2 Pages Essay Samples

Analysis of the main character in “the most dangerous game”

For example, when he fell in the ocean and had a tough battle with the water " He struggle up to the surface and tried to cry out...him gag and strangle". Rainsford barely have enough energy to swim to the Ship-Trap Island. He also has to play the it." The Game".

Good book review on time for action

He tries to explain how the education system resulted in this state and also argues how learners have turned out to be complacent with their schooling. In chapter three, he offers practitioners with thoughts on how to utilize teaching approaches that raise commitment and permit students to study life skills for instance solving of problems, →

Inferno canto x

Dante and Cavalcante know each because Guido, the son of Cavalcante is good friends with Dante and he married Beatrice. Cavalcante then asks why his son is not with him. I find the start slow and as the story goes on it becomes fast paced because of the way Farinata was introduced to Dante by →

The issue of conformity in “outliers: the story of success” by malcolm gladwell

People think if the follow what others have done the same success will come to them. Also, a huge contributor to conformity in our world is social media. Conformity on social media can cause a lack of creativity, which is when people start to just do what everyone else is doing because that is the →

Allegory of the cave v pleasantville

After David and Jennifer are introduced to the peaceful, harmonious town of Pleasantville, however, the flawless, isolated, but ignorant community is turned upside down and ruined. Pleasantville exists in a delicate balance of perfect order, but when new things are introduced to throw off the balance, everything naturally turns to chaos and disorder.

Example of essay on single-case research design

Single-case research design refers to the type of research design used in used in sociology, human behavior, education and psychology in which the subject of research serves as his/her own control. Therefore, in such a case, it can be easier to ascertain the utility and functionality of the chosen methods used by the counselor →

How will earning a collage degree change my life essay examples

In the world today, college degree is one of the most demanded things, especially in the field of professionalism. The demand for college degree outweighs the supply in the professional arena. In developed nations college degree is in a position to change the life of an individual.

Free adolescent psychology essay sample

A large number of the high school graduates in the United States have been reported to drop out of college and fail to exhibit the required academic and practical life skills and hence something has to be done to equip students with best skills to fit the 21st century. There should be professional training →

Moral development: overview

4 to 5years- Is becoming aware of right and wrong; usually has desire to do right; may blame others for own wrongdoing. Wants to do what he/she believes is right and avoid what is wrong.

Cmrj 201 midterm question 1 essay samples

One of the most critical components of planned change an administrator must be aware of is the problem to be addressed by the change. The other component is the goals and objectives of the change.

Analysis of whether hamlet truly loved ophelia

The audience can see that Hamlet really did love Ophelia when he told her, " I did love you". In this scene, Hamlet confesses that he loved her, but then goes on to say that he never loved her. Although many could argue that Hamlet never loved Ophelia, he was just trying to throw the →

Revenge tragedy: hamlet

For a play to be considered a revenge tragedy, revenge has to be a prevalent theme throughout. The theme of revenge starts off very early in the play, when Hamlet speaks with the ghost of his deceased father. When the ghost tells Hamlet how Claudius murdered him, Hamlet is infuriated and →

Prompt #4

When talking about Beowulf and Sir Gawain, it is evident that Beowulf is the all around superior hero. When it comes to the dynamics and honor of the heroes, Beowulf blows Sir Gawain out of the water.

Explanation of hamlet’s mystery (by: ernest jones)

The call of duty to slay his uncle cannot be obeyed because it links itself with the call of his nature to slay his mother's husband, whether this is the first or the second; the latter call is strongly " repressed," and therefore necessarily the former also. It is no mere chance →

Lord of the flies compare and contrast

This already gave Ralph the advantage on who looks more presentable and responsible of becoming a leader. As we go on in the story it came to a point where jack was getting frustrated with Ralph's rules and how things should run.

Harry potter and traditional spiritual values

In other words, the books and the films have not set in motion a radical change in American civilization nor have they led to any conversions to witchcraft. Furthermore, the Harry Potter series are very traditional in their approach to ' good and evil.' Harry Potter is →

Essay about reading

I love to submerge myself into a book and get the chance to go on adventures I never can in the real world. I love when a book is quick to get into and interesting.

