2 Pages Essay Samples

Nursing for 2011-12

Scholarship essay I have always cherished the dream to pursue a career in nursing due to the interest I have in serving patients. Hence, I kindly request you to grant me the scholarship and enable me to complete my studies in the nursing field.

Why did the united states declares war on great britain in 1812 could this war have been avoided

However, the issues that caused a strain on the Anglo-American relationship may have been the cause of America's entrance into the war. Also, Britain's lack of respect for the maritime rights that the Americans enjoyed propelled the American congress to vote to go to war.

The use of force

Based on how the story begins, it is clear that the relationship between the doctor and the family was formal. The way the parents talked about the doctor such as when the mother said " such a nice man"., shows they liked him.

My reflection

In the article Jeffrey Trawick-Smith highlights the different types of disabilities, their characters and the different approaches required to understand their magnitude in early childhood development. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 defined the critical aspects of the rights and benefits of people with disabilities.

How organizational policies and procedures can impact ethics

The main argument is that rules and policies are usually followed and therefore, it forces individuals to commit to a common goal and perform a common action. It is because of those individuals that policies and procedures may have a negative impact to organizational ethics.

The sociology of groups and the economics of incentives

In here, they try to distinguish the avenues and factors that provide the necessary motivation and incentives applied by institutions and organizations towards their employees. I began to decipher and understand that in economic analyses, the elements can be aligned to actively to justify the occurrence of a particular idea or event.

A terrible accident

I was so happy when I got it, because all the kids in my neighborhood had one. When I finally got to my driveway, I was going so fast that I could not stop.

Stand and deliever article review

Summary Fromm 2003 to 2009, the use of VHA outpatient care nationwide by women grew by 47 percent, and the demand is expected to increase even more as thousands of women veterans return from Iraq and Afghanistan. From 2000 to 2012, 76 women received breast cancer treatment; the time from diagnosis to the start of →

Parents magazine analysis assignment

In addition to identifying the intended audience, state the major purpose of the magazine. Some of the purposes of a magazine can be to promote a political or moral purpose, to inform, to sell products, and to entertain.

Collaboration and peer reviews

Each team member will have their own personal views about how to complete a project, so if each person can share their thoughts with the group, a much better method can be come up with. The same can sometimes be true in collaborating on a project everyone thinks that they know what is best for →

Personal statement example

I have earned my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue School of Engineering and Technology in Indianapolis in which I secured a CGPA of 3. I chose to study the course of Financial Engineering at the University of Southern California because I see USC as a leader in the very field as well as →

Case study

The patient's urine is dark amber with a specific gravity of 1.028. When reviewing the patient's laboratory results the nurse notes the BUN is 60 and a creatinine of 1.2.1.

Enrollment system

Everything has changed because of the hightechnologypeople acquired now and these are the results of the studies made by the professional. This study is conducted in order to improve the recording of the enrollment of Lahug Christian School.

The manual method compered to ict

To do this I would take a piece of paper and pencil and draw the company logo and either by freehand, or with the use of stencils could have written out all of the information required and then included the vacancy details. THE BENEFITS OF ICT The use of ICT is of great benefit for →

Mutual funds

The growth and maturation of mutual fund industry is the greatest investment story of the twentieth century. There are a large number of schemes available in the market to cater to the different needs of the investor.

Culturas and artes

The first couple who recorded marriage in Los Angeles where the sons of farmer Basilio Rosas from the Tongva Villages. By the end of 1930 the Mexican population in Los Angeles and throughout the southwest had shifted from predominantly immigrants to U.

How important were political and economic factors in the christianization of the vikings

The Vikings were often described as being the 'people who came from Scandinavia'1, the 'fierce race of the Danes, of the Norwegians, or of the Swedes,'2 who plundered and pillaged their Christian neighbours. Although the Viking society functioned differently under the Old Norse religion to Christian societies of the time, the political and economic factors →

Dream of red chambers

After the exam, Pao-yu disappeared from the gate of the examination hall and his feeling of non-attachment from the worldly duties and affairs and from all materialist attractions diminished. And the impact the rituals had on the lives and minds of the subject and people around Chia Cheng can be well demonstrated from the sayings →

Ethics case studies

Ethical Case Studies: Questions and Answers in Research Ethics In this paper, the answers some questions regarding the ethicality of three experiments: the Tearoom Sex Study, the Milgram Experiment, and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. What is alarming is the fact that there were even instances of deception on the part of those who conducted the →

The in a classroom as it is

The Easel Blackboard: This is one of the best varieties of a blackboard consisting of an easel and a separate board. Both the sides of such a board can be used and it is possible to conceal one side by turning the board.

