2 Pages Essay Samples

Case study of astro vs lippo

It was mentioned that the lack of Jurisdiction could not be conjured by First Media to resist the enforcement of the awards as it had not chosen to appeal on the hearing three years ago. Despite the clear orders ruled by the High Court, on March 1st 2013 First Media's lawyers from Bradawl Brothers ALP β†’

Struggles in life – narrative essay

IntroductionBefore I was able to start college I had to fix the company my mother owned, as it was losing money and in danger of going out of business. They got the products at a wholesale price and sold them on for a profit, but the number of customers had dwindled to the point where β†’

To what extent does cinema provide an opportunity for non-western nations and peoples an opportunity to export their culture across the globe

Specifically, cultural translation deals with the transportation of non-western culture to the West and to the rest of the world. Non-Western culture in film, therefore, is influenced by the ideology and perceptions of the West and their culture is represented as " the other" by the West.

Likes and dideerecnes of computing variances

Likes and differences of computing variance Variance is one of the available statistics for describing data sets and it defines the square of mean deviations of each data point from the mean of the data. Having been defined as the square of mean differences between each number in a data set and the mean of β†’

Income statement

00 Cost of goods sold $ 260, 000. 00 Income statement of the organization presents the profitability of the organization and it explains the revenues that the company has generated and the costs it has incurred.

Computers bane

Actually in other words we can say that Computer is a machine that makes everything on the Internet so easily accessible that it is difficult to keep children away from things they are not supposed to know at a certain age. Children especially who are not using the computers in the right manner are at β†’

Astray case study

The Global corporate community was shocked and scandals when the chairman of Astray, Rambling Raja resigned on 7 January 2009 and confessed that he had manipulated the accounts by US$I. Contents [hide] 1 Role of Auditors 2 Aftermath 3 New CEO and special advisors 4 Acquisition by Maidenhair Group 5 See also 5 References 7 β†’

Political philosophy and medium-paragraph length answer assignment

According to Mary Anne Warren, what are the five central criteria for moral Persephone, and what are the implications of this criteria on the issue of whether or not the fetus has the right to life. What are the elements of her example that make it analogous to the situation of pregnancy due to rape?

Marketing assignment

BREAKFAST CLUBS IN THE UK Since 1998, Kellogg has helped set up more than a 1, 000 breakfast clubs. How Kellogg helps For more than a decade, Kellogg has helped schools start a new breakfast club and supported those breakfast clubs which already exist.

Applications of biotechnology assignment

I am now more aware of my surroundings and I am more grateful for the innovations, inventions and improvements that have happened. I am now informed of what biotechnology has done for me, and I am thankful to the numerous scientists who have made my life better through their experiments and creations.

Essays park

Attackers havebeen targeting apple users due to the recent surge of popularity to Appleproducts in the market. But the exact nature of the problemis still not clear to the researchers and public, the danger is impossible toentirely be comprehended let alone have a head start of solving it.

How to properly introduce a research study and purpose statement

The paper " How to Properly Introduce a Research Study and Purpose Statement" is a wonderful example of an assignment on education. Creswell states that the author or authors mention the purpose or intent of the study at the beginning of the research proposal and it is to be the primary and most important statement β†’

Film review: 127 hours

As a result, he decided to cut off his arm so as to save his life, and he succeeded." 127 Hours" is a great movie and is really worth watching. We should always possess a positive and can-do attitude and more importantly, there is no force on earth more powerful than the will to survive.


In this context, a section of the languages fraternity discourages the use of shorthand messaging while the other portion encourages the communication behavior. However, I am of the opinion that shorthand messaging is a natural evolution of English language.

Religious or spiritual

Since religion is people's response to what God has done, it can be said that all the people are religious, because everyonehas own reaction to and perception of the universe. In such cases church or other religious gathering may serve as a factor that gives the person a feeling of belonging, of not being the β†’

Central processing time and its performance – lab report example

The second task Suit Sort took a longer processing time compared to the last task Color Sort with Preview. The processing time is dependent on the complexity of the task to be performed and the type of hand used if either it is the dominant one or the non-dominant one.

Causes of building collapes

In fact, the strength and level of sophistication of some of the oldest structures like the Pyramids of Giza is surprising. Three of the main causes of buildings' collapse are; faulty design of structures by incompetent engineers, overloading of structures, and natural disasters.

