2 Pages Essay Samples

Pride and prejudice

My favorite scene is when Elizabeth and Darcy are dancing together, the scene begins with the room full of people with Elizabeth and Darcy speaking in the middle of the dance floor. My favorite scene also is when Elizabeth and Darcy run into each other at Pemberly, after Darcy has proposed and been rejected by β†’

The poisonwood bible essay example

This is the fighting for independence by Congo from Belgium, the slaying of its initial elected prime minister, the CIA coup to put in his replacement and the sinister advancement of a world economic order that robs the young African nation of its self-rule. In the novel, the story is told by Nathan's wife Orleanna β†’

Things fall apart extended response

Unoka was a very lazy man with little drive and that reflected on his success; he was a debtor, unsuccessful with yams, and a drunk." In his day he was lazy and improvident and was quite incapable of thinking about tomorrow. He saw how his father was and set himself to be the exact opposite β†’

Good essay on when you reach me by rebecca stead

The book opens the door into the world of friendship and the complications that accompany the delicate balance of friendship. The most shocking thing is the nature and the content of the letters." I am coming to save your friend's life as well as my own.

Jane austen

The writing style of Austen: Austen's writing style is a mix of neoclassicism and romanticism. Austen used her sharp and sarcastic wit in all of her writing.

To kill a mockingbird draft

The other possible mockingbird could be Arhur ' boo'radley, because he did not do anything wrong in the novel and helped Jem and Scout during the fire and when mr Ewell wanted to stab them, he saved Jem. In the small village there are told stories about Arthur who are totally nonsense. β†’

First and partly autobiographical novel by irish writer james joyce

In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the character of Dante Riordan can be likened to the figure of the devouring, consuming female which is seen in her outburst at the dinner table. Joyce employs this thought into A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, using the idea of β†’

Fahrenheit 451

Montag begins in the novel as a conformist who does not really think for himself but throughout the novel with the help of mentors he begins to think for himself and does not just conform to society. This push lead to Montag burning Beatty, which is the start of his vendetta.

Greed in “the pearl” by john steinbeck essay sample

The doctor also turns out to be greedy after the news that Kino got the pearl. There are three characters in the story who turn out to be greedy after the main character, Kino finds " the pearl of the world", the priest, the doctor and Kino.

Symbolism in ”madame bovary” by gustave flaubert essay sample

At a young age, she harbors idealistic romantic illusions, longs for sophistication, sensuality, and passion, and descends into fits of extreme boredom and depression when her life fails to match the romantic novels she treasures. Emma's bourgeois aspirations set her up to later be disappointed by Charles' unpolished boorish behavior." But it was above β†’

Analysis of the novel the broken boot

Caister thanks him for the lobster and says to himself that he's an amateur, but a nice man. Bryce-Green then asks Caister what he thinks of the state of the drama.

“things fall apart” by chinua achebe vs. “the second coming” by william butler yeats

It is important to mention that the two people who are comparable are not the poet and the writer but are the poet and the main character of the novel, Okonkwo. When the whole village and tribes fall apart because of the arrival of Christianity, Okonkwo comes to have the same feeling as the poet, β†’

Evaluation of the role of okonkwo as illustrated in achebe’s things fall apart

When a messenger came, Okonkwo hacked his head off, and when he realized that the people of his village would not arm themselves in a war against the white men, Okonkwo killed himself. Why did Okonkwo kill himself? Okonkwo was afraid of being a coward like his father.

Morality and deeper moral meaning

What is the deeper moral meaning of his claim It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but β†’

β€œto kill a mockingbird” movie review

" To Kill A Mockingbird" Movie Review Based on the book by Harper Lee, the black and white film " To Kill A Mockingbird" was a very entertaining spectacle." To Kill A Mockingbird", written through Scout's perspective, is essentially about Scout , Jem and their father Atticus Finch living in the racially divided β†’

Paradise of the blind

It is favorable to the men, and unfair to the women, who are considered to be lesser beings. She does this as Chinh is the man of the family-the heir, and so she believes she is lower to him, and is selfless.

