4 Pages Essay Samples

Umbrella revolution: significance of a peace protest essays example

Suffrage right is not there in the mainland of China, and under such a circumstance the demand of the people of the city seems to be too much for everyone. The people in Hong Kong have to fight for independence, and not just the right for voting.

Scientific revolution and secularism

Galileo's last aspect that challenged the beliefs of the Church was his support of the heliocentric cosmology, essentially diminishing the geocentric worldview of importance of humans and the idea of scattered stars with no pattern. Newton's scientific enhancement, along with the works of Harvey on human anatomy and Galileo in astronomy and the universe, had β†’

How radical was the american revolution? essay sample

Levi Preston was a veteran of the American Revolution who, when interviewed by historian Mellen Chamberlain, revealed that most of the patriots knew not and fought not because of the taxes and acts from the British, the famous literature written by founding fathers, or for a governmental change, and instead fought for their right to β†’

Cultural revolution in china

Cultural Revolution plays a very big role in the Chinese history as well as china influenced by Cultural Revolution. The main motive of this wall is to only protect the Chinese people.

Dbq on the scientific revolution

Later in the period, a religious German philosopher, Gottfred Leibniz, showed analytically that since " God governs minds," the products of human minds could better enforce the " happiness of the good and the punishment of the evil". He wrote this in reaction to Galileo's discoveries and interpretations of light differences on the moon.

Good example of essay on every revolution has winners and losers

The first and a major revolution noticed from the past initiated by the then leaders of China and the People's Republic of China is industrialisation. In conclusion, it is clear that with the right team and taking proper measures, change is a good thing for the development of people in the nation.

The cuban revolution

The battle that took place on that day in the Moncada Barracks became known as The 26th of July Movement which marked the beginning of the Cuban revolution. Castro was also aware of the injustice in the majority of the people.

How the internet caused a communication revolution

The growth of technology has led to improvement in the communication and media sector. One of such changes is the use of social media and other communication app roles in the communication sector.

Industrial revolution: planes, trains, and automobiles essay sample

With the Industrial revolution it caused the product to be made more quickly and in turn created a bigger demand for these products. People started to move to the industrial cities for work and this caused a huge growth in population.

The effects of europe’s industrial revolution

In addition, England enjoyed labor surplus as a result of the adoption of the enclosure model of farming, a move that made many people migrate to the towns to seek employment in the industries. This prompted an increase in production to match the demand, and as a result, more craftsmen were involved in the production β†’

The economics behind green revolution in india history essay

The rate of growth of population was still higher than the rate of growth of food production. The income of a majority of the farmers was increased due to the introduction of HYV seeds as the yields had increased.

Cultural revolution in wild swans: three daughters of china

The book is, indeed, a testimony to the strength and determination of herself, her mother and her grandmother and their resourcefulness in recreating themselves time and again in the face of suffering, humiliation and disillusionment. The grandmother's early life reveals a litany of horrors, such as the torture which was the custom of foot binding β†’

Free essay about the industrial revolution

The important changes of the industrial revolution era are following: the emergence of a fundamentally new means of labor - machines; the formation of a new type of economic growth - the transition from slow and unstable one to high and self-sustaining; completion of the formation of a new social structure - transformation of employers β†’

The arts -renaissance and reformation, 13001650, enlightenment and revolution 1550-1800, the idustrial revolution 1700-1900

The paper " The Arts of Renaissance and Reformation of 1300 1650, Enlightenment and Revolution of 1550-1800, the Industrial Revolution of 1700-1900" is a dramatic example of a term paper on history. The cause of the reformation was the excessive power that the church wielded on the people.

Assess the impact of the industrial revolution in england on the atlantic world assignment

According to various historians such as Eric Williams the triangular trade and the sugar industry in the Caribbean was crucial to the transformation of the Atlantic economy. The monies made from the colonies did not stay in the colonies but went to Europe and the US, fuelling their economies and leaving the colonies highly underdeveloped.

