2 Pages Essay Samples

Quality assurance in halal food manufacturing in malaysia: a preliminary study

Since, the Malaysia's government has decided to be a halal centre or halal-hub in the region as well as international and Department of Standards Malaysia has developed a halal standard for foods, MS1500: 2004. Some of the objectives are, championing halal standards including auditing process and halal certification endorsement, leveraging upon development of Halal industry →

Identification of an unknown weak acid essay

The first step of this experiment was the standardization of the NaOH solution. After reaching a pH of 11, the titration was complete.

An essay on war

An essay on war Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of war. Well, war plays a large part in the lives of all.

The large hadron collider

18 TeV per beam and beating the record previously held by the Tevatron at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.[12] After the 2009 winter shutdown, the LHC was restarted and the beam was ramped up to 3. 5 TeV beams, which set a new world record for the highest-energy man-made particle collisions.[14]

The agony of reconstruction

The Reconstruction of the American federal states immediately after the historic American Civil War was not an easy task although there seemed to be some expression of political goodwill from both sides of the Confederate and the Union as described in the reading. Throughout the Reconstruction era, the abolition of slavery and the following liberation →

The death penalty

Death Penalty of the Electric chair is a grave means to an end of oppression, transgression and is the ultimate justice for the precious loss of life. However, there is much room for improvement in the overall system of law to ensure that the culprits are always caught fast.

Russell baker writing style assignment

The Writing style of Russell Baker 1 The Writing style of Russell Baker Sazanne Johnson Professor Mc Goldrick ENG 115 April 13, 2011 The Writing style of Russell Baker 2 Author Russell Baker is known for his wit and sense of humorous writing style, but he did not always possess this style once quoted as →

Origins of business

Running Head: Origins of Business Insert His/her Origins of Business The origins of business are those factors whichare needed to start a business. Therefore, an asset is a very essential element to start a business and it will always be having a positive impact on the business.

Analysis of leave your name at the border by m. munoz

One of the reasons the Mexicans prefer to adopt the English names when they get to America is to make it easy for people who cannot easily pronounce Spanish names. Munoz thinks that alteration of the way Spanish names are pronounced is not just meant to make them pronounceable but it is a way of →

Michael porter’s five forces for target

Although Target captures a certain percentage of suppliers' business, the existence of numerous discount department stores and specialty stores in the market lets suppliers have negotiating power to control the prices. Due to the high amount of discount retail stores in the market, customers have high mobility and low loyalty.

Immediate and long-term effects of the korean war

They saw the Korean War as a fight against communism and felt that if North Korea was able to take over South Korea it would lead to communism spreading and taking over one area at a time until there were none left. President Trauma's response to the Korean War was Justified because it was a →

The the teachers of north coastal districts of

It is observed thatno significant efforts are undertaken to study the Teachers suffering with Diabetesin their quality of Work life in relation to Anxiety and Insecurity Feeling inNorth Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, the research is undertaken to ascertain the significance ofrelationship between Quality of Work Life, Anxiety and Insecurity Feeling amongthe Teachers of →

3 what does advocacy have to do with providing healthcare (see pages 120 and 121 in the text)

THE ROLE OF ADVOCACY IN HEALTHCARE by and The Role of Advocacy in Healthcare Advocacy, according to Merriam-Webster, is the process or act that upholds a proposal or a cause. For example, in health researches, when the patient feels uncomfortable because of the feeling that a participants identity is not adequately protected, the healthcare provider →

Sonnys blues

However, the seeds of change are already planted and hope for a different future is suggested in the narrator's willingness to listen to Sonny in the end. Throughout the story, the narrator shows increasing growth in his ability to listen to others, symbolized through the music of the streets in which he and his brother →

Pan-arabism and pan-islamism

Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism Pan-Arabism is a political theory of adopting unity of the North Africa and West Asia countries from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Ocean. Most of the Pan-Arabic countries have Muslims as their occupant and they uphold the religion's doctrines as part of the constitution of the countries.

Meanwhile, who is pecksniff daughter, but declares

This caring and helping attitude of Mark brings a change in the selfish character of Martin and they return to England to reunite with his grandfather. Martin reunites with Tom Pinch and Pinch finds out that the old Martin Chuzzlewit is his mysterious benefactor and he was pretending with Pecksniff as if in his spell.

