2 Pages Essay Samples

Running a business on smartphones

Through the use of eTrance, the company was able to reduce the number of hours of the accountant per week, lowering their wage bill. The use of smartphones helped reduce the amount of time needed to solve an issue and serve a customer. This translates into more transactions hence more profit for the company. The β†’

Wassenaar arrangement on export controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies

CHANGES TO EXPORT CONTROL ARRANGEMENT APPLY TO COMPUTER EXPLOITS AND MORE due: Changesto export control arrangement apply to computer exploits and more Wassenaar arrangement is a transparency regime that controls the key elements of military capabilities, use and for indigenous production. It is also a regime that is meant to instill restraint of exports β†’

Information technology management

From this aspect, the researcher anticipates to carry out research in the field of technology management while focusing the advantages of technology management, and at the same time, analyzing and scrutinizing different management principles of the field in light of environmental expectations of the business world. Finally, the researcher will focus on the β†’

Computer science extra credit

It allows mobile payments and is considered to revolutionize the modern day e-commerce. (Below points are copied from http://www.nearfieldcommunication.org/) " Who benefits from near field communication ? Busy moms checking out at the grocery store Businessmen and women riding the subway to work Businesses looking for faster, more secure payment methods for customers β†’

Proposition 8

However, the data recorded as public information is inconvenient to access and possesses the risk of privacy breach (California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, 2008). In this regard, the assignment focuses on explaining the side effects of providing donors' information in accordance with Proposition 8. Side Effects of providing Donors' Information Publicly With the β†’

Supporting activity

Mobile computing is " a generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from wherever they are".. Mobile computing has resulted in a marked increase in productivity of employees because of their easy access to data which they need. Web 2.

Project management for healthcare

The financial element of project management can also be a potential risk to healthcare projects; if for some reason the organization does not have enough finances for the project then it may be brought to a complete halt. Risks coming directly from the project may include doing something for the first time, changes in crucial β†’

Basics of a computer system

A typical home-based computer system has a Central Processing Unit , a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, etc. The CPU is the brain of a computer which does all the computation works inside based on the inputs provided through the keyboard or mouse and will display the results on the output through the output β†’

Internet explosion – protecting our future

These gaps may include the replication of the fingerprints as well as manually recording the voices of legitimate users through devices like mobile phones. Q2. This may result in the braking of professional ethics as one tries to manage emerging challenges.

How does physical access control differ from logical access control as described in earlier chapters how is it similar

On the other hand, the control of the physical access is performed through the physical access control (Logical access, physical access, 2012). Logical Access Control and Physical Access Control: The Difference and Similarity: The primary difference between logical access control and physical access control is that physical access control is mainly involved with control of β†’


In order to gain a competitive advantage over the other organizations in the industry, it has been forced to adopt information systems on a global platform. Since the adoption of the global information systems, Walmart has increased its reach and is now operational in 27 countries with over 11, 000 stores worldwide. 2 million workers, β†’

Information on databases

Queries are used to make searches on tables based on specific criteria and the output can be given in the form of a report that clearly shows the results of the query. Currently I use a timetable to store data about my classroom activities and I use a paper based table to store records of β†’

Report of what i did last week

I have made several contributions that have the potential to enhance project success. The fist role that I performed in this group assignment this week was communicating to the group in time to ensure timely selection of an application and a related technology. I decided to take care of opening statements and purpose of the β†’

A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined networks

The article is able to shed light on the need and the gap that this prototype is meant to address and fill. A surprising aspect about prototyping is that the product of prototyping has to exceed or surpass, in terms of performance, over other similar products in the field for it qualifies as a prototype β†’

Supporting activity

Supporting Activity Affiliation: Why it is important to protect the information organizations use today? Information whether it is in digital form or not is important to the owner and hence protecting it from unauthorized access is the most important thing in an organization today and has been important ever since time immemorial. Unauthorized access to β†’

It infrastructure

Journal of Information Security Technical Report , 14 , 1-6. To incorporate cloud technology in a business model, there is the need to identify the type of cloud technology to be used. The reason behind this is because as a business, there are various problems that come with embracing the cloud, hence the needs to β†’

