4 Pages Essay Samples

Essay on holes

Thus, madam Zeroni and zero are similar due to the fact that society relegated them to the sideline as far as social standing was concerned. The condition is, however, that zero has to help Stanley in digging his hole which as a form of punishment at camp green lake.

Finance case study case study sample

We can trace certain elements in the management approach used by Miller which may be summarized as: The winning cost is the one with the lowest average. Net Asset Value and Annual Total Return can be used for evaluating the performance of the Mutual Fund Investment.

Groups negotiation strategy essay

The negotiation strategy of Fernet Brio is to allow for wiggle room on the smaller aspects of the negotiation in order to stand our ground on the largest issue, the profit sharing between us and Datong Mining. We will stress the important nature of the safe mining work how important it is for Datong Mining β†’

Investment appraisal

As the investment takes place now in exchange for a stream of future benefits it is necessary to discount the cash flows in future years back to present day values to determine if the net benefit of the project is greater than the opportunity cost of using the investment funds for an alternative scheme. In β†’

Weighted average cost of capital: home depot, inc. essay sample

Investopedia.com reveals that the WACC is " a calculation of a firm's cost of capital in which each category of capital is proportionately weighted. However, it is clear that WACC is the average cost of capital the firm must pay, in this case Home Depot, to all its investors, both debt and equity holders.

Nursing ethics essay sample

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nursing_ethicsThe nature of nursing means that nursing ethics tends to examine the ethics of caring rather than ' curing' by exploring the relationship between the nurse and the person in care.[1]Early work to define ethics in nursing focused more on the virtues that would make a good nurse, rather than looking at what conduct is β†’

Gas or grouse essay sample

Questar might have also felt a moral obligation to drill because of the massive untapped goldmine of gas found under the sandstone in mesa, and the fact they had the resources to withdraw it. The Rigs that allowed " up to 16 wells to be dug from a single pad, instead of the traditional 1 β†’

Importance of ethics in business

The manager is also ethically responsible for protecting the confidentiality of the employer and staying within the boundaries of law. Business ethics are tied to both society's ethics and the ethics of the individuals who work for, and buy products from, the company.

Rawls respond and ciulla response

Ciulla has discussed the exploitation of needs in the reading which explains that it is thought that every person has a wide range of options to select when it comes to living. Now who will decide that so and so should be given so and so, the answer to it is government.

Theoretical ethical approaches and business code of conduct

1 background and development of theoretical ethical approaches Deontological Theory The deontological theory state that the consequences or outcomes of actions are not important, what actually matter is that the actions are morally Justified. Kant is of the view that a person's actions will only be regarded as morally and ethically correct when they are β†’

Sample case study on 411- #2

The work of health administrator is to ensure the health and welfare of the general public in his region, however the actions of the health administrators should be limited to the duties, rights and powers vested to the individuals by the authorities. In the light of the Kant theory of ethics, the actions of health β†’

The impact of sociological theories on mass media research paper example

Owing to this analogy, about the consociation between the mass media and societal norms, sociological theories have contributed immensely to the manner in which mass media selects and uses ideas. For this reason, the theory has a regulatory influence on the mass media in the nature and content of information presented to the people.

Argumentative essay on is being virtuous good for you

Secondly is about prudential goodness, where the modern philosophers argue that when one is virtuous it does not mean that that person is prudently good to the virtuous agent. Just to put it clear is that there are three requirements to consider for good; it must relate to the person, must have reasons as to β†’

Example of some moral minima essay

Inhumane in the sense that the perceived lesser people in the society are strangulated and executed for unjustifiable reasons and for reasons that some elements within the society are convinced are embedded in the prescription of norms. Everyone deserves to be in respectable positions and these respectable positions must never be compromised for the sake β†’

Example of research summary and ethical considerations research paper

The nursing aspect is concerned with the ability of the researchers to carry out their research ethically, the science aspect is in respect to the values of the researcher scientifically, and finally, the societal aspect refers to the adherence to human rights when carrying out the research. This is because the purpose of the research β†’

Space exploration essay sample

To many others, however, to tamper with the landscape of the contents of the universe would be to destroy the mystery and uniqueness of said wonders. The most important things to consider when developing a viewpoint or opinion on the matter should include the ethics of tampering with nature, the sum of money spent on β†’

The ethics game dilemma essay sample

The Ethics Game Simulation is a tool created to teach how the decision-making process affects various stakeholders, and the ethical value of the decision determinations. The lenses take into account the decision-making process impacting individuals, a group of people, the pending result, and the effect on reputation.