Should high and middle school students have to get up at 5-6:45am or 6-7:30am to go to school

Teens are up later and have a more active life style than say an elementary school student that is just going into the 3rd grade and to have these active life style teens need more sleep to have enough energy to get them through the day. Some people may say that it is the elementary →

Proposal of – dissertation example

The methods used and the resulting output in the company can be tallied against the academic researches on requirements engineering. The results of the requirements engineering in these companies, whether positive or negative, may be analyzed against how faithful the methods used were to the academic researches on requirements engineering.

Statistics – p-values versus critical values

If the calculated value from the statistical test is greater than or equal to the critical value, then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. However, if the calculated value is less than the critical value, the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

The gun by paul langan (bluford series)

Coach LewisAs Tyray shoved the gun in Darrell's face, what did he think to himself? Darrell knocked Tyray's tray out of his handsWhat does Tyray want for revenge? a forty dollar gunWho does Tyray go to first for the gun?

Evaluate a range of ways to embed elements of functional skills in your specialist area essay

In all subjects, the ability for students to have an understanding of both English and Maths is imperative and now more than ever ICT is developing as a foundation within a large percentage of businesses. In order to give the broadest access to all, as well as Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications, Functional Skills →

Attorney client privelege

The attorney-client privilege, which dates back to the reign of Elizabeth I, was originally based on the concept that an attorney should not be required to testify against the client and, thereby, violate a duty ofloyaltyowed to the client. Today, the privilege is held by the client; while it may be asserted by the lawyer →

Physics example lab report

Clipboard: Cork: Rubber: Sandpaper: 1 BlockMu=. 72 Static Friction Coefficients calculated: Clipboard: Cork: Rubber: Sandpaper: 1 BlockMu=.

Essay on stop bullying

From " The Reading Ten Ways to Help Reduce Bullies In School," is to have classroom meetings as one way to build communication. In conclusion, the three ways to stop bullying are sending kids to online school when they are bullied, having classroom meetings, and having parents focus on their own child.

Research design, measurement, and analysis in a quantitative research method

Research Design, Measurement and Analysis Quantitative Research Method Measurement levels Measurement is important because it connects the observed and the mathematical expressions to be used. Creswell, J.W.

The impact of shifting cultural trends on public education

Some schools have introduced prekindergarten programs to prepare children for preschool and subsequent levels of education. Policy makers in public education sector have tried to bridge these gaps for future well-being of the United States.

The modernization of these economies involved allowing

The modernization of these economies involved allowing for free trade to take place, imposing low import barriers and scouting for foreign direct investment so as to increase on their national output and acquire the necessary infrastructure for the production of quality products for importation. South Korea restricts the importation of products by imposing strict barriers →

A good supervisor

Coach I do believe that a good supervisor must be a good coach. As a whole, dealing with the employees with love and concern makes a leader a good supervisor.

Advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering

People supporting it use argue that for instance farmers could have crops more resistant to insects and diseases, and many genetically modified crops can grow faster. As far as my opinion is concerned genetic engineering can bring to humans longer and healthier lives.

First day of classes

Step in to the school gate with a little part of our shirt out, so the prefect can catch us for not tucking the shirts in. Try to start a conversation with peers we desire to be friends with and stick to them for the first few days.

A newborn is thrown in the trash and dies

The story is narrated by the unnamed infant who is the subject of the story. A garden is a place where seeds are planted, nurtured and tended, the total opposite of what was happening to her.

Poor ability to spell words in english

In writing or organizing thoughts and ideas, one needs to be accurate in spelling to be able to convey the appropriate meaning of what one wants to impart, think and feel. RELATED READINGS PROBLEM After giving a series of spelling tests, essay quizzes, scientific report and composition writing, pupils low ability to spell words in →

Greek mythology and prometheus assignment

Zeus wanted man to have a lack of power, especially over fire, but Prometheus defies what Zeus wants and gave the power of fire to mankind. Concerned more with the well being of the man, Prometheus steals lightning and fire from Zeus and gives the power of fire to mankind.

College admissions

I garnered an acceptable GPA and considerable experience in the field of special education and I would now like to further my studies. In addition, my test scores indicate that I have the required proficiency to fit into college and better my education.

Jackson pollock

He used to spread the canvas on the floor and directly splashed paints on it and then with the help of rapid and hasty brush applications, completed the painting. He believed in unorthodox way of painting and poured the paint straight away on the canvas to get spontaneous effect.

