2 Pages Essay Samples

Why smart marketing is about help not hype

In a nutshell, the chapter basically points out asking real customers as the best way to understand customer needs. In the next chapter, the writers goes ahead to pinpoint how one can translate the needs identified to be useful marketing. The beauty of the book is in its practicality as it shows one how to β†’

Online marketing and reservation management system

Before, people entered directly on the hotels websites to book a room, but today, influenced by the crisis, travelers are more sensitive to prices and they prefer to compare prices and book cheaper. Also business travelers, who usually spend more than other travelers, tend to search for facial offers and better prices, but β†’

Social media and marketing at turbotax

The company's approach to Twitter grew in importance and in size. Name the pros and cons of asking for tax advice on Twitter. They had a live community team and scaled the idea of helping customers while utilizing those customers and the conversations that they are having online for their rush around β†’

Marketing mix strategies related with target

Services ; Our TV will be playing at select retailers across the nation during its introductory eroded. Shoppers will be able to experience the difference first hand and use all of the features and functions of TV while they are shopping in the store (Future Shop, Walter, Target etc....) Our TV Is unique β†’

In the news

In the News In the News The article focuses on internet advertisement and how it will play a formidable role in the future of overall advertisement. The article argues that this trend will continue to grow in future as interest of the people in the internet is expected to increase in coming years.

Marketing managment

Market segmentation strategies may be used to identify the target customers, and provide supporting data for positioning to achieve a marketing plan objective. Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies, or an undifferentiated approach, involving specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes of the target segment. An ideal market β†’

Good article review about urban sprawl

These insights can be very crucial in planning and development of policies such that development occurs to lead to the maximum benefits. The markets in an urban centre tend to direct development in a certain direction, and this can be very important in planning.

Consumer marketing

Routine response behavior- consumers experienced with the product category and have a well- established criterion for evaluating brands. Since consumers have already established the basic criteria for evaluating the product category and various brands in the category.

Marketing and cosmetics limited-time sale

JIMMIE Is the first also the largest cosmetics limited-time sale store In China. Putting JIMMIE store on line.[Pit] Research of CLIME market share [pica] SUZIE: According to the art of: whoever Is first In the field and awaits the coming of the enemy.

Lrh trade shows events

Together we will come up with a newly revised marketing plan, develop new signs and banners with more attention-catching messages and a team of the well co-coordinated sales staff. Having familiarized me with the company's products the next step will be registering as exhibitors with the relevant authorities, this will ensure that we get a β†’

Integrated marketing communications 3/1

Integrated Marketing Communications 3/1 Trade and Consumer Promotions Module Trade and Consumer Promotions Discuss the difference between trade and consumer promotionsThese are marketing strategies employed by companies to promote product sales. Consumer & Trade Promotions as Marketing Strategies.

Cooper’s industries m&a

1)Cooper's corporate strategy is a mix of diversification and complementary building by which the company diversifies into related areas that are closer to its core competence as well as build businesses around complementary strengths like the way in which it started businesses around related areas. The value that is created is by combining the β†’

Total marketing strategy: you won’t come back by chance

This will help to save time at the filling station and increase the utilitarian value of the customers. 3) The two things that may build utilitarian value are the positioning and the delivery of Elf store. This is purely based on the key benefits that the customers are looking for.

Statement of purpose for graduate school personal statements examples

Graduate education in business is applicable in many fields and enlightens the mind to the development of various enterprises in industry, commerce, and government. After Starbucks, I returned to my passion of automobiles and started to procure and export cars to the Middle East.