Discussion 1

Are people hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology for purchases due to security concerns? These are potentially influenced by age, educational background and profession since those who are prolific users of the internet are mostly the young generation and those who unsuspectively divulge personal information. Discussion 2: Potential Consequences: Discuss what the consequences β†’

Network topology design

Lastly, it is projected that in the second year, the number of employees will again rise by one hundred. As indicated in the network topology diagram below, the initial computer network configuration at the company is composed of ten user computers. This is because, as indicated in the diagram, all operations are within a network β†’

Computer crimes

Additionally, the rise of computer crime is attributed to inexistence of laws related to computer crime. Computer crime is not always associated with physical damage of property. The criminal activities are a breach to the human and information privacy. Hacking is one of the most witnessed computer crimes.

Functional organizations are described by organizational charts. explain why a temporary organization such as a project can benefit from using an organizational chart

The first of these is that an organizational chart shows a clear reporting structure and it becomes clear for everyone involved in the project where they have to report to thus reducing ambiguity and confusion. This way they do not have to miss out of opportunities that they can easily take advantage of. As above β†’

Itpm best practices

Implementing ITPM as a part of a large IT governance program improves the value of IT investments in an organization. The ITPM process is the same but the approach may differ depending on the type of business and the priorities set for the overall goals within the organization. It also means that a process or β†’

Jerry montgomery and trusty carpets

In sum, the objective of the business is to improve the use of technology for his current store, and to include the same capabilities for his new location, support a mobile sales force. Support for mobile sales force Jerry intends to have a salesforce on the field to improve his profit margin and justify the β†’

Job stress among help desk technicians

The simple rules to be followed by the help desk workers who are mostly it experts include; Help users help themselves One common complaint many IT support employees have is that they spend a lot of time helping clueless users fix obvious problems. Ask support staff what issues they run into most often, and β†’

Key challenges and pitfall to virtual team performance

Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Apparently, creating and maintain virtual team performance due to inconsistent communication demean virtual team performance. The inconsistent communication used by the virtual teams generates the challenge of misinterpretations that limit virtual team performance.

Predictive vs. adaptive sdlc

Basically, agile software development approach is known as adaptive SDLC and the majority of software developers now adopts agile for a variety of reasons. However, the predictive SDLC approach does not provide any support for handling these changes and if it does, these changes are costly to accommodate. Some of the benefits of agile include β†’

Computers that simulate and reflect human behaviors

Computers That Simulate And Reflect Human Behaviors Summary In his article titled " Authenticity in the Age of Digital Companions", Turkle examined the nature of interactions between users and computers. Consequently, the emergent interaction with computers has established new domains of meaning to the concepts of authenticity and liveliness within β†’

Appendix :a pestel evaluation for intel

School/College PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL By Your's PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL Political, economical, social and technological analysis shows that how Intel Company has been affected by the external factors to manage its development. Political Factor: Major considerations in the semiconductor industry are the individual and corporate taxes. Intel is an international working company and keeps β†’

Research outline and references

YouTube in the modern times of digital interaction and interface is not just the of a website, rather a medium and a platform. The incorporation of cloud computing and advertisement is another domain which will progress in times ahead.

Dw – components of data warehouses

Kimball and Ross further added that data warehouse provides security to data, monitor updates from different sources, and even checks the quality of data. Reporting This component mainly ensures that data is available for all the users from the central data warehouse. Metadata According to Kimball and Ross , metadata β†’

Design structure of a workout website

The details of the sections are outlined and explained below: Navigation The site contains links strategically placed within the web system to facilitate the interconnection of the different web pages that offer diverse services. The selective and optional navigation to various links that represent the pages of the website is symbolized by the template β†’

China and the censorship of information technology

It is the best instrument to educate and enlighten one's mind due to the many views and theories it has compiled in its infinite database. Yet, this is not the reason why the Chinese Government is advocating the internet. Second, the Chinese government does not have the right to ban sites and β†’

Reuse of software

Reuse of software is the utilization of existing assets in some kind within the process of software product development. However, currently, reuse of software involves the redeployment of components across the complete lifecycle of development beginning with domain modeling and specifications, design of software, coding, testing, to operation and maintenance, (Nazareth and Rothenberger, 2004).