Reynolds construction case study

In the value chain, Ben's company is an efficient manufacturer because they build a factory that has full of tools to bring out the best products. Ben's company has to prove that hey will always bring high quality products that In Orleans' need.

Will biofuels solve global warming assignment

Cars produce CO, H2O and trace amounts of nitrogen oxide all greenhouse gases, with the amount of cars on the road surpassing the 1 billion mark in 2010 according to Ward's Auto with the average car realizing 7 tons of CO each year it is easy to see why cars are one of the biggest →

Global warming is inevitable no matter what we do assignment

It is not a result of one or two day's activity but is the consequence Of addition Of the greenhouse gases, since the time of industrialization. However, scientists are working to bring our solutions for this ever increasing problem and it is also predicted that if we significantly reduce the pollution by reducing the emission →

What should medicine do when it cant save your life

I think that this condition supports the argument of Atul Gawande on the importance of Hospice care for patients with terminal illnesses. Due to the nature of the illness, there is an immense need to distress the patient, as well as their families of the anxiety brought about the notion that there is a sad →

Dear diary

I had to share this news with someone, so I went to the one person I trust more than anyone in this world, my wife. I am the king now, and after everything I had gone through Just to get this title I cannot Jeopardize that.

English 3- huck finn chapter 34-37

Why is Huck's solution to Tom's problem so humorous? 36 Why is Huck and Tom's night visit to Jim ironic?

Q. the herbivores of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem.

Name the types of productivity and the organism responsible? Ans. What is the source of energy to decomposers? Ans.

Stalin: the man of steel

Stalin set out on a campaign from the 1920's to 1939 in which he imprisoned millions of so called " enemies of the state". Stalin was a crazy man who controlled the largest country in the world.

Personal statement example

My role in the club was to keep records of the money that the club had, disburse it for expenditure and then account for how it was spent to the other club members and the patron. In the association, I had to present to the members during meetings the budget of the association and account →

Post war era, 1946-1954 – written assignment

The quickness in its rhythmic patterns classifies Choo Choo Ch' Boogie with the jump blues style since Louis Jordan made it popular during the latter part of the swing era. While Choo Choo Ch' Boogie would normally target to have frolicking listeners, Hoochie Coochie Man is equivalently expected to play in front of a somewhat →

Supply and demand – tax incidence

Williams discussed in his article the burden of the tax, and who gets the most of it. So in this situation, the consumers are the most affected because the burden is passed on to them.

Strengths and limitations of assessment methods

Given the above strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods, it is important for an instructor or a teacher to consider individual learner needs. It might be great for a leaner to be given one-to-one support with an instructor in a class setting, outside the class, or in a workshop setting.

Marketing and segmentation demographic segmentation flashcard

A company may decide to operate in one or a few geographical areas, or to operate in all areas but pay attention to geo-graphical differences in needs and wants. Even when market segments are first defined using other bases, such as benefits sought or behavior, their demographic characteristics must be known in order to assess →

Case study on psychological barriers to communication

Psychological barriers to communicationare the obstacles which occur in the process of communication because of the personal emotional condition of both sides of the conversation. Psychological barriers to communication are the barriers which occur because of the human psychological condition and her personal experience.

Intercultural communication assignment

The police are British The cooks are French The mechanics are German The lovers are Italian And it's all organised by the Swiss The police are The cooks are. The mechanics are The lovers are The police are German The cooks are British The mechanics are French The lovers are Swiss Italians National Stereotypes Regional →

19th century: women in the west

The blooming of the Industrial Revolution and the advent of modern means of communication and transport made the overall progress rapid. The rise of women like Florence Nightingale was also a new dimension towards women actively rising in the social and warfare domain.

Letter for the editor of wall street journal

0 percent in growth in the first quarter. The first GDP reading presented for the first three months of 2015 indicated a growth of 0.

M2 implementation discussion

Conducting school-based dental education program focusing on the importance of oral health and hygiene for 6 to 10 year old children. Hurdles Parents of 6 to 10 year old children studying in the participating schools were sent letters informing them about the program and asking their authorization to enroll their children in the program.

