4 Pages Essay Samples

Message of oskar kokoschka’s piece

With analogous hues of blue, pink, tan, purple, and green, the artist renders a self-portrait and a woman, and reflects the complex relationship between the two. There are various viewpoints both within and surrounding the triangular composition of the two individuals that could catch the viewer's eye with a perfunctory glance...may it be the outermost →

The main ideas of catton’s essay grant and lee: a study in contrasts

By this, he means that Lee believed that land was the country's key source of wealth, and that the lower class provided the work force which brought in income for the country, essentially thinking slavery was a must have for the country to be economically stable and successful. He starts off by contrasting the backgrounds →

Individual assurance of learning excercise 1

Not in sync withhealthand lifestyle Struggles with fluctuations in operating and net profits. Is the largest private, non-profit school in the country and the largest four-year school in Virginia.

Essay about intelligence definition and measurement

The Measures of Intelligence The Standford Binet theory of intelligence fits for these two definitions because the measures of intelligence test are more related. He explained that the WRAT is fast and simple to manage and score, the examiner can create choices in the content of the test and in management of the form.

The activity of service learning education essay

The chief ground that most pupils are at college is to derive cognition and advance their hereafter, unluckily there are other pupils whose concluding for go toing college is more of a joyride/partying experience. Another benefit of compulsory service larning in college would be a safer environment around the college campus for pupils.

Good example of critical thinking on learning and experience

According to chapter six of " Adult learning: Linking theory and practice" by Merriam & Bierema, learning is defined as the ongoing refinement of practice and the emerging knowledge that is gained in the practice of a particular action. Learning and experience are interlinked in that one's experience is a learning process and, on the →

Baby thesis

Statement of the Problem This study intended to find out the factors affecting the study habits of undergraduate CAD. It also aimed to answer the following questions: 1) What is the profile of the respondents according to: 1.

Instructions to compose a childcare assignment

The wording in it ought to be isolated by the author with the objective that they are clear about the theme and exactly what the marker will scan for in answer to the request. A course of action would then have the capacity to be pulled in up to reflect the creator's decision of the →

Example of case study on diversity and equity

One of the major source countries is the Philippines which accounts for almost 30% of the foreign nurses working in America. There has been a very slow growth in the number of nurses.

I developing yourself and others essay sample

Manager A personal development plan is the perfect tool to use to monitor the development Employee COMPETENCY Need Dev. What new assignments or responsibilities are you interested in during the next 12 months and what are your skills/strengths to support these? 3.

A disease of congestive heart failure

The APTT test was recommended due to the evidence of blood in the urine of the patient. The presence of sinus in the tachycardia means that Mr.

The benefits of student-run extracurricular activities

This is why it is crucial for students, their learning, and society in general for schools to do everything that they can to encourage and support student run extracurricular activities. Schools should support these types of activities because they benefit the students by reducing loneliness and ostracism, they benefit learning by teaching students things that →

What is golf?

To the average person golf may be just a game, but to millions of golfers worldwide, it is more than just a game, it is a way of life. It is the only sport where you have to give yourself a penalty, even if no one saw it.we do this because golf is a game →

Can bilingual dictionaries improve efl students’ l2 vocabulary learning?

According to as cited in the bilingual dictionary is " a type of dictionary which relates the vocabularies of two languages together by means of translation equivalents". In order to know which dictionary is the best to use, students should know the advantages of both dictionaries.

Current state of higher education in somali

Further, in the month of October, 90000 people were displaced as a result of the armed conflict by the alshabab and over 18 schools closed. Poverty increased in the region and thus parents were unable to raise fee that was used to pay the teachers and run the school.

Expectations for enc1101

I want to gain experience, and have the knowledge in different areas of writing so I will be able to utilize the techniques I have learned and apply them to my life. One of the things that I expect to learn in this class is to understand and know the steps in the writing process →

Different methods for english practice

Translating a part of a text from the coursebook and writing down new vocabulary after reading and translating a text from the coursebook are illustrated in the pictures below: Considering different types of offering and showing information to learners, the board has been used as well as an interactive whiteboard, but also for flip charts, →

Main pluses of e-learning

The internet has vastly contributed to the growth of a virtual environment made possible by various sites such as social communities, blogs, research engines, online newsrooms, virtual offices and classrooms among other online tools that have facilitated numerous online interactions in addition to solving various issues pertinent to the society. It is thus prudent to →

Example of case study on structure of computer systems

With the current trend of how computers are used in the daily lives of humans, it will not be far when humans will just sit in a corner with their remotes on hand or in front of their computers while the programmed machines will do the work for them. After determining this, the hardware component →

Can appointments redefine success?