Troubleshooting electric circuits

TROUBLESHOOTING ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 1 In troubleshooting, it is imperative for the technician to take into consideration several important aspects of the troubleshooting processes. In the scope of troubleshooting an electrical circuit, it is likewise of utmost importance to identify the controls and loads, clearly understand the sequence of the operation in a system, and β†’

Microsoft word :

Those issues included the risks and negative aspects associated with the mechanisms of authentication, access types, and authorization. Network Security Network security is the mechanism for the protection of computer networks from different sorts of threats. Software-Defined networking is one of the main mechanisms that can be used in the future to improve the β†’

Describe dod dir 8570.1

The policy requires all those involved in the military service to maintain a certified status with a particular number of hours of every year's continuing professional education. DoD Directive 8570. The policy eliminates consistent problems in the future that can be as a result of lack of regulated global recognized qualifications by providing a metric β†’

Douglas crockford

Douglas Crockford Douglas Crock ford, talks about the head and gut, he tries to explain how the head and gut coordinate in order the body to function. He concludes by saying that gut messes us up when it comes to the matters of the style.

Old dominion trail bikes

All these information will propel Ted's business further to the ladder of success. Question three Ted's business is involved leasing of bikes, ordering of new bikes from the supplier, keeping sales records and many other business activities. It also streamlines the way activities are taking place within the business. Question nine Before the β†’

Explain why information systems project management requires careful attention to quality management

Second reason is that lack of focus on quality management within information systems project management can result in rework and high number of project changes. This is the reason why experts suggest adhering to the standards of quality while managing any information system project." It certainly is a better and safer practice to plan quality β†’

Monitoring software: slow internet surfing

When we get connected, the spyware automatically begins sending personal information without the knowledge of the computer user. Mostly spyware gathers this type of information and sends it to third-party networks without the knowledge and permission of the user.

The building blocks of experience: an early framework for interaction designers

For designers to have success, must a great understanding of the relevant components and the knowhow on whether to design or script the experience. In order to determine factors influencing the experience is to assess components of what surrounds the product and components of consumer-product interaction.

Cis206 u5 research assignment

Administering a UNIX User Environment Administering a UNIX User Environment The article, Unix Administration, by David Malone focuses on various aspects that involve the administration of the UNIX user environment. Processes are the basic units of executing programs in UNIX and can be in states such as waiting for data, ready to run, or running.

Security awareness

Threats from inside the company continue to be the main source of information security breaches, and therefore effective security awareness campaign targeting the employees of the company can help identify and prevent threats like social engineering and phishing. Organizing a security awareness campaign will ensure the employees are informed and updated on various security issues β†’


It is important for healthcare providers to consider and serve in terms of a holistic data security program that integrates security around patient information to hinder its access by unauthorized parties. For a healthcare organization to enjoy automatic logging of application to database accesses by doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and administrators, it has to employ β†’


Thus the employees of ISP were operating within the parameters of the company and as the responded in the case they are obliged to defend themselves on limited tort liability. Under the law if an employee is involved in a criminal act, the plaintiff can sue responded for neglect hiring and β†’

The urbanization of the internet

This is similar to the racial fear of the previous half-century that saw the white population fleeing the decaying inner cities for the exclusivity of suburbia. This same phenomenon was echoed in the creation of Facebook. Myspace continued to be a haven for deviance and what Danah Boyd calls the " subaltern teens", while Facebook β†’

The use of technology in business

His plans also failed due to the fact that despite him being the senior most manager of the company, he had no enough knowledge of IT issues as manifested during his discussion with the senior members of the staff. 4. This is the reason why Barton felt that it was necessary for him to go β†’

Looking for a position in it field in a dynamic working environment – resume/cv example

nExtract of sample " Looking for a Position in IT Field in a Dynamic Working Environment" n nCOMPUTER & OTHER SKILLS n nGood at generic, common Office software applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) n nGood at basic computer Hardware and software skills.n nEnglish and Arabic Keyboarding: Typing speed in both: β†’

Advantages of the internet towards society

The aim of this thesis is to identify the advantages of the internet to society. In the fast society life where people barely have time to see each other, the Internet has revolutionized the concept of togetherness and company.