Education as the key to success in life

As a college student, I feel that it is my duty to help student alumni in any way possible. I know that my dreams of attending college are soon going to become a reality.

Un long dimanche de fiançailles essay

I thought the film was visually stunning and was extremely realistic at portraying the time period. And, while it's a brutal war story, it's also an impassioned love story, and I think over-all that's what kept me the most drawn in.

Huck finn controversy

Everyone is aware of the controversy with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and I am a strong believer that it should be taught in high schools to all students. A very important reason that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught is that Huck can be seen as a role model to teens reading β†’

ο»Ώcritical thinking and ethics essay sample

In this level you need to use the information to produce a result. In this level you need to try to rate the information and give reasons for the ratings.

Readers response

To His Coy Mistress" presents the fictional thoughts of the poet through the eyes of an impatient young man. She seems to be somewhat unhappy and dejected by the fact that his key motivation behind his advances is not that of love but of lust or carnal desire and passion.

Edward abbey

of the of the Edward Abbey Edward Abbey is considered a very renowned and essayist in nature writing. This protagonist of radical environmentalism died at the age of 62 and was buried in the state of Arizona.

Significance of business training

The paper " Significance of Business Training" is an excellent example of a business essay. One must be aware of the latest trends and techniques of administration in order to operate a sustainable business.

The life of mikhail gorbachev

Only ten years old when the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, Gorbachev experienced his father being drafted into the Soviet military. After failing once he tried again and became the leader of the Soviet Union.

Why should we have good manners

Good manners enable one to tolerate the disagreeable attitudes of others to a great extent. We must not laugh at the weaknesses and failures of others.

Beauty pageants aren’t exploitive

Beauty Pageants are not Exploitive All kinds of beauty pageants are held every year. In a society which there really are fewer opportunities for women than for men, beauty pageants give women a chance to get noticed and to improve their situations.

I want to be a computer scince teacher this way i chose this major

I personally feel that a student's access to the underlying concepts and traits of Computer Science is the most profound in your college. I personally want to be a Computer Science teacher in the future.


In the case of Tom's data the level of self-esteem can be denoted as the x variable and the level of depression can be denoted as the y variable. The existence of positive correlation between the two variables means that for every increase of x, there is a corresponding increase of y.

The controversy over huckleberry finn

He created a book from the view point of a young boy who was considered white trash at the time and kept true to the accents and phrases the different races used at the time. Mark Twain used these terms and a great deal of satire to show the reality and stupidity of racism at β†’

My essay about my own exprerience in english language

In middle of the semester, I understand more English and I started asking question regarding my problems to my teacher; the problems were solve in clear and effective way and I handle easily. I believed that, the way of learning English language just to write and read loud.

Risky business: consent, safety, and firefighter culture

Originally, the purpose of organized sports for young children was to teach them the basics of the game and skills needed to play, to practice good sportsmanship, and to have fun. Athletic associations and organizers of youth sports are attempting to educate parents on the needs of young athletes, but this effort needs to be β†’

Fitness final

most valid measurement of cardiorespiratory fitness isV02MaxMaximal ability of a muscle to generate a force is known asstrength ONFITNESS FINAL SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder NowThe ______________ test for estimating Vo2max is based on the principal that your heart rate returns to resting levels faster after exercising after having a high level of cardiorespiratory fitnessStep β†’

Experience in a job is more important than paper qualifications? essay sample

With technology, having to communicate with other people has been effortless as compared to the generations of the past. With the development of technology, it has improved communication in many ways, however, there are still negative consequences in it.

Critical response: paper 3

The authors have also emphasized a great deal on the way under which the Japanese played their part at capturing Indochina so that the will of the Vietnamese could be exerted in essence1. The importance of the Elysee Agreement is such that its note was also made of here as the independence of Vietnam in β†’

Interpretation and the meaning behind new trailer for the jungle book

The ad that I used was the new trailer for The Jungle Book. First reason why is because at the beginning of the trailer you see Mowgli run across the branches in a tree that I remember seeing in the animated cartoon version of the second Jungle Book.

Some follows: 1. perception is a selective

Perception is a selective process: We do not perceive each and everything in the world or around us. Change is the basis of perception: Perception is always a response to some change or diffe rence in the environment.

