2 Pages Essay Samples

Critical appraisal-ebp

However, the article provides a description of the research method, which is a mixed method approach (Qualitative and quantitative methods), indicating a limited sense of its appropriateness in relation to validity of data. Ethical Issues The research does not indicate how ethical issues ascribed to access of a person's health records were managed: This →

The poor communication would initiate unpleasant transition.

Based on patient's condition he or she might receive care froma nurse in home setting. Each of these changes from hospital to home is definedas a care transition for continuity of health care. In thetransitional care, nurses work with patients and entire healthcare team to makesure that patient after discharge, patient receives continuity of care →

Nih protecting human research participants course

Protecting Human Research Participants NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Protecting human participants' course is an important reflection of milestones that have shaped human research. Protecting human research participants in the age of big data.

Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder pediatric massage

Stress reduction in children with autism Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder through pediatric massage Autism is a disorder that is stressful both to the caregivers of the children and the children being cared for. Reduction of stress among autistic children is thus a crucial health care intervention that would result in improvement →


I also met with my preceptor in preparation for my final week of my assigned duty. Week 12 It was my final week for my practicum experience, two infection control staff that I was working with evaluated me, and the results were impressive. Later in the final day, I also met with my preceptor →

Critical thinking

Canadian health Act requires the federal government to administer the national health care system through fiscal allocation and delivery free health care services all citizens in the society. Majority of the Medicare members suffer from diet-related diseases and terminal illness thus it is the responsibility of the Medicare to cover all the prescribed conditions.

Web based health information analysis

Web Based Health Information Analysis Affiliation: Evaluate a self-selected web site following the HON criteria. The website under discussion is the Epilepsy Foundation (http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/) which is a health website with a lot of information about epilepsy. The HON criteria include privacy, transparency, attribution and authority (http://www.hon.ch/HONcode/Conduct.html). Provide a comprehensive review of each criteria and whether →

Utilization management and models of care

Utilization Management and Models of Care al Affiliation Achieving Quality and Safety Goals When the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model is used in care settings, the quality of care that is offered is usually enhanced. Finally, the PCHM facilitates the integration and coordination of care thus ensuring that the patients receive the best care and services →

Discussion board post response

As noted by Seidman and McCauley , positive deviance involves making out what ought to be avoided in order to achieve the intended positive results. Placing bracelets on the patients known to wander around is an ingenious technique that could be referred to as an example of positive deviance.

Adolesent drug abuse

In this paper, I seek to discuss management of risk factors and protective measures as the most interesting aspect of adolescent drug abuse. The manner in which the society has handled risk factors to adolescent drug abuse and associated prevention initiatives, as evidenced by the persistent high rates of the abuse among the group is →

Winshield survey summary and relection

The community of a client is the referral of the community as one base entity in health nursing due to the relation of the people and exposure to similar aspects as they share the same geographical space. In this way, community partnerships arise in the form of the community members working together with the various →

The management of ipratroprium during an asthma attack

It is however important to realize that the administration of Ipratropium should be managed in a way that makes its use safe for the patient. The delivery of Ipratropium is carried out in the form of aerosolized solution through the use of a metered dose inhaler. Combinations of ipratropium and albuterol are also marketed, the →

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes what are there mechanisms

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes What are there mechanisms Lack of Social Support And Loneliness Leads to Physical Challenges David a type 2 diabetes patient who is also experiencing loneliness following the passing away of his wife is said to experience various →

Parimary article summary

The basic idea of transcultural nursing is to study the connection between the various cultures and relate these findings to the core concepts of nursing. Keeping in view the challenges of the 21st century, the author briefly explained the relevant factors and their roles in getting a positive outcome in the field of nursing, taking →

The future of nursing in an evolving health care system

The Future of Nursing al Affiliation: The Future of Nursing Research indicates that a critical number of nurses expect to leave their current position for another occupation or resign early, and in nursing schools, large portions of those enlisted forsake their studies. The nursing shortage will increase the demand for better services in the healthcare →

Summarize the article,

In the study, the population of interest was patients with breast cancer and bone metastases, which acted as the main participants of the study. The attained outcome from the study was that denosumab was superior when compared to zoledronic acid in terms of reducing bone-related complications among individuals with breast cancer.