Cause related marketing assignment

The corporation gains an image of social consciousness, while the not for profit receives valuable marketing publicity, and, in some cases, money. The not for profit gains valuable publicity, and money to further its mission and the corporation presents an image of social consciousness, and an increased customer base.

Dna vaccination essay

The order of bases in DNA corresponds to the ordering of amino acids to form the proteins. The making of a DNA vaccine

Linking of markets essay

The nature of demand conditions for the firm's or industry's products and services is important because it determines the rate and nature of improvement and innovation by the firms in the nation. This advantage is enhanced when buyers pressure the industry to innovate quickly and frequently, and become a part of economic market.

Fruits and vegetables

Papaya is an excellent source of Vitamin C and carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A in the body.3. Dry fruits like apricots, raisins and dates are storehouses of calcium and iron, essential for the strengthening of bones and maintaining good blood, respectively.


Advantages of a database over the Instructor's current system would be; organization of data Into one location rather than across several spreadsheets, and ease and speed regarding both data storage and retrieval. The database will be large enough to retain Information of students no longer enrolled In the class as well as that of current →

Best buy case study

Actions to gain sales and market share by adjusting pricing, product features, product styling, quality, customer service, product selection, or other product or service attributes: - I believe that some of the actions that Best Buy took to gain sales and market share were: TV advertising, competitive marketing in the television industry and holiday season, →

An ancient gesture essay sample

The poets use the legend of Ulysses as the background of the poems. On the other hand, The Sirens was alludes to the story between Ulysses and the sirens indirectly.

Potato catalyst lab essay sample

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to use potatoes as the catalase source, and record observations of the breakdown of the hydrogen peroxide toxin by the potato's enzyme catalase. If the amount of hydrogen peroxide is increased, then the amount of bubbles will be an indicator of the enzyme breakdown.

400-500 word essay about your monster essay sample

In the barrow of Skalunda in Sweden, just a hundred years after the great king and hero known as Beowulf have died, a loud howl was heard from beneath the earth. Though no sound is coming from the creature of light, in the mind of Beowulf, the words are as clear as water in a →

Business & the role of accounting

This is because all activities and transactions that occur before the balance sheet date must be included in the financial statements. For the given scenario, since the liability was incurred before the balance sheet date, hence it is an adjusting entry and must be recorded in the financial statements.

Discussion week 1b

Antecedents of the Accounting Profession al Affiliation Antecedents of the Accounting Profession According to Willard Stone article the Antecedent of the accounting profession, it is clear that just like the law industry, accounting is one of the oldest professions globally. The first written language of accounting systems constitutes the use of symbols in various memoranda →

Sensory and messy play essay

Since messy play is not about a finished product, children who may not be as outgoing as others can build confidence in these activities. Children gain a greater understanding of cause and effect why does not the bubble wrap pop when I stand on it?

Kant on milgram’s perils of obedience

To some evaluated participants, the case describes their disobedience with the standards of morality given the provision of a governing or instructing authority. However, Kant subjects a restriction to an individual to resist conflict of the morality of one's own, with his adherence to the authority.

Mass spectrometer design report

The specifications of the mass-spectrometer as designed here are given in section 2. Section 5 contains a checklist comparing the characteristics and performance of the vice against the original specifications.

Network design

Thus, the time took to analyze the network to completing it is dependent on the amount of cash we invest in carrying out this activity. Performance of the network and security tradeoff.

What role should businesses play in solving social/environmental problems

Through the combination of input factors and the use of output, the business meets different needs of the society. In this respect, business ventures have a duty and capability to resolve some of the social issues directly or indirectly.

Td log501 case 3

Therefore, LP is highly applicable in the determination of the best outcome in terms of the maximum returns or the lowest costs. LP is widely used in the emerging field of Logistics management in a variety of ways.

Public health and the law

The laws on insurance These laws ratified by the legislature necessitate the covers on the motor vehicles against accidents and the relevant liabilities connected to the incidence of the insured peril. The laws defined the relationship between the human, the motor vehicle, and the highway to reduce the possibilities of crashing.