Comparing and contrasting men and women

MEN AND WOMEN In terms of aesthetics, men and women think very different about their prescriptive towards men and women. Men and women have always interchanged from the bottom of the pyramid to the top.

Sample essay on what is the good mother thesis in economics

It will encourage the women to participate in the most productive sectors of the economy. Strict child laws should also be enacted in order to ensure that both the parents equally contribute to the child's upbringing hence the duty of providing for the children should not be the women's reserve.

Competitive advantage and disadvantage between minorities and women in the workforce

African American women earned 63 cents to a dollar for the jobs that men do, and Hipic women earn 57 cents to the dollar and Blacks have twice the unemployment rates of whites. Leaders in the organizations must learn diversity and how to manage it effectively.

Free essay on interpretive analysis comparison of two stories

The story " I want a Wife" is a contrasting example of the story " The Men We Carry in Our Minds" and shed light on the predicament of the women life by stating that women strives hard in their life to nurture children and make their husbands happy. The in-depth analysis of the articles β†’

Did the women in world war 2 have an effect on the victories

Hundreds of Canadian women worked in machine shops, welding shops and manufacturing plants, making the equipment that was necessary to fight a war like bombs and weapons for the men and women in the Armed Services. In the end, at the time of the Second World War; females were on the home front doing anything β†’

The portrayl of women in the media and the effects it has on young girls

As a result of the unrealistic women in the media, young girls are often dissatisfied with their own bodies. With young girls putting their desire to be sexy above their own health, the portrayal of women it the media can lead to serious ill effects.

Good essay about the yanomamo society

The Yanomamo tribe is the most primitive society in the world. The change was possible due to the involvement of the Brazilian government in the progress and welfare of the Yanomamo tribe.

Difference between men and women

Everyone understands that there are plenty of differences between men and women but we all have to realize that God created all of us for a reason. Men and women are totally different but it is more exciting to have varieties rather than everything being the same.

Essay on liberal arts discipline

As it were, the etymological significance of human science is the 'study of society'. Sociology is the logical investigation of human social life and gatherings.

How does shakespeare represent women in macbeth? essay sample

The witches In the beginning scenes of Macbeth, the witches are seen as mysterious. Lady Macduff Lady Macduff is represented in Macbeth as a pure, defenceless character thought the feud between the four females and Macbeth.

A woman scorn

But that is what the story is all about; a strong woman in a man's world; strong minded and independent, and out for revenge. Patience, independence, and a well thought out plan is the work of a woman.

Women and men

Granted, there is a positive correlation between the degree of a male's lack of compassion and his ability to engender the attention of the opposite sex, but as any of you know who have taken a statistics course, a correlation does not prove causation. This is surely the measure of a man.

Toni morrison: first african american female author

The main character and narrator of Beloved, Sethe, is a terrorized Kentucky slave at the beginning of the novel, and even after she gains her freedom, she is still mentally enslaved by what happened in her past. One of the most traumatic scenes of the novel, Beloved, is when Sethe and her daughters have run β†’

Narrative voice and chronology in a rose for emily research paper example

In Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily," the story is told through the collective consciousness of the town, acting as a narrator that constantly switches between events and events. Klein, Thomas." The Ghostly Voice of Gossip in Faulkner's A ROSE FOR EMILY".

Example of odysseus and agamemnon homecoming essay

He did not get angry at the situation but instead worked his own ways to ensure he wins the trust and the love of his family back. However, the humility that he displayed in dealing with the suitors and his wife enabled him to win back his territory and even kill the suitors that had β†’

Free guilty pleasures by laurell k. hamilton book review sample

The author clearly has intentionally set up the two main characters in the novel to be strong willed females in traditionally male roles, to quash the stereotypes of a lead detective and head vampire having to be male to be believable. The humor in the story is sparse and provided by Anita through a series β†’

The effect of the taliban upon women in society essay sample

Just a few of the policies set by the Taliban include the restriction of women appearing on the streets without a blood relative and without a Burqa, women live based on the decisions of men, and the importance of educating men rather than women. Author Unknown." A Woman Among Warlords ~ Women's Rights in the β†’

Gender difference in language article review examples

The title serves as the hypothesis as well as it attempts to seek inquiry on the biological state of the brains of the female gender and that of the male's. The author of the article looks into the neurological setup of the two genders and derives his hypothesis from the different capabilities of the brain.