Analysis and critique jean watson

It moves beyond ego-self and transcends to spiritual connections between a practitioner and their patient. The ten carative factors and theories of nursing help in understanding Watson's caring-healing-loving-model. Nursing the philosophy and science of caring.

Using the media 6

Therefore, a health practitioner can use the influence of these media to pass information to the people within a locality. In order to influence public opinion and as a nurse, I would use the media to apply pressure and advance the public policy issue. A message passed through any of the social media sites and →

Moral distress

I wanted to end her suffering and we often talked to each other about it but the hospital would not agree and neither would the family and they even threatened suing myself and the hospital if euthanasia was attempted even though it was also her wish. Solving the morally distressing situation would demand asking about →

Have you noticed the use of nursing informatics enhancing your use of the dikw framework if so, how

It is true that the integration concept offers great support of the data; information, knowledge and wisdom framework to nursing practitioners. As a practitioner, the use of nursing informatics has greatly enhanced my application of DIKW framework especially with the use of Electronic Health Records. The information contained in nursing informatics provides substantive →

In what ways could a researcher manage and organize the data

Qualitative data is important in explaining phenomena and thus finding an ideal approach to manage and organize the data can be beneficial to a study. The motive is to ease retrieval of the data and identify any missing information that would be relevant in the analysis section.

Who is your role model and how did that person impact your life

Three years before he became the president, I did not know him, but now I have come to know him as an inspirational leader and he is now my role model. Obama is a hero to many, but to me he holds a special place in my life because he has taught me never to →

Retin a/ accutane (advanced pharmacology)

Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A is a Tretinoin composed of Retinoic acid or Vitamin A acid and is available in the forms of creams, gels and liquids for topical administration. The use of Retin-A is contraindicated in eczema, sunburn, or if the →

Blood glucose levels

The duration is dictated by the lifespan of red blood cells, which is averagely 120 days. When diabetes is not controlled, blood sugar levels rise and the sugar combines with the hemoglobin in erythrocytes, becoming glycated. Therefore, people living with diabetes are advised to maintain a level as near normal as possible to prevent long-term →

Week 4 posts 6330

I support the best practice in this quote, " The syllabus is well organized with effective headers and tables with the ease of readability which can promote understanding among learners ". The major improvement this syllabus needs is more supervision; this is beneficial since the graduates need mentoring. Hello Kayla, The post related to →

Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing

This is in line with the BSN program mission that promotes the advancement of education among RNs to enable them provide comprehensive and evidence-based nursing care. I appreciate that leadership in nursing is a critical role that calls for endowment with the requisite knowledge to promptly make decisive decisions.

Ethical frame work

Confidentiality in general therefore ensures that the patient has full support of the medical personnel when it comes to health information of the patient When to breach confidentiality Confidentiality as has been mentioned above and according to the code standards of conduct, performance and ethics of nurses is supposed to be guaranteed and →

Nurses in politics

The congresswoman has served California, and her main aim is ensuring that her constituents access quality health care (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries, 2011). Public health care institutions are funded by the government that also formulate policies to govern them. Lois Capps plays a crucial role in policy setting and determination of budget in the health →

Witting a letter

Richard Durbin, As a constituent and admirer of yours, I urge you to support the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act, which will optimize the well-being of the patients and the professional inputs of the nurses. The introduction of the Act to Congress in 2003 and the subsequent reintroductions have not yet progressed to the passing →

Good nursing and health care policy course reflection statement essay example

Nursing and Health Care Policy Course Reflection Statement This reflective statement is based on the things that one has learnt as a result of taking Nursing and Health Care Policy Course. With the help of the group one was able to analyze the logics of the United States political process, the nurses' roles →

Nursing pharm

Why is some heparin ordered to be given by IV push and some heparin ordered to be given by IV infusion? Critically, the client needed to obtain the therapeutic drug level of heparin as evident in aPTT result of 1. What is the purpose of the repeated drawing of the aPTT? The therapeutic effect of →