Flight planning / maintenance dashboard

Furthermore, flight engineers will be able to plan for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. The engineers purposed to design the application must have a holistic understanding of evolving technologies as well as the involved inherent functional characteristics. Gosnell also presents to us the procedure on the development of a dashboard application.

Change management – itil

ITIL would considerably contribute to meeting the challenges of customers' changing requirements. The IT system is intrinsic part of organizational operations that not only integrates various units but also enhances it operational and administrative productivity and outcome. With ITIL, ABC would be constantly updated and will be able to apply innovative input to its product β†’

Aquarius advertising agency case analysis

How would you describe the environment, goals, culture, size, and technology for Aquarius? The business environment of Aquarius is composed of both internal and external factors. A further disadvantage of the structure is that it would worsen the internal conflict in communication that Aquarius has experienced and attempting to resolve.

Operating systems

The Linux I/O service mainly offers the tools used for program profiling and monitoring the performance of the computer CPU. This is because during an I/O operation, such as disk read information, the operating system kernel checks for data in the page cache to facilitate fast reading of the data. The advancements in the Linux β†’

Storge device of computer

There two classes of computer storage devices; one is the primary storage devices, and the other one is the secondary storage devices. Primary computer storage devices are smaller in size, are internal to the computer and are developed to hold data temporarily.

Virtual estates lead to real-world headaches

When the husband avatar died and the wife avatar cannot comply with the maintenance fees, all that they have put up were totally gone. The terms of usage in the virtual reality set it apart from the real world since the mediator or platform creator and owner of the virtual environment remains to have control β†’

Database systems management

There will be new clients who will want to book the hotels in the future. The most common data types that are common in the database are the date because there are various date values that will need to be added to the database. There will be a need to store the fees that will β†’

Sql/pl database project

For example, Triggers: Triggers in PL/SQL are the special stored programs which are triggered by the use of events for the given program. CALL statement is used for calling and passing the variables in and out of the procedure.

Management information technology

The availability of clinical data has been observed to be crucial in the promotion of use of these developments to enhance the practice of medicine. I think the usage of the electronic medical information can be improved by creation of a common data base in the cloud. There should also be harmonization of terminologies and β†’


Cyber terrorism is the type of violence than invades the information base of every computers, networks and stored data to misuses the information to the will of the person or group retrieving the data unlawfully.' Cyberterrorism hinges on the widespread use of computers by individuals, private industry and corporations, the military, and the government and β†’

Widget wonders

Widget Wonders Widget Wonders Inc needs a good information system for proper management of the manufacturing and distribution information of the new genre of widgets. Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2013 is fast, cheaper, dependable spreadsheet software and capable of reading and even editing XLS and XLSX file formats. At times, the processed information is presented to the β†’

Cloud computing

CEO of UVW Ken Muksin, Senior Enterprise Architect the FUTURE OF UVW WITH CLOUD COMPUTING UVW stands to benefit from cost savingsand efficiencies in its operations by using the cloud services of providers like Amazon and Google. By embracing cloud computing in its business, UVW can thus remain competitive as well as ride the wave β†’

Scoring cyber competitions

Each of these machines should always be made available and actively maintained throughout the competition. Besides, I would like to recommend that the competitors should be equipped with both the offensive and defensive skills. The machine chosen should be in a proper condition to help in awarding and deducting points from the competitors depending on β†’

User interface

Answer In order to ensure that the Trader will not be able to overlook the Special Instructions intentionally or mistakenly, the following changes will be made to the user interface of ETT: 1. A text area will be added in the ' Selected Order' area to display the value of the ' Special Instructions' column β†’

Are social network site good for our society

The use of social networks has significantly transformed the society in many ways where it can be seen that even politics are turning to them in their political campaigns. Therefore, it can be noted that the benefits of using social networks social in nature, they just offer personal gratification to the individuals who use them.