High renaissance critical thinking

The culmination of artistic explorations and developments known as the High Renaissance began with the works of Leonardo in 1480 s and ended in 1527 with the sack of Rome. They are Leonardo da Vinci, master of oil painting; Raphael, the painter of the High Renaissance; Michelangelo, sculptor and fresco painter of the Age; Titian, β†’

Situation ethics

He is quite clear in the approach he advocates and in no way wants to be confused with antinomianism: and he stressed particularly the cardinal principle of love. Fletcher also implicitly approves of the decision by President Truman of the United States of America to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The main features of joseph fletcher’s theory of situation ethics

Joseph Fletcher devised the theory of situation ethics which is based upon the invariable Christian duty of " love thy neighbour as thyself" therefore every response to act must be based around the law of love, as love is the only thing which is intrinsically good. As it is not sentimental but rather a desire β†’

Is atticus a good father or not? essay sample

n the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus is trying to be a good father as much as he can to Scout and Jem. Atticus wants Scout and Jem to be good people, so that they are able to tell the difference between what is right and wrong.

Explain the utilitarian & deontological aspects of informational privacy for employers & employees

Her course would have had to include a morally correct course of action that was in the best interest for the company as a whole, and it did not. On the contrary, had Patricia Dunn taken a more Deontological approach she would have ensured that right decisions were being made dutifully throughout the investigation.

The case of bernie madoff remains

Analyzing this case on the perspective in the realm of ethics, it may be a good portion to argue about Madoff's ability to act and commit actions that is considered good or bad. Seeing this, it is only justifiable that Mardoff serve in jail due to the large consequences of his actions committed.

Personal ethics development paper

In this paper, I will explain the developmental aspects of my ethics as well as my ethical system, the effects of my ethics at my workplace, and importance of ethics in an organization to achieve itsgoals. At the workplace, my ethical system influences the way I behave and perform in a positive and negative way.

The republic of plato essays example

Glaucon tries to interrupt Socrates by citing the common man, but Socrates quickly cuts him off and says that many poets instigate wrong thoughts in the minds of these young guardians by saying that instead of being honest, it is those who follow unethical practices who often succeed in life and not those who are β†’

Facilitator book review

Often, people fail to identify the importance of ethics and its influences in daily life decisions making the society uphold their values more and influencing the right decision even in the complex situations. Therefore, ethics is key and significant in one's life to be able to relate with others in the society to achieve one's β†’

Essay on phl/458 creative minds and critical thinking

Answer: I will try to identify the message in a recent Coca-Cola advertisement that says " a classic never goes out of style" and depicts a combination of small pictures that creates the image of a coke bottle. The art of thinking, a guide to critical and creative thought.

Explain kant’s categorical imperative

Kant's theory was deontological which means that it judges morality based on a person's action rather than the outcome, it is also secular, this means that, even though Kant is religious, his theory is not, his theory is judgemental which means the theory is normative and it is also absolute which means that Kant believes β†’

Good essay on ethics and morality in nursing

Agreeing with the primary ethical and moral principles of nursing has a positive impact on my job, as I am able to understand the moral function of my career, and I am able to stand behind it without many issues. While they may snap at me for a moment, I knew it was not about β†’

Analyze the ethics essay

He argued for the idea of transcendental freedom, freedom that is as a presupposition of the question " what ought I to do? " Modern hard determinists, such as John Hospers, claim that there is always something within us that urges us to make a choice that we believe was the result of our free β†’

Generally accepted accounting principles persuasive essay

These principles of accounting are Accounting Entity MoneyMeasurement Duality Cost Valuation Stable Monetary Unit The Accounting Entity is the organization that is the focus of the reports and information. Cleverly, Song, and Cleverly state that the intention of the money measurement principle is to define adequately the measuring of resources and obligations.