Supreme being and created things: rene descartes, principles of philosophy

The philosopher is of the view that the entire universe, infinite in nature and scope, has been created out of one and the same substance, without any difference between the celestial and terrestrial matters, where different objects are continuously moving under the law being regulated by some Supreme Force, which reveal the perfection of God →

Thus, to the section according to which

Thus, house-breaking involves commission of house-trespass if the offender either enters the house or any part of it in any of the six ways described herein; or if he is already in the house or any part of it either for the purpose of committing an offence or after having committed an offence therein, he →

Discuss the primary purpose of financial markets assignment

Because of this, a financial institution is used to facilitate the flow of funds from the lender to the borrower. Since the primary purpose of financial markets is facilitating the flow of funds this is seen as acceptable.

Analytical research

Course Date Analysis of Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return Net present value denotes the sum of the present values within cash flows or time series that are both incoming and outgoing. 15 PROFIT CASHFLOW STATEMENT YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 NET PROFIT 73400 78740 94374 90312.

Why people should ride a bicycle

If you choose to ride your bicycle to drive a short distant trip, you will can decrease gasoline consumption, improve the quality of your life, and protect ourenvironment. Another good reason to riding your bicycle is that it can improve the quality of your life.

Do video games cause violence?

Playing violent video games provides a safe outlet for aggressive and angry feelings. This clearlyillustrates that there is no correlation between violent behavior and playing video games.

The importance of the space race assignment

S history because of the significance of the battle between democratic society and totalitarian communism, because it brought an end to the Cold War, and because it led into further joint ventures between the United States and the Soviet Union, including the first space station. Since the United States reached the moon first, it was →

Paradigm shift

Driverless Cars are coming in the near future I think because we already have cars where we can talk to it to call people or set a GPS and things of this nature. Cars are always changing and now its just a waiting game to get to where these things will be apart of the →

How to use harvard referencing in assignments

It is, therefore, a mandatory requirement to make reference to the sources on which it is based for the following reasons: Usually, references are used in the academic works to indicate to the reader that the information provided is based on scientific evidence. It is a standard rule to use referencing in the text when →

Malaysia politics history essay sample

The politics of Malaysia takes place in the framework of a federal representative democratic constitutional monarchy, in which the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong is head of state and the Prime Minister of Malaysia is the head of government. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature, though the executive maintains a certain level of →

What and y nucleotides. adding new letters to

I found Molecular Biology Of The Gene by Levine, Watson, Baker and Introduction into Cell Biology by Chentsov both fun and important in understanding some of the new concepts of modern biology. This will definitely expand the usage of synthesized biological proteins in medicine and well beyond.

Cause & effect essay: tsunamis

The movie is a dramatization of a real event that shocked the entire world. Tsunamis reach coastal areas the quickest, landing enormous waves on the shore in a manner that can tear buildings apart and sweep people and vehicles away.

The economy today

Once you get a taste of luxury and not having to worry about something costing too much, the prospect of losing it scares you. I do not know, it seems to me that before this, most people took their jobs for granted and they had few worries about anything.

7 signs your sibling is depressed assignment

All the while, you are using the sector of your brain with is your interpersonal intelligence. I believe that if you can find the sunshine behind the phraseology, then you are more likely to remember it and smile.

Mangal pandey

A sepoy working under the British East India Company, Mangal Pandey's name got etched into the pages of the Indian history after he attacked his senior British officers in an incident, which is today remembered as the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 or the India's First War of Independence. And this was the main reason behind →

Critical thinking week 1 assignment

More and more businesses are recognizing the dangers of bad environmental practices and have agreed to take part in the rejuvenation of the world, we just need to continue to spread the news to keep the environment safe and clean for many centuries to come and this is my goal by submitting this to the →

Psychological case study

In 1961 she received a state scholarship to Seaplane College in Atlanta and while in attendance became active in the Civil Rights Movement. There she continued to be involved In the Civil Rights Movement and received her BAA degree In 1965.

To build a fire in the dog’s point of view assignment

I do not want to go, but he makes me follow him. He is going to where the other food and fire providers are, and I really want to make it there soon, for I am very hungry and cold.

Prevent elder abuse

The Project P.E.A.- Prevent Elder Abuse Aiming to address the increasing number of reported elder abuse cases, The Project P.E. Electronic version of the newsletter will also be available among subscribers to update recent cases and developments in relation to Project P.E.A.