Debate: gender and single-sex education

Single-sex education schools are where all students are of one gender, co-education schools are with both gender of students. Therefore, you do not have to worry about that people in single sex schools do not interact much with the opposite sex.

Free research paper on amadeo modigliani

His father was a master in the art of drawing and because of this he received early recognition. However, she took twenty of the drawings he had made of her and hid them in a safe.

Free essay about predominant religion effect on disparity of men and women in college

In the results, Christianity is the most dominant religion globally followed by Islam, Mixed religion, Buddhism and finally the Hindu. Regarding the religion, the different religions are provided codes, which are used to identify their significance in the country and which are analyzed against the enrolment to identify the religion's effect on the diversity.

Difficulties of life essay

Generally his life as a poker player blinds him and he forgets that he has a social life and that is what leads to his divorce from his wife. The poker player's life is one with many disappointments and it is not a life that one would admire.

Why do men and women have such different experiences of health?

Although women tend to consult doctors more often statistics suggest they have more ill health, this could be because women in their socially producedgender rolesare seen as more acceptable to show weakness and seek medical help and also if they are going to the doctor they are more likely to be diagnosed, possibly if men β†’

Etruscan women

Etruscan Women: An Analysis of Larissa Bofante's Article The comparisons between the Etruscan, Greek, and Roman way of life are similar in many respects and each contributes to the other, however, each civilization has its differences. While Bofante discussed many interesting aspects of Etruscan life, the role of women was very important and was a β†’

Argumentative essay on a dolls house henrik ibsen

They have not had a serious relationship because Torvald treats her like his ' doll.' In order to break this cycle of behavior and break free, Nora has to leave at the end of the play, because Torvald is too self-centered to give her the love she carves. Nora has to leave in order to β†’

How media defines femininity

Thus the media influences our view of the world and often even determine our view of the world. One particular example is the definition of femininity and portrayal of women in the media.

Two ways a woman can get hurt

In the article " Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt" the author Jean Kilbourne strongly believes that advertising is one of the culprits behind the objectification and violence against women. The author also contends that the poses, the facial expressions, and the body language in these ads are being taken out of the pornography β†’

Research paper on marriage cannot and should never be abolished

Marriage is never to be taken out of the hands of the government, who would defend the rights of married people. Like man, marriage is from the beginning and it will be a great travesty the day the government relinquishes its hold on marriage to satisfy one group of people.

Many argue that women are the most complex

Trying to understand them is like trying to put together a puzzle with a thousand pieces when several of them are missing-to put it simply, it is impossible. A warning before hand would be that do not under any circumstances disrupt the placement of the furniture that they have arranged and rather just compliment them β†’

Free literature review on a literary analysis of the story the yellow wallpaper

For example, readers understand that the protagonist is stable in their emotions because of the information in her journal. This is because the medication attempts to protect a fragile mind of the woman in the narration.

Example of essay on female freedom

The aim of this essay is to show the complexity of interpretations of the message sent in this story and its subsequent interpretation. In this case, the casual audience would consider that the aim of the story was to show the inefficiency of medicine in Victorian times and that sometimes the closest people are more β†’

Example of case study on ethics : megan slake

Megan Slake, Nancy Slake, the former neighbor, Megan's family, the community, the judicial system, the family of the murder victim, the murderer, any future victims of the murderer, the police investigating the murder CONSEQUENTIALISM Megan could gain revenge against her former neighbor for the rape of her daughter by not speaking up about his location β†’

Beauty of a woman

Women in the past were more conservative and caring as to the way they looked and acted. It is easy to believe that women who lived in the 1950's had it easy, in the regard to the pressures to be thin and attractive.