Carpe very limited for spanish students. it is

Carpe Diem: The Golden ChanceCarpe Diem, is the expression that means seize the day, means that oneshould take advantage of every minute of this life. Another reason I seize my days here is because I feel that my parents areputting so much effort and money in my education, it would not be fair to themif β†’

Cancer is a major problem

When skin cancer is so bad, people have to have surgerys to make it betterSkin cancer solutionsTrying to stay out of the sunLooking up how bad skin cancer isLooking up your skin cancer history will help you find facts that you want to know about skin cancer. Cancer is a major problem in this world β†’

Much of sonnet is given to definition of ideal love assignment

This sonnet attempts to define love, by telling what It Is and Is not " love Is not love, which alters when alteration finds." Shakespeare speaks how when love Is true love obstacles cannot ruin It, and how It Is not true love If something can break It. I found " Sonnet 116" attractive and β†’

The and they cheapen the qualities of their

There are some companies that manufacture the product andthey cheapen the qualities of their product just to reduce the selling amountjust to compete in the global market with international companies. The first and theforemost is the quality of the product that is being bought.

Virtue and ideal person essay sample

The ideal person that is described according to Confucius is a superior or noble person. Li is a virtue that means do the appropriate thing.

Operation barbarossa

The reactions by Stalin prompted many sources to ask the question why the Soviet Forces exhibited poor preparations in the wake of Operation Barbarossa amidst the large numbers that the army had. Hitler's application of deception in the WWII against USSR In the early years of the World War II, the Allied Forces led by β†’

Senate 968 (pipa) and hr 3261 (sopa)

STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT BACKGROUND: The use of computers and access to the internet in the United s of America is well over the 80% mark. Consequently, it is going to limit freedom of speech and discourage innovation in the sectors of IT and trade.

Raising cain

The documentary depicts that schools in United States promote that girlish behavior is the benchmark and boys in the schooling system are considered as defective girls.3. The movie is trying to give a message that although the society believes that the boys are more violent as compared to girls, but boys are taught to be β†’

Fitness plan

Aerobic exercise is an activity which uses the muscles of the body in a continuous and rhythmic manner. In order to follow a perfect fitness plan the diet of a person is also very important.

Why do i need vwf

In conclusion therefore, I believe the VWF scholarship program will greatly contribute to my attainment of the career goals of being a global business manager, successfully leading in the global business environment and hence influencing policy in the corporate world so as address the immediate problems affecting society. I want to further my knowledge of β†’

In what way can we say that the church is holy though her members may be sinners

Many other are of the view that church means the group of people who assemble in the name of Jesus Christ for worshipping God. But above all it is a place where the presence of God exists." The church is the body of Christ, of which He is the head".

Volcano and rock fragments miles

Some of volcanic hazards include gases, lava and pyroclastic flows, landslides and earthquakes and explosive eruptions. The mudflows and the flow of debris from these are often one of the deadliest volcano hazards.

Direct digial control (building automation)

But due to the energy crises of the 1970's and the last decade of rising costs of oil, the costs of energy not has forced not only families to conserve energy but companies, schools and businesses as well. He explained to me that in the past, he and others, at the end of the day/night β†’

Case study on taking initiative

Taking initiativeis the act of becoming the active member of the certain process being the creator of the structure and order of the process. Initiative is closely connected with the human psychology and depends on the strength and type of the human character, the circumstances and the responsibility.

Letter to maker of the flash

I know what happens at the end of season three, when you made Barry go into the speed force. I just want you to make every season longer and better than the last.

Mlk speech assignment

More support, means more clarity In your analysis Theme: what is the overall theme or essence of the speech, in other words, what was the speech about in one word. Speech Type: the speech was one of the three mall types of speech we have already identified in class, do you remember the memory aid; β†’

S4 w7 one pager

The capabilities of the league of Arab s affiliation The capabilities of the league of Arab s The League of Arab States was established and created with the aim of cushioning its member states from economic and regional uncertainties. This decision was questionable as many Arab nations felt that the organization would have used force β†’

Global warming-who is to blame? assignment

Since we are the ones who started global warming, we are responsible to stop it or improve the situation. Finally, humans are the one who started to develop this land and ever developing.

Statement almost everywhere. however, these problems are

The authorspointed out managerial, financial and external factors.in their study focused on the time overrun of largeconstruction projects in Bangladesh. So, finding the causes of and solution for time overrun andcost overrun of project in water sector is very important.

