4 Pages Essay Samples

Strategic planning in food banks essay examples

Given that this is a non-governmental organization, the food bank relies for charity and philanthropists who buy food for the organization. The organization is built under the 7-S framework where the organization's subordinate goals are ensuring adequate supply of food materials, make the public aware of hunger problems around the nation, and investing in technology →

Argumentative essay on absurdity in wonderland

The world events of the first half of the century not one but two worldwide conflicts, one of which featured the use of biological weapons, and the other of which ended with nuclear holocaust; a global economic depression; a worldwide influenza epidemic; and the takeover of much of eastern Europe by the Soviet machine, mirrored →

Overview of security issues in it essay

These three processes contribute to IT or network system security because of their unique purposes prevention constitutes the implementation of various security measures that will make it difficult for external parties to breach the system, deterrence refers to masking the value and vulnerability of the system by transforming its external structure to become insignificant and →

The would remove the organs, and trim the

The two examples of how technology used in American factories were the Pork Packing in Cincinnati and the creation of an automated flour mill driven by water power. The machine lifted the what to the top of the mill, in which it then cleaned the grain as it fell into hoppers and ground into flour.

George his family lived in virginia and

Washington'sdad was named Augustine Washington and his mom's name was Mary Ball Washington. George Washington was serving under General Edward Braddock in the Battleof the Monongahela.

Performance critical thinking examples

The essence of the experiment, conducted with respect to this investigation, lied in comparing performance results of two groups of athletes, where the representatives of the first one were asked to use their favourite cognitive " psyching" strategies before performing, while control group members were not only not instructed to use 'cognitive "psyching" strategies, but →

Give me liberty or give me death: the famous speech of patrick henry

In Patrick Henry's speech in the Virginia Convention, he argues that there is no choice but for America to go to war and break away from Britain by confronting the actuality of how the colonists are being treated and by addressing the harsh reality of what will happen if they do not go to war. →

Stalemate on the western front essay

There are several reasons for stalemate on the Western Front by December 1914, which include numerous faults in the strategies and implementation of the Schlieffen Plan, tactical and strategic problems, problems in communications and the incapability of the commanders. Faults in the strategies and implementation of the Schlieffen Plan were a major reason for the →

Success stories of famous inventors and businessmen

He is considered one of the most successful investors in the world. He is the co-founder and executive chairman of Alibaba.

Complexity principles essay samples

For example, it is a complex system made up of many interconnected components; the legs, the arms, the ears, eyes, the head, the mouth and the waist are some of the distinct parts of the body. For the circulatory system to take the food to all the body cells, coordination is required, which calls for →

Basic enterprise planning (bep) report

What planning can do for my business that a proper business plan will and can help me manage and organizes the business properly and efficiently, so that it will reach the customers demand and will build a better bigger customer base for my business. The service offered in our business is a Music Recording →

Perimeter defense strategies essay

Another technique that works well, suggested Posse is to maintain a list of every telephone number that the company owns. Posse recommended the following defenses: enabling WEEP encryption, defining the clients that are allowed to use the access point and a more controversial wireless defense technique is to disable DDCD of the wireless clients.

Avon products case analysis essay sample

She undoubtedly recognized the various areas within the company that were in dire need of improvement, in order to boost the success of the company. However, although the company finds success in its ability to recruit younger women, maturity in these younger women in understanding there responsibility and expectations of the company as a business →

Choose your business structure

The cons to owning a limited partnership include general partners being responsible for the business's possible debts, and unlike a general partnership it is more costly to run, and requires you to file your business with the state you chose to open your business in. In a limited liability partnership, the owners do not have →

Being the student (kowalczyk, 2011). on teaching and

There is no single best single teachingstrategy to enhance effective learning to students but I am planning to useevidence based strategies and new techniques and improve my teaching skills. On teaching and learning cycle, theinstructor is the main source of knowledge, and lecture is the basic form oftransferring this knowledge.there are several limitations of traditionalteaching →

