2 Pages Essay Samples

Importance of education

Education is the greatest wealth one can attain in this world and it is a necessity in today's world. Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use.

A discussion on islamic militancy

Islam is an age old religion that espouses spirituality, and calls for a life of worship, faith work and submission to the will of a supreme being called Allah by following rules, set forth in the pillars of the Islamic faith, in the teaching found in the holy book the Koran β†’

Why do muslims consider prophet muhammad a religious and political role model essay examples

Prophet Muhammad.was both a religious and secular personality than any other in the world. He was a religious person in a sense that he preached Islam among people by his good deeds and words. This is why, Prophet Muhammad.is known by his kind deeds and words. He was the most liberal hearted of men, the β†’

Human caring variations essays example

The number of visitors is not limited and therefore crowding of the patient's room or rather space in a hospital is not much of an issue in the Muslim community. No matter the efforts shown by the caregiver, little appreciation for the efforts is granted to the caregiver. Caring of patients in a Muslim setting β†’

State building essay sample

The process of state building was a result of many transformations with religion, the ability to conquer and rule and political impacts. Trying to formulate a stable economy and political systems were beneficial to the growth of the empire.

The prophet muhammad’s last sermon

Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and TAKE THIS WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery.

Qualities and facts about islam

Following are some of the best qualities and facts about Islam: Muslims are united behind the simple straight forward fact that they have to " Worship and Answer" to one and only God. It is the easiest and quickest to join, by expressing your belief in one sentence before God. Islam is quite logical, β†’

Alexander c. faltado

N Given this 9th day of December, 2004 at De Ocampo Memorial College Sta. Formaran M.A.N, R.

Biography of andres bonifacio

Absorbing the teachings of classic rationalism from the works of Jos Rizal, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, Eug ne Sue's The Wandering Jew, books on the French Revolution, and the lives of the presidents of the United States, Bonifacio acquired an understanding of the dynamics of the socio-historical process. When the Liga was dissolved upon the β†’


From brewing and bottling of what is one of the largest selling cervezas and among the top 10 beer brands in the world, San Miguel has expanded its business to food and packaging. The company has strategically positioned its breweries in the country to ensure the freshness and availability of the product and so as β†’


2004 " Stress Management of Public Elementary School Heads and Teachers of San Narciso, Quezon" (Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Northeastern Philippines, Iriga City) AURELLANO, ARIEL A. 2001 " Leadership Style, Motivational Pattern and Job Performance of Municipal Agriculture Officers in the Bicol Region (Unpublished Dissertation, University of Northeastern Philippines, Iriga City) FERRER, DANILO M.

Noli me tangere

The story is not to tickle the heart but to bombard it with truths hard enough to awaken its consciousness. Jose Rizal wanted the readers to have.

Good critical thinking about daily questions

Some questions are simple enough such that a database query will give the correct answer. However, for most questions, a query to a database will be ineffective due to the complex nature of the decision-making process and the parameters surrounding the question. One of the questions is what to eat for β†’

Everybody and an approach to business. secondly, besides

In order to have the best team of professional businesspeople and attract customers, marketing is inevitable. That is why I pursued a bachelor in business administration with an emphasis in finance. My interest in gaining numerous skills that relate to business and technologyis based on the fact that these skills are a must-have in order β†’

Danger of cell phone

Huffing Post conducted a research call " Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone? " Huffing Post concluded in their survey that 66 percent of American is afraid to be separated from their phone. Why is that percentage bad? Someone relationship, love ones and employment could be terminated because of there addiction to β†’

A week without computers & internet

The new generation uses the internet & computers for a variety of reasons, so to live without them would definitely be difficult. I use the internet for being in touch of my friends & family who are staying in a different corner of the world, or for doing some research on assignments , also to β†’

My story my life me

Surfing the internet on your mobile, browsing the latest news, views, and reviews can be considered as much a con of cell phones as it is a pro. A cell phone is a mobile communication device in the way of: telephone calls, SMS, e-mail, and instant messaging services 2.