Mcdonald’s marketing campaign 2012

Although the campaign shows McDonalds's confidence in its procedures and operations that can only come when a company's practices are really environment friendly and conforming to the standards desired by the people, yet the campaign can also ruin McDonalds's image even more if it fails to live up to consumers' standards in the campaign. Any β†’

English composition-progress and process reflection beyond the classroom-discussion

Class work writing has helped me to improve my writing skill and gain new ones which are instrumental not only in my studies but also in my real life application. Writing in class has helped me command readers' attention, correctly edit my work, and improve my word choice and grammar. Interacting with peers, being graded β†’


As he stared at the rather sterile neighborhood environment, he was content that, for once, he could enjoy his day in peace without the regular disturbances of human aggravation. Indeed, how he hated people and their foolishness. As the man entered his home, he thought about the burden of being a teacher, having to deal β†’

Report about the federal aviation administration

The mission remains the same from the day since FAA was formed, in 1958, originally as an agency and later instated as administration, in 1966. However, the nature and scope of the responsibilities of FAA have changed with the advancement in technology and rise of new challenges.

Exploration of drug in a specific sport springing from why should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport

The negative side effects of performance enhancing drugs cannot be generalized for all, so the scientifically approved drugs should be allowed in sports as they lend many physiological and psychological benefits. Use of performance enhancing drugs lends a range of benefits in sports including increased strength, fat loss, and improved performance. 27 Oct.2014. . Hartgens, F., β†’

Gm food

This article argues against the safety of GM foods for human consumption, further casting doubt on the competence of the current safety assessments to identify such dangers and protect humans. In this article, the authors argue for safety of GM foods which they refer to as genetically engineered, GE foods.


The material can also be used by the students to research further in the subject and expound more which can be of assistance to other students in the future. Larsen-Freeman and Long, have however discussed the second language acquisition from the culture of the western nations only and this therefore means that their β†’

Description of place, or thing

Hockey as a Sport Hockey as a Sport The idea of sports is taken and treated as the symbol for testing human limit and diehard fanssay that sports build and reveal the true character of a human being. The safety of the players should be enhanced by making new laws and rules in sports like β†’

Artical analysis

The investors and other users of the financial report will not have to take the help of a third part to extract important information about the company, as the relevant information will already be mentioned by the company in the report. It is certain that communicating the critical audit matters to investors and other stakeholders β†’

Edward snowden: hero or traitor

Edward Snowden- Hero or Traitor After leaking high profile information about NSA's surveillance, Edward Snowden sparked a debate over the morality of his actions. According to Jarvis, considering that official oversight of information privacy in the US and the UK have failed, the two countries can only rely on the protection of last resort who β†’

The end of the third world

Analysis The book the third world was brought to life by Nigel Harris in the period of 1950s with the intention and aim of identifying the political solutions or alternatives that are offered by the United States of America and its European allies by extension. In principle, the topic of book outlines the major theories β†’

Bar code man

Bar Man A bar is a structure composed of bars and spaces of varying width which provides a means of expressionfor human-readable characters in a form readable by machines. Therefore I believe ' barcode man' has created a sense of security and promoted coherence to the society in general. Work Cited Seideman, T.Barcodes Sweep β†’

American literature

American Literature Importance of the press in developing interest in the New World Christopher Columbus turned to sea as a young man to find a commercially viable Atlantic route to Asia. Others were taken away to Spain as slaves to work in plantations, in the mines to harvest gold and in the sea harvesting pearls.

Speech outline

Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Change is animportant aspect in human behaviour, but not every change is good enough for the welfare of the society. Alice Mathias contributing in The Blair Reader, argues that the Internet generation is a fake generation which β†’

Social entrepreneurship

The articles focus on existing misconception of social entrepreneurs and the true qualities of successful social entrepreneurs. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas.

My most attractive adversary

Part of the problem lies in the fact that there are more men than women in senior positions in the workplace. Men who make flattering remarks to women want to show that they are in control and part of the dominant group.

Biographical and cultural background paper on john updike and his story a&p

This short fiction reveals so much of Updike's background as it does equally about the history of the United States during his childhood. His artistic inclination during his childhood was evident in Updike's detailed description of the characters and the events in the story. Quentin Miller's John Updike and the Cold War: Drawing β†’

Are we getting overly dependant on technology

I do support the argument that we are getting overly dependent on technology. These days human being can do almost everything from the use of internet, mobile phones, computers and satellite at the comfort of the own. For an instant, a CEO who does not want to attend a meeting in the office, one can β†’

Analyzing an artist””””s process

She licked the front up to the nose through the mouth, on the eye and back over the ears to the bun as well as around the neck and down the back. When she walked, Antoni could appear as though to touch the horizon.