Strategies for business start-ups

With the high rate of lifestyle diseases now affecting both the young and the old, it is essential for the populace to be enlightened on the need to participate in physical activities. As the business advances, there can be a need for the inclusion of venture capital, a decision that will have to be influenced →

The portrayal of god’s test

John Milton once wrote that all of his writings were moved " solely by a sense of duty" to God which propelled him to continue writing despite the fact that for part of his life he struggled with his relationship with the Church of England and the English monarchy. Indeed, Milton uses the characterization of →

Odysseus of the underworld

To begin with, Odysseus is not a good hero he is dishonest because he cheats on his wife with Calypso and Circe. Another reason Odysseus is dishonest is when he is the only survivor after his journey, he did not bother to tell his man.

Example of because i could not stop for death essay

Death has been personified as a man who takes a ride with the poetess to her grave in a carriage. The finest use of imagination and phrasing has been employed to create ' Because I could not stop for death'.

Of pain and regret:thematic strands in roethko, hayden, and bishop essay

In fact, the imagery of the entire poem evokes the " dance" as an allegory for the child's beating at the hands of the father. The poem deals with " the art of losing", and immediately in the first line, Bishop declares that it is " not hard to master".

Compare two poem essay

Then, the reader can see how big love the speaker gave to her lover by a big statement in the sky or putting " He Is Dead" in capitals". At the beginning of the poem, people can see the first image is a tool which is he writer tool".

Term paper on it moves us not –great god id rather be

During this time, it could be said that Christianity was a big part of their lives, that the belief in God, heaven and in the Bible were resounding themes throughout the time. Sarcasm can be seen in the tone of the poem and in the words the poet chose to use.

The sirens episode in the odyssey

Odysseus learns of the impending danger posed by the Sirens and listens to the instructions given by Circe by explaining to his men. The goddess tells Odysseus that he alone should listen to the voices of the Sirens, despite the fact that this could result to him losing his life.

Fern hill by dylan thomas. poetry analysis

He was prince of the apple towns a metaphor for The King of the castle in this case Thomas does not think about the King as an owner and master, but more as a about a person having the most blast and confidence. The connotation of golden is a stage of life, where in this →

Space odyssey essay

Other parts of Ligeti's music are also used in the film but the main focus remains the Requiem which is a strong and intrinsically powerful piece This waltz is probably the work for which Johann Strauss is consistently remembered. The music recurs also at the end of the film so one can say that the →

Example of theodore roethke literature review

The specific nature of the boy's relationship with his father is a complex dichotomy between love and victimization, as the father is shown to be clearly alcoholic and abusive, both to his son and to his mother. Here, the language takes a dark yet comic turn, as the son's clinging to his father is related →

The modernist features in prufrock literature reviews example

The ability of a poet or writer to connect events that shape the society and the world at large with the ideas in the poem is what determines whether a poem will remain relevant for years. Many modernist writers and poets use many of the themes that are covered in the poem.

A history of 1950’s in on the road by jack kerouac

The author of On the Road, Jack Kerouac, is often affiliated with being the pioneer of this movement with the launch of this novel. The opposite of this was true about African Americans in the novel.

Satan as an advocate of free will

With the proliferation of copies of Paradise Lost throughout the centuries, Satan emerges as the star character of the Epic. The passage is rich in style that highlights all aspects of Satan as a character.

Jamaica kincaids girl essay example

THESIS: The tone of Jamaica Kincaid's " Girl" is one of the most important and telling aspects of this poem - both Mama's and the daughter's tone of voice indicate a dramatic sense of hypocrisy and resentment on the part of the mother.I. The tone of Jamaica Kincaid's " Girl" is one of the most →

Emily dickinson comparative poems

This is evident in most of her poetry, but two poems that indicative of this are " Faith is a fine invention" and " I heard a Fly buzz When I Died"." Faith is a fine invention" is a short poem comparing faith and science. This presents a realness in the poem, as opposed to →

The tragic dichotomy in the iliad

The Iliad is an epic poem, which was written by the ancient Greek poet Homer; the story recounts most of the significant events experienced in the final weeks of the Greek and the Trojan War under the military action of the city of Troy. In the story ' The Iliad' it displays the chaos between →

The subtle temptation of nausikaa

The fact that Nausikaa uses such a shell of innocence as her tactic for acquiring Odysseus is only yet another testament to her cunning. The meaning of this simple sentence is illuminated when one considers what exactly Nausikaa unwillingly gave to Odysseus-both appreciation for his home life and a passage home.