The motif of doubles in a tale of two cities

The Motif of Doubles in A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens uses the motif of doubles throughout his novel, A Tale of Two Cities. The first paragraph is contrasting the good and the bad in all circumstances to come in the future of the novel.

Analysis of mother to son and the house on mango street

In the poem " Mother to Son", the speaker admits that her life has been difficult, but despite the hardships, she does not give up. In the novel, The House on Mango Street, Esperanza grows up in a poor neighborhood but refuses to be limited by her surroundings.

The hunger games essay sample

Is there a clear representation of Good and Evil in the novel? The Hunger Games is set in a dystopian future for North America, a world called Panem. What do you think the novel is trying to say about today's perceptions of beauty?

Fahrenheit 451

The reason that these houses along with the books are burned is because the government of this society does not want its people to read books. Ray Bradbury chose the title, Fahrenheit 451 for this novel because he says, that is the temperature at which books burn.

Okonkw’s insecurity

Okonkwo hides all his emotions under a mask because he associates any form of emotion, such as compassion and love, to being feminine. Okonkwo tries to hide his emotions from his daughter Ezinma. Another example of how Okonkwo tries to hide how he feels is when he kills his " son" Ikemefuna.

Things fall apart: inevitable changes

This can only further accentuate the idea that the changing of the Ibo tribe was inevitable, and that it was not due to Okonkwo's actions or the arrival of the missionaries. The Ibo tribe is an example of a group unwilling to adjust and collapsing because of that reluctance.

The forty rules of love essay

Shams and Rumi becomes very close, and when Sham shares the invigorating " the rules of love," Rumi transforms to a rebel mystic. She discloses the defects of the society and the beauty behind a wrecked person.

An analysis of oracle night by paul auster

Segment A of Oracle night was a very interesting segment, it was like an introductory segment where we got introduced to the main characters, and to Austers style of writing. In conclusion, segment A was a good introductory segment that introduced us to the characters, setting, and some of the themes.

One flew over the cuckoo nest

The movie is a good example of Total Institution. In the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo? s Nest the patients were removed from society and, the Head Nurse made them change the way that they went upon everything they did in life. The patients imagined that they appeared to be inferior β†’

Kite runner essay

A man with a vision." In the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Assef is characterized as a cruel sociopath; his character is created through Hosseini's use of figurative language and connotative diction. His obsession to be the leader is unusual and he is out of control as a child.

Free harlequin enterprises case study sample

Donna Hayes, the leader of MIRA team and vice president of direct marketing was vested with the responsibility of launching a new line of single-title women's fiction novel. In order to benchmark in subsequent issues regarding single title novels, the management saw it desirable to appoint a taskforce that would investigate the causes of β†’

Review of the novel one night @ call centre by chetan bhagat

His second novel ' One Night @ Call Centre', is based on a contemporary scenario at the call centres that have mushroomed all over the subcontinent. The plot of the novel unfurls on a wintry night, when the author is travelling from Kanpur to Delhi and shares the near-empty compartment with a beautiful young girl. β†’

Public outcry or just a romance

However, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe is a great novel that relies on sentimentality to give an insight to the life and treatment of slaves, and to force readers to feel that slavery must be wrong rather than solely thinking it. Stowe's incorporation of sentimentality in Uncle Tom's Cabin, allows the reader to β†’

The role of men and women in Β‘things fall apart’

Right in the first chapter we are introduced the protagonists of the novel, Okonkwo, who is given a name of a great warrior and the one who once brought the honor to his village. While reading the novel our concentration gets focused on the relationships of Okonkwo with his wives and children, especially the way β†’

Good example of argumentative essay on the farming of bones, edwidge danticat

Additionally, in the aftermath of the massacre in her novel, many Haitians are left crippled, families are broken and no one pays attention to eyewitness accounts, it seems like the damage cannot be undone. Uniquely, to give a complex account to the events prior to and after the massacre, Danticat positioned a female character, Amabelle, β†’

Lord of the flies and things fall apart comparison essay sample

In Things Fall Apart, the missionaries come in and take control of the people using religion and resulting in Okonkwo's death. In Lord of the Flies, jack takes control of the boys on Ralph's tribe using hunting. The missionaries in Things Fall Apart come into Mbanta to spread and promote the religion of Christianity.

