2 Pages Essay Samples

Strategies for sustainable air quality essay sample

It is critical to conduct periodic inspection by qualified technicians in buildings in order to maximize appliance efficiency and correct air ventilation inside. Second-hand tobacco smoke and diesel exhaust are two other frequent indoor pollutants. Truck drivers should be strictly warned to turn off the engines when using the loading dock or the building air β†’

Air pollution

However, we also need to consider contaminants in the air we breathe and chemical pollutants around us. IMPROVING AIR QUALITY The three basic approaches to improving air quality include the use of filters to clean the air, the use of ventilation systems to remove the pollutants, and the use of air pressure to keep the β†’

Hong kong and chongqing air pollution

Landslides and rockfalls are very common in both cities, and large expenditures are being incurred by both Governments on the investigation, design and implementation of mitigation and preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the loss of life and economic losses due to landslides. Besides, its summers are long and among the hottest and most β†’

Essay on public policy second mid comment

The answer which has been penned in response to the question in context delves deep into the nature of the Federal state and the functionalism of the federal structure which has its intricacies. One understands the importance and function of the IGR and Federal structure.

Environmental pollution narrative essay

However, the increasing of environmental issues is not still solved, and one of the most important problems is the pollution. Many investigate of a lot scientists about the causes of the pollution are listed in statistics; the approaches are stated, but there is no specific solution to be united.

How lake ontario’s pollution has continued since industrialization

The burning of fossil fuels and in-proper treatment of wastes and chemicals puts a lot of stress on our environment, as specially Lake Ontario, the most downstream of the five lakes, but also the most polluted. Four million people are not the only users of Lake Ontario.

Muslim women rights

In one sense, equality between men and women is possible and reasonable as well because they are both human, with similar souls, brains, hearts, and the most of the rest of the body. However, Islam tries not to differentiate the rights of women from the rights of men.

Importance of seeking knowledge in islam

But the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that a " neighbor" is not just the one next door but includes all those up to forty houses in all directions - effectively a whole neighborhood Being good to neighbors is not only restricted to those who share the same building with β†’

Free essay on ethics

The letter of James is also a basis whereby wisdom traditions are alive, and there is an end-of-time type of reward. Finally, scriptural evidences and discontents about Paul's ethics in the book of Elwell and Yarborough range from Paul's date of birth, Paul's place of birth and Paul's place of residence. Solidarity and difference: A β†’

Report on paradise found: islamic architecture and arts

Muslim artists never included personal troubles into their works, as they though that doing so would be a waste of artistic time, that is why islamic art is so positive and charming opposite to the european art. In the beginning of the film the author, Waldemar Janusczak, makes a short introduction, he says that there β†’

World religions critical thinking examples

Formation of the Talmud According to Schiffman , the Talmud is the climax of a long process of transmission and study of Jewish traditions pertaining to virtually every aspect of life. The Mishnah is the final canonization of the oral doctrine and is an earlier Jewish code of law while the Gemorrah β†’

Import export imbalance

However, in the midst of the current global economic recession, the exports of electronics, garments and textiles are yet to reach a level of import neutralization. Decline of the Philippine Peso: The economic downturn has resulted in the devaluation of the Philippine peso and subsequently, a fall in the stock market.

Articles of partnership essay sample

That we, the undersigned, all of legal age and residents of the Republic of thePhilippines have agreed to amend a limited partnership under the terms and conditionsherein set forth and subject to the provisions of existing laws of the Republic of thePhilippines. Luciniada Filipino Cagayan de Oro Limited Partner ARTICLE IV. That β†’

Juan luna’s autobiography

Juan Luna's autobiography Juan Luna was a renowned Filipino painter, diplomat and a political activist during the later part of the 19th century. Luna's popularity as a painter slowly grew and he was able to befriend the King of Spain.

