13 Pages Essay Samples

Case study 1: the honda effect

Troubles in the first entry to the market are non the terminal of concern. It involves stipulating the aim of the concern venture or undertaking and placing the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to accomplish that aim.[ 5 ] The followers is the analysis utilizing SWOT tool of a FIAT Company β†’

Image processing is applied to large numbers cultural studies essay

The feature-based approach uses the features of the search and template image, such as edges or corners, as the primary match-measuring metrics to find the best matching location of the template in the source image. The mathematical representation of the idea about looping through the pixels in the search image as we translate the origin β†’

Mahatma officers in power. gandhi’s mother, putlibai, was

Mohandas disregarded the last obstacle the decree of the leaders of the Modh Bania subcaste, to which the Gandhis belonged, who forbade his trip to England as a violation of the Hindu religion and sailed in September 1888. In the vegetarian restaurants and boarding houses of England, Gandhi met not only food faddists but some β†’

Itt221 week 1 research assignment part 1

Windows Server 2008 Standard Windows Server 2008 Standard is one of Microsoft's entry level server offerings and is one of the least expensive of the various editions available. Windows Web Server 2008 Windows Web Server 2008 is essentially a version of Windows Server 2008 designed primarily for the purpose of providing web services.

Human rights and right of privacy

The right to privacy is implicit in the right to life and liberty guaranteed to the citizens of this country under Article 21. Under the constitutional law, the right to privacy is implicit in the fundamental right to life and liberty guaranteed by Article 21 of the constitution.

The effects of altitude on human physiology

The passage of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of theblood is dependent on three major factors: 1) the partial pressure of thegases, 2) the area of the pulmonary surface, and 3) the thickness of themembrane. The supply of oxygen to the tissues is dependent on: 1) the efficiency withwhich blood is oxygenated β†’

Relationships: reading material & student workbook

You should not allow other people to tell you who you are. Clubs provide an opportunity to meet people outside of the classroom, and the opportunity for you to get involved with something that you are passionate about.

Extraction and characterization of proteins assignment

In the second part of the experiment, the protein concentration of the product acquired from the first part was calculated to be 5. Therefore, the addition of ammonium sulfate was to increase the ionic strength of the solution and to increase the solubility of the proteins in the mixture.

Analysis of nfl injuries

The purpose of this study was to document the incidence and injury rates of Achilles tendon ruptures in games over eight NFL seasons. Epidemiology and Outcomes of Achilles Tendon Ruptures in the National Football League.

The tobacco industry: price and demand

Because the demand for tobacco products responds to changes in price, increasing the price and tax of tobacco products is also the most effective way to reduce tobacco demand. In addition to price, a variety of other factors can affect the demands for cigarettes and other tobacco products, including income, advertising and other promotional activities, β†’

Political economy of communications essay sample

It further examines the US class structure and its control of income and wealth using Domhofff's framework to discuss how Big Media and Big Business make use of the government to promote and shape all the relevant public policies which promote all their short-term interest.- Jhally's Argument about the Purposes of Media Today in Maintaining β†’

Ikea paper

IKEA was founded in 1943 in the South of Sweden, and its name is an acronym of the initials of the founder's name, Ingvar Kamprad and of Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd, the farm and village where Kamprad grew up. In addition, assuming that Ikea is the leader in a market with a large and endogenous number β†’


Logistics management as it is referred is therefore the planning, implementing, and controlling of the smooth, effective forward and backward flow of goods and services between places of origin and places of destination with the chief objective of meeting customers requirements. The company has since tested the sweeter and the bitter sides of the logistics β†’

Implications of scandals research paper example

The large and diversity of the scope of the recent scandals normally do not project immediate impact on the market. The case on Enron proffers the implication of the business strategies in relation to occurrences of the scandals.

What differentiates leadership from management research paper

We will also be able to learn on the activities of management and principles of management that managers use in their day-day running of firms. On the flipside of this literary review, we get to analyze the concepts of leadership as construed by other scholars and academicians in this field of business management and leadership.

Sample term paper on blink brow bar

This is necessary to provide the scope of activity that reflects the promise of the service provider to the clients. As part of the promise of the company, timely execution of pain free treatment has been significant in increasing the marketability of the services of the company.