Hamlet’s uncivilized and wild thinking

The beginning of the novel introduces the central conflict, which is getting revenge from the the king's brother, Claudius who killed his brother or order to get a hold of the crowd, who in the process also married Prince Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude. The presence of supernatural spirits intrigues the reader in because the King →

The mindless submissive animals in “animal farm”

Orwell recognizes how people in power, especially in law enforcement can easily use their power to their advantage. As presented on manor farm; the pigs obtain a glimpse of power and benefit this as leverage against the entire farm, using violence and intimidation to keep their place. The animals of manor farm are easily manipulated →

The mask in lord of the flies

His size, demeanor and use of the conch shell prove him to be the chosen leader of the group of boys on the island. He is the direct representation of order, leadership, civilization and innocence. Ralphs innocence is shown early on in the novel when he is unable to comprehend why the →

Lord of the flies: examine goldings methods of writing in the last three paragraphs of chapter nine

The end of chapter 9 is very different to the rest of the novel, both in the style it is written and in what Golding is trying to portray about human nature. My first impressions of this extract are how different Golding's style of writing is; he is much more poetic, mythical way " →

My essay on macbeth essay sample

Each instance of Shakespeare's foreshadowing contributes to the believability of the apparitions' appearance in the play. Before Macbeth enters, the witches are mixing a poisoned concoction, implying impending trouble. This shows that the witches and the apparitions are closely related and similar to each other. The apparitions profess three things Macbeth believes are →

The central theme of hamlet is the problem of revenge

One of the things that Shakespeare wanted people to take out of his play is that revenge is not only problematic but also harmful to not only the person seeking it but those around him. His favorite character to do this is Hamlet; he uses Hamlet to show that when one is seeking revenge it's →

Romeo and juliet -thesis

THESIS STATEMENT " Romeo and Juliet is the most famous play of William Shakespeare among high school students of St. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this research are the High school students of St.

Example of literature review on romeo and juliet and a man for all seasons

The nature of the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet and A Man for All Seasons is based on the struggles and conflicts exciting inside and outside main heroes. Their death cleanse and enlighten souls of others involved. So the tragedy of Thomas More is more personal as a man's self is all he has →

Macbeth and to kill a mockingbird

Both of these two excellent literatures have the common theme of hope for justice, similar characters, and also both the novel and the Shakespearian play have the suspense and intensity in the atmosphere. In the novel to kill a Mockingbird and the play Macbeth, both deliver a message of hope for justice.

Orwell’s animal farm: summary of characters

In both cases, Stalin and Napoleon come off trying to sell their ideas with the impression that it is to better the lives of the people and the animals of the farm, but in reality the ideas are just dreams thought up to make the leaders look good. Snowball is a pig who lives on →

Supernatural elements in the drama macbeth

The effects of the supernatural are examined in this analysis of Macbeth's characterization and the play's plot and themes. The involvement of the witches is evidently important in the progression of plot and character in Macbeth. The bleak atmosphere that starts off the drama supports the horror and tragedy that characterizes the →

Does shakespeare believe in revenge?

Laertes, in a parallel revenge, seeks revenge against Hamlet for killing his father, Polonius, and the early death of his sister Ophelia. Fortinbras on the other hand has every reason to take revenge as Hamlet senior killed his father however he does not and he ends up as king!

A tragic yet passionate play

Released in 2011, a British-American Disney animated film titled, Gnomeo and Juliet tells a lighthearted and simplified version of Shakespeare's famous play. Disney's Gnomeo and Juliet takes an interesting approach in showcasing Shakespeare's famous balcony scene. When comparing Shakespeare's original balcony scene and Disney's remade cartoon, there are many topics worthy of being discussed, such →

The significance of the manner in which ophelia dies

Shakespeare, by " letting" Aphelia drowns herself, to some extents alleviates the pain of death and pictures a beautiful Aphelia drowned In water with her beauty minded and preserved. By comparing Aphelia to a mermaid-like figure, Shakespeare gives unreal characteristics to her death and makes it smoother for Aphelia, whose life has been →