Reaction on the philippines of rizal’s time

The article technically states the kinds of evil things the Spaniards did which were Instability of colonial administration, corrupt officialdom, no Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes, human rights denied to Filipinos, no equality before the law, maladministration of justice, racial β†’

T’boli tribe essay sample

Their whereabouts and identity is to some extend confused in the literature; some publications present the Tboli and the Tagabili as distinct peoples; some locate the Tbolis to the vicinity of the Lake Buluan in the Cotabato Basin or inAgusan del Norte. The Tbolis, then, reside on the mountain slopes on either side of β†’

“liham ni pinay mula sa japan” by ruth mabanglos essay sample

" Liham ni Pinay mula sa Japan" by Ruth Mabanglos Essay Sample Ruth Mabanglos's poem " Liham ni Pinay mula sa Japan" exposes a distinct point of view of an ambitious and enthusiastic Filipina who wishes to earn a living using her talents and her strong-willed guts. A typical girl who loves β†’


In 1995, Goldilocks sought its customers and asked them about images and memories of Goldilocks in focused group discussions. There was a need to develop relationships between buyers of Goldilocks' product and the intended statement, " How thoughtful.

Second homecoming and the liga filipina essay sample

Rizal said that " The battlefield is in the Philippines" " There is where we should meet... After two months, on December 31, 1891, He send a letter to Blumentritt, saying that the fight is no longer in Madrid. The battlefield is in the PhilippinesArrival in Manila with sister Lucia : stayed at β†’

Research about k+12 in the philippines

Philippines is shaping up to be an attractive recruitment destination. According to Aquino, the K+12 program will pave the way for an ever brighter future for young Filipinos by equipping them with basic education up to international standards. The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students β†’

Term paper, rizal

Once in the history of the Phillipines, there is a man who opened the eyes of each and every women..it wasdoctorRizal. Rizal wrote the essay to open up the eyes of our country women.

Effect of rizal’s writings to the filipinos

His writings sparked the rebellion against the Spaniards and they believed that Rizal was one of the masterminds of the war which was the reason why he was tested and sentenced to death. Rizal is considered as the national hero in the Philippines because he fought for our freedom and he showed the full potential β†’

Philippine century hence

Next is the destruction of the Filipino culture, the native Filipino culture, because of this, the Filipinos started losing confidence in their past and their heritage, became doubtful of their present lifestyle, and eventually lost hope in the future and the preservation of their race. One of the two had to yield and succumb."

Movie analysis: rizal

It uncovers Rizal's childhood until his execution in the hands of the Spaniards, as well as the glimpse of the life of suppression of the Filipino people under the Spanish friars. However, I felt happy and delighted when Rizal uttered the words " It's done" and when Rizal fell in the ground facing the sky β†’

Lights and sound museum essay sample

That's why I enjoy the museum. After visiting the museum, I learned some new things, what was the life of our ancient ancestors before the Spanish came, there life was a peaceful life, they are tribes men and scattered all over the Philippines and they traded among each other and they also traded with β†’

Kim caroll p. remedio

In summary, the movie talks mostly of Rizal's life until his death and the creation of his great novels. A three-hour epic on the life and struggles of his poet and patriotisms.

Philippine century hence essay sample

Next is the destruction of the Filipino culture, the native Filipino culture, because of this, the Filipinos started losing confidence in their past and their heritage, became doubtful of their present lifestyle, and eventually lost hope in the future and the preservation of their race. The Spanish colonizers are the one with the most β†’


She manages the household and takes care of the needs of widowed and aging mother. It also reflects the everyday struggle of Filipinos and OFW's around the world.

Internet and philippine english proficiency

It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. The access to information is one of the most important features that it has.

Example of a speech essay sample

This can be found in Cebu City and this is now known as University of San Carlos, one of the Top Performing Schools in the Philippines. Cebu City is home of the Philippines Grandest Festival; The Sinulog Festival.

