4 Pages Essay Samples

Traffic light controller using microprocessor

The second part is the traffic light controller interface board, which consist of 36 LED's in which 20 LED's are used for vehicle traffic and they are connected to 20 port lines of 8255 through Buffer. Design of a microprocessor system to control traffic lights.

Bridging multiple levels of exploration: towards a neuroengineering-based approach to physiological and pathological problems in neuroscience

In neuroengineering the use of computational neuroscience is explicit and aimed at consolidating quantitative tools for the reverse engineering of molecular, synaptic and cellular bases of neural systems. A general example of the leading role of neuroengineering in novel approaches to neuroscience is that of the microelectromechanical systems, which exploits the technologies used by the →

Book review the communist manifesto sociology essay

The Manifesto is split into four sections but the overall aim of the book is an attempt to explain the ideologies and goals of the Communist party. The first section of the manifesto is based on the Communists theories of history and of the relationship between the bourgeois and the proletariat in a capitalist society.

Money is the ruler

The pirates' main goal is to get the treasure, and the leader of the pirates is the cook named Long John Silver. Money influences the moralsof a person and is the driving force for one's actions in life.

Educational validity of business gaming simulation

This involves the explanations for writing the paper, the reviews of different scholars and also examines the findings of the study. The review of the study conducted by Stainton, Johnson, and Borodzicz shows that the content of the study is correlated to the title of the article.

Define pest analysis to reduce business risks

Economic factors These factors affect the ways a firm creates and manages money. But even if you are a Mom and Pop store, technology is still a factor in your business.

Female genital mutilation narrative essay

Similar article: Corporate Communications She mentions examples of people living in countries in which FGM is illegal that are opposed to FGM, and fought for their children's right to choice and consent, though it is the cultural norm. To summarize, Nussbaum's position on FGM is plain and simple: FGM is a problem and that something →

Meditation worksheet

The basis for attaining an experience in raja yoga meditation in to understand the self and the mind. Meditation allows one's mind to open up to a peaceful place and it allows the stress to flow right out and it does have the power to heal the mind and soul.

World famous witch trails in massachusetts

In May of 1692 until October 1692, girls in the Salem Massachusetts area started to claim that they had been possessed by the devil and accused older women as the ones who put the curse on them. The doctor in salem told the reverend and his family this was definitely a work of something supernatural.

Sexual theme in sula by toni morrison essay

The mall source of conflict In Usual comes from the immunity's strong sexual standards for men and women, which sets Usual apart from Nell, her family, and the community of Medallion. When Usual, the independent and promiscuous protagonist falls in love for the first mime with Ajax, she looses her " masculinity' by conforming to →

John hick essay

Secondly, that there is a less likelihood of God being evil than he is all good and finally that there is an equal likelihood of God being all good as he is all evil. From the three points clear in the " Problem from Evil," in which it is recognized that; God is omnipotent, all →

Marketing project assignment

The name of the company, AirAsia, and its development in all the different countries of Asia is the proof that they target people from all Asia. Lion Air is one of the main competitors of AirAsia and they are on the same market.

Brief assignment

Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context Discuss theories of communication Explain factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interactions in health & social care environments up Explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions Participate →

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I can still remember the feeling of a hot andhumid air blowing to my face as and hear the wailing of dogs outsideas I was browsing the internet a system of networks that connectdifferent computers, and even devices from around the world to, well feed my boredom. The thoughtalways demolishes my trust for the government →

Tax reform: flaws of current tax system in us

In the US, the issue of taxes is a touchy subject with the government and other stakeholders seeking to find a mutual ground. In addition, the federal government should scrap the Alternative Maximum Tax law that imposes a flat rate of 20% to corporations.

Gift giving essay

The jubilation of Christmas in the Philippines begins on the 16th of December and ends on the first Sunday of January which is the Feast of the Epiphany. On the dark of December 20.we wrap all the gifts and started to fix the nutrients.