The influences of mishandling mobile phones

The influences of mishandling mobile phones Fok Ho Yin 12007268D In recent years, mishandling mobile phones has caused amounts of social and safety risks. The use of mobile phones increases the risk of road crash while driving automobile (Bener et al.

The cons of texting and driving

It was taught in Driver's Ed to always keep your eyes on the road and just how do you suppose you will do that if you are enthralled by the world's latest technology? The bottom line is that paying attention and keeping your eyes on the rode are main instructions taught to you in Driver's β†’

Rhetorical analysis

She is writing to inform teenagers and other drivers about the dangers of driving while texting. Even though Hughes makes some excellent points in her column, she may not be the most qualified person to be writing about the dangers of texting and how tempting it may be.

Life in the 1950s or 2000s

Life in the 1950s or 2000s Monday, Febuary 11 2013 By: Lexie Barnes Would I rather live in America in the 1950s or America in the 2000s? So the suicide rights would forsure be lower then in the 2000s, and there was a lot less drama Secondly, in the 1950s, everything was a lot β†’

Should drivers be prohibited from using cell phones while driving

Talking on the phone while driving can be distracting. Using your phone to send a text message or hold a conversation, is one of the main things that distracts drivers in present time.

Mobile maiden

I wiggle my toes in the gritty sand and lift my face to the sky from where rain drops start to fall. In the same way, I too will remain close to my mother's heart for eternity that phone looks like it will stay around for a while.

Mobile phone and social media

The people I communicate with the most on Faceable are not the people that I am closest to in life. I am able to stay in touch with these people in a way that I would not be able to without Faceable. We are able to share articles, books, recipes, and ideas.

How has technology affected your life?

One of the useful products of technology would be the television. Another part of technology in my life would be the mobile technology.


Introduction Generation Z is a young but mighty group of consumers under the age of 18. Who is Generation Z? * Teens, tweens and children born between 1995 and 2010 * 4 Defining Traits & Behaviors * 1) Competing for AttentionGrowing up with Internet, cell phones, laptops and other devices creates a β†’

Competitor analysis of sri lanka telecom

Although other competitors such as Hutch, Etisalat, and Lankabell exist in the market, they only hold a minor percentage of the total market. Unlike many ither products that usually have an untapped portion in the market, the telecommunication voice and data industry is one that has reached a majority of the total population as of β†’

Why smart phones should be banned in class

Below we will discuss the many reasons why it might not be a good idea to allow the use of cell phones in the classroom. There are many reasons why cell phones should not be allowed in the classroom.

How the use of mobile phones in schools can be beneficial

My genuine opinion on the declaration is that there is numerous ways a mobile phone can assist you on school premises yet this comes with a downside The dominant cause why mobile phones where prohibited from schools was because scholars would regularly prowl around on their mobile phones, phones also agitated scholars but you β†’

Mobile phones in our life

For example, a really big advantage is that with mobile phones we can communicate with people all over the world, no matter where we are. We can also text, which is like sending letters in the old days, but text messages are faster to write and you receive them quicker. Actually, I β†’

Melissa washington

When you want the respect and to be acknowledge from the young and the talk and respectful ability is lacked, who wants to speak to the person. The youth of over generation does not have much etiquette but to change must start immediately.

Factors making the game pokΓ©mon go a global phenomenon

Factors leading to its smashing success social engagement, the most critical source of joy in the game that it cultivated, and second, the evoked nostalgia to connect people together. Pok mon Go has become a viral phenomenon as it makes use of social influence which social groups (deliberately or unintentionally) exerts pressure on others and β†’

Cell phones and society

Also for some, the cell phone has become so central to their communications needs that they lose track of the expenses associated with their phones. Another student at BFA, Clay Blackwood, said, " I do not feel a need to use my cell phone regularly, because it does not have control over me." Fully two-thirds β†’


How well the company did and what the company will do to be completive in today's changing world of mobile phones. Synopsis of the Situation The situation of the Vertu is how the company can survive in today's world of technology changes.