Pharmacy school admissions

However, I knew that I would be able to prosper in a career in pharmacology due to my natural infatuation toward the sciences though it was not until after working in an actual pharmacy environment that I discovered my ability to connect with patients on not just a professional level, but personal level as well. →

Conference report

Telecollaborative learning Tele-collaborative Learning Conference Report Telecollaboration is the use of online communication tools to link language learners of distinct countries for the development of collaborative work and intercultural exchange. It is significant to note that the INTENT conducted a series of training programs in European universities to sensitize and support the teaching staff and →

What is an estuary essay

An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.[1] Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and ocean environments and are subject to both marine influences, such as tides, waves, and the influx of →

Critical analysis of kfc in secondary research

Secondary analysis is the " analysis of data by researchers who will probably not have been involved in the collection of those data, for purposes that in all likelihood were not envisaged by those responsible for the data collection". Desk research provides wide range of data and research results for this study in the changeable →

Technology in action: ch. 3 assessment // quiz

0 technology? e-mail **blogging **wiki **social networking Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a blog? blogs are private and require password access **blogs are used to express opinions **blogs are generally written by a single author **blogs are arranged as a listing of entries Which of the following would be the correct →

Transport issues in sidney

For example: Tourism, which contributes significantly to the the NSW region's economy, may start to decline in some areas of NSW. It is a figure that must ultimately be added to the congestion costs.


The company is not all about the products but also the services that it offers to the customers. There is a lot of organization in the business.

Stetson-eshelman act

The historical event proceeding Frank Norris writing " The Octopus: A Story of California" The Stetson-Eshelman Act " The Octopus: A Story of California" presents to readers the American history at the time when California state was a new open land that was full of promise. The ability of the country to produce agricultural products →

Why did the japanese take over manchuria?

The league took a long time to respond and we see that the league was not as powerful as before, as when they did impose economical sanctions Japan had not listened. Japan carried on with their invasion and the League was powerless to stop them as they had no army to stop them with.

The phillips curve

The article was titled " The Relationship between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wages in the United Kingdom, 1861 1957." In it, Phillips showed a negative correlation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation. In this sense, the Phillips curve offers policymakers a menu of combinations of inflation and →

Case study – antituburculars

Wanda McKay is 36 years old and homeless, although she sleeps in a shelter nightly and has been going to a day program for the past 5 weeks, where she showers, receives her mail, gets some counseling, and has her meals. When her nurse comes to the day program to administer her meds today, she →

Bicycle use helps reduce air pollution

Worn tire particles, brake garbage and the emissions from the plastic and other materials in the car also contribute to air pollution. Bikes, on the other hand, do not present this problem and opting to ride instead of drive is a very powerful way to cut back on the pollution you produce over the course →

Mind and beauty pageant essay sample

It was my turn to answer my question and I was nervous. I dint know what my question was going to be but I knew I could not get it wrong.

I am sam visual techniques essay

For example, in the scene when Sam is in court trying to regain custody of his daughter, the colour blue is used and everything is tinted blue. For example in I am Sam in the bus ride scene involving Lucy and Sam, a two shot is used to frame the faces of the father and →


The most common form of deception is misleading such as the advertisement of Barack Obama's camp on Romney's abortion stance that he is against abortion even if it is due to rape and incest. This was an outright fabrication because Obama is not planning to raise taxes on the middle class to service the debt.

The construction of fear essay

When society as a whole is in extreme fear about an event and it causes the media to get more involved with the event. The high profile story was overly exaggerated by the daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador to gain support of the war.

Bad home life essay

It's a really tragic and about incredible narrative that this would go on in the lives of immature kids. He starts by nobbling the kids from their places the parents are killed in forepart of their kids some the kids are forced to hit their parents.

Bending moment lab

To determine both the theoretical and actual support reactions of a simple vertically loaded beam, showing that the loadings on the supports are directly proportional to the distances of the loads from the supports; thus illustrating the principle of the moments of forces.2. PROCEEDURE - Suspend the beam to give a span of 900mm.- Place →

But can be as affectionate and loyal as

On holidays, we take him to the beach and play with him, tossing the ball high up in the air, which he would pursue and fetch for a performance. This is to give a good exercise to him.

Cofidis strategic management

Cofidis Strategic Management To secure the place of Cofidis in the future consumer credit market, the company must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs. Summary To secure the place of Cofidis in the future credit market, we must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs.

Beauty may only be skin deep

Society may well deny that beauty is not a hindrance to success and popularity but even as people are growing up, the good-looking girls and boys get more attention and are forgiven their mischiefs with the proper contrite looks on angelic faces. The Economist says in an article that if appearance is not important in →

Dysphasia depression anxiety

Identify six patient behaviors you would associate with depression. What are the behaviors associated with dementia?