Show confidence In your team and they will feel the need to prove their capableness and trust to you. Show confidence in your team and they will feel the need to prove their capabilities and trust to you.

Free report on flourishers and non-flourishers

This report is going to analyze whether the elements that determine the well being on an individual as defined in the PERMA model by Seligman differ or compliment with categorically flourishing and none flourishing for adolescents. Challenges especially at the adolescent stage become increasingly bigger to the extent that some people fail to sustain and →

Malcolm gladwell’s book outliers description on causes of success essay examples

The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell is a book that outlines all about success and what causes the impact called success in the most successful individuals we see. The Canadian hockey team is known to be the best in the world.

Multitasking makes you lose focus

In the present people feel it is necessary to do more and more things in a shorter period of time. If people would sit back and relax when having a phone conversation, they would notice how much easier it is to focus on the person they are talking to.

what do i hope to achieve in my life essay sample

After meditating on engineering and the changes to come, I made the decision to begin to accomplish my professional short-term goal, which is to complete my degree in engineering. I was given all the facilities in the school and that was the time I made up my mind to face all the challenges ahead of →

Example of sid research paper

Bangladesh has many developmental projects which are being addressed by the population, the academic researchers of Bangladesh and to some extent the government. For " starting a business" it is rated at 79 out of 183 and the World Bank expects Bangladesh's rating to improve.

Three important qualities needed essay samples

It is for this reason that it is important to visit the chosen institution. I realized that it is very important to have a group with which one can discuss some of the core aspects.

A reflection on service learning: working with eric article review examples

The underlying thesis of Gibson's essay is that Waverly High School is unlike any other school because of its unique approach of handling the educational, social and behavioral needs of its students in an individual manner. According to Gibson, the school avails a curriculum that is designed to meet the individual needs of every student.

Inspirational advice essay sample

He asked me to always remember who I am and what I want to achieve in future, keep my head high and to keep only friend that will help me grow and offer me good advice. He told me that Christianity served as a source of comfort and solace when he was facing difficulties in →

Small companies and internationalization – requirements for being successful

To grow the sf's face several constraints and internationalization can be a solution for the success of these sf's. This knowledge will help the sf's to fight competition better both in the home and international markets.

Example of report on teaching philosophy

This will give the tyke the certainty to convey what needs be and it will upgrade their respect toward oneself and give the educator a clearer picture of the kid and help her to arrange more compelling lessons as per youngsters' investment and needs. Hennessey, M.G.

Weekly accomplishment report in tourism department

Date: May 16, 2013-Thursday For this day I was assigned to answer phone calls and we Joined the route of Mr. Date: May 24, 2013- Friday I was assigned to answer phone calls and inquiries for the whole day.

Errol morris documentary on rick rosner, one in a million trillion essays example

He showed a lot of commitment and determinations in the repetition of activities and tasks in the name of gaining expertise in the given field of concentration. His obsession of doing things in the right and perfect manner made him ruin his life.

Success in life does not need a degree

In the article as the author mentioned that being successful and rich does not need us to go to college complete our studies and have a certificate in the field that we are passionate about, we just have to drop school and start working on our passion. I think that he gain the latent and →

Presenting for success quotes

" Life's like a movie, write your own ending Keep believing, keep pretending We have done just what we have set out to do Thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you." - Kermit the frog " There are two types of people those who come into a room and say, ' Well, here I →

Rotating unbalance report samples

Presented in this report are the results and the discussion of results for static and dynamic balancing. In the second part of this experiment, the arrangement required to balance the rotating shaft dynamically was obtained.

Good example of essay on capitalism and the protestant ethic

Thus, the seeking of wealth is not condemned as greed or avarice, but developing the trappings of wealth was a way to be singled out in society as the " elect". The more material success an individual had, the more evidence they had of their status as a member of the religious " elect".

Example of report on electronic medical records: system selection

The RFP outlines the needs of both the organization and the user to ensure that, in the end, both the hospital and the society benefits. The user needs are also expressed the RFP and include the roles and expectation of the IT personnel, the health professionals and the patients.

Good case study on leadership of coach knight and coach k

Coach K was once a student of Coach Knight for United States Military Academy and under his leadership he learnt the importance of discipline and preparation that paved the foundation of his success as a coach. Coach Knight was nothing less than a perfectionist when it came to basketball and was a notorious coach who →

Example of why people lie essay

But the worst and also the most controversial form of lying is when a person lies to themselves. These cases are usually times when the moral stance of the situation is ambiguous and the person is left to decide rather or not the ramifications of their actions are a fair price for the truth.