The summary of the book harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban and my reflection

Harry has had enough of contempt and despite the report that the dangerous killer Sirius Black is at large, he leaves the house. He sees a shadow of a dark dog in the street so he raises his stick in fear, which summons the Knight bus. Later they try to kill him, but is saved →

Animal motif on macbeth

Before delving into these scenes, it is important to note the role of horses previously: recently, Duncan's fine, well-bred horses turned wild and ate each other. In scene i, Macbeth urges Banquo to his horse: " Hie you to horse" and in scene iii, the murderers that Macbeth hired become →

Hero and noble birth

Beowulf is an epic hero because he is born of noble birth, fights for what is right, and portrays superhuman abilities. In the epic poem Beowulf, it states that he is born of noble birth.

Macbeth notes act 2

Macbeth Notes for II New Characters We Met: Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's control freak wife who taunts him into killing Duncan Fleance, Banquo's son Porter, Drunkard used as comic relief Macduff, nobleman of Scotland who thinks Macbeth is guilty of Duncan's murder Donalbain, Duncan's youngest son who many think is guilty of Duncan's murder Old →

Analysis of act i scene iii from hamlet

This above all, to thine own self be true" These famous lines of Shakespeare's Hamlet are one of the most quoted lines of all Shakespeare's work. These lines are important to the character development of Polonius.

Lady macbeth

She seems to be the crutch for Macbeth while he is suffering the hallucinations of his disturbed mind. When Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost at the banquet, it is his wife; Lady Macbeth who soothes her husband and takes control. She scolds Macbeth as though he is a disobedient and thankless child, 'you have displaced the →

Ethics, moral dilemmas, and the law in philadelphia, pennsylvania 2013

It should be noted that, regardless of the current condition of the patient, the nurse still has no right to concede with the patient's wish to attempt to take his life. Instead, the nurse should advice the patient that whatever their condition, it is just temporary and their status will change after some time. Moral →

Electrons the manner that waves can have positive

The value of the sq.of the wave perform is proportional to the likelihood offinding negatron density at a given purpose in Associate in Nursing orbital. Note that the sign of sq.ofthe wave perform is usually positive, as a result of the sq.of even a negative worth isstill positive. A node is anyplace in Associate in →


The remedy was successful and my recovery was successful, arsenicum album, has always been one of the best homeopathic remedies for fevers, digestive problems such as food poisoning, allergies, and other related ailments. The use of arsenicum album goes back in history with initial use being on animals, but gradually gained a lot of popularity →

Theory as framework for education

Like most useful theories, the theory is based on the assumption that the standard and basis of nursing subsist in caring science as the basis of the nursing profession. Caring for the vulnerable: Perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research.

Evidencebased practice

The open-ended questions are useful where the researcher is not aware of the expected responses and are a characteristic of the qualitative research. Reliability is the concern seeking to address the issue of stability and consistency. High levels of reliability reduce measurement errors and in the case actual effects of an intervention get identified.


Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual Violence Loleta Kellum Alcorn NU 505 Dr Young January22, 2013 Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual Violence Hildegard Peplau's Theory and the Healthcare Encounters of Survivors of Sexual ViolencJournal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2008 May: →

Discuss healthcare systems organizational structure, financing, mission, vision, philosophy, and values

The overall value system of a healthcare system therefore directly flows from the broader objectives set for the society as a whole and how the overall healthcare system is linked with other sectors of the economy to support and bolster the overall good of the society.It is therefore clearly established that the overall goals, mission →

I need a topic

Incidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses 2. Relationship between symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among retired army nurses and the cause of their disorders 4.


The same factors affect how patients present the interview and how they respond to the patients. Interpretation of what qualifies as health or illness varies across cultures. For instance, minority groups in American society have less degree of trust in the health system, which in turn affects how much information they give to nurses. Very →

Unit 6 discussin

The underlined motivations need to be kept close which will measure the real issue that is being addressed. In a group study, I will choose the Cohort research study. It is because the study compares a group that is already infected and the one which is not.