Good example of alliteration in the raven literature review

In the poems " The Raven", " Lenore" Poe inquires the loss of ideal beauty and the difficulty in getting it back. Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven - A.

Connecting character – job and adam

Adam was given the responsibility of taking care and being the head of God's creation because God had created him in a special and perfect manner. Adam is obviously superior than Eve and other animals but he inferior to the Angels of God and to God Himself.

‘the battle’ louis simpson, ‘a lullaby’ randall jarrell and ‘icarus allsorts’ roger mcgough essay sample

The Battle, A Lullaby and Icarus Allsorts could all be seen to have clear differences between them, but all at the same time have some similar characteristics.' The Battle' is written in a form to strike the reader as short but as something that because of this impacts the reader of the points and description →

Theme of suffering in lady lazarus by sylvia plath

In the poem Lady Lazarus, Plath uses literary devices such as dark imagery, setting, and allusions to historical happenings to portray the speaker's subjection to enduring at the hands of those around her who wish for her to live. Lady Lazarus compares her suffering to the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust to show →

Good example of sonnet 43 how do i love thee essay

The theme of the poem could be recognized in the octet, and the sestet consists of the conclusion of the poem together with the poem's resolution. The theme of the sonnet is love, and it is described as an aspect that is eternal and consist of all.

Dulce et decorum est by wilfred owen

In the scene, the narration helped communicate because it gave us a hint of where we were in the play if we went wrong and it described the actual poem to the audience making them become a little more in depth with the play. Had we managed to lay our hands on such a symbol →

Understanding ‘nothing gold can stay’ literature review examples

It is believed by a multitude of literary experts to be one of the best poems written in English. The poem is a teacher which inspires us to respect life and accept the changes.

Documentary: “the journey of man, a genetic odyssey” essay

Human beings have elicited the greatest form of diversity in terms of the reaction of the differences in people of the world. The world is becoming diverse, and there is a continued embracement of the differences in people.

Dulce et decorum est – poetry analysis essay example

Owens, in the poem, seeks to provide the reader with a visceral experience of just how awful World War I, and warns against those who would rush to send others to fight that they know not of what they speak. The first part of the poem describes the arduous, terrible, and rough grind of a →

Xenia and odyssey

The function of xenia assists the development of the plot in both positive and negative ways. He proceeds to move a large rock and trap the men in the cave, promising Odysseus the gift-token of eating him last.

James langston hughes essay example

Much of James Langston Hughes' work addresses the racial inequality in the United States of America at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first line of the poem poses the question, " What happens to a dream deferred?".

Free essay on one art by elizabeth bishop

The pain is hard to endure, but she wants to be a survivor, and is trying to present ways in which she would get used to the idea of losing things, people, memories. She commences the poem in this manner of a survivor, that losing things is no disaster, meaning that it is not the →

Passed on written by carole satymurti poem analysis

The second stanza is much longer as compared to the other four and reveals to the reader the contents of what is in the box and what is written on the index cards. Furthermore, a sense of awkwardness is created between the profound statements and the presentation of the ideas as if Carole's ideas are →

Poetry analysis literature review sample

1) " Halley's Comet" by Stanley Bunitz This passage is meant to demonstrate the excitement and joy that young boys feel at the exciting and the new - the boy does not quite understand that his life and the lives of everyone else would end. The " boy in the white flannel gown" is doing →

Iliad: human condition

Hephaestus includes images of the: celebrations of life and the joy that comes with it, and how injustices go in the world in order to show the positive and negative aspects of life at that time. The shield reveals images of the loving nature of people in everyday life and during special occasions, while at →

Poem analysis: the negro speaks of rivers

I was brought into this world as a newborn baby named Brandon Michael Roman and this is the start of my life, thus being the start of the river. Speaking for the African race, the " I" of this poem links people of African descent to an ancient, natural, life-giving force: rivers.