Do regulations kill jobs

The following are some of the views from the business groups. This regulation does not serve the interest of the public.

The inflammatory phases of atherosclerosis

To explore the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis To explore the mechanisms of inflammatory cell recruitment and accumulation within the plaque. To explore the function of various different mediators in this process, including both pro and anti-inflammatory mediators.

Nationalism and decolonization in africa

His book, " Modern Africa: A Social and Political History" presents a review of the political and social history of Africa in the twentieth century, from the colonial era through the liberalization movements to independence and beyond. Similarly, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the tensions of the Cold War and the new era of →

Lord henry is the root of dorian gray’s corruption

In the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde, the main character Dorian Gray is corrupted by his acquaintance Lord Henry, who ultimately leads to Dorians demise. It is evident that Basil is trying to protect Dorian from Lord Henrys corruption for the simple fact that he is deliberately going out of →

Symbolism in chapter 87: the grand armada

The actual behavior of the whales and the crew of the Pequod are important since they reflect on the effect of humans on nature.' The Grand Armada' is a chapter that expresses the innate actions of animals and the negative effect of humans on the world. This shows the crew members in the boat that →

Plato and the dual world essay

He insisted then that the real knowledge was in the understanding of the Forms or Ideas, or what he called the " visions of truth". The first is a pure logical world that existed for itself and had equal validity to the world of the senses.


This is due to the political stability in the country making it suitable for the coca cola company to settle. This makes it suitable for and prospective country willing to venture in a company such as the coca cola company.

Myths and heroes essay

Allow me to start with the definition of what is called a myth and what is called a hero. In the document, we can see that it is divided into 3 parts: First, Gandhi was emotional in order to dramatist the situation and make it easier for he people.

Counterculture analysis: al capone

It was the beginning of prohibition during the time Torrio retired and Capone took charge smuggling alcohol into the city conceiving the genesis of Capone's fortunes. Laws were changed due to the actions of the Chicago Mafia and Al Capone.

Application of seroquel drug

The way this drug works is that it changes the actions of the chemicals of the brain. The trade name of Seroquel is Seroquel or Seroquel XR.

Creative minds & critical thinking essay sample

Although the journey was tough, taking over most of their lives, they overcame the obstacles and provided a product that would forever change the way people live every day. Although the journey was tough, taking over most of their lives, they overcame the obstacles and provided a product that would forever change the way people →

Vegetables are beter thn meat

One of the recent findings by researchers at Imperial College London, highlight the fact that vegetable protein are healthier and keep the blood pressure low as compared to the animal protein. As the process onsets a decade before the appearance of frank symptoms, in order to minimize the bone deterioration, it is essential to consume →

Physically receiving messages essay

In the best of communication checking the message received is always a good idea because it allows us to make sure that the message that we are sending is the one that is received. We have to be responsible for the effectiveness of our communication and it starts with speaking the language of the receiver →

Different ways in which we utilize non-human animals

Personally I would qualify my philosophy in regards to the treatment of non-human animals as utilitarian in nature. However, I do believe that some suffering on the part of non-human animals is morally impermissible, and that is where my utilitarianism comes in.

Final reflective paper

The analyzing of short stories led me to consider interpretations of symbols and how they are integral to the context of the story. The completion of this literature class, though not the first attempt to do so, has helped me to develop a greater sense of ability and confidence in understanding literary works.

Death of a salesmansample essay

Willy Loman can be considered a tragic hero in the sense that he does have a tragic flaw, he is losing the confidence of people in his life, and he is willing to lay down his life to secure one thing in a sense of personal dignity. Miller has broken the boundaries of why no →

Character analysis thesis example

Both Walker and Maupassant utilize these techniques in " Everyday Use" and " The Necklace," to bring out the characters of Dee and Mathilde respectively. Accordingly, from this discussion it is correct to say that Walker and Maupassant utilize both direct and indirect characterization techniques to clearly bring out the characters of Dee and Mathilde →