Strategic management accounting essay

If the actual costs is discovered to be $4 per unit there is need to investigate the cause of the variance because a difference of $2 is significant and unfavorable. Once the variable costs are determined, it will be easier for the managers to identify the profitability of a product.

The effects of financial management and corporate strategy on a firms performance thesis proposal examples

To identify the potential causes the researcher is interested in comparing the financial management and corporate strategies of the two companies. Based on the aims of the study, the following research objectives were deduced;- Determine whether Tesco has a better financial management than Carrefour.- Determine whether there is a correlation between financial management and financial β†’


In case of off shoring the part of the product development is given to the other company for example in India so, US companies do not have to look after the liabilities of the person involved. IT Improvement while doing outsourcing main goal of the company is to reduce the cost and improve the quality β†’

Real chocolate company

The company believe this, along with its standing for eminence, selection, and flavor of products, specialenvironmentof the stores, store site selection criteria, proficiency in the manufacture and produce of chocolate candy products, and high-quality consumer service, provide the company with a viable benefit. Establishment of the fact that Real Company is the premier chocolate company, β†’

Sample report on data warehousing

There are certain data and information that must be required by the management of the company to place the warehouse accordingly, and in a perfect manner. The new data warehouse of Amazon should have the complete data set of the sales generated through different regions of the company, along with having the information related to β†’

Apple competitive intelligence

It was through the combination of efforts, from the company, from the heads of the company, and from their partners, that they were able to reach what they have attained in the present. In the case of Apple, they address to the needs of the majority, catering to the needs of mostly young people, depending β†’

Starbucks new tap app marketing plan phase i, ii, & iii essay sample

An analogy of current competitors and a definition of the competitive landscape for the service is an important factor in the marketing of this service. The effect of channel management decisions on the marketing of the Tap App will be analyzed, and public relations opportunities for the service will be identified.

Free oracle corporations research paper example

The company is the largest software company in the world and the leading e-business software to businesses. The company is located in Singapore, Temasek Boulevard at the Suntec Tower four, and is one of the most cross-cultural countries in the world.

Good research paper about leap motion

The interior exploration puts the user in a virtual seat of the driver, and it also offers a 360 view of the inner side of the car. This technology will make use of the capabilities of leap controller device that allow the user to sketch, drum, strum, draw, and paint using the scalp and the β†’

Kfc and the global fast-food industry

By the end of 1993, KFC was operating in over 63 foreign countries and was one of the three largest fast-food restaurant chains operating outside of the United States. To know the marketing strategy of KFC and its effectiveness in the market.

Example of research paper on lollicup: how a small tea maker can become a global player

Bubble tea is the flagship product of the company and within 13 years of opening its first store in USA, the company is already an established name in the alternate beverage solutions market. This essay will discuss the vision and strategies for Lollicup to grow beyond the US boundary and also will look at the β†’

The brita products company essay sample

Introduction Economic growth has been a driving force in the expansion of the international economy and the growth of global marketing for Brita. The major problem of Brita is to choose a new strategy aiming to address new market and environmental changes.

Example of disclosure index for agenix limited report

It is a requirement by the AASB that the financial report of a listed company should disclose the actual operating figures in the form of a consolidated statement of comprehensive income, a consolidated statement of financial position as at the last day of the financial reporting period, a statement of changes in equity that occurred β†’

Amazon and corporate innovation essay sample

Sharing innovation amongst people is also inherent to Amazon, the Kindle is a great example as it was one of Amazon's first major original equipment developments that required new teams and models to be designed and implemented. Jeff's strong desire to work backward from the customer has been and will continue to be the primary β†’

Lucozade sport marketing project essay sample

This trend endorses the quality of Lucozade Sport's marketing, as it is succeeding in fighting off stiff competition." Functional drinks is dominated by Lucozade brand, with Lucozade Energy and Lucozade Sport recording a combined volume share of 54% in 2009" as stated in Euromonitor International". Price Lucozade sport is perceived as a superior sports energy β†’

Good research paper on creating a sustainable organizational climate

In order to sustain the tough competition, it is also equally important to generate the sustainable competitive advantages both to the employees and to the customers. In addition, initiating structure is the level at which a leader formulate and define his role and for the rest of the employees in order to attain the organization's β†’

Technology management assignment

These tools and technology-oriented software are the key improvements in the education system and this has been proven with the passage of time This essay analyses Pakistan's education market to find the gaps in the use of technology in the country's education sector. The management of the innovation process, which is a subset of technology β†’

Clinical negligence case

Each of the doctors, nurses, and other staff employed at the hospital who treated the Claimant at the hospital owed the Claimant a duty of care. The treatment prescribed for the Claimant and advice as to the effect of the treatment; d.