Main themes in one art

The speaker inmeadeately addresses their attitude and tone in the poem with the first line ' the art of losing is not hard to master'. One art is a simple enough poem with the themes loss and love.

Two old black men on a leicester park bench

It then continues to inform us that Jamaicans fought in the war as to them England was their mother country which not enough people know, this is the part that makes it believably non-fiction as it is a fact and makes the following story more convincing - my story could stand alone as a short →

Perspectives of war: ancient greece and today

War is a perpetual and endless occurrence of strength, dominance, and destruction that is motivated by the debated morality of violence, the destructive instinct of man, and the inevitable acceptance of war. In addition to the morality of violence and man's destructive instinct, the most important illustration of the endlessness of war in history is →

Three “codes” of a greek warrior essay sample

The story is told mainly from the side of the Greeks and therefore serves as a perfect display of the 3 Codes of a Greek warrior. The first of the three is the Code of Hospitality, which requires the host to provide every need and desire for his guests.

The idea of traversing boundaries and borders in ancient literature

When discussing the topic of crossing borders, it is important to identify the specific wayin which authors depict the idea of crossing borders in written literature in addition to thepositive and negative implications of doing so and the possible dangers involved. Additionally, the crossing of social borders and boundaries is representative of the moralsand ethics →

Example of essay on how has literature taught us about history

Therefore it is much clear that literature and history have a lot of things in common. We learn from the poem that the general need or perception of Napoleon Bonaparte was a warmonger as well as a person who did not support peace in the western part of the world.

Epic poem beowulf against romance sir gawain essay

By fighting Greened, the creature that is a demon of God, is to prove to the Danes that he can fulfill the job that he came over to do, " Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, / nursed a hard grievance. Gain is approached by the supernatural theme during his quest to →

A red, red rose by robert burns essay

This essay will ventilate the poem with a view to analyzing its structure, theme, subject matter, characters, stylistic devices that the poet uses to convey his message and the traits of the characters that the poet uses in the poem. The " I" in the poem is the person who is expressing his love for →

Analysis of the poem “still i rise” by maya angelou

In the next stanza of her poem, Maya Angelou uses comparisons to depict a certain situation that she wants to show."'Cause I walk like I have got oil wells Pumping in my living room." In this certain line, Maya Angelou usessymbolismto express the way she rises above the situation. In the last stanza of her →

Odyssey’s last rhapsody

The main theme of book 23 is the meeting of Odysseus and Penelope. In Odyssey Book 7, Odysseus arrived at the threshold of Alcinous's palace 3-While book 23 serves as a ending: Odysseus has finally made his way back to Penelope's bed and that part of the story is concluded.

‘a song of the republic’ by henry lawson and ‘if you forget me’ by pablo neruda essay sample

Neruda firmly believed in the power of poetry, and wrote according to his beliefs.' If You Forget Me' is one of Pablo's earlier poems as it is a love poem. This is shown in the 1st stanza where Pablo writes " to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots".

Formalities and how the affected the iliads plot

In his immaculately detailed study comparing the narrative styles of Homer to those of the Bible, Erich Auerbach hits upon one of the most notable intrigues of reading Homer, namely his unrelenting sense of epic form and rhythm. The fact that the deaths in The Iliad and the final battle scene of The Odyssey become →

The poem “mother to son” by langston hughes

Lastly, I promise to take the obstacles and challenges in life as a motivation to continue climbing for a crystal stair. We have a musicians mind to hit the right notes in our life.

