4 Pages Essay Samples

Discussion of local color in mark twain

Mark Twain was the author of many famous novels and short stories such as " The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn," " The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer," " The Notorious Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County," and " Pudd'nhead Wilson". The use of language that is specific to a particular area, the depiction of his characters and β†’

Symbols in the catcher in the rye

Salinger's most famous work of literature, The Catcher in the Rye, the reader is exposed to several facets of symbolism that help give substance and characterization to the protagonist of the story, young Holden Caulfield. Perhaps the most revealing and enticing symbol in the novel that affects Holden's personality is the death of his younger β†’

Barry ann jie xun

17 10/1/13 English Essay " The characters of a novel can only be individualized if they are set in a background of a particularized time and place." How important is the setting of a particular time and/or place to the development of the characters? The setting of a particular time and place is integral to β†’

Symbolism of the mockingbird in to kill a mockingbird

In the written text " To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee the used of symbolism is used to show the idea that mockingbirds are. The theme of prejudice in the novel can be best seen through the symbol of the mockingbird.

How does fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 2 of the great gatsby

The valley of ashes is significant in this chapter, and in the whole novel, as it symbolises the huge contrast between the rich and the poor in America, which can be seen from the contrast with the Buchanan's mansion in chapter 1. This is actually something that, later on in the novel, Gatsby tries to β†’

The great gatsby study package

Eckleburg, the fact that the retinas of the eyes are one yard high establish for us the overpowering size and authority of the eyes. The fact that the eyes " look out of no face" and that we can see nothing but the eyes and its yellow spectacles also enforce the idea that the eyes β†’

The giver argumentative essay

But as he has just been selected to be the next Receiver of memory, Jonas discovers new plans for himself as he trains to be the successor of The Giver. Overall, the theme that stood out the most in the novel, The Giver, is without change, the world would resort to sameness.

The giver by lois lowry

For the community elders asked the Giver and the Reciever of Memory what mistakes happenned in the past so they could not be experienced again. Everyone was set a job above the age of twelve and were forced to do it.

Through the eyes of young goodman brown

The ribbons constantly remind him of his ' faith.' Consciously, or subconsciously, it is the ribbons of the woman that refuse to release him. The staff of the devil is thus tempting Brown to see his own sexuality in a new light, one which he cannot completely comprehend.

Integrity in to kill a mockingbird

Atticus is a role model to not only his children, but to the whole town of Maycomb, and his integrity is a great part of what makes him such a good example. Atticus is a strong role model to his children with his strong sense of integrity, and Scout and Jem develop their own integrity β†’

Symbolism in to kill a mockingbird

Taking place in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, readers get the idea of the true racism and ignorance throughout southern society during the 1930's. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." The summary of it all is that a mockingbird is a symbol of everything that is harmless.

Mental health issues in the great gatsby

Scott Fitzgerald, I believe that Jay Gatsby is described to try really hard to make others happy, his failing to do so is what eventually leads to his depression. Eating is a necessity and from what I have seen, the depth in which people will go to get the approval of others is substansial.

Courage and bravery in lord of the flies

Its existence is observed by the storyteller Scout from the characterisations of the central character Atticus, his impact on his children's upbringing and other the members of the neighborhood that shows such qualities e.g. On another event in the face of risk when a mad dog is diminishing the street, Atticus shoots it completely yet β†’

Four pages of fear, hostility, and exploitation

An excellent example of this use can be seen in chapter 21, where an examination of the attitudes of migrant Okies and the residents of California reveals the changing nature of land ownership among the changing population of California and gives greater meaning to the fierce hostility that the Joads meet in California. The paragraph β†’

Short story’s elements: “the lottery” by shirley jackson essay

The setting of " The Lottery" is synonymous with the setting in most small towns of the 1930s. The plot of " The Lottery" revolves around a ritual known as the lottery that is performed in villages everywhere.