Esl paper based on ”outcast united”

In fact, the coaching style of Coach Luma was what the kids needed to push themselves hard and to be better than what they actually are because it is only their selves that they got in a foreign country. These kids may be spoiled and Luma's coaching style may not sit well with that instead β†’

Reading response

He tables that though these countries come up with new regulations, codes, bills and laws to facilitate eliminating the emigrants menace, none of the measures seem to successfully combat illicit emigration. Johnson recommends tangible and practical approaches to illicit emigration by proposing that developed nations should liaise to come up with amicable approaches β†’

How is language influenced and shaped by culture

How Culture Influences the Language Insert Insert Culture is the traditions and beliefs of people from a certain community ranging from the language, religion, and social habits. Different cultural groups use language differently. Language is important to any culture, and every culture has a language to communicate with.


The scope of the material, or the Levi's advertisement focused primarily on emphasizing that Levi's jeans have the core advantage of fitting distinct and unique curves of women, despite disparity in sizes, shapes, and even sexual preferences. The message was clearly and explicitly embodied in the textual representation of the advertisement, to wit: " that β†’

Not a license to murder

Not a license to murder In the of development of the common law, a very vital human right law has evolved. It is a violation of the human right to life to allow use of lethal force even in situations with means of retreat and require minimum force.

Article example

He reacted in such a manner because he thought that prison would provide a better life out of the injustice of the outside world. Question #5 The irony is the case where the state, on behalf of the church, forces Thoreau to pay taxes to the church that his father and not Thoreau attend. β†’

Journal entry

Pattern of College Writing Affiliation Patterns of College Writing From a keen analysis of the essay, it is evident that the deploys the use of sentence variation in a bid to communicate effectively. Grant also believed any man could become a leader, provided he had the ability, skills, and was able to assume the position.


Through the process of evaluation, conceptualization of facts and thoughts, an individual is able to evaluate and analyze in a systematic and analytical way in making his decisions. According to Gore Vidal, the language an individual uses says more about the individual than the individual may wish to say. This is because, if we make β†’

The movie the fighter 2010

He also thinks he has done a lot in his entire family and boxing. The scenes involving Micky's drug addiction contributes to his downfall the fighter is a power redemptive, a story of a brother who battles and defeats his addiction, another who gets a second chance of life and boxing, he defies the odds β†’

Which habits of the mind you are going to set for yourself as your highest personal goals for the rest of this semester

This essay will discuss about my habit of mind which I am going to set for rest of the semester which is striving for accuracy and precision. Discussion Striving for precision and accuracy highlights the significance of craftsmanship and accuracy that are needed to produce exceptional outcome and results. Goals set by me might β†’

Calvin college

She is one of the few members who have never skipped my bible class. I first got to know her in autumn 2009 when she started attending our church. One of the reasons that she chose Calvin College is because she believes that Calvin College can help her to become a successful nurse.

Nationality and ethnic characteristics

So we often refer to him as ' mover and shaker' and like to interact with him because he gives such unique perspective to serious and non serious issues. Then he would pick a stone and ask us to throw it away.

The love song of j. alfred prufrock.(t.s.eliot)

Through Prufrock as a character, Eliot succeeds in representing the decay that is evident in the society. " The Love Song of J. This is evident because of the setting of the poem, in the city, and the frustrations of the main character " Prufrock".