This essay will discuss satire as used by George Orwell and Charles Dickens in their works the Animal farm and The Hard time respectively. It will also answer on the type of satire and the message the artist sent to the audience.

The undefined truth

Everyday I hear the same two questions " Why do we have to go to school?" and " Why is school important?" Hey I will admit it school is as boring as Larry King Live, but as I have gotten through my school career longer I have started to notice the importance of school. I →

San miguel sample products essay sample

28g preform Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 28g Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 17g Uses: 500mL-600mL water Uses: 500mL csd/beer, 1L water 17g preform 46g preform 23g preform Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 23g Uses: 330mL hotfill Finish: 28mm PCO Weight: 46g Uses: 1. 5L CSD 26g preform 85g preform 32g preform Finish: 38mm Weight: 32g Uses: 500mL →

Enterprise resource planning (erp)

However, the implementation and maintenance of the ERP system has to be budgeted for. The expected timeline for the implementation of the ERP system is three years.

Literature and crisis. we’ll discuss the specific topic after reading the instruction. thanks

In his masterpiece work published in 1815, " She Walks in Beauty," Bryon expresses the use of romanticism to connect a poet's viewpoint and feelings to that of the readers in literary works. Expressions of attitude and morality to connote beauty also enhance Bryon's use of romanticism in the poem.

Analysis of everyday use story by alice walker

Mama's inability to look into the eye of a white person shows how she has not been able to come to terms with the idea of equality. At the very least, Maggie seems to have an inferiority complex because of the lack of opportunities she had compared to her sister Dee.

Jerry maguire essay

The director's intension of putting Dorothy's son in the scene with a middle shot may be creating a connection of the characters. Dorothy's costume in this scene is similar as the background of the airport, and may convey the unimportance her character at the start of the movie.

Caribbean studies essay

Student: Adrian Batson Question: Describe the factors that have led Caribbean migrants living in the metropolitan countries to create a home away from home: According to a definition taken from Wikipedia a metropolitan area is a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. The →

Children’s rights essay sample

It should relate to the question and/or the contention that you stated in your introduction Every other sentence in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence. They should provide specific reasons, examples, and details to provide the arguments to support the main idea of the paragraph.

Women lives during world war i era

Women Lives during World War I Era The coming of the World War 11 and the Roaring Twenties, a term associated in referenceto the 1920s in the U. In the 1920s and toward the coming of the WWII, urbanization was at its climax.

Mechanical engineering science

Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of hicks. In Italy the course work is based on five years of training, but in order to qualify as an Engineer you have to pass a state exam at the end of the course.

The essentially involve individualised diagnostic formulation of

The objective of the institutional treatment through probation is to correct the effects of the causative factors of criminality in the controlled atmosphere of probationary supervision, utilising the helpful factors in the offender's personality, his family situation, attitude etc. The reason being that if the power of probation is delegated to extra-judicial agencies which lack →

Invasive pine beetles

To understand the threat of pine beetles, it is important to understand where they are found. Pine beetles are a naturally occurring insect found in pine forests in the Rocky Mountains, and they are also found in areas west of the Continental Divide.

School uniforms: yes, or no essay

If students are required to wear school uniforms, then they will automatically dress appropriately. School uniforms will make a school's environment better.

Business memo essay

The Japanese are usually friendly with strangers, and in order to support good connections we need to demonstrate our sincere interest and trustworthiness, to be clear about our plans and expectations. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of knowing Japanese business and social customs for doing successful business there.

Human learning & memory

Limitations in the papers Joshua, Andrew & Yonelinas, in their research, they have not explored in detail the particular causes of Alzheimer's Disease and Amnesia, they have focused more on the literature review, explaining the various ways in which these diseases can have serious effects on people including a possible death. Richard J.A.et al have →

Exclusionary rule

658 Facts Aclass of female employees in the New York's Department of Social Services and Education Board, in July 1971, complained that the Department and the Board, as a matter or of official policy, had compelled pregnant female employees to go for unpaid leave of absence before the leaves were need as a result because →

How the usa became a world leader

To begin with, there is the reality of Puritans and the motives of imperialists in the perpetuation of the pre-conceived notion of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. As a leader, he was able to shape the country into a force to be reckoned with internationally in terms of political and economic prowess.

Case 12

Laura cares a lot about how her peer's view her and she wants to be identified as attractive and not as a " geek". The Reflection: Laura seems so concern about how others view her and this is a normal behavior at her age.