Bargaining power of customers management essay

In current economic competition, Tiger airway offers the lowest cost air travel and in terms of passengers carried it is the largest airline company which is operating out of Singapore. Their design of their business model is totally made in order that the simplicity of it can be maintained simplicity and approach of it can β†’

The process of solutions involve in gemba management essay

According to the past literature, we summarize the Kaizen methodology as: 1.one that involves all the employees of the firm; 2.improving the methods or processes of work; 3.improvement are small and incremental in nature and 4.using teams as the vehicle for achieving theses incremental changes. Kaizen not a building block only making improvement in quality β†’

United states immigration policy essay

Additionally, the 14th amendment states " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.". This lead to a shift in United States immigration policy and the passing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

Five principles integral to effective leadership: an analysis assignment

Enable others to act, the fourth principle, is understood as the communication and cooperation between the leader and followers. The objective of visionary leadership is to increase efficiency in the work place with the ultimate goal of getting the job done.

Unit 5: the principles underpinning the role of the practitioner working with children.

The practitioner should respect and value the child's choices and wishes as well as put the needs and rights of the children and their family first. Parental involvement is therefore an important lever for raising children's achievements.' The practitioner must recognize that the parent or guardian of the child knows the child best therefore any β†’

Business manager in research

Validity is the quality of a research that makes it trustworthy and scientific. Validity is the use of scientific ethods in research to make it logical and acceptable.

Individual management and leadership plan

The reason why one must identify and own his/her individual leadership development requirements is because of the need to examine where his skills, behaviour, and attitudes are placed within leadership and collaborative continuum and how he/she helps in building leadership in the organisation. Team role preferences are identified in Belbin reports to enable the individual β†’

Politeness you do not mind…” or “if it

The art of polite spoken language and dialogue wassignificantly cultivated within the coffeehouses of the amount.spoken languagewas imagined to adapt to a selected manner, with the language of polite andcivil spoken language thought of to be essential to the conduct of restaurantdialogue and spoken language. Aface threatening act is Associate in Nursing act that inherently β†’

Historical classical and contemporary approaches to leadership theory management essay

A third come within reach of to answering the matter about the most excellent method to show the way dealt with the dealings among the leader's qualities, the leader's behaviors and the position in which the leader exist, opening the door for the option that successful management might be dissimilar depending on the circumstances accessible. β†’

Distributed transaction management for distributed system

The important issue in transaction management is that if a database was in a consistent state prior to the initiation of a transaction, then the database should return to a consistent state after the transaction is completed. The recovery of the transaction is split into two types corresponding to the two types of failures: the β†’

Operational management pt. manado teknik mandiri assignment

But the strategy is very dependent operation of the system in the company's management. Or in the other way, if the client does not have their own plan in term of sketch, company can make it for them according to the client needs and wants.

“wilderness” bradley watker

I did not look back and I did not look down - the former because I did not want to know just how close it was, the latter because I did not want to see the blood spurting from my foot. I screamed, but it was a sound of surprise rather than pain - and β†’

Stragetic management essay sample

In the process of strategic management, decisions making would have to take place to determine the direction of the strategy and according to Harrison & Pelletier strategic decisions constitute the essence of strategic leadership. The author has not exposed to strategic leadership or strategic management as the strategic management process in the company was undertook β†’


On the underside of the slide, mark a ring with a wax pencil around the area of the smear so that it can be located under the microscope. The presence of the flask walls or the lid of the culture dish prevent the objectives in a regular microscope from getting close enough to the cells β†’

Teacher shortage essay sample

It is generally accepted, therefore, that a decrease in the number of teachers in the educational system in relation to the number of students represents teacher shortages. The rate of the shortage of qualified teachers in the area of special education is interesting.

Unpicking the monstrous: a psychoanalytic and marxist analysis of alien essay sample

One of the chief psychoanalytic elements of Alien is the portrayal of the primal scene. This is a totalising and oceanic mother, a ' shadowy and deep unity,' evoking in the subject the anxiety of fusion and of dissolution; a mother who comes before the discovery of the essential balance, that of the phallus.

Causes and effects of the romantic period

The imagination was elevated to a position as the supreme faculty of the mind. The Romantics asserted the importance of the in individual, the unique, even the eccentric.

Philosophy and philosophical inquiry essay sample

It is the understanding of the why of existing things and the why of their exercise in this particular manner and not in another. The aim of philosophical inquiry is to criticize existing practices and institutions.

Emerging theme in human resource management

The significance of realizing the changing cultural patters and incorporating them in the human resource practices especially in terms of flexibility and work life balance is underscored due to the fact that modern day organization, especially those operating in telecommunication and relatedtechnologyindustries need to be highly adaptive, innovative and creative and sensitive to customers' demands β†’

The paper emphases on the nature of the marketing plan as whole

The author is doing the research on the of the international branded and premium that is OSIM Company product on the uDivine Application massage chair. The goal of the company was to bring the healthy lifestyle to their consumers.

Company profile harkel office furniture ltd marketing essay

The Canadian government took a practical approach to increase the understanding in the furniture products market and to promote a modern lifestyle among Canadians. Most companies are now acquiring the services of office furniture and layout designers to help them in meting their office requirements within budget constraints.

The benefits of recruiting a panel marketing essay

When the company started and what was is the range of the product you are providing to the customer in the beginning time? Are you having any old records on the customers buying behavior or the taste and the preference of the customer?

Marketing – positioning a new product

So, in order for ForceX, Inc.to maintain their position in the market place and to compete with competitors that do have a marketing arm. There is also a huge benefit that comes from the customers that can be reached and the convenience of potential customers to research ForceX, Inc.whenever it's convenient for them.

The phenomena of corporate social responsibility marketing essay

Marketing people are faced all the time with the problem of not knowing what questions to ask in quantitative research so they use qualitative research to provides a process to identify research key issues and to formulate questions that illustrates what really matters to customers and why. The quantitative part appears in this research through β†’

Our concept is smart shower marketing essay

Smart Shower is consist of temperature control thermostat for controlling water temperature, a motion sensor shower head detecting body movements, air pressure technology in head which will smoothen the flow of water and save water, LED lights in head of shower which will change its colors according to different temperatures, a touch panel screen consisting β†’

Customers not sell their goods

Information processing variable with marketing variable via electronic mail Correlation value between Information treating variable and selling via electronic mail is every bit large as 0.577. 7 %, it shown that information processing explained from advertisement variable in cyberspace and selling via electronic mail every bit large as 51.

Marketing plan assignment

City to City services are a hybrid of a public bus system and a private limousine service, utilizing the bus capacity and the personalized services of a limousine whilst avoiding the high price which limousines and other private carriers would charge. The session of City to City Transportation Services is to provide the customer the β†’

Research paper on natural gas in russia

Body:- The place of Russia among the largest gas owning countries.- The main Deposits locations of nature gas - Natural gas in the fuel and energy balance of Russia - The Russian nature gas market - Government support and legislative background4. This is owing to the impact of the exploitation of natural gas in the β†’

Super stroe chain in pakistan assignment

The suppliers are giving Makro a handsome discounts and Makro is passing this discounts to customers. Makro adopted the policy to retain the customers as it is a fact that you spend more to attract new customers and therefore it is a good policy to retain old customers and those will become loyal customers.

Sony marketing mix assignment

Sony's principal business operations include Sony Corporation, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Sony Ericsson and Sony Financial Holdings. In case of the computer devices Sony has produced a variety of laptops with different price ranges and performance to meet the demands of the users like home users, students and businessmen.

A question on ivp, ibs and customer value

This assignment will first discuss the relationship between the Internet value proposition and the Internet business strategy, and secondly, the specific values of the Internet customer to consider when developing the Internet value proposition. In this context, creating and providing higher value to the customer can be the best strategic direction that capitalizes on opportunities β†’

Business to business marketing

It is general familiarity that DHL and TNT have a strong foothold in the US market, the land and air dominance is in the hands of UPS and FedEx in that order. The company was founded in 1907 as the American Messenger Company, in 19143 the company was merged with Evert McCabe, and they formed β†’

Example of report on e-marketing

The online marketing resource that would be of great help to the organization to keep track of the products, services and customers is data warehousing. With the help of this technology, it is possible to the database of the past can be put into a new form of service.

Marketing individual assignment

We started the process with a core group brainstorm session on defining key Issues at Nixon from a global perspective, analyzed their position In the market to understand what their raked positioning was In terms of market share and brand equity, Identified their key competitors and ranked them in order of significance and looked at β†’

Dells segmentation targeting positioning marketing essay

According to Magretta, the start up of Dell was a relatively tough one as Michael Dell; the founder of Dell could not afford to create a value chain and strategy for Dell. It is vital for a company to have the right formula of segmentation, targeting and positioning in order for Dell to grow successfully.

Ops presentation

But in the late 1990's the company experienced problems and the newly appointed Managing Director Rolf Danker appointed me as operations manager, which quickly resolved the underlying difficulties in the business at the time. The sales manager drew up a report on the market characteristics for hardwood conservatories to begin the process of conservatory design β†’

A gold mine: potential of e-commerce in china

However, due to the popularization of Internet, the value of B2C e-commerce is rising rapidly. To achieve this objective, it should indentify the situation of the e-commerce in China; locate the matters of barrier of Chinese B2C business; predict the future development of e-commerce.

Gap marketing strategy assignment

One of the advantages of going to a Gap store is the level of service that you receive and the experience that you get. One of the most apparent and serious threats to Gap.

Study of application layer dos attacks essay

This is because they send requests which appear to be legitimate and ends up consuming all the network resources thus denying the legitimate users a chance to use the resources. This process of requesting for a bunch of requests overwhelms the server thus making it to lose focus thereby ignoring legitimate requests and paying attention β†’

Sample research paper on are smith, leon and keynes contributions relevant in todays market concept

In Adam Smith " invisible hand" principles of the free market, the quantities of the commodities available in the market and their demand regulate their prices. Since the amount of labor required to bring diamond in the market is higher than that of water, the price of the diamond must be higher.

Customer centrality

The effective marketing strategy of the company is accredited to strong economics and marketing concepts that greatly helped the company devised a plan to reach their customers with their interests as the company's priority. The goal of this concept is to establish a association between the company and the customer.

Ralph lauren fictional marketing plan

Mission Ralph Lauren's mission is to offer quality products In order to succeed in the apparel industry Ralph Lauren must: Carry a collection of sizes to fit the more frames of the target customer base. Below are the products that Ralph Lauren will introduce in India and the price of the products.

Museum marketing mix

Each year the museum attracts many visitors from all over the world to come and see a wide range of displays and to have the understanding of the seas, oceans, time and space, planets and the universe and know the importance and their relationship with people. As a tourist attraction, the museum has to produce β†’

The business level strategy marketing essay

They are also one of the first companies to establish a recycling process to try and reuse the silicone in the silicon wafers and ingots. Canadian Solar is not alone in this market, and although the warranty requirements are a barrier to new entrants, this in itself is not enough of a deterrent.

Critically examine the barriers against lapse consumer marketing essay

These literature reviews critically examine the barriers against lapse consumer and the various factors influencing are customer perception & preference, customer behavior & attitude towards pizza hut brands to Mauritius context and generally my research study on the pizza hut brand." Pizza hut is lower in price with authentic deal in this competitive market β†’

The impulse buying behaviour marketing essay

The impulse buying behaviour is unintentional, since the consumers are not specifically searching for some products and made no plans to purchase the item. In this way consumers are more likely to remark the items and increase the impulse buying tendency.

Looking at the risks of construction work construction essay

Company recognises its duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to guarantee, every bit far as moderately operable, the wellness, safety and public assistance of all the employees, sub-contractors, visitants to site and other members of the populace. By jurisprudence, it is the responsibility of employer to confer with all the employees β†’

Financial analysis of paint industry

60 25 20 2011-12 15 2010-11 2009-10 10 2008-09 2007-08 5 0 Asian Paints Berger Paints Kansai Nerolac Akzo Nobel The graphs show a higher value for Asian Paints as compared to its competitors. 30 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Asian Paints Berger Paints Kansai Nerolac Akzo Nobel 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 β†’

Climate change and security of energy supply construction essay

However, the writers go on to province that the balance between society and the environment is cardinal, and in order to keep the balance ' close links ' and ' feedback cringles ' are needed between the environment and society. The Egan study concurred with the Brundtland definition of sustainable development when specifying sustainable communities β†’

Feminism paper essay

Although the concepts of each article are quite different in their examination of the problem and the presentation of the issue, it is clear that the bigotry of women is the overall theme. The westernization of Indian has been blamed for the rebellious nature of feminism and even the introduction of the women's movement, but β†’

Privatized banks and state owned banks in pakistan essay

There was enlargement in Banking web, size and construction due to the constitution of commercial Bankss, micro finance establishments and Islamic Bankss in all over the state and resulted into an increased competition among Bankss to pull a big figure of loyal clients by the proviso of quality services for strategic benefits. The consequences indicate β†’

Cloud computing: security issues and challenges

In the cloud computing, a company's information is always in transverse over the internet, meaning it is compartmentalized with an internet connection to the rest of the world. Interoperability is important since it allows easy migrating of data from the company to the cloud as well in the opposite direction.

Auto industry in canada

A brief economic history of Canada would pay particular attention to important events such as the economic boom of the 1920s, the dark times of the 1930s; the Second World War during the 1940s and to also not forget the important trade agreements such as the auto pact and the NAFTA. This essay will examine β†’

Introduction to 21st fashion

Feather: the part of the last and the shoe where the upper edge meets the sole. Waist: the part of the last and the shoe that corresponds to the arch and instep of the foot.

Potential health effects of genetically modified foods biology essay

The chief concerns of genetically modified nutrient harvests sing to nutrient safety are: 1.presence of Allergenic substances in GM nutrient harvests.2.presence of antibiotic immune cistrons in GM nutrient harvests.3.presence of toxic heavy metals in GM nutrient harvests4. However, the part of the antibiotic of the antibiotic opposition markers in genetically modified beings to antibiotic opposition β†’

1 it is working correctly. the most

This error signal will be sent to the PID controller and the controller will calculate both the derivative and the integral of this error signal. The signal immediately after the controller is now equal to the proportional gain for the magnitude of the error plus the integral gain multiplied by the integral of the error β†’

E-manufacturing: a technology review

E MANUFACTURING E-Manufacturing can be most cogently and generally described as the application of the Internet to Manufacturing [3], further E-Manufacturing is becoming popular with the increased use of the internet. It is concerned with the use of the Internet and E-Business technologies in manufacturing industries wherein a network can be established between the customer, β†’

Analyze the research methodology essay

In order to get the better of the disadvantage of qualitative and quantitative research, assorted methods research emerged seeking to unite or tie in both signifiers. The aim of the paper two is to happening and bettering the position of claims direction in Egypt, peculiarly the alteration order claims.

Tobacco illegality

Edward Kennedy defines the fight against tobacco in his article " TheFoodand Drug Administration Should Have the Authority to Regulate Tobacco Products." Senator Kennedy understands that the complete illegalization of tobacco products is out of hand currently, and the best option he has is to allow for the regulation through the Food and Drug Administration. β†’

Chapter of training machine learning models to automatically

The model proposed will play a critical role in developing a machine similar to a cash deposit machine capable of accepting a student's card and crediting said card with the amount of cash deposited into the machine by the aforementioned student. The implication of this is that if the model is fed an image of β†’

Kayem foods, inc

Al Fresco chicken sausage has become the number one brand in its market niche, but buyer power is high due to the low price and similarity of the product. The barrier to entry is low in the market due to the fact of establishing a high-quality product at a reasonable price with good shelf space β†’

Segmentation, target market selection and positioning practice in automotive industry

As shown in Table 3, the province involves the biggest number of motor vehicles is Istanbul, and an interesting data is " the number of personal cars in Istanbul is bigger than the total amount of motor vehicles of each province"! APPENDIX Table 1: Players of the industry in Turkey [3]: 2009 row number Company β†’