Na le

Twain used theme such as: conflict between history and the modern world in The Innocent Abroad, race, religion, dreams, supernatural in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, travel in A Tramp Abroad, inequality and unfairness in The Prince and the Pauper, growth of America in Life on the Mississippi, morals and ethics, friendships, and family in β†’

Psychological disorders in a rose for emily

As stated previously, psychoanalysis studies text for psychological symbolism, motives, and themes, and in A Rose for Emily, Emily's childhood made her into the women that she was then. Living a silent life, Emily Grierson becomes uncontainable and uncontrollable by the patriarchal society she is a part of.

Waterfront and arthur miller’s play

Edie, the sister of Joey, is found at the scene of the crime, pleading to the people around her, " I want to know who killed my brother! " As the movie progresses, we soon find that the mob has complete control over the workers at the union. As the hysteria of the witch-hunt progresses, β†’

The movie “the crucible”

The court scene for George Jacobs where he is on trial, Martha Corey laughs at the proceedings, and the Nurses leave the court, Sewall and Danforth have a conversation where Sewall questions Goody Putnam's sanity, the truth of the girls' story and the honesty of Mr. Danforth retorted, " Out of the mouths of babes β†’

The american dream in the grapes of wrath by john steinbeck

The tale represents what the American dream is assumed to be, and yet another thought of what the American dream ought to be is being created. Generally, the dad was the leader of the family and was accountable for carry the nourishment to their home; the mother was responsible for dealing with the house just β†’

Wearing a mask, making a contrast

The Golden Hat, a simple but accurate symbol, show readers that Gatsby live a very luxury but vacuous life; it seems that Gatsby who wearing a brilliant hat dance and bounce in order to cheer Daisy up, hope those material stuff, which also let Gatsby lose Daisy, can help him win Daisy back. In this β†’

Aspect of human experience essay

Faulkner presents death in the story through death-haunted life of Emily. Emily also refuses to acknowledge the death of Homer, though she was responsible for his death.

The origin of individual heroism

It aims for showing Hemingway hero's happy side through these facts - Hemigway's own life, Nick Adams in the In Our Times, Jake barnes in the The Sun Also Rise, Frederic Henry in the A Farewell to Arms, Rorbort Jordan in the For Whom the Bell Tolls, Santiago in the The Old Man and the β†’

Gatsby: differences between movie and book

When Tom received a phone call in the movie, he just moved to the room next to the dining room to answer the phone call, and in the book, he had to walk inside the house to answer the call. In both the book and the movie, Nick goes over to Tom and Daisy's house β†’

“the great gatsby” by scott fitzgerald: thesis

According to the constitution of the United States of America, all people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They had all the material things in the world that are necessary to lead a good, happy life, but they did not make the most of it.

The great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald essay

Fitzgeralds development of Gatsby's dream to be with Daisy through the green light effectively generates the theme: no matter how much effort you put into a dream, it can lead to sacrifices and emptiness. The green light portrays Gatsby's hope and dream to one day be with Daisy, but the light is forever out of β†’

Achieving is believing

In the novel The Great Gatsby and the play A Raisin in the Sun, There are many different types of dreams that each character wants to achieve. The characters in each story, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, Jay, Gatsby, Walter Lee Younger, Beneatha Younger and Lena Younger all have achievements that either succeed or fail in β†’

Ten ways we’re led astray in language and applied linguistics essay example

The book daily earns considerable reputing from a wide range of scholars for providing them with a wide range and innovative approach to the entire scope of the art of language and applied linguistics. In learning our first languages, imitation plays an important role in respect to some aspects of the language and linguistics.

Sample essay on religion and the meaning of life

Their answers are nebulous, as the lack of evidence of an Omniscient being, or a loving " Creator" can be construed as the absence of the ability to know this realm. Thus, morality is not only achievable without a concept of God; the concept of God is the illusion, as Nietzche suggests, that prevents a β†’

John lock’es view on innate knowledge

This argues against the very foundation of the idea of innate knowledge because principles that garner universal assent are thought to be known innately, simply because it is the best explanation available. The argument by Locke that there are some ideas that are in the mind at an early age gives credence to argument for β†’

Example of organization of religion essay

A religious group is supposed to have a leader who will lead the rest of the members. Believers of a specific religious group are expected to be committed to beliefs of that religion.