Domestic violence on poor women in the post-industrial urban northeast and its effects on the girl child now and in her future life

The paper " Domestic Violence on Women in the Post-Industrial Urban Northeast and Its Effects on the Girls" is a dramatic variant of a case study on sociology. The problem understudy in the text is to find out the issue of domestic violence, especially on poor women in the post-industrial urban Northeast and its effects →

Opposites don’t attract: granny in “black boy”

Unfortunately, Richard and his mother wind up back at Granny's door when Richard's mother suffers a inopportune stroke and is unable to support herself and her children. Richard gives up on Granny's mandates when he finds praying " a nuisance", and begins to write hymns to appease Granny to pass the time, but is unsuccessful.

The importance of sustainability marketing in hotel industry

Tourism development depends on the local environment, but the hotel as a pillar industry of tourism, on environmental protection and reasonable use of resources made efforts directly related to the development of tourism and affect the sustainable development of society.2. 3 Development trend of Sustainability Marketing Marketing has a responsibility to achieve profitable growth for →

Buck learns how to survive essay

Another experience that further proves Buck is forced to learn his ability to survive in the wild is when he learns the law of club. By watching the other dogs, learning from his own experiences, and being forced to learn, Buck learns how to survive in the wild.

Which genre would you place the film run lola run into and why

The film is set out like a computer game in that every time Lola makes a mistake she learns from it on the next run, showing the first section of Lola running down the stairs as a cartoon character is the director's way of enforcing this. The reason people can lay claim to the film →

To kill a mockingbird – courage

Courage is not the only main theme displayed in To Kill a Mockingbird; prejudice and education are also very important themes exhibited throughout the progression of the novel. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird there are numerous accounts of racism and prejudice.

The book of luke: how does one reach heaven?

This statement seems to imply that it is not enough to simply not be against Jesus, but one must be " with" him. Perhaps there is not enough information to adequately analyze this story, but there seems to be a lack of justice and uncertainty as to how to be " with" the Lord and →

Endangered species

Most of the amount of gases released to the atmosphere is from cars and transportation. In conclusion, in order for the future generations to have the same pleasure that we have received from planet earth it is important for us to start taking care of it more.

Wake up, american education system!

We stay up late to make sure our homework is done or to put finishing touches on various projects we may have, but students also have to remember to take care of our social needs so we do not always get to bed at reasonable hours of the night, but we still have to wake →

A fresh start for physics

So, just as you learned how to do the math, you can learn how to do the physics. If I have not convinced you of that by now, I ask you ever so nicely to reread the above paragraph over and over again until I have convinced you that you can learn physics.

Community psychology flashcard

The essay describes the designed programme to combat the identified social problem of girl children's organized marriages in Winterveld community found in the north of Pretoria. In order for prevention to happen the issues of power in Winterveld need to be considered.

4 marks of the church

But for the people to distinguish the Roman Catholic Church from all the other Churches there are these four marks of the Roman Catholic Church that was given so that the distinct characteristics of the Church would be evident to the people. These characteristics are, the Church is One, the Church is Catholic, the Church →

Amy tan questions

Tan offers insight through this story of four Chinese immigrants, elaborating upon their difficulties in understanding the differences in the mainstream American culture, which in turn reveals the difficulty of immigrant parents' ability to understand their children, leading to the alienation of their daughters to traditional Chinese culture. Culture clash leads to the alienation of →

‘the us to understand our existence(costa 81).