Pestel analysis brazil

IT is a sector in which Brazil has been improving and is currently one of the top 50 in the world. Brazil is currently one of the top ten textile and denim producers in the world. In fact, there are more than thirty thousand companies in the Brazilian that produce textiles.

Swot analysis: british airlines

This could be done through SOOT analysis. Definition of SOOT : A SOOT Analysis is a helpful tool which helps in analyzing the strength, weakness, Opportunity, and threats of any business venture and It helps in giving a direction to planning and assists in taking informed decisions too. Internal Factors: Strengths: It has β†’

Swot analysis of walt disney

Such as Paxar, Marvel, and JET they able to increase their profits and revenue 0 Interactive Media- overall unprofitable. THREATS 0 Increase of piracy in movie industry which leads to the company's DVD sales declined.

Pest analysis for proton

As a result, the government of the country is expecting a slow economic growth for the country, which can affect the buying behavior of the customers. Furthermore, it had increased the competition, which will impact the performance of Proton. Social The growing population in the country is one of the factors which can β†’

Swot of parknshop

As a supermarket that have they own mission that the mission, vision, and values tenement of each major retail grocery store and supermarket chain in the HIKE defines their brand, culture, and customer experience. Each mission, vision and values statement is as unique as the merchandise and shopping experience of each individual supermarket. β†’

Demographic structure

Leisure activities - since people are reducing their working hours for leisure activities, these reductions could mean more time for most consumers to buy goods and services without time pressures. Means of transportation - the most monumental impact of this relates to the physical capacity to convey passengers and goods and the associated β†’

Article summary the pestel analysis

Article Summary The PESTEL analysis provides overview of political, economical, legal, social, technological and environmental factors that affect functioning of UK country hotel. Analysis of environmental factors shows that tourists are not willing to spend holidays in the carbon commission place.

Swot and long pest on kerrygroup persuasive essay

Serology Strengths Wide Range of Pork Products Number of different types of products - Different target markets Consistently top 5 selling in each category Core Technological strengths in savory, sweet nutritional systems (research and Developments Close working relationship with retail customers to successfully develop business relationship One of the leading consumer brands β†’

Pest analysis of proton

The purpose of this document is towards the center of attention on the matter of proton within conditions of confronting dissimilar quandaries within the Malaysia as well as worldwide automotive business eloped region. Malaysia is mainly a traveler concern market and the trade is well thought-out as a national market- directed.

How to combat inflation

In order to reduce the inflation rate, government should monitor the growth of GDP. One of the ways to reduce the inflation rate in Malaysia is by increasing the deposit rate so that people will save more and spends less.

Example of research paper on biological influences – neurotransmitters

The excitatory neurotransmitters are those that cause the brain to perform certain physiological functions while the inhibitory neurotransmitters bring balance to these functions that are designed to suppress or inhibit them. The functions of the neurotransmitters in the body are significant as the neuronal signals transmitted by them influence bodily function. β†’

Good fats and bad fats research paper example

Good and Bad Fats Fats can be classified as saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated cis fats have similar structures to saturated fats and are easy to deposit in the body.

Good essay on conversational analysis

I will analyze not only the utterance of the speaker, but the manner of behavior, body language, as well. The language was flawless. The peculiarity of the conversation was the intonation and the tone of the speaker.

Journal replies essay sample

Having a set of guidelines that political leaders can adopt and follow will help ensure that ethical leadership is maintained in the political leadership. Therefore, employing the use of the political prudence tool is a vital component in ensuring that their ethical leadership.