Strengths and weaknesses of public opinion polls essays example

Among the strengths of public polls include the fact that the polls advance the knowledge of the people regarding public opinion. Polls that are commercial in nature satisfy the interest of the public about trends and the preferences of most people.

Suicide and nurse

Therefore if the nurse is knowledgeable of this religion they should know these certain rules and accommodate the patient to their beliefs. A nurse with a good knowledge of this patient's beliefs would help the patient feel more comfortable and possibly help the patient open up more to the nurse.

Free essay on current events and u.s. diplomacy

The United States has a number of doctrines, but this essay will analyze the Truman doctrine in relation to the existing relationship that existed before and after the doctrines between the United States and the Soviet Union. The relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were hampered after the declaration of the Truman β†’

Essay on ambivalence and racism in america

The Changing Face of America by author Otto Friedrich explores the relationship that America has with immigration and the confused attitudes that still range from ambivalence to racism. The recognition of the positive aspects of multiculturalism is in contrast to the larger societal changes that happen as a result of illegal immigration in America.

Free schools

From past experiences one would have to agree that some of the teachers really are not passionate about the subjects they teach nor about the children learning and trying to better themselves. It's like reaching the top of a cliff with no where else to go, that gets boring after a while but no one β†’

Religious pluralism essay example

The 20th century, in contradiction to the Secularization Thesis that was exceedingly popular in the end of the 19th-first half of the 20th century, was not marked by total disappearance of religion as a power significantly influencing human life. Another interesting aspect of religious practices I learnt is the idea of new religious movements as β†’

Free essay on the role of a philosophical attitude in life

Consequently, a philosophical attitude entails the ability of the mind to determine " the vision of truth and reality". This paper seeks to identify the role of a philosophical attitude, in the life of a moral and intelligent person, while drawing examples from the works of Plato and Murphy as a concurrence to made arguments.

Staffing in nursing institution essay

As a nurse, the three things relating to staffing that have proved to be a source of challenge are; the failure of new nurses in the workforce to administer chemotherapy to patients, when a good proportion of chemo-certified nurse's call in at the same time leaving the workforce with hardly anybody to administer the service, β†’

Good essay about single parents in the military

In reference to my experience while serving in the military, I belief single parents should be allowed to serve in the military. My life and effort in joining military provides evidence of the harmful consequences of denying single parents a chance of joining military.

The importance of cultural sensitivity and competency in nursing essays examples

This paper analyzes the importance of cultural sensitivity and competency in nursing and health care provision with the view of uncovering how this improves the quality of health care. Cultural sensitivity and competence helps the nurses and health care providers to deal with the beliefs about gender roles effectively in treatment and health care provision.

Good essay on the myth of the soul

Clarence Darrow, who has been believed to be an atheist claimed that it is hard to believe that a soul exists after death simply there is no one who has taken a journey to the afterlife and come back to tell us about it. In my opinion, life after death does exist and even if β†’

Free research paper on islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion which considers Allah to be the one and incomparable God and the Holy Quran to be the verbatim of Allah. Also, it discusses that which of the Five Pillars is easiest to follow and which one is the most demanding.

Exploring the reasoning behind acceptance of all religious statements

Strong rationalism is the idea that for a religious statement to be propositionally rationally accepted, it must be possible to prove that the belief is true. This is the approach that religious beliefs should not be subject to rational reproach.

The perversion of christianity: the perversion of christianity

In his story, Douglass gives us a myriad of obvious inconsistencies of people professing Christianity while also practicing slavery: ' The man who robbed me of my earnings at the end of each week meets me as a class-leader on Sunday morning, to show me the way of life, and the path of salvation.... He β†’

Reasons for religious diversity essay

The same can be said about Islam, Christianity and Buddhism and the way the interpretations that they have given their Holy Scriptures too vary depending on so many reasons some of which are going to be discussed in this paper. This is so because of the complexity that is encountered when a religious book is β†’

Article review on rundown on community re-entry from jail

The study of the encounters in the year after arrival of 491 juvenile guys and 476 grown-up ladies returning home from New York City penitentiaries demonstrates that both populaces have low occupation rates and wages and high re-arrest rates. The study of the encounters in the year after arrival of 491 juvenile guys and 476 β†’

Research paper on scholarly vs. media focus on sexuality

The contributing sources of info in the media article are the decision of the court to be executed by a military judge. Both articles discuss issues that relate to the knowledge of sexuality.