Accurate and timely intelligence along with effective tactics essay

It is because of this reason that it is strongly argued that intelligence must be produced before the decisions are made otherwise decisions would be ineffective and solutions prescribed may not yield the desired results. Timeliness of information therefore is considered as the " heart of the warning intelligence" and any subsequent action β†’

Childhood by alice walker

Walker uses the harvest to tell the story of traditions, and how she learned the traditions. She puts a lot of emphasis on the word " magic" and how being in the country is magical. I can relate with Walker when she says that the country is magical because I too am from the country.

Examine the sociological views

Climbie's case and ' Every Child Matters' has led to the improvement of social services andchild protection, meaning childhood is much safer now than it was 50 years ago. Children are also in betterhealthdue to the NHS, meaning more children survive childhood now than ever before. All of these changes have improved β†’

Childhood memory essay sample

The day that my sister was born is a day that I will never forget, everything happened so fast, my sister was so wise and my father was so strong for being by my moms' side through it all. I was so stubborn at that time, all I wanted was to stay with β†’

Teens and jobs essay sample

Falling asleep in class and disciplinary infractions should be proof that these students are not able to have the opportunity to hold a job. Parents may be against their students holding jobs. Students should only be able to hold jobs if their parents say that they can.

Why i feel i should be awarded a scholarship? essay sample

In a way I feel that it gives me a little advantage due to having more time to experience life, others and the world itself. I have set forth my goals in life which makes me now more determined and motivated to take this opportunity given to me to learn all there is and β†’

Is childhood the happiest time of your life?

Mother and father are kindly but absolute dictators. This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders and betters. Every movement you make, every thought you think is observed by some β†’

Harry thurston’s “miracle” extended metaphor essay sample

As the speaker is in the process of explaining to his daughter as to why she should not pick the blossom and allow it to grow, he soon regrets telling her to stop. If Thurston meant to metaphorically convey this poem as the growth of his daughter, we can safely assume that the blossom mentioned β†’

ο»Ώ why did you choose to become part of the childcare profession? essay sample

The childcare profession is to be an employee of educational assistant in the school system. A number of educational assistant like it because it is flexible. The characteristics I feel that a childcare worker must possess in order to be successful in the field is to positive around children, being patient with them, having β†’

Business process model & notation (bpmn)

A well thought out BPMN provides the organization with the ability to synthesize internal business procedures in the form of a chart. 0: Introduction to the Standard for Business Process Modeling.

Good essay on abuse of statistics

The collection of fake data results in the bad statistical analysis. Researchers are showing the unwanted data for analysis.

Chinese cinderella

Nobody came for me.' This quote relates to the theme of leaving behind and loneliness. The reader pities Adeline and it is simple to empathise with her as she watches ass her friends taken from school with loving mothers and it is left alone to ponder her misfortune.' I took the duckling to β†’

Parenting the father

One trait that clearly shows John is an unsatisfactory father is that he is neglective. In the story on page 1 it says "...a strange shame and embarrassment coloured every event that brought them into contact." A second example that shows how John is shameless is when he was talking to the curate and scout β†’

ο»Ώfamily dinner essay sample

My Mom and Dad sat me and my older sister down at the kitchen table and told us that my Dad had been offered a job in Queensland. She explained that my family lived in Atherton and I would have all my cousins there. The next few months were a blur of constant cleaning β†’

Through the tunnel by doris lessing

For hours he has been practicing holding his breath he begins to feel weak and dizzy. Jerry has to battle the forces of nature pushing his lung capacity to its limits. He is engaged in a conflict of nature and physical barriers to attain his goal.

Free critical thinking on win-win agreement based on covey 7 habits

This is usually not possible due to the fact that the mother of the son also wants to be in the presence of her son with the impression that he is still her little boy. Moreover, the mother believes that she is the right person to spend time with her β†’


During my life, my parents have had to go though some hardships with the downpour of the economy after 9/11, to my dad getting sick and not being able to work for a couple of months. My stories and my experiences may not be the most moving, but they are certainly important to me, and β†’

My mother

And the person that has influenced my life is my mother. My mother, because she is the person that has always stood by my side, and has always encouraged me to reach my full potential and she is one among many people who inspired me, advised me and motivated me.