Role of nursing informatics today

I was still at the top of my class. Come college years and I have been left by time. Three: that I should acknowledge that Facebook and Twitter sites are not just for the fun that they market themselves to be, they can be educational too.

The iom: the future of nursing

The IOM: The Future of Nursing Full Partner Being a full partner of a healthcare services means that you have right and responsibility in deciding what you need for your health through long-term support services and in planning how these services will be given to you. All nurses must be considered leaders in the implementation →


Adrenal hormone is responsible for the stimulation actions for elimination of potassium from the body; however, coffee, sugar, alcohol and diuretics can contribute to low levels of potassium. Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia Hyperkalemia is the increased serum levels of potassium in excess of 5mg/100 ml. Potassium is critical for the functionality of the heart, muscles →

Professional affiliations

The American Nurses Association is a professional organization that advance and protect the interest of nursing. In addition, what makes the ANA unique, and the profession organization of choice is the way they strive in advancing the nursing profession by fostering very high standards of nursing practice.

Discussion question 13

I need to develop inquiry skills, courage and vitality, as well as engage in activities that will enhance my aptitude to use literature and theory in order to guide practice, improve my writing skills and have a competitive ability to not only design research, but to also disseminate scholarly documents or materials. There are various →

Evidence base practice

Evidence Based Nursing College Evidence Based Nursing Evidence based nursing is an approach whose main goal is to improve the health of patients as well as provide care in a cost effective manner to improve the outcome of both the patient and the healthcare systems. As a GI nurse, I work in a very busy →

The center for healthcare quality and reform and accountable care organizations

Health care reforms The Center for Health Care Quality goes for enhancing the quality of health care and decreasing incongruities are discriminating issues for health change. At the point when an ACO succeeds both in conveying astounding care and spending health care dollars all the more carefully, it will partake in →

Nursing model

In the article titled Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives, published on the American Journal of Nursing Science, the authors reaffirm that the signs and symptoms of any given condition mirror a deeper disturbance within the patients biopsychosocial balance. Volume 22, Number 3, 2014, pp.

Nursing research

Nursing and Research Process Nursing and Research Process Nursing and research process are important aspects of nursing and determine the nursing outcomes. A nursing process that ensures maintenance or improvement of health of patients is deemed to be efficient. The above discussion proves that both research process and nursing process are essential in nursing.

Pain and alternative therapies

For example, asking about breakthrough pain, or if the patient experiences mild or severe pain based on a scale of 0-10 and characterized with impulsive onset or a neuropathic pain. A nurse can also ask about the medications and their effect on the patient to gauge the severity. Methods of pain control Mastectomy patients →

Educate a noncompliant patient

Educating a Non-Compliant Patient Once it has been identified by the physician what the problem with the patient is, the next step is to educate them so that they may follow the advice of the doctor. It is here that the role of nurses comes into play as they need to educate the non-compliance patients →

Ethically bound and legally speaking -discussion

The medical team did what they could to save the life of the patient. Hours after the surgery, the patient developed complications and was clearly experiencing excruciating pain in different parts of his body. I realized that the patient was not going to live long.

American journal of health

The target group was used to validate the trans-theoretical stages of exercise behaviors since they were prone to frequent hospitals because of lack of physical exercises. 3) Propose how social disparities may have been a factor in the study results. Self- efficacy results indicated that precontemplators and contemplators had the lowest levels of efficacy as →

What role do nurses play in the provison of safe quality patient centered care

Role of Nurses in Providing Safe, Quality Patient Centered Care Role of Nurses in Providing Safe Quality Patient Centered Care First, nurses acknowledge a patient as the basis of control in offering considerate and organized care that is focused on high opinion for the patient's first choices, values, and requirements. To do this, nurses need →

Challenges in lobbying strategies

It is clear that the sender is effective in written communication than oral message delivery, thus the choice to communicate the ideas through e-mail has some advantages. Consequently, it remains clear that email cannot replace face-to-face communication if the message is to be delivered precisely and win the hearts of policymakers.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

By so doing, the patient will understand that the illness is a result of the lack of insulin and that the only way for them to function normally is to provide the body with insulin, which can only be injected. The RN also needs to inform the patient that he or she will take some →

What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult patient falls in hospitals

Nurse Staffing and Adult Falls Wards for adult patients have been associated with high number of patient falls due to inadequate nurse staffing. At hospital level, number of registered nurses should be increased to monitor patients in the wards and provide the required services.