See word

Moreover, it is also important that emails from unknown source should not be opened as it might be from some unscrupulous source and means of downloading malicious software like malware which could transfer whatever you type to the cyber criminals. Answer 2 Some of the users' actions are unintentional threats to information security while β†’

Security policy analysis

Greater emphasis is also placed on personal accountability and responsibility of cyber security. Section 111 stipulates the supremacy of the Act in accordance with other laws relating to cyber security. The U.S.intelligence community law sourcebook: A compendium of national security related laws and policy documents..

Information sytem

After that, Microsoft Office Suite 2010 will now install and you can check the progress of the installation through the status bar. After installing, click on close and you can begin using the Microsoft Office Suite 2010. References " How To Install Office 2010".

Identify at least three types of project procurement contracts. describe each and discuss the risk associated with both the buyer and the seller

The Firm Fixed Price Contract is the most popular type and is characterized by a set price that is unchangeable with the exception of alterations in the scope of work. An example of risk is where the buyer only receives receipts of purchases that are subject to negligence of the seller who may overlook good β†’

Risk managments strategy of applaying open stack system

The complex customization and flexibility of opens tack that can be specific to an organization may lead to a conflict with the external open stack infrastructure. The strategy for effective risk management for an organization utilizing open stack can be based on ISO/IEC 27001.

Data communication and networking

In such a case, traffic is intercepted before it is forwarded to the user gateway. BEAST: This is a hacking tool developed in Delphi that infects Windows operating systems. It utilizes some ports and can terminate the operations of an antivirus or even a firewall, to gain entry into a victim. Encryption RSA is β†’

Report on public key encryption

As a result, the public key encryption provides an identity to the world. The keys are what the data uses to check the identity of the person.

Insider threart

In addition, the organization should have a secure recovery and backup processes in place in order to ensure they can easily handle the threat without letting it get out of hand. In conclusion, no company should imagine that they are completely safe from insider threat. It is important that they take the essential steps which β†’

Week 2 academic paper

Academic paper review - Computer Security Threat Monitoring and Surveillance It is vital to that this paper providesa significant set of concepts on how a computer system can be exposed to either internal or external security threats. In general, this paper provides a considerable enlightenment on how to perform improvised computer security auditing and surveillance β†’


This allows an attacker to interfere with the system by using the , slash, character that makes the command prior to the slash to be effected, which is the hackers' command. Question 2 The common criterion is an internationally recognized set of standards that are used to successfully evaluate the security of a β†’

Computing footprints

Further, it is also valid across different methodologies and in particular across the two methodologies of LCA, viz., input and output base study, which is also called the ' top down' approach and process life cycle inventory data base study, termed the ' bottom up' approach. Top down study is based on uniform data source, β†’

Computer and network hardware

For example the keyboard serves for purpose of transmitting instructions to the mother board and processor to fetch any instruction. Scanners, monitor, printer and mouse serve as the external components of the system. What alternatives are available to allow a modern computing system to connect to a network? While computer without internet makes little sense β†’

Microsoft access

Forms helps in the addition of data into the main database used by the Microsoft access application. The reports in Microsoft access give a comprehensive summary of the information contained in the database.

Network security tools

Research and discuss the need for network security tools to assess network weaknesses and proactively fix these before they are exploited. The functionality of Secunia PCI is to act as an IDS and an anti-virus system, a multi-beneficial aspect for network security.

Technology management blog

In addition, and most importantly for this paper, ROI plays an important role in the service strategy as it provides an opportunity to evaluate and determine whether existing services are effective or achieving their objectives. The book, Service Strategy explained that " in simplest sense, it [ROI] is the net profit of an investment divided β†’

Federal acts affecting mis

This paper outlines the potential impact of these acts and ethical issues that led to the implementation of these acts. The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 The basic purpose of implementing this act was to deal with the existing and present matters regarding what or who should work out the power over local β†’

The internet provider asa

The ASA of the management firm could be built up to sustain a domestic user databank or make use of an outside server for verification (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). A system administrator will have to be accountable for making and sustaining this protective surrounding (Whitman & Herbert, 2011, p.288). The advantages of the implementation β†’