Creative destruction and reconstruction

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I want to become a real doctor, but I want to be able to practice the knowledge I have accumulated in my present career. I have made my research and discovered that from being a radiologic technologist, I can take additional courses so that I →

Blood coagulation

The coagulation process occurs as a result of two steps: The first, Primary Homeostasis, is characterized by activation of the platelets for the formation of a plug at the punctured site. More materials are then released by the bound platelets boosting their clumping thus helping the plug formation Another step, Secondary Homeostasis, is characterized by →

Starting a club at your high school

Starting a club at your local high school should not be any of the follow: a free leadership position, to brag about how you started a club, or simply to look good on your college resume. Furthermore, in most schools, there is an adviser for the club make sure you find a suitable teacher to →

Impact of light and electron microscope on cell theory essay sample

The introduction of both the light and electron microscope had a dramatic effect on the development of the cell theory and the study of cells altogether. The light and electron microscope enabled scientists to observe and study the smallest units of life.

International estate planning benchmark assignment 8

International E Planning affiliation International E Planning Under the United s international e laws, Residentsand non-residents of the United States can benefit from the benefit trust, therefore, Cynthia can set up benefits for her sons even if they are non-residents in the United States but pay tax as American citizens. On the other hand, it →

Freed slaves

The concept of freedom for these families only meant that they were no longer owned by someone; they continued to live their lives in familiar places doing what they had always done. For them, the transition from slavery to freedom made little difference in how they eventually led their lives.

Marketing communication

Target audience Nothing is more important in designing and developing an effective marketing and communication plan than defining the target audience. Sales Promotion Sales promotion will be a key ingredient in the marketing and communication campaign of Viejas.

A whether the woman intruding into her

A Muslim wife, who lives separately due to her husband's second marriage, is entitled to claim maintenance allowance under the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. Apparently, there appears to be a conflict between the Muslim personal law and the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code on the point of wife's claim of maintenance whose →

Wheatley and equiano persuasive essay

Pain has purpose, and am so thankful that Equation allowed his experience to bring awareness to the horrors of slavery. His ratings focused on slavery and the things he saw while he was in bondage.

Personal statement example

I have now decided to follow my heart and complete my medical program from the University so that I can continue to serve the people who would benefit from my professional expertise. Throughout my career as a medical professional, I have been proactively involved in the well-being of my patients as well as with the →

Dynamics of crime and delinquency

This is a characteristic of a democracy, and it plays a role in ensuring there is peace and stability within the state. Question Number Two: Under this statement, Baccaria means that the stronger members of the society are guilty of oppressing the weaker members of the society.

Hospital financial management

The results give a point value of 1 and that is way much above the expense expectation of the hospital which was to have an expenditure of 100%. The other reason for better financial performance of the hospital is because of the better turn out of patients both in and out patient, the benefits given →

The poor people to the common people,

The hysteria of Salem and the US have had many of the same effects such as what happened due to the hysteria, who was involved, and what lives were lost. Many people in both Salem and the US were involved and died.

20s – al capone & organized crimes assignment

The goal of the prohibition was to have the men stay away from lcohol and go to work, and prevent the Americans from spending money on alcohol instead of daily supplies. However, the prohibition of alcohol seemed to have the opposite effects on American life.

Cisco cisco wireless-n dual radio ap-wap 131 back

Concurrent dual-band radios are used by the Cisco Wireless Dual-N Radio AP-WAP131 to provide better network coverage and improved user capacity. Wi-Fi Protected Access and wireless transmission encoding with powerful encryption, both are supported by the Cisco Wireless Dual-N Radio AP-WAP131 to enhance reliability and safe guard sensitive business information.

Inclusive lesson plan

Children's cultural diversity is likely to emerge as a challenge especially to a teacher who is used to teaching in monoculture set up. According to Warnock, it is imperative that curriculum developers pay attention to the needs of students.

Use linked in account for high business development

Use Linked In account for high business development Linked In recommended for business The connectivity of Linked In is very big. Linked In tips for workability of business The Linked In is a type of social media which gives help to job workers as well as businessmen.

Skeleton for marge piercy

Ashley Zogba November 30, 2010 Skeleton #1 Colors passing through us by Marge Piercy: In the collection of poems, Colors passing through us, Marge Piercy expressed her feelings and her perspection of life through her eyes using references to colors, and other daily life things." Blue as still water. She uses the arrival of a →

Notions she appears inferior, it is because

Marriage is the end and be all of their existence. Here is a vital clue to the so-called intellectual inferiority of woman.