Fire agrees and the form finally becomes just like a human and is sent to the real world to work in a secluded temple of the god Fire. The wizard in ' The Circular Ruins' lives in the reality of ordinary men before he relocates to the ruins and he is regarded by others and →

Consequences of postmodernism in the movie assignment

This is why it is irrelevant whether it is real or not, t is this feeling the author has towards this twisted society that you must understand and to feel it you must see it in action. What really is trying to be shown in this movie is this outrage towards the post modernistic society →

The glacier inn essay

The overriding objective of the hotel is to increase profit and growth and all the dimensions of the strategy map contribute towards achieving this objective. The balanced scorecard that is developed must also be used from time to time to evaluate the progress of the Hotel and to what extent the actual performance is in →

Cgs ch.5

Electronic communication privacy actWhat is the term for a program that performs a repetitive task on a network? botWhich of the following is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking email that attempts to obtain a user's personal and financial information? phishingWhich of the following can transmit germs? hand geometry systemsWhich of →

The comparison of functionalism and conflict theory essay sample

The functionalist is more accepting of the way things are in society and portray that to be the normal way of life. Also seen in today's school system are the aspects of intellectual, political, economical, and social purposes.

Editorial: novel tools for the study of structural and functional networks in the brain

Editorial on the Research Topic Novel Tools for the Study of Structural and Functional Networks in the Brain Throughout the history of neuroscience, technological advances are the drivers behind many major advances in our understanding of the nervous system. Investigations of the structure and function of the brain take place on multiple scales, including macroscale →

Strategies for african-american racial uplift

After leaving Atlanta in 1906 in the wake of a race riot, he helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which bridged the racial divide and relied on white support as well as black in order to combat discrimination. DuBois explained that " Any movement for the elevation of the Southern →

A unverse wthout a master

The path that man would choose will be illuminated not by the universal laws but by the free will of the man. If there is a master, man would live with appeal and could not make free decisions which would cause no gain in experience of the world.

Burberry marketing revamp assignment

Her goal was to rediscover the roots of the Burberry brand and reposition it as a stylish luxury lifestyle brand that was attractive to younger customers as well as the current customer base. The position allowed the brand to steer clear of the congested space occupied by high fashion and functional brands and find a →

Shadow of hate essay

In the beginning of the Video, the audience is introduced to the Ku Klux Klansmen who are matching on the Streets of Washington DC airing their views on the opposition of the other communities such as Jews in America, Catholic and African Americans on their participation on the American soil. Furthermore, it is essential to →

Cultural deifference between english and arabic essay

TI: Title Translation in the News Media AU: Author Sasot de Coffey, Maria Josefina Tapia SO: Source Babel, 1992, 38, 1, 59-63 AB: Abstract Unique characteristics of translation for news media are outlined: greater freedom in handling the original text; preference for simple language & structures, given the mass character of the audience; the use →

Public relations assignment

To create a business related to public relations, I need to follow a public relation profile this means that I need to be first of all an excellent immunization because the impact that the communication has in the audience and the need that the individuals possess to be informed is very important. An event planner →

Abstract expressionism

The movement's name results from the mixture of the emotional strength and abstemiousness of the German Expressionists. The Great Depression significantly influenced all the artists who later became dominant abstract expressionists of the 1940s and the 1950s.

Questioning forensic analysts

When defending the use of the Confrontation Clause, the " CSI" effect is used to undermine the credibility of forensic analysts. In conclusion, the defense lawyers should not be required to question the forensic analysts in a court of law.

Is equity still relevant today? essay sample

William the conqueror gained the English throne in 1066 and began standardizing the law." Itinerant justices" were able to discuss the various customs of different parts of the century. Equity was not a complete system of law, it merely filled the gaps in the common law and softened the strict rules of common law.

Sociology and dominant social values essay sample

The notion of a social system is a general one can be applied to social organization that are carefully and deliberately planned. In the social system of a school the goal behaviour is achieved through the intergration various institutions.