A prayer for owen meany by john irving

The book manages to keep the reader's attention focused on the story because of the clear writing style that Irving employs. The way that John Irving narrates this story however is the main reason that it is a very good book. The method by β†’

Fahrenheit 451 essay

It shows symbolism on almost every page in the book due to the fact that most of the scenarios in the book relate to our society today. The symbol also relates to the title of the book which simply is the temperature itself showing that this book is about burning books and is confirmed with β†’

The police – inspectors of order and welfare

Community policing allows for an officer to go the extra mile and dig deeper to find the root of a problem and not just make arrests. It is important for police to be proactive in the community.

Free article review about the history of the pre-sentence investigation report

Arguably one of the most important documents in the entirety of the criminal justice system, the Presentencing Investigation Report remains a vital source of information that guides judges who have to pass sentences. As a legal term, PSI report is a purposeful investigation into the history of a convict before a sentence β†’

Essay on a separation

This was confirmed when the court of law rejected Samin's application and instead granted her a permanent separation. In this movie, Asghar Farhadi makes a good use of the basic and fundamental elements of a movie including sound and lighting. The lighting here is very important because it is what left an indelible impression on β†’

Trifles literature review example

This is reflected in the attitude of the County Attorney and Hale who seem to be more interested in the fire to warm them or what they are going to eat instead of the poor woman's plight. Wright, it's cold, am not it?" And she said, " Is it?" and went on kind of pleating β†’

Example of nursing ethics essay

They have to make a decision of who will remain on top of the building and who will go down the burning ward and save the remaining victims. According to the theory of consequentialism, which aims at maximizing the greater good for the largest number of people ; Margaret the Registered Nurse, had

Politics and judicial election essay sample

How judges use power to get media attention. Most Texan judges have adopted a strategy called creative to sentencing to win the attention of the citizens of a state. In most cases, creative sentences are weird and; therefore, it will attract attention of the media and the public domain, and since the judiciary

Good brief a case case study example

4TH 1551 Facts: According to the case, the mentioned facts were the ones roaming around the illegal deal that has taken place on the internet using the website named as Fast-Trades.com. Colt has used free subscription by using this website in 1999 and the period was 2 months long to manipulate the price β†’

Example of ethical code of conduct and standards essay

When those involved do not meet the standards of the code of conduct put forward, the organization is doomed to have problems in its running and this would mean that there would be failure of archiving the desired goals. The ethical code of conduct would come into play in criminal β†’

Types of victimization critical thinking examples

The second recommendation is the formation of a separate agency within the juvenile justice system that will support juvenile victims. How the Justice System Responds to Juvenile Victims: A Comprehensive Model.


The law is differentially combined as well as addressed. Its attention is with criminal career formation as well as not the origin of criminal acts.

Movie review on holocaust memorial

The memorial was built in memory of the Jews who were murdered in Europe. This will bring some form of bias in the Jews and the Germans. There is a Holocaust memorial in the United States of America that also was built for the Jews victims affected in the Holocaust.

Crime of obstruction to justice essay examples

There are situations whereby combination of those elements is made to start a case for crime of obstruction to justice. A case of crime of obstruction of justice is that of a female juror that was convicted on account of maintaining some form of intimate relationship with a person that was accused of β†’

The problem of catching criminals or do we want peace?

The reason this information is important is that law enforcement was created to maintain the peace and create a sense of protection and calmness in the public. Granted the apprehension of criminal reduces additional crime for reoccurring, the public is still exposed to violence or the effects of the crime. Catching someone amidst the act β†’

Crim critical thinkings example

The Supreme Court upheld that the Congress is duly authorized by the constitution to enact a legislation that authorizes the civil commitment of sexual offenders even after serving their sentence if found to be a danger to the public or to the community (United States v Comstock, et.al. It is more rational to think that β†’

Free essay on super-frog saves tokyo

To get to Worm's den, Frog and Katagiri experience a chain of places which are secret from the eyes of the wider community, similar to the metaphorical " underground" where Katagiri resided for a great deal of his previous life. Furthermore, the concept of the underground links " Super-Frog Saves Tokyo" β†’

Criminal law: assignment two essays example

In this case, the victim was right that the offender had committed the crime, but the victim violated laws and policies, which should be observed when testifying thus amounting to offender's intimidation. Question two Uniform Crime Report refers to a crime statistical report that provides reliable, credible, and accurate preliminary information about crime trends β†’

Example of on killing essay

The predisposition of killers depends on recent experiences, temperament and training. Training soldiers to kill is common in modern day because people have careers as soldiers. Avenger killers kill because of recent experiences; conditioned soldiers kill because they are conditioned to kill.