Mom esssay

It is because of the love and respect I have for my mother that I am now cautious of the choices I make. I feel confident that all the life lessons she has taught me and the advice she has given me, will continue to shape my standards and values in life.

Edward edward

The atmosphere of the poem is quite dark we see this when Edward says ' the curse of hell from me will ye bear mother, mother' this shows Edward does not care about his mother and wants his mother to have a bad life, hell suggests condemned souls and devils in some religions it also β†’

An analysis of angela’s ashes by frank mccourt

The history of his dad working jobs and then not returning wages after a few weeks made Frank want to work and prove to his mother that frank had what it took to be the man in the household. I think this shows Frank might be willing to work for the money, but the genius β†’

Republican motherhood

Before the late eighteenth century, their role was to God and the care of the home and their children. However, Enlightened thinkers knew that it was the role of the mother to make sure her sons morals and values were in pace, and also they knew the future of the United States β†’

Chinese mothers are superior

Conversely 0% of the " eastern" mothers felt the same way, and that most Chinese mother's feel that it is only through hard work, complete dedication, and being perfect is when children realize what fun is. I know that there is a time that I am going to have to be the bad guy to β†’

Difference between your mother and your grandmother

Mothers have the household to look after, but you; believe me, you mean the world to your grandma. She, being elder to your mom, has several stories to share with you, her own life experiences as well, though some turn out to be boring, I bet you would enjoy most of them. β†’

Example of case study on behavioral genetics

This gene is located in the brain cells and is associated with the functioning of the memory. This gene is the central criterion for defining the level of intelligence in animals. Possible implications of the project on humanity Scientists in the behavioral genetics field claim that genetics is the basis of various human behavior; β†’

The bay of pigs: a leadership failure essay examples

The blame is heaped upon pretty much anyone who had anything to do with it, particularly the revolutionary leaders, the CIA, President Kennedy, etc. The truth is that the investigations into the matter found that failure of leadership to make decisions and the inability to believe information that conflicted with preconceived notions. Kirkpatrick, found insufficient β†’

Comparing numeracy theorists

One theorist that is linked to this development is Jean Piaget, in his research he discovered that children's thoughts develop through taking in information. Bruner believed that children in stages, these stages are as follows: * Enactive age 0-1 learning through doing physical movements * Iconic - age 1-7 developing mental images * Symbolic age β†’

Essay on the difference between emotional and general intelligence

On the contrary, emotional intelligence can be learned and developed during one's life and refers to the way people behave in society, understand their motives and emotions, view themselves and relate to those around them. It is believed, that you need high IQ level to succeed in school or any other academic institutions, though you β†’

The seven commandments in animal farm essay sample

The pigs are definitely the most intelligent of the animals, and they use this intelligence to manipulate and take advantage of the other animals on the farm by changing the rules and commandments to suit themselves, no matter the cost and discomfort of the other animals. The fact that Muriel believes the ' animals had β†’

The fbi and cia in the intelligence framework critical thinkings example

With the help of the FBI and the facilitation of critical information, the CIA aims to maintain the protection of the constituents of the United States. The FBI, known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is an intelligence-driven, threat-based national security organization that defends the United States from vital fear β†’

Collaborative learning community (clc)

Collaborative Learning Community * It is a philosophy as well as a place; it is a way of being as well as a working model. Learning, based on conceptual understanding and the ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of contexts, is a primary goal within a collaborative learning community.* It β†’

Competitive intelligence gathering and ethics in entrepreneurship essay sample

How do the actions that Nate is considering taking to learn about his competitors measure up to the code? It should be pointed out that the Code of Ethics applies to Competitive Intelligence Professionals; Nate is not a professional in this field so it really is not applicable. Explain. Gathering information on competitors β†’

