13 Pages Essay Samples

The funded and unfunded or floating economics essay

According to the theories and economic policies of classical economist do not only mean questions of historical but also of actual interest, particularly nowadays, where the level and structure of taxation, as well as the deficit and the public debt are high in the list of crucial problems requiring instantaneous treatments from governments. Classification of β†’

Understanding the core values as an occupational therapist

Although I struggled to understand the values of occupational therapy in the beginning and was unsure of the true benefits of the profession I can now see that our profession is one which should be truly valued and respected. Reflecting on the year and my practice education I realise that it is our professional responsibility β†’

The effect of globalization on less developed countries

The previous one pinpoints to the industrial revolution and the overall effect at the firm level, whilst the later are interconnected to the incorporation of market for services as well as goods. It was the unnaturally elevated quantity of trade in the Middle East in the early 1980s, and the afterwards deterioration, that diminished the β†’

Motivation leads to the performance commerce

The function of Human resource direction is to pull off and form the people and direction in the organisation. The designation to the aim of direction by differentiate the nexus between ends of an organisation and the attempt employee put in to accomplish the ends that gives high public presentation and take them to wagess.

Scm hotel module assignment

In year zero the occupancy percentage was the lowest and the highest for year three because of the progressive line which was also shown in total rooms sold. In year 1 the Total fixed costs percentage was 16.

Social and environmental accounting definition:

Social and Environmental Accounting has been defined by Gray and al:"...the process of communicating the social and environmental effects of organizations' economic actions to particular interest groups within society and to society at large. The acknowledgement of CSR, TBL and Sustainability implies the need to recognize the importance of disclosure of information on companies' activities β†’

Promoting employees through complete performance appraisals business

Limited handiness of clip on portion of the respondents and research worker Fiscal Constraints The 2nd subdivision of the thesis includes an in-depth apprehension of the constructs of public presentation assessment and direction, its impact on the organisation and the persons, why persons need assessment and how the employees need to be involved in the β†’

Development of cybercrimes in the 21st century

There is also something called [5]water hole which is when an cybercriminal makes a fake page in order to compromise the original one so that when the user visits the page they will be bombarded with viruses.[6] Ransom ware is when a cyber terrorist tries to encrypt certain files in order to lock out the β†’

An evaluation about tv dramas media essay

However, later, the expanse of newspapers and journals made them big capitalist firms' extensions, and the idea of public lost its both critical function and autonomy: The mass-communication tools became commercial metas and the preventors of emancipation. The viewer accepts the character of consumer by sitting in front of the television: Since watching TV is β†’

Principles of psychology: video observation performance assessment

After explaining and demonstrating the appropriate behaviors the students had to put it in to practice. After the video was played the teacher asked the students the questions again and they were able to provide correct answers.

Tendon hierarchy and structure health and social care essay

The tenocytes is also responsible for the degradation of the ECM of the cartilage this is why it has key clinical importance in the pathology of the tendon. It is not certain how the tendon tissue alters in response to the mechanical loading of the tendons this can lead to an increase in stiffness and β†’

Laws and policies affecting oil gas industry

The importance of this the policy decision is to restructure the electricity and gas industries it will change the legislation, the approach of regulators. The compensation is made according to the recommendation made by the compensation community The setting and evaluation of compensation of the executive management Annual revaluation and review of the plans and β†’

What was it like to live in nazi germany

What is the weight of the aircraft when empty?' The sentence about the Jews is totally irrelevant to the question, however it is emphasising to the pupils how bad the Jews are. In reward for their loyalty to the F hrer they were given the opportunity to meet many new people and to learn lots β†’

Identifying unknown bacteria | essay

Burne assisted in the conclusion of the identity of the unknown by informing the class of the results for the Oxidase and Lipase tests. If the bacteria possess the ability to ferment the carbohydrate it's tested against, the acid produced will lower the pH of the phenol red and the liquid will turn yellow.