Legal writting techniques research paper example

This could consequently draw doubts to the minds of the readers. However, in the issue of the deep formation, I believe that deep issue can work out effectively to serve as an argument summary. This light issue statement would not be in a position to deliver the entire necessary essentials.

Pros and cons of plea bargain

Usually, the defense is allowed to bargain with a prosecutor to have a defendant plead guilty to a criminal accusation with the hope of getting a lighter punishment. Some advantages in terms of a defendant in a case are that a defendant may not have to pay for a fine or may get reduction in β†’

Good example of case study on brief case

98 FACTS : In 2008, the lower court in the State of Florida ordered for the manual counting of votes during the recently concluded Presidential election participated by George W. These votes came from Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade County. ISSUE : Manual recounting of the votes was not the issue but the manner β†’

University of phoenix

The finding of guilt or innocence either by trial or plea negotiation, as well as in the post-trial phase, which includes sentencing, appeals, and parole.| Appointed by the government.| Defense Attorney | Raise a reasonable doubt in just one juror's mind.| Providing a vigorous and competent defense for their clients.| Should not offer services that β†’

Example of rendition and the united states treatment of terror suspects essay

Less frequent is the form of rendition that is also termed as " extraordinary rendition" or " irregular rendition". Retrieved 3 5, 2012, from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/13/world/europe/britain-to-investigate-role-in-claim-of-torture-by-libyans.html? _r= 1 Garcia, M.J..

Crime and breaking law

According to the statistics the crime rate is about 50 % higher than it was 20 years ago, so a growth of crime is uncontrolled. For some people in Lithuania it's the only way to exist, because they may not have a job.

Good essay about law

One of the principal errors by the court was the allowance of the plaintiff's counsel to make highly prejudicial comments that were not helpful to the court and which only served to inflame the jury against the defendants. Though the case concerned mistreatment based on the plaintiff's sexual orientation, the plaintiff's counsel had misdirected himself β†’

Good example of w5a1 essay

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal overturned this ruling maintaining that he should have been given another opportunity to prove that the smoke levels were sufficient to pose unreasonable danger to his health in the future and therefore he was entitled to a relief. However, the coroner's office determined his death to be a result β†’

Free police subspecialty and emergency response teams essay example

The Emergency Response Teams in this decade bring a lot of specialties that can assist the law enforcement to respond to calls quickly and efficiently. The PERT is a shift of policing from the enforcement and response model to community-based model.

Religion and politics in the united states essay

A couple of social problems exist between the church and the state and the government is in a dilemma to grant a legal status to the religious forces. One problem is when the churches protest for the reliability of the citizens and the other problem is the where the religious beliefs motivate the citizens to β†’

Good example of essay on drug legalization

It seeks for the consideration of third side of the coin before joining the majority in opposition of the legalization of the drugs. It is the paper's argument that legalization would have positive and beneficial effects. The essential roles of relaxants cannot be gainsaid in that context. Secondly, on the economic fronts, the legalization of β†’

Creative writing on the judicial selection process in maryland

The Maryland state judiciary consists of a court of appeal, a circuit court, a court of special appeals and a variety of court trials In the judicial selection process in the Maryland State, the judges are always selected through a merit selection process. There are many bias and racism cases reported on judges. β†’

War on terror essay sample

In addition to the legislation enacted in recient years, the Executive Branch, through actions taken by the President of the United States through Presidential Orders has further complicated the issue of legal status for both citizen and non-citizen detainees held relating to the " War on Terror". Once again, these are issues that will have β†’

Courtroom players

Although the members of the court group are against each other, at the end of the day justice is being served in the courtroom regardless of the gender, race, or national origin. The role of the prosecutor is to represent the government and prove the defendant is guilty of the crime.