Women presidency

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the factors that influence whether a country could have a female president and the factors contributing to the situation in the United States. A country with a higher life expectancy is more likely to have more women in the population who are more likely to vote in β†’

Example of admission essay on why do i want to become a physician assistant

I was 18 and terrified as I stood in front of my dad who I had no idea how to help. I expect the program to provide strong clinical training with a balance between medical education and patient care and will help me master new skills and sharpen my clinical judgment.

Good essay about literacy socialization assignment

In order to avoid stagnation, my mother purchased a computer program that enabled me to write and read. My socialization to literacy was most like that of children in Roadville.

Free autism research paper sample

He was reported to have been different from his classmates from the beginning, by his concerned mother. His mother struggled hard to support him to make him adjusted with his companions and get acclimatized to the school environment, but all went in vain.

Example of essay on bullying in schools controlling the problem

In developing these policies, schools should hold forums or conferences devoted to the problems of bullying where administrators, teachers, parents, and students can attend to discuss bullying, its consequences, and solutions to the problem. These forums or conferences should include an assessment of the current situation concerning bullying, including how often and what kind of β†’

Child birth reports examples

These included the creation of a bond between the mother and the child immediately after birth. The Effectiveness of Childbirth Classes for Increasing Self- Efficacy in Women and Support Persons.

Creative writing on bisexuality

Due to the piousness of my family, a different from the normally accepted sexual orientation would dent my family's image. My parents loved me to the extent that I meant the world to them.

Personal statement on narrative: a brief essay about my desire and motivation to become a physician assistant

We spent the evening learning about the functions of these organs from the encyclopedia, and then, using the hematoxylin and eosin stains that came with my microscope, I made slides. My mother would always embarrass me by telling the doctors and nurses that we were seeing about my interests and how good of a caregiver β†’

Example of essay on milk formula

Lisa argues that breastfeeding and milk production in the mother is based on a matter of demand and supply in which case, if the supply cannot meet the demand, then top up might just be the next best option. The findings proposed that as long as the mother gets to feed well, the body would β†’

Example of the song at the scaffold by gertrud von le fort essay

A) The fireworks catastrophe is when the Mother Superior shouts in front of Blanche in agony. A) Blanche is able to stop in her fear of death.

Free essay on assisted reproduction

Upon signing the stated contract, the surrogate agrees to be artificially inseminated with the sperm of the husband, to bear the child until its full term, give birth to the child and to handover the child to the couple. Although the contracts are different in nature, depending upon the couple and the surrogate, one of β†’

Example of essay on the best book

In contrast, character descriptions in the other two books: A Well-Paid Slave and In the Shadow of The Moon, do not exhibit the same richness of detail, nor does the writing style keep the reader's interest so completely. As a consequence, the readers of those books are less able to gain an in depth understanding β†’

The costs of higher education are greater than the benefits essay examples

This research paper is motivated by the escalating costs of higher education and it will evaluate whether the costs of higher education are worth the benefits. Therefore, adding the costs of paying fees and the opportunity costs of being unemployed increases the costs of higher education further implying that the future benefits of higher education β†’

Free ms. moffets first year: becoming a teacher in america essay example

After carefully studying her students and understanding their backgrounds, Donna opened up and began to share her lunch with the children from time-to-time. She stooped down to their level of thinking and playing in the hope that they would recognize and accept her as one of their own.

Childhood as depicted in three essays thesis

The " Rocking-Horse Winner" ends with the death of the young boy Paul, while in the " Indian Camp" a young boy named Nick witnessed the death of an Indian father. The outsiders of the family but occupy key roles in the stories were the doctor in William's Use of Force and the family gardener β†’

Instructive text essay sample

The conventional roles of gender state that a father is tasked with providing for their family financially while the mother is to maintain the emotional needs of the family. The center of the conflict in the story is two hands stitched.