Ods & ts forecast essay

Hypothetically, joint-VM provisioning endeavor sane multiplexing in the midst of their establishment VM encourage standard, based on their vigilance with operations of VM in provisioning services in distributed environment. For masterminding, the overshadowing delegate considers the reservation go to an understanding as medium-to look for pot of gold pull organizing, for the state must be β†’

Deceptive advertising

This paper further addresses and analyses and discuss the issues that surrounds Deceptive Advertisement, the moral perspective on Deceptive Advertisement, and the relevance of deceptive advertisement to Caribbean organization and the importance of any criticism of deceptive advertisement and the moral position on the matter of deceptive advertisement. Relevance and Impact of Deceptive Advertising in β†’

Oxidation of chemical reagents engineering essay

FUEL CELL The fuel cell is the cell which converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electricity the process takes place with the help of oxidation of chemical reagents. In order to sustain hydrogen based fuel cell which is considered to be the best alternative in all aspects and according to New European driving β†’

Business ethics assignment

The purpose of the Compressor is to boost pressure and to send the natural gas northward. The case went before the county court, and the first big hurdle was passed: the judge ruled that PIG should have known about the contamination of the groundwater, and that the case could go forward to a jury.

Apple inc is a multinational corporation marketing essay

The company is best-known for the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. It has retail stores all round the world[update] and also online store, a distinct feature, where hardware and software products are sold.[update]Apple is one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in β†’

Vietnamese through the eyes of a foreigner

His dismissal of the book's accomplishments and failures are presented without any in-depth analysis into the underpinnings of the book, its symbolism, or the notion of the difficult task that Butler set out to frame. The fact that Butler being a linguist and a veteran of the war himself, creates a unique relationship and a β†’

Strategic analysis of global operations of supply chains

The main objective of this study is to do a strategic analysis of the global operations of supply chain within Mattel Toys Inc. The next section provides a security framework to deal with the past and unforeseen future risks in the complex supply network of Mattel Toys.

Logical positivism: influences on philosophical, theological and scientific inquiry essay

Perhaps the best way to understand the forces behind the movement of logical positivism and also its place in the history of philosophy of science is through a brief look at the idea's that influenced and led to the inception of logical positivism, starting from the 18th century. As Wittgenstein explains, the aim of Tractatus β†’

Critically evaluate a retail store boots marketing essay

The type of products being sold in the store, the cost to set up the interior layout and health and safety of the workers and customers are needed to be considered in designing the interior. Lighting would not be noticeable to customers unless it makes the customer uncomfortable and for Boots' the lighting is perfect β†’

Advertising ethics: alcohol and tobacco

Essentially, advertising is trying to accomplish four objectives: first, advertisements are meant to create awareness, second they strive to establish a brand's name and identity, third advertisements seek to provide information to the public in a way that is memorable and lastly, and controversially, advertisements are used to convince the consumer that he or she β†’

Allocating weight to the criteria marketing essay

This is because the concepts that are introduced to the concept that is to be made by our company of trendy young professional people. This step is one of the steps to list the alternatives in decision making viable and it can solve the problem.

Aspects of social computing essay

The story of a Youth video called " My Story " is a video in which a teenage girl discusses her struggle with Anorexia with the world." This Youth phenomenon shows the Internet's powerful ability to facilitate the self-expression of young adults, and to do so in a way that allows them to reach out β†’

Sample of document

Significant accounts affected and key business andfinancial statementrisks related to these accounts: * Loan Acc * Interest Acc * Provision Acc * Expense Acc * Receivable Acc Relevant assertions: * Valuation * Completeness * Right and Obligation * Presentation and Disclosure * Existence Nature of the SCOT: * Routine Starting point and timing of initiation β†’

Industrial design assignment

It delved onto the differences between them and showed the importance of of each of the in a business setting. Also the article sated that " Collaboration can be a pain in the ass", that after a while the excitement or interest people found in a group dies away so the best form of collaboration β†’

The rogerian approach to therapy and its limitations

The third period observes Rogers further refine his approach, focusing on " the nature of " becoming the self one truly is"", or the " necessary and sufficient conditions of therapy" as outlined by Rogers in his article in volume 21 of the Journal of Consulting Psychology in 1957, in which he explains his hypothesis β†’

Judaism: the tree of life

As a religious group, To be Jewish or a Israelites is to be one who answer the call of God and is willing to obey the one God through the Torah and the teaching of the prophets. In the first version God create heaven and earth, day and night, separated water from land, and after β†’