Responsibility accounting

The number of responsibility reports issued for a decentralized unit depends on the degree of influence that unit's manager has on day-to-day operations and costs. If a manager strongly influences all operations and costs of a unit, one report will suffice for both the manager and the unit because responsibility reports should reflect only the β†’

Ethics and professionalism in accounting

Which of the following ethical approaches is considered to be a mixed framework? a. Which of the following describes law and ethics.a.

Topic: finance essay

What is the minimum price that needs to be set for the product if the required real rate of return is10% and inflation is expected to be 5% per annum? Appendix A- Computations supporting all the answers to the four sets of questions.

Sarbanes oxley act of 2002 essay

Even with the institutions of ethics within the business macrocosm which seek to support SOX, there still exists a gulf between the ethics of the individual and the absolutism of ethical policy. And this is a hard pattern to change with a theoretical set of codes such as the ones contained in the act".

Bus 475 value alignment

It will attempt to explain the differences and analyze the degree of alignment between your values and the organization's values as reflected by the organization's plans and actions. It includes the origin and subsequent evolution of my personal and workplace values.

Financial statements form and use essay

1 Financial Statements Preparation and PresentationThe first report prepared is the Income Statement, which reveals the financial performance of the company for the financial year considered. However, in the financial statement of a company, the statement of changes in equity is presented after the Balance Sheet due to the importance that the latter statement have.

Pestle analysis of tesco and coca cola essay

When adolescents get to around the age of 15 they start to imbibe underage this stems the gross revenues in companies like Coca Cola as it means they are not acquiring as many gross revenues. Recycling policies: Coca Cola has to seek and do their bottles are reclaimable as possible without doing the bottles a β†’

Nursing shortage: healthcare losing heart and hand essay

This is the reason why nurses are dubbed as " the hearts and hands of health care" and they continue to be the largest group of health care professionals. Department of Health and Human Services, there is a projected shortage of nurses in the United States ballooning to 800, 000 by the year 2020.is thus β†’

Financial terminology paper – balance sheet essay

The process of speeding up and increasing the receivables and the process of handling the debt in a more scientific manner can be discussed only after researching the balance sheet. The capital needs and the cash levels of the organization should be monitored from time to time.

According is states in the article “chapter

As of 2000, at 31 percent, Puerto Rico had the lowestemployment in the Americas and the Caribbean, as the article " RestoringGrowth in Puerto Rico: The Economic and Policy Challenges", claims. In the same way, Puerto Rico measures for GDP, but they usethe domestic investment factor in a different perception, which is mostlybecause fixed domestic β†’

Analyzing toyota motors

In the listing of the company's assets, Toyota Motors employees the GAAP of principle of consistency, principle of sincerity, principle or regularity and principle of continuity. In recording the company's liabilities, Toyota Motors utilizes the GAAP of principle of regularity, principle of non-compensation, principle of continuity, principle of utmost good faith and principle of full β†’

Classic pen case

Add two lines at the bottom of the income statement: one line shows the operating profit per unit for each type of pen based on your ABC calculations, and the other line shows the operating profit per unit based on the traditional-income calculations in Exhibit 1 of the case. In the traditional income statement, overhead β†’

The software environment risks

Therefore, the key to ensuring the security of the hardware is to control the human factors, enterprise should focus on strengthening the management of a variety of equipment use and maintenance.2. Information security policy is the set of rules, standards, practices, and procedures that the company employs to maintain a secure IT system.

From field of accounting and finance. my dream

The reason is, in this kind of job you cannot take a risk you need to beaware of what you are doing and for that you need to have some kind ofqualities and skills that are required in this field. Being able to analyze numbers and figures in the document is a majorskill in the β†’

Challenge handshake authentication protocol computer science essay

Visitor location registry authenticates the Mobile when it is in rolling if the shared secret information is shared with the web or it proxies the responses of the hallmark from wanderers to its place web. It checks the individuality at the clip of constitution of nexus and the confirmation procedure is done by the shared β†’

Reflective account – plan, prioritise and balance time

In communicating with carer A, my thoughts were to ensure that I was offering practical professional support to assist where possible with her issues and also offer a sympathetic ear to support her emotional state at the time. A call was then made to the clients' wife to inform her of the situation and the β†’

Accounting principles and financial reporting standards

To safeguard the idea that standards would be able to be applied both domestically and cross-border to financial accounting both the IASB and FASB agree to a set of proposals: 1. In order to continue to pursue the idea of a common set of high-quality standards the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed a Roadmap to β†’

Accounting midterm

The drawings account Is a subdivision of the owner's capital account and appears as an expense on the unicorn statement.6. The withdrawal of cash for personal use by the owners off business requires a to the drawings account and a a.