Sample of chart or graft essays example

A line graph helps track the trends in data. This line graph presents the relation between changes in time that influence the changes in temperature. This type is used correctly because it helps tracking multiple changes in temperature with time. - Using line graph was good, but not the best way to →

Actions that nurses can take to maintain skin integrity

Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Nurses should avoid massages or practice gentle massages around sites of skin impairment. Areas with bony prominences should also be avoided. Monitor the patient's skin care practices such as the soaps used, frequency of cleansing, and →

Positive image of nursing profession

Today's society requires people to specialize and be qualified enough to join the nursing professionalism. The percentage of nurses who are bachelor ready is increasing do to the increasing demand for well-prepared nurses. Besides, one can support the application process of student who wants to do nursing.

Pathophysiology- gasrtic acid stimulation on pud,gerd,gastritis

Acid secretion in the gastric phase is due to distention of the abdomen and the intestinal phase is stimulated by amino acids and intestinal distension. There are several disorders that can occur as a result of hypersacidity which include peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis. Dietary factors and consumption of alcohol leads to stimulation →

Reaction paper

Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project al Affiliation Reaction Paper: Safe Family Project The article en d " Safe Family Project" written by Brackley has provided comprehensive information regarding the Safe Family Project, a project which was allegedly designed to train health care practitioners to address health care requirements of victims of domestic violence →


The community health nurses communicate the illness and health experiences of individuals and families in vulnerable populations, and educate members of the target community to express their health issues. This will ensure that the programs and interventions are synced with statewide efforts to prevent substance abuse, violence, and pregnancy in high school students. References →

Nursing informatics at all levels of patient care

As a matter of fact, nursing informatics is a growing discipline, defined as the " use of information technologies in relation to those functions within the purview of nursing, and that are carried out by nurses when performing their duties. Therefore, any use of information technologies by nurses in relation to the care of their →

Discuss a current public controversy surrounding a healthcare issue. examine the issue from a sociopolitical, economic, and cultural perspective. what are the ethical/ legal dilemmas that nursing professionals face when healthcare issues are politicized

However, cultural, religious, social, and political stakeholders remain divided over the matter. Obamacare seeks to enhance accessibility, affordability, and quality of healthcare, preventive services included. On the other side, healthcare industry is subject to social, financial, legal, and political regulation.


A good example of this is the use of virtual doctor's assistants in order to leave more registered nurses free to perform the existing duties. Virtual assistants will not just be helpful in ensuring that a lot of medical personnel are liberated to fulfill other duties, but will also contribute towards the streamlining of the →

Core nursing competencies

Moreover, Community, psychiatric and gerontological heaths are included in the curriculum. The interviews continued to reveal that because of BSN is regarded as being higher, and then nurses on this category are paid higher than their counterparts in the ADN. They generally felt that they were on top of their career hence the satisfaction. In →

Personal philosophy of nursing

Indeed, such image is what most people hold henceforth, no disagreeable reactions should be manifested in the presence of patients even though a nurse may be in trouble or is not feeling well. When a nurse is knowledgeable and well-trained, he will be able to perform his responsibilities efficiently but effectively.

Comprehensive physical exam

During this procedure the information collected is in respect to what the patient answers to the questions asked by the nurse (Douglas, Rebeiro, Crisp & Taylor, 2012). In my case, the patient under observation is a female aged seventy years old. Presently the patient is experiencing pain at the same spot with a rating of →

Nursing situation

However, even though caring is a highly regarded virtue in nursing practice, instances when the nurses failed to provide proper care have been numerous, and most patients bear witness to such treatment. For instance, during my internship period in the hospital, I happened to witness one such incident where a comatose patient needed to be →

Its a job application paper

The supposed weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities gained after would increase the ability to convey my skills in different departments in the nursing career. As an active youth with the interest, I will be of vast importance at the medical center. The Versant program is one the key reasons why I am aspiring to launching →

Week 6 moral distress and moral integrity

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16 , 1. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/Courage-and-Distress/Moral-Distress-and-Courage-in-Everyday-Practice.html Nurses want to leave hospitals due to moral distress..