The extraordinary chambers of courts of cambodia law international essay

The third part follows suit and articulates in an integrated approach the achievements and short comings of the Special Court for Sierra Leone which was established on 16 January 2002 by an agreement between United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone.[6]Among its achievements, the completion of its mandate, its excellent outreach mechanisms as well β†’

Scanning the business environment for opportunities

The chief advantage of such a procedure lies in the soaking up of the excess sum of labour in the economic system who were non being absorbed by the big and capital intensive industries. Small Scale IndustriesA enjoy a batch of aid and encouragement from the authorities through protecting these industries from the direct competition β†’

Perfect competition and comparison to gold market economics essay

Both supply and demand have a great impact on the organization.if the organization is customer oriented and it produces all those things which customer want then they will survive in the market otherwise if they fail to fulfill the demand of the customer then it would be impossible for the organization to stay in the β†’

Management challenges to ngos

In this definition the word ' organise' used by Fayol has been replaced by ' operate' in order to give a more functional touch, and the word ' control' has been replaced by ' lead' because there is a minimum use of control in NGO management as the shared values of NGOs discourage the concentration β†’

The study on abolishment of death penalty of corruption crimes

The necessity of abolishing of death penalty of corruption crimes Death penalty, to be the most stern penalty that take away people's life, the debate of keeping it or abolishing it was first been put forward in the book " Crime and Penalty", written by Beccaria. On the other hand, some people think that China's β†’

Introduction to market orientation marketing essay

These factors include having a clear definition and thorough understanding of the targeted market, a careful evaluation of the costs' structure, an assessment of the competitors' reactions, a clear and complete understanding of the various organizational responsibilities, a backlog of accumulated experience, a full commitment of top and marketing management, and a willingness to continuously β†’

Coca colas operations in china marketing essay

" Coca Cola's operations in China evolved in response to its experiences in the Chinese market, the objectives of its partners and the Chinese government and changes in FDI regulations" Evaluate Coca Cola's China strategy in terms of theory, the practical realities of the Chinese market and its viability Coca Cola, like any other businesses, β†’

Marketing of marina bay singapore assignment

1 Objectives of study With MFC being a cornerstone of Singapore future financial aspirations, investigating the results of Miff's branding and positioning efforts, both locally and globally, will greatly contribute to the general understanding of the effectiveness and efficiency of such efforts. The recent completion of the majority of MFC will hence provide fresh inquiry β†’

Intro college essay

The World Bank GroupThe World Bank Group comprises five organizations: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes provides facilities for the conciliation and arbitration β†’

The origin of environmental education education essay

The industrialization era brought about devastating impacts on the environment and at the end of the nineteenth century, people started to apprehend the susceptibleness of the environment and the gravity of the implications if the environment was not taken care of. The Tbilisi declaration of October 1977, " noted the unanimous accord in the important β†’

Fancl house s marketing strategy of nutritional supplements marketing essay

FANCL established in 1980, had the world acme scientific research and the production technology, developed in different way with the general skin appliances and does not originate including the antiseptic, the chemical additive cosmetology and the health food, ceased generally the skin question which caused including the antiseptic skin appliances, occupied the world " not β†’

Slave oppression

The statement, "...your people..".is a racist people because the people of the world are one people, regardless of race or the color of one's skin. The donor felt the need to demonstrate a feeling of power and superiority over the Invisible Man by convincing him that he is in college by " fate" or " β†’

An online gifts store analysis

In 1995 Amazon launched its online shopping site, and in 1996 eBay appeared.[1] PROBLEM STATEMENT The concept of grab and wrap has established to facilitate the customers who do not have much time to go in the market and search for different items to gift their loved ones. All you need to do is just β†’

The united states supreme court sociology

There are a batch of grounds for the crisp addition in the figures of the different signifier of interracial matrimonies. It was besides found that the households of the Black spouse in interracial relationships tend to be more accepting and supportive than the households of the White spouse.