Why i believe i can be an entrepreneur essay sample

In one of his interviews, Steve Jobs said " When you grow up, you are told the world is the way it is and you are existence is just to live in this world without bashing into the walls too much...to have a nice family life...and to save a little money. The most important moment β†’

Entrepreneurs pitch underwater products for life-changing investments

On the show we put new outdoor products to test as the entrepreneurs behind the creations pitch me, NFL linebacker Dhani Jones, and the Co-Founder of Boost Mobile Craig Cooper to invest in their companies and products. This week we dive into the shark-infested waters of the Bahamas to decide if we want to invest β†’

College entrepreneurs do good and make money

Aaron and Ryan only had a couple of hundred dollars to start their business, but they were able to run their business and start with a small amount of capital. We do not need to start gigantic to create a successful business. We also think that the fact that Ryan and Aaron were young and β†’

Evolution period and the third phase on post-1990

The three banks merged in 1921 to form the imperial bank of India and afterIndia's independence the bank became the state bank of India. The between theperiod of 1906 and 1911 there was the establishment of banks inspired by theswadeshi movement. FIRSTPHASE ON PRE-1951 PERIOD: Indian financialsystem before 1951 had with the theoretical model of β†’

Research in social entrepreneurship

Structure - The goal of the article is to bridge the gap between the current understanding of social entrepreneurship and an enhanced knowledge that could aid in researching and fostering this emerging field.- The article analyzes the current state of intellectual exchange among scholars and highlights potential areas of improvement.- The β†’

How entrepreneurs can impact on the economy

Realizing both the economic and social contact of entrepreneurship, many countries and local communities have executed antagonistic strategies aimed at taming and nurturing entrepreneurs. In alignment for governments to competently evolve principles that will foster entrepreneurship, they should first realise the distinction between entrepreneurs and little business proprietors, common misconceptions about entrepreneurs, and where entrepreneurs β†’

Supervisor : administrative position in various business areas

A supervisor Is defined as " someone who supervises as In a large business or enterprise," supervise Itself means " to be In charge of : to watch and direct " this means that the Job Is still built and run with the same basic and fundamental Ideas of β†’

My understanding of the essence of entrepreneurship

Accordingly, the development of entrepreneurship - one of the main challenges facing the company in the market economy. In other words, the business - it is a dynamic process of building wealth.

What it takes to achieve sustained team loyalty

In such a world where nothing is sure, creating teamloyaltyor employee stickiness is essential, and an outcome born of many elements that marry people, purpose and process. To scratch the surface, let's look at four of the many factors that I have personally understood to help create sustained team loyalty: Recognizing the best in everyone: β†’

Elon musk says we’re likely living in a video game. are we?

Given that rate, he says, the chance we are not living a simulation is actually quite small. You bet the far-out founder of Tesla and SpaceX has pondered the possibility a lot." I have had so many simulation discussions it's crazy," he told co-founder Josh Topolsky last night at Recode 's Code Conference. Of β†’


The monopolist in this situation must be aware profit maximization entails the total cost-total revenue aspect specifically depends on the idea that the business profits are equal to the revenue minus cost hence focusing on maximizing the differences. The main answer to this is because of the total revenue and the total variable costs.

Ebay & paypal

With more than 94 million active users globally, eBay is the world's largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything. Their collective impact on e-commerce is staggering: In 2010, the total worth of goods sold on eBay was $62 billion - more than $2, 000 every second.

Types of e-commerce

One of the most typical examples is AMAZON. COM Information disseminator Company offers up-to-date source of information of a specific nature. Better purchasing prices from suppliers: The nature of the competitiveenvironmentin e-commerce allows for more pricing information and results in lowering costs to producers.


E-commerce E-Commerce Most of the advertisements on the Internet about firewalls talk of various firewalls, which are all rated as being the best. In addition, it has also been categorized as the fastest firewall. A scenario of the NetScreen firewall installation is for an organization that I worked for.


The primary reason for this Is that in a typical supply chain there will be many transactions Involving sub components or raw materials, and only one transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. Branding is a term used in marketing. The overall volume of 82 Bar this is that β†’

Big and amongst them the first one

The increase of the storagecapacity, processing power and the availability of data makes the big data'sgrowth rapidly. Themain three reasons why Big Data matters is, New data, unlocking value andShaping the future. A huge amount of data is generated in every second.