Cloud computing and the new economics of business

The illustration of Hugo incorporated some of the innovation theories where the sustained success is attained through the change, innovation, and adaptation of organizations, According to Hugo, history has proved that there is resistance in the spread of technologies that have always been considered futile. It is, therefore, essential to accurately measure and realizes the β†’

The works’ m. brambilla, professor barry boehm about the evolution of software development

This article examines two different articles on software development but their approaches markedly differ from each other; the first article to be mentioned here more or less is theoretical in its treatment of the subject while the second article is more on application. Along this vein, I find the article written by Professor Barry Boehm β†’


The reason for the involvement of General Managers may be summarized as follows: The revenue being used for IT management needs to be monitored. Initiatives by IT managers become advantageous for the company when general managers show their participation for facilitating business processes, global expansion and initiation of new business ventures. Moreover, research has shown β†’

Lear wont take a backseat

The technology has helped it to collaborate and integrate the work of designing and sculpting the interiors of automobiles and test it in virtual reality environment. It is envisioned that within the next two years, Lear's competitors would be able to acquire expertise and competency in the designing and working in virtual environment.

Vulnerability scanning

d: Vulnerability Scanning Vulnerability scanning deals with the staple information for security as no software is perfect for the security purposes. The Pros and Cons of Vulnerability Scanning,.

Perform a limited risk managment study

This paper is going to discuss a risk management study of some of the security threats. Risk Identification and Estimation Malicious codes: when connected to P2P networks, or using P2P applications it is hard to identify the source of the files, and even the credibility of the sender. This may restrain the user's internet β†’

Speech recon

It is not unreasonable to assume therefore that in the future advanced speech recognition software will govern more and more of our common day to day activities. One particular aspect that it is likely to replace is the job of the drive thru order taker. Everyday, tens of thousands of orders are placed and received β†’

Summary of chapter 3: information technologies (its)

In fact, the electronic personas are likely to dominate our real personas in the near future as emphasis on electronic form of communication in all systems is emphasized more. Technology has played a huge role in changing the communications in the society. The advancements in IT have introduced a series of devices and mechanisms to β†’

Life long learning

Life-long learning makes it possible for individuals to acquire knowledge on some of the new research or experiments available for the technical field. In the field of information technology , individuals can learn virtually. Such a consideration will make it possible for interested individuals to expand their knowledge in the field of information technology.

Telecom eireann

Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond β†’

2-easy discussion questions

Once the cause is found, a learning cycle is used to resolve the problem and improve the process. On the other hand the Pareto Chart is a bar graph which arranges problems in priority of importance. For example a Pareto chart can be used to analyze which of the main factors, that is people, management, β†’

Computer security

First, I discovered that I was a bit careless with storage of my personal computer which is portable since I often leave it on top of the table when out of the house and whenever I carry it around or when travelling I normally left my computer bag unattended. Fourth, I would ensure that my β†’

Business intelligence in action

Most of the Facebook users are not aware of where their information has reached (Vitt, Luckevich, & Misner , 2010). The data that companies will try to seek is the preferences of many things that Facebook users have towards products and services. One way in which this is taken is that Facebook does not inform β†’

Guided project

We can offer you attention and services that are unmatched by other real estate companies. I am also a Whitney Hills resident, and I primarily work in this area with buyers and sellers. If you are curious as to the type of activity that has been occurring in your area, or you would like to β†’

Biometric centralisation vs biometric balkanization: which is better

Biometric Centralization vs Biometric Balkanization In the study of the various methods of applying biometric methods in authentication, it is better to apply Biometric Balkanization. Synergy Biometric Balkanization provides synergy to the interests of the users of the system.

How will professional organizations play a role in your professional life

IT in the Modern Life DeVry This paper was prepared for CEIS-100 taught by Project Week #: 7 IT in the Modern Life Computer input devices: Mouse; Keyboard; Scanners; Microphones; Touchpads; Video and webcamera. Output devices: Monitor; Printer Speakers; Headphones; Drives; Hard drive Storage devices: Hard drive; DVD; CD; Diskettes; Portable β†’