Racial profiling and the police

But it is important to rethink racial profiling through the lens of criminal profiling and to reduce race to the role that it is purportedly playing in racial profiling, namely a predictive factor; to treat race no differently than we would gender, class, age, or any other profile that works; to take the focus away β†’

Case study human development

The major focus should be to get Tom to understand that his feelings of being in the world alone and facing the anxiety of his isolation. In order to help Tom change the way he sees himself and the life he leads the therapist needs to establish a central relationship of trust in which Tom β†’

Scores of the countries on cututral dimensions business essay

Ans) the title " an own goal' means that the goal or aim of the agent is to provide the best deal to his client and to try to get maximum of the negotiations. Haider was not ready in any case to discuss the financial matters of the deal and also was giving the bank β†’

Importance of measurement in research

Levels of Measurement Level of measurement refers to the amount of information that the variable provides about the phenomenon being measured. The categories are not exhaustive may lead to missing data in the study and lastly affect the outcomes of the study.

Wheat industry of pakistan

The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the wheat price policy and the factors that shape and guide the formation of this policy as well as the impact of different pressure groups and stake holders. The success of the second objective is estimated by computing the variation in the domestic price and comparing β†’

A phenomenon of rising prices economics essay

The impact of inflation on an economy is a rise in the cost of living and a reduction on its purchasing power of the population. It is the manipulation of the amount of money and credit available, and the cost of that credit to borrowers, that is, interest rate in an attempt to influence total β†’

Theories of development in class

The society then evolves in the second stage to a state of potential development, where capitalistic entrepreneurship and the formation of the state begins in their early stages. It is by this model that core countries become incredibly rich, and become the controllers of the trade market with the periphery, which must remain in an β†’

Sin tax bills pros and cons economics essay

This thesis paper aims to show the pros and cons of the Sin Tax Bill reforms to the Philippine economy, presented before the Senate and the House. Since the real reason behind the implementation of this law is to discourage the people, especially the youth to smoke cigarettes and indulge themselves to other vices, Department β†’

A struggle with society

One of the most significant conflicts present is the antithesis between the safety of conformity and tradition and the excitement and danger that come from deviating from the social criterion. He is constricted to the ways of old New York because of his past and that piece of him continues to haunt him in the β†’

Quality of employee work-life

Organization success is not only depends on how the organization maximize the capabilities of employees but also have to consider on how to maximize the employees' commitment on work by improving the quality of employee work life. The term of quality of work life was introduced in the late 1960s as the way to improve β†’

Report progressive hospital

The Core Switches act as the routers for the site, handling traffic flows within and between the sites. The main weakness of WEP is the way in which data is encrypted and the fact that a hacker can use a ' sniffer' to crack the encryption key.

The different factors of individual language learners in second language acquisition essay sample

The Different Factors of Individual Language Learners in Second Language Acquisition Recently, Second Language Acquisition play important role to language learning and teaching as second language that SLA refers both to the study of individuals and groups who are learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and to the process β†’

Video games and other online activities may improve health in ageing

These new text genres are very relevant not only for the individual player but also for the rest of the team because the players can use the information to initiate actions which influence the behavior of other players. The risk always exists that excessive use of the Internet, particularly in a way that is repetitive β†’

The internet and contemporary business environments

The Internet is supportive of such efforts in that it facilitates monitoring of competitors and provides access to resources used for the design and manufacture of new products. Email content With the accessibility and convenience of email, it is easy to believe that composing email messages would be an easy task.

Role of marriage in society

In many cultures, extended family which includes married couples staying in the home of their parents is a form of showing love and respect for example in Pakistan; marriage is also basis for having children in those societies. Husbands and wives are compared as garments to each other Marriage gives tranquility of mind in the β†’

The development of students socialization sociology

This concern raises the inquiry of whether or non, in the recent moves to implement single-sex schools, the development of pupils ' socialisation accomplishments are besides adequately considered and justifies the worthiness of this paper. The following subdivision will so try to stress the importance of socialisation and its accomplishments development and the demand for β†’

Jetblue management case study

It is actually only one step beyond the strategy of accepting the customer's reality as part of the product and part of what the customer buys and pays for.". The theory and technology already have been tested and proven to be a competitive advantage as David Melanin's first airlines, Morris Air, became a pioneer in β†’

Importance of employer branding concepts

The concept of EMPLOYER BRANDING was created in the 1990s by Simon Barrow, who founded People in Business and was the co-author of The Employer Brand. When employees have accepted the sincerity and accuracy of the employer brand, they will carry it forward, actively promoting the brand to colleagues and customers.