Katy texas ,phenommenological features

The terrain of Katy community is full of railroads. In addition, Katy community exercises farming activities that includes the growth of cotton and peanut.


According to this research, it was found that in the 799 hospitals researched, higher RN staffing was inversely proportional to the adverse patient outcome and vice versa. In addition, the probability of failure to rescue was higher in hospitals that had lower nurse staffing levels.

Clinical significance

There are a number of controversies around the clinical significance and statistical significance issue. There is a general agreement that statistical significance do not give information concerning clinical significance. Statistical significance is generally about the possibility of a chance finding that will not stay in the replications of the future.

Nursing research

Nursing research Pressure Sores and the Braden Scale Pressure sores is a common health problem in the world.Dr. The areas include; nutrition and hydration, physical capability, ease of changing positions, sensing and responding to pressure, behavior of skin in humid conditions and resilience of skin to friction (National Institute of Nursing Research, 2006). The testing →

Nurse roles & functions

The role and function of a nurse in quality assurance is to ensure that patients receive the correct treatment procedures approved by the doctors. The safety issues in health care, such as prevention of blood borne illnesses is to ensure that nurses use gloves when attending to patients.

Tailoring dementia care mapping essay sample

The nurses understand that the dementia affects the psychosocial skills of the patient. The study revealed that nursing assistants appreciate the usefulness of Dementia Care Mapping.

Can babies with exclusive breastfeeding for first few months of their life verses formula fed babies have reduced rate of overeating and obesity later in their life

Breastfeeding for the recommended period should hence be observed. The findings of this study resemble previous studies by other researchers on the direct relationship between breastfeeding and obesity in later lives of infants. The study was carried on women only hence its failure to prove the consistency of the results on men. Therefore, breastfeeding helps →


All of the relevant data is analyzed for popularity and the most popular scores are " The Measures of Central Tendency". It gives a good measure of variance and shows the average distance each observation is from the mean. Research " Measures of Central Tendency and Variability"..

The purge: violence in horror films increasing violence in the real world

Priming entails the spread and activation of the brain in response to the stimulus observed which excites the brain. Emotional activation or desensitization are also long term effects of exposure to content such as those contained in the Purge.

Hollywood classical era movies of the 40s movie reviews examples

The director uses normal lens, so the perspective is normal and the focal length is moderate." Casablanca is shot by the objective camera, so that the spectator watches the action as the neutral observer. The sound of the movie is realistic.

The 40-year-old virgin a movie review movie review

Every moment focuses on Andy's goal, which is especially amusing when he tries to resist it and everything in his world appears to be reminding him of sex, like the " Eruption" ads on the bus and the dogs in the park. Finally, the production design adds much to the comedy of the film. Movieweb.com, →

A clockwork orange: summary

In the book what we call evil is actually a form of art to Alex. In this way, Anthony Burgess conveys an anti-totalitarian message in the novel. The futuristic dystopian society of the novel is a completely exaggerated claim of what a totalitarian government would lead to.

One flew over the cuckoos nest

Essentially, the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was the first ever motion film to received all five major academy awards for Best Picture, Best Actor in Lead Role, Best Actress in Lead Role, Best Director and Screenplay. In 1993, the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was officially renowned →

Elizabeth. loachamin

However, according to some films I have recently watched, ' the pursuit of happiness' which has great influence on me, the beauty of a relationship between father and his son is what interest me the most.' The pursuit of happiness' tell us the story of a father and his son after a failed investment, the →

Salamone cartoon analaysis

That is why there is a problem with Brian San F's comic involving, " John the Baptist's beheading,". The situation depicts Salome, one of Jesus' followers who traveled with him to Jerusalem and witnessed his death and events that followed after. Salome's mother, Herodias, orders John the Baptist's head as →

Free realism essay example

According to Werner Herzog, realism seek to demonstrate the relationship of the film to reality and the specific role that a film plays in helping us understand our society and the world as a whole. The two ancient films by the Lumi re brothers have demonstrated the use of realism. →

Male friendships and female friendships essay

They would tell the other what they would do in that situation, or what they should do. We also hang out a lot, by going out to eat, shopping, or to the movies. Because they do not talk about their feelings as much they are less likely to trust each other.