The heroic journey of odysseus

After the hero undergoes the departure, they then move on to the next stage, the initiation, where they are put through tests and venture into the world of hero or magic or the previously unknown. The third and final stage is that of the return, where the hero returns back to his home and family.

The poems the trees by phillip larkin and the trees are down by charlotte mew essay sample

In The Trees, Larkin uses metaphor and in The Trees are Down, Mew uses tone and allusion, but both poets utilize symbolism, format, meter and repetition to evoke contrasting messages; Larkin's being that the cycle of life is set and cannot be changed while Mew's emphasizes the message that the destruction of nature can be →

Analysis of poem: cinderella

Also, the description of Cinderella looking as Al Jolson and the ball from which the prince was to make a choice of the wife as a "marriage market" is sarcastic and amusing. The use of imagery in the poem is dominant where a reader is left with a virtual scene of the act.

Good example of bhagavad gita essay

According to the text, which could also be referred to as a poem, the meaning of life is to find enlightenment, ultimate knowledge of the universe, and inner peace. All beings and things are essential to his energy, and once one realizes this, devoting themselves to the circle of this energy and god is much →

Anthology of poems

This poem, or song, is about the Stolen Generation, and the repercussions that it had on the children that experienced that event. Son of Mine is a short and straight to the point poem on the experiences that the Aboriginal people went through while fighting the Europeans.


The reader always knows what to expect because of the gods' explicit prophecies as well as the behaviors of the mortals. In The Iliad, the removal of the helmet is equated with vulnerability.

The advice of the old should never be taken lightly essay

It is initially a very straightforward and simplistic poem, where the speaker expresses the willingness of youth to disregard the advice of the wise elder, who appeals to the youth to freely give away materialistic possessions, such as money, pearls and rubies, but to give a long and hard thought as to whom he is →

Duality in william blake’s the tyger

This contrast between both of God's creations is an example of the symmetry mentioned in the first stanza and is an attempt to explain the necessity of equilibrium in the universe, letting the reader contemplate that without the existence of one extreme, the dangerous tiger, the other extreme, the gentle lamb, cannot exist. William Blake's →

The green revolution in iran

When Bush made that speech in 2002, Mohammad Khatami, a reformer, was the president of Iran. The United States needs to support the Green Revolution if it seeks to make a friend of Iran.

The economics revolution

There was also no capital accumulation and those merchants who sold and bought goods to gain wealth were viewed with disdain especially by churches and for pilgrims, the idea of gain was perceived as " the doctrine of the devil". Heilbroner argues that it was not until the struggle for riches became general and vital →

To what extent was stan lee’s marvel revolution

The marvel revolution was the revolution of the comic book industry. It was problem, villain, and then the hero saves the day, in the times the DC comic book universe ran the industry.

Industrial revolution dbq

The Industrial Revolution had many negative and positive effects, but the negative effects outweighed the positive effects. In the Industrial Revolution the negative effects outweighed the positive.

The market revolution analysis

The Erie Canal was the first of many canals in the North that made water travel much easier for Americans. The canal was very beneficial to the northern residents of America because the North was a more modernized and urban place than the South, relying heavily on trade with the west.

Good example of the american revolution essay

As a result of the war, Britain reclaimed its position as the ruler of the thirteen colonies along the Atlantic coast up to Georgia in the south, as well as seized control over the French Canadian territories in the north. Residents of the British colonies got accustomed to their opinion carrying a lot of weight →

Good example of thesis on revolution documents

Thomas Paine's pamphlet, common sense aimed to know the theoretical intellect of the state then proceeds with the situation of the colonies. Regardless of his wish to go back to Virginia to assist in the drafting of the country's constitution a continental congress selected him to a committee of five persons to draft the independence →

The internet is starting to revolutionise business

However the disadvantages are that the Internet is formal written communication and teleworking has a direct link to the workplace, all of this is an improvement in technology. In terms of operations management, the Internet has cut out stock holding costs and is a system similar to JIT.