Free essay on history of animation

On Mickey Mouse character, Ubbe facilitated his success of parting ways with Walt Disney and starting to work on his own by carrying out most of the work in the film. In addition, the personality of Messmer that made most the audience love his films thus contributing to the success.

5 lessons you can learn from the viral success of dollar beard club

I spoke with Chris Stoikos and Alex Brown, co-founders of Dollar Beard Club, to learn more about what goes into making a viral hit, and how they keep doing it again and again: " Dollar Beard Club is not the first project we have worked on together, and we have had some experience creating videos →

Why did elizabethans voyage overseas and were they successful?

Markets such as the Muscovy company which traded with Russia in timber and lurs also the East Incia Company which traded with India and the Far East in silks, spices, cotton and tea in addition to The Levant company which traded with countries around the eastern Mediterranean in currents and dyes. They went across the →

Managing it skills essay examples

The difference between the skills that the organizations need and the skills that the employees possess is the skills gap. Skills gapping involve evaluating the skills that the employees in an organization possess and then comparing these skills with the requirements of the organization.

Obama care research paper

The overall endeavor is undertaken with expectations to remove the concerns that are present in the minds of the citizens. With the introduction of the new healthcare scheme the aim is to enroll the remaining bunch within and provide them with the facilities and discourage the private trends that have had negative impact on the →

Example of define the problem essay

The core situation that this study has concentrated on is the fact that Canada's population is ageing, and this is likely to affect the Canada health expenditure of the next 20 years. Owing to this risk the health care spending expenses are likely to increase and, therefore, affecting the quality of health care in Canada.

The future creative writing sample

High carbon and greenhouse gases emissions in the air are two of the biggest factors that the worldwide community is actually considering. And there is also a limit to the number of people that can live in this world with complete provisions of water, electricity, food and shelter.

Essay on definitions of the white race in the 20th century

The White Race, also known as Caucasian, refers to any of the human beings distinguished by a light pigmentation of the skin. According to Gjerde, the term Caucasian referred to any of the people who originate from the North Caucasus, that is the Caucasus Mountains.

Essay on racial and ethnic groups in america african american

The roots of the African Americans can either be traced back to African slaves who survived within the boundaries of what is currently known as the United States of America during the slave trade era or immigrants from South America, Africa or Central America[ CITATION Has07 l 1033 ]. The white started mistreating the African →

The debate over hate crime argumentative essay

These hate crimes communicates a message to the people in the society. The enforcement of hate crime laws limits the potential of the hate crimes spiraling out of control and leading to a cycle of violence and community chaos The FBI publishes a report on the Crime in the United States.

Critical analysis of health canada essay sample

" Health Canada Inadvertently Discloses Facts Planned Parenthood Would Like to Suppress" an essay by Ted Byfield, a Western Canadian journalist and founder of an Alberta based magazine The Report." Health Canada" appears to have logical strengths including a cause and effect argument supported by statistics and reference to authorities present on both sides of →

Example of essay on social work research methods

Score Below Mean Score Above Mean Most of the people who answered the test were female, most of the females scored below the mean. Most of the individuals who took the test scored below the mean.

Good example of the incarceration rate of homicide cases in colorado research paper

In addition, incarceration affects not just the present crime rate, but it is also believed that the future of the community is being influenced by the impacts of incarceration. The primary hypothesis of this paper is that the increasing incarceration rates results to a decline in homicide cases in Colorado, USA.

Sample research paper on greatest civilization in history

The Europeans gave the world much of the art that the is still cherished in museums throughout the world. The Sumerians are not the first civilization to use drawings as writing, but they are the first civilization to utilize writing as a part of everyday society, expanding the possibilities for future populations.

Different values of different people and population groups

When you do not have dedication in anything you do in life, you feel like you are doing it for no reason at all. When you do what you love, you feel like you are not even working, and that is what I strive for in life.

Justification memo argumentative essay example

After spending some time with the organization and establishing the challenges that the elderly population face, I have realized that it is important that the organization should ensure that every employee should be enrolled into the Long-term care insurance now. The longer the time people spend to delay their planning for long-term care until they →

Example of the problem of the administration of wealth essay

Here we have a classic problem where the waelth of country was all concentrated in the hands of the ruling classes and the monarchy with the rest of the population left to fend for itself. Incidentally however, the percentage of those giving to charity when compared to the wealth in teh hands of the richest →

The depletion of the human population essay sample

Human history has witnessed various diseases that turned out as an epidemic and affected a large number of people that resulted in the depletion of the human population. Some of the diseases that turned out to be an epidemic in the 21st century include HIV and Aids, Ebola, SARS, and H1N1.