Benefit of e-commerce

E-procurement, commonly known as supplier exchange comprises of B2B purchase and sales of supplies done through the internet using information systems like ERP. Now if someday, any salesperson wants to make an important sales call for a regional grocery chain. He can check the updated report of current sales order and confirm β†’

E-commerce and social commerce purchasing behaviour and what is the differences between them

DRAFT Topic: E-commerce and social commerce: understanding the difference and an investigation of purchasing behaviors of consumers in the two sectors Introduction This study aims to investigate the key differences between e-commerce and social commerce and further goes on to establish the purchasing behaviors of consumers in these sectors. Perceived usefulness e.

Social media in e-commerce

Social Media in E-commerce Social media has become very popular in the contemporary world and marketers are advised o be on this media if they have to be successful. Social media should be used together with YouTube which can be used to showcase the company products in videos. References Funk, T..

What background behind * to separate and document

This gives the look more creative and givingthe image into a new realistic and sensible background. We willfirstly remove the shadow of the light, give the bag a sharp look and keep itreal.

E-commerce and insurance in kenya

Life Insurance 101 History of Life Insurance Understanding Life Insurance Term Insurance Explained Factors That Impact Cost Life Insurance Examples Tips To Improve Your Insurance Health 10 Reasons To Buy Life Insurance 0 Reasons to Buy Life Insurance If you are one of those people who do not think they need life β†’

Electronic commerce and digital information processing

For me E-commerce Is the use of electronic communications and digital Information processing technology In business ramifications to create, transform, and redefine relationships for value creation between or among organizations and between organizations and individuals. So, as lye said e-commerce is for transaction then it is a business tool on any technical aspects β†’

Online retailing business model company analysis

In this manner, they are able to maximize their revenue while cutting costs that involve setting up of retail shops. With the vision of inspiring and getting their inspiration from cool girls all over the world, Nasty Gal intends to provide their customers with truly unique items exclusive to their brand. Customers can purchase clothes, β†’

E-commerce security

Prevention of hacking- E-commerce sites need to be able to prevent hacking so as to keep both business and customer data secure. If customer data is stolen from a business's database then It Is possible for the thieves to steal those customers' Identity, this Is known as identity theft. Identity theft involves a β†’

Hacking attacks on websites and mobile commerce (m-commerce) crime

This has also become a major threat for website owners today who provide enough space for hackers to get in. https://www.htbridge.com/publications/the_growing_hacking_threat_to_websites_an_ongoing_commitment_to_web_application_security.html Topic TWO: Mobile Commerce Crime Likewise cybercrimes, crimes on M-commerce are also on the parallel side of distinction. According to McAfee Inc malwares are approachable to smart phones which are β†’

Shoes a spider is a program within a

Our site will need to be advertised in such away that it will attract a large audience. Meta Tags: A Meta tag is data that included in codeat the beginning of the web page that contains the information to help to determine thecontents of a web page. When the user put a related search information β†’

Flat tax

Flat tax is applied on all the tax payers without any kind of deduction or exceptions allowed.Flat tax system's supporters think that it would give an initiative to the taxpayers for not being penalized with higher tax bracket and would give them incentive to earn more. A progressive-rate tax system was used in United States. β†’

Website development.the recommended activities. part 5

The purpose of this paper is to read through Lesson 5 in the informational architecture tutorial, and carry out as many of the recommended activities as possible. Core Lessons The core lessons that the author wants his readers to learn in this portion of the informational architecture tutorial deal with visual design. Included in β†’

Transport and logistics and e-commerce

of Institute] of Discipline] ' Transport and Logistics' and ' E-Commerce' Submission] The Present day advancements in information and technology are the talk of the town. A very good example of efficient and reliable third party vendors is MRL Logistics. The third party vendors such as MRL Logistics often generally renounced as ' Third Party β†’

The online internet shopping

Sainsbury's in the past two years and seem that the company is still investing high and therefore having a high gearing ratio compare to J. Sainsbury's and finally the liquidity of the company is on a middle scale whereas that, it is not holding cash and able to its debts.