Nursing situation

The IPCP calls for pulling of data or information to arrive at a specific or a common solution. For instance, the 26 years old patient that is brought to the hospital with unknown medication condition should have been subjected to medical diagnosis using the IPCP medical principles. For instance, having suspected that the patient was →

Course reflection

The future issues that face the nursing fraternity have a direct bearing to the ethical code of conduct of the nursing profession. OJIN: The Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 13. Home, A., & Care, P..

Becoming a nurse

Nursing is more than just a profession as it requires a nurse to be personally and emotionally involved in his/her interaction with the patients. Becoming a nurse gives me the surety that I will be employed as soon as I attain my degree.

Impact of standardized terminologies

As a practicing nurse, the Implementation of NIC would have varied and diverse impacts on my nursing practice. First, apart from the better communication between other health providers and me, NIC would provide me with an increased visibility and clear view of nursing interventions. Third, a practicing nurse with knowledge in nursing informatics, NIC will →


Through activism, an individual will feel empowered to contribute in doing something to change the situation for the better, which is likely to lead to the realization of some of the changes needed. Question 3 The citizenry, media, as well as nurses are responsible for advocacy, lobbying, and activism since they are in a →

Nursing capstone phase 2

Informatics is one way of preventing the occurrence and severity of blood transfusion reactions. Article 1 Gwaram et al , in a study to determine the incidence, risk factors, and clinical presentations of acute blood transfusion reactions, found that there was a 3. They conclude that that there should be a well-structure program →

Protecting and improving quality

Protecting and Improving Quality Protecting and Improving Quality A report on the of health services revealed many discrepancies in the American health sector. Legal suits may interfere with operations of the facilities (Lewin, Altman, & Institute of Medicine, 2000). In order to improve quality service in the health sector, performance of professionals in this sector →

Cad summary

NIH notes that the overall amount of cholesterol is higher than 240 mg/dL, less than 40 mg/dL for HDL, and more than 190 mg/dL for LDL in CAD.opine that CAD results from obstruction of the coronary arteries and supports the genetic and environmental factors causing the disease. Besides, Kakouros and Cokkinos →

The nurses role in promoting patient rights

Nurses Role in Promoting Patient Rights Nurses Role in Promoting Patient Rights Nurses play a significant role in the care of patients especially in advocacy. Nurses intercede in the best interest of the patient and ensure protection and comfort for those unable to communicate.

Discussion board post response

Response to Performance Reports Discussion Response to Performance Reports Discussion One of the techniques that can be used to measure performance in healthcare organizations is inspecting all aspects of care within a facility and subsequently finding out whether they meet State, National, as well as international standards. Safety standards may include availability of adequate amounts →

Research based practice

As such, the adopted strategies in the provision of health care for the nurses focus on the gained knowledge from the literature search. This includes evaluation of the different scenarios and case studies to determine the best approach of providing health care for the population. Health care providers also engage in experimental setups, which generate →

Constipation (advanced pharmacology)

The commonly used drugs available in the market for the treatment of dementia include: Donepezil , Galantamine , Memantine nda), Rivastigmine. However, in cases where the individual does not respond to Aricept and the dementia worsens, doctors begin prescription with Namenda which has been approved for the treatment of advanced forms of the →

Desire to become a nurse like cherry ames

Whenever I accompanied my mother and grandmother, to the hospital, I saw doctors attend to them briefly during their hospital rounds, but the nurses were always there, ever attentive and caring, and for me, that made all the difference and I still remember the nurses by name, several years later. The new challenges that encounter →

The future of nursing education

What are the pros and cons of the situation? An increase in clinical experts other than all crowding into research field is a way to directly improve quality of the healthcare system and also prevent deaths of patients whose diagnosis requires a more knowledgeable nurse than a registered nurse. The Future of Nursing Leading Change, →