White collar crime

White Collar Crime White Collar Crime The case of Madoff clearly exhibits that businesses should not be allowed to damage and cause disadvantage to a larger section of the society in order to benefit a few. The two elements of a crime includes mens rea which is term used to refer to the intention that β†’


Hunting and gathering, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, and industry have influenced and governed the processes of peoples micro level identity formation and/or modification in a variety of ways. The profession is not just a source of income, but is one of the main determinants of the lifestyle and social status and social circle of an individual.


For instance, in creating the universe out of nothing, the sovereignty of God over the cosmos is clearly underscored. Miracles also prove God's sovereignty over nature as is the case of the splitting of the Red Sea.

The story of a murderer

It shows a man is trying to find the key of the love.in my opinion Childhood life, Characteristics and perfume formula are the main points in this movie. Jean's master taught him how to create a perfume and what are the tool and the main components in order to produce good quality of a perfume.

Sunday gospel reflection

Gospel Summary Great faith and forgiveness are at the center of today's gospel reading. We know it's true that people who share faith with us understand the struggles of raising children today and can be there to support us.

Case study on radioactive leakage in japan

In 2011 Japan experienced the strongest in its history earthquake and the tsunami which followed the earthquake destroyed vast territories of the country and caused serious harm to the nuclear power plants, especially to Fukushima plant. It is reasonable to devote a few hours to reading a free sample case study on radioactive leakage in β†’

Me and my education

However, that's not always the case in other parts of the world. Malala Yousafzai, the girl that was not afraid to stand up for what she believed in.

Environmental pollution assignment

Extinction of Species One of the major causes of concern is the extinction of species. Effects on Biodiversity Species extinction and pontification is going to overthrow the balance of nature very significantly.

Importance of english composition classes essay

I think one of the most important class's are composition I and II because they are the starting point and blue print when you need to articulate something that you Just read or studied onto paper and show your professor and classmates that you understand the subject and can construct a argument or discussion that β†’

Reflections in westminster abbey, by joseph addison

When I am in a serious humor, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey; where the gloominess of the place and the use to which it is applied, with the solemnity of the building and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind β†’


The tradition of seeing this condition strictly as a part of sexual desire has linked those who are aroused by the sight of amputees, ' acrotomophiles' with those who are attracted to the idea of an amputee, ' apotemnophiles'. If apotemnophilia happens to be a sexual disorder similar to pedophilia or necromancy, it has to β†’


The Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection a seminal work of 19th century British explorer Charles Darwin is the basis for the later construction called Social Darwinism. In what is a self-fulfilling circular argument, they pointed to the success of European powers to conquer and rule other parts of the world as a proof for β†’


4% of the scholars reside on campus while 45. 6% of the scholars reside on campus while 76.

The effects of scientific discoveries and darwin’s theories to thomas hardy’s: “hap”

The poem will be interpreted that the agony of the writer will diminish only if he will identify someone who is the source of all the agony that he suffered. He was not able to prove that there is someone that controlled all the possibilities that happened to his life.

Differences between eastern and western religions

The difference between eastern and western religions is that western religions are monotheistic, while eastern religions are monistic. In this paragraph, I will talk about the sacred sites include in the religions of Hinduism and Islam.

A thousand splendid suns assignment

In hopes to protect Lila after being beaten because that she found out that Tarsi's demise was a fake, she ended up killing Rehashed and coming clean about it the next day to clear the path for Leila and Atari to lead a somewhat normal life. There is no way someone would have taken that β†’

Examples of two problems in the healthcare field that have mathematical solutions

While the matter is of extreme sensitivity for patients of all ages, it is particularly important to ensure that children are given the right amount of dosage as their immune system is relatively less strong than that of the adults. Rationale for the use of Young's Rule to determine dosage for children is that there β†’

How to use a computerized index to do research essay sample

After that, you can choose which ones you want to look up, and you can print out the list of citations. Finally, you have to know that the magazines and journals are in the periodical section on the second floor.

North american civilizations

Dates and Location of Adena and Hopewell Tradition Hopewell culture flourished along the riverside of the north-eastern and mid-western United States and the date of origination of the culture was approximately in between 200BCE to 500CE Adena Culture is more popularly known as pre-Columbian Native American Culture. The leadership of the Mississippian culture was great β†’

Primal leadership the hidden driver of great performance

From their two year research, it was evident that the elements that affected the bottom line performance was the leader's mood and its attendant behaviors. It is imperative to note that the mood of a leader and his accompanying behaviors are directly linked to the success of the business.