Parental substance abuse and the negative impact it has on children

An investigative report intoparental substance abuse and the negative impact it has on childrenin the United Kingdom Contents Executive Summary Terms of reference Procedures Findings Conclusions Recommendations References Executive Summary Substance misuse among parents is a major issue for many young children who are in their development stage of growing up. 1 It is estimated →

Histoy final

It marked the end of invasions from the North and became a time of peace and the peaceful passage of merchants and caravans, which proved to help offset the terrors of the previous invasions. Charlemagne was the greatest of German kings and was also known as Charles the Great and the first Holy Roman Emperor →

Social policy issue

Social Security System in the United s of America Social Security System in the United s of America In the United s of America, social security system is classified amongst the government most successful programs. The government ensures that they take the responsibility of transferring some funds from the general revenue to the social security →

Elisa test for hiv: limitations

Entire blood is allowed to clot and the cells are centrifuged out to obtain the clear serum with antibodies which is called the primary antibodies. It is used to confirm the results of an ELISA just like a Western blot test.

Outline at least three perspectives relevant to sociology

Haralambos and Holborn suggest that in order to analyse any part of society such as the family it simkply has to be viewed in relation to society as a whole. Haralambos and Holborn states the basic function of the family is the effect it is known to have on society as a whole and other →

Portfoilio week 8 6310

According to Svinicki and McKeachie, demonstration is an effective and useful method to evaluate the learning of students where the main aim of the lesson is practicality. Learning Objectives The objectives of this lesson are: Students will identify different methods of imparting positive attitude to the patients during the drug administration.

The life and work of confucius

During his younger years Confucius showed a love of learning, and an expression of awe for the ancient laws of his country. The best source for understanding Confucius and his thought is the Analects.

Soc- ch8

DConflict theorists argue education is a mechanism for cultural imperialism, which means A.the spread of cultural norms and values from one society to another.B.the cultural development and progress that results from technology.C.the preservation of historical cultural artifacts.D.indoctrination into the dominant culture of a society. B? According to recent research the gap in mathematics achievement between →

The similarity between the appeals and aspects of car ads essay

All of them are trying to get the attention of the same type of people and with the same objective, making the people get the car, and that is why they concentrate in the same needs and aspects. Then we have Toyota's, where we have that the logo of it is not very important, and →

So much work, so little time

If you do not blink, maybe you will be able to see the student running to his next class, notecards in hand, so he can have a few extra minutes to cram for his test before it starts. It is not necessary to be perfect to succeed in life, so the image of perfection branded →

How to do a swot analysis of your school

To understand your school's competitive advantage and minimize instability, we are going to teach you how to do a SWOT analysis of your school. It's a framework to understand the present and future situation of your school.

Briefing note on philosophy article

Explaining Language Use The concept of language ability is not realistically explainable in theory divorced from the full model of how the human function is organized. He further asserts that language use is not able to be subjected to scientific definition or study, and neither can anything be learned from studying the functionality of the →

University of wisconsin case study

His college activities Include being a member of a social fraternity where he was elected steward and is responsible for the supervision of the cooking and planning of all meals etc. He also serves on the school newspaper and is a member of the Debating Society.

Fiipino history of precolonial politics flashcard

The barangays were used to transport the early Filipinos and their cargoes to the various sections of the Philippine archipelago. And, in times of conflict, he was the supreme commander of the warriors.

Hurricane katrina essay

The storm hit the city hard and was the lead story on the national media stage for a number of weeks. The city was wiped out and the clean up and renovation of what is left of The City Of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina is continuing and might not be complete for many years.

Globalization and germany assignment

It is the unifying element brought on by the economies and cultures of the world joining together. Also, it means that developing countries are now a part of the global market, and can begin building their own credibility in the world.

Psycho essay sample

Marion Crane enters the motel in a horrendous rainstorm in the middle of the night; this is a signpost for danger and indicates to the audience that something deplorable will happen. The house situated above the motel is very isolated and daunting, this relates back to the genre of the film and it makes the →

Understanding of expectancy theory by victor bloom

The expectancy theory by Victor Bloom is based on the believe that organizational employees act in a certain way based on the strength of an outcome and how attractive the outcome is to the individual. In order for the employee to actually believe that increase effort will lead to increase performance they must believe that →

Commemorative speech

I am here today to honor Kermit the Frog, a well-mannered, always positive, funny, frog who left the life of a quiet, peaceful swamp in the bayou to take on the world with his green philosophy. To some Kermit is an icon of hope for a greener, cleaner world, and to others he is an →

Personal financial plan – part ii

Apart from the role of economics in developing financial plans, the use of credit is also of prime importance. This paper describes the role of economics and credit in personal financial planning.

