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem for Doomed Youth allow readers to grasp the →

Dickinson’s poetry is startling and eccentric

The opening stanza of the poem divulges that she is in a coffin and "mourners" are going "to and fro". Dickinson's poem ' I Could Bring You Jewels had I a mind to ' is similar to ' Hope is the Thing with Feathers' in regards to the tone of the poem.

Poets and high modernism: an analysis of ernest hemingway’s “the snow of kilimanjaro” and t.s. eliot’s “the love song of j. alfred prufrock.”

The italicized passages reveal the memories and thoughts of the protagonist. Modernity is depicted in the conclusion of the story where the Hemingway explains events that happen both in reality and in Harry's mind.

Conventional poetic structures: tradition in gardening in the tropics

In the poetry collection Gardening in the Tropics, Olive Senior instructs readers in the traditions of the Caribbean, like the traditional uses of Annatto and Guinep in her poem ' Annatto and Guinep' and the traditions of immigrants in her poem ' Stowaway', while abandoning the conventional poetic structures of meter and rhyme in most →

Poetry analysis essay – human nature by alice anderson

And when finally it happens you realize / that it is not your father filling you this time..." Immediately as a reader, you get the gut instinct to shut the book and put it back on the shelf. Later in the book of poems, Anderson meets the love of her life, the lover we got →

Mind versus body: contrasting metaphysical and modern poetry in eliot’s “whispers of immortality”

Donne is considered by many to be the exemplification of the metaphysical poetic aesthetic, and shares Webster's interest in the seemingly impenetrable concepts of life and death. Through comparing metaphysical and modern poetry, Eliot asserts that the ecstasy derived from Donne and Webster's texts lies in the coalescence of intangible ideas and emotions into a →

Percy bysshe shelley: poetry and the individual

Consistently using the conventional comparisons between humans and nature, Shelley in his poetry emphasizes man's ability to remove himself from the commonplace and initiate change, and to produce new ideas through the power of imagination and creativity. Another example of Shelley reiterating the imminence of change involves his comparisons to an Aeolian lyre in both →

Maya angelou and the poetry of uplift in “still i rise”

You can discern the story of a young girl who once felt ashamed to appear in the light, and a tale of the same young lady transforming into a woman who has pride in the person she is, inside and out. This question is written in a way that is meant to show that we →

Parenting and poetic technique in “my father’s song” by simon j. ortiz and “those winter sundays by robert hayden

The poems " Those Winter Sundays" and " My Father's Song" are focused on expressing the relationship between father and son, and on developing differing levels of closeness between these figures through deviations in the poetic techniques employed. In " My Father's song" there is a communication, and love between the child and his father.

Dead poets society challenging authority essay sample

The Film Dead Poets Society, written by Thomas Schulman and directed by Peter Weir is a great example of the consequences involved in challenging Authority, and how it would affect the student. The headmaster is insulted by this lack of behavior and calls an assembly to find and track down the members of the Dead →