Milton’s paradise lost

The followers of Mammon also value riches and earthly pleasures and the reason for this is that, they took after their master, Mammon, who fell from Heaven due to his greed. The love of the followers of Mammon for the things of the world affect their relationship with God due to the fact that, Mammon, β†’

Public speaking

Clueless we can see the main character's makes an effort to provide the answer to the question " Should all the oppressed people be allowed refuge in America?" Cher pointed out that there is a strain on the resources and used a metaphor of her father's birthday which should be the R.S.V.P.party, but β†’

Vodun and african culture

African Culture and Beliefs: Vodun Vodun is one of the examples of many traditional African Religion, which are a variety of indigenous religions native in the African communities. A person is linked to another person using a soul tie, which commonly links the living and the dead and it is a form of a curse. β†’

Globalization and the environment

It is an issue because the west is concerned about the environment's well being in expense of the people's well being, in developing countries. There is also an element of double standards because most of the global corporations operating in developing countries belong to the west. Globalization is positive The author recognizes the positive β†’

Language analysis

For illustration, he utilizes emotive language to arouse the readers' emotions and make them understand what he and other refugees encountered. Yves employs the emotive language all through the article, which arouses the readers' emotions in every featured experience or event (Sanctuary Australia Foundation, 2011). Hence, being able to convey his intended message regarding the β†’

Sharing your world

People therefore, need to be tolerant of other people's cultures. Question #3 Stereotyping is the act of grouping either a race or gender together and giving a general comment about the whole group, which, according to you, applies to all the people from that group of people. It also includes the act of treating β†’

A physical description of an object. not emotional, imaginative or interpretive

The contents of the book are its most important aspect because it could revolutionize the mind of its readers where great ideas could be created that would make the world better place. A book is composed of paper where the printed words are written on its pages. Its contents are also divided into chapters to β†’

Reflection 7

This essay answers the questions whether food consumers value their employees and what are they doing to ensure safety of the labor force. They also inspect the working conditions of the employees to ensure that they are safe.

Paraphrase and summary

In these latter days it has become unpopular to speak such a way to be understandable, to make what you are saying clear and to show people that you understand what you want to bring them through your speech. The matter is that we do not even know when exactly it started. People should speak β†’

Critique on the speakers corner

Many people are of the opinion that the speakers at the corner are immune from the law and can speak in whatever manner that they feel to express themselves. In the current set-up, speakers' corner is set loose its meaning and will soon become a thing of the past if the current trend is to β†’

Answer the questions 6

These words are used as fillers and are all over hence they are redundant. The writer also repeats so many words and lacks clear sentence structure. Use of words with the same meaning in one sentence for instance in the third paragraph there is usage of really, extremely, difficult and hard. In this same paragraph β†’

Music: a universal language

Music: A Universal Language History has inevitably witnessed how music creates significant impact to shape a culture, reform a state of mind, and allow the world to know the extent of human potentials when it comes to craftsmanship with a variety of possible sounds and approach to lyrical substance. At the time, the music did β†’

It is up to you

One thing that I liked was the fact that we were not afraid of asking a question freely from your point of view and that really developed my confidence levels. Eventually my grades started improving and I got to understand the things that we were discussing.

Corruption in the congress

Summary: Corruption in the Congress The SAVE System - Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically " Revolutionizing the Voting Process through Online Strategies" by Smith, Alan and John Clark tends to provide practitioners of information management with challenges of electronic voting and the need to adopt internet voting. In general, the authors believe that I-Voting will β†’

Experiences of a slave

Although the story was written at a time when the American society was divided right between the native privileged slave owners and slaves, it clearly shows the rot in the Christian world. It is quite unfortunate that the native slave owners never bothered to know what they ought to have done as Christians. It was β†’

Position review

s Position Review The intended audience are those who provide services to the children with disabilities, and it is evident from the introduction that most parents seem not to understand the acronyms thus this leads into confusion and side conversations.one of the strategies that can be used to make the discussion more engaging, is by β†’

Compaer between to company playstation3 and xbox

PlayStation versus Xbox The PlayStation which is even known as PS is a brand used by the company Sony Computer Entertainment for its line of gaming consoles and is Japan based company which started operating during the period of 1994. The third gaming console that was distributed under the brand umbrella of PlayStation was PlayStation3 β†’


Usability al Affiliation Introduction Usability involves actual analysis of how certain group of individuals can utilize a system and whether this " system" achieves the original intend it was designed for. A display in a national park that is intended to describe or expound on how the parks extensive limestone cave came to be, to β†’