Health promotion among african americans essay sample

Current Health Status The current health status of African Americans has been described as poor according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Health Prevention The primary approach to health prevention may be best in the case of the African American population.

Architecture essay

The make-up of this lecture is a focus on function and productivity; the plans are in place to improve upon Sydney's existing space for the purposes of prosperity and greater standard of living for its residents. These are the questions which are raised by Kumic, whilst Fensham seems to be addressing the answers through his →

Good research paper on social inequalities in the united states

The level of education in the masses depends on the distribution of income to the population. Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States.

Population problem in bangladesh

In July 1988 the population, by then the eighth largest in the world, stood at 109, 963, 551, and the average annual growth rate was 2. 7 in 1951 to 12 per 1, 000 in 1985; the urban crude death rate was 8.

Explain the geographical challenges resulting from a greying population essay sample

This is bad for those who need attention as the NHS will be short on staff and will therefore have to pledge more money on staff, meaning they will have to spend more money, punishing the economy of money and meaning younger generations will have to pay more in the way of tax in order →

Research metodology essay sample

I think the best way to get a good sample is using different group people, so we can combine all of the thought about the researching. It is also possible to use judgmental sampling if the researcher knows a reliable professional or authority that he thinks is capable of assembling a representative sample.

Good example of prospectus: the link between socioeconomic status and obesity with specific reference essay

This research project will investigate the relationship between the low socioeconomic status associated with low education levels and obesity in the United States of America. The body mass index will be used as a parameter to ascertain the level of obesity in a subject.

Free overpopulation essay example

Last, Omit Titles and Degrees][Institutional Affiliation] The human population of the planet is assessed to have passed the limit of 6 billion individuals. Modern medicine has made tremendous progress in the treatment of many diseases and contributed to the growth of life expectancy; although the birth rate remains high, particularly in countries of Asia and →


To highlight why this matter is of importance, this paper will briefly examine the causes and effects of overpopulation, and specifically discuss on possible solutions to this global environmental issue. It is important to highlight that one of the core reasons to why this is a growing issue is that population cannot increase indefinitely.

Example of report on chinas one-child policy

China's " one child" policy is actually a " family planning" policy according to the Chinese government, as there are certain types of families who are allowed more than one child; however, by and large, the average Chinese family faces significant economic hardship if they choose to have more than one child. An alternative to →

Health care issues in the united states

From an everyday approach, it is not the availability or non-availability of medical aid which is the major issue, but how the social and economic factors are related to the health of individuals and most third world countries. In regards to health care, fertility is a key determinant of the population pyramid, as well as →

Field research report on homelessness in south florida essay example

On the same note, results that are a consequence of the process that digs deeper into the investigations of the findings are discussed and adduced to. In my research of the prevalence and the manifestations of landlessness in Florida, I decided to use the method of the survey.

Popular articles: digging deeper research paper

Normal or optimal body weight that is the weight of which, according to medical, statistically validated data, taking into account the features of the skeleton and muscles, as well as the nature of work, the most favorable for a person of a certain age and gender. Recently, the conventional wisdom is that with 30 years →

The importance of international affairs in relation to the asean economic community and the world today

" The importance of International Affairs in relation to the ASEAN Economic Community and the world today" International Affairs or IA is a major in Khon Kean University International College. So International Affairs can make us know and understand about the cultural differences, way of life and society of each country and we can apply →

Week 1 reading notes

Solow's surprise: investment is not the key to growth * Investment cannot be the source of growth in the long run * The belief of increasing buildings and machinery is the fundamental determinant of growth = capital fundamentalism * Investment increases machine per worker would lead to diminish return in long run * Technological progress →

Nationalization case essay sample

The effect on our economy: Economic Theory Our government would like the mines to be in their control and the idea seems appealing to them because they feel it should belong to " the people" and running it would mean that they would have more control over the mining of the gold and other minerals →

Teenagers and bad decisions essay sample

Updike presents the events of the story in a smooth and practical manner. The store, lights, everything that was stored in the store and counter of the store owner are portrayed in a way that corresponds with the characters as well as with the story.

Pricing program

The special attention in the work is given to the achievement of the objective " raising public interest in science", combined with the goal to provide a financial self-sufficiency of the institutions. Using quick approach, two issues below should be resolved: To determine the admission rate for the first year To determine the admission policy →

Assessment methods advantages and disadvantages of analytic rubrics

A third advantage is that it is much easier for the tutor to discuss the strengths and the weaknesses of the student with either the student or the parent. However, it is the duty of the tutor and the student to make this process succeed.

Good example of essay on historical connection

On April 30, 1789, in the building of the Federal Hall, George Washington took the oath of office of the first president of America. The connection is a Liberty ship named in honor of Harriet Tubman.