Effects of endosulfan

Certainly, any well informed student will be familiar with the need for a good pre-talk and the establishment of rapport, will have to be quite familiar with the process of inducing and deepening a trance, and, undoubtedly, with the deployment of the suggestions and commands that are, perhaps, the ultimate purpose for the creation of β†’

Enhanced uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as a potential source for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Here it is discussed, whether enhanced activation of the sympathetic nervous system in concert with raised uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in muscle tissue might be a potential key factor that could initiate the onset of ALS. The first observation that tentatively connect certain activity of muscles to ALS has been published in 2003, β†’

Bear river essay

The primary objective of Connor's troops was to relieve the Mormons of the task of guarding the Western mail routes and telegraph lines, a temporary assignment given the Mormons by President Abraham Lincoln. Somehow the Indians learned about the coming of the troops, cut the ferry rope and moved the camp north and into the β†’

The trial on trial

The story " Before the Law," the text for the discussion between the priest and K.in the chapter " In the Cathedral," is open to a wide-range of interpretations and when confronted with this tale, the reader and K.become frustrated at the lack of a solid, logical end. The priest goes on to discuss other β†’

Mother and dad assignment

Page 11Bibliography Section 1 Introduction to Identity Identity: 1.the condition or fact of being the same as or exactly alike; sameness; oneness 2.) the condition or fact of being a specific person or thing; individuality b) the characteristics and qualities of a person, considered collectively and regarded as essential to that person's self awareness c) β†’

An inspector calls – discuss the representation of the inspector

This suggests he is a time traveller as he starts in the year 2000 by going through the audience and he enters 1912 by going up onto the stage where the Birlings are, but he is from 1945 because of his clothing. He makes good use of the phrase ' knowledge is power', the more β†’

Sources of stress among teachers psychology essay

It is to be noted that in this study, the term ' work related stress' and the term ' occupational stress' has been used interchangeably however they are distinguished from each other work related stress includes cases where work may have aggravated the stress experienced hence work may be a contributory factor but not necessarily β†’

Literature review: modeling responses multivariately in a multilevel frame work

In this instance, the measurings are the flat 1 units, the pupils the degree 2 units and the schools the degree three units.2. As a consequence of developing the proficient environment, the package such as STATA, SAS and S plus are emerged in to the Statistical field by supplying facilitates to manage the multilevel informations.

Roma people and the european union politics essay

The European Union also has a strong legal framework dealing with Roma discrimination, that is based, among others, on article 13 of the Treaty of the European Community, the Directive 2000/43/EC on racial equality and the Directive 2000/78/EC concerning the prohibition of discrimination in employment and vocational training. Among the conclusions of the study are β†’

Arguments for and against shareholder democracy

This statute provides that the directors must act in good faith to " promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole"[6]and that in doing so will have regard to; the long-term future of the company[7], the employees[8], suppliers, customers[9]and the environment[10], amongst the company's reputation[11]and the other members[12]. β†’

Main similarities and differences between both markets of italy and canada

This report aimed to provide in depth view of a country and market comparison which focuses on the beer industry in both Italy and Canada. It is not surprising that many different kinds of beer and a variety of brands can be found in both Italy and Canada and both of the countries has a β†’

Chenab group analysis marketing essay

In furniture Chen One provides the latest designs and trends in its products that create a distinguished place for it in this category. It's a pride of ChenOne that the 100% leather products of this renowned, trendy and stylish brand are available in Pakistan exclusively at its stores.

Social model of disability education essay

It is important that there is a balance between both models when approaching the problem of disability in society and for the disabled person The social model is important in recognizing the impact of both social and physical environments, but also looks past the actual impairment and helps understand that disability is a result of β†’

Case study claim for damages in negligence scenario law essay

However, in the case of civil actions for damages, such as those arising on the facts of this scenario that Steve and Tina are now looking to claim for, the burden of proof normally falls upon the party that is affirming something to be the case and not upon the party that is looking to β†’

Validity of gre test in predicting the final gpa scores and degree completion frequency

From the data collected by the dean of the school of education, the dependent variables in this study is the GPA score while the independent variable is the GRE test score. The null hypothesis is that having a high score of GRE is an indication of scoring a high score on the final GPA score β†’

The comparative essay essay sample

Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented in " Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" and " The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age".2. Moreover even though people who are in the bracket of 18 to 35 have β†’