The sixth sense essay sample

The mise en scene is used when the director wants to give an impression of the characters or the situation without having the characters articulating it through the framework of spoken dialogue, and typically does not represent a realistic setting. One of the most dramatic scenes in the film is when Cole states, " →

Film and box office essay sample

By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for →

Genius hollywood movies of the 40s movie review samples

In the movie, the camera moves with the actors, and the deep focus is used. The American comedy musical " Singin' in the Rain" by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen is one of the best musicals of all times. The spectator enjoys the movie on the normal widescreen, that is to say side masking pulled →

My favorite movies

I like to watch movies very much; especially I like foreign films lots than Japanese films, because I like to study foreign languages. The story is human drama, and I can see the love between father and the son.

A comparison between disney movie pocahontas

Also another difference is that the men in the colony have come for gold rather than a new life like they did in the journal. These are some of the many differences between the movie Pocahontas and the journal by John Smith. In both the book and movie there is a man →

Stan brakhage’smetaphors on vision essay samples

Response to Stan Brakhage's Metaphors on Vision The viewer of the film the Metaphors of vision in most cases find it more daunting and more to it a little puzzling. The visual approach that Brakhage makes the understanding a little difficult to the audience and thus it is a big obstacle toward the →

The newsies in historical context

The west not only had lots of farm land which was great, but what put the icing on the cake was the railroads which was a way for farmers to get their goods to market. The second connection is the labor unions that are forming causing some unrest in the labor arena. Between the fantasy →

Finding nemo lens paper

The prime examples of this are unveiled throw GHz the characters of Marlin, the sharks, including the humans who intrude and disturb the depths of the sea, of which they have not been summoned to. One could argue that Marlin is the representation of the minority class , as they are always acquainted with the →

The fault in our stars

This is there love story Hazel Grace and Gus meet at a support group in the heart of Jesus. It can be assumed, of course that the cancer finally kills the girl or she gets to sick to right but what Hazel Grace wants to know is what happens to the mother and her dutch →

Reel bad arabs: how hollywood vilifies a people

I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people. I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people.

A study on schizophrenia disorder as depicted by ron howard in, a beautiful mind

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind The movie, A Beautiful Mind, is a biographical piece that portrays the life of John Nash, a man with schizophrenia. His acute symptoms begin at college and become more severe when he graduates and begins his work. Once his colleagues recognize his abnormal behavior, he is taken to →

The movie beastly

The film denotes that your character is more important than your physical appearance and it also denotes that do not look up to yourself too high. Kyle is a rich, handsome guy and a very popular boy in the school in the start of the movie I already saw the arrogant side of Kyle. The →

It’s partner and having good cuddling watch increase

It's easy to confess toyour love in front of someone but to keep the spark in your relationship isdifficult to couple always try to find out the ways to please each other. Are you want someone toask out then nor can be great day rather than this valentines and have somehorror plan to make →

The castle essay sample

The film uses techniques like camera shots, language and the use of narration to develop conflict between a decent, old fashioned suburban family, the Kerrigan's and an unscrupulous corporation called Airline. There are far to many stereotypes in The Castle to mention although her are a few examples, the accents, the barbecues, the holiday →

Film ”koyaanisqatsi” essay sample

The film opens with of nature and the power it holds juxtaposed with the sometime destructive nature of man that eventually transitions into a more symbiotic relationship between man, nature, and technology. Martin Heidegger is never mentioned, but his musings on this relationship man has with nature and technology can be applied, although Heidegger →

Ethnic notions: sambo character analysis

Well into the twentieth century the " Mammy", the " Coon", and the "" Sambo"" were all terms used in reference to black Americans. In 1941 the cartoon was made and made its way into many of the homes of American culture. In the early 1900s the image of the " Sambo" spread and it →

Associate program material

What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? What are the negative aspects of stereotypes?