Free hawthorne’s “young goodman brown” and o’connor’s ” essay sample

The diversion taken by a family in " A Good Man Is Hard to Find" causes mayhem, while at the same time, the wrong turn in " Young Goodman Brown" directs him to misery. In conclusion, both stories represent evil and the consequences of it to the characters.

Free creative writing on terrorism attacks

It is said that a gang of about twenty terrorists stormed the mall and mercilessly shot at and killed innocent shoppers who were going about their business in the mall as well as the mall attendants and even small shop owners in the same building. The kind of deviance and destruction exhibited by the terrorists β†’

Charles sanders pierce’s concept of inquiry

According to Pierce, doubt is where the struggling begins for one to attain a state of belief, and the " cessation of doubt" is where it ends. Every person needs a belief and for one to think of their belief to be the true one is an important component of inquiry.

Good revision and reflection article review example

From an almost similar position, in the article " Is Forgiving Student Loan Debt a Good Idea?", Webley points out that student loan debt forgiving is not as beneficial as people think and students actually do not have such high loans. In the end, however, Webley thinks that although forgiving student loan debt is not β†’

Among homeless people in the forest without homes the solitary is seated alone course work

Choose THREE of the " romantic heroes" discussed in this chapter and discuss them in terms of how they match up with the special characteristics of the romantic hero, namely: egocentric, brooding, melancholic individualistic, nonconforming rebels against authority places high value on the imagination champions the oppressed, the underdog Heine is one of the " β†’

Free essay on achieving balance between cultural conformity and the self

But the personality of an adolescent is so unstable and contradictory, that the problem of a balance between cultural conformity and the self emerges vitally. I was trying to find a balance between the conformity of peers and my own conception of who I was.

Young goodman brown’s character development essays example

This essay seeks to discuss the characterization of Young Goodman Brown's character in the story, ' Coming to Age'. His disposition at the beginning of the story is one of faith in religion, people, and even to his wife to whom he is newlywed." Faith kept me back awhile", Goodman reveals to the traveler in β†’

Free essay on the philistines the idealists and the realists

The majority is the backbone of the society. This assumption is enough to make the minority believe that the neutral party will always support them in the opposition of the ideologies by the majority.

Jane eyre and power struggle essay sample

Jane, from the start of the novel appears in a no-man's land because she is neither an upper class nor a servant class. At the same time, Jane is quick to respond to Hannah, the servant of Rivers, that she might be a beggar, but at least she is a high-class one.

Example of research paper on socialism

The other common value is the need for a decentralized government that will help reduce the political hold of the few individuals who use power to manipulate the citizens and make them work hard only to take all the credit from a collective hard work. This is what the liberals' terms as the need for β†’

Leadership business plan examples

The fact is that leadership comprises of all these aspects and every aspect describes the components of leadership. It helps me to feel about myself, to justify my actions and to distinguish between right and wrong that is beneficial for me and ultimately for the team.

Epistemological theories essay sample

The belief in existence of Supreme Being called Ishtar is a solution to egocentric predicament. Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.

Faith-based diplomacy and its relationship to government and private organizations essay examples

Even with faith-based diplomacy in dealing with a government or entity of a different religion, there is still the appeal to reason that can be used to find real progress. This is one of the many extremes that faith-based diplomacy can resort to, if used in a dramatic enough way.