Admission essay for nursing school

Together with my extensive working background, I believethe school can open the doors to many fields in the healthcare industry, helping me make a serious contribution to the profession. On my part, I am willing to bring my integrity, commitment, responsibility, and a hard-working spirit to the program. Given my personal maturity →

Is there a link between post traumatic stress syndrome and genetics

As the name suggests, the disorder is a prolonged stress response following a highly traumatic incident that shatters an individual's sense of security, which further poses a threat of injury or death such as rape, natural calamity, war, prison stay, domestic abuse or assault. The symptoms of PTSD can occur at any age however, there →

Legal iss ues

Moreover the unique areas of nursing practice are advocated by the specific organizations of the ANA. The organizational and community issues which affect the practice of nursing are the areas of focus by the ANA.

Identify a nursing informatics project

Replacing the information system at the facility is therefore important since it will not only update the facility's database but will also enhances the efficiency of operations and the quality of services at the healthcare center. The stakeholders in the project will include the service provider. The information system will necessitate the creation of an →

Strengths of ebp

This paper explores the strength of evidence determines translation into practice, the importance of integrating EBP with family practice and responsibility of nurses when EBP and family practice does not match. Research has shown that EBP leads to a better health care. The second reason is the existence of trust between the doctor and the →

Clinical quality and patient safety

This indicates that it is a major problem in the world today. The leading cause of the occurrence and development of the hospital-acquired infections is the medical practitioners becoming complacent and fail to practice the correct hygiene regularly. Any infection that will be occurring in ones' section due to a preventable cause, the practitioner in →

Discussion board post response

Effective relationships in the workplace are imperative as they contribute to improved job satisfaction, nurse retention, and also improved results in nursing practice. In reference to your example, favoring some employees could make other employees feel devalued and hence leave the organization.

Living life as it comes

And so I decided to fly overseas to complete my studies and most importantly to live an independent life and enjoy every moment it has to offer. Moving here is one of the most daring choices I have ever made and well I am not going to lag behind.

War of 1812 movie notes

How did the U.S.respond to the Indian threat? How close was the vote to go to war?

Studying carl ransom rogers self concept theory

The potential of a person is unique and we are meant to undergo development in various ways in accordance with our personality. According to McLeod, S.A. According to Rogers, a fully functioning person is well adjusted, well balanced, and fascinating to get acquainted to. Self-Concept Self-concept refers to the organized, consisted set of perception →

Applying creativity to problems

I think that the strategies will be most effective because they attack the main issues of the city it addresses the major concerns of its residents and it will provide a safe environment for its youth. I would have to say that this article is not completely one sided or biased it offers many viewpoints →

Virginia woolf’s a haunted house: literary analysis

The joy and love shared between two people is the treasure, the treasure of life. That the joy and love shared between two people is the treasure of life. A Meaningful Ghost Story

Crash-movie analysis paper

The stereotypes examined in this film are results of the negative images that the media constantly hassle the public on the daily. In the movie a Caucasian woman by the name of Jean who assumes that a Hispanic locksmith by the name of Daniel, will sell the keys and she will get robbed again due →

Power of a leader

Jack demanded the children to listen and work on getting a fire started on the island. Early in the book, Jack shows his desire to become a powerful leader.

Sarah turner

The idea that raging party scenes are a " good depiction of our generation's culture" is extremely concerning to many people. A certain demographic in society that has outwardly expressed their concern about this issue is the older generations that are currently parenting adolescents and young adults.

Working title films

I will use them as an example of how films are produced and distributed in the film industry. Working title films began as a small company with little money. They pitched the idea to channel four and obtained a 500, 000 budget. Working Title films are famous for their →

Pursuing a drug free life

I have a future to plan for and drugs are not in the future I am planning. I do not want to be like that.

The bridge to san luis rey

He has taken on a mission to find out why the five people had to die with the collapse of the bridge. Juniper decided to research the lives of the five victims and figure out the reason of their deaths, why God chose the lives of these five people. He wanted theology to take the →