Anth week 5

Anthropology: Origin of Homos This paper aims to jot down the imperative points of the chapter Early Homo and the Origins of Culture from the book: Anthropology: The Human Challenge by Haviland et al. The origin of Homos as maintained by the archeologists has been trivial and had been explained differently. The classification of the β†’

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of a multi-racial society

A multi-racial society is also a multi-linguist society so people living in such societies benefit from the richness of languages and are thus able to speak different languages , there is also a wide variety of traditions, customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. In addition a multi-racial society teaches people β†’


In a review the author examines the tactics used by people in the sugar plantation to stay alive in the society ravaged by poor working condition, malnutrition, sickness and high deaths. Main body In this book Hughes investigates reasons behind high mortality in children and factors contributing to the high mortality. The frequency with β†’

Medical anthropology

By narrating his personal story, just as he so often narrates the problems of Haiti, Paul Farmer, a physician, anthropologist, and the author of ' Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor', displayed a corresponding between medical anthropology with that of the stories of his personal past. β†’

Do you agree or disagree: β€œit is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics”

Personally, I think that it is more important for every student to take part in history and literature class since these subjects will educate students about the past of history and give them rich sources of culture values. In conclusion, I think history and literature would be put in the curriculum in university since it β†’

About me essay 8

Principle of Accounting is one of my favourite subjects and this is the main reason I refused to study in Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu which offered me Science stream. After SPM, I decided to further study in Accounting course and I am really hope that I can get my high education in overseas.

Elementary analysis

Assuming the represents the partial figure of and represents the partial summation of , so From the hypothesis that for all values of n, we know for all values of n 2b) Supposing that converges, meaning from the definition that as. Therefore, because the equation is a convergence p-series, it definitely converges by β†’


Pending litigations about an entity are for example not reflected in financial statements and therefore do not affect financial ratios. Ratios also assume linear relationship between variables and this mislead stakeholders because most variables are not linearly related. Investors could use liquidity ratios to make decisions, on whether to invest in a company or not, β†’

My learning experiences in math

She taught me to understand math the way I understand my easiest subject. She taught me to understand math how complicated life is.

Mathematics and trial rate

We found that the trial rate for " actual definitely would buy" for pizza will be 80% of the definitely would buy rate of the BASEL research. The demand for the pizza is the multiplication of marketing adjusted trial rate and the target households, which is 1.

Abortion should not be permitted

There are many reasons why they prefer abortion such as having a fear of raising the child, rape, or not having enoughmoneyto support their life and the baby. Some important reasons of why abortion should not be permitted have to do with human morality, religious and values of conscience. Nevertheless, in what β†’

Against abortion

Abortion's should be illegal throughout the world because it is cruelty and mean for killing an unborn child it is unnecessary for an adult to do such a cruel thing. An abortion is a issue affecting our society. Abortion's is also a threat to the mother's life and their health.

Sexual immorality

It is not just to the women that have had them but the parents, boyfriends, husbands and people that influenced them to have an abortion because it was convenient at the time. God tells us that he knits each of us together in our mother wombs and he knows us even before our parents do β†’

Family upbringing essay samples

Scientists have proved that the family can interfere with the formation process of a child's personality, giving chance to living in an environment where they feel loved, respected and motivated to develop their potential. For children to have good social and psychological formation, the family should have a well-defined structure.

Steve jobs’ personality led to his success

Had he not thought and pursued his ideas, Apple would not have asked Jobs to return to save the company. Jobs also had to be open-minded to new ideas to help with the advancement of Apple.