My life as an inca essay examples

First and foremost, I would like to send my gratitude to our parents in Tucapel that at the perfect time, they asked us to visit them and I was the only one left behind to man the house. Under Pachacuti Inca and the succeeding Inca leaders, the empire extended further even up to the southern β†’

Ethical issues for the integration of religion and spirituality in therapy research papers examples

In addition, it will address some of the emerging issues that have developed with the integration of religion in psychology practice and separation for clients who do not share the same belief systems. This is because psychologist who offers non-religious based therapy usually follows a code of conduct that prevents them from imposing their belief β†’

The varieties of religious experience and summa theologica essay example

In general, the book is about what James viewed as the nature of religion and the fact that academia had not, up to that point in time, considered religion as a serious subject for research and study. This book, along with the work of Carl Jung, turned the eye of psychological and sociological researches to β†’

Gordon and ingle: a comparative analysis of their critiques on a raisin in the research papers examples

In the setting of a Chicago ghetto where a black family resides, the play reveals the level of poverty and suffering experienced by the large family with Beneatha's shortage of school fees among other issues that unfold in the course of the play. There are also some fundamental differences between the works of both critiques β†’

Good critical thinking about diversity analysis and managed change

In order to deal with the issue of opposition, the organizations should describe the reasons and objectives of the diversity, and the benefits that the employees and organization can obtain by introducing the change in the diversity. The operations of the middle level and lower level of the organization can be affected by the managed β†’

Hope for melal

Two of the Marshallese characters in this story who believes strongly in withholding many of the native Marshallese custom and traditions are Jebro and Rujen. This gives him hope that he can begin to teach Americans about what is important to the Marshallese natives, so they can come to better understand some of the traditions β†’

Free factors that influence food habits and culture critical thinking sample

Some of the factors that affect the human food habit and culture may include some determinants such as social, psychological, religious, and even the economic influences. In the end, people's eating habit is primarily influenced by their personal food choice, which partly builds the culture that they belong to.

Essay on spiritual christology and art of christology

Seven Theses on Christology and the Hermeneutic of Faith, is molded around the fundamental characteristics of the indivisible unity of Jesus Christ, the Church and History. The response to these fundamental characteristics, as explained by Ratzinger, have shifted considerably in the field of Christology; leading to ' gray areas' in theology that question the very β†’

Evaluation essay essay

Euthanasia is a modern-day controversial issue concerned with the ethics of whether it is acceptable or not to voluntarily end the life of a terminally ill or elderly individual in a controlled, medical environment. The former is more the idea of ' doing nothing' to prevent the death of an individual and the latter refers β†’

Pressing diversity issues in the 21st century research paper

It is of immense importance to develop a comprehensive diversity in the workplace plan, which should be measurable and achievable. Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions.

Example of essay on agnosticism is the answer

Although many religious groups will claim the divinity of their God and his suggested path as the only truth of the Universe; however it is this belief that is the problem creating a false reality that has been taken much too seriously by the majority of humans throughout the world. Although the problems of evil β†’

Ernst mach vs. bertrand russell

In addition, a person would only know the certainty of perceived sense-data rather than of the object since sense-data depends on the perception and relation of the object to the perceiver. The philosophers then differ in the belief of an external world, where Mach denies the existence of physical objects, where Russell believes in such β†’

Frequencies essay

Frequencies Frequencies Frequencies Frequencies Reliability Scale: ALL VARIABLES MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY & DISPERSION FEAR EXPLORE QUESTION 1: What is the alpha level for the FEAR additive scale. Employment dummy Fear of crime additive scale Criminology Criminal Justice Major CHECKING FOR OUTLIERS Explore QUESTION 6: Based on the sample size, what is the cut-off point β†’

Non-volatile memory chips essay sample

Non-volatile memory is typically used for the task of secondary storage, or long-term persistent storage * Rom MASK ROM PROM, EPROM, EEPROM PROM: Programmable- Read Only Memory is a type of ROM that is programmed after the memory is constructed. The memory chip is delivered blank, and the programmer transfers the data onto it.

Bill gates 3395

He also knows he cannot be at the table to make ever single day-to-day decision, instead of trying to be in a hundred place at oncece Gates' attempts to train well oiled managers. Explain to employees the importance of their work to the company and customers.