India vs china essay sample

India and China are the two giant economies and they are the major players in the world economy. As the current account is surplus in China and whereas, in India the current account is deficit.

Aston blair case

Bodin shared his findings with Bacon and Reiss, in confidence, and they all agreed that none of the information would be presented in the August 4th presentation or to the task force team until Bodin had the opportunity to discuss everything with his boss; Vice President Jed Burns. Perhaps if he has shared the information →

Should universities abolish grades essay sample

The grading system, unfortunately, only motivates the students to get good grades and proceed to the next class. Universities and colleges use the grading system to measure the academic process of a student.

Report on value of risk

The value at risk is sometimes called the possible loss in value from what is considered normal loss in the market. Asset allocation Here the main aim is to device a mechanisms of a money generating activity in which the expected money should be kept at, as shown below.

Example of essay on economic history of the united states

Economists argue out that the collapse of the stock market was a result of some erroneous policies such as the Federal Reserve act which would control the economy by relaxation and tightening of both credit and money in the economy. The speculations helped in sky rocketing the stock market prices and it was in late →

Dow jones industrial average index research paper examples

The analysis revealed a somewhat erratic pattern of the stock index movement, as clearly depicted by a consistent and prolonged downtrend of the market index since the middle of 2007 most likely as a result of the global economic slowdown that emanated in that year, and then continuing with a much sharper fall into mid-2009, →

Informal cognitive institutions essay sample

It is significantly important to the international mangers, because they are what valued in the countries where the manager will be doing the business. EU's institutions has been widely known for its unity and success that has reform the politics and economics in the members nations of European Union.

Political communication during the stimulus bill debate research paper example

The economic stimulus plan by President Barack Obama aimed at sustaining and revamping the economic situation in the United States of America. The economic stimulus bill of 2009 marked the intention of the government to support economic growth in the country.

The history of foreign direct investment economics essay

The history of Foreign Direct Investment can be traced back to the yearss of the colonial epoch. Sornarajah defined Foreign Direct Investment as " the transportation of touchable or intangible plus from one state to another for the intent of their usage in that state to bring forth wealth under the sum or partial →

Essay on issues and dilemmas of public administration

There are a number of officials and executives who look after the needs of the society and implement the policies made by the government. Public interest is related to welfare of public and this is considered most when the policies are made and implemented by the government or authorities.

Kuwait stock market crash essay

Because of the abundance of oil in the country, the effort has been well rewarded, since it has slowly helped the stock market and the economy of Kuwait to rise slowly but with certainty. It has been the government's top priority to maximize oil production, since it's the most practical way for them to recover →

Koger properties, inc.

It was since that date he had the fullresponsibilityfor being independent as an audit of Koger. The public did not want to believe Goodbread was independent because of his partial ownership in Koger.

Flirting: investment and return

To demonstrate the advantages of diversification, Bill should calculate the expected return and risk of a portfolio composed of equal investment in the High-Tech Co.and the Counter-Cyclical Co.since these companies are negatively correlated with each other - and compare the results with the return and risk levels of the High-Tech Co.by itself. The data in →

The thoughtful forecaster

The income statement, also known as the " profit-and-loss statement", is utilized to measure the flow of cost, revenue, and profits over a period of time. On there is calculations and a variety of ratios including the sales growth to return on assets.

Pan europa’s case study essay sample

Question 1: Given the current climate of Pan Europa's corporation, the company must seek out invest opportunities to grow the company's capital and revenue. In evaluating the goals of the organization the synergy between the projects are clear, to make the company profitable.

Real madrid, manchester united and barcelona football teams

However, clubs such as Real Madrid and FCC Barcelona are member-owned, democratic, and not-for-profit organizations and have leaderships that are accountable to the people who watch and pay. The main stakeholders in the company are the shareholders the employees that do not have shares and the product users.

Dowry, an investment system

On the other hand is the practice of bride price system which is where the husband gives cattle, land, or goods in exchange for a woman's hand in marriage. Although the practice of dowry from the bride's family to the grooms is a norm in the Indian culture it the opposite of the African culture.

The east african community (eac) essay

The East African Federation, an earlier attempt to form a cooperative, failed to get off the ground in 1964 because of strong nationalism and the diverging economic and political priorities of the countries. The main countries that comprise East African Community have failed to develop financially and socially due to a variety of reasons and →

Ten political economical ways to increase a country’s’ wealth essays example

The vital issues that influence the stability of the economic wealth are the government and economic institutions that are expected to work together to earn a substantial income. Secondly, the government, through the economic institutions has the mandate of establishing a safe environment of distributing the resources evenly within the country.