Movie review on gran torino

Movie Review of " Gran Torino" " Gran Torino" is one of the masterpieces of American actor and director Clint Eastwood. Kowalski. Metaphorically, one of the main characters in the movie is the car of Walter Ford Gran Torino that is greatly valued and adored by its owner." Gran Torino" is a symbol that reflects →

An evening on the beach

Soon the sun disappeared below the horizon and the sky turned dark but my two friends and I sat on the beach gazing at the place where the sun went down. We had the torchlight on and soon we were going to light a bonfire.

Chicago 2002 questions movie review

It does not raise any evocative political questions, but it is a nice piece of spectacle that I would highly recommend. 3. I decided to watch the very opening sequence of the film, in which the first shot is of Roxie's eyeball, which is zoomed into to form the second C of 'CHICAGO.' Suddenly, a →

Academic probation

When I was in high school I loved succeeding, but I never had to really work for it. It was instilled in me as a child that I would be the only one of my siblings to go to school.

Romanticism in last of the mohicans

The most prevalent element of Romanticism in The Last of the Mohicans is the idea of emotion over intellect. The Last of the Mohicans remains a popular novel and movie, even in modern times, despite its publication in 1826.

Hugo cabret movie vs. book

Instead of cutting some of the plot as adaptations usually do, the film actually added additional story lines. He adds the characters in the train station with the dachshunds that create a romantic vignette in the movie that was not in the book. In addition, the relationship between the Station Inspector and →

Son of satan

The main character claimed that he had heard from Simpson, a contemporary who they apparently did not like, that he had been fucking a girl under the main character's house. He claims that the main character is not his son, but " son of Satan", after what he had done.

The great dictator: charlie chaplin’s characterization of adolf hitler

The film makes fun of the German conformity by changing the renowned statue " The Thinker" to be in the position of a Heil Hitler salute. Having Hynkel wait to be alone suggests to the audience that behind Hitler's intimidating and powerful image, he is a foolish, childish man.

Alejandro gonzales inarritu’s birdman: characters, cinematography, theme

All of the main characters provide a wide variety for the audience to relate to which is why the casting/acting is so successful. Obviously the cinematography is what truly made this film memorable, it is because it was filmed in " one shot". There was also the satisfaction of continuity not posing as a threat →

Alice walker’s the color purple: analysis

The reader can almost sense that this was written and was never expected to be read or seen by anyone else, it feels very personal and private to the young girl just between her and god. The language she uses is appropriate in the way that you can imagine this fourteen year old black girl →

Analysis of directing in the final scene in ridley scott’s movie gladiator

It is in every way the same as the first and the second time we saw it throughout the movie, although instead of the sepia colours that was first used, now, very cold grey and blue colours are used. I believe that the floating body is a representation of the soldier's spirit.

Nazism theme in the antz movie

The first reason showing that General Mandible is using a fascism or nazism is that he does not care about every individual ant; he only cares about his colony. There are also many other places where General Mandible demonstrates a Nazism or a fascism type of government is that he imprisoned people when they did →

Sometimes in life, it’s good to take risks and face your fears.

With these inspiring and pressing words, Jeff manages to oppress his fears and get ahead of his father, and he finally ignores the problem with the canyon beating him down. Jeff woke up in a Flint hotel with his father, and the first thing he remembers was his brother." Where's Mark?

Action and romantic movies essay sample

All mean that an action flick needs a bigger budget, much bigger than what a typical romantic film would need. On the creative side of the issue an action flick highly relies on suspense and thrill whereas a romantic film seeks attraction in provoking feelings and sentiments in its audience. A film can be →

Article analysis

Beef: The " King" of the Big Water Footprints Summary The article attempts to analyze a ment by Prince Charles of Wales about the water footprint in beef production, in the United States. Beef: The King of the Big Water Footprints.

Sex determination and development

The development and determination of sex in mammals occurs precisely during the fertilization of the ovary by the sperm. DNA component also help in the determination of the inherited chromosomes which form part of the development and sex determination.