Week #7

Bring It To The Table " Bring It To The Table" by Wendell Berry is indeed a book that has greatly shaped how our society is today, especially when it comes to our eating lifestyle. This is especially relevant today, highlighting the need for humans to be more educated towards how to treat and use β†’

Self-expression through music

Whenever I feel alone and feel that no one is there to listen to me, and whenever I feel like expressing my thoughts to others and to myself and do not find words, I feel like turning on my music system, put a CD of soul music in and turn it on. And more specifically, β†’

Productivity in the workplace as an lpn

Tawana Tumblin October 4, English MW Organization Productivity in the Workplace as an Lpn Owners of different health care institutions and their clientele look and value one thing when they see a health care staff working in a health care setting: workplace productivity. The feeling that they are being treated equal to nurses enforces them β†’

Why we should send a manned mission to mars

The President is looking to decrease missions to Mars in the hope of reaching a planet that could prove vital for our future. Manned missions to Mars can recreate the achievements of that decade and even surpass them.

A recent trend using cause/effect pattern of development

Technology applications however have effects on real time and quality of time that families spend together, aspects that I discuss in this paper. One of the effects of technology is on the real time that families spend together. March 28, 2014. Parenting1." The long-term effects of technology on family time".2014.Web.

Biography of emiliano zapata

He was born in a peasant family on August 8, 1879 in the village of Anenecuilco, in the southern state of Morelos. As Zapata persisted in agitating for rural land reforms and for the rights of the campesin, he was drafted into the Mexican army.

Growing up in the midst of class and gender woes in coetzees boyhood

The paper " Growing Up in the Midst of Class and Gender Woes in Coetzee's Boyhood" is a worthy example of a book review on English. While autobiographical, Coetzee's Boyhood is written in the third-person perspective and has fictional aspects because Coetzee plays with the notion of time. During this time, Coetzee also witnessed the β†’

Group work memo

Memo to Fish s in the United s Fish s in the United s Shalan ALshammari, a from MNSU October 16, 2014 Subject: Fish a good meal It has come to our attention that very many people in the U.S.suffer from nutritional diseases such as obesity, cancer, food poisoning, and diabetes. To some β†’


Karen Doe wanted her recommendation of work schedule time changed, Michelle has solutions to the nursing crisis in the country, and Basri's proposal has intentions of bringing the campus community to a calm and peaceful environment. The situations that happen at the Berkeley campus require solutions. Everything in the proposals has revolved around the problem β†’

Using ethos in designing of websites

An example of a website that uses ethos to appeal to its audience is the Basecamp website at https://basecamp.com/ The website for project management tool, Basecamp uses Ethos to appeal to its customers by showing its credibility. The answer from the second man proofs that the website is credible and reliable in project management.

The tempest for shakespeare act i

Insert The Tempest Act Central moral action: Miranda man s his father to ensure that nobody comes toany harm. As the play unfolds, the shipmaster requests his board crewmembers to call for mariners in his bid to ensure that the ship does not wreck. The ship in the tempest set assails to the highland from β†’

Water shortages at jordan

Water Shortage in Jordan Water Shortage in Jordan People cannot survive without water; it is the reason why water shortage is a threatening issue in many world countries including Jordan. First of all, the government develops the water management model to make sure that the supply of water is growing and the demand is decreasing.

What does true friendship require

In the thank you M'am, true friendship is giving to the poor as demonstrated by Mrs. In ' The Hobbit', true friendship is helping the ones in need such as the case in the book in which Gollum helps Bilbo to escape from the tunnel.

Summary of malcolm x

This new freedom was difficult for Malcolm X to obtain, but he was diligent in his studies. Malcolm X said that he had a difficult time understanding books because so many of the words were unknown to him. He also said that his handwriting improved greatly while doing these exercises. As a result of this β†’

Making decisions about organizing an , influence of written and spoken comments

Sufficient progress was visible after I learned how to organize ideas in a way that the reader could understand whatever was in my mind. I learned that understanding the context and writing it in my words was the best way of avoiding plagiarism; the greatest crime in writing.