Risk enable companies to be aware of

Market risk Underwriting risk andoperational risk are directly related to the operations of the takaful company. It is required in thestandards for takaful operators to provide a statement of surplus of the policyholder.

My local ecology and environment essay examples

Cows and sheep are the common animals in our ecology with few goats in some parts of our ecology.- Climate The climate in my ecology is highland climate with a lot of rains. Global warming is the average increase in temperatures in the earth leading to a change in the climate of the world.

Dragon multinational

Unlike many of the companies Mathew's makes reference to in his theory the Hong Leong Group was not instantly a global success, in fact it was started in 1948 by Kwek Hong Png as a modest shop dealing in construction materials. A classic ' Gerschenkronian Latecomer' The Hong Leong Group unsuspectedly enhanced their portfolio through β†’

Animal testing critical analysis

Founded in 1981 was Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, a place that is dedicated to helping find new methods to replace the laboratory animals that are being tested on. There are many other ways that products and medicine can be tested; the use of innocent animals is no longer needed.

Animal population control

" It's not a deer problem, it's a people problem" While the causes of human and wild animal interaction are growing rapidly as human and animal population, the effects are shown in various areas. It's a problem in cities across the world as stray cats and dogs are sent to the local shelters to be β†’

Example of essay on the evolution of whales from land to sea

After reading the three articles that are featured in the following pages, it is evident that whales originated from a species of terrestrial mammals and that during the process of evolution that began in early Eocene it has lost some of the features of terrestrial mammals and grow features that made it fully adopt to β†’

Good the animal farm book review example

The story itself, offers an insurmountable allegoric satire describing the tragic defeat of the expectations raised by the October Revolution in 1917 and simultaneously the defeat of every revolution that concludes in giving excessive and uncontrolled power to a small group of " representatives" the pigs in Animal Farm-. The lack of freedom and the β†’

William blakes the tyger and the lamb essay example

William Blake's poems, " The Tyger" and " The Lamb" are directly related to each other in exploring the poet's theme of good and evil and the notion of a god that can create creatures which are at such different ends of the spectrum. This use of language is a literary devise to emphasize the β†’

Pros and cons in fox hunting

Some of the pro points of fox hunting are, the fox is a pest and its population needs to be controlled. Jobs would not be lost because the people and the hounds can transfer to drag hunting.

The australopithecus afarensis essay example

Evolutionists believe that we are the earliest ancestors of the human species while others are just undecided because of the many differences that our species possess as compared to the modern humans. On the contrary, our far-fetched features as compared to the human species would also suggest that we are of a different species and β†’

Wild animals trade in the united states

According to HSUS, the human society of the United States, wild animal trade is a multi-billion business, following to drugs and weaponries on the black market. There are fairly a couple national laws that disallow the exportation and federal transmission of certain wild pets in the United States.

Behaviour and ecology of white rhinos

The white rhinos are famous with their broad snout and a square lip and for having two horns on the end of their nose. Even they are called white rhinos their color is not white, it's grey same color as the black rhinos despite their names.

The anatomy and feeding of the bottlenose dolphins

The Bottlenose Dolphin is a species of dolphin and is part of the kingdom animalia, they are vertebrates because they have backbones, they are multicellular, and depend on respiration for energy. The Genus is where all species of Bottlenose Dolphin are placed, which is Tursiops, there are different species and subspecies of Bottlenose Dolphins: Common β†’

Essay on advertisement on nature

The advert has two components; the human hand and the nature. The communication in this advert is that the nature depends upon the human for it to be nurtured.