Summer vacation

If the length of summer break was cut, students would not forget as much material and teachers would not have to waste as much time reviewing material. In response to this I would say that it does not help them in the long run if they lose most of what they learned because of summer →

An american gheel

People with mental illness in the community try live a meaningful life and giving them a chance at community integration allows them the context of the recovery treatment model. My neighborhood has the capability of taking on a similar role as the Geel because members of my community are ready to embrace the realities of →

Benefits of pursuing a hobby essay

While there are many benefits of pursuing a hobby during your free time, it can even be said to be of importance to continue your hobby throughout the day for short periods of time. A great part of the hobby is that you do not need to be ill to benefit.

Alternative energy

The only drawback to wind turbines is the space needed to build these. These are the three best ways to create alternative energy and also reduce the amount of pollution that goes into the air.

Why america isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore

However, the protagonist anchor in the video clip indicates that America is no longer the greatest country in the world. The anchor points out that America is " seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in maths, the twenty-second in science, hundred and seventy-eighth in infant mortality, forty-ninth in life expectancy, and third in median household income".

Information technology

Description: CCleaner enhances system performance by identifying unnecessary files and cleaning them from the system after getting a confirmation from the user. Worth the price: For a free software, the question might be rephrased to " is it worth to download and use?".

The best solution for pmi

It is therefore critical that the firm must employ intelligent technology to not track individual transactions but also the selling and buying patterns and behaviors of its members. In this regard, it is also critical that eBay must further refine its organizational business model to accommodate increasing demands and threats.


Sex is what constitutes to the biological difference of an individual in terms of chromosomes and the internal as well as external sex organs, while gender is the characters that a society refers as being masculine or feminine, for instance in the society there are various roles to be performed by a man and there →

The price of discontentment and materialism

She and her husband bought a new one to replace the lost necklace. Hence, she paid a literal and figurative cost for her materialism.de Maupassant uses a remarkable twist, where the ending must have destroyed Mathilde.

Summary for the uploaded article (2)

The Diachrony of clitics: Phonology and syntax The Diachrony of clitics: Phonology and syntax The article examines the use of clitics in written languages. The comprehensive analysis reveals how the English language is structured and the manner in which Wackernagel's law is applicable to sentences Hale, 2007.

Success story : 

First brand to recognize and harness the power of the Indian rural market. Recent Developments: Recent Developments The company has relaunched Nirma Yellow Washing Powder and Nirma Beauty Soap, two of its strongest brands.

Yongzheng emperor

By centralizing imperial control he gains the ability to control the nation as a whole and his citizens as one unified society rather than a disordered society. Some of his policies that demonstrated his focus on centralization of imperial control included eliminating gentry tax breaks and folding the head tax into the land tax, and →

Photosynthesis reflecting it, while absorbing other colors

The site of photosynthesis is the chloroplast, which are disc-shaped organelles found in the mesophyll of the leaf in the palisade layer. Water is important to photosynthesis because it splits into oxygen and two hydrogen ions, and uses the electrons to replace the lost electrons of photosystem II in the light-dependent reaction.

Profile a business

Currently, the hospitality industry is in a boom due to the increase in the middle class populations who have been looking for products that would match their interest and class. It took Sean two weeks to get a premise from the Indian family and three weeks to renovate it and start business.

One language spoken worldwide essay

This can be supported by the fact that modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca is the dominant language or in some instances even the required international language of communications, science, information technology, business, seafaring, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. This can be supported by the fact that more and more bands →

Week 2 chrchpoint essay

To do this, the program should input the name and price of an item and its weight in pounds and ounces. Then it should determine and display the unit price of that item and the total cost of the amount purchased.

Managemen knowledge

Lack of knowledge of what is the customer's demand and preference leads to losses to the firm or an organization. Organization is also a pillar of knowledge management: its main objective is to support the value for knowledge management.

People’s health as the most important think in their life

I have always felt that my mission in life is helping other people. With the course of time, as I learnt more about the world and my place in it, the picture started taking shape.

Kindred: gender and class notes

Scientist have studied in the past the genetic make-up and anatomy in African Americans in order to prove that there are differences between whites and blacks. In 1976, women were allowed to join the workforce at their own will and had rights that women in the past were withheld from.