E- commerce security

This form of hacking is bound to be curtailed by the installation of firewalls. The installation of a diverse and complex backup system is very influential. Back-up systems are influential in that they assist in the recovery of files in case of a crash of systems due to some of the contemporary issues that may β†’

E-commerce web solutions

With over 100+ websites developed, 40+ application software delivered and 50+ live sites hosted for a range of industries and verticals over the last 10+ years, Solutions Is serving web solution needs for early adopter entrepreneurs, startups ND Seems In domestic & International web domain. Generate Solutions specializes In developing web portals, Intranets, β†’

Building trust through e-commerce

Through the concept of " Free Information for All," I would educate my web visitors, in the simplest way possible (without giving essential information to competitors), about the process of storing their credit card information and securing it from hackers and viruses. The rationale behind " Free β†’

A review of an article (carr)

A Review of an Article The article describes the rapid advancement of IT and the extent in which businesses have embraced it over the years as the backbone of their processes in order to put them ahead competitively. However, the article argues that the value of IT in offering competitiveness to companies has β†’

Assignment example

Clift has given a detailed and conclusive argument about the role of social media and search advertising in modern business development and social media utilization. This can also be seen as a synergistic effect of social media and search engine. Q2. Chow believes that the revenue generated from social media can be a vital component β†’

E-business strategy

It brings the entire focus back in the fray of the planning domains and this is something that planning does at the end of the day. An example of this is in the form of the revolutionary changes that are taking place within the social media enterprises and networks that even the most adequately placed β†’

Electronic commerce and global impact

Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document. You may be required to present your work to the rest of your class.

The benefits of electronic commerce in today’s world

In other words, business transactions on the Web where all It takes Is a click of your mouse button and a flick of your fingers and you are on your way to being the proud owner of anything under the sun - is expected to boom beyond known limits in near future. β†’

Software for wireless devices

This means the lack of a single uniform standard is cumbersome for the software developers as they have to customize the software for each type of device with which the application has to communicate. Second, software applications need to be adapted for the specific requirements of the mobile device such as small display screens, reduced β†’

Continued review of article on hypertension

Continued Review of Article on Hypertension Continued Review of Article on Hypertension In the given statistical discussion, the most notable statistics used is experimental study because of measures the variables that have a large impact on hypertension. Overall, the rationale for using the experimental study is to help in comparing the various data sets. Reference β†’

Research report

The author of the report needs to match the material with the interests of his/her audience. The audience needs to understand the motive of the research.

Summary of recent research 7

A Handbook of Biological Statistics. seeks to demonstrate the use of the Wilcoxon signed rank test by drawing an example from in which researchers measured metal content in the wood of 13 poplar clones growing in a polluted area, once in August and once in November. Since the researchers could β†’

News update essay

For example, most countries in the Middle East do not believe the some benefits are to be enjoyed by women in the society. Furthermore, the issue of discrimination and abuse still persist in most developing countries in Africa. In a recent report compiled by James Read on the BBC website, it was alleged that even β†’

Rouse and permits a company to consolidate

ETL equipment may be used to extract and push to the records warehouse. the second step is to extract the statistics from the facts warehouse on a regular basis inside the degree region. The facts are then extracted from information Mart to the staging region then the statistics can be aggregated, summarize and lastly, loaded β†’

Spss for analyzing data with one iv and more than one dv & one-way between subjects manova

You will need to complete number 6 and write a Results section for this study. Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Download the SPSS/PASW data set that I will upload in a. You will also need to submit the SPSS Output files showing the analyses you performed in SPSS to β†’

Text: measuring economic activity

Statistics are available to show.* the level of unemployment * the level of inflation * a country's trade balance with the rest of the world * production volumes in key industries and the economy as a whole * the level of wages * raw material prices, and so forth. The main statistics illustrating the economy's β†’

Repeated measures

This study could use a between-groups design where one group of subjects would view pictures of men with moustaches while the other group viewed pictures of men without them, but the repeated-measures design is a more powerful (better chance of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis) option that can be utilized in this experimental situation. The β†’

M3a2 methods

Z-score refers to a statistical measurement of scores in relation to the mean in a group of scores. Standard scores also offer room to analysts to convert scores from different data sets into scores that can be accurately compared to each other. Typical Scenario A good scenario of where to use the z-score especially β†’