Shooting the elephant essay examples

This sight was so disturbing in his mind that he had to leave the scene, " In the end I could not stand it.and went away". This shows that the writer is ashamed of his actions and regrets killing the animal but he is still defending his pride.

Whether human personality be studied using the scientific method essay examples

Why Allport disagreed with the use of lower animals, children, and " neurotics" as sources of information about personality Studying personality is a complex process that requires sincerity and willingness to cooperate when the studies are being conducted. In accordance with Olson and Hergenhahn, accuracy of the information collected is the key to understanding personality.

Sample essay on ethics and morals of gourmets and non-vegetarians

Is it all just a matter of individual choice?" Wallace's concern is that even if the person eating meat is aware of the procedure he/she turns a blind eye to the greater impact of this action that is advocating animal cruelty. I agree with the questions raised by Wallace in the essay and I believe β†’

Origin of dogs & their role in human life

Dogs really do deserve the term a " man's best friend", because they are loyal, friendly companions and are also known to improve physical and mental health. Dogs have the ability to bring out happiness from their owners, and hospital patients, and are social magnets for those with disabilities.

Should animal testing remain legal?

Millions of animals are forced to endure medical experiments that no creature should have to be exposed to, and any of the animals that manage to survive the tests are immediately put death afterwards. The only thing that will change the opinion of these companies is to affect the profit of animal testing.

Animal testing: a human benefit through major

As PETA clarifies that they come together to put a halt on the " abuse of animals in cruel and painful experiments," it is very difficult to not support the organization. With PETA's constant views on the " implementation of humane" nature, I have come to notice that scientific research on animals does not affect β†’

Essay on description

Predominantly, only the front and hind quarters of the animal figurines are shown in the image. The fourth figurine appears to be a goat or deer based on the standing position and the shape of the horns.

Foodborne illnesses essay sample

According to the CDC, the top five pathogens that contribute to foodborne illnesses in the United States are Norovirus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp, and Staphylococcus aureus. The second most common foodborne illness is caused by Salmonella, a rod-shaped bacterium that inhabits the intestinal tracts of both people and animals and can cause severe diarrhea β†’

Feral hogs

Wild hogs have continued to overpopulate areas and in an effort to find new land and areas offoodsources, have continued to move west. As of July 31, 2011, the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency put an end to sport hunting of wild hogs and placed into effect some new hunting regulations to assist in population control β†’

Good example of lab6 will address course outcome 4 essay

For example, you could visit a local park and compare the playground area to an unmaintained wooded area there.- Describe the human-modified habitat in terms of how is it used by humans, and describe the wild habitat in terms of the degree of wilderness. Do a fairly comprehensive survey of the animal species present in β†’

Example of mentor essay

Their interest concerning the time machine additionally showed that this was a class of people that had the capacity think, and that was willing to extinguish their interest, unlike the Eloi. It is this same loss of power that is depicted among the Eloi and the Morlocks, and which causes the Time Traveler to make β†’

Skyrim review

You must decide quickly whether you will escape the burning town with the imperial guard, or with the leader of the rebellion who has recently murdered the king and claims that government is oppressing the natural born peoples to Scrim. The good and the bad for this you ask?

Predictability of anthrax infection in the serengeti tanzania article review examples

The scientists hoped to indentify factors in the environment and climate that associated with the outbreaks of anthrax, as well as any patterns of infections in the various species of wild animals. But they also found a correlation between the alkalinity of the soil and serum anthrax levels in lions and buffalos.

Essay on evolutionary biology

The Birds form an essential part of the chain, earlier in the course of the initial Jurassic, dual set groups of reptiles expanded the capability to fly and a single part the assemblies advanced to give rise to the birds in nature. This counts as one of the most significant events in the history of β†’

Good the effect of nutria in louisiana literature review example

5 acres of marsh 40 nutria potentially cause " permanent loss of 50% of the biomass produced" during a 20-year growth - " Within 20 years, a high density of nutria could result in the permanent loss of one-half of all the potential organic matter produced in a marsh.- Nutria grazing idamage to the biomass β†’

Causes of porosity formation in laser pulse welding

The high-temperature gradient due to high laser power make a large aspect ratio of the keyhole and the heat loss conducted from the hot keyhole wall to the surrounding metal is very strong. Due to this quick temperature drop, the thin layer of liquid metal on the bottom of the keyhole solidifies very quickly after β†’