Stop and search, and the human rights act

PART A The power of stop and search is a general term used to describe the powers of police or occasionally the officials to search the members of public in a various context without a warrant.[1] Such powers are governed primarily under Part 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.[2] Besides PACE 1984, β†’

An analysis of microfinance and poverty economics essay

They underlying objectives of the Grameen Bank was to eliminate the exploitation by landlords, perk up the standard of living particularly for women and to reverse the old age vicious cycle of ' low income meant low savings resulting in low investment. Self employed women workers and are quite active in the economic sense and β†’

Jumeirah group – csr plan

The Group's activities are, however, not restricted to hotel and resort management, besides Jumeirah Hotels; Resorts the Jumeirah Group? s portfolio also includes; The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management; the region's only fully accredited third-level academic institution offering degree programmes in hospitality management * Jumeirah Living; the Group's luxury brand of serviced residences in luxurious β†’

Antihypertensive properties of lemongrass

The general objective of this study is to determine the presence of ACE inhibitory and antibacterial peptides from the leaves of Lemon grass. Rubisco is thought to be the most abundant protein in the world and comprises up to 50 % of all soluble proteins in plants and it is a very large and complex β†’

The age of globalization

In this instance.the best solution for Helen Reeves is to reconstitute the chief system of wagess and compensation harmonizing to national traditions and cultural outlooks of the Turkish work force. Neither is it merely a affair of larning the civilization of every state and appropriately modifying behaviour in each of them.which is an impos sible β†’

Islam in the philippines assignment

The political approach of the Americans seemed effective in winning over the response of the Moro Sultans and Datus to come to agreement, whose conditions included the non-interface of the Americans in the local affairs of the Moro Sultans and Datus. On the granting of independence to the Philippines by America in the year 1946, β†’

Impulse buying emotional effects and subsequent future behaviour

While much research has been done on giving in to the impulse and on losing the internal struggle, information on the effects after an impulse purchase and its relations to post consumption behavior is rather scarce. In order to make this research useful, and to determine how the emotional effects of impulse buying are related β†’

The impact of organisational structures

The discussion covers first the overall structure of the Oxfam which is followed by the organization of the Oxfam team at Haiti for carrying out charitable work. Then there is the post of Director who is the Chief Executive and is responsible to the Trustees for the management of Oxfam.

Human rights

THE STATUS OF THE CONVENTION UNDER ENGLISH LAW PRIOR TO THE HRA 1998The attitude of the United Kingdom courts towards the Convention has, in the past, been the traditional one adopted in relation to treaties. The House of Lords ruled, on an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions from a decision of the Divisional β†’

Lightning arresters essay

When a lightning surge travels along the power line to the arrester, the current from the surge is diverted through the arrestor, in most cases to earth. In this way, the excess charge on the line due to the surge is harmlessly conducted through the arrester to the ground instead of being sent back over β†’

An assignment of the connection between economic concepts

Before diving into the depth of the classical economist theories of value I would like to quote the generalization of classical ideas of the group from Sim Taylor". One of the greatest components of lowing value was the division of labor Division of Labor The idea of division of labor was first brought forth by β†’

Cost classification and material management assignment

Again taking the leather sofa example to illustrate indirect costs, the salaries that are paid to the management do not affect the cost of producing the sofa itself even though they are associated with the production of the sofa. Fixed v Variable costs: The costs of expenses whose total does not change in proportion to β†’

Self determination: austria-hungary

The unification Germany and Italy in the 19th century and the creation of nation-states such as Poland and Czechoslovakia after the World War I constituted acts of self-determination consistent with this understanding of the principle. The language argument was aggressively fought by the Czechs in Bohemia, Prague and Pilsen against the German in 1880 Selection β†’

Computational tools to investigate genetic cardiac channelopathies

The essential role of ion channels, particularly in the control of cellular excitability and epithelial transport, was demonstrated at the beginning of the 20th century, even before much was known of their molecular nature. The demonstration of the important roles of ion channels in numerous diseases, coupled with the fact that ion channels are excellent β†’

Traditional views on stranger rape criminology essay

According to Susan Estrich, there are two types of rape: " traditional" rape described to be a violent rape committed by a stranger and " non-traditional" rape described to be a less violent rape committed by an acquaintance of the victim. The second part will discuss about and compare the two types of rape: " β†’