Answer to a 4 part question

The economy is not driven by the government but the market which in turn relies on the consumption capacity of the people.' Free market' economy has been successful in America to a large extent. Friedman's opinions can be challenged but what cannot be overlooked is the fact that American prosperity has come because of its β†’

Miyazaki environmentalism

Howl's Moving Castle is one of Miyazaki's films which really showcase the good and bad points of industrialization. The abilities of these newly invented machines amazes people, it's almost like magic which is, in theory, why Howl is portrayed as a magician.

The house of my dream

My house of dream is a big detached house, situated far from city life at the seaside of ocean. And of course a big pool, despite the fact that ocean is situated not far from.

Red meat essay sample

The visual aid and source was nice, but as I said above, I have to have more eye contact. In the future, I have to studying more and more.

Trang tien ice cream: logistics issues

Being introduced into the market from 1958 in Hanoi, the product Trang Tien ice cream, owned by Trang Tien Ice Cream Joint Stock Company, has earned quite a big reputation and become a well-known product in the confectionery industry throughout the country. This practice helps add more value to products in terms of design, preservation β†’

Where will i go?

When visiting a school, it is important to really get a feel for the atmosphere. No matter where a student decides on going to school, financial aid and scholarships can help contribute to the cost of the school.

Water pollution assignment

When humans and animals bathe in contaminated water they can become sick from the pollutants in the water. The water with all of the chemicals in it might be the water you are using to water the plants.

Article summary about acqusition and consolidation

This is shown when financial operations of the parent company are consolidated to the subsidiary in a financial statement. In preparing a consolidated financial statement for the parenting company, Google and the subsidiary Buffer-Box, needs to gather the necessary paper work on cash, accounts payable and inventory.

Nba & nfl compare and contrast essay

Some of these similarities of the NBA are that there are four camps in different states and all the scouts from every team is there, scouts from overseas and all. The players get assigned to a certain group and you go to each station all over the court were each team has a chance to β†’

Philosophy: tool to differentiate reality & appearance

He says that there is no such reason which can make the man not answer his puzzling questions and his confusions regarding anything he doubts about what is reality and appearance. The author says that " sensation" is the word that can be used to describe this changing of events and situations and puts in β†’

The columbian exchange: the impact on food

It changed the way we live in the aspect that it spread diseases. From the new world food, it would be hard to live without cranberries and chocolate.

Alternative solution case study

Generating Alternatives: Alternative Solution 1: Ask the senior buying to negotiation with them Advantages Disadvantages Senior buyer had been working with them for 20 years, the vendor probably will change their mind or find a better solution that will benefit vendors and Jackson lack does not have to find a new vendor Buyer and vendor β†’

Case study on illegal drugs

Although the majority of drugs are illegal, there legal drugs which can be purchased with the help of the special medical prescription if the person is ill and requires these drugs to reduce pain. The best method to prepare a worthy and logically-composed case study is to follow the advice of a free example case β†’

Discussion questions 2

DISCUSSION The development of organizational strategy is a complex process, which consists of a numerous business approaches that if employed lead to the successful performance and growth of the business. Achieving of these targets and thus successful strategy creation can be done through utilizing a series of " hows" that enables the company to plan β†’

Conduct a brief participant observation

Aside from the prices of the food that are way cheaper than the usual restaurants I go to, this greasy restaurant lacks the cozy atmosphere that other restaurants I went to. It could, however, be because they make room for other customers who will be coming by to have their piece of meal for the β†’

Sophies world outline

She learned that things in nature are in a constant state of transformation. Early philosophers shared a belief that there had to be a certain basic substance at the root of all change.B.

The murder of roger ackroyd

The novel begins with the murder of Roger Ackroyd, a wealthy man living in the village of King's Abbot. Sheppard, the narrator of the novel, uses the puzzle metaphor to describe the mystery of Ackroyd's murder: It was rather like a jigsaw puzzle to which everyone contributed their own little piece of knowledge or discovery.

And this important authority of judicial review

The Constitution of the United States gives to the Centre, inter alia, power over the armed forces of the country and the means of communication and transport. The Supreme Court interpreted armed forces to mean the army, the navy and the air force.