Sec 405 week 3 discussion 1 (computer laws) term paper examples

There are several computer laws but this paper will discuss Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the Florida Criminal Use of Personal Identification Information laws, discussing penalty levels, of each law, whether they are clear and specific and whether the penalty levels are appropriate for law breakers. This is for whoever commits fraud β†’

Government and politics term paper sample

Connecticut is the crucial case which pushed the Supreme Court to rule for the protection of the right to privacy. Describe the facts of that case. There was a law in Connecticut that prohibited the use of any type of drug or medicine or any medical tool thereof with an intention of preventing β†’

Facts case study examples

In addition, the consideration by the court was what constituted a patent and whether Butachlor was rightly conceived as a patent. Holding The court held that the defendant respondent had not violated the patent as it was and that the said Butachlor patent was not directly related to the two inventions by the defendant β†’

Example of the kirby rule critical thinking

A show up on the other hand involves showing only one suspect to the witness or victim and is usually done at the scene of the crime or following the quick arrest of a suspect. Thirdly, photographic identification entails showing the witness or victim photographs of the probable suspects for β†’

Juveniles: delinquents vs status offenders essay example

Delinquency may be determined as what is considered a crime in the governing institution of the state/country. What basically separates the delinquents from the status offenders is that delinquents commit crimes, while status offenders are judged as such mainly due to their age.

Free essay on criminal justice

Moreover, until 2020, the job outlook seems to be above average, and a sufficient number of jobs will also continue to be available. A Criminal Justice degree is designed in such a way to prepare students for employment in any potential career related to this filed, and of course, that β†’

The cause of death vs. the gift of life article review sample

It has been discussed how this enhancement in the amount of conflict is caused by the emergence of technological advancements that have the paramount capacity of transforming the domains of expertise of people of the society. Timmermans goes on to explain how the procurement organizations have come about in the span of last decade to β†’

Free essay on judicial independence and politics

McDonald case in the US whereby the Supreme Court made a decision that led to the ban on handguns in Chicago. b. In controversial issues such as marijuana use and gun ownership, it is more likely that the majority of the people make laws and therefore, the political group often tries to take advantage of β†’

Example of gender,race,and ethnic different in criminal violentce essay

The nature and extent of the crime reveal something about the behaviour of the suspects and their motives. On the 14th March, the USA today published an article that shocked many. The suspect took time to shop and ship the drugs that eventually killed her husband.

Police and law enforcement response

Police and Law Enforcement Response CJS/200 May 10, 2012 John Scott Police and Law Enforcement Response Police are the backbone and muscle of the law. The police are the muscle and backbone of our law enforcement system but in order for them to properly and most efficiently do so, we as citizens need to β†’

Looking at eyewitness testimony

Also the witness can be influenced by the police as to who or what they saw at the time of the crime. Overall I believe that a combination of witnesses and science must be used to fully determine a persons guilt or innocence in the eyes of the law.

Criminal justice wedding cake

Also, the size of these layers depends on the importance of the crimes, with misdemeanors being the largest and at the bottom and the celebrated cases being at the top and the smallest layer. The bottom and largest layer of the criminal justice wedding cake pertains to the misdemeanors. A misdemeanor is β†’

How did jefferson view african-americans in comparison to whites essay example

He is a constant enemy of the African-American slavery and thought that such unfair treatment hampers the success of a great nation. If a slave is a constant trouble-maker and runway, he will sell them to a distant place as a supreme reprimand. Examine his attitudes on race and slavery in light of the likely β†’

Prevalence of drug cartels and crime in texas essays examples

Security, Migration, and the Economy in the Texas-Tamaulipas Border Region: The " Real Effects of Mexico's Drug War". Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire.