The examples of micro operations

Everything is speeding up, the productivity of companies, By way of an example of hardware, There is now a chip, that is effectively a laboratory on a chip. We can feed in a small sample of chemical and the chip will do thousands of tests on it, feeding back the results electronically to a program β†’

Grade and premium computerized grading

Premium The Grading System Is Bad The Grading System is Bad by Kook Whew Lam of ALL Students who get As. Premium Computerized Grading System be the one to do the computations and storing of files.

Computer crime essay

A major Issue within this Industry Is the fact that citizens, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and the government do not put cyber crime at the top of their list of dangerous crimes Is because the actual act of computer crime Is not In Itself viewed as being dangerous. This Is a traditional view of computer β†’

Barrier & computer

The Wi-Fi standard is based on the 802. 11n specification is the most recent development in the area of Wi-Fi.802.

Wireless networks: free wireless access

The paper also provides background information about the experience of having to browse the internet with the use of free wireless access. The paper arrives at a conclusion with a commentary on the issues concerning the movement persuading the government to provide free wireless access to everyone and its possible influences and outcomes, especially to β†’

Computer programming 17985

Generally, programmers create software by using the following a basic step-by-step development process: Define the scope of the program by outlining exactly what the program will do. Systems programmers write the complex programs that control the inner-workings of the computer.

Ten commandments of computer ethics

The commandment states that it is wrong to steal someone's personal information by means of a computer. It is unethical to manipulate or destroy the files of other people through the use of a computer.

You might be a nerd 15260

You talk to your computer. You have missed the X-Files because you wanted to play on your computer.

Computer misuse act

The responses to such a survey are bound to be broad and varied, maybe even colourful, but it will give a good overall view of how effective the new system is. It is also vital to consider the cost of information management.

Computer system

Computer System Introduction & Definitions Computer is an electronic device that is used to solve various problems according to a set of instructions given to it A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format Brief History of Computer The first use of the β†’

Technical writing in computer hardware electronics and aerospace

Templates The templates and style guides to be used in preparing the document Reference Documents The reference documents client might provide to aid in the creation of the document. In the case of writing software documents the writer is supposed to interview or talk to the programmers and whereas to write about hardware, the writer β†’

A comparison and contrast of microsoft vs. the department of justice 12387

Bill Gates is the world s richest man, and is currently under siege by the U.S.government on the grounds of a breech of anti-trust laws. Microsoft is appealing the ruling insisting that IE is a feature designed to improve Window s 95.

Acer nitro 5 review

In fact, this is a conscious decision: this Nitro 5 follows the line of the older Predators, both in the provision of ventilation and in that combination of black and crimson. Acer CoolBoost technology gives us the option of manual control of the cooling process, so it is in our power to activate one or β†’

The role of computers essay sample

According to Rosenberg, ' computers and the internet will allow students to learn at their own pace. Appearance, social class and race are irrelevant.' Although the use of computers can be very affective, but there are many who claim that the role of a teacher in the classroom is more important than using computers.

The five generations of computing essay sample

The Second Generation: 1956 to 1963 Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The original IBM PC The Fifth Generation: 1992 to present In the computing world, there is no real consensus on the timeline a fifth generation of computers.

Stochastic applications of actuarial models with r coding

It is assumed that the sovereign will remain in their current rating initially, so for all ratings the probability of transition from one rating to another will be zero at time 0, while probability of remaining in the same rating is 1 is the identity matrix). It is noted that the probability of default rating β†’

Internet history 3455

A new use for the Internet that is influencing the lives of many Internet users is the creation of E-wrestling leagues. To run a good E-fed, the commissioner needs to have a good knowledge of the Internet and knowledge of pro-wrestling.

Secure online restaurant reservation system computer science essay

At the same time, it is developed to reduce the workload of staff and ease the customers to make a reservation at anytime and anywhere. 6 Importance of Project The main purpose of this project is to develop secure online restaurant reservation system with SSL for both Android-based and desktop systems.

Computers in the workplace

The dual character of using technologies in the workplace is seen in employees having free access to a wealth of information stored electronically; simultaneously, employers have the same access towards a wealth of tracking and monitoring techniques to minimize ' cyber slacking'. The range of approaches towards decreasing and eliminating non-business use of technologies in β†’