Should robots be given the same rights as human

Under the social pattern of evolution coupled with the amelioration in technology especially artificial intelligence, scientists claim that the robots in future will also demand equal rights with the human. So the writing discusses with the feasibility of providing robots with equal human rights. Human beings have harnessed the extravaganza of science and technology in β†’

Source evaluation

THE ROLE OF EARLY EDUCATION IN GENDERING CHILDREN By Source Evaluation Authority Gary Marcus is the author of the article " Moral Machines". The dream of safe driverless vehicles is about to be a mass reality.


In addition, the article suggests various measures for keeping boxing athletes safe. Free Choice The sport, being a choice game, is performed by adults who are conscious of all risks involved when one decides to participate in that sport as a career.. Boxing is a career and source of livelihood It is important β†’

Discussion question

Sections of them are victims of circumstances, such as the death of guardians as for the case of the kid whose grandma was shot. Therefore, the nation must stop violence. Over the years, the number of violence has increased.

Culture and globalisation

For this purpose, I will be summarizing the arguments of the political theorist and the author of " Jihad vs McWorld" Benjamin Barber and economist, Cato adjunct scholar and the author of " Creative Destruction: How Globalization is Changing the Worlds Cultures" Tyler Cowan. Benjamin Barber is one of the proponents of the idea that β†’

Why do people have/want children

As much as people bear children and drive the growth and development of the human race, there are different reasons why people have/want children. Wanting and having children is an in-born thing in people. The familial reason of having/wanting children is informed by the need to extend family size and name.

Who has the right to write literature about war

During the world war, the men had more right to write literature about the war because of their participation in the war more than the women. The first novel about the war was written by the male because of their active participation in the war compared to women. Poem about with the theme of men, β†’

Lead discussion

The whole scenario outraged the natives because the Euro-Americans saw them as inferior and they started to treat the environment in a way that the natives did not like. Because of this, the chief Seattle tries to persuade the Americans to treat the natives with utmost respect because they were feeling the effects of harsh β†’

Living in a house versus living in an apt

The kind of autonomy and comfort a house provides cannot be matched by an apartment. There are many similarities between living in an apartment and living in a house. A comparison and contrast of living experience between an apartment and a house leads to the conclusion that living in a house is generally more autonomous, β†’


During this period, scholars were creating stories that involved both historic events and fictious ones therefore, it was difficult to determine where they set boundaries between fiction and reality in their stories. The culture of the people during the period when the movie was made can be found from how the characters have been portrayed β†’

Medterm question

The paper writing provides an introduction that discusses what can be learned from existing research and experiences related to the effects of inquiry based learning and teaching. When writing an inquiry, one should be aware of the topic that is unknown to the audience. You should ask yourself questions that will lead to the body β†’


In this narrative the author has used imagery this is one of the best elements of a writer's craft that any author can use. The author gave me a clear visual image of the occurrences, at some moment I felt like I was in the story seeing the suffering of the people.


However, in the tram ' Maria' is also displayed in a situation where young generation is giving up traditional etiquettes for elderly, like giving up one's seat for them due to their age and respectable position in society. Many of the critics believe that since ' Clay' is an Irish story therefore, the author interweaved β†’

Burger king vs mcdonalds

This writing will differentiate between the burger supplying giants on the basis of their business decisions, innovation and quality. Body On the basis of burger quality it has been established that Burger King is superior to McDonalds. Burger King offers better quality burgers which is the main aim of both the burger giants, but β†’

The importance of phonetics and phonology in english

These distinctions usually go unnoticed within the community if they occur regularly, but can attract attention by those of the non-English speaking community, or those learning English. The effect of delay on articulator movement can be seen in English words such as more and now, where the beginning of the vowel is nasalized, partly because β†’

Home cooking: the barriers of poverty and middle class blinders

Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle Blinders Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle BlindersIn " Joy of Cooking", the author has highlighted what cooking entails and how people can make sure they cook delicious and tasty meals. The debater also says that they enjoyed spending time in the kitchen with the β†’

Criminal justice

This is highly related to the increase in crime, issues in accessing infrastructure, and other social and basic services. Programs can be initiated to boost the assets and earnings of the low-income neighboring families.