Cultural diversity research paper example

Most people believe that the minority group are been oppressed in the criminal justice systems. Recently in Alabama, a death row prisoner Jason Sharp won the appeal in the Alabama criminal system. The court found that the seven African American where struck out of the jury based on racial bias. Based on the case above β†’

Article review on canada vs. united states

Fitness means, one must understand the nature of the charges and legal proceedings and have the ability to communicate with the counsel. In Canada, insanity defense refers to a state of insanity at the time of crime, however, in America, the insanity states are during the trial proceedings. The Role of β†’

Patient rights and autonomy report examples

Scenario: A 2-year old girl was rushed in the Emergency Room by her parents due to dog bites in the face and neck, and scratches in the arms. Doing advance research or knowing which health care facilities in the vicinity adhere to regulatory codes can be helpful. References: College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario.' β†’

Example of waterboarding argumentative essay

Yet, water boarding remains the only torture technique that is effective at extracting information, at least according to a few, and many people argue if the information is worth the torture, then water boarding should be used. The benefits of waterboarding are certainly there. For starters, the use of torture techniques and water boarding in β†’

Hurricane katrina essay examples

This would have been an important step since hurricane victims would have been removed from that site earlier. The other step would have been to help in organizing the resources for distribution after this disaster. This in fact could have minimized the Katrina Hurricane impact to New Orleans citizens. The other imperative step would have β†’

Proper offer and its proper acceptance report

In specifically, in offer the offeror has the intention to be bound with acceptor. INTENTION TO CREATE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP FREE CONSENT When both the parties in the agreement take, understand, purpose, matter of subject and terms and conditions of the agreement in the same way than it will β†’

Complicity in criminal law essay example

The degree of the offense relative to the crime that is committed is taken to be of the same level. What is conspiracy called, what are the elements of that offense, is any other act required by anyone, and what is the degree of the offense relative to the crime that is being planned? The β†’

In class writing: does breaking a law makes a criminal?

To judge whether breaking a law makes a criminal, first we must define the terms law and crime. To answer our question whether breaking a law makes a criminal, we must examine further to see if the action committed is incriminating by the criminal intent.

Example of essay on the arizona maricopa county tent city jail

However, the Due Process Clause of the Constitution protects the inmates' personal property Prisoners also have the right to be free from sexual crimes or harassment, as well as the right to complain about the condition of their prisons and the manner in which they are treated. The question is whether prisoners are selected β†’

Antenna zoning laws in lakeland, tn book review example

The book entitled " Antenna Zoning: For the Radio Amateur" is a book that was written essentially to acquaint the reader and his or her attorney, with the necessary steps and procedures they need to know to acquire legal authorization for an antenna support system installation. The author acquaints the reader with the most β†’

Course work on the future of organized crime technology

For this reason, fighting organized crime which has taken new technological heights becomes difficult because these groups hide behind the positives. Furthermore, the criminals appear to belong to more than one website, where you find one being in a group that agitates for the good of children, their protection from drugs and at the same β†’

Good essay about criminology

What are the various social process perspectives discussed in this chapter? The different social process perspectives include differential association, social learning, social bonding, self-control, labeling and neutralization. Why do people tend to accept the labels applied to them? People's behavior is intrinsically out of the ordinary, but the same only comes to be acknowledged when β†’

Example of creative writing on human trafficking

Worth noting is the fact that people who fall victim of human trafficking are transported to different nations where they are coerced to engage in inhumane activities such as prostitution. In addition, the victims of human trafficking are forcefully engaged in severe forms of servitude including forced labor. Instead of β†’

The highest tide essay

The main event of the opening chapters is Miles's discovery of a beached giant squid which was briefly alive before dying; Miles heard it make a noise and becomes, briefly, a local celebrity, as marine experts and the media descend on his home town of Olympia: the giant squid is the largest ever found in β†’

Accessorial and conspiratorial liability essay example

The third degree liability under accessorial liability if the person is involved during the preliminary stages of the crime by providing contribution towards the commission of the crime, but was not physically present during the actual crime. Conspiratorial liability However, conspiratorial liability is grounded under the concept of conspiracy β†’

Free forgiveness: a bridge across the abysses of revenge article review sample

The primary objective of this paper is to present the case of Korea and how forgiveness prevailed. For 50 years, villagers in South Korea claimed that during the early part of the Korean War, some American soldiers took out their weapon and fired their machine guns leaving many helpless civilians dead. Further, Hemlick and Peterson β†’