Literary analysis

The life of young Mohandas centered on his mother, who taught him about the Hindu doctrine of ahisma, which is the refusal to do harm and the duty to do good. This belief was foundation for the bold and courageous acts that led to Gandhi's fame as a proponent of nonviolence resistance." It is better →

The great chicago fire

The Great Chicago Fire was one of the most devastating fires in the history of the United States of America. Being the worst fire in the history of fires, the Great Chicago Fire had quite a death toll.

Economic chinese government assignment

The aim of this thesis is to provider a deeper look to the principle of one China, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan economic strategic triangle. In 1949, the communists ended the era of the Republic of China and exiled the nationalists lead by Aching Aka-seek to Taiwan, and China mainland is now the People's Republic →

Complexities of pain perceptions

2 ' A gate in the spinal cord' SDK100 Topic 3 Understanding and treating pain [Online]. 1 ' The spinal reflex pathway' SDK100 Topic 3 Understanding and treating pain [Online].

Growth and downsizing

Companies may reduce the number of employee in response to issues such as change in growth of the economy, merging with or purchasing other firms, the cutting of product or service lines, effect of the competitors, distribution force of the suppliers and a combination of events that have a negative effect on the running of →

Corporal punishment

Running Head Corporal Punishment Corporal Punishment The moral dimension of corporal punishment requires much more than just recognition of the substantive doctrine of law. These facts suggest that corporal punishment is ineffective because it does not help teachers and parents to achieve the desires results.

Psychoneuroimmunology and health essay

The goal of this paper is to look at what illness really is, the common causes of illness, the role of our immune and defensive systems, stress and our body, mind, feelings and spirit in creating and curing illness. The recognition of the mind/body connection and the finding of its routes and mechanisms of operation, →

Sherman unit assignment

At the Acme Distribution Center, your colleagues are the following seven employees: Robert, the lead warehouse receiver Jennifer, sales and accounts payable Bradley, the warehouse general manager Lu Ellen, the shipper Buster, the shipper Lloyd, the purchasing agent Spare, for temporary help Jennifer works in the Sales Department by day and part-time as the evening →

Harlem renaissance

Impact of the Harlem Renaissance on the African Americans The newly found prosperity of the African Americans disappeared with the Great Depression in 1929. The true impact of the Harlem renaissance was a revival of the African American culture, with exposure to the world and the sense of empowerment it brought to the African Americans.

Life of pi by yann martel essay sample

The plot of the story is the one that relates to survival. The contents of the book relate to the mysticism of the East and the adventure spirit of the West.

Western and eastern philosophy

The question of being and non-being is the one of the main concepts in understanding of origin of the universe. In consequence, Eastern philosophy is characterized by concepts of being and non-being, it focuses on the present moment, which is not interested in the future and the past.

Jean renoir’s film ‘a day

Intersection: This form of adaptation is found to be the weakest in A Day in the Country. The story, in essence, is one of chance romantic opportunity that eventually turns out to be a nostalgic memory for Henri and Henriette.

Commentary: epilepsy in leigh syndrome with mitochondrial dna mutations

In the abstract 14 of 25 patients had epilepsy but in the results section and Table 1 only 32% of the 25 patients had seizures. We should know in how many of the 14 patients with epilepsy, epilepsy or seizures were associated with a SLE, since seizures may trigger SLEs and vice versa.

Elderly care in william carlos williams’ last words

Far from the elegiac or lamenting tone the reader may approach a poem with the premise of death implied in the " last words" of the title, Williams delivers an uncompromising picture of the mental and physiological effects of aging. Her only exhibition of concerted movement, it is a final and defiant action that fully →