My life changing experience essay sample

During my primary school years, my ability to grasp new concepts and my understanding of life in general was limited and strongly influenced by my parents and teachers. Based on my experience, I plan to become a nurse in the future.

Good example of essay on remembering reading and writing

In her article " Remembering Writing, Remembering Reading," Deborah Brandt provides some intriguing revelations on the motivation behind the early experiences of reading and writing. For example, reading was a home ritual to many of the interviewees.

Ke xu essay examples

In glance looking at the picture, it is hard to imagine and think about global warming and its ramifications for the existence and survival of life on earth. The polar bear mother is trying desperately to keep the ice balance and stability to protect the frightened child.

Can parental involvement reduce teenage gang involvement article review examples

The question of whether the parents are still in control over their children, it is an issue that challenges the idea of involving parents in gang prevention and intervention. However, if the weight of the problem began to increase to the point of the parents totally lost control of their children, intervention would be the β†’

Report on robert frost

This paper seeks to explain the life and times of renowned American poet and guru in literature Robert Frost, with special emphasis to the criticisms that his works received. Not much is known of the childhood of Robert Frost, except for the reality that the death of his father in 1885 saw the family move β†’

Creative writing on ty mills: a eulogy

Because of his endless zeal for life, his boundless potential, and his unstoppable energy, I daresay that he was a son to all of us. I have forgiven my son, because he did not know any better, and had found a place of belonging in a world that is not friendly to him.

Good migrant mother: the screech for help essay example

Indeed, the single shot of the mother with her children creates a mantra of events on the minds of onlookers trying to place themselves on the shoes of the subject. They rest their worries to their mother since they are in a battle where they are weaponless.http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pnp/cph/3b40000/3b41000/3b41800/3b41800r.jpg The features of the mother carry the most β†’

Basic skills of social research article review examples

The article by Richard Peets entitled Family and Religious Characterists' Influence on Delinquency Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood was selected by this student as the springboard for the discussion about basic social research skills. For religious characteristics, the variables are religious family environment, parent-child heterogamy, and religious participation.

Research paper on sylvia plath gender sexuality and fatherlessness

Sylvia Plath was definitely a personage of great tragedy yet she was also a person who imbued the feminism of her age and who could not cope with the depression which tormented her life which ended at the young age of 30. However Plath left a considerable body of work in all areas which β†’

Free research paper on alexander the great

The leadership of Alexander the Great began in the year 336 BC when he succeeded his father, Philip II of Macedon. Alexander made advances in the conquest and defeated one of the Darius's murderers, the Bessus.

Rename, or don’t. asher woolf – heritage

Whereas the history of a given article is the cold, hard happenings of the past, heritage is what one identifies with in their history, and this can be tangible hereditary heritage or cultural heritage and traditional, such as religion and customs. Retrieved July 19, 2008, from http://www.acts.co.za/ntl_heritage_res/index.htm 2.

Political me essay examples

We can not say that it is normal to live the same as at the beginning of politics in our country. That is my opinion and I will keep it very strongly." Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives - YouTube".

Does divorce of parents harm children?

In particular, the most important factors that shape long-term adjustment are the amount of parental conflict children are exposed to and the quality of parenting or childrearing competence they receive. I also come from a broken family and it's been hard to come to the place where I know and believe in commitment of marriage β†’

Free research paper about postpartum depression

Additionally, presence of a history of depression contributes to postpartum depression. Treatment of postpartum depression includes the use of pharmacotherapies and counseling.

Good essay on how guys scratch represents the imposter theme in hardboiled fiction

As Socrates says in the Phaedrus, " he who is the victim of his passions and the slave of pleasure will of course desire to make his beloved as agreeable to himself as possible". Just as the tragedy of Bruno was " not the morning" of his alcoholic seizure but " years ago when he β†’

Example of reviews movie review

Oedipus The King tells the story of Oedipus, a young king who comes to wrestle with his past and his destiny, involving the inadvertent and unknowing murder of his father, and the marrying of his own mother. Oedipus' tragic flaw is the blindness he demonstrates towards the nature of his reality and the relationship β†’

Essay on the pride in odyssey

It is easy for a reader to find a number of themes in this great epic and pride seems to be the most importantly portrayed all the way through the adventurers of Odysseus's in the odyssey. It is good to conclude by saying that the hero of the homer's epic, Odysseus was a real hero, β†’

Example of literature review on questionnaire: the role of parenting in child development

These respondents are the target group of the study as they have children whom they have brought up and who are currently undergoing through the early childhood education. The study is important for early childhood educational institutions so that they can plan for the strategies to use in the learning process of the children.

Example of essay on everyday use by alice walker

The story focuses on a black woman who is bringing up her children in the rural South and here she faces considerable difficulties and problems especially in the bringing up of her two daughters who are by nature shy and reticent, not exactly the right approach to take in the South where racism still remains β†’

Street kids essay examples

Peer influence is also a critical factor that results to an increased number of teenagers and children in the street. In the rehabilitation centres, street children can learn the importance of going back to their families and homes.

Categories of nutrients book review example

The author dispels a number of myths associated with pregnancy, consistently emphasizing on the importance of a balanced diet to the health of both the mother and the child. Brown assumes that most of the illnesses witnessed during the pre and post pregnancy periods are related in one way or another, to the nutritional content β†’

Evaluating a hiring and variable pay plan

Knowing this will be a challenge and that the current hiring package needs to be updated to attract and keep good quality associates, EMS has tasked Manuel Rodriquez who is the one-man HR department to develop a job offer proposal, that will increase the offer rate, decrease the turnover rate of current associates and not β†’

Change in my career or major

This will greatly help in increasing the productivity of the workers which in turn will increase the quality of the products and services of the organization. This change will add value in my career in that I will be able to fully use my proven and excellent planning and organizational skills and well-developed listening and β†’

Human resources: talent management handbook

Since 2007 we follow a globally consistent process with the following core elements: - Use of a talent grid that looks at both performance as well as potential / readiness - A talent review meeting as the key platform to discuss our people's performance and attention / readiness withinleadershipteams as well as identify career and β†’


The strategic approach to talent management has been inevitably a crucial aspect that made Nokia to be one of the leaders in the mobile and telecommunications industry.1. In order to retain the best people, organizations and businesses need to include employees in the company's vision.

Demonstrating general management and presentation skills in the context of employee management and the regulation of employees

They are required to motivate their teams to make them perform consistently and instill in them the desire to improve as they cultivate in them the loyalty to colleagues, their leaders and the company as a whole. However, he had a meeting with the staff members to find a way of correcting the strategy that β†’

Unemployment in the new york city

Unemployment in the New York Introduction United s of America, one of the largest seats of brewing dreams and nurturing future and nourishing fortune, is likely to face the greatest challenge and threat of unemployment in the coming years, causing an acute syndrome of jobless populaces. Therefore, a threat to the vacancies and job openings β†’

Human resources management problems

In the HP is one of the few companies in the world to successfully marry the technologies of measurement, computing andcommunication. Causes Lack of specialist skills and experience are the two factors for these recruitment difficulties in the HP Company.

Case study

Therefore, it is very important to take note of the needs and interests of the culture of the organization when recruiting to ensure that the new applicants will fit well in the company. The culture of the organization outlines the rules and regulations that ought to guide the performance of the employees.


The general challenge leading to this type of outcome is the lacking initiative by the hospital's management to train the nurses on the importance of such an exercise and limited resources to that effect. It is advisable that those attending should have basic computer skills and be an active employee of the facility registered by β†’

Strategic sourcing – assignmet

What type of information are you hoping to elicit from the candidate? Berkeley, Calif: Boland Healthcare.