So, have, where you picture yourself and your

Step 2: Now, discuss the information and things that are not with you and are necessary to have in order to achieve your vision. That is how simple it is; however, you need to bring your team together and have these three conversations in sequence and you will be surprised about what you can come β†’

Surety bond for employee loan essay

5, 00, 000/- , Mr. Rahul Malhotra residing at Chinchwad, Pune (hereinafter called the " Surety") at the request of the Debtor hereby undertakes to pay to the Creditor the said amount of Rs 5, 00, 000/- or any part thereof remaining unpaid in case of default of payment by the Debtor to the β†’

Hedging forward the sales or purchases of

It avoids the risk of price shifts and finds solutions in the transaction , on the other hand speculations predicts that the risk of price changes by taking one position in market, and cease the price of commodities to proceed in " their" way. Hedging, simultaneously, has a perspective, either long or short, β†’

Good essay about role of the international monetary fund (imf) post-bretton woods

Please type your name here Please type your Instructor name here Business The Bretton Woods system is regarded as the most remarkable achievement in the financial management and exchange rate scenario, as it was after the Bretton woods agreement the US- dollar was set as a standard global currency, eventually putting β†’

Bank deposit essay

University It is important to make bank deposits promptly in the medical office for five main reasons: a stop payment order may be placed, the check may be lost or stolen, the check can be returned for insufficient funds if there is a delay, the check may have a restricted time for cashing, and β†’

Third world poverty essay

Per capita income refers to the average income that each person in a country receives annually. It is obtained through a calculation of is the value of the gross domestic product which is then divided by the average population for that country. Per capita income is an expression of the standard of living β†’

Development of monetary system

Development of Monetary System Money is anything used by society as a medium of exchange, and is widely acceptable for the payment of goods and services without questioning the integrity of the person offering it. Significance of Money Functions of Money 1.

Omni communication protocol based on the bitcoin

Willett proposed that the existing Bitcoin blockchain could be used as a software layer to facilitate the creation of new digital assets and currencies without changing the blockchain or developing a new blockchain. The Omni wallet allows users to easily create custom assets or currencies and trade them through the Bitcoin blockchain.

The saga of the venezuelan bolivar essay sample

During the time period of the case, how many devaluations of the Venezuelan currency were there? What is the rate in the parallel market?


Look at the portraits in the text and pick two painters and compare how they use brilliant light and dark shading to illuminate parts of the human body. With the dead Christ in her arms, with the body of an average-sized man.

Good example of what are the major arguments for and against capital punishment, and what is your essay

Capital punishment is one of the oldest forms of punishment, the roots of which can be found in various social phenomena, including the law of retaliation " an eye for an eye". Thirdly, it is said that capital punishment is not as cruel as one might think, that it can be humane: β†’

Capital punishment

DETERRANCE: One of the most common reason for supporting the death penalty is deterrence, which is a belief that crime can be stopped by the society by making the punishment much more severe than the benefits gained from the criminal act. It is also seen that the death penalty punishment is far more effective than β†’

Gaps in the current research literature

Gaps in the current research literature The subject of violence against women and their decision to stay in an abusive relationship is an important issue in eradicating the problem. How the theory describes, explain, and predict the relationship of the variables shown in the conceptual framework The Self-esteem theory correlates very well with domestic β†’

What are your thoughts on peterson’s plea deal and that he could be back playing football within a week? essay

The caregiver punishing them is in-charge of the child and has a great influence on the wellbeing of the child. When the abuse cases of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson are looked at, it is clear that one is a child abuse case, and another one is a spousal abuse case.

Fast food nation

In this book Eric Schlosser explains the gruesome ways behind the scenes of the fast food industry. After that he began working long hours with his father on the farm. Years flew by and he was soon offered a job out in Aneheim, CA by his Uncle at the age of 20 at his Feed β†’

College dropouts essay

Those of us who chose to go to college away from home are taking a huge risk and testing our ability to be away from our safety zone. Times are changing and for the better but the number of college dropouts is still on the rise. A variety of causes lead to the effects of β†’

Yield management

Statistical models include; trend projection, seasonal and smoothing while judgmental include; expert opinion, market surveys, and Delphi technique. Moving Average method-Similar to the " percentage growth method", the moving average method assumes an increasing or decreasing trend. Forecasting methods include: o Percentage growth method-The assumption underlying this method is that data in hand follow either β†’

Boeing innovation article

The new strategy is also seeking to reduce the prices of their carriers significantly. The Dreamliner project reflects the goals of the new strategy.