Gas chromatography – an overview

Other parameters that can be used to alter the order or time of retention are the carrier gas flow rate, For example, internal standards it is commonly used way in Gas Chromatography to calculate the concentration of an analyte.for any particular detector, the relative response factor for the analyte compared to the internal standards must β†’

Journal of engineering science and technology

The study consisted in the investigation on a prototype of hybrid turbine characterized by a geometry Darrieus with 4 fixed blades and a Savonius, positioned internally at the Darrenius, constituted by flexible wings which vary in their extension, reducing the extension at the increase of the angular velocity to wrap completely when the angular speed β†’

Applying the background and methodology of the research process

Study Purpose The purpose of the study is to understand the decision-making of teens and why teen pregnancy is higher in the rural areas of the country. This is a contributing factor to the higher rate of teen pregnancy in rural communities.

Pin hole camera

The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura. The image outside the camera is projected through the pinhole where it is reversed and shown upside down on the rear of the box.


The endothermic process whereby the system of KNO3 crystals dissolving in the water absorb energy from the surroundings and the measured temperature of the surroundings drops.2. The strength of the intermolecular attractions between molecules, and the amount of energy released when attractions form depends on the molecular properties of the substance.

Nonrenewable fuel origin and formation of petroleum (oil)

As more sediment get deposited, the materials are exposed to tremendous pressures, and the through compaction, microbial action and chemical reaction, water is forced out material, and the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are broken down to form kerogen which is waxy in nature. Oil and the society Regardless of the above environmental challenges, oil is β†’

Ib physics chapter 3 notes

It is expressed by the equation: c = Q/ m " T; where m is mass, Q is the quantity of heat and " T is the change in temperature. It is expressed by the equation: C = Q/ " T; where Q is the quantity of heat added and " T is the amount β†’

Overview of federal energy regulatory commission

FERC also have the responsibility to license Federal power hydro plants which include the responsibility to overview the inspection of private, municipal and state hydroelectric project and also if a company wants to bond a gas pipeline. The FERC aims to insure the power provider's infrastructure are safe and reliable.

Familiar issues in the death of balder (balder) and the theft of thor’s hammer (thor)

The stories of Balder and Thor are both from the same age and location whilst the story of Raven is from both a different age and location. In the first story, mjolnir is stolen and hidden by a frost giant while in the second story, all the sources of light in the sky are stolen β†’

The gravity model of trade

By testing the model it can be observed that the trade relations of Japan are being influenced by the size of the economy and the distance to the trade partners. 00 Distance Source: Data retrieved from the 2011 International Trade Statistics Yearbook of the United Nations 7 Figure 1.

The physics of a truss bridge

Before I get into the physics of the bridge you need to know what a truss bridge is and how it works. An easy way to understand how a truss bridge works is to use a nutcracker and a string tied to the ends of the nutcracker.

Parallel dc circuits – lab report example

The peak to peak Voltage and the peak voltages were determined from the graphs obtained, and the periodic time of the waves determined. The period of the sine wave was determined using equation 1 in the introduction.

Fried chicken and macaroni and cheese recipe

I will be analyzing one of my kids favorite meals which is fried chicken and macaroni and cheese When preparing this meal I like to make sure that I have all the ingredients needed for this. I look forward to hearing from you concerning the exchange.

The major crisis: street lights

Do you think it's acceptable to risk the health of innocent lives and condition of the earth: for street lights? This justifies the reasons in which street lights have become a modern inconvenience.

Alternative fuels for automobiles

So the use of hydrogen fuel, corn oil and electricity will lead to green revolution and abundant production of fuel in the world market. Alternative fuels The reason for the world to look upon alternative fuels like hydrogen, corn oil and electricity is to maintain the living standard of human beings and to protect the β†’

Recent application of classical mechanics

A recent application of classical mechanic that has happened within 6 months is an update of speed of light, where the OPERA at CERN experimented and got results that indicated some neutrinos moved faster than the speed of light. This result was quite surprising because the theory of Einstein has been confirmed a number of β†’