Why russian revolution was unavoidable

Given the nature of Russian society, was the Bolshevik revolution unavoidable Among the changes Russian society had undergone, one starts off the whole chain of events. The Czar knew that the only way to end the discontent of the serfs and to show that Russia too was a modern society would be to let them →

The socially revolutionary nature of coleridge’s conversation poems

As a means of celebrating the imagination and communicating with the common man, the dramatic reconsideration of form is evident in This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison through Coleridge's employment of blank verse and decreased adherence to poetic structure. Therefore the dismissal of religious and economic paradigms in favour of pantheism and a belief in childhood →

Industrial revolution: causes and social, economic assignment

Most importantly, the Industrial Revolution was a direct effect of what the end of the French Revolution brought to Europe. The people of Europe were also impacted by the Revolution culturally and religiously.

The enlightenment revolution

The thinkers of the Enlightenment developed the Enlightenment by their works, which changed not only the traditional religion and views of the world, but also the societal system and political institution. The scientific revolution between the 16th and 17th Centuries was the one of most fundamental factors that the Enlightenment emerged in the 18th century.

What made the american revolution

To begin with, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was the halt of westward expansion into West America by the British. Therefore, it is clear that after the Revolutionary War, there were important political changes such as America's new republic, the right to vote, the receding of nobility, and the Royal Proclamation of 1763 but, the →

Analyze the haitian revolution essay

These were a series of conflicts from 1791 to 1804 between the Haitian people and the armies of the British and French. How was the event significant to history?

Compare the 1911 revolution and the may fourth movement in terms of their nature and impact.

The 1911 Revolution was an uprising initiated by the revolutionaries to overthrow the Qing Court, while the May Fourth Movement was anti-Japanese movement. For the 1911 Revolution, it emphasized on unifying the Hans and to expel the Manchus.

American revolution research paper

The lobbying efforts met with some success and the line was adjusted through treaties in 1768 and 1770." New Taxes & Boycotts " As the British government assessed methods for generating funds it was decided to levy new taxes on the colonies with the goal of offsetting some of the cost for their defense. Outraged →

American reconstruction: a revolution or a failure?

Woodward takes a much more pessimistic approach arguing, " The other is the ruins of Reconstruction, the North's failure to solve the problem of the black peoples place in American life." Foner's argument is based on the immediate political andcivil rightsthat the freedmen were given after the emancipation through the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, →

Industrial revolution in the united states essay

The paper will look into the development of the industrial revolution in the United States, the changes that were caused by the revolution, and the reactions that Americans had towards the industrial revolution. In reaction to the industrial revolution, significant changes were realized in the nineteenth century regarding the structure and nature of American society.

The homework revolution

Now is the time to start a homework revolution. Everybody knows that teachers are the ones who assign homework, but they do not deserve all the blame." Many teachers are under greater pressure than ever before," says Kylene Beers, president of the National Council for Teachers of English and the author of When Kids Ca →

Example of essay on goals of the revolutionaries

It prohibits lawmaking obstructing the freedom to exercise religion, as well as a number of other things such as the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to petition the government. Britain was allowing members of the American colonies to fight in the war, as well as die in the war, but →

African-american involvement in the american revolution

Involvement of African-Americans in the Revolutionary War is a subject that was important during the clash between the Americans and the English in the Revolutionary War. Adding on, the book, The New American Revolution Handbook: Facts and Artwork for Readers for All Ages by Theodore Savas and David Dameron provides an account of the involvement →

Sport in cuba: since revolution to modern days

In sport, Cuba almost immediately looked to turn away from paid professionalism as a reflection of the new government's Marxist imperative pushing away from the class system in Cuban sport and as a mechanism of resistance against the American imperialism and zealous individualism. The principal ideological commitment of the new Cuban state is to guarantee →

Industrial revolution is defined by britannica

This time period is often described as an era of exploration, discovery, and industrialization which pushed the limits of what the world was capable of. Within Frankenstein Victor Frankensteins life after creating the monster is a depiction of how Mary Shelley feared technological advancement without